MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS

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MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
Kazuo Ishiguro

                 MARCH 2021
Julie Zarifeh
Debra Oswald
Ella Baxter
Susan Johnson    NEW ZEALAND
                    new books
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
                Julie Zarifeh
                             A&U New Zealand
                9781988547367 | $36.99 |     | Psychology |

What happens when your life is rocked by unimaginable loss and
   grief? How do you survive and how do you keep going?

Julie Zarifeh shares the tragic story of losing her 27-year-old son,
Sam, in a whitewater rafting accident just sixteen days after her
60-year-old husband, Paul, died of pancreatic cancer.

She describes how she and her surviving son and daughter dealt
with this double whammy and how she embraced the notion of
'active grieving'. This included a 450-kilometre cycle tour around
Sri Lanka, raising money to give disadvantaged Kiwi children
new bikes; trekking the 800-kilometre Camino de Santiago; and
running the New York marathon on behalf of the Mental Health

Julie's account of learning to live with grief, plus her experience
as a clinical psychologist, make this an inspirational and
ultimately uplifting read.

Julie Zarifeh previously worked across a variety of community
and district health board mental health teams and then,
following the Christchurch earthquakes, became part of a
multi-disciplinary team investigating the psychological factors
contributing to 'broken-heart syndrome'. She lives in New
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
OF GOLD AND DUST                                               HOW TO ENDO
            A memoir of a creative life                       A guide to surviving and thriving with
           Samantha Wills
                                                                 Bridget Hustwaite
                       Allen & Unwin
     9781760876548 | $36.99 |     | PB | Autobiography                         Allen & Unwin
                                                                 9781760879082 | $32.99 |    | PB | Health
 A beautifully written, revealing memoir from
one of Australia's most popular and successful            A vibrant, empowering guide to surviving and
               business women                                      thriving with endometriosis

Samantha Wills started her self-titled jewellery         After years of dismissive doctors, Bridget
company on the kitchen table of her share                Hustwaite was relieved to finally receive a
house when she was just 21 years old. Following          diagnosis for her intensely heavy periods, pulsing
Samantha's journey, from being named a                   headaches and excruciating abdominal pain. She
breakout star by The New York Times to barely            had endometriosis—hard to pronounce, hard to
being able to breathe on a hotel room floor, Of          diagnose and even harder to live with. In How to
Gold and Dust is so much more than a business            Endo she blends her personal experience with
memoir. In her unique, confessional tone,                a raft of tips and tricks from health experts and
Samantha tells the intimate details of her life and      endo warriors. Covering everything from diet
business, sharing her truths with a rare rawness         to acupuncture; fertility to mental health, and
and vulnerability. Funny, down-to-earth, revealing       surgery to sex, Bridget's guide to navigating this
and heartfelt, Of Gold and Dust is a must-read           sucker punch of a chronic illness will make you
for anyone who has a desire to start their own           laugh and cry and empower you to be proactive
business, or a passion to live a creative life and       about your endo journey. Inspiring, vivacious
follow their dreams. Her story is an inspiring           and completely honest, How to Endo is a book
blueprint for getting out there and finding the          for everyone on the endo spectrum—the battle-
magic that awaits you.                                   hardened warriors, the newly diagnosed and
                                                         those still searching for answers.
Samantha Wills has been in the spotlight as one
of Australia's most creative personalities since         Bridget Hustwaite is a Melbourne-based radio
she was 21 years of age. She lives in New York.          host and founder of the Instagram account
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
MONEY AND POWER                                      THE DELUSION OF                                  THE UNUSUAL SUSPECT
        Vince Cable                                            CROWDS                                    The remarkable true story of a modern-day
                                                                                                                       Robin Hood
                                                           William Bernstein
                       Atlantic                                                                                         Ben Machell
    9781786495112 | $36.99 |    | PB | Economics                         Grove Press
                                                       9781611854442 | $36.99 |      | PB | Psychology                         Canongate
Through economics, our politicians have                                                                      9781786897978 | $32.99 |    | PB | True Crime
the power to transform people's lives for          Throughout human history, compelling
better or worse. This magisterial history          stories have catalysed the spread of                  Stephen Jackley was a young, British
examines the legacy of sixteen world               contagious narratives through susceptible             Geography student with Asperger's
leaders who transformed their countries'           groups­—with enormous, often disastrous,              Syndrome. When the global financial
economic fortunes and who also challenged          consequences. Armed with the latest                   crisis hit in 2007, he became obsessed
economic convention. From Thatcher to              scientific research that explains the                 with the idea of Robin Hood. With no prior
Trump, from Lenin to Bismarck, Money and           biological, evolutionary and psychosocial             experience, he resolved to become a bank
Power provides a whole new perspective             roots of human irrationality, The Delusion of         robber. He would steal from the rich and
on the science of government. Examining            Crowds tells the stories of dramatic religious        give to the poor. Against all likelihood, his
the fascinating interplay of economics and         and financial mania in western society over           plan actually worked. That is until Jackley's
politics, this is a compelling journey through     the last 500 years. It reveals the huge cost          ambition got the better of him. This is his
some of the most significant people and            and alarming implications of mass mania               story.
events of the last 300 years.                      and how we can avoid its frequently dire
                                                   impact.                                               Ben Machell is a feature writer for The
Sir Vince Cable is a British economist,                                                                  Times. He lives in the UK.
politician and bestselling author of The           William Bernstein is an American
Storm: The World Economic Crisis and What          neurologist, financial theorist and
It Means.                                          historian.
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
HOW TO BE ANIMAL                                      THE HIDDEN SPRING                                      THE LISTENING PATH
   A new history of what it means to be                 A journey to the source of consciousness               The creative art of attention—a six week
                  human                                                Mark Solms                                      artist's way programme
         Melanie Challenger                                                                                                 Julia Cameron
                      Canongate                          9781788167628 | $36.99 |    | PB | Popular Science                        Souvenir Press
  9781786895738 | $32.99 |    | PB | Popular Science                                                          9781788167796 | $32.99 |     | PB | Personal Development
                                                       How does the mind connect to the body? For
How to Be Animal is a remarkable story                 one of the boldest thinkers in neuroscience,           A new, transformative guide to deeper,
of what it means to be human, arguing                  solving this puzzle has been a lifetime's              more profound listening and creativity.
that at the heart of our psychology is a               quest. Now at last, the man who discovered             Over six weeks, readers will be given the
profound struggle with being animal. As well           the brain mechanism for dreaming appears               tools to become better listeners—to their
as piecing together how this psychology                to have made a breakthrough. More than                 environment, the people around them,
evolved, it examines the wide-reaching ways            just a philosophical argument, The Hidden              and themselves. As we learn to listen, our
in which it affects our lives, from our politics       Spring will forever alter how you understand           attention is heightened and we gain healing,
to the ways we distance ourselves from                 your own experience. There is a secret                 insight, clarity. But above all, listening
other species. Combining nature writing,               buried in the brain's ancient foundations:             creates connections and ignites a creativity
history and moral philosophy, this is a wide-          bring it into the light and we fathom all the          that will resonate through every aspect of
ranging and radical new take on the human              depths of our being.                                   our lives.
story and what it means for us today.
                                                       Mark Solms is director of neuropsychology              Julia Cameron is a poet, songwriter,
Melanie Challenger is the author of On                 in the Neuroscience Institute of the                   filmmaker, playwright and bestselling
Extinction: How We Became Estranged                    University of Cape Town.                               author of The Artist's Way.
from Nature. She lives in the UK.
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
HOMO IRREALIS                                          TURKEY                                THE SOUL OF A WOMAN
          André Aciman                                        The Passenger                                Isabel Allende
                       Faber                                        Europa Editions                                      BLM Circus
     9780571366453 | $32.99 |   | PB | Essays          9781787702424 | $32.99 |     | PB | Travel       9781526630810 | $24.99 |    | HB | Feminism
Homo Irrealis is a collection of thoughts        Poised between competing ideologies,               This wise, warm, defiant book from a literary
on time, the creative mind, and great lives      secularism and piousness, a militaristic           legend is a meditation on power, feminism
and works. From meditations on subway            nationalism and exceptional openness to            and what it means to be a woman. On many
poetry and the temporal resonances of an         foreigners, Turkey defies easy labels and          fronts, there is much work to be done,
empty Italian street, to considerations of       categories. Through the voices of some of its      and this book will 'light the torch of our
the lives and work of Sigmund Freud and          best writers and journalists—many of them          daughters and granddaughters with mine.
Marcel Proust, and portraits of cities such as   in self-imposed exile—The Passenger tries to       They will have to live for us, as we lived for
Alexandria and St. Petersburg, Homo Irrealis     make sense of this fascinating, maddening          our mothers, and carry on with the work still
is a deep reflection of the imagination's        country, analysing how it got to where it is       left to be finished.’
power to shape our memories under time's         now, and finding the bright spots of hope
seemingly intractable hold.                      that allow its always resourceful, often           Isabel Allende is the author of twenty-four
                                                 frustrated population to continue living, and      bestselling and critically acclaimed books.
André Aciman is the bestselling author of        thriving.                                          Born in Peru, she now lives in California.
Find Me and Call Me By Your Name. He lives
in New York.
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
                                                                                                                       Deirdre Bair

                                                                                                                       NEW IN PAPERBACK
                                                                                                                       9781786492685 | $22.99 |
                                                                                                  The award-winning biographer explores her
                                                                                                  years in Paris with Samuel Beckett and Simone
          LEAD THE WAY                                  BLOOD GUN MONEY                           de Beauvoir, painting intimate portraits of two
   How to change the world, from a teen                     Iaon Grillo                           literary giants.
        activist and school striker
           Jean Hinchcliffe                                           Bloomsbury
                                                        9781526632838 | $32.99 |   | True Crime
                      Pantera                                                                                          TOGETHER
     9780648676980 | $26.99 |   | PB | Politics   A searing investigation into the enormous                            Loneliness, health and
                                                  black market for firearms, essential to                              what happens when we
Want to take action and fight for what's          cartels and gangs in the drug trade and                              find connection
right, but don't know where to start? Lead        contributing to the epidemic of mass
the Way is your ultimate guide to activism        shootings. This ground-breaking new work
                                                                                                                       Vivek H. Murthy
and making systematic change, your way.           of investigative journalism shows us this
From identifying your cause to finding allies,    connection by following the market for
planning a march, nailing your messaging,         guns in the Americas, and their role as key                          NEW IN PAPERBACK
public speaking and working with the media,       accessories in our epidemics of addiction,                           Profile
to the importance of self-care when you're        making the continent the most murderous                              9781788162784 | $22.99 |
on your activist journey, Lead the Way will       on earth.
guide you to start changing the world today.                                                      Essential reading from Obama's Surgeon
                                                  Ioan Grillo is a contributing writer at the     General on the global loneliness epidemic—and
Jean Hinchliffe is a 16-year-old Australian       New York Times and the acclaimed author         how we can overcome it
climate activist and a lead organiser within      of El Narco. He is based in Mexico City.
School Strike 4 Climate.
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
             Kazuo Ishiguro
                9780571364886 | $36.99 |   | PB | Fiction

  The first novel by Kazuo Ishiguro since he was awarded the
                 Nobel Prize in Literature 2017

Klara and the Sun tells the story of Klara, an Artificial Friend with
outstanding observational qualities, who, from her place in the
store, watches carefully the behaviour of those who come in to
browse, and of those who pass on the street outside. She remains
hopeful that a customer will soon choose her.

This is a thrilling feat of world-building, a novel of exquisite
tenderness and impeccable restraint that offers a look at our
changing world through the eyes of an unforgettable narrator,
and one that explores the fundamental question: what does it
mean to love? Klara and the Sun is a magnificent achievement,
and an international literary event.

Kazuo Ishiguro is the bestselling and Booker Prize-winning
author of Never Let Me Go and The Remains of the Day. Born in
Japan, he lives in Britain.
MARCH 2021 NEW ZEALAND - Kazuo Ishiguro Julie Zarifeh Debra Oswald Ella Baxter Susan Johnson - AWS
                  Debra Oswald
                               Allen & Unwin
                9781760877781 | $36.99 |     | PB | Fiction

A novel of searing emotional truth, told with the relentless pull
   of a thriller, from the award-winning creator of Offspring

Paula is a dedicated suburban GP who is devastated by the
murder of a friend and her children by their estranged husband
and father. Stacey and the children had been staying with her
after fleeing his control, and Paula is haunted by the thought that
she couldn't protect them when they most needed it. How had
she missed the warning signs? How had she failed to keep them

Not long after, a patient with suspicious injuries brings her
anxious young son into Paula's surgery. The woman admits that
her husband hurts her, but she's terrified to leave for fear of
escalating the violence, and defeated by the consistent failures of
the law to keep them safe.

Can Paula go against everything she believes to make sure one
woman is safe, one child? She isn't motivated by revenge. She's
desperately trying to prevent a tragedy . . .

A riveting, provocative novel about women's fury, traumatic grief,
new love, deep friendship, and the preciousness of life, The Family
Doctor asks the question: Should you cling to faith in a flawed
system, or take control the only way you can? Can a good person
justify taking a life to save a life?

Debra Oswald is a playwright, screenwriter and novelist. She
is a two-time winner of the NSW Premier's Literary Award and
was creator of the TV series Offspring.
                     Ella Baxter
                               Allen & Unwin
                9781760877798 | $32.99 |     | PB | Fiction

 A stunning, heartbreakingly funny debut novel from a brilliant
 new literary voice. Sex, death, grief, running away . . . only one
          of these makes Amelia feel like a new animal

It's not easy getting close to people. Amelia's meeting a lot of
men but once she gets the sex she wants from them, that's it
for her; she can't connect further. A terrible thing happened to
Daniel last year and it's stuck inside Amelia ever since, making
her stuck too.

Maybe being a cosmetician at her family's mortuary business
isn't the best job for a young woman. It's not helping her social
life. She loves her job, but she's not great at much else. Especially
emotion. And then something happens to her mum and suddenly
Amelia's got too many feelings and the only thing that makes any
sense to her is running away.

It takes the intervention of her two fathers and some hilariously
wrong encounters with other broken people in a struggling
Tasmanian BDSM club to help her accept the truth she has been
hiding from. And in a final, cataclysmic scene, we learn along with
Amelia that you need to feel another person's weight before you
can feel your own.

Deadpan, wise and heartbreakingly funny, New Animal is a
stunning debut.

Ella Baxter is a writer, poet and artist. In her spare time, she
runs a small business making bespoke death shrouds. She lives
in Victoria.
              Susan Johnson
                              Allen & Unwin
               9781760876555 | $36.99 |     | PB | Fiction

       Two women from opposite ends of the earth begin
  corresponding by chance and start sharing the intimacies of
                         their lives

An anguished email from Pamela Robinson in Australia to her
ex-husband in Paris accidentally ends up in the inbox of New York
State teacher Chrisanthi Woods. Chrisanthi is sympathetic to
Pamela's struggles and the women begin to tell each other the
stories and secrets of their lives.

Pamela, responsible for raising her three sons, must re-invent
the meaning of home following her divorce, and Chrisanthi, her
dreams long dampened, must find home by leaving it.

Temperamental opposites, their emails turn into an exhilarating
and provocative exchange of love, loss and fresh beginnings, by
turns amusing, frank and confronting.

Susan Johnson is an acclaimed Australian author of literary
fiction, memoir, short stories and essays.
WE RUN THE TIDES                                     THE LAST SNOW                                         CONSENT
         Vendela Vida                                        Stina Jackson                                      Annabel Lyon
                      Atlantic                                           Corvus                                          Atlantic
     9781838951047 | $32.99 |    | PB | Fiction        9781838952150 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction        9781838952457 | $32.99 |    | PB | Fiction

Teenage Eulabee and her alluring best             In a small village in northernmost Sweden,       Saskia and Jenny—twins—are alike in
friend, Maria Fabiola, own the streets of their   Liv Bjornlund lives in a derelict house          appearance only. Still, when Jenny is
oceanside San Francisco neighbourhood.            together with her teenage son, Simon, and        severely injured, Saskia puts her life on hold.
Then everything changes.                          her ageing father, Vidar. Just why has Liv       Sara and Mattie are sisters with another
                                                  stayed by her domineering father's side          difficult dynamic. When their mother dies,
They have a disagreement and the rupture          all these years? And is it true that Vidar is    Sara inherits the duty of caring for her
is followed by Maria Fabiola's sudden             sitting on a small fortune? His questionable     intellectually disabled sister. Now, Sara and
disappearance—a potential kidnapping that         business decisions have made him many            Saskia, both caregivers for so long, are on
shakes the quiet community and threatens          enemies over the years, and now someone          their own—and come together through a
to expose unspoken truths. An achingly            wants back what is rightfully theirs. And        cascade of circumstances. Razor-sharp and
beautiful and wickedly funny story of female      they will stop at nothing to get it, no matter   profoundly moving, Consent is a thought-
friendship and betrayal, We Run the Tides         who stands in their way.                         provoking exploration of the complexities
is both a gripping mystery and a tribute to                                                        of familial duty, of how love can become
the wonders of youth, in all its beauty and       Stina Jackson is the award-winning author        entangled with guilt, resentment, and regret.
confusion.                                        of The Silver Road. Born in Sweden, she
                                                  lives in Colorado.                               Annabel Lyon is the bestselling author of
Vendela Vida is the award-winning author                                                           The Golden Mean. She lives in Canada.
of Let the Northern Lights Erase Your
Name and The Diver's Clothes Lie Empty.
She lives in San Francisco.
LIGHT PERPETUAL                              THE DEATH OF FRANCIS                                   THE LONG, LONG
        Francis Spufford                                  BACON                                             AFTERNOON
                                                         Max Porter                                          Inga Vesper
     9780571368730 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction                          Faber                                           Manilla
                                                      9780571366514 | $16.99 |   | HB | Fiction        9781838772277 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction
November 1944. A German rocket
incinerates a London store, and five young       Madrid.                                          It's the summer of 1959, and the well-
lives are atomised in an instant. Jo and         Unfinished.                                      trimmed lawns of Sunnylakes, California,
Valerie and Alec and Ben and Vernon              Man Dying.                                       wilt under the sun. At some point during
are gone. But what if it were possible to        A great painter lies on his deathbed.            the long, long afternoon, Joyce Haney,
resurrect them—to let them experience the                                                         wife, mother, vanishes from her home,
unimaginable changes of the twentieth            Max Porter translates into seven                 leaving behind two terrified toddlers and
century; to live out all the personal triumphs   extraordinary written pictures the explosive     a bloodstain on the kitchen floor . . . A
and disasters, the second chances and            final workings of the artist's mind.             beguiling, deeply atmospheric novel from
redemptions denied them?                                                                          the cracked heart of the American Dream,
                                                 Max Porter is the award-wining author of         The Long, Long Afternoon is at once a page-
Ingenious and profound, Light Perpetual is       Grief Is the Thing with Feathers and Lanny.      turning mystery and an intoxicating vision
a story of the everyday, the miraculous and      He lives in the UK.                              of the ways in which women everywhere
the everlasting—a sweeping and intimate                                                           are diminished, silenced and ultimately
celebration of the gift of life.                                                                  underestimated.

Francis Spufford is the award-winning                                                             Inga Vesper is a journalist and editor. Born
author of Golden Hill. He lives near                                                              in Germany, she lives in the UK.
THE ART OF DEATH                                 MRS DEATH MISSES                                       THE APPEAL
         David Fennell                                       DEATH                                            Janice Hallett
                                                         Salena Godden
                        Zaffre                                                                                           Profile
      9781838773441 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction                        Canongate                       9781788165297 | $32.99 |    | PB | Fiction
                                                       9781838851194 | $32.99 |  | HB | Fiction
An underground artist leaves a gruesome                                                                           Dear Reader,
installation in Trafalgar Square: the corpses                                                       Enclosed are documents relating to the
                                                  Mrs Death has had enough. She is exhausted
of three homeless men. As more bodies                                                               events surrounding the Fairway Players'
                                                  from spending eternity doing her job and
are exhibited at London landmarks and live                                                        staging of All My Sons, and the tragic death
                                                  now she seeks someone to unburden her
streamed on social media, newly-promoted                                                                   of one of its members . . .
                                                  conscience to. Wolf Willeford, a troubled
Detective Inspector Grace Archer and
                                                  young writer, becomes Mrs Death's scribe
her caustic DS, Harry Quinn, must race                                                            In a town full of secrets, someone was
                                                  and begins to write her memoirs. They travel
against time. But when Archer discovers                                                           murdered. Someone went to prison. And
                                                  across time and place to witness deaths
that the killer might be closer than she                                                          everyone's a suspect. Can you uncover the
                                                  of past and present and discuss what the
originally thought, she realises he has his                                                       truth? The Appeal is unlike any novel you've
                                                  future holds for humanity. As the two reflect
sights set firmly on her . . . He is creating a                                                   read before—an extraordinarily inventive
                                                  on the losses they have experienced—or
masterpiece. And she will be the star of his                                                      thriller in which the reader is challenged to
                                                  facilitated—their friendship grows into a
show.                                                                                             solve the crime . . . and predict the victim.
                                                  surprising affirmation of hope, resilience
                                                  and love.
David Fennell has been working in                                                                 Janice Hallett is an award-winning
CyberSecurity for fourteen years. He lives                                                        journalist, playwright and screenwriter who
                                                  Salena Godden is one of Britain's best
in the UK.                                                                                        co-wrote the psychological thriller feature
                                                  loved poets and performers.
                                                                                                  film The Retreat.
THE MISTAKE                           BRIGHT BURNING THINGS                                THE SERPENT'S SKIN
           Katie McMahon                               Lisa Harding                                       Erina Reddan
                       Echo                                           Bloomsbury                                        Pantera
     9781760686697 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction        9781526624475 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction        9781925700732 | $32.99 |   | PB | Fiction

Can one decision change everything? Bec          Being Tommy's mother is too much for             It's a cold night in 1968, ten-year-old JJ's
and Kate are sisters, but they couldn't be       Sonya. Too much love, too much fear, too         mother isn't home and her dad won't answer
less alike. Bec lives the domestic dream         much longing for the cool wine she gulps         any questions. The four children survive as
with her surgeon husband Stuart and three        from the bottle each night. Once there was       best they can with their mother's absence
perfect children. So why is she so attracted     the thrill of a London stage, a glowing acting   in their own ways. Fourteen years on, JJ
to free-spirited Ryan? Kate's life is hardly     career, fast cars, handsome men. But now         has a new life, but she finds herself being
a dream. But when she meets Adam—tall,           there are blackouts and bare cupboards, and      pulled back into the unsolved mystery of
kind, funny—things start looking up. Until she   Mrs O'Malley spying from across the road.        her childhood. Will the tragic truth finally
finds out he's been keeping secrets from her.    There is the risk of losing Tommy forever. An    set them all free? The Serpent's Skin is a
Then there is the incident both sisters are      immensely powerful and compulsive novel of       gripping, literary crime novel about male
desperate to ignore . . . Will they discover     maternal love, control and a woman at the        power and the secrets that can haunt a
that some mistakes can't be put right?           mercy of addiction.                              family.

Katie McMahon is a writer and GP. She lives      Lisa Harding is an actress, playwright and       Erina Reddan is a Walkley award-winning
in Tasmania.                                     bestselling author of Harvesting. She lives      journalist. She lives in Victoria.
                                                 in Dublin.
RED DIRT                                        THE SECRETS OF                                   A THOUSAND
                     COUNTRY                                         STRANGERS                                        MOONS
                     Fleur McDonald                                  Charity Norman                                   Sebastian Barry

                     NEW IN PAPERBACK                                NEW IN PAPERBACK                                 NEW IN PAPERBACK
                     Allen & Unwin                                   Allen & Unwin                                    Faber
                     9781760878979 | $22.99 |                        9781760878962 | $22.99 |                         9780571333394 | $22.99 |
Detective Dave Burrows returns in another       A gunshot rings out in a London cafe and the     A moving study of one woman's determination
suspenseful rural crime novel from the          lives of five strangers will never be the same   to write her own future, from the Costa Book of
bestselling author.                             again—a compelling, heartfelt drama from the     the Year-winning author of Days Without End.
                                                bestselling author of See You in September.

                     THE LOST JEWELS                                 THE DISCOMFORT                                   WE BEGIN AT THE
                     Kirsty Manning                                  OF EVENING                                       END
                                                                     Marieke Lucas                                    Chris Whitaker

                     NEW IN PAPERBACK                                                                                 NEW IN PAPERBACK
                                                                     NEW IN PAPERBACK
                     Allen & Unwin                                                                                    Zaffre
                     9781760879587 | $18.99 |                                                                         9781785769405 | $22.99 |
                                                                     9780571349371 | $22.99 |
From the bestselling author of The Jade Lily    Winner of The Booker International Prize         'A beautifully written mystery, packed with
comes a thrilling modern-day treasure hunt      2020—an extraordinary portrait of a farming      unforgettable characters. An intricately woven
brimming with family secrets.                   family distorted by grief.                       portrait of small town intrigue where old and
                                                                                                 new sins collide.' Jane Harper
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COVER IMAGE : Grief on the Run , by Julie Zarifeh
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