Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group

Page created by Sandra Sharp
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
November 2012

                                                                                                                                               NOV 12
                               Volume XIV   |   Issue 9   |   November 2012   |   ISSN 2194-7589   |   €11             
europeaN tool & mould makiNg

                                   Machining Accessories
volume Xvii issue 9 • 70475

                                   Industry News                                     EDM Europe Supplement         EuroMold Preview
                                   Germany chooses its                               The Annual Buyer's Guide      A report on partner
                                   'Toolmaker of the Year'                14         Issue for 2013           41   country Austria        16
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
counting is one thing.
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Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Editor’s MEssagE

rising tool demand                                                            AHX FACE MILLS
with declining output?                                                        FOR CAST IRON,
                                I was fortunate enough to at-                 CARBON STEELS
                                tend this year's award ceremo-
                                ny for the Toolmaker of the
                                Year in Aachen, Germany
                                                                              AND STAINLESS
                                (p.14). It was a great night for
                                the winners, but even the also-
                                rans seemed happy to have
                                come so close. One could feel
                                the passion these companies
                                have for their products, and
                                their businesses.
   On the Town Hall balcony before the ceremony, I was
                                                                                               NE W
speaking with the owner of a shop under consideration for
an award – he failed to win but was still ecstatic – when I
noted that manufacturing output was on the decline in
                                                                                                  AHX640-S series:
Europe, bad news for toolmakers. His quick and confident
                                                                                             AHX640-S - Ø63 ~ Ø200
                                                                             standard and fine pitch for stainless and
response was that it didn't matter if production was falling
                                                                                                         carbon steels
because OEMs need moulds regardless of the total number
                                                                                       and AHX640-W - Ø80 ~ Ø315
of parts they make. I was about to retort that economic
                                                                                fine and super fine pitch for cast iron
contraction is rarely a good thing when he predicted that a
rise in product variants will likely increase tool orders.
   The dinner bell rang before we could take the subject
any further, but it's one worth revisiting. I had heard a sim-
ilar discussion of the topic at a mould making seminar in
Frankfurt earlier this year. The argument focused on per-
sonalised automotive interiors; in this case on a hypotheti-
cal customer who wanted "Hello Kitty" knobs and buttons.
The point was this car buyer might start out with white
cartoon cats littering the inside of the cockpit, but later
grow bored with them and desire a change. Smart carmak-
ers would have a plan to meet that need and supply new
parts embossed with something for customers' current
tastes. And new parts come from new moulds.
   One can consider the pros and cons of offering custom-
ers tailored products, but filling demand is what business is
all about. And until everyone has a 3D printer in their
house, OEMs will need mould makers to serve that de-                  NE W
mand, even if they are selling fewer cars, televisions or            New MP7030 insert grade with optimised MM breaker
iPhones.                                                             for hig
                                                                          h    performance stainless steel cutting.
                                                                     Complete series, AHX640-S for steels, AHX640-W for cast iron.
                                                                     Unique heptagonal double sided inserts with 14 cutting egdes.
                                                                     MP multipurpose chip breaker for steels and cast iron.
                                                                     High performance MC5020 insert grade for cast iron milling.
                                                                                  MMC Hartmetall GmbH, GROUP COMPANY of
Eric Culp
                                                                                  Comeniusstraße 2, 40670 Meerbusch.
                                                                                  Tel 02159 91890 Email: | November 2012 | European Tool & Mould Making
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Table of ConTenTs

    Cover Story

    CaSE STudy

                                                                                                                                                                                       Source: Culp
    How a supplier's tool-holding
    technology has helped a tool
    manufacturer reduce expenses and
    production time while increasing the
    quality of its products              24

    ProduCT foCuS
    a series of articles highlighting the
    latest advancements and products in
    the machining accessory sector        26

    SourCiNg gridS
    our easy-to-use table of companies
    that supply machining accessories to
    die, tool and mould making industries
                                                                                                                                                                Industry News
    in Europe                            30

                                                                 EdiTor'S MESSagE
                                                                 are product variants a chance for toolmakers to garner new business
                                                                 even when manufacturing output is on the decline? ................................................... 3

                                                                 iNduSTry NEwS
                                                                 Business confidence wavers among Europe's tool and mould shops ............................ 6
                                                                 European Commission calls for steps to reverse decline of manufacturing .................. 6
                                               Source: Hexagon

                                                                 Haas announces price for 5-axis uMC in Europe ........................................................ 10
                                                                 Ceratizit to buy 50% stake of günther wirth ............................................................. 10

                                                                 SPECial rEPorT
                                                                 german research institutes for toolmaking announce awards ................................... 14

                                                                 EuroMold PrEviEw
                                                                 austria selected as partner country for Europe's biggest exhibition
                                                                 for tool and mould making ...................................................................................... 16
                                                                 iNTErviEw: ETMM talks to Eberhard döring, managing director
Cover photo courtesy of Hexagon Metrology.                       of EuroMold organiser demat, about what visitors can expect this year .................... 18

4                                                                                                  European Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Table of ConTenTs

   EDM Europe Buyer's Guide
                                                               CasE sTudy

                                                                                                                     Photo: xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
                                                               sector diversity leads to success
                                                               for Bavarian toolmaker         42

                                                               ProduCTs aNd
                                                               sourCING GrIds
                                                               1 software                             44

                                                               2 Materials                            46

                                                               3 EdM Equipment                        47

                                                               4 EdM accessories                      51

                                                               5 automation                           55

                                                               6 Machining Equipment                  57

                                                               7 Machining accessories                60

                                                               8 Quality Control                      63

CasE sTudy
a range of various hot runners helps a processor realise a four-component part........ 20

The founder of south Korean cutting-tool supplier yG-1
discusses the company's strategy in Europe ............................................................. 22

CasE sTudy
Measuring systems check both parts and moulds for quality..................................... 32

ProduCTs & sErvICEs
recently introduced equipment and services from around the world ........................ 34

CoMPaNy INdE x
a listing of the industry suppliers who supported this issue
with articles and advertisements .............................................................................. 65

NE xT IssuE
a brief rundown of our EuroMold issue ..................................................................... 66 | November 2012 | European Tool & Mould Making
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Industry news

News iN Brief                        Moods swing in europe's tool and mould
Swiss orders continue slide
                                     countries on macroeconomic concerns
Swiss mechanical and electri-                                                                                            environments, companies

                                                                                                          source: Culp
cal engineering orders have                                                                                              polled are asked to rate their
fallen for more than five quar-                                                                                          current levels of and expec-
ters, industrial association                                                                                             tations for quoting, ship-
Swissmem said. Sales have                                                                                                ments, order backlogs, prof-
stagnated, while pressure on                                                                                             its, employment, investment
prices and margins has persist-                                                                                          and selling prices. Istma be-
ed, the association noted.                                                                                               gan giving ETMM the data
"There is no recovery in sight."                                                                                         earlier this year.
                                                                                                                             When answering about
Plastics winning over paper                                                                                              the first half, respondents
in Europe's battle for labels                                                                                            said their businesses had im-
While the end-use applications                                                                                           proved. Business conditions
are relatively mature in Europe,                                                                                         for mould makers were said
plastic labels converters are                                                                                            to be "very good" in a
taking market share from pa-         Whether prospects for tool and mould industries are looking up or                   number of countries, a rat-
per at an increasing rate, ac-       down is a matter of national perspective.                                           ing much better than report-
cording to a report from indus-                                                                                          ed in the poll for the last half
try consultants, AMI Consult-        The latest report on business      falling investments, declin-                     of 2011 released earlier this
ing, Bristol, UK. Despite recent     conditions in Europe's tool        ing order backlogs and slip-                     year. However, shops in a
economic hardships, plastic la-      and die industries shows the       ping profits. However, a few                     number of countries also re-
bel demand grew on average           first half of the year turned      countries said their shops                       ported "poor" conditions,
by 6% per year since 2008, the       out better than expected,          expect investment, order                         the worst possible rating.
report said.                         but many shops predict             backlogs and even sector                             Die makers were more up-
                                     waning prospects in the cur-       employment to rise during                        beat, with a number of
Workshop for polishing tool          rent six months ending on          the period.                                      shops in two countries not-
steel in Aachen, Germany             31 December.                          For the report, Istma com-                    ing the first half was "excel-
On November 19 and 20,                   While most of the shops        piles information from                           lent", the best rating. The
2012, the Fraunhofer Institute       polled for Istma's semi-an-        mould and die makers sup-                        number of die makers not-
for Production Technology IPT,       nual business conditions re-       plied to national associa-                       ing "very good" conditions
Halmstad University (Sweden)         port said they expect little       tions in the Czech Republic,                     had also risen from the last
and the steel manufacturers          change in the majority of          Estonia, Finland, Germany,                       half of 2011.
Uddeholms AB Sweden and              measures of business com-          Hungary, Italy, Portugal,
Uddeholm Deutschland GmbH            pared to the first half, a         Slovenia, Spain, Switzerland                     »   Istma,
will be holding a two-day            number of national associa-        and Turkey. To measure the                           Marinha Grande, Portugal.
workshop on tool steel polish-       tions reported concerns of         current and future business                
ing. Industrial and scientific ex-
perts are scheduled to speak,
and the workshop is in English.
                                     european Commission says 'immediate action'
Swiss tooling systems firm
selects UK agency
                                     should boost industry's role in europe economy
Tooling systems manufactured         Brussels has warned that Eu-       liver growth and can create
                                                                                                                                                            source: federation of finnish Technology industries

by Swiss firm Heinz Kaiser are       rope 'needs to reverse the de-     employment. Today we ta-
available in the UK through          clining role of industry" and      bled the conditions for the
NCMT, Thames Ditton, under a         said "immediate action"            sustainable reindustrialisa-
new sole agency agreement,           should counter the down-           tion of Europe."
the company said. The boring         ward trend and raise the in-          The Commission pro-
bars cover a wide diameter           dustry's contribution to EU        posed up to €15 billion in
range from 0.4 mm to three           GDP from the current 15.6%         additional public lending for
metres. NCMT Director Dave           to as much as 20% by 2020.         SMEs and called for the
Burley, said, "Existing users of        Commission Vice Presi-          elimination of obstacles to
the tooling can continue to          dent Antonio Tajani said,          private venture capital.
deal with their current regional     "We cannot continue to let
resellers, which from now on         our industry leave Europe.         »   The European Commission,                     Swift steps are needed to stop
will be supported by NCMT."          Our figures are crystal clear:         Brussels, Belgium.                           Europe's industrial decline, the
                                     European industry can de-                                     European Commission says.

   6                                                                         european Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Industry news

Appointment expected to increase co-operation

                                                                                                                                      Source: ARRK
within ArrK tool and moulding group
ARRK has announced the           Russia, India and China,          Lowe said part of his role
appointment of Tony Lowe         provide tooling and mould-     will be to ensure ARRK com-
as managing director of the      ing services to automotive     panies in Europe work more
Shapers Group in a move de-      OEMs, Tier 1 and Tier 2 sup-   closely together to offer cus-
signed to further integrate      pliers. The group, which in-   tomers "joined-up" services.
the company's operations.        cludes the companies Sermo
   Shapers, an ARRK-owned        and Zimmerman, has a turn-     »   ARRK,                        Tony Lowe said his writ is to help
operation with sites in          over of €85 million and em-        Quedgeley, UK.               Shapers' European shops work
France, Germany, Poland,         ploys around 900 people.           www.arrkeurope.comm          better together.

entegris opens
sales facility
Entegris said it has opened a
new facility to provide spe-
cialized silicon and dia-
mond-like coatings to Euro-
pean industry. Located in
the Techlid economic hub in
Lyon, France, the facility is
said to expand company ca-
pabilities in the US and Asia
for high-purity silicon and
diamond-like carbon (Ul-
traC) families of coatings.
   Entegris said the silicon
coatings are high-purity,
dense and microconformal
with very low residual stress.
The UltraC coatings are ex-
tremely smooth, highly lu-
bricious, and are harder
than tool steel and chrome.
Both families of coatings are
highly resistant to corrosion.
To make them, the facility
will use a proprietary Plasma
Enhanced Chemical Vapor
Deposition (PECVD) process
that ensures no change to
the hardness of the sub-
strate, even to those proc-
essed at low temperatures,
the company said.
   The company said the
new facility will also house
the European office to sup-
port the sale of Poco graph-
ite and Supersic products.

»   Entegris,
    Moirans, France.
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Industry news

More than 100,000 visitors roam halls at IMts
for a record show-to-show increase
                                                                                                                         educational event, and only

                                                                                                          Source: IMTS
                                                                                                                         turned into a buying/selling
                                                                                                                         forum after World War II,”
                                                                                                                         Eelman explained.
                                                                                                                             Along with a main con-
                                                                                                                         ference that featured 72 ses-
                                                                                                                         sions and more than 500
                                                                                                                         participants, the show co-lo-
                                                                                                                         cated six conference pro-
                                                                                                                         grammes. According to or-
                                                                                                                         ganisers, the hosts of the
                                                                                                                         conferences agreed that the
                                                                                                                         education component was
                                                                                                                         well-received. Across the
                                                                                                                         board, the quality of speak-
                                                                                                                         ers and presentations gar-
                                                                                                                         nered high marks from par-
                                                                                                                         ticipants, organisers said.
                                                                                                                             Along with the healthy
                                                                                                                         traffic on the show floor,
                                                                                                                         other highlights included
                                                                                                                         the ETC featuring a Local
The teeming fairgrounds in Chicago indicated the high number of visitors at this year's IMTS exhibition                  Motors Rally Fighter model
at a time when US manufacturing is on the rise.                                                                          car, built live on the show
                                                                                                                         floor, as part of the collabo-
The recent International            duction process, according          fered solutions to manufac-                      rative manufacturing sec-
Manufacturing Technology            to organisers, who said the         turers seeking increased pro-                    tion of the ETC. The team
Show provided an indica-            technology is the next major        ductivity and lower costs.                       making the car compressed
tion of American manufac-           manufacturing break-                   Fair organisers said they                     five weeks of work into five
turing growth as organisers         through and can reduce pro-         teamed up with exhibition                        days with the Rally Fighter
have reported the strongest         totype and part develop-            company Deutsche Messe to                        being unveiled before a large
results in over a decade.           ment as well as help elimi-         co-host the first-ever Indus-                    crowd. Local Motors is an
   Hosting exhibitors and           nate waste.                         trial Automation North                           upstart US automaker, the
visitors from 119 countries,            “The energy level among         America with IMTS. Indus-                        first to enter the market in
IMTS 2012, which ran 10 - 15        visitors and exhibitors was         trial Automation North                           decades, and relies on the
Sept. at Chicago’s McCor-           at an all-time high,” accord-       America showcased products                       the principle of collabora-
mick Place, covered nearly          ing to Peter Eelman, IMTS           and solutions for production                     tive manufacturing. The de-
116,000 m² of exhibition            vice president for exhibi-          automation, complement-                          signs for its cars come from
space with 1,909 exhibiting         tions and communications.           ing the focus of IMTS on                         an open source community.
companies, organisers said.         “The most exciting take-            manufacturing technology,                            The next installment of
They quoted registration for        away from IMTS 2012 is              metalworking and precision                       IMTS is scheduled for 8-13
the six-day event at 100,200,       what it says about the pros-        manufacturing. Organisers                        September 2014. “An enor-
which is a 21.6% increase           pects for manufacturing             noted that exhibit space                         mous amount of strategic
over 2010, marking the larg-        over the next year. The over-       sales for that part of the fair                  thinking, talent and energy
est show-to-show increase           all activity and buzz indicate      exceeded expectations, and                       went into making IMTS a
ever for IMTS.                      that we are entering a period       as part of the agreement to                      major success,” said Eelman.
   The highlights of the            of sustained growth that will       extend the partnership to                        “As we look forward to 2014,
show focused on additive            fuel economic prosperity            IMTS 2014, Industrial Auto-                      we will move ahead with in-
manufacturing, multi-spin-          and job creation."                  mation North America will                        novation and technology
dle machines and multi-                 The show is said to pre-        occupy additional space.                         advances that will keep
tasking machines, organisers        sented have a remarkable               IMTS answered the indus-                      manufacturing technology
noted. Spotlighted both in          display of new and emerging         try call for education by re-                    growing and vibrant for gen-
the IMTS Emerging Technol-          technologies that will con-         turning to its roots with an                     erations to come.”
ogy Center (ETC) and in sev-        tinue to revolutionise the          increased offering of oppor-
eral exhibitor booths, addi-        manufacturing world. These          tunities. “We’ve come full                       »   IMTS,
tive manufacturing contin-          innovations, coupled with           circle because in the early                          Chicago, USA.
ued to gain traction as a pro-      traditional equipment, of-          years IMTS was actually an                 

8                                                                           European Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Haas                                                         100%

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Machining Accessories - Vogel Communications Group
Industry news

Haas 5-axis uMC to cost below €100,000 in europe;
Company expects record sales in 2012
Haas Automation said it will                                                       chine has an inline direct-                                  When asked about the

                                                                    Source: Culp
be selling its UMC-750 3+2                                                         drive 40-taper spindle (8,000                             low price tag, Murray ex-
simultaneous 5-axis univer-                                                        or 12,000 rpm), and comes                                 plained it resulted partially
sal machining centre in Eu-                                                        standard with a 40+1 tool                                 from streamlining at both
rope for under €100,000.                                                           side-mount tool changer.                                  the factory and the compa-
The company also an-                                                               The company said the trun-                                ny. “Two years ago, I said:
nounced at its press confer-                                                       nion can position parts to                                ‘Let’s stop and focus on sim-
ence at the German metal-                                                          nearly any angle for 5-sided                              plicity.’” Increased automa-
working show AMB 2012                                                              (3+2) machining, or provide                               tion at the Oxnard plant
that the unit, based on a                                                          simultaneous 5-axis motion                                combined with the decision
prototype first shown at last                                                      for contouring and complex                                to employ existing technolo-
year’s EMO exhibition, will                                                        machining. The machine                                    gy has reduced costs.
be sold for less than                                                              provides +35° and -110° of                                   Murray’s prognosis for
$130,000 in the US.                                                                tilt and 360° of rotation, ac-                            Europe was positive. “I think
   Bob Murray, general man-                                                        cording to the supplier.                                  there is a lot of opportunity
ager of the Oxnard, Califor-     Haas General Manager Bob Mur-                         Talking about the ma-                                 in Europe,” he said. When
nia-based machine tool sup-      ray said he was upbeat about his                  chining centre, Murray said,                              asked to specify the areas in
plier, said he was optimistic    company's growth in Europe.                       “I think it’s going to be a                               which he expected growth,
about both the new centre's                                                        home run.” He noted that                                  Murray pointed to small and
prospects and the compa-            Haas said the UMC-750 is                       only 21 parts on the unit,                                medium-sized vertical ma-
ny’s performance in Europe,      a 5-axis universal machining                      mainly castings and sheet                                 chines as “strong markets”.
and he predicted that Haas       centre with travels of 762                        metal components, are new-
will tally record sales this     mm x 559 mm x 508 mm                              ly designed, with the rest                                »   Haas Automation Europe,
year of between $960 mil-        and an integrated dual-axis                       taken off the shelf from                                      Zaventem, Belgium.
lion and $1 billion.             trunnion table. The ma-                           available Haas technology.                          

Ceratizit announces intent to purchase a 50% stake
in German toolmaker Günther wirth
The Luxembourg-based Cer-                                                                                                                    that it and shareholders of
                                                                                                                     Source: Günther Wirth

atizit Group said it will in-                                                                                                                Günther Wirth will each re-
vest in a 50% share of the                                                                                                                   tain equal control of compa-
German tool manufacturer                                                                                                                     ny once the transaction is
Günther Wirth as a way to                                                                                                                    complete. The companies
complement its product line                                                                                                                  declined to disclose finan-
with round tools made of                                                                                                                     cial details of the deal.
hard metal. A spokesman for                                                                                                                      Ceratizit makes hard ma-
Ceratizit explained to ETMM                                                                                                                  terial products for wear pro-
that the deal foresees a two-                                                                                                                tection and cutting tools
person board at the German                                                                                                                   and has a presence in more
company which will com-                                                                                                                      than 50 countries. Günther
prise a representative from                                                                                                                  Wirth manufactures rotary
Günter Wirth as well as one                                                                                                                  cutting tools from hard met-
from Ceratizit,                                                                                                                              al. Founded in 1981, the
   According to a statement      Ceratizit says its purchase of a 50% stake in tool maker Günther Wirth                                      family-owned company's
from Ceratizit, "In the fu-      should be completed by the end of the year.                                                                 parent plant is based in
ture, Günther Wirth will be                                                                                                                  Balzheim, Germany. It also
incorporated into the Cera-      quisition, we will be able to                        The transaction is expect-                             has production sites in
tizit Group as a global busi-    cover the whole value chain                       ed to be completed, subject                               France, India, the United
ness unit, and will remain as    in hard metal production –                        to the finalisation of due dil-                           States and Italy.
a brand."                        from powder, to tool blanks                       igence and the approval by
   Jacques Lanners, a mem-       to custom-made and coated                         the anti-trust authorities, by                            »   Ceratizit,
ber of the Ceratizit executive   round tools such as drills                        the end of 2012, according                                    Mamer, Luxembourg.
board, said, "With this ac-      and end mills."                                   to Ceratizit. The buyer noted                       

10                                                                                     European Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
Industry news

German machine tool maker sees steady

                                                                                                                                    Source: IMTS
demand through strong orders at AMB, IMts
Gildemeister said it was         ture DMG/Mori Seiki un-         BIMU in Milan and the
"pleased" with recent trade      veiled eight world premieres,   JIMTOF in Japan. The au-
shows in Germany and the         and at IMTS, DMG/Mori           tumn fairs confirm business
United States and recorded a     Seiki showed 45 high-tech       development is in line with
combined order intake of         machines designed for the       plans, it said.
€93.7 million and 377 ma-        American market.
chines sold at AMB in Stutt-        The company said it ex-      »   Gildemeister,             The IMTS exhibition in Chicago
gart and IMTS in Chicago.        pects a further boost from          Bielefeld, Germany.       proved a boon for orders of Gilde-
At AMB, Gildemeister ven-        other fairs, including the      meister machine tools.

Cumsa opens
branch office
near detroit
Spain's Cumsa has an-
nounced the establishment
of an office in Troy, Michi-
gan, the fifth foreign branch
to be opened in recent years,
following Portugal, Italy,
China and Hong Kong.
   The company said it se-
lected the city near Detroit
to take advantage of an area
that is one of the main cen-
tres for the US mould indus-
try. It noted that some of the
office's tasks will be to pro-
vide knowledge of the com-
pany’s innovations and to
promote its range of prod-
ucts as well as offer informa-
tion and support.
   Cumsa noted that the
American market is one of
the company's largest and
represents approximately
11% of annual turnover. "In
the past, Cumsa has been on
the American market
through different distribu-
tors," the company said,
noting that it was time for a
change. "Now we have de-
cided to go one step further
and deal directly with our
American customers. Cur-
rent customers can continue
to purchase Cumsa products
through our distributors."

»   Cumsa,
    Barcelona, Spain.
Industry news

Machine tool supplier Fritz studer bestows research
prize for examination of temperature sensitivity
Josef Mayr from the institute                                                                                                                      cially in hard fine machin-

                                                                                                                            Source: Fritz Studer
for machine tools and man-                                                                                                                         ing, such as grinding, hard
ufacturing at Switzerland's                                                                                                                        turning, etc.
Zurich Technical University                                                                                                                           Studer said the key as-
has won the most recent                                                                                                                            pects of Mayr's research
Fritz Studer Award and the                                                                                                                         work form the basis for con-
corresponding sum of CHF                                                                                                                           sidering the temperature
10,000 for his study of the                                                                                                                        sensitivity of machine tools
assessment and compensa-                                                                                                                           through measurement, as-
tion of the temperature sen-                                                                                                                       sessment, calculation and
sitivity of machine tools.                                                                                                                         compensation. He devel-
    Swiss grinding equipment                                                                                                                       oped the finite difference el-
manufacturer Fritz Studer                                                                                                                          ement method (FDEM), a
said this was the third time                                                                                                                       combination of the finite
it has awarded the research                                                                                                                        difference method (FDM)
prize, which is given to                            Fred Gaegauf (r.), managing director of Fritz Studer, presents the                             and the finite element
scholars and graduates (indi-                       company's research award to Josef Mayr from the EHT Zürich.                                    method (FEM), during his
viduals or research groups)                                                                                                                        dissertation which allows for
from universities, technical                        company noted that topics              struction; simulation mod-                              efficient calculation and
institutes and technical col-                       submitted for this award               els for dynamic and thermal                             evaluation of the thermal ef-
leges in Europe who have                            were to be dedicated to one            behaviour of machine tools;                             fects on machine tools.
studied scientific topics or                        of the following fields: Inno-         control and sensor concepts
produced results from their                         vative machine concepts                for machine tools; and new                              »   Fritz Studer,
student projects or bachelor/                       and components; alternative            or further-developed manu-                                  Thun, Switzerland.
master diploma studies. The                         materials in machine con-              facturing techniques, espe-                       

delcam announces joint                                                                     Cutting-tool maker Greenleaf
venture in denmark                                                                         adds distribution in uK
                                                    customers, including LEGO,             Greenleaf said Peter Camp-
                                   Source: Delcam

                                                                                                                                                                                          Source: Greenleaf
                                                    ECCO, Siemens Wind Pow-                bell (Sales) Ltd. and Matrix
                                                    er, Vestas and Danfoss, along          Tooling Services have been
                                                    with many smaller subcon-              added to the US company's
                                                    tract manufacturers as well            distribution network to
                                                    as toolmakers.                         "strengthen its position in
                                                        The Danish office will             the United Kingdom."
                                                    support Delcam’s complete                 Peter Campbell (Sales)
Søren Friis has been selected as                    line of software products,             Ltd., founded in 1982 and                               The US-based manufacturer said
the director of the new Delcam                      but the company said the               located in North Lanark-                                it has distribution in over 30 coun-
Danmark joint venture.                              main focus in the beginning            shire, Scotland, supplies a                             tries worldwide.
                                                    will be on the range of CAM            wide range of industrial cut-
Delcam said it has estab-                           software, in particular Pow-           ting tools and related prod-                            terials, Matrix’s collabora-
lished a new joint-venture                          erMILL for high-speed and              ucts to the engineering in-                             tion with Greenleaf and WG
company in Denmark called                           five-axis machining, the Fea-          dustry, Greenleaf said.                                 whisker-reinforced ceramic
Delcam Danmark. The firm                            tureCAM feature-based sys-                Sandiacre-based Matrix                               technology makes for a
will be a partnership with lo-                      tem, and the Delcam for                Tooling Services was formed                             strong solutions team,
cal CAD/CAM specialist                              SolidWorks integrated ma-              in 1987, according to Green-                            Greenleaf said, adding that
Søren Friis, also the compa-                        chining software. The com-             leaf. The company provides                              it will continue to expand
ny director.                                        pany will be based in Vam-             cutting tools for numerous                              distribution globally.
   Delcam said it has been                          drup near Kolding.                     applications, including solu-
active for many years in                                                                   tions for aerospace and auto-                           »   Greenleaf,
Denmark through resellers                           »   Delcam,                            motive components. With a                                   Saegertown, Pennsylvania.
and has a number of large                               Birmingham, UK.                    specialty for machining                                     www.greenleafcorpora-
international companies as                                         nickel-based aerospace ma-                        

12                                                                                             European Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
Vacuumjet System

                         DO YOU WANT TO REDUCE YOUR CYCLE TIME?
                                                                                                Old problems...NEW SOLUTIONS!

                   Why we need to vacuum the cavity?
                   Before injecting the plastic, there is air trapped inside the
                   cavity. If we can remove this air, the plastic is free to fill the
                   whole cavity and will not find any counter-pressure slowing
                   down its flow.

                                                                                                    Application example with Vacuumjet Valve (VV) and Automatic Vacuumjet (VK)
                                                                                                    The vacuum is produced through the valve, the ejectors and sleeves maintain it.

                                                                                                CUMSA has created a series of products that removes this air,
                                                                                                and give many benefits when molding the plastic parts. These
                                                                                                benefits are (among others):
                                                                                                - Lower injection temperature and pressure
                                                                                                - Reduced cycle time
                   Application example with Vacuum Control (VM) and 3 Vacuumjet + (VG) units.   - Increase in production
                   The vacuum is produced through the ejectors and sleeves.
                                                                                                - Superior visual appearance (less sink marks)
                                                                                                - Dimensional stability (invisible weld lines)
                                                            Visit us!                           - Uniform color
                                                            Hall 9.0 - Stand D29
                                                                                                - High mechanical resistance due to perfect plastic flow

                                             Contact us, and we will find the best solution for your mold!

                                                                                                                                  INNOVATIVE SOLUTIONS FOR MOLDS
Special RepoRt | GeRman toolmakinG

toolmaking researchers in
Germany select top shop
Hundreds of tool and mould makers from throughout German-speaking Europe were vying
to be the region's best, but there could only be one.

                                                                                                                    In the end, ZF Friedrichshafen, Sch-

                                                                                                  Source: Culp
                                                                                                                 weinfurt, Germany, came out on top.
                                                                                                                 Herbert Johann, the head of the com-
                                                                                                                 pany's tool shop, which supplies cutting
                                                                                                                 and forming tools for the driveline and
                                                                                                                 vehicle chassis manufacturer, said he was
                                                                                                                 "overwhelmed" by the win. As he hefted
                                                                                                                 the award to display it to the room, Jo-
                                                                                                                 hann drew on an oft-repeated statement
                                                                                                                 from a German footballing great who
                                                                                                                 raised a trophy to a crowd gathered at the
                                                                                                                 Munich Town Hall: "Like Oliver Kahn
                                                                                                                 said on the balcony: 'Here it is.'"
                                                                                                                    This wasn't the shop's first attempt at
                                                                                                                 the ultimate prize in German tool and
                                                                                                                 mould making – the company was near
                                                                                                                 the top in 2004, 2006 and 2008 – and one
                                                                                                                 could hear the relief and joy in his voice
                                                                                                                 as Johann thanked his co-workers, the
                                                                                                                 jury and the other toolmakers at the cer-
                                                                                                                 emony. "We've been trying for so long,"
                                                                                                                 he explained to the applauding crowd.

                                                                                                                 a new tactic: instituting takt
                                                                                                                 times in the tool room
                                                                                                                 According to Fraunhofer IPT, the shop
Herbert Johann (centre), the head of the tool shop at ZF Friedrichshafen, Schweinfurt, Germany,                  was a cut above the rest for a number of
proudly holds this year's award.                                                                                 reasons, but one stood out. The company
                                                                                                                 has shifted to cyclic production, which
                                                                                                                 has enabled the shop to remain com-

T    he tension was palpable enough to
     silence the nearly 300 guests assem-
bled in the Coronation Room of the
                                                  tion Awards to the winners of the com-
                                                  petition's four divisions. Now, one shop
                                                  would walk away with the trophy.
                                                                                                                 petitive as an internal supplier. The deci-
                                                                                                                 sion to industrialise tooling manufactur-
                                                                                                                 ing has made the company "a beacon"
Town Hall in Aachen, Germany. They                                                                               for the sector, and the jury lauded the
waited impatiently as Michael Breme,              Winnowing nearly 300                                           shop's life-cycle management, its weekly
the director of tooling at carmaker Audi,                                                                        discussions with managers on the pro-
listed the accomplishments of another
                                                  entrants down to a victor                                      duction line and its close work with ex-
German shop. Breme had been on that               It had already been a close race, accord-                      ternal partners.
stage before: His company won the 2011            ing to the organisers. Fraunhofer IPT and                         The choice of location suited the hon-
Toolmaker of the Year Award, which is             the WZL had to first whittle down the                          our, according to Professor Günther
presented by the Fraunhofer Institute for         297 entrants. The 14 tool shops that                           Schuh, the head of the WZL. In his open-
Production Technology and the WZL                 passed the initial muster then faced a                         ing remarks, Schuh told tables filled with
tooling laboratory at RWTH Aachen Uni-            jury of eight industry experts. Breme told                     workers from the country's leading shops
versity. The audience didn't know ex-             the audience that choosing the best of                         that the hall had played host to the cor-
actly who Breme was describing, but               the best had weighed heavily on the or-                        onation of German kings for some 600
they had an idea: The organisers had al-          ganisers. "This was a Herculean task for                       years. "This is the right place to crown
ready presented Excellence in Produc-             the jury."                                                     the best German toolmaker," he said.

14                                                                               European Tool & Mould Making | Oktober 2012 |
Source: Culp
                                                   Special RepoRt | GeRman toolmakinG

           Professor Günther Schuh, the head of the WZL, said Aachen's Coronation Hall "is the right place
           to crown the best German toolmaker."

              The competition had been tough,                            Siemens division Gigaset Communica-
           Schuh noted. He said the contest had                          tions, Bocholt, Germany, which pro-
           produced "a very close field" and half-                       duces telephones. Overall winner ZF
           joked that the points winners had ac-                         Friedrichshafen topped the competition
           crued in the past would not have been                         among internal tool shops with more
           enough to secure an award this year.                          than 50 employees, Christian Karl Sie-
              The inter-divisional competition was                       benwurst Modellfabrik und Formenbau,
           also intense, according to jury member                        Dietfurt, Germany, won the award for
           Rolf-Albrecht Schmidt. He noted that                          best external shop with over 50 employ-
           "only a few points" separated the top                         ees, and W. Faßnacht Werkzeug- und
           three companies vying for the award for                       Formenbau, Bobingen, Germany, col-
           the best internal tool shop with 50 em-                       lected the award for best external shop
           ployees or less. The winner was former                        with fewer than 50 employees.

                                                                         German politician underscores
                                                          Source: Culp

                                                                         importance of manufacturing
                                                                         The award ceremony drew not only tool-
                                                                         makers, it also attracted a top-level Ger-
                                                                         man politician. Werner Ressing, the di-
                                                                         rector general of German industrial
                                                                         policy, made the trip from Berlin for the
                                                                         event, and he underlined the importance
                                                                         of tool and mould making for the coun-
                                                                         try's future success. "Germany is a lead-
                                                                         ing industrial country, and it should stay
                                                                         that way," Ressing said. He pointed out
                                                                         that 20% of German GDP comes from
                                                                         manufacturing, and the sector helped
                                                                         pull Europe's biggest economy out of the
                                                                         last economic downturn. Ressing added
                                                                         that toolmaking plays a "key role" in
                                                                         Germany's status as a high-tech indus-
                                                                         trial country.

           Werner Ressing, the director general of Ger-                  »   Fraunhofer IPT,
           man industrial policy, talked of manufactur-                      Aachen, Germany.
           ing's importance to Germany.                            

 | Oktober 2012 | European Tool & Mould Making                                     15
Special RepoRt | euRoMold pReview

austrian companies move north
to partner with euroMold
The ties between Austria and Germany, home of EuroMold, have a long history and remain
close. This is one reason the Alpine country has been selected as the partner country for
Europe's biggest show for tool and mould making.

                                                                                                                 tion. Demat underscored Austria's "im-

                                                                                                  Source: Culp
                                                                                                                 portance for the German economy, es-
                                                                                                                 pecially for product development in tool
                                                                                                                 and mould making". It added that along
                                                                                                                 with the machine tool industry, plastics
                                                                                                                 play a major role in Austria with sales of
                                                                                                                 €13 billion. Austria is also home to one
                                                                                                                 of the world's largest injection moulding
                                                                                                                 machine producers, Engel.

                                                                                                                 Germany serves as test market
                                                                                                                 for europe, beyond
                                                                                                                 For Austrian companies, Germany pro-
                                                                                                                 vides a proving ground for their goods
                                                                                                                 and services, according to Mario Haidl-
                                                                                                                 mar, managing director of toolmaker
                                                                                                                 Haidlmar Werkzeugbau, Nussbach, Aus-
                                                                                                                 tria. His family's firm is said to be one of
                                                                                                                 the world's leading producers of injec-
                                                                                                                 tion moulds for bottle carriers such as
Austrian toolmaker Mario Haidlmar says, "You have to be successful in Germany before you can be                  beer cases, and in the last fiscal year its
successful in the world."                                                                                        sales grew more than 40% to €38 million.
                                                                                                                 Haidlmar – the son of the company
                                                                                                                 founder – took charge of the business

W     hen one examines Austria's im-
      ports and exports, one country
stands out: Germany. "More than 30%
                                                 fact, manufacturing of machinery and
                                                 metalwares leads Austrian industrial pro-
                                                 duction by far; output in 2008 was more
                                                                                                                 earlier this year, and he knows the im-
                                                                                                                 portance of Germany for his company
                                                                                                                 and others trying to secure experience in
of our exports go to Germany," said              than double the second-place sector,                            and knowledge of international produc-
Christoph Sturm from the Austrian                chemical production. In addition, some                          tion. "You have to be successful in Ger-
Trade Commission. He noted that Ger-             two-thirds of that machinery and those                          many before you can be successful in the
many is also the source of more than             metal products were exported. Finally,                          world."
40% of Austria's imports.                        machinery and plant construction con-
                                                 tinues to serve as Austria's most impor-                        austrian toolmaker recipient
Similar economies, languages                     tant industrial employer, according to
                                                 data from the country's trade commis-
                                                                                                                 of Germany's top award
form strong bond                                 sion. This primacy for the sector mirrors                       Haidlmar's shop has proven its skills and
In Austria, much like the economy of its         the situation in Germany's industrial job                       acumen to the German market in an
gigantic neighbour to the north, heavy           market, the largest in Europe.                                  number of ways. Back in 2006, the com-
machinery plays a major role for the                                                                             pany received the Toolmaker of the Year
well-being of the nation where German            tooling, mould development                                      Award from toolmaking research insti-
is the official language but spoken with                                                                         tutes in Aachen, Germany.(See p.14 for
a slight accent. The heavy machinery
                                                 plays role in choosing austria                                  this year's winners.)
sector comprises nearly 18% of Austrian          Considering the close bonds btween the
exports, making it the largest industry          countries, it is no wonder EuroMold or-                         »   EuroMold,
for international sales, followed by elec-       ganiser Demat has selected Austria as the                           Frankfurt/Main, Germany
trical engineering and automotive. In            partner country for this year's exhibi-                   

16                                                                            European Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
Design today...

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IntervIew | euroMold PrevIew

euroMold faces the changing
world by drawing from its past
Even though regional fairs for mould making have been popping up throughout Europe, the
annual Frankfurt exhibition still reigns supreme by continuing to feature cutting-edge appli-
cations. Demat Managing Director Eberhard Döring explains why.

                                                                                                                                                  Source: Culp
Speaking with ETMM at his Frankfurt office, Demat Managing Director Eberhard Döring summed up his motivation for organising trade fairs
around the world: "It's wonderful bringing people together."

ETMM: Tool shops have a main goal, which        there. Here, we are focusing more and            to it later. That's what toolmakers are do-
is to sell their goods to manufacturers.        more on product development.                     ing today, they are changing their phi-
What's your view on the number of interna-                                                       losophy. They are front loading. They are
tional OEMs that visit the EuroMold to find     ETMM: How does that focus represent              learning these soft skills.
mould makers?                                   changes in the industry?
Eberhard Döring: It's pretty high. We           Döring: As one expert noted recently,            ETMM: EuroMold continues to feature what
have a very good OEM database. Unfor-           toolmakers can no longer react, they             some in the industry would consider fledg-
tunately in 2009 and 2010, there was a          have to act. This means 'front-loading'.         ling technologies. What is the reasoning
big drop because the car industry, and          They must understand much more about             behind that?
other OEMs, were not allowed to come            the products, they need design capabili-         Döring: I come from product develop-
during the crisis. Now it's picking up sig-     ties and all kinds of activities such as         ment. We have created this meeting
nificantly. And just like the Americans,        materials selection for the product, and         place also for when technologies
OEMs here are focusing on reshoring, for        they have to advise their customers. In          emerged or just started, like additive
sourcing out of Germany and out of Eu-          the old days, you got a drawing and you          manufacturing. These technologies are
rope, so this year we expect higher par-        made the mould. But this is changing.            really progressing very fast and they have
ticipation from OEM visitors. This is           It's a complex business. The designer has        growth rates well above any of the exist-
what a product development fair should          demands, the production manager has              ing conventional technologies, and they
provide. We always have development             demands, toolmakers have demands and             are there, and we are the biggest fair for
engineering people and skilled workers          the marketing department has another             them. My exhibitor board is always ask-
and owners. The production people go            view. But, to make the product, you have         ing, 'Aren't we overshooting in this di-
to metal working or plastics processing         to bring all this together and face this         rection?' but it's a fact. Additive manu-
shows and they can find what they need          complexity in the beginning, not react           facturing is developing fast, and we are

18                                                                           European Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
IntervIew | euroMold PrevIew

in this process chain and moving more            circle around Stuttgart, and probably
and more in this direction and moving            75% of all metal in Germany is processed
ahead of mould making, per se. This year         there. But, you of course have big OEMs
we have the jewellery section, which is          in the north like Volkswagen, Mercedes
very interesting because it also includes        in Bremen, and you have the old histor-
the additive manufacturing technolo-             ical places around Ludenscheid. And the
gies along with the old cast technologies.       industrial revolution in Germany started
                                                 in the Wattenscheid in the Ruhr Valley.
ETMM: Visitor generally expect some nov-         So, in terms of mould making and tool-
elty at each instalment of a trade fair.         ing, you have a centre in the south, you
What's new at EuroMold this year?                have a centre in the middle of Germany,
Döring: We are improving the efficiency          and of course you now have Chemnitz
that we think is important for the B2B           in eastern Germany, originally a highly
situation. We have installed matchmak-           established industrial area which is now
ing software that people can use. For            picking up again.
example, you are in the tractor business,
and you want to find a design company            ETMM: Considering the history, It sounds
or a designer that has experience with           like Frankfurt makes sense for a German tool
tractors and you want to find a company          and mould fair. Why is it suited for a Euro-
that has experience with mould making.           pean show?
Or, you want to find someone capable of          Döring: The best thing is probably the
making a 15-tonne mould. This means              infrastructure access. You can access
you don't have to run around – especial-         Frankfurt from any town in Europe in
ly the international visitors – and you          two hours, more or less. If you are in Mi-
can make a match and meet the relevant           lan, for example, it takes less than two
people. If you are the expert in tractor         hours. Our visitors are divided into the
tooling, and you are there on Friday             end users – the OEMs – the kind of orig-
morning, then you make this appoint-             inators for mould making and tooling
ment. We have a B2B area where people            sourcing. Plus, to quite a large extent,
can meet, even visitor to visitor.               visitors are tool makers or people from
                                                 the process chain who want to see what
ETMM: With this range of fairs in the mar-       is available in the specific areas. It's sim-
ket, how does EuroMold differentiate itself      ilar to a plastics processing fair. Take Fa-
from the regional shows?                         kuma; a lot of processors go there, but a
Döring: Our target is to create the opti-        lot of processors also exhibit. A good ex-
mum marketplace for this industry. We            hibition depends the most on visitors,
have to represent the international situ-        not the numbers, but the quality of visi-
ation, and Frankfurt is probably the best        tors. At EuroMold, the quality of visitors
place to have this global fair or this lead-     is very high. You can ask any exhibitor.
ing fair for this industry. We are now           But he has to be international. AMB in
reinforced by our international activi-          Stuttgart had 10% foreign visitors. Right
ties. From this activity outside Germany,        now, our rate is above 23%, so nearly
we get a lot of feedback and reinforce-          one-fourth of our visitors are from
ment for our own exhibition. That's very         abroad. That's what makes it so interna-
important because this is a way to attract       tional. The thing is, we aren't having an
visitors and exhibitors from all over. For       exhibition just for the German toolmak-
example, EuroMold Brazil had about 110           er. Even back in 1995, we had high par-
exhibitors... We will now have a delega-         ticipation from Portugal's toolmakers.
tion of 80 companies and their repre-            That's when Portugal made the decision
sentatives visiting EuroMold for the first       to create a toolmaking industry. Our goal
time. They are buyers and perhaps po-            is to remain the leading fair for such busi-
tential exhibitors. At least we see the          ness. People ask us, 'How many more
world is becoming smaller, and Frankfurt         exhibitors will you have this year?' They
is the meeting place.                            should be asking, 'How many good ex-
                                                 hibitors do you have this year?' or 'How
ETMM: What makes Frankfurt the right city        many companies will show a product for
to host this exhibition?                         this first time this year?'
Döring: In Germany, you have this
north-south situation. north of the Main         »   Demat,
River – there's not much left for metal              Frankfurt/Main, Germany.
processing. You can draw a 100 kilometre    | November 2012 | European Tool & Mould Making
Case study | Hot RunneRs

Four components for injection
moulding include an elastomer
A range of hot runners designed by Günther Heisskanaltechnik allows a processor to make
producing a complicated everyday item look easy.

                                                                                                                                         product in three steps. The first step is

                                                                                                     Source: Günther Heisskanaltechnik
                                                                                                                                         the injection of the red and white but-
                                                                                                                                         tons. For this, Oechsler explained, two
                                                                                                                                         injection systems are combined in one
                                                                                                                                         station. According to the company, these
                                                                                                                                         work indirectly via balanced TEP-S T-
                                                                                                                                         runners and two 5SMT120H nozzles
                                                                                                                                         with anti-wear tips, which is to say via
                                                                                                                                         an intermediate sprue. The shot volume
                                                                                                                                         per nozzle is 2 cm³. This part of the solid
                                                                                                                                         mould half is designed as a three-panel
                                                                                                                                         tool, in order to be able to remove the
                                                                                                                                         sprues, the company said.
                                                                                                                                            The second component with a 50%
                                                                                                                                         glass fibre content for the housing is in-
                                                                                                                                         jected directly via a NHDP4B H-runner
                                                                                                                                         and four slim-line 8NLT150-type needle-
                                                                                                                                         valve hot runner nozzles. According to
                                                                                                                                         Oechsler, this station works with a pneu-
                                                                                                                                         matically activated feed mechanism; 6
                                                                                                                                         cm³ of material is injected per nozzle.
A schematic of the hot half of the mould, which features 10 hot runners. It is used to produce re-                                          The third and final stage is the injec-
mote controls for cars.                                                                                                                  tion of the elastomer component, the
                                                                                                                                         TPU. The same hot runner technology is
                                                                                                                                         said to be used as in the previous step:

M     ould maker and plastic processor
      Oechsler, Ansbach, Germany, has
created a complex tool – with a total of
                                                    automotive industry, it has to be pro-
                                                    duced inexpensively with a high stand-
                                                    ard of quality, the company said. The
                                                                                                                                         the H-runner and the four needle valve
                                                                                                                                         nozzles activated via a feed mechanism
                                                                                                                                         provide the material-saving direct gating
ten hot runner nozzles of varying con-              main component of the housing consists                                               with a volume of 0.95 cm³ each.
struction and different runners from                of black PA66 and PA6T/6I GF50.
Günther – for vehicle remote control                   According to Ochsler, this extremely                                              out of sight, but still
housing shells from four materials.                 rigid material provides robustness and
                                                    good mechanical characteristics, which
                                                                                                                                         not out of mind
a product that must be                              are required for, among other things, the                                            Although the injection points of all the
                                                    basis for the turning mechanism of the                                               components are in places that are not
simple, durable and reliable                        key. The buttons and/or symbols consist                                              visible on the completed product, they
The remote looks unspectacular at first             of a PA6 GF10. These buttons are coated                                              must nevertheless satisfy relatively de-
glance but has perform reliably for a car's         with a TPU; the membranes created in                                                 manding requirements to guarantee
whole life. Moreover, it must be able to            this way are permanently elastic, provide                                            problem-free assembly, Oechsler said.
cope with unfavourable environmental                a pleasant sensation when pressed and                                                For example, electronic components in-
conditions and withstand the buttons                seal the whole unit, the supplier said.                                              corporated into the key, such as the cir-
being pressed thousands of times during                                                                                                  cuit boards, demand supporting points
the service life of the vehicle, safely and         Moulding four materials in                                                           within narrow tolerances, without any
without any mistakes.                                                                                                                    unevenness, let alone stringing.
   Oechsler supplies several versions to
                                                    three production steps
the General Motors Group, and the                   Oechsler and the specialists from                                                    »   Günther Heisskanaltechnik,
whole housing must be robust in con-                Günther developed and designed a quad-                                                   Frankenberg/Eder, Germany.
struction, but because it is for the the            ruple tool, which creates the finished                                         

20                                                                                European Tool & Mould Making | November 2012 |
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                                                                        Internal coolant supply

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Special RepoRt | inteRview

Slicing into the european
market for cutting tools
YG-1 is one of the world's five largest manufacturers of cutting tools. The South Korean
producer has long been a major OEM supplier in the German market, but only began selling
there under its own brand two years ago.

D    uring a visit to YG-1's South Korean                                                                    Song: In the last three years we have in-

                                                                                             Source: Fouhy
     production facilities, ETMM Pub-                                                                        vested heavily in all of our production
lisher Ken Fouhy spoke with company                                                                          facilities, particularly in China and in
founder and CEO Hokeun Song about                                                                            Korea. In China, the first factory already
global challenges facing the manufac-                                                                        has 75,000 m² of production area. We
turer and the success of the YG-1 brand                                                                      have installed all the machines and the
introduction in Germany.                                                                                     office, and that is in the Free Trade Zone.
                                                                                                             In Qingdao we are erecting more build-
ETMM: Of all the markets in Europe, which                                                                    ings that are to provide products for the
ones are the most successful for you today?                                                                  Chinese market. The site covers 120,000
Song: Germany is the biggest market and                                                                      m² and right now we are building a new
the most important one for us. Today,                                                                        33,000 m² factory. This year, we will erect
overall, our business in Germany is at                                                                       two more buildings, and it could be
about €35 million in OEM business and                                                                        more. One of the issues is that product
almost €5 million with the YG-1 brand,                                                                       demand in China is so high that we need
so we are in a very strong position.                                                                         local production. In addition, the land
                                                                                                             prices there are only about 10% of those
ETMM: Looking ahead for the next three                                                                       in our headquarters area in Korea, so our
years, what is your company's goal for the                                                                   factories in China are single-story build-
German market?                                 YG-1's CEO Hokeun Song says shows like AMB                    ings. In our main plant in Incheon you
Song: Within three years our YG-1 brand        are important exhibitions for Germany, the                    saw that our production facilities are five
should be worth a minimum of €10 mil-          company's most important market in Europe.                    or sixt stories high, which brings a logis-
lion. And I am sure that the OEM busi-                                                                       tical challenge.
ness will also grow during this period.
                                                                                                             ETMM: Is all of this new capacity you are
ETMM: What’s the YG-1 value-proposition        not know much about us even though                            pointing out for the Chinese market, or is the
for cutting-tool users in Germany; aren’t      they are already using our products. But                      Chinese production also exported?
there already enough cutting tool suppliers    that is changing. And, as we win more                         Song: The first plant is in the Qingdao
in Germany?                                    clients and offer more service, as we plan                    Free Trade Zone. And in that plant we
Song: Our quality and reliability is very      to do, the acceptance will increase.                          manufacture finished products, for ex-
high and prices are reasonably low, so we                                                                    port. The second factory is for the Chi-
can offer a lot of savings to the customer.    ETMM: What were your expectations for the                     nese market, where we sold products
Our Motto is: "If it’s not perfect, it’s not   AMB metalworking show in Stuttgart?                           worth $33 million last year. But a lot of
a YG-1.” German customers are already          Song: For the German market, AMB is the                       items for the Chinese market come from
using almost €40 million worth of our          best show this year. In the past, I went to                   Korea, too. To meet the booming de-
cutting tools, which shows that our            AMB just to talk about the OEM business,                      mand, we have to make huge invest-
products are well-suited to the market.        but it was not very important as an outlet                    ments in production capacity – this year
In Germany, service is also very impor-        to talk to end-users. Now, it has become                      we will invest $60 million. So you can see
tant, which is an area in which we are         the most important place to build brand                       why we are building so many factories.
increasing our capability. Also, for YG-1’s    recognition for YG-1. And we look for-
global success it is a very important to       ward to meeting many users to discuss                         ETMM: How much of the $60 million invest-
win acceptance in high-end applications        their application needs and provide ap-                       ment is in land and construction and how
in Germany, as the users there are among       propriate solutions.                                          much in production technology?
the most demanding in the world. If we                                                                       Song: This year we have spent almost $20
are successful in Germany, we can trans-       ETMM: Why have you have focused much                          million on land and construction. The
fer this to other markets. But it all takes    of your investment on China over the past                     remainder was investment in machinery
time. For now, the German end-users do         few years?                                                    and production technology.

22                                                                          European Tool & Mould Making | Oktober 2012 |
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