Page created by Marvin Mitchell
Recommended procedures for notifications from professors/instructors

Hamburg University of Applied Sciences

Prof. Amena Ahmad (Faculty of Life Sciences)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Frischgesell (Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science)
Prof. Dr. Thomas Clemen (Faculty of Engineering and Computer Science)

Version: 16 November 2020

Central University Administration:

Inbox monitored by:

Frau Hartung
Frau Kautz
Herr Link

Faculty of Design, Media and Information (DMI): Corona-

Inbox monitored by:
                                                               Faculty of Engineering and Computer Sciences (TI):
Frau Basch                                           
Herr Plaß
Frau Schempp                                                   Inbox monitored by:                                  The corona   SPOCs in the
                                                                                                                              Mailadressen  derfaculties will inform the respective
Herr Stöcker
                                                                                                                    faculty libraries about positive cases to initiate a review of
Herr Swoboda                                                   Herr Flower                                          the library and cafeteria attendance lists.
Frau Wenzel                                                    Frau Oestrup
Herr Willaschek                                                Frau Puchstein
Frau Wittkuhn                                                  Herr Six
                                                                                                                    Email addresses for corona SPOCs in the libraries:
Faculty of Life Sciences (LS):                                                                                      TI Faculty:                                                                                       DMI Faculty:
                                                               Faculty of Business and Social Work (W&S):           W&S Faculty:
Inbox monitored by:                                                                                                 LS Faculty:
                                                                                                                    Studierenden-        mensa@studierendenwerk-
Frau Andree                                                    Inbox monitored by:
Frau Bast
Herr Hoepfner                                                    Frau Lohrentz
Frau Neugebauer                              SERVICE CENTER (ITSC)
Leitung Christina Kautz                                          Herr Metter
Frau Witting                                                     Herr Winkler-Budwasch
                                             Leitung Oliver Frei


                                                                                                                                                                                          Version: 16 Nov. 2020
 Leitung Regina Beuck


                                                                           A HAW Hamburg instructor contacts the SPOC with one of
                                                                           the following inquiries/notifications and asks:
                                                                           ‘May/can/should I come to HAW Hamburg?’

                                                                           How do you answer? What needs to be done?

Situation 1                               Situation 2                                 Situation 3                                Situation 4                                           Notification 5
No known contact,                         Indirect contact                            Positive test result                       Strong suspicion,                                     Positive test result
but non-specific symptoms of illness      E.g. through a person at home who has       Without on-campus presence/contacts        even on the basis of diverse close                    Following on-campus presence and
                                          had contact with a person who tested        at HAW Hamburg                             contacts/non-specific symptoms, of a Covid-           contacts at HAW Hamburg
                                          positive                                                                               19 infection, with time spent at HAW
                                                                                                                                 Hamburg following initial contact

Recommended procedure                     Recommended procedure                       Recommended procedure                                                                            See following slide
                                                                                                                                 Recommended procedure
•   Notification: In the event of non-    Action on part of indirect contact          •   Follow the instructions of the
    specific symptoms such as feeling     person:                                         health authority.                      •   Action: Self-quarantine; entry to all
    unwell, feeling weak and ill, a new   • Entry to HAW Hamburg buildings            •   Action: Entry to all HAW Hamburg           HAW Hamburg buildings (incl. the
    cough, fever (over 37.5°C), loss of      only when absolutely essential (for          buildings (incl. the cafeteria,            cafeteria, libraries, labs, etc.) is prohibited
    sense of taste/smell, etc., a sick       14 days). Entry should take place            libraries, labs, etc.) is prohibited       until presentation of negative Covid-19
    note (Krankschreibung) must be           when there is less activity, the stay        (until a negative Covid-19 PCR test        PCR test result,
    provided.                                should be as brief as possible and           result can be presented or the             or 14 days since contact
•   Action: Entry to all HAW Hamburg         the number of locations should be            health authority ends the                  and no symptoms.
    buildings is prohibited.                 kept to a minimum.                           quarantine).                           •   Teaching sessions: Must be
•   Recommendation: Contact               • Teaching sessions: Online for 14          •   Teaching sessions: Can only be             carried out online.
    general physician, obtain                days where possible.                         carried out online.                    •   Teaching sessions requiring on-campus
    diagnosis and stay home.              • Events requiring on-campus                •   Written examinations: Should be            attendance should be postponed.
                                             attendance (e.g. lab practicals,             invigilated by another person if       •   Examinations: Should be
Communication                                exams, etc.) can be carried out if           possible. Where this is not                invigilated by another person or
•   Information provided to                  the necessary hygiene measures               possible, they must be postponed.          postponed.
    department head and degree               are strictly observed (wearing of
    course coordinator.                      mouth-nose coverings at all times).      Communication                              Communication
•   Where necessary, information                                                      •   Information provided to                •   Information provided to depart-
    provided to students regarding        Communication                                   department head and degree                 ment head and degree
    online format or cancellation of      •   If the instructor has indeed been           course coordinator.                        course coordinator.
    courses.                                  infected (positive Covid-19 PCR         •   Where necessary, information           •   Department head/degree course
PERSONALSERVICE (PS)                                 INFORMATIONSTECHNIK
                                              test), the department head and the          provided to students regarding             coordinator must be informed
Resolution of situation                       coronaSERVICE   CENTER
                                                       SPOC must       (ITSC)
                                                                   be informed            online format, cancellation of             immediately of positive or negative
     No Christina
•Leitung entry toKautz
                  HAW Hamburg                 immediately.                                courses/exams, or postponement             Covid-19 PCR test result.
     buildings until the person has                 Leitung Oliver Frei                   of exams.                              •   Where necessary, information provided
     been symptom-free for two days       Resolution of situation                                                                    to students regarding
     or can present a negative Covid-     •   Person is symptom-free and feels        Resolution of situation                        online format, cancellation of
     19 PCR test result.                      well after 14 days, or can present a    •   Presentation of negative Covid-19          courses/exams, or postponement
                                              negative Covid-19 PCR test result           PCR test result or notification by         of exams.
STUDIERENDENZENTRUM (SZ)                                                                  health authority.

                                                                                                                                                                                                                              Version: 16 Nov. 2020
                                              (for themselves or the contact
                                              person).                                                                           Resolution of situation
Leitung Regina Beuck                                                                                                             •   Presentation of negative Covid-19
                                                                                                                                     PCR test result, or 14 days since contact                                            9
                                                                                                                                     and no symptoms.

                                                      Es geht eine der folgenden Meldungen durch eine*n
                                                                             Notification 5
                                                      Studierende*n der HAW mit der Frage ein: „Darf/Kann/Soll
                                                                          Positive test result
                                                      ich in die HAW kommen?“
                                                                   Following on-campus presence and contacts at
                                                                                  HAW Hamburg

                    Meldung 2     Communication/Recommended procedure
                    Indirekter Kontakt
                                         The infected
                    z.B. über Pers. in häuslicher       person
                                                  Umgebung    - (instructor) is to follow the instructions of the health authority.
                    die/der Kontakt zu •einemThepositiv
                                                  infected  instructor is prohibited from entering all HAW Hamburg buildings.
                    Fall hatte           • The infected instructor informs HAW Hamburg about the infection immediately via
                                       the corona SPOC email address for his/her faculty and via the department head and
                                       degree course coordinator.
                                    • The infected instructor provides the corona SPOC with their contact information and
                                       tel./mobile number.
                                    • The infected instructor provides the corona SPOC with information about all the
                                       events/locations at HAW Hamburg where they have recently spent more than 15
                                    • The infected instructor informs the corona SPOC about all people at HAW Hamburg
                                       (outside of teaching sessions) with whom they have had more than 15 minutes of
                                       contact in the previous week (e.g. in the cafeteria, libraries, administration, colleagues,
                                    • Instructors are requested to coordinate with the corona SPOC and to take
                                       responsibility for informing those people (outside of teaching sessions) with whom
                                       they had more than 15 minutes of contact time (e.g. in the cafeteria) about the
                                       situation and the recommended procedure.
                                    • Teaching sessions must be carried out online or cancelled.
                                    • Teaching sessions that absolutely require on-campus attendance are to be cancelled
                                       and, where possible, held at a later date.
                                    • Exams should be invigilated by another person or postponed.
                                    • All contact people (students/colleagues/employees) who have spent more than 15
                                       minutes in a room with the infected person (e.g. in a teaching session) will be
                                       identified via attendance lists and information from the infected individual, informed
                                       via email, and requested, where possible, to self-quarantine (for 14 days or until the
                                       health authority has contacted them).
                                    • The contact people are requested to wear a mouth-nose covering in public at all times
                                       and to maintain the necessary physical distance from others (1.5 metres).
                                    • Contact people are prohibited from entering any HAW Hamburg buildings (incl. the
                              SERVICE CENTER   (ITSC)
                                       cafeteria  and libraries) for 14 days.

                              Leitung Oliver Frei   of situation
                                      •   For contacts: Presentation of negative Covid-19 PCR test result, or 14 days since
                                          contact with infected person and no symptoms.
                                      •   For infected person: Follow the instructions of the health authority.

                                                                                                                                           Version: 16 Nov. 2020

Corona SPOCs – email addresses:
TI Faculty:
                                                                                           In the case of situations 1,2,3,4 or
DMI Faculty:                                                     Notification 5,
W&S Faculty:                                 the professor/instructor informs the department head.
                                                                                                                                                  Daily situation report
LS Faculty:                                                                                                   provided to Dean‘s Office.
                                                                               In the case of Situation 3 and Notification 5, the faculty’s
                                                                                             corona SPOC is also informed.

                                                                                                                                                  Interface between health authority
                                                                                                                                                  and HAW Hamburg
                                                                                            In the case of Notification 5:
                                                                                                                                                  Responsible for answering questions from the health
                                                                                     responsibilities of the faculty’s corona SPOC
                                                                                                                                                  authority and communicating information from the health
Department head/degree course                                                                                                                     authority within HAW Hamburg.
coordinator takes over communication
with the students, in consultation with instructor,
regarding reorganisation of teaching sessions/exams.
                                                        Communication                       Notification of all contact      Communication with   Communication with
                                                        (written and by phone) with         people (students,                the faculty’s        Studierenden-werk
                                                        instructor                          instructors, employees)          library              in order to review
                                                        in order to identify contacts at    at HAW Hamburg                   in order             cafeteria
In the event of situations 1,2, 3 or 4,                 HAW Hamburg                         who had more than15              to review            attendance lists.
the department head/degree course                       (> 15 min.) and review              minutes of contact with the      attendance lists.
coordinator provides information to the instructor in   attendance lists (teaching          infected person in
accordance with the recommended procedure.              sessions) and to provide            accordance with the
                                                        information in accordance with      recommended procedure.
                                                        the recommended procedure.


Leitung Christina Kautz

                                                                                                                                                                                                            Version: 16 Nov. 2020
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