March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...

Page created by Virgil Powell
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
March 18 – July 5, 2022
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Ramen–wheat noodles served in soup           Although this exhibition touches on the
with toppings–was introduced to Japan        history and culture of ramen, its primary
in the late 19th century and became          goal is to spotlight the donburi itself.
deeply connected with the culture of         Then, in the hands of thirty artists, the
post-war Japan. Originally Chinese, this ​   bowls serve as blank canvases where
hot noodle soup served in a single bowl      the many possibilities of ramen are
is a fast food that can satisfy hunger for   uniquely expressed. In addition, the
a reasonable price.                          exhibition introduces the region of
                                             Mino in Gifu Prefecture–Japan’s largest
The dish has evolved differently in          producer of porcelain ramen bowls–and
each region of Japan, featuring diverse      its long history of ceramic production,
ingredients and seasonings, and, with        from tea bowls to housewares to
the spread of Japanese food globally,        donburi.
ramen can now be made vegan, halal,
and gluten-free. It’s safe to say that       The exhibition is curated by designer
ramen has become the most popular            Taku Satoh, art writer, editor, and curator
Japanese food in the world.                  Mari Hashimoto, and designed by Taku
                                             Satoh Design Office (TSDO Inc.) in
In Japanese food culture, vessels of         conjunction with the Ceramic Valley
diverse shapes, styles and materials         Association, Mino, Japan. The Art of
appear on dining tables, even for            the Ramen Bowl is presented in three
ordinary meals. However, the bowls           sections, the first in the Sub-Gallery and
used in Japanese ramen shops are often       the second and third in the Main Gallery.
porcelain donburi bowls with almost
uniform dimensions and designs.
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Plastic food samples by Iwasaki Mokei Seizo Co., Ltd.

Section 1
Ingredients and
Section 1 begins with an introduction to                the noodles. Intricate plastic models of
ramen, its history and culture. Here, the               food (including a giant ramen bowl)
anatomy of a bowl of ramen noodles is                   made by Iwasaki Mokei, the renowned
dissected, breaking the dish down to not                manufacturer of Japanese plastic food
only examine the ingredients such as the                samples, and other objects, drawings
noodles, broth, and toppings but also                   and text illustrate the rich diversity and
to reveal insights into the smell, flavor               range of ingredients that make up a bowl
and time taken to eat and appreciate                    of ramen.
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Plastic ramen sample by
Iwasaki Mokei Seizo Co., Ltd.
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Section 2                                              Section 2 explores the uniquely
                                                       Japanese approach to design, to both
Design                                                 decoration and its placement in ceramic
                                                       vessels. This presentation highlights the
                                                       traditional Japanese belief that utilitarian
                                                       vessels can also be works of art. On
                                                       display are thirty porcelain ramen bowls
                                                       (donburi) and spoons (renge) decorated
                                                       by artists, designers and architects
                                                       mostly from Japan. Each is displayed on
                                                       a pedestal as a work of art and includes
                                                       a label with information about the artist
                                                       and their design.

From top to bottom, left to right: Tabaimo, Akira Minagawa, Hisashi Tenmyouya
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Section 3
Skill and Technology
Section 3 introduces the Ceramic                 On display in this exhibition are shards of
Valley of Mino and its tradition as a            historic Mino ceramics, a collection of 90
major Japanese ceramics center that              small Mino porcelain plates (kozara) each
has produced beautiful utilitarian               with a unique design, ten Mino ramen
wares for over 500 years. The section            bowls decorated in the major styles
includes maps, videos and photographs            of Mino ceramics and a collection of
introducing the geography of Mino, its           examples demonstrating contemporary
history, as well as the work and skill of        industrial and artistic ceramic innovation
its ceramic makers.                              from Mino.

From left to right: Taku Satoh, Tadanori Yokoo
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Keiichi Tanaami
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
JAPAN HOUSE is an innovative, worldwide project with three hubs,
                          London, Los Angeles, and Sao Paulo, conceived by the Ministry of Foreign
                          Affairs of Japan. It seeks to nurture a deeper understanding of Japan in the
                          international community. JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles offers a place of new
                          discovery that transcends physical and conceptual boundaries, creating
                          experiences that reflect the best of Japan through its spaces and diverse

                          JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles
                          6801 Hollywood Blvd., Level 2, Los Angeles, CA

Presented by              Curation                        Graphic Design
JAPAN HOUSE Los Angeles   Taku Satoh, TSDO Inc.           Ayame Suzuki and
                          Mari Hashimoto                  Momo Hasegawa, TSDO Inc.
Organized by
TSDO Inc. and             Art Direction                   Curatorial Support
Ceramic Valley Council    Taku Satoh, TSDO Inc.           Akira Tachibana
                                                          Takahiro Tsuchida
Media Sponsor             Exhibition Photography          Gifu Prefectural Ceramics Research Institute
KCRW                      Yusuke Nishibe                  Museum of Modern Ceramic Art, Gifu
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Photos by Hiroshi Tsujitani
(Nacasa & Partners Inc.)
March 18 - July 5, 2022 *Complimentary - JAPAN HOUSE Los ...
Keiichi Tanaami
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