MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library

MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library
          MARCH 2015
                  FREE programs and events
MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library
              9 am - 9 pm
              9 am - 6 pm
                                                                   Covington Library
Sat.          10 am - 5 pm
                                                        502 Scott Boulevard, Covington, KY 41011 • (859) 962-4060
Sun.          1 pm - 5 pm
                                                  *Registration required. Go online or call 962-4071 for adult and teen programs, 962-4077 for children’s.

Everyone                                    Coders and Makers Club
                                            • Thursday, March 12, 6-7:30 pm
                                                                                   ROK Cincy:
                                                                                   Hansel and Gretel
March Mania Book 		                           We will demo a 3D printer and        Saturday, March 21, 2-3 pm              		Fridays,
                                              share how to use MacBooks, Pho-      Join us for a special showing              1-3:30 pm
Tournament @ the Library                      toshop, a professional microphone    of the fairy tale Hansel & Gretel          Join us every
February 1-28; Voting in March
                                              and more to complete your maker      by Roundabout Opera for Kids,             Friday for a
March Madness is approaching, but
                                              projects.                            ROK Cincy.                                matinee movie.
why should basketball fans have all
                                            • Thursday, March 26, 6-7:30 pm
the fun?! Thirty-two of your favorite
                                              Share new projects and updates.                                              Covington Writers Group
Adult/YA books of 2014 will go head-
to-head in a battle to crown a book
                                              We will continue planning for the
                                              Kinetic Festival in April.
                                                                                   Adults                                  Saturdays, March 7 & 21, 11 am-1 pm
                                                                                                                           Come and share your work and learn
champion. Fill out a bracket to predict                                            One-on-One E-Reader
the winnners and a chance to win a                                                                                         from other local writers.
                                            Pictures with the                      and Tablet Help
grand prize. Brackets are due to the
Library by February 28 via email or           Easter Bunny                         All month long in March                 Author Visit: Jan’a Sullivan
                                                            Saturday,              Call 962-4073 to set up an hour-long    and Quintessa Turner
handed to a reference desk. Then
                                                            March 21, 1-2 pm       one-on-one appointment for help with    Saturday, March 7, 1-2:30 pm
vote for the round victors to enter
                                                           Free pictures with      your e-readers and tablets.             Jan’a Sullivan, author of “Taking Wifey
for the weekly raffle prize. Submit
your brackets or questions to                            the Easter Bunny. You                                             to the Grave,” and Quintessa Turner,                                bring the camera, we’ll   Book Discussions                        author of “The Devil Was Once an
See website for details.                                 provide the background    • Telling Stories:                      Angel,” will be at the Covington
                                                          and treats — we’ll         “Beautiful Ruins”                     branch discussing and signing their
                                                           have storytime and        Tuesday, March 3, 7-8 pm              books.
                                                            activities too.        • Foul Play Mystery Book Club:
                                                                                     “Devil in the White City”             Genealogy Tech: Using
                                                                                     Wednesday, March 11, 1-2 pm           World Vital Records*
                                                                                   • Civil War Book Club: “March”          Monday, March 9 & Wednesday,
                                                                                     Saturday, March 14, 1-2 pm            March 11, 1-2 pm
Improve Your Computer Skills!                                                      • Classic Book Discussion: “The
                                                                                     Autobiography of Malcolm X”
                                                                                                                           Learn how to get the most from this
                                                                                                                           valuable database.
                                                                                     Wednesday, March 18, 7-8 pm
                                                                                     Pick up your copy of the book at
*Registration is required for these classes. Please phone                                                                  KYNECT Signup and Help
                                                                                     the reference desk.
the number listed or visit                                                                   Tuesday, March 10, Noon-2 pm &
                                                                                                                           Thursday, March 26, 4-6 pm
                                                                                   AARP Tax Aide                           A KYNECTOR will be on hand to help
      Register (859) 962-4071 or                      Wednesdays, 9 am-Noon                   guide you through the process of
                                                                                   AARP Tax Aide Service. Taxes pre-
First Time Computer                        E-mail Use*                             pared by AARP Volunteers. First come,
                                                                                                                           signing up for health care through the
Users*                                     Tuesday, March 10, 10 am-Noon           first served.
                                                                                                                           Kentucky Exchange.
Tuesday, March 3, 10 am-Noon
If you have never turned on the            Microsoft Word*                                                                 Movie Night for
                                                                                   One-on-One Genealogy                    National Women and
computer then this is the place for you.   Part 1: Thursday, March 19,
                                                                                   Research Assistance                     Girls Testing Day
                                           10 am-Noon
                                                                                   Thursday, March 5 & Tuesday,
Exploring the Internet*                    Part 2: Thursday, March 26, 		                                                  Thursday, March 12, 6-8:30 pm
                                                                                   March 17, 10 am-2 pm
Part 1: Thursday, March 5,                 10 am-Noon                                                                      Join us for a film, sponsored by the
                                                                                   Call (859) 962-4070 to reserve a one-
10 am-Noon                                                                                                                 Northern Kentucky Health Department,
                                                                                   hour session to discuss resources and
Part 2: Thursday, March 12,                Microsoft PowerPoint *                  search strategies for your genealogy
                                                                                                                           in honor of National Women and Girls
10 am-Noon                                 Part 1: Tuesday, March 24,                                                      Testing Day. There will be a discussion
                                           10 am-Noon                                                                      after the movie.
E-mail Creation and                        Part 2:Tuesday, March 31,
                                                                                   Hong Kong Action Theater
Access*                                    10 am-Noon
                                                                                   Thursdays, March 5 & 19, 1-3 pm
                                                                                                                           Covington Advisory
Monday, March 9, 9-11 am                                                                                                   Panel
                                                                                   Join us for some of the best

                                           Basic Microsoft Excel*                  Martial Arts and Wuxia films.
                                                                                                                           Thursday, March 19, 6-7 pm
                                           Wednesday, March 25, 10 am-Noon                                                 Open feedback session with Library
                                                                                   3/5: “Last Hurrah for Chivalry”
                                                                                                                           staff, refreshments provided. All are
                                                                                   3/19: “Butterfly Sword”
                                                                                                                           welcome to attend.
MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library
Awesome Art Afternoon*
                                                                                      Grades 1-5                                  Preschool
     3D Printing
                                                                                      Fridays, 4-4:45 pm
                                                                                      Develop your young artist’s skills and
                                                                                      passion each week as we learn from
     Tuesday, March 10, 4 pm                                                          the masters, old and new, through
                                                                                                                                  Preschool Storytime
     Learn about 3D printers                                                          great reads and a hands-on project.
                                                                                                                                  Ages 3-5: Caregiver required
     and print a small                                                                                                            Tuesdays, 10-10:45 am
     St. Patrick’s Day coin!                                                          Science Time                                Join us for stories, songs and
                                                                                      Grades K-5                                  activities designed to develop key
                                                                                      Tuesdays, March 10 & 24, 4-5 pm             early literacy skills while having
Military Research                          Pi Day                                     Listen to stories and perform a fun         fun at the Library!
Workshop*                                  Saturday, March 14, 1:45-2:45 pm           science experiment.
Saturday, March 21, 9 am-4 pm              Celebrate this never-ending number
Nationally-known genealogist and           (3.14159...) and Einstein’s birthday!
                                                                                                                                  Toddler Time
                                                                                      Lego Lab                                    Age 2: Caregiver required
military records expert Craig Scott will   Participate in pi-related activities and   Grades K-5                                  Tuesdays, 11-11:45 am
discuss researching ancestors who          enjoy a slice of pie.                      Thursdays, March 12 & 26, 4-5 pm            Toddlers, bring your favorite
served in the American Revolution,                                                    We provide the Legos — you provide          adult to share books, songs and
the War of 1812, and the Civil War         Teen Advisory Board                        the engineering skills and creativity.      activities just for 2-year-olds.
during this all-day workshop.              Wednesday, March 25, 4-5 pm
                                           Your opinion rocks, so voice it!           Library Playgroup
Congenealogy                                                                                                                      Family Storytime
                                                                                      Ages 0-4; Caregiver Required                Ages 0-5: Caregiver required
Monday, March 23, 6:30-8 pm                Animanga Club                              Saturday, March 14, 10 am-Noon              Wednesdays, 7-7:45 pm
Joyce Foley, with the Florence Wom-        Monday, March 30 & Tuesday,                Meet up with area parents while the         Stories, songs, fingerplays and
an’s Club, will present on the Boone       March 31, 6-8 pm                           children play! The Library provides         fun followed by playtime.
County Barn Quilt Trail and share          Fan faves and Crunchyroll rotation,        toys and books, coffee for parents and
stories about the quilts and barns.        Japanese crafts, manga art and             a small snack for the children.
                                                                                                                                  Babes in Storyland
                                                                                                                                  Ages 0-1: Caregiver required
Genealogy Tech: Using                                                                 Homespun: First Aid Fun                     Thursdays, 10-10:45 am
Newspaper Databases*                                                                  Homeschoolers, Grades K-6
                                                                                                                                  Share stories, songs, sign
Tuesday, March 24, 6:30-7:30 pm                                                       Monday, March 16, 1:30-2:30 pm              language, fingerplays and
Learn about the many online 		                                                        March is National Red Cross Month.          playtime!
newspapers available for searching.        Puppy Tales                                Join us as we learn about Clara Barton
                                           Grades: K - 6                              and the organization she founded.
Unraveled: The Crochet                     Sunday, March 1, 2-4 pm                    We’ll learn some basic first aid tips
                                                                                                                                  Ages 2-6: Caregiver required
and Knitting Social Club*                  Read to a real dog, earn a certificate     and make a simple first aid kit.
                                                                                                                                  Fridays, 10-11 am
Wednesday, March 25, 7-8 pm                and enter a raffle to win your own
                                           toy reading companion. Drawings                                                        Enjoy stories, songs, and a
Learn how to crochet or knit or just                                                  Terrariums in Containers                    hands-on art project. Dress to be
bring your current project and meet        are held twice a year in June and          Grades 3-5
                                           December.                                                                              comfy and get messy!
other stitchers for tips, conversation,                                               Tuesday, March 31, 1 pm
and fun. All skill levels are welcome.                                                Add some green to your home with a
                                           Curious Coders                             terrarium. Supplies provided.
Irish Heritage Month 		                    Grades 3-6
Music — Cincinnati                         Mondays, 4-5 pm                            Spring Break Reading
                                           Learn how to speak computer.               Challenge
Harpers Robin
                                           Whether you’re a beginner or expert        Grades K-6
Saturday, March 28, 1-2 pm
                                           hacker, join us for games, projects,       March 27 - April 5
In celebration of Irish Heritage Month
                                           and all things coding.                     Pick up your reading log at the Library
and all things Celtic, the Cincinnati
Harpers Robin will perform a set of                                                   then read or listen to five books and
tunes from the various Celtic lands.
                                           Engineering Club                           return your log for a prize and a raffle
                                           Tuesdays, March 3, 17 & 31 4-5 pm             entry. Complete as many book
                                           Come design Brush-Bots and put                            logs as you like for extra
Teens                                      your building skills to the test!                           raffle entries. All logs
                                                                                                         are due by 5 pm on
GRADES 6-12 UNLESS                         COV Club                                                      Sunday, April 5.
OTHER WISE INDICATED                       Grades 1-6
                                           Wednesdays, 3:30-4:30 pm                                 Spring Break
Teen Tech Week                             Drop in after school for
March 8-14, 2-5 pm                                                                                 Pizza Party
                                           music, board games, video                            Grades 1-6
Drop by the TeenSpace during Teen

                                           games, snacks, and more fun                   Monday, March 30, 1-2 pm
Tech Week for your free pair of            activities — it’s your club!
earbuds.                                                                              Kick off spring break with pizza and
MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library
             9 am - 9 pm
             10 am - 5 pm
                                                        William E. Durr Branch
Sun.         1 pm - 5 pm                    1992 Walton-Nicholson Rd., Independence, KY 41051•(859) 962-4030
                                             *Registration required. Go online or call 962-4031 for adult and teen programs, 962-4032 for children’s.

Everyone                                handed to a Reference Desk. Then
                                        vote for the round victors to enter
March Mania Book 		                     for the weekly raffle prize. Submit
                                        your brackets or questions to
Tournament @ the Library      
February 1-28; Voting in March
                                        See website for details.
March Madness is approaching, but
why should basketball fans have
all the fun?! Thirty-two of your
favorite Adult/YA books of 2014
will go head-to-head in a battle
to crown a book champion.
Fill out a bracket to
predict the winnners
and a chance to win a
grand prize. Brackets                                                            Tap your feet and clap your hands to the lively steps of the
are due to the Library by                                                        Erickson Academy of Irish Dance! Saturday, March 21.
February 28 via email or
                                                                              Post St. Patrick’s Day Feast                Lunch and Learn
                                                                              and Celebration*                            for Seniors*

Improve Your Computer Skills!                                                 Saturday, March 21, 6 pm
                                                                              Tap your feet and clap your hands to
                                                                                                                          Monday, March 2, Noon-2 pm
                                                                                                                          Enjoy lunch while learning about topics
                                                                              the lively steps of the Erickson Academy    of interest to seniors.
                                                                              of Irish Dance! The Riley School of Irish
*Registration is required for these classes. Please phone
the number listed or visit
                                                                              Music performs a spirited session of        Weekly GED*
                                                                              Irish traditional music. A family-style     Ages 16 to Adult
                                                                              banquet will be served.                     Mondays & Wednesdays, 5-7:30 pm
                                                                                                                          Free GED classes are offered by Gate-
       Register (859) 962-4031 or                School’s Out Movie*                         way Community & Technical College
                                                                              Parent Required                             and the Kenton County Adult Education
                                                                              • Monday, March 30, 1 pm: 		                Program. Call (859) 442-1615 for more
Microsoft PowerPoint*                 Microsoft Publisher*
                                                                                 “Alexander and the Terrible,             information.
Tuesday, March 3, 6:30-8:30 pm        Tuesday, March 17, 6:30-8:30 pm
                                                                                 Horrible, No Good, Very Bad
                                      Learn to make cards, flyers, signs
                                                                                 Day”                                     Adult Book Discussion
Microsoft Word*                       and more with this easy-to-use
                                                                              • Tuesday, March 31, 1 pm: 		               Tuesday, March 3, 7-8:30 pm
Part 1: Thursday, March 5,            design program. We will be making a
                                      card in this class!                        “Disney’s 101 Dalmatians”                Pick up your copy of “The Secret
1:30-3:30 pm                                                                                                              Rooms” by Catherine Bailey or “Wash-
Part 2: Thursday, March 12,                                                                                               ington Square” by Henry James at the
1:30-3:30 pm                          iPad Tips and Tricks
                                      Thursday, March 19, 1:30-3:30 pm        Adults                                      Reference Desk and join us to discuss it.
                                                                                                                          New members are always welcome!
Working with E-mails*                                                         Writer’s Group:
Tuesday, March 10, 6:30-8:30 pm       Using Library Apps*                     Independence Inklings                       Diabetes Support Group*
                                      Tuesday, March 24, 6:30-8:30 pm         Sundays, March 1 & 15, 1:30-4:30 pm         Wednesday, March 4, 6:30-8 pm
One-on-One Photo                      Prerequisite for class: iPad must       Join the Independence Inklings — a          Join the Northern Kentucky Health
Scanning and Editing*                 be updated to the iOS7 operating        critique group for adults who write fic-    Department for tips and resources.
Wednesday, March 11, 1-4 pm           system.                                 tion. Open to writers of all genres and
Meet one on one with a Library                                                skill levels.                               Crafts
staff member for help with scanning   One-on-One Help with
                                                                                                                          • Scarf It Up!: Learn to Crochet*
photos, slides or negatives and       E-Books, Music, and                     Movie vs. Book*                               Thursdays, March 5 & 19,
learn to edit.                        More*                                   Sunday, March 1, 2-3:55 pm                    5-6:30 pm & Saturdays, March 14
                                      Wednesday, March 25, 2-5 pm             Join us for “The Heiress” and come            & 28, 2-3:30 pm
                                      Bring your iPad or other compatible

                                                                              back next week for the book discussion.       Learn the four basic stitches while
                                      device and learn about Zinio            Dessert and beverages provided with           making a scarf. Supplies provided.
                                      magazines, Hoopla, OneClickDigital,     registration.
                                      and others.  
MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library
• Stitchers Night Out
  Thursdays, March 5 & 19,
                                               Solar Energy Workshops
                                               Join local Energy Consultant, Pas-
                                                                                          Teen Tech Week:
                                                                                          Stop Motion Animation                        Preschool
  5-8:30 pm                                    sive Solar Home Designer, and Energy
                                                                                          Tuesday, March 10, 6-8 pm
  Swap patterns, share techniques              Instructor John Robbins to learn about     Ever wondered how cartoons and ani-
  and trade tips on stitches, sweaters         solar energy.                              mated movies are made? Come find out
  and other projects.                          Introduction to Solar at Home*             and make your own animated short film!       Preschool Story Time
• Scarf It Up!: Learn to Knit*                 Thursday, March 12, 7-8:30 pm                                                           Ages 3-5: Caregiver required
  Thursday, March 5, 6-7:30 pm &               Learn about various types of solar         Fandom Friday: 		                            Tuesdays, 10:30-11 am
  Saturday, March 28, 2-3:30 pm                typical in the Ohio Valley, including                                                   Join us for music, stories, move-
                                                                                          Anime Club
  Learn to make a scarf.                       solar heating (air and water) and solar                                                 ment and laughs with Joel the
                                                                                          Friday, March 13, 6-8 pm
• Make It With Jackie: Greeting                electricity.                                                                            Singing Librarian.
                                                                                          We’ll watch anime and eat pizza.
  Cards*                                       Small Stand-alone Solar Electric*
  Sunday, March 8, 2-4 pm &                    Thursday, March 26, 7-8:30 pm                                                           Toddler Time
                                                                                          Late Night Gaming
  Tuesday, March 17, 7-8 pm                    Learn about designing and sizing a                                                      Ages 2-3: Caregiver required
                                                                                          Friday, March 20, 9-11 pm
  Learn how to make personalized               small solar electric system, including                                                  Tuesdays, 7-7:30 pm
                                                                                          We’ll have video games, pizza, assorted
  greeting cards. Open to teens in the         major components and batteries. Focus                                                   Toddlers and their favorite adult are
                                                                                          board games and be as loud as we
  sixth grade and up with an adult.            of this presentation will be very small                                                 invited to a special storytime just
                                                                                          want (well, almost) since the Library will
• Open Crafts                                  systems, including tiny PVs for charging                                                for them.
                                                                                          be closed.
  Saturdays, March 14 & 28, 		                 common portable batteries and elec-
  10 am-4 pm                                   tronic devices which contain their own                                                  Babes in StoryLand
  Open crafting time.
• Quilting Basics*
                                               internal batteries.
                                                                                          Children                                     Ages 0-2: Caregiver required
                                                                                                                                       Wednesdays, 7-7:30 pm
  Saturdays, March 14 & 28, 		                 One-on-One Genealogy                       Puppy Tales*                                 Bring your baby to the Library for
  10:30 am-12:30 pm                            Assistance*                                Ages 5-12; Grades K-6                        language enrichment with stories,
  Instructors will teach basic quilting        Wednesday, March 18, 1-5 pm                Tuesdays in March, 5:30-6:45 pm              songs, rhymes and playtime.
  techniques while participants cre-           Meet one-on-one with a Library staff       Read one-on-one to a dog who loves to        PreWalkers: Thursdays, 9:30-10
  ate a quilt block. Call for supply list.     member for help with genealogy             hear stories!                                am
                                               resources such as Ancestry Library Edi-                                                 Walkers: Thursdays, 10:30-11 am
Mah Jongg Madness*                             tion,, Heritage Quest,    Homeschooler’s Club:                         Limited to first 15 babies in at-
Mondays, March 9 & 23, 1-4 pm                  etc. Classes are geared toward begin-      Eggcellent Eggs*
Games are played with the 2014                 ner and intermediate researchers.          Ages 5-12; Grades K-6
National Mah Jongg League cards                                                           Wednesday, March 4, 10:30-11:30 am           Playart
and rules.                                     Digital Photography*                       We’ll learn who lays eggs, how to            Ages 2-6: Caregiver required
                                               Friday, March 27, 6:30-8:30 pm             experiment with them and how to              Thursdays, 1:30-2 pm &
Toastmasters                                   Learn to take dramatic and mysteri-        blow them out and decorate using the         7-7:30 pm; & Fridays,
Mondays, March 9 & 23, 6:45-8:30 pm            ous images using Low Key or Black          Pysanky technique.                           10-10:30 am & 11-11:30 am
Toastmasters help people develop pub-          photography techniques.                                                                 Have fun with art.
lic speaking and leadership skills—with
enjoyment. Just stop in, or for informa-
tion call (859) 802-9320.
Zumba Gold*                                    GRADES 6-12 UNLESS
Wednesdays, March 11, 18 & 25,                 OTHER WISE INDICATED
7-8 pm
                                                                                          Princess Party*
                                               Crafty Free-for-All                        Ages 3-12
Licensed instructor Jean Henry will            Monday, March 2, 6-8 pm                    Saturday, March 7, 2-3 pm
teach a lower impact, easy to follow,          Rainbow Loom! Stuffies! Jewelry!           Your Royal Highness: You are cordially
Latin-inspired dance fitness program.          Papercrafts! We provide the supplies,      invited to a celebration of everything
                                               you provide the creativity.                Princess.

                                                                                          Lego Time
                                                                                          Ages 6-12
                                                   Learn                                  Thursday, March 12, 4:30-5:30 pm
                                                                                          Enjoy an hour of Lego free play!
                                                 how you
                                               can add solar
                                                                                          Sensory Story Time*
                                             to energy to your                            Ages 2-6; Caregiver Required
                                                  home!                                   Saturday, March 14, 11 am-Noon
                                                March 12 &                                Sensory Story time is an interactive pro-
                                                    26.                                   gram designed for children with sensory
                                                                                          integration challenges. The program
                                                                                          combines activities to stimulate the
                                                                                          senses and promote learning.
MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library
             9 am - 9 pm
             10 am - 6 pm
                                                          Erlanger Branch Library
Sun.         1 pm - 5 pm                                 401 Kenton Lands Rd., Erlanger, KY 41018 • (859) 962-4000
                                                  *Registration required. Go online or call 962-4002 for adult and teen programs, 962-4003 for children’s.

Everyone                                    St. Patrick’s Day
                                            Celebration                               Adults                                        Learn nature photography!
                                                                                                                                            March 26
March Mania Book 		                         Saturday, March 7, 2-4 pm                 Book Discussions
Tournament @ the Library                    Enjoy the culture of Ireland through      • Wednesday, March 4, 7 pm
February 1-28; Voting in March              crafts, snacks, a story and dance           “The Dinosaur Feather”
March Madness is approaching, but           performed by The Erickson Academy           by S. J. Gazan
why should basketball fans have all the     of Irish Dance of Cincinnati.             • Thursday, March 19, 2 pm
fun?! Thirty-two of your favorite Adult/                                                “A Star for Mrs. Blake”
YA books of 2014 will go head-to-head       Family Fun Night@ The                       by April Smilth
in a battle to crown a book cham-           Library: 3D Printer Demo
pion. Fill out a bracket to predict the     Monday, March 9, 7-8 pm                   Writers’ Group
winnners and a chance to win a grand        Learn about the new amazing technology    Thursdays, March 5 & 19, 6:30 pm
prize. Brackets are due to the Library      of 3D printing.                           Give and share feedback in this writing
by February 28 via email or handed to                                                 group for writers of all genres. New
a Reference Desk. Then vote for the         Friends of KCPL Used                      members welcome!
round victors to enter                      Book Sale
for the weekly raffle prize. Submit         Sunday, March 15- Saturday,               Knitting with Scarf it Up!*
your brackets or questions to               March 21                                  Thursdays, March 5 & 19, 7 pm                   Purchase gently used books, movies        Learn to knit or bring your own project.
See website for details.                    and music at discounted prices.           Please bring size 10.5 needles and thick
                                                                                      and chunky yarn.
Family Fun Night@                           Disney Family Movie                                                                   Open Crafting*
The Library                                 Night@ The Library                        Beginner Yoga                               Saturday, March 14, 10 am-4 pm
Mondays, March 2 & 23, 7-8 pm               • Monday, March 16, 7 pm -                Tuesday, March 10, 7 pm                     Knitting: 10:30 am-Noon
Join Miss Maria for games, activities         “Aladdin”                               Join us for a beginner session that will    Purling: 1:30-3 pm
and snacks. Fun for the whole family!       • Monday, March 30 7 pm -                 stretch and strengthen your body as well    Crocheting: 2-3:30 pm
                                              “Finding Nemo”                          as calm your mind. Please bring your
                                                                                      own yoga mat or towel.                      Active For Life!
                                                                                                                                  Tuesdays, March 24 & 31 & Thursday,

Improve Your Computer Skills!                                                         Portrait Photography*
                                                                                      Thursday, March 12, 6-8 pm
                                                                                                                                  March 26, 9:30-10:30 am
                                                                                                                                  Increase your strength, flexibility, energy
                                                                                      Learn how to take the perfect portraits     level, and overall health in this biweekly
                                                                                      using any camera. We will discuss light-    exercise program for older adults.
*Registration is required for these classes. Please phone
the number listed or visit                              ing, the perfect poses and basic editing.
                                                                                      Bring your own camera.                      Classic Movie Matinee
                                                                                                                                  Wednesday, March 25, 1 pm
                                                                                      Beer Brewing 101                            This month watch and discuss, “The
       Register (859) 962-4002 or
                                                                                      Thursday, March 12, 7 pm                    Treasure of the Sierra Madre.”
Saving Your Files, and                     DigiCart Open Hours*                       Learn the basics of making delicious        Cosponsored by Madonna Manor.
Organizing Your PC*                        Thursdays, March 5 & 19, 5-7 pm            beer at home with Ray Gerdes of the
Tuesday, March 3, 6:30-8:30 pm             Join us for open DigiCart hours! Use       Bloatarian Brewing League.                  Nature Photography*
                                           our Macbooks preloaded with Adobe                                                      Thursday, March 26, 6-8 pm
Makerspace March: 		                       Creative Suites (Photoshop, Illustrator,   Daytime Writers                             Join us outdoors (weather permitting)
3D Printer Demo*                           etc.) to work on projects and more! A      Fridays, March 13 & 27, 10:30 am-Noon       to learn all about taking photographs of
Wednesday, March 4, 6:30-8:30 pm           technology specialist will be on hand to   A new daytime group for writers, featur-    natural elements such as landscapes,
Join us for a family fun night of 3D       assist you with your creative projects.    ing virtual instructions from writing       wildlife, plants and more! We will discuss
printing!                                                                             professionals!                              using natural lighting, photographing
                                           Should You Build Your                                                                  and basic editing. Bring your camera.
                                           Own Computer?*                             Film Friday
                                           Tuesday, March 17, 6:30-8:30 pm            Matinee: Friday, March 13, 1 pm             Blockbuster Theater!

                                           In this class we will take a look at all   Evening Showing: Friday, March 13, 6 pm     Friday, March 27, 6 pm
                                           the components of the computer, and        This month, watch and discuss the           Join us for a popular NEW RELEASE
                                           talk about where you can get parts to      critically acclaimed film “The Theory of    movie and free popcorn. Most films are
                                           build your very own computer.              Everything.” Rated PG-13.                   rated PG-13 or R.
MARCH 2015 calendar Kenton County Public Library
Writers Workshop:
Begin at the Beginning*
                                            STEAM Explorers*
                                            Thursday, March 26, 7-8 pm
                                                                                        Friday Fitness Zumba Kids*
                                                                                        Ages 7-11                                    Preschool
Saturday, March 28, 10:30 am-5 pm           This month we’ll explore programming        Fridays, March 6, 2:15-3 pm
Join us for this all-day workshop, cen-     and circuitry skills. Use this technol-     Children ages 7-11 will enjoy Zumba
tered around the hardest part of a new      ogy to turn everyday objects into a         Kids with instructor Mary Rider of Move
project: the beginning.                     touchpad, in this class we will be using    Your Body Fitness.                           Babes in Storyland
• Getting Published: My Rookie              the Makey Makey and playdoh as a                                                         Ages 0-2: Caregiver required
                                                                                                                                     Mondays, 10 am & Tuesdays,
    Year with D.O. Allen - 10:30 am         controller to play Super Mario!             Princess Dress-Up
• Starting Anew: Changing                                                                                                            9:30 am & 10:30 am
                                                                                        Ages 3-6; Caregiver Required
                                                                                                                                     We will share books, rhymes, and
    Genres with P. Andrew Miller -          Pokemon Club                                Sunday, March 8, 2-4 pm
    1:30 pm                                                                                                                          songs, and enjoy toy time together.
                                            Monday, March 30, 6-8 pm                    Wear your fancy dress and come at your
• Beginning Your Novel with                 Bring your Pokemon cards, Gameboy,          leisure to make beautiful princess ac-
    Stephen Leigh - 3:30 pm                 DSi, or 3DS to play, trade, and battle      cessories, decorate a cookie and have        Rise N Shine
                                                                                        your nails painted.                          Ages 2-5: Caregiver required
                                            Pokemon with other gamers!
                                                                                                                                     Mondays, 11 am

Teens                                                                                   Taekwondo Gym Class for                      Listen to stories and rhymes and

GRADES 6-12 UNLESS 		                       Children                                    Homeschoolers
                                                                                        Ages 5-12; Caregiver Required
                                                                                                                                     dance and color. Limited to 40
                                                                                                                                     children in attendance.
OTHER WISE INDICATED                        Reading Buddies                             Tuesday, March 10, 1-2 pm
Teen Lounge                                 Ages 2-12                                   Learn new skills and a cool way to work
                                                                                                                                     Bedtime Stories
                                            Mondays, 4:30-6 pm &                                                                     Ages 2-5: Caregiver required
Mondays and Wednesdays, 4:30-6 pm                                                       out with Mike Dominach.
                                            Saturday, March 7, Noon-2 pm                                                             Tuesdays, 7 pm
Hang out after school with friends, food,
                                            Enjoy reading with our adult reading                                                     Wear your pajamas to an evening
games, and more!
                                            buddy volunteers, and have some pizza                                                    program with stories, singing,
                                            and a prize, too. Perfect for any child                                                  dancing and art.
Makerspace March:
3D Printing                                 who wants a little extra reading practice
                                            during the week.                                                                         Toddler Time
Monday, March 2, 6-7:30 pm
                                                                                                                                     Ages 2-3: Caregiver required
Learn about 3D printing and print a
small St. Patrick’s Day coin!               LEAP for Health*                            Wonders of Wildlife!                         Wednesdays, 10 & 11 am
                                            Grades K-2                                                                               Join us for stories, singing, dancing
                                                                                        Ages 6-12
                                            Tuesdays & Fridays, 4 pm                                                                 and art. Limited to the first 40
Spontaneous Wednesdays                                                                  Thursday, March 12, 7 pm
                                            Join nutrition specialists from the UK                                                   children in attendance.
Wednesdays, 6-8 pm                                                                      Celebrate Wildlife Week with stories,
It’s a scheduled, spontaneous good          Cooperative Extension Service and LEAP      activities, games and more.
                                            for Health to learn how to stay healthy,                                                 Playart
time! Play games, watch a movie, make
                                                                                                                                     Ages 2-6: Caregiver required
a craft, or whatever we decide to do.       be physically active, and eat more fruits   Puppy Tales*
                                            and vegetables, low-fat dairy products,                                                  Wednesdays, 1:30 & 7 pm
                                                                                        Grades 1-6; Caregiver Required
                                            and whole grains.                                                                        & Fridays, 10 & 11:30 am
Teen Tech Week:                                                                         Sunday, March 15, 2-4 pm
                                                                                                                                     Enjoy stories, songs and a
Earbud Giveaway                                                                         Read to a dog. Each child will receive a
                                            Crafternoons                                                                             craft each week.
March 9-14                                                                              certificate with a photo of themselves
                                            Ages 6-12                                   with the dog they read to.
Teens may stop by the Reference Desk
                                            Wednesdays, 4 pm                                                                         Kindergarten,
to pick up a pair of free ear buds in
celebration of YALSA’s Teen Tech Week!
                                            March 4: Pets                               Lego Club                                    Here I Come!
                                            March 11: 3D Printer Demo                   Ages 5-12                                    Ages 3-5
One pair per person, please.
                                            March 18: Spring Things                     Thursdays, March 19 & 26, 4-5 pm             Thursdays, 10 & 11:30 am
                                            March 25: Craft Free For All                Bring your imagination and challenge         Join us as we use stories, rhymes,
Teen Celtic Crafts
                                            See website for details.                    yourself in this Lego club. We will work     songs and activities to help prepare
Monday, March 16, 6-8:30 pm
                                                                                        on both individual and team creations.       for kindergarten.
Join us in celebration for St. Patrick’s
Day as we craft bracelets, necklaces or
                                            Trees, Please!
                                            Ages 6-12                                   Pizza Party!
rope using Celtic knots.
                                            Thursday, March 5, 7 pm                     Ages 6-12
                                            Celebrate the returning green of spring     Grab some friends, enjoy some stories,
Teen Advisory Board
                                            with a look at trees. Hear tree stories,    and share some pizza!
Monday, March 23, 6-7:30 pm
                                            create a tree craft and be a tree.
Share your thoughts and suggestions
about the library’s services, collection,                                               Flora and Fauna*
and programs with the Teen Librarian.
                                            Friday Fitness Zumba 		                     Ages 5-12
                                            Kids JR*                                    Friday, March 20, 7 pm
                                            Ages 4-6                                    Join Mr. Dustin for interesting activities
Anime Club
                                            Fridays, March 6, 1:30-2 pm                 built around plants (flora) and animals
Wednesday, March 25, 6-8 pm
                                            Mary Rider of Move Your Body Fitness        (fauna). This STEM program will in-
Watch anime, check out the latest
                                            will lead children ages 4-6 in Zumba        clude activities designed to encourage
manga, and enjoy Japanese snacks!
                                            Kids JR!                                    inquiry and creativity.
                                                                                                Listings continued on back cover
Covington Library
502 Scott Boulevard                                                                                                                       NONPROFIT ORG.
Covington, KY 41011                                                                                                                         U.S. POSTAGE
Phone: (859) 962-4060
                                                                                                                                          CINCINNATI, OHIO
Durr Branch Library
                                                                                                                                          PERMIT NO. 1611
1992 Walton-Nicholson Road
Independence, KY 41051
Phone: (859) 962-4030                                                                                                               Electronic Service Requested

Erlanger Branch Library
401 Kenton Lands Road
Erlanger, KY 41018
Phone: (859) 962-4000

M-Th: 9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Fri.*:     9 a.m. - 9 p.m.
Sat.**     10 a.m. - 5 p.m.
Sun.       1 p.m. - 5 p.m.
* The Covington Library
     closes at 6 p.m. on Friday
** Erlanger open until 6 p.m.
     on Saturday

Erlanger Listings,CONTINUED                 Princess Jasmine

Rhythm & Rhyme:
                                            Dress-Up Party
                                            Ages 7-10
                                                                                                            Online Events
Sensory Storytime*                          Saturday, March 28, 2-4 pm
Ages 2-6: Caregiver Required                Girls wear something blue to this event   Please note: these are online classes and require an Internet and
Saturday, March 21, 11 am                   and you can add accessories such as:
                                            henna, hair braiding with ribbons, and       audio connection from a home, office, or library computer.
This interactive and educational
program is especially designed for          make a Princess Jasmine necklace           It All Adds Up: Saving,               DemographicsNow for
                                            and bracelet.
children with sensory integration                                                      Investing, and Money*                 Market and Competitor
challenges. It combines stories, songs                                                 Thursday, March 19, 6-7:30 pm         Research*
and activities to stimulate the senses      Easter Party                               Learn about saving money, invest-     Tuesday, March 31, 9-10:30 am
and promote learning. If your child         Ages 0-12                                  ing, and personal finance Library     Learn how to use Demographics-
has difficulty sitting through one of the   Sunday, March 29, 1:30 pm                  resources. We’ll add up how much      Now to research population growth,
Library’s other storytimes, this may be     Visit with the Easter Bunny from 1:30-     you can save using the Library.       location, retail sales potential,
a better fit for him or her.                2:30; don’t forget your camera! Enjoy
                                                                                                                             your competitors and much more.
                                            a magic show from 3-4. We’ll have
                                                                                                                             Explore MOSAIC market segments
Homeschool: All About the Art*              crafts and face painting, too!
                                                                                                                             in-depth in your geographic focus
Ages 7-12                                                                                                                    and data to target your message
Tuesday, March 24, 1-2:30 pm                Disney Family Movie                                                              based on your customers’ lifestyle
Enjoy this hands-on session about           Night @ the Library                                                              and attitudes.
watercolors.                                Caregiver Required
                                            Monday, March 30, 7-8:30 pm
Happy Purple Day!                           Tonight’s feature is Finding Nemo.                                       Off Site
Ages 6-12                                   Snacks and drinks will be served.
Thursday, March 26, 7 pm                                                              Coffee with a Librarian: Left Bank Coffeehouse
We’ll celebrate with purple stories, a      Easter Puppet Show                        Thursday, March 5, 11 am-1 pm
purple snack, and very purple crafts!       Ages 2-8; Caregiver Required              Meet Digital Librarian Ann for coffee and a complimentary snack, while sup-
                                            Tuesday, March 31, 7 pm                   plies last. Learn to download e-books, e-magazines, digital music and take
                                            The puppets celebrate spring and          free online classes. Bring your device.
                                            prepare for Easter. Treats provided.
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