Broadcast Schedule Daily Schedule - Term 1, 2022 - ABC

Page created by Benjamin Harmon
Broadcast Schedule Daily Schedule - Term 1, 2022 - ABC
Broadcast Schedule
        Daily Schedule
              Term 1, 2022
      31 January - April 2022
ABC TV Education broadcasts on ABC ME - Channel 23
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


  Time       Level             Subject Area                                        Series                                 Episode
Monday 31 January 2022
 10:00         LP                  Maths                Numberblocks                                One                                                   G           CC
 10:05         P               Maths                    How To Make: Brainy Bites                   Spinach & Feta Dino Puffs                             G
 10:05       LP-UP             Maths                    MathXplosion                                The Many Sides Of Triangles                           G           CC
 10:10       LP-MP          D&T Science                 Maddie, The Plants And You (NEW)            The Flowers                                           G           CC
 10:30         P              Science                   Bushwhacked! Bugs                           Cockroach                                             G           CC
 10:35       MP-LS            Science                   Full Proof                                  Surface Tension                                       G           CC
 10:50       UP-LS       Maths Science D&T              Ecomaths                                    Local Food                                            G           CC
 11:00        P-LS       Geography Science              Hey You! What If                            You Could Fly Like A Bird?                            G
 11:05       MP-LS       Geography Science              Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20         S              Science                   Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions         Matter And The Rise Of Atomic Theory: The Art Of      G           CC
                                                                                                    The Meticulous
 11:45          S                  Maths                Against All Odds: Inside Statistics         Stemplots                                             G           CC
Tuesday 1 February 2022
 10:00       UP-LS         Current Affairs              BTN                                                                                             ExemptCC
 10:25       LP-MP        Geography Science             Koumi's Animated Picture Book               An Antelope                                          G
10:30   P-LS    Geography Science                       Barney's Barrier Reef                       Conmen                                                G           CC
11:00 MP-LS     Geography Science                       Fierce Earth                                Deserts                                               G           CC
11:30                                                   TBA
11:35    S             D&T                              Get Into Textiles                           Textiles: Environmental Impacts                       G           CC
Wednesday 2 February 2022
 10:00     P         D&T Science                        George The Farmer                              Wheat                                              G           CC
 10:05     P           History                          Further Back In Time For Dinner: Daily Life In 1900s
                                                                                                       The Past                                           G
 10:15 MP-UP            History                         Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?           Moonta - Kernewek Lowender!                        G           CC
 10:40 UP-LS            Civics                          Australia's Prime Ministers                    John Curtin                                        G           CC
 10:45    UP           History                          The Gold Rush                                  Who, When, Where And Why?                          G           CC
 10:50     P    Indigenous History and                  Planet MITS                                    Willy-Willy                                        G
 10:55 UP-LS             Civics                         The House In Session                        Being A New MP                                        G   CC
 11:00 UP-LS            History                         BTN Specials                                Religious Celebrations                              ExemptCC
 11:20     S           History                          Pocket Compass                              Ramadan: Break-Fast At Mobinah's                      G   CC
 11:30     S            History                         Dates That Made History                     323 BC: Death of Alexander the Great                 PG CC
Thursday 3 February 2022
 10:00    LP       Maths Languages                      Languages Of Our Land                       Episode 1                                             G
 10:00    LP       Languages Music                      My Little Songs                             Dans Sa Maison Un Grande Cerf                         G           CC
 10:05    LP          Languages                         Sally & Possum                              Too Sticky                                            G           CC
 10:15 UP-MS             PDH                            What It's Like                              To Experience a Disability                            G           CC
 10:25    UP             PDH                            The Mindfulness Tool Kit                    What Is Mindfulness?                                  G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                            Exempt         CC
 10:55     S             PDH                            Mikki vs the World                          The Feels                                             G           CC
 11:20 LS-US             PDH                            My Life                                     The Burns Club                                       PG           CC
 11:45 LS-US            Ethics                          Ethics Matters                              Consequences                                          G           CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level           Subject Area                                                 Series                                       Episode
Friday 4 February 2022
 10:00      P            English                        Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                    Big Rain Coming                                     G           CC
 10:05      P            English                        Big Words Small Stories                       An Amazing Morning                                  G
 10:10      P             Music                         Rhymes And Songs                              Pease Porridge Hot                                  G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS               Art                          Art Blast                                     Food                                                G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS             English                        Bringing Books to Life                        Cosmic                                              G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS             English                        The Storybuilding Tool Kit                    Ideas                                               G           CC
 10:35     US          English Arts                     Making Media                                  Making Media                                        G           CC
 11:05      S        English Drama                      Shakespeare Uncovered                         Twelfth Night And As You Like It                    G           CC
 12:00 MP-LS Indigenous History and                     This Place                                    Wiradjuri: Why we see Shooting Stars                G           CC
Monday 7 February 2022
 10:00     LP             Maths                         Numberblocks                                  Another One                                         G           CC
 10:05      P             Maths                         How To Make: Brainy Bites                     Rainbow Fruit Kebabs                                G
 10:05 LP-UP              Maths                         MathXplosion                                  It's So Dice!                                       G           CC
 10:10 LP-MP             Science                        Maddie, The Plants And You (NEW)              The Plants Around the World                         G           CC
 10:30      P            Science                        Bushwhacked! Bugs                             Praying Mantis                                      G           CC
 10:35 MP-LS             Science                        Full Proof                                    Action Reaction                                     G           CC
 10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                          Ecomaths                                      Recycling                                           G           CC
 11:00    P-LS     Geography Science                    Hey You! What If                              The Moon Was Made Of Cheese?                        G
 11:05 MP-LS       Geography Science                    Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20      S            Science                        Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions           The Behaviour Of Atoms: Phases Of Matter And The    G           CC
                                                                                                      Properties Of Gases
 11:45     S            Maths                           Against All Odds: Inside Statistics           Histograms                                          G           CC
 11:55     S          D&T Civics                        Citizen Code                                  Videogames                                          G           CC
Tuesday 8 February 2022
 10:00 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                              Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP      Geography Science                     Koumi's Animated Picture Book                 A Peacock                                            G
 10:30   P-LS     Geography Science                     Barney's Barrier Reef                         Hitmen Armed And Dangerous                           G  CC
 11:00 MP-LS      Geography Science                     Fierce Earth                                  Blizzards                                           PG CC
 11:30                                                  TBA
 11:35     S             D&T                            Get Into Textiles                             Recycled And Sustainable Textiles                   G           CC
Wednesday 9 February 2022
 10:00     P         D&T Science                        George The Farmer                              Potatoes                                           G           CC
 10:05     P           History                          Further Back In Time For Dinner: Daily Life In 1910s
                                                                                                       The Past                                           G
 10:15 MP-UP           History                          Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?           Mina - Olympia!                                    G           CC
 10:40 UP-LS            Civics                          Australia's Prime Ministers                    Frank Forde                                        G           CC
 10:45    UP           History                          The Gold Rush                                  Life On The Goldfields                             G           CC
 10:50     P    Indigenous History and                  Planet MITS                                    Tigerman                                           G
 10:55 UP-LS            Civics                          The House In Session                          Secrets Of The Building                              G   CC
 11:00 UP-LS           Science                          BTN Specials                                  Science                                            ExemptCC
 11:20     S           History                          Pocket Compass                                Feminism: Whatever Happened To Women's Lib          PG CC
 11:30     S           History                          Dates That Made History                       33 AD: Crucifixion of Jesus                         PG CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level           Subject Area                                                 Series                            Episode
Thursday 9 February 2022
 10:00     LP       Maths Languages                     Languages Of Our Land                 Episode 2                                           G
 10:00     LP       Languages Music                     My Little Songs                       Dans La Foret Lointaine                             G   CC
 10:05     LP          Languages                        Sally & Possum                        A Very Hot Day                                      G   CC
 10:15 UP-MS               PDH                          What It's Like                        To Have Same-Sex Parents                            G   CC
 10:25     UP              PDH                          The Mindfulness Tool Kit              Empathy                                             G   CC
 10:30 UP-LS         Current Affairs                    BTN                                                                                      Exempt
 10:55      S              PDH                          Mikki vs the World                    Doctor Danger                                       G   CC
 11:15 UP-LS               PDH                          Would You Rather Be A...              Stage Manager Or Fly Person                         G   CC
 11:20 LS-US               PDH                          My Life                               One Way Ticket                                      G   CC
 11:45 LS-US              Ethics                        Ethics Matters                        My Rights                                           G   CC
Friday 11 February 2022
 10:00      P            English                        Grandpa Honeyant Storytime            My Country                                          G           CC
 10:05      P            English                        Big Words Small Stories               Curious Crat                                        G
 10:10      P             Music                         Rhymes And Songs                      Man in the Moon                                     G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS                Art                         Art Blast                             Binspiration                                        G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS             English                        Bringing Books to Life                My Naughty Little Sister                            G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS             English                        The Storybuilding Tool Kit            Setting                                             G           CC
 10:35      S              Arts                         reIMAGINED: Romeo & Juliet                                                                G           CC
 11:05      S        English Drama                      Shakespeare Uncovered                 Macbeth                                            PG           CC
 12:00 MP-LS Indigenous History and                     This Place                            Baga Baga: The Bend in the River                    G           CC
Monday 14 February 2022
 10:00     LP            Maths                          Numberblocks                          Two                                                 G           CC
 10:05      P            Maths                          How To Make: Brainy Bites             Ladybird Crackers                                   G
 10:05 LP-UP             Maths                          MathXplosion                          Circles Get Around                                  G           CC
 10:10 LP-MP             Science                        Maddie, The Plants And You (NEW)      The Plants We Use                                   G           CC
 10:30      P           Science                         Bushwhacked! Bugs                     Huntsman                                            G           CC
 10:35 MP-LS            Science                         Full Proof                            Magnets                                             G           CC
 10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                          Ecomaths                              Saving Energy                                       G           CC
 11:00    P-LS     Geography Science                    Hey You! What If                      You Could Go On Holiday To Mars?                    G
 11:05 MP-LS       Geography Science                    Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20      S           Science                         Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions   Atoms And Light: Exploring Atomic And Electronic    G           CC
 11:45    S             Maths                           Against All Odds: Inside Statistics   Measures Of Center                                  G           CC
 11:55    S           D&T Civics                        Citizen Code                          Data                                                G           CC
Tuesday 15 February 2022
 10:00 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                      Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP     Geography Science                      Koumi's Animated Picture Book         A Squirrel                                           G
 10:30   P-LS    Geography Science                      Barney's Barrier Reef                 Slime, Snot And Guts                                 G  CC
 11:00 MP-LS     Geography Science                      Fierce Earth                          Waves And Tides                                     PG CC
 11:30                                                  TBA
 11:35    S              D&T                            Get Into Textiles                     Smart Textiles                                      G           CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level         Subject Area                                                   Series                                      Episode
Wednesday 16 February 2022
10:00    P          D&T Science                         George The Farmer                              Apples                                          G           CC
10:05    P            History                           Further Back In Time For Dinner: Daily Life In 1920s
                                                                                                       The Past                                        G
10:15 MP-UP           History                           Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?           Kadli - The Big Match                           G           CC
10:40 UP-LS            Civics                           Australia's Prime Ministers                    Ben Chifley                                     G           CC
10:45   UP            History                           The Gold Rush                                  The Eureka Stockade                             G           CC
10:50    P     Indigenous History and                   Planet MITS                                    Cus                                             G
10:55 UP-LS            Civics                           The House In Session                          The Westminster System                           G    CC
11:00 UP-LS           History                           BTN Specials                                  World War II                                    ExemptCC
11:25 MS-US           History                           Lest We Forget What? Education Shorts         The Commemoration Of WW1 And The Anzac           G    CC
 11:30      S            History                        Dates That Made History                       24 August 79: Destruction of Pompeii            PG           CC
Thursday 17 February 2022
 10:00     LP       Maths Languages                     Languages Of Our Land                         Episode 3                                         G
 10:00     LP       Languages Music                     My Little Songs                               1Km A Pied                                        G  CC
 10:05     LP          Languages                        Sally & Possum                                Let The Paint Dry                                 G  CC
 10:15 UP-MS              PDH                           What It's Like                                To Be A Refugee                                   G  CC
 10:25     UP             PDH                           The Mindfulness Tool Kit                      Mood                                              G  CC
 10:30 UP-LS         Current Affairs                    BTN                                                                                           Exempt
 10:55      S             PDH                           Mikki vs the World                            Sad Panda                                         G  CC
 11:15 UP-LS              PDH                           Would You Rather Be A...                      Lighting Technician Or Front Of House Manager     G  CC
 11:20 LS-US              PDH                           My Life                                       I Am Leo                                         PG CC
 11:45 LS-US             Ethics                         Ethics Matters                                Our Society                                       G  CC
Friday 18 February 2022
 10:00      P            English                        Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                    Molly The Grey Kangaroo And The Bush Cleanup     G           CC
 10:05         P                 English                Big Words Small Stories                       Tall Tales                                       G
 10:10         P                  Music                 Rhymes And Songs                              Bim Bam                                          G           CC
 10:25       UP-LS                  Art                 Art Blast                                     Artimals                                         G           CC
 10:25       UP-LS               English                The Storybuilding Tool Kit                    Characters                                       G           CC
 10:30       MP-LS               English                Bringing Books to Life                        Wolven                                           G           CC
 10:35         S                  Music                 Fall In Love With Music                       Our Musical Focus                                G           CC
 11:00         S              English Drama             Shakespeare Uncovered                         Richard II                                      PG           CC
 11:55         S                 English                Back Roads Dreaming and Other Stories         Mparntwe                                         G           CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level         Subject Area                                                   Series                                   Episode
Monday 21 February 2022
10:00    LP            Maths                            Numberblocks                                 Three                                                 G           CC
10:05     P            Maths                            How To Make: Brainy Bites                    Wacky Scientist Petri Dishes                          G
10:05 LP-UP            Maths                            MathXplosion                                 Birthday Trickery                                     G           CC
10:10 LP-MP           Science                           Maddie, The Plants And You (NEW)             The Plants We Eat                                     G           CC
10:30     P           Science                           Bushwhacked! Bugs                            Spiny Leaf Insect                                     G           CC
10:35 MP-LS           Science                           Full Proof                                   Sun                                                   G           CC
10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                           Ecomaths                                     Rainwater Harvesting                                  G           CC
11:00   P-LS    Geography Science                       Hey You! What If                             You Could Take A Lift To Space?                       G
11:05 MP-LS     Geography Science                       Food Investigators (NEW)
11:20     S           Science                           Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions          Organising Atoms And Electrons: The Periodic Table    G           CC

 11:45     S            Maths                           Against All Odds: Inside Statistics          Boxplots                                              G           CC
 11:55     S          D&T Civics                        Citizen Code                                 Digital Detox                                         G           CC
Tuesday 22 February 2022
 10:00 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                               Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP      Geography Science                     Koumi's Animated Picture Book                A Stoat                                               G
 10:30   P-LS     Geography Science                     Barney's Barrier Reef                        Food Glorious Food                                    G   CC
 11:00 MP-LS      Geography Science                     Fierce Earth                                 World's Driest Place                                  G   CC
 11:30 UP-LS          Geography                         199 Little Heroes                            Germany: Black Forest                                 G   CC
 11:35     S             D&T                            Get Into Textiles                            ICT In Textiles: Design, Practice And Process         G   CC
Wednesday 23 February 2022
 10:00     P         D&T Science                        George The Farmer                              Chickpeas                                           G           CC
 10:05     P           History                          Further Back In Time For Dinner: Daily Life In 1930s
                                                                                                       The Past                                            G
 10:15 MP-UP            History                         Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?           Lennie - Lennie The Legend                          G           CC
 10:40 UP-LS            Civics                          Australia's Prime Ministers                    Harold Holt                                         G           CC
 10:45    UP           History                          The Gold Rush                                  Long-Term Impacts                                   G           CC
 10:50     P    Indigenous History and                  Planet MITS                                    Rapper Girl                                         G
 10:55 UP-LS             Civics                         The House In Session                         The House Of Representatives                          G    CC
 11:00 UP-LS           Science                          BTN Specials                                 Climate Change                                       ExemptCC
 11:20     S           History                          Pocket Compass                               Black Power: Indigenous Rights In Australia           G    CC
 11:30     S            History                         Dates That Made History                      24 September 622: The Hegira                          G    CC
Thursday 24 February 2022
 10:00    LP       Maths Languages                      Languages Of Our Land                        Episode 4                                              G
 10:00    LP       Languages Music                      My Little Songs                              Bateau Sur L'eau                                       G  CC
 10:05    LP          Languages                         Sally & Possum                               Possum Wants A Pet                                     G  CC
 10:15 UP-MS             PDH                            What It's Like                               To Have A Brother Or Sister With A Disability          G  CC
 10:25    UP             PDH                            The Mindfulness Tool Kit                     Gratitude                                              G  CC
 10:30 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                               Exempt
 10:55     S             PDH                            Mikki vs the World                           Worried Wayne                                          G  CC
 11:15 UP-LS             PDH                            Would You Rather Be A...                     Choreographer Or Composer                              G  CC
 11:20 LS-US             PDH                            My Life                                      Stammer School                                         G  CC
 11:50 LS-US            Ethics                          Ethics Matters                               Free Expression                                       PG CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level           Subject Area                                                 Series                                 Episode
Friday 25 February 2022
 10:00      P           English                         Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                 Our Big Island                                      G           CC
 10:05      P           English                         Big Words Small Stories                    World Record Wipeout                                G
 10:10      P            Music                          Rhymes And Songs                           Diddle Diddle Dumpling                              G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS               Art                          Art Blast                                  Teeny Tiny and Biggie Wiggie                        G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS            English                         The Storybuilding Tool Kit                 Illustration                                        G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS            English                         Bringing Books to Life                     Sam Silver - Undercover Pirate                      G           CC
 10:35      S            Music                          Fall In Love With Music                    Why Aren't We Listening?                           PG           CC
 11:00      S        English Drama                      Shakespeare Uncovered                      The Tempest                                         G           CC
 11:55      S           English                         Back Roads Dreaming and Other Stories      Gumbaynggirr                                        G           CC
Monday 28 February 2022
 10:00     LP            Maths                          Numberblocks                               One, Two, Three!                                    G           CC
 10:05      P            Maths                          How To Make: Brainy Bites                  Rainbow Pizza                                       G
 10:05 LP-UP             Maths                          MathXplosion                               Measuring With String                               G           CC
 10:10 LP-MP            Science                         Maddie, The Plants And You (NEW)           The Trees                                           G           CC
 10:30      P           Science                         Bushwhacked! Bugs                          Snail                                               G           CC
 10:35 MP-LS            Science                         Full Proof                                 Floating/Sinking                                    G           CC
 10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                          Ecomaths                                   Reducing Car Use                                    G           CC
 11:00    P-LS     Geography Science                    Hey You! What If                           You Fell Into A Black Hole?                         G
 11:05 MP-LS       Geography Science                    Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20      S           Science                         Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions        Making Molecules: Lewis Structures And Molecular    G           CC
 11:45    S            Maths                            Against All Odds: Inside Statistics        Standard Deviation                                  G           CC
 11:55    S          D&T Civics                         Citizen Code                               Hoax                                                G           CC
Tuesday 1 March 2022
 10:00 UP-LS       Current Affairs                      BTN                                                                                           Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP     Geography Science                      Koumi's Animated Picture Book              A Hippopotamus                                      G
 10:30   P-LS    Geography Science                      Barney's Barrier Reef                      Best Friends                                        G   CC
 11:00 MP-LS     Geography Science                      Fierce Earth                               Ice                                                 G   CC
 11:30 UP-LS         Geography                          199 Little Heroes                          Iraq                                                G   CC
 11:35 MS-US            D&T                             So You Want To Be A Designer?              Designing For The User                              G   CC
Wednesday 2 March 2022
 10:00    P         D&T Science                         George The Farmer                              Dairy                                            G   CC
 10:05    P           History                           Further Back In Time For Dinner: Daily Life In 1940s
                                                                                                       The Past                                         G
 10:15 MP-UP          History                           Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?           Hahndorf - Pioneer Living German Style!          G   CC
 10:40 UP-LS           Civics                           Australia's Prime Ministers                    John McEwen                                      G   CC
 10:45 UP-LS          History                           Creating A Nation                              Natalie's Story                                  G   CC
 10:55 UP-LS           Civics                           The House In Session                           The Senate                                       G   CC
 11:00 UP-LS          History                           BTN Specials                                   Indigenous History                             ExemptCC
 11:15    S           History                           Pocket Compass                                 Luther: The Monk Who Changed The Church          G   CC
 11:30    S           History                           Dates That Made History                        1347: The Black Death                           PG CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level          Subject Area                                                  Series                               Episode
Thursday 3 March 2022
 10:00     LP      Maths Languages                      Languages Of Our Land                   Episode 5                                            G
 10:00     LP      Languages Music                      My Little Songs                         Comptine Pour Dessiner                               G  CC
 10:05     LP         Languages                         Sally & Possum                          How Does Your Garden Grow?                           G  CC
 10:15 UP-MS              PDH                           What It's Like                          To Be Adopted                                        G  CC
 10:25     UP             PDH                           The Mindfulness Tool Kit                Kindness                                             G  CC
 10:30 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                        Exempt
 10:55      S             PDH                           Mikki vs the World                      IRL                                                  G  CC
 11:20 LS-US              PDH                           My Life                                 The Kids from Kibera                                PG CC
 11:45 LS-US             Ethics                         Ethics Matters                          Shaping Our Bodies                                   G  CC
Friday 4 March 2022
 10:00      P           English                         Grandpa Honeyant Storytime              Caterpillar And Butterfly                           G           CC
 10:05      P           English                         Big Words Small Stories                 Captain Crankypants                                 G
 10:10      P            Music                          Rhymes And Songs                        The Song of the Bee                                 G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS               Art                          Art Blast                               Fluffism                                            G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS            English                         The Storybuilding Tool Kit              Story                                               G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS            English                         Bringing Books to Life                  Refugee Boy                                         G           CC
 10:35      S            Music                          Fall In Love With Music                 Is This Music?                                      G           CC
 11:00      S       English Drama                       Shakespeare Uncovered                   Henry IV and Henry V                               PG           CC
 11:55      S           English                         Back Roads Dreaming and Other Stories   Moungibi                                            G           CC
Monday 7 March 2022
 10:00     LP           Maths                           Numberblocks                            Four                                                G           CC
 10:05      P           Maths                           How To Make: Brainy Bites               Riceball Spiders                                    G
 10:05 LP-UP            Maths                           MathXplosion                            The Impossible Folding Paper                        G           CC
 10:10 LP-MP         D&T Science                        Maddie, The Home And You (NEW)          Energy                                              G           CC
 10:30      P          Science                          Bushwhacked! Bugs                       Millipede                                           G           CC
 10:35 MP-LS           Science                          Full Proof                              Acid                                                G           CC
 10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                          Ecomaths                                Reducing Food Waste                                 G           CC
 11:00    P-LS    Geography Science                     Hey You! What If                        The Earth Was Flat?                                 G
 11:05 MP-LS      Geography Science                     Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20      S          Science                          Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions     Quantifying Chemical Reactions: Stoichimetry And    G           CC
 11:45    S            Maths                            Against All Odds: Inside Statistics     Normal Curves                                       G           CC
Tuesday 8 March 2022
 10:00 UP-LS       Current Affairs                      BTN                                                                                        Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP     Geography Science                      Koumi's Animated Picture Book           A Pangolin                                          G
 10:30   P-LS    Geography Science                      Barney's Barrier Reef                   Freak Or Unique                                     G   CC
 11:00 MP-LS     Geography Science                      Fierce Earth                            World's Wettest Place                               G   CC
 11:00    P           Science                           I'm A Fish                              I'm A Box Fish                                      G   CC
 11:30 UP-LS         Geography                          199 Little Heroes                       New Zealand                                         G   CC
 11:35 MS-US            D&T                             So You Want To Be A Designer?           Life Cycle Assessment                               G   CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level          Subject Area                                                  Series                                   Episode
Wednesday 9 March 2022
 10:00      P        D&T Science                        George The Farmer                           Forestry                                             G   CC
 10:05      P           History                         Back In Time For Dinner: Education Shorts   1950s                                                G   CC
 10:15 MP-UP            History                         Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?        Cameleers - The Original 'Ghan' Trains               G   CC
 10:40 UP-LS             Civics                         Australia's Prime Ministers                 John Gorton                                          G   CC
 10:45 UP-LS            History                         Creating A Nation                           Peter's Story                                        G   CC
 10:55 UP-LS            History                         Seeking Refuge                              Drawing For Memory                                   G   CC
 11:00 UP-LS            History                         BTN Specials                                Women In History                                   ExemptCC
 11:15      S          History                          Pocket Compass                              Belonging: The Migration Nation                      G   CC
 11:30      S           History                         Dates That Made History                     1431: Fall of the Angkor Empire                     PG CC
Thursday 10 March 2022
 10:00     LP      Maths Languages                      Languages Of Our Land                       Episode 6                                            G
 10:00     LP      Languages Music                      My Little Songs                             Au Clair De La Lune                                  G  CC
 10:05     LP         Languages                         Sally & Possum                              Possum's Door                                        G  CC
 10:15 UP-MS              PDH                           What It's Like                              To Be Queer                                         PG CC
 10:25     UP             PDH                           The Mindfulness Tool Kit                    The Mind Jar                                         G  CC
 10:30 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                            Exempt
 10:55      S             PDH                           Mikki vs the World                          The Frosty Life                                      G  CC
 11:15      P             PDH                           I Can't Go To School Today                  Anaphylaxis                                          G  CC
 11:20 LS-US              PDH                           My Life                                     Signing Off                                          G  CC
 11:45 LS-US             Ethics                         Ethics Matters                              Forgive Or Punish?                                  PG CC
Friday 11 March 2022
 10:00      P           English                         Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                  Tom Tom                                             G           CC
 10:05      P           English                         Big Words Small Stories                     Corn Caper                                          G
 10:10      P            Music                          House Of Sound                              Intro                                               G           CC
 10:15      P              Art                          Art With Mati And Dada                      Vincent Van Gogh                                    G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS               Art                          Art Blast                                   Blinky Wow                                          G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS            English                         Bringing Books to Life                      Jamie Johnson - The Kick Off                        G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS            English                         The Storybuilding Tool Kit                  Book Report by Joel                                 G           CC
 10:35      S            Music                          Fall In Love With Music                     The Elements Of Music                               G           CC
 11:00      S       English Drama                       Shakespeare Uncovered                       Hamlet                                              G           CC
 11:55      S           English                         Back Roads Dreaming and Other Stories       Boonwurrung                                         G           CC
Monday 14 March 2022
 10:00     LP           Maths                           Numberblocks                                Five                                                G           CC
 10:05      P           Maths                           How To Make: Brainy Bites                   Sausage Mummies                                     G
 10:05 LP-UP            Maths                           MathXplosion                                Actually, It's An Estimate!                         G           CC
 10:10 LP-MP         D&T Science                        Maddie, The Home And You (NEW)              Using Water                                         G           CC
 10:30      P          Science                          Bushwhacked! Bugs                           St Andrew's Cross Spider                            G           CC
 10:35 MP-LS           Science                          Full Proof                                  Static Electricity                                  G           CC
 10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                          Ecomaths                                    Wood Fuel                                           G           CC
 11:00    P-LS    Geography Science                     Hey You! What If                            You Could Levitate?                                 G
 11:05 MP-LS      Geography Science                     Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20      S          Science                          Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions         The Energy In Chemical Reactions: Thermodynamics    G           CC
                                                                                                    And Enthalpy
 11:45          S                  Maths                Against All Odds: Inside Statistics         Normal Calculations                                 G           CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level         Subject Area                                                   Series                                 Episode
Tuesday 15 March 2022
 10:00 UP-LS       Current Affairs                      BTN                                                                                       Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP     Geography Science                      Koumi's Animated Picture Book               A Fennec Fox                                   G
 10:30   P-LS    Geography Science                      Barney's Barrier Reef                       Spineless                                      G   CC
 11:00 MP-LS     Geography Science                      Fierce Earth                                Avalanches                                     G   CC
 11:00    P           Science                           I'm A Fish                                  I'm A Giant Clam                               G   CC
 11:30 UP-LS         Geography                          199 Little Heroes                           Laos                                           G   CC
 11:35 MS-US            D&T                             So You Want To Be A Designer?               Product Design & Mass Manufacture - Design     G   CC
Wednesday 16 March 2022
 10:00      P        D&T Science                        George The Farmer                           Wool                                            G   CC
 10:05      P           History                         Back In Time For Dinner: Education Shorts   1960s                                           G   CC
 10:10      P           History                         Convict Kids                                Transportation                                  G   CC
 10:15 MP-UP            History                         Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?        Rollerskating - Dancing on Wheels!              G   CC
 10:40 UP-LS             Civics                         Australia's Prime Ministers                 William McMahon                                 G   CC
 10:45 UP-LS            History                         Creating A Nation                           Hale's Story                                    G   CC
 10:55 UP-LS            History                         Seeking Refuge                              I'll Stop Crying If You Stop Crying             G   CC
 11:00 UP-LS            History                         BTN Specials                                Explorers and Pioneers                        ExemptCC
 11:15      S           History                         The French Revolution                                                                      PG CC
 11:30      S           History                         Dates That Made History                     1492: The New World                            PG CC
Thursday 17 March 2022
 10:00     LP      Maths Languages                      Languages Of Our Land                       Episode 7                                       G
 10:00     LP      Languages Music                      My Little Songs                             A La Peche Aux Moules                           G  CC
 10:05     LP         Languages                         Sally & Possum                              A Surprise For Sally                            G  CC
 10:15 UP-MS              PDH                           What It's Like                              To Be Transgender                              PG CC
 10:30 UP-LS        Current Affairs                     BTN                                                                                       Exempt
 10:55      S             PDH                           Mikki vs the World                          Sibling Frenemies                               G  CC
 11:15      P             PDH                           I Can't Go To School Today                  Cystic Fibrosis                                 G  CC
 11:20 LS-US              PDH                           My Life                                     Peter's Circus                                 PG CC
 11:45 LS-US             Ethics                         Ethics Matters                              Ethical Consumption                             G  CC
Friday 18 March 2022
 10:00      P           English                         Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                  Magical Boomerang                              G           CC
 10:05      P           English                         Big Words Small Stories                     Baby the Baby                                  G
 10:10      P            Music                          House Of Sound                              Drums                                          G           CC
 10:20      P              Art                          Art With Mati And Dada                      Pollock                                        G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS               Art                          Art Blast                                   Colour                                         G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS            English                         Bringing Books to Life                      Nelly The Monster Sitter                       G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS            English                         The Storybuilding Tool Kit                  Book Report by Emily                           G           CC
 10:35      S            Music                          Fall In Love With Music                     How Listening Affects Us                       G           CC
 11:00      S       English Drama                       Shakespeare Uncovered                       The Taming Of The Shrew With Morgan Freeman   PG           CC
 11:55      S             Art                           This Place: Artist Series                   Mabel Juli                                     G           CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level        Subject Area                                                    Series                                    Episode
Monday 21 March 2022
10:00    LP           Maths                             Numberblocks                                Three Little Pigs                               G           CC
10:05     P           Maths                             How To Make: Brainy Bites                   Frozen Yoghurt Snowman                          G
10:05 LP-UP           Maths                             MathXplosion                                The Danish Elephant                             G           CC
10:10 LP-MP        D&T Science                          Maddie, The Home And You (NEW)              Growing and Cooking                             G           CC
10:30     P          Science                            Bushwhacked! Bugs                           Goliath Stick Insect                            G           CC
10:35 MP-LS          Science                            Full Proof                                  Illusions                                       G           CC
10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                           Ecomaths                                    Lamb v Snail                                    G           CC
11:00   P-LS    Geography Science                       Hey You! What If                            You Could Turn Into A Giant?                    G
11:05 MP-LS     Geography Science                       Food Investigators (NEW)
11:20     S          Science                            Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions         When Chemicals Meet Water: The Properties Of    G           CC
 11:45     S            Maths                           Against All Odds: Inside Statistics         Checking Assumption Of Normality                G           CC
Tuesday 22 March 2022
 10:00 UP-LS       Current Affairs                      BTN                                                                                        Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP     Geography Science                      Koumi's Animated Picture Book               A Kangaroo                                      G
 10:30   P-LS    Geography Science                      Barney's Barrier Reef                       I See You Baby - Shakin' That Tail              G   CC
 11:00 MP-LS     Geography Science                      Fierce Earth                                Landslides                                      G   CC
 11:00     P           Science                          I'm A Fish                                  I'm An Angler Fish                              G   CC
 11:30 UP-LS         Geography                          199 Little Heroes                           Kenya                                           G   CC
 11:35 MS-US             D&T                            So You Want To Be A Designer?               Choosing Sustainable Materials                  G   CC
Wednesday 23 March 2022
 10:00     P           History                          Growing Up In The Early 1900s               Mornings, Baths and Meals                        G   CC
 10:05     P           History                          Back In Time For Dinner: Education Shorts   1970s                                           PG CC
 10:10     P           History                          Convict Kids                                Daily Life and Work                              G   CC
 10:15 MP-UP           History                          Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?        James Craig - Plane Sailing!                     G   CC
 10:40 UP-LS           History                          Creating A Nation                           Dai's Story                                      G   CC
 10:50 UP-LS           History                          Seeking Refuge                              From A To B And Back Again                       G   CC
 11:00 UP-LS           History                          BTN Specials                                Refugees and Migrants                          ExemptCC
 11:15     S           History                          The Russian Revolution                                                                      PG CC
 11:30     S           History                          Dates That Made History                     20 June 1789: The Tennis Court Oath             PG CC
Thursday 24 March 2022
 10:00    LP      Maths Languages                       Languages Of Our Land                       Episode 8                                        G
 10:00    LP      Languages Music                       My Little Songs                             La Neige Tombe                                   G  CC
 10:05    LP         Languages                          Sally & Possum                              The Case Of The Missing Fridge                   G  CC
 10:15 UP-MS             PDH                            What It's Like                              To Be A 12 Year Old Girl                         G  CC
 10:25    UP             PDH                            The Mindfulness Tool Kit                    Build a Mind Team                                G  CC
 10:30 UP-LS       Current Affairs                      BTN                                                                                        Exempt
 10:55     S             PDH                            Mikki vs the World                          Shame Hungry                                     G  CC
 11:15     P             PDH                            I Can't Go To School Today                  HIV+                                             G  CC
 11:20 LS-US             PDH                            My Life                                     The Boy on the Bicycle                          PG CC
 11:50 LS-US            Ethics                          Ethics Matters                              Past Injustices                                  G  CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level          Subject Area                                                  Series                                 Episode
Friday 25 March 2022
 10:00      P          English                          Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                  An Australian ABC Of Animals                     G           CC
 10:05      P          English                          Big Words Small Stories                     Gloomy Gardening                                 G
 10:10      P           Music                           House Of Sound                              Woodwind                                         G           CC
 10:15      P             Art                           Art With Mati And Dada                      Arcimboldo                                       G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS              Art                           Art Blast                                   Someone Elsies                                   G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS           English                          Bringing Books to Life                      Tom's Midnight Garden                            G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS           English                          The Storybuilding Tool Kit                  Book Report by Alicia, Nia and Cassandra         G           CC
 10:35      S           Music                           Fall In Love With Music                     Paragraphs Without Words                         G           CC
 11:00      S       English Drama                       Shakespeare Uncovered                       Antony And Cleopatra With Kim Cattrall          PG           CC
 11:55      S             Art                           This Place: Artist Series                   Yvonne Koolmatrie                                G           CC
Monday 28 March 2022
 10:00     LP           Maths                           Numberblocks                                Off We Go                                        G           CC
 10:05      P           Maths                           How To Make: Brainy Bites                   Toadstool Salad                                  G
 10:05 LP-UP            Maths                           MathXplosion                                I'm Seven Feet Tall!                             G           CC
 10:10 LP-MP         D&T Science                        Maddie, The Home And You (NEW)              The Things We Buy                                G           CC
 10:30      P          Science                          Bushwhacked! Bugs                           Egg Fly Butterfly                                G           CC
 10:35 MP-LS           Science                          Full Proof                                  Wind                                             G           CC
 10:50 UP-LS Maths Science D&T                          Ecomaths                                    Biodiversity                                     G           CC
 11:00    P-LS    Geography Science                     Hey You! What If                            You Could Live In Slow Motion?                   G
 11:05 MP-LS      Geography Science                     Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20      S          Science                          Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions         Equilibrium And Advanced Thermodynamics: Balance G           CC
                                                                                                    And Chemical Reactions
 11:45    S                                             Against All Odds: Inside Statistics         Scatterplots                                     G           CC
 11:55    S          D&T Civics                         Citizen Code                                Artificial Intelligence                          G           CC
Tuesday 29 March 2022
 10:00 UP-LS       Current Affairs                      BTN                                                                                        Exempt
 10:25 LP-MP     Geography Science                      Koumi's Animated Picture Book               A Koala                                         G
 10:30   P-LS    Geography Science                      Barney's Barrier Reef                       Take My Breath Away                             G   CC
 11:00 MP-LS     Geography Science                      Fierce Earth                                Boiling Earth                                   G   CC
 11:00    P           Science                           I'm A Fish                                  I'm A Jelly Fish                                G   CC
 11:30 MS-US            D&T                             Smart Materials                             Smart Graphic Products                          G   CC
Wednesday 30 March 2022
 10:00    P           History                           Growing Up In The Early 1900s               School, Chores and Sleep                        G
 10:05    P           History                           Back In Time For Dinner: Education Shorts   1980s                                           G    CC
 10:10    P           History                           Convict Kids                                Escape and Punishment                           G    CC
 10:15 MP-UP          History                           Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?        Milk Run!                                       G    CC
 10:40 UP-LS           Civics                           Australia's Prime Ministers                 Gough Whitlam                                   G    CC
 10:45 UP-LS          History                           Creating A Nation                           Hedayat's Story                                 G    CC
 10:55 UP-LS          History                           Seeking Refuge                              The Long Way Home                               G    CC
 11:00 UP-LS           Civics                           BTN Explainers                              What Is Constitutional Recognition?            ExemptCC
 11:05 MS-US          History                           My Life in Hitler's Germany                 The Conquest of Power                           G    CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level           Subject Area                                                 Series                                 Episode
Thursday 31 March 2022
 10:00     LP       Maths Languages                     Languages Of Our Land                      Episode 9                                                G
 10:00     LP       Languages Music                     My Little Songs                            Une Souris Verte                                         G  CC
 10:05     LP          Languages                        Sally & Possum                             The Big Balloon Ride                                     G  CC
 10:15 UP-MS               PDH                          What It's Like                             What it's Like - To Have Separated Parents              PG CC
 10:25     UP              PDH                          The Mindfulness Tool Kit                   Happy Hearts                                             G  CC
 10:30 UP-LS         Current Affairs                    BTN                                                                                               Exempt
 10:55      S              PDH                          Mikki vs the World                         Lost in Translation                                      G  CC
 11:15      P              PDH                          I Can't Go To School Today                 Epilepsy                                                 G  CC
 11:20 LS-US               PDH                          My Life                                    Marvellous Messy Minds A Survival Guide                 PG CC
 11:45 LS-US              Ethics                        Ethics Matters                             Religious Diversity                                      G  CC
Friday 1 April 2022
 10:00      P            English                        Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                 Caar Caaaar                                             G           CC
 10:05      P            English                        Big Words Small Stories                    Squeaky's Return                                        G
 10:10      P             Music                         House Of Sound                             Strings                                                 G           CC
 10:15      P               Art                         Art With Mati And Dada                     Kandinsky                                               G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS                Art                         Art Blast                                  The Mind Poo                                            G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS             English                        Bringing Books to Life                     Lizzie Zipmouth                                         G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS             English                        The Storybuilding Tool Kit                 Book Report by William                                  G           CC
 10:35      S             Music                         Fall In Love With Music                    Leave It To Beethoven                                   G           CC
 11:00      S        English Drama                      Shakespeare Uncovered                      Romeo And Juliet With Joseph Fiennes                   PG           CC
 11:55      S              Art                          This Place: Artist Series                  Ken Thaiday Snr.                                        G           CC
Monday 4 April 2022
 10:00     LP            Maths                          Numberblocks                               How To Count                                            G           CC
 10:05      P            Maths                          How To Make: Brainy Bites                  Spooky Brains And Eyeballs                              G
 10:05 LP-UP             Maths                          MathXplosion                               Lattice Have Fun!                                       G           CC
 10:10 LP-MP          D&T Science                       Maddie, The Home And You (NEW)             How Houses Work                                         G           CC
 10:30      P           Science                         Bushwhacked! Bugs                          Jack Jumper Ant                                         G           CC
 10:35 MP-LS            Science                         Full Proof                                 Domes                                                   G           CC
 10:50      P            Maths                          Mini Lessons: Maths                        Years 3-4: Minute to win it: Quantifying Collections    G           CC

 11:00   P-LS      Geography Science                    Hey You! What If                           You Could Run At The Speed Of Sound?                    G
 11:05 MP-LS       Geography Science                    Food Investigators (NEW)
 11:20     S            Science                         Chemistry: Challenges And Solutions        Acids And Bases: The Voyage Of The Proton               G           CC
 11:45     S             Maths                          Against All Odds: Inside Statistics        Fitting Lines To Data                                  PG           CC
Tuesday 5 April 2022
 10:00    UP            Science                         Deep Dive Into Australia's Ocean Odyssey   Marine Life                                             G    CC
 10:20 UP-LS            Science                         BTN Explainers                             Why Are Australia's Animals So Unique?                 ExemptCC
 10:25 LP-MP       Geography Science                    Koumi's Animated Picture Book              A Polar Bear                                            G
 10:30   P-LS      Geography Science                    Barney's Barrier Reef                      Nightshift - Sleepless In The Sea                       G    CC
 10:55 MP-LS       Geography Science                    Fierce Earth                               Leo's Fiercest Moments                                  G    CC
 11:25 MS-US             D&T                            Smart Materials                            Smart Resistant Materials                               G    CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
Broadcast Schedule
                                          Term 1, 2022
                                          10am - Midday 31 January - 8 April 2022
                                          ABC ME: Channel 23 and iview


 Time Level           Subject Area                                                 Series                                Episode
Wednesday 6 April 2022
 10:00 UP-LS             History                        BTN Explainers                              What Is Lent?                                     -           CC
 10:05      P            History                        Back In Time For Dinner: Education Shorts   1990s                                             G           CC
 10:15 MP-UP             History                        Are You Tougher Than Your Ancestors?        Dai Gum San! Bendigo Easter Festival              G           CC
 10:15      P            History                        Convict Kids                                Reform and Freedom                                G           CC
 10:40 UP-LS              Civics                        Australia's Prime Ministers                 Malcolm Fraser                                    G           CC
 10:45 UP-LS             History                        Creating A Nation                           Emmanuel's Story                                  G           CC
 10:55 UP-LS             History                        Seeking Refuge                              Please Don't Let Me Go                            G           CC
 11:00 UP-LS                Art                         BTN Explainers                              What Is Art?                                      -           CC
 11:05 MS-US             History                        My Life in Hitler's Germany                 The Bringing Into Line                           PG           CC
Thusday 7 April 2022      ApriA
 10:00     LP       Maths Languages                     Languages Of Our Land                       Episode 10                                        G
 10:00     LP       Languages Music                     My Little Songs                             La Poulette Beige                                 G           CC
 10:05     LP          Languages                        Sally & Possum                              Sally Has A Party                                 G           CC
 10:15 UP-MS               PDH                          What It's Like                              Living on the Autism Spectrum                     G
 10:30 UP-LS              Civics                        BTN Specials                                Civics and Citizenship                            -           CC
 10:40 UP-LS               PDH                          Same But Different                          Robbie's Story                                    G           CC
 10:50 UP-LS               PDH                          Same But Different                          Sophie's Story                                    G           CC
 10:55      S              PDH                          Mikki vs the World                          Fitting in French                                 G           CC
 11:20 LS-US               PDH                           April                                      Born Lucky                                        G           CC
 11:50 LS-US              Ethics                        Ethics Matters                              Creating Borders                                  G           CC
Friday 8 April 2022
 10:00      P            English                        Grandpa Honeyant Storytime                  The Two Wallabies                                 G           CC
 10:05      P            English                        Big Words Small Stories                     The Secret Note                                   G
 10:10      P             Music                         House Of Sound                              Brass                                             G           CC
 10:15      P               Art                         Art With Mati And Dada                      Diego Velazquez                                   G           CC
 10:25 UP-LS                Art                         Art Blast                                   Is It Art?                                        G           CC
 10:30 MP-LS             English                        Bringing Books to Life                      The Falcon's Malteser                             G           CC
 10:30 UP-LS             English                        The Storybuilding Tool Kit                  Costume Kit by Cara                               G           CC
 10:35      S             Music                         Fall In Love With Music                     Putting It All Together                           G           CC
 11:00      S        English Drama                      Shakespeare Uncovered                       A Midsummer Night's Dream With Hugh Bonneville   PG           CC
 11:55      S              Art                          This Place: Artist Series                   Julie Gough                                       G           CC

Key to Levels:
LP Lower Primary (K/F, 1, 2) MP Middle Primary (3, 4) UP Upper Primary (5, 6)
LS Lower Secondary (7, 8) MS Middle Seconary (9, 10) US Upper Secondary (11, 12)
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