MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club

Page created by Ben Bates
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club
MARCH 2019
Membership News and Happenings
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club

A LETTER FROM THE GENERAL MANAGER                                                     RECIPROCAL CLUB HIGHLIGHT
Chris Miller                                                                          The One Hundred Club
                                                                                      Portsmouth, New Hampshire
                          Spring is in the air! We bring you a few new events
                          to enjoy at The River Club this month alongside our         The One Hundred Club is New
                          traditional spring events. We kick off with a trio of       England’s premier private club providing
                          experiences in the first week of March with our Ties        business leaders with a comfortable
                          and Tees indoor golf challenge, the GATE River Run,         setting surrounded by breathtaking
                          and River Run Pasta Dinner -- for those who sign up         views of historic downtown Portsmouth,
                          for Team River Club. Epping Forest Yacht & Country          New Hampshire. Members enjoy
                          Club host this year’s complimentary River Run Pasta         spacious function rooms, meeting rooms,
                          Dinner on Wednesday, March 6.                               bar and grill area, and rooftop terrace.
                                                                                      Please contact Sydney Scheiding at
                          Calling all cocktail lovers for our Mix & Mingle Mixology   354.1111 at least one week prior to
                          Cocktail Class with Manifest Distilling on Thursday,        your visit for a letter of introduction.
                          March 21. This is sure to be a great time for you to
                          discover your inner mixologist and meet new friends.

                          Stop by VUE34 on March 21 and 23 to watch the
   MARCH EVENTS           First and Second Round of the NCAA March Madness
                          Tournament. The Road to the Final Four stops off at
  Friday Nighter:         our very own Jacksonville Veterans Memorial Arena.
  Sports Theme            Also, make sure to RSVP early for our exclusive Sips
  Friday, March 1         & Safari at White Oak Conservation trip on Saturday,
                          April 13! Space is limited and is filling up. Be sure to
  Ties & Tees             buy tickets for opening night of Waitress on Tuesday,
  Tuesday, March 5        March 12. Any member that comes in for dinner or
                          drinks before the show will be given a golden ticket
  GRR Pasta Dinner        to come back for the Cast Party afterwards from 10
  at EFYCC                -11:30 p.m.
  Wednesday, March 6
                          Join us in welcoming our newest members:
                          Mr. Aundra Wallace                                     Mr. & Mrs. Rick VandenBossche
  Speaker Series
                          Mr. & Mrs. Taylor Lloyd                                Mr. Chris Chestnut
  Thursday, March 7
                          Ms. Jennifer Barton                                    Mr. Raymond Gosen
                          Mr. & Mrs. Bryan Horn                                  Mr. & Mrs. Christopher Jackson
  Gate River Run          Mr. & Mrs. Chip Bachara                                Mr. Philip Sgambati-Carcel
  Saturday, March 9       Mr. & Mrs. John Andrews                                Ms. Mari Kuraishi
                          Mr. Jevon Bartley & Dr. Erica Little-Bartley           Ms. Cynthia Reynolds
  Book Club
  Thursday, March 14
                                                                                               CATERING CORNER
                                                                                               April 24 is Administrative
  Trivia                                                                                       Professionals’ Day. Where
  Tuesday, March 19                                                                            would we be without their
                                                                                               continual support. Gather
  Mix & Mingle                                                                                 your team and treat them
  Mixology Class                                                                               to an enjoyable private
  Thursday, March 21                                                                           luncheon, dinner, or afterwork
                                                                                               c e l e b r a t i o n a t T h e R i ve r
  Wine Tasting                                                                                 Club. We offer many delicious
  Tuesday, March 26                                                                            palate pleasing catering
                                                                                               options. Contact the Catering
  Network-Tini                                                                                 depar tme n t a t 3 5 4 . 1 1 1 1 .
  Thursday, March 28                                                                           Allow us to set you up for
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club

FRIDAY NIGHTER                                                                                                   WINE TASTING:
Friday, March 1                                                                                                  OREGON VS. FRANCE
5 - 8 p.m.                                                                SPEAKER SERIES:                        Tuesday, March 26

                                                                          DR. FRANCES
Our sports themed Friday                                                                                         6:30 p.m.

Nighter knocks it out of the                                                                                     Ta s t e t h e d i f f e r e n c e s
park as we pay homage to the                                                                                     through the grapevine as a
TPC, NCAA March Madness                                                                                          representative from Republic
Tournament, Major League                                                  Thursday, March 7                      National Distributing Company
Fishing and National Hockey                                               11:30 a.m.                             leads us through a fascinating
League seasons. Bring your                                                                                       comparison between Oregon
sporty friends and enjoy live                                                                                    vs. French Wines with Rose,
music, hors d’oeuvres, and                                                                                       Pinot Gris, and Pinot Noir.
happy hour until 8 p.m. Try                                           We are in for a treat with Dr.             $ 3 0 p e r p e r s o n , e x l u s i ve
your luck at a slam dunk in                                           Frances Kinne as our speaker               of service charge and tax.
our Bar Tab Drawing to win                                            this month. She is The River               For reservations, please call
up to $100 off your tab. You                                          Club’s first female member, the            354.1111.
won’t want to let this one                                            first female University President                  Wines to Include:
pass you by.                                                          to hold office in the state of
                                                                                                                       JP Chenet Brut Rose
                                                                      Florida, an American author
                                                                                                                      vs. A to Z Sparkling Rose
                                                                      and a beloved Jacksonville icon
                                                                      and treasure. Don’t miss this                Luscien Albrecht Romanus
                                                                      lunch. $25 per person exclusive                      Pinot Gris
                                                                      of service charge and tax.                    vs. Rainstorm Pinot Gris
                                                                                                                      Louis Jadot Pinot Noir
                                                                                                                      vs. Acrobat Pinot Noir
                                      BOOK CLUB                         MIX & MINGLE MIXOLOGY
                                      Thursday, March 14                Thursday, March 21
                                      6 p.m.                            6:30 p.m.
                                      Join the River Club Book          Shake things up at our Mix
                                      Club o n Marc h 14. This          & M i n g l e M i xo l o g y C l a s s
                                      month’s page-turner -- The        with Manifest Distilling –
                                      Immortal Life of H enrietta       Jacksonville’s only organic
                                      Lacks by Rebecca Skloot.          distillery. Learn how to make
                                      This event is complimentary.      three signature cocktails
                                                                        while enjoying Chef Darek’s
                                                                        delicious hors d’oeuvres and
 TIES & TEES                          TRIVIA                            mingling with members.
 Tuesday, March 5                     Tuesday, March 19                 $30 per person, exclusive                NETWORK-TINI
 5:30 p.m.                            First Question at 6:30 p.m.       of service charge and tax.               Thursday, March 28
                                                                        For reservations, please call            5:30 p.m.
                                      Test your knowledge with
 Ta k e o f f yo u r t i e , o r      a team of friends at our                                                   Shaken and Stirred? Join
 heels, for an evening of             monthly Trivia Night! Teams                                                u s f o r o u r N e t wo r k – T i n i !
 indoor golfing fun with              can be up to eight smart and                                               Grab a martini and enjoy
 complimentary beer and               funny people. We launch the                                                “ s p e e d n e t wo r k i n g ” w i t h
 wine. Step up to the                 first question at 6:30 pm.                                                 members. Toss your card into
 challenge and take aim
                                      Want to play and don’t have                                                our oversized martini glass
 at our unique golf course
                                      a team? Join Sydney and                                                    and when selected, you have
 and casual networking
 night. $35 per person,               the Membership Team! The                                                   60 seconds to give your best
 e x c l u s i ve o f s e r v i c e   winning team gets a grand                                                  elevator speech to the group!
 c h a r g e a n d t a x . Fo r       prize and bragging rights!                                                 After everyone has their turn,
 reservations, please call            This event is complimentary.                                               feel free to slow things down a
 354.1111.                            For reservations, please call                                              bit to connect and mingle. This
                                      354.1111.                                                                  event is complimentary.
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club

Bourbon & Cigar Night
Tuesday, April 2
6:30 p.m.                                                                                       SPEAKER SERIES:
Raise a glass to our Bourbon Tasting
and Cigar Night! A representative                                                               JOHN
from Republic National Distributing
Company will lead us through the
nuances and aromas of pure bourbon
without the hindrance of a mixer.
                                                                                                Thursday, April 11
We’ll end the evening at Island Girl                                                            VIP Young Executive
Cigar Bar – just around the corner                                                              Networking at 11:30 a.m.
from The River Club! $35 per person                                                             Luncheon at 12 p.m.
includes a cigar, $25 per person
for bourbon tasting only, exclusive
of service charge and tax. For                                                                 John Peyton, former two-
reservations, please call 354.1111.                                                            term Mayor of Jacksonville
                                                                                               from 2003 to 2011, is
                                                                                               President of Gate Petroleum
                                                                                               and our illustrious luncheon
                                                                                               speaker. Save the date and
                                                                                               secure your spot by calling

            Sips & Safari
                   at White Oak Conservation
            Saturday, April 13 ∙ 11 a.m. - 2 p.m.                            Saturday, May 4 ∙ 6 - 8 p.m.
Ready for an adventure? Make plans to join an exclusive         May the Fourth Be With You! Star Wars lovers this night
group for Sips & Safari at White Oak Conservation in Yulee,     is for you! Step into your Star Wars costume and join us for
Florida. White Oak Conservation is a 16,000-acre haven          a Star Wars movie, crafts and a dinner of chicken tenders,
filled with birds, carnivores, rhinos, antelope and buffalo,    French Fries, fruit, cookies, and beverages. Parents enjoy
okapi, swine, deer, equids and much more. Meet us at White      a romantic dinner with us or join the festive Bonnets and
Oak to enjoy a two-hour safari tour, a gourmet lunch with       Bowties Derby Happy Hour! $25 per child, exclusive of
beer and wine, and the opportunity to feed Giraffes. Bring      service charge and tax. Reservations are required by calling
your cameras. $160, all inclusive. Reservations are required,                             354.1111.
          and space is limited, please call 354.1111.
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club

Every Monday ∙ 11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.
                                                                                                            HOURS OF OPERATION
Join us for lunch every Monday and bring a
friend! It’s on this day that two can dine from
Chef Darek’s delightful luncheon buffet for only                                                            LUNCH
$19.95, plus service charge and tax. Enjoy a                                                                Monday – Friday
selection of soups, salads, cold and hot entrées,                                                           11:30 a.m. – 2 p.m.
and a variety of delectable desserts. Serving
from 11:30 a.m. to 2 p.m. Advance reservations                                                              DINNER
are encouraged! Special valid for parties of 12
or fewer.                                              TINI & TACO THURSDAYS                                Tuesday – Wednesday
                                                       Every Thursday                                       5:30 – 8 p.m.
                                                       Savor any Martini – your choice for HALF OFF
TAPAS TUESDAYS                                                                                              Thursday – Saturday
                                                       on Thursdays in VUE34! Complete with Chef
Every Tuesday ∙ 4:30 - 7 p.m.                                                                               5:30 – 9 p.m.
                                                       Darek’s $2 Mahi Tacos for a delicious and fun
A tasteful value too delicious to miss! Receive        night out!
one small plate appetizer when you order a                                                                  VUE 34
small plate appetizer from our Tapas Menu.                                                                  Tuesday – Wednesday
Service hours are 4:30 - 7 p.m.                        2 FOR $26 MARCH                                      4:30 – 8 p.m.
                                                       Tuesday – Thursday
                                                       Cedar Plank Smoked Chicken                           Thursday – Saturday
                                                       Spicy Lime BBQ, House Frites                         4:30 – 9 p.m.

                                                       Lobster Mac & Cheese
                                                       Cabbage and Asparagus, Crushed Tomato,
                                                       Chow Chow

                                                       Each Entrée is accompanied with the choice of
                                                       House Salad or a Caesar Salad.

Every Wednesday
Savor any Four Roses Whiskey for HALF OFF
on Wednesdays in VUE34! The prices range
just $3 – $3.50 for a great Whiskey! You can’t
beat the deal, so come up for a drink and enjoy
our live music.
                                                       FRIDAY NIGHT BUFFET
                                                       Every Friday
WINE DOWN WEDNESDAYS & LIVE MUSIC!                     Our Friday Night Seafood Buffet will consist of
Every Wednesday                                        a chilled display of Shrimp, Crab Claws and Ahi
Every Wednesday evening you can enjoy any              Tuna. For your entree, members will have their
bottle of wine under $75 for half price all while      choice of a Maine Lobster, Grilled Salmon or Filet
enjoying live music in VUE34! You can even             Mignon and a selection of wonderful desserts,        PRIME RIB NIGHT BUFFET
take it home with you in a to-go bag if you do         including our traditional bread pudding. $54.95      Every Saturday
not finish it. Offer valid in VUE34 or the St.         per person with service charge and tax additional.   Enjoy a Prime Rib Buffet
Johns Dining Room.                                     Advanced reservations required.                      with hand carved Prime
                                                                                                            Rib and Chicken Marsala
                                                                                                            along with all the best
                                      Half price drink specials Tuesday-Friday                              sides, gourmet salad bar
                                            from 4:30-7:00 p.m. in VUE34
                                                                                                            and selection of delicious
                                   Single Malt Scotches and Cognacs excluded
                                Live music every Wednesday, Friday, and Saturday                            desserts. Priced at $38 per
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club

                                                                                                            APRIL EVENTS

                                                                                                     Bourbon & Cigar Night
                                                                                                     Tuesday, April 2
Saturday, March 9                                                                                    Friday Nighter
The big event -- the Gate River Run finish line is in sight! It’s Saturday, March 9! More than 400   Friday, April 5
Team Gate members are running or walking in the 5K or the 15K races. We’ll crown the 2019
                                                                                                     Speaker Series
winning Gate Club Team and the overall fastest male and female Gate Team winners! Racers
                                                                                                     Thursday, April 11
may pick up race materials at the Pasta Dinner. For those not attending the dinner, materials
may be picked up at your Club on Friday, March 8. Please check the Team Gate website at www.         Book Club for team and race day information. Good luck to all our 5K and 15K              Thursday, April 11
racers. See you at the finish line!
                                                                                                     Antinori Wine Dinner
Wednesday, March 6 ∙ 6:30 p.m. ∙ Complimentary for team members
                                                                                                     Club Closed for Private Event
The Pasta Dinner is complimentary for all members and kids ten and up who are signed up and
                                                                                                     Saturday, April 13
running the Gate River Run. Members running the race from The River Club, The Lodge & Club,
and Ponte Vedra Inn & Club will join us for the Pasta Dinner. Additional guests or non-runners       Sips & Safari at White Oak
are welcome to join us for dinner at $25 per person. Reservations are required, cancellations        Saturday, April 13
must be made 48-hours in advance, or a charge applies. All last minute registrants have access
to the Gate Hospitality tent on race day but will not receive a team t-shirt. Contact the Fitness    High 5 Guyz Game Night
Center at 904.739.7023 for information and to register for the race and dinner.                      Tuesday, April 16

                                                                                                     Easter Brunch
                                                                                                     Sunday, April 21

                                                                                                     Wine Tasting
                                                                                                     Tuesday, April 23

         Mobile App                                                                                  NFL Draft Happy Hour
                                                                                                     Thursday, April 25
    Treat your mind, body and soul to one of our
                                                                                                     Thursday, April 25
    luxurious spa packages. Unwind into pure relaxation
    at The Spa at Ponte Vedra Inn & Club where you                                                   Club Closed for Private Event
    can seep into a sublime atmosphere of indulgence                                                 (for dinner only)
    surrounded by stunning views. Dozens of pampering                                                Friday, April 26
               treatments, are just a click away.


Mr. Bartley & Dr. Little-Bartley              Nicolas Kallivayalil                          Members
Celebrating Valentine's Day                   at Family Movie Night                         at the Totally 80s Murder Mystery
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club
CALENDAR                                                                         River Club
                        OF THE                                                                        Board Of
                       ARTS                                                                           Directors
     RIVER CLUB ARTS & ENTERTAINMENT CALENDAR                                                         2019
The Jacksonville arts and entertainment scene continues to flourish with a variety of performances.
Consider joining us at The River Club for a preshow cocktail or dinner – the views alone are worth    CHAIRMAN
a standing ovation. As a convenience, The River Club gladly provides members complimentary            Donald H. Horner III
          transportation to and from the Times-Union Center and The Florida Theatre.
                                                                                                      VICE CHAIRMAN
                       FLORIDA THEATRE                                                                Daniel Bean

                Join us for pre-dinner and drinks before a show at the Florida Theatre!               IMMEDIATE
                                 For more information, call 355.2787.                                 PAST CHAIRMAN
         Terri Clark, Pam Tillis and Suzy Bogguss: Chicks with Hits Tour | Friday, March 1            Robert L . Wood, Jr.

            Great Guitar Gathering with the John Jorgenson Quintet | Saturday, March 2                Herbert H. Peyton
                                    Mardi Gras | Tuesday, March 5
                                                                                                      Lathun Brigman, Jr.
                              Experience Hendrix | Wednesday, March 6
                                                                                                      Bruce A . Chappell
                         The Funniest Night in America | Thursday, March 7
                                     Chris Botti | Friday, March 8                                    Timothy Cost

                                    Clay Walker | Saturday, March 9                                   Daniel J. Davis
                               American Girl Live! | Thursday, March 14
                                                                                                      Lisa D. Gufford
                                  Get The Led Out | Friday, March 15
                      Little Feat 50th Anniversary Tour | Wednesday, March 20                         Robert M. Harris

                  Tiffany Jenkins: This Show is Awkward AF | Thursday, March 21                       Charles Kauff man
                Little River Band with Special Guest Pablo Cruise | Friday, March 22
                                                                                                      Sandra C. Ramsey
                                    Buddy Guy | Saturday, March 23
                           Bob Weir and Wolf Bros | Wednesday, March 27
                  The Rippingtons at the WJCT Sound Studio | Thursday, March 28
                                 Punch Brothers | Thursday, March 28

                  TIMES UNION CENTER
                  Jacksonville Symphony: Symphony Gala 2019 | Saturday, March 2                       One Independent Drive
                                                                                                      Suite 3500
               Jacksonville Symphony: JSYO Festival of Strings | Wednesday, March 6                   Jacksonville, FL 32202
                             Steven Curtis Chapman | Thursday, March 7                                Phone: 354-1111
                    Jacksonville Symphony: Cherish The Ladies | Friday, March 8             
                   Jacksonville Symphony: Cherish The Ladies | Saturday, March 9                      For Accounting
                          Rain: A Tribute to the Beatles | Saturday, March 9                          questions, please
                                                                                                      call 273-7754
                Rhythm & Romance Tour Presented by Miles Jaye | Saturday, March 9
                             Waitress – Tuesday | Saturday March 12 – 16                              Like our Facebook page!
            Jacksonville Symphony: Verdi’s Requiem | Friday & Saturday March 15 – 16
                        Florida Forum Speaker Series | Wednesday, March 27
             Jacksonville Symphony: Ella and Frank | Friday & Saturday March 29 – 30
MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club
Chris A. Miller, General Manager
Kimberly Patterson Younkin, Director of Membership
Sydney Scheiding, Member Relations Manager
Linda Henry, Director of Catering Sales
Darek Stennes, Executive Chef
Michael Greenan, Dining Room Manager
Jeremy Bonifas, Banquet Manager
Molly Lozano, Marketing Coordinator

                                                                      MARCH 2019
      Sun                    Mon                     Tue                   Wed                   Thurs                       Fri                    Sat
                                                                                                                     1                      2
      VISIT US ONLINE AT                                                                                                    Live Music             Live Music
                                                                                                                         5:30 – 8:30 p.m.       5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                                                                                                                     Friday Night Buffet
                                                                                                                         5:30 - 9 p.m.        Prime Rib Buffet
       Dining Events         Club Events                                                                                                    Saturday | 5:30-9 p.m.
                                                                                                                         Friday Nighter
                                                                                                                            5 - 8 p.m.

 3                     4                       5                     6                       7                       8                      9
                           Two for One             Tapas Tuesday      Live Music 5 –7 p.m.    Tini & Taco Thursday          Live Music             Live Music
                           Lunch Buffet              4:30-7 p.m.                                                         5:30 – 8:30 p.m.       5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                        11:30 a.m. - 2 p.m.                               Wine Down               Speaker Series
                                                     Ties & Tees          Wednesday          11:30 a.m. Networking   Friday Night Buffet      Prime Rib Buffet
                                                      5:30 p.m.                                 12 p.m. Luncheon         5:30 - 9 p.m.
                                                                     Whiskey Wednesday                                                      Saturday | 5:30-9 p.m.

                                                                        Gate River Run                                                          Gate River Run
                                                                     Pasta Dinner at EFYCC

 10                    11                      12                    13                      14                      15                     16
                              Two for One          Tapas Tuesday     Live Music 5 –7 p.m.    Tini & Taco Thursdays          Live Music             Live Music
                             Lunch Buffet            4:30-7 p.m.                                                         5:30 – 8:30 p.m.       5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                           11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.                              Wine Down                Book Club
                                               Waitress Cast Party        Wednesday                  6 p.m.          Friday Night Buffet      Prime Rib Buffet
                                                                                                                         5:30 - 9 p.m.      Saturday | 5:30-9 p.m.
                                                 10 - 11:30 p.m.
                                                                     Whiskey Wednesday

 17                    18                      19                    20                      21                      22                     23
                              Two for One          Tapas Tuesday      Live Music 5 –7 p.m.   Tini & Taco Thursdays          Live Music             Live Music
                             Lunch Buffet            4:30-7 p.m.                                                         5:30 – 8:30 p.m.       5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                           11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.                              Wine Down          Mix & Mingle Mixology
                                                       Trivia             Wednesday                6:30 p.m.         Friday Night Buffet      Prime Rib Buffet
                                                     6:30 p.m.                                                           5:30 - 9 p.m.      Saturday | 5:30-9 p.m.
                                                                     Whiskey Wednesday

 24                    25                      26                    27                      28                      29                     30
                              Two for One          Tapas Tuesday      Live Music 5 –7 p.m.   Tini & Taco Thursdays          Live Music             Live Music
                             Lunch Buffet            4:30-7 p.m.                                                         5:30 – 8:30 p.m.       5:30 – 8:30 p.m.
                           11:30 a.m.-2 p.m.                              Wine Down               Network-Tini
                                                   Wine Tasting           Wednesday                5:30 p.m.         Friday Night Buffet      Prime Rib Buffet
                                                    6:30 p.m.                                                            5:30 - 9 p.m.      Saturday | 5:30-9 p.m.
                                                                     Whiskey Wednesday

MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club MARCH 2019 Membership News and Happenings - The River Club
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