PELVIC COURSE 6th EUROPEAN 2018 - 7th European Pelvic Course 2018

Page created by Cathy Johnson
PELVIC COURSE 6th EUROPEAN 2018 - 7th European Pelvic Course 2018

2018        MARCH 22nd–24th
PELVIC COURSE 6th EUROPEAN 2018 - 7th European Pelvic Course 2018
© 248548861 l tichr l
PELVIC COURSE 6th EUROPEAN 2018 - 7th European Pelvic Course 2018

Welcome note ............................................................................. 4

General information ...................................................................... 5

Scientific program
      Thursday, 22nd March ............................................................ 6
      Friday, 23rd March ............................................................... 10
      Saturday, 24th March ........................................................... 12

Course dinner           ........................................................................... 14

List of speakers and instructors ................................................... 15

Registration form ......................................................................... 16

Welcome to Hamburg .................................................................. 17

PELVIC COURSE 6th EUROPEAN 2018 - 7th European Pelvic Course 2018

Dear Colleagues,

pelvic and acetabular fracture surgery is still a major challenge even
for the experienced orthopaedic trauma surgeon. Over the years,
several very different surgical procedures have been established
which do require detailed knowledge of the anatomical topography
and architecture of the pelvis. This knowledge is necessary to ensure
a safe and effective application of the different techniques needed
for an optimal outcome in our patients.

Our course aims to in-depth teach participants in cadaveric specimen
the most important surgical approaches to the acetabulum and
pelvic ring. In addition, new instrument sets, reduction aids and
plates will be introduced and demonstrated, and – among other
topics – the technique of surgical hip dislocation in trauma surgery
will be taught ‘hands on’.

Again, renowned international experts in the field of pelvic and
acetabular surgery will be speakers and instructors for the 2018
Hamburg European Pelvic Course.

The main focus of the event will be practical exercises, communi-
cation, learning tips and tricks, technical features and simplifying
steps and methods. A body of knowledge that is most important
for successful pelvic and acetabular fracture surgery and cannot be
transferred in large groups.

Therefore, the number of participants has to be limited as before
to a ratio of 3:1 (participating colleagues per instructor). Thus you
will work directly and intensely with an expert.

We are looking forward to your participation and would be delighted
to meet you in Hamburg.

Best regards

Johannes M. Rueger                       Lars G. Großterlinden

PELVIC COURSE 6th EUROPEAN 2018 - 7th European Pelvic Course 2018

Venue morning lectures and group discussions
Dorint Hotel Hamburg-Eppendorf
Martinistraße 72 • 20251 Hamburg/DE

Venue afternoon cadaver sessions
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Department of Anatomy • Building “Nord N61”
Martinistraße 52 • 20246 Hamburg/DE


Scientific chairs
Univ.-Prof. Dr. med. Johannes M. Rueger
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf • Hamburg/DE
Prof. Dr. med. Lars G. Großterlinden
Asklepios Klinik Altona • Hamburg/DE

Scientific committee
PD Dr. med. Maximilian J. Hartel
Dr. med. Jan P. Kolb
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf • Hamburg/DE

Information and organization
Conventus Congressmanagement & Marketing GmbH
Anja Kreutzmann
Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1 • 07745 Jena/DE
Tel. +49 3641 31 16-357 • Fax +49 3641 31 16-241 •

Education credits and certification
The 6th Hamburg European Pelvic Course will apply for CME points
at the Ärztekammer Hamburg.

Course language
The official course language will be English.

Gold sponsor

PELVIC COURSE 6th EUROPEAN 2018 - 7th European Pelvic Course 2018

Venue registration and morning lectures
Dorint Hotel Hamburg-Eppendorf
Martinistraße 72 • 20251 Hamburg/DE

08:30         Registration

09:00         Introduction
              Johannes M. Rueger (Hamburg/DE)

09:05         Course overview
              Maximilian J. Hartel (Hamburg/DE)

09:15–10:45   Morning lectures I
              Diagnostics and surgical treatment in pelvic
Moderators    Mark Rickman (Adelaide, SA/AU)
              Henry C. Sagi (Seattle, WA/US)

09:15         Anatomy and radiographic assessment of the
              Frank van der Heijden (Tilburg/NL)

09:40         Classification of pelvic ring fractures
              Maximilian J. Hartel (Hamburg/DE)

10:05         Emergency management of pelvic injuries
              Mez Acharya (Bristol/GB)

10:30         Discussion

10:45         Coffee break


Venue morning lectures
Dorint Hotel Hamburg-Eppendorf
Martinistraße 72 • 20251 Hamburg/DE

11:00–12:05   Morning lectures II
              Diagnostics and surgical treatment in pelvic
              fractures – continued
Moderators    Frank van der Heijden (Tilburg/NL)
              Klaus A. Siebenrock (Bern/CH)

11:00		       Anterior approaches – Pfannenstiel and anterior
		            approach to the SI joint
              Ivan Marintschev (Jena/DE)

11:25         Posterior approach to the sacrum and spinopelvic
              fixation – indication and technique
              Wolfgang Lehmann (Göttingen/DE)

11:50         Discussion

12:05         Lunch break


Venue afternoon cadaver sessions
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Department of Anatomy • Building “Nord N61”
Martinistraße 52 • 20246 Hamburg/DE

12:50-17:50   Afternoon cadaver sessions

  Table 1: Kocher-Langenbeck approach
  Table 2: Ilioinguinal approach
  Table 3: Anterior intrapelvic approach/Stoppa
  Table 4: Surgical hip dislocation
  Table 5: Iliosacral screw placement
  Table 6: Practical exercises – ORIF on fracture
		         bone models (novel reduction clamps,
		         supra-/infrapectineal plates)
  Table 7: Stabilization of the posterior pelvic ring
  Table 8: Supraacetabular external fixation/pelvic
		         anatomy/pelvic clamp/pelvic binder

14:20–14.35   Coffee break

16:05–16:20   Coffee break


Venue group discussions
Dorint Hotel Hamburg-Eppendorf
Martinistraße 72 • 20251 Hamburg/DE

18:00–19:30   Group discussions

Group I       Emanuel Gautier (Fribourg/CH)
Room Elbe 1+2 Florian Gras (Jena/DE)
              Lars G. Großterlinden (Hamburg/DE)
              Mark Rickman (Adelaide, SA/AU)
              Johannes M. Rueger (Hamburg/DE)

Group II     Mez Acharya (Bristol/GB)
Room Fleet 1 Ulf Culemann (Celle/DE)
             Ivan Marintschev (Jena/DE)
             Wolfgang Lehmann (Göttingen/DE)
             Henry C. Sagi (Seattle, WA/US)

Group III    Maximilian J. Hartel (Hamburg/DE)
Room Fleet 2 Frank van der Heijden (Tilburg/NL)
             Klaus-Dieter Schaser (Dresden/DE)
             Klaus A. Siebenrock (Bern/CH)
             Anthony Ward (Bristol/GB)

19:30         End of first day


Venue morning lectures
Dorint Hotel Hamburg-Eppendorf
Martinistraße 72 • 20251 Hamburg/DE

08:30–10:30   Morning lectures I
              Diagnostics and surgical treatment of acetabular
Moderators    Mez Acharya (Bristol/GB)
              Ivan Marintschev (Jena/DE)

08:30         Classification of acetabular fractures
              Emanuel Gautier (Fribourg/CH)

08:55         Indication for surgery and decision making
              Johannes M. Rueger (Hamburg/DE)

09:20         Kocher Langenbeck approach – indication and
              Lars G. Großterlinden (Hamburg/DE)

09:45         Surgical hip dislocation – indication and technique
              Klaus A. Siebenrock (Bern/CH)

10:10         Discussion

10:30         Coffee break

10:55-12:20   Morning lectures II
              Diagnostics and surgical treatment of acetabular
              fractures – continued
Moderators    Johannes M. Rueger (Hamburg/DE)
              Anthony Ward (Bristol/GB)

10:55         Ilioinguinal approach – indication and technique
              Johannes M. Rueger (Hamburg/DE)

11:20         Anterior intrapelvic approach (Stoppa) –
              indication and technique
              Henry C. Sagi (Seattle, WA/US)

11:45         Pararectus approach – indication and technique
              Klaus-Dieter Schaser (Dresden/DE)

12:10         Discussion

12:25–13:15   Lunch break


Venue afternoon cadaver sessions
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Department of Anatomy • Building “Nord N61”
Martinistraße 52 • 20246 Hamburg/DE

13:15-18:15   Afternoon cadaver sessions

  Table 1: Kocher-Langenbeck approach
  Table 2: Ilioinguinal approach
  Table 3: Anterior intrapelvic approach/Stoppa
  Table 4: Surgical hip dislocation
  Table 5: Iliosacral screw placement
  Table 6: Practical exercises – ORIF on fracture
		         bone models (novel reduction clamps,
		         supra-/infrapectineal plates)
  Table 7: Stabilization of the posterior pelvic ring
  Table 8: Supraacetabular external fixation/
		         pelvic anatomy/pelvic clamp/pelvic binder

14:45–15:00   Coffee break

16:30–16:45   Coffee break

18:15         End of second day

19:00         Course dinner restaurant ”Au Quai”
              (see page 14)


Venue morning lectures
Dorint Hotel Hamburg-Eppendorf
Martinistraße 72 • 20251 Hamburg/DE

09:00–10:00   Morning lectures I
              The future in pelvic fracture surgery
Moderators    Ulf Culemann (Celle/DE)
              Lars G. Großterlinden (Hamburg/DE)

09:00         Pelvic trauma in the elderly – the future challenge
              Ulf Culemann (Celle/DE)

09:25         Computer navigated pelvic surgery
              Florian Gras (Jena/DE)

09:50         Discussion

10:00         Coffee break

10:15-11:15   Morning lectures II
              Revision and replacement arthroplasty in
              acetabular fractures
Moderators    Emanuel Gautier (Fribourg/CH)
              Maximilian J. Hartel (Hamburg/DE)

10:15         Indication and revision in surgical malreductions
              Anthony Ward (Bristol/GB)

10:40         Acute total hip replacement
              Mark Rickman (Adelaide, SA/AU)

11:05         Discussion

11:15         Lunch break


Venue afternoon cadaver sessions
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf
Department of Anatomy • Building “Nord N61”
Martinistraße 52 • 20246 Hamburg/DE

12:00–15:15   Afternoon cadaver sessions

  Table 1: Kocher-Langenbeck approach
  Table 2: Ilioinguinal approach
  Table 3: Anterior intrapelvic approach/Stoppa
  Table 4: Surgical hip dislocation
  Table 5: Iliosacral screw placement
  Table 6: Practical exercises – ORIF on fracture
		         bone models (novel reduction clamps,
		         supra-/infrapectineal plates)
  Table 7: Stabilization of the posterior pelvic ring
  Table 8: Supraacetabular external fixation/
		         pelvic anatomy/pelvic clamp/pelvic binder

13:30–13:45   Coffee break

15:30–16:00   Course summary and close

16:00         End of course


We would like to invite you to spend a convivial evening with all
participants and speakers of the Hamburg European Pelvic Course
at the restaurant “Au Quai”, which is a unique location with a beauti-
ful view onto the river Elbe.

Date                   23rd March
Begin                  19.00
Venue                  Restaurant “Au Quai”
                       Große Elbstraße 145 B–D
                       22767 Hamburg/DE
Costs                  60 EUR/person
Shuttle starting time 18.30
Shuttle starting point in front of the main entrance of the
                       Dorint hotel
Shuttle return time    23.00 (to the Dorint hotel)



Acharya, Mez, Bsc, MBChB, MRCS, FRCS
Spire Bristol Hospital (Bristol/GB)

Bender, Roland, Prof. Dr. med.
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Hamburg/DE)

Culemann, Ulf, Prof. Dr. med.
Allgemeines Krankenhaus Celle (Celle/DE)

Gautier, Emanuel, Prof. Dr. med.
HFR Fribourg/Kantonsspital Freiburg (Fribourg/CH)

Gras, Florian, PD Dr. med. habil.
University Hospital Jena (Jena/DE)

Großterlinden, Lars G., Prof. Dr. med.
Asklepios Klinik Altona (Hamburg/DE)

Hartel, Maximilian J., PD Dr. med.
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf (Hamburg/DE)

Lehmann, Wolfgang, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
University Medical Center Göttingen (Göttingen/DE)

Marintschev, Ivan, Dipl.-Med.
University Hospital Jena (Jena/DE)

Rickman, Mark, Prof. MB ChB, MD, FRCS(Tr&Orth), FRACS
Royal Adelaide Hospital (Adelaide, SA/AU)

Rueger, Johannes M., Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
University Medical Center Hamburg-Eppendorf

Sagi, Henry Claude, Prof. M.D.
Harborview Medical Center – West Clinic (Seattle, WA/US)

Schaser, Klaus-Dieter, Univ.-Prof. Dr. med.
University Medical Center „Carl Gustav Carus” (Dresden/DE)

Siebenrock, Klaus A., Prof. Dr. med.
Bern University Hospital (Bern/CH)

van der Heijden, Frank, Dr.
Elisabeth Tweesteden Hospital (Tilburg/NL)

Ward, Anthony, BMedSci (Hons), BM BS, FRCS
Spire Bristol Hospital (Bristol/GB)


6th Hamburg European Pelvic Course • 22nd–24th March 2018

Please fax this form to +49 3641 31 16-244
Per mail to Conventus GmbH • Carl-Pulfrich-Straße 1
07745 Jena/DE
For questions please call +49 3641 31 16-160

Personal details (please print in block letters)

                                     Mr        Mrs     Academic title
First name
Last name
Street/no.                                                                /

Postal code/city/state                     /                               /

Phone/fax                                                  /


Registration (please check)

     Regular                                                              1,800 EUR
     Dinner                                                                   60 EUR

Payment (please check)

     by bank transfer
Upon receipt of invoice the total amount should be transferred
to the conference bank account with reference to your name and
invoice number.

     by credit card
The payment by credit card is only possible with online regis-
tration made under:

Date                       Signature*

* By signing I agree to the General Terms and Conditions and the rules of cancellation on
  the course website found in the imprint.


Maritime Hamburg – Unique in Europe
It was Hamburg’s port that earned it the reputation of being Germany’s
‘gateway to the world’. Here, in the very heart of the city, you can
watch container ships and elegant liners from all around the globe
slip past before your eyes. You can enjoy a boat tour of the port and
the skipper’s fascinating tales about the harbor that was founded
over 800 years ago.

Visitors flock to the “Landungsbrücken” jetties, to the many
restaurants along the river between the port and Övelgönne and
to the historical warehouse district. In HafenCity – Europe’s biggest
city-centre building project (155 hectares) – you can see the future
taking shape, as a brand new urban district emerges on this old port
site. Just 800 meters from the town hall, this mix of apartments,
offices, workshops and restaurants has a strong appeal for local
people and visitors too. It’s not difficult to see why – there’s a special
cachet about waterside living. Right in the centre of HafenCity,
one of Hamburg’s new landmarks is beginning to loom large: the
spectacular new Elbphilharmonie concert hall.

Hamburg’s cultural scene – Diverse and entertaining
The “Elbphilharmonie” concert hall is set to be a cultural beacon for the
city, a focal point for the wonderfully vibrant arts scene. In Hamburg
three state theatres, 40 private theatres and as many museums
offer a myriad of cultural events from classical to contemporary
and for every age group. Hamburg is also the continent’s leading
venue for musicals, with over two million people visiting the city
every year specially to see a musical.

Shopping in Hamburg – From luxury to quirky
Hamburg’s international trading history makes it a shopping heaven
for visitors from all over the world. With this many elegant arcades,
chic boutiques and charming antique shops, you’ll be busy for hours.
In young fashion too, Hamburg more than holds its own – so head
for the up-and-coming districts, the young designer haunts, for the
first look at the trends of tomorrow.

© Hamburg Tourismus GmbH



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