M&A monitor 2019 predictions - Why only the strongest will thrive - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer

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M&A monitor 2019 predictions - Why only the strongest will thrive - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
M&A monitor
2019 predictions
  Why only the strongest will thrive
M&A monitor 2019 predictions - Why only the strongest will thrive - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
M&A monitor                                                                          Q4 2018

Looking ahead to what
will define M&A over the
next 12 months.
We believe that deal-making will be about the survival of the fittest. In volatile
markets, outcomes are enveloped in economic and transactional uncertainty:
political headwinds are growing, regulators are getting tougher and
competition for the best assets is fiercer than ever (although pricing
dislocations may have unpredictable effects, including for financing).
Such conditions are not for the faint-hearted, and the businesses that
thrive will include those with supportive stakeholders, courage in their
convictions and the ability to make clear decisions.

 Slower, tougher, more                 Culture – the impact
 uncertain – navigating                of diversity

 Predicting the unpredictable          Bonus thoughts
 – the future of transatlantic         – other trends we
 antitrust enforcement                are monitoring

 Why financial investors
 are starting small

M&A monitor 2019 predictions - Why only the strongest will thrive - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
M&A monitor                                                                                                                   Q4 2018

Slower, tougher, more uncertain – navigating CFIUS
In the current climate, fortitude is        declaration at the end of a 30-day review,     what specific export controls apply.
a prerequisite for overseas                 but will do so only if it is certain the       Failure to comply with the new
companies looking to do deals in the        deal raises no concerns (an unlikely           mandatory filing obligations risks
US. Recent reforms of Washington’s          outcome given its resource constraints).       penalties that can be as large as the
foreign investment laws mean that           If it has identified any potential issues by   deal value itself.
any non-US business buying into a           the end of this stage, it can either request
                                                                                           CFIUS is also increasingly focused on
new list of ‘critical technologies’         that the parties submit a formal filing        third-party risk (in private equity deals
now has to lodge a mandatory                or initiate a review itself.                   this can involve probing limited partners’
declaration with the Committee
                                            The most likely scenario, however, is          links to foreign regimes and their level
on Foreign Investment in the United
                                            that nothing happens, essentially telling      of influence over the general partner),
States (CFIUS). The committee,
                                            buyers and sellers that they have              so buyers with complex ownership
which was already struggling to deal
                                            complied with their mandatory filing           structures might face difficult and
with an explosion of cases that
                                            obligations but the committee does not         intrusive disclosure requests.
have arisen in recent years, now
finds itself faced with myriad new          have enough information to give an             On the brighter side, the committee’s
notifications that would not have           affirmative approval. Some parties with        staffing gaps may soon be addressed.
previously entered the system. As a         lower risk profiles might be comfortable       The latest round of reforms allocated
result, foreign acquirers will have         with closing their transactions without        CFIUS a dedicated budget of $20m, but
to ready themselves for a more              a formal clearance. The alternative is         change will not happen overnight. Until it
uncertain – and surely longer –             to force CFIUS to reach a conclusion by        does, buyers will have to hang in there to
M&A process from here on out.               voluntarily submitting a traditional           get their transactions over the line.
                                            notification from the outset, in theory
CFIUS has defined ‘critical technologies’   capping their exposure to CFIUS risk at
by reference to certain export control      five to six months.
categories split across 27 industries
for which strategically motivated foreign
investments could pose a threat to
                                            In response, deal-makers will need to
                                            budget even more time for the CFIUS                        $20m
                                            process. Early-stage due diligence now
US technological superiority or
                                            requires a detailed understanding
national security.
                                            of whether any aspect of the target’s
The committee has the option to approve     business is involved with one of the                   CFIUS’s dedicated
transactions submitted via a mandatory      committee’s key industries and, if so,                     budget

M&A monitor 2019 predictions - Why only the strongest will thrive - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
M&A monitor                                                                                                                   Q4 2018

Predicting the unpredictable – the future of transatlantic antitrust enforcement
Antitrust litigation under the Trump presidency

Merging parties                              Agency              Type of deal              Outcome

Wilhelmsen/Drew                              FTC                 Horizontal                FTC won

Tronox/Cristal                               FTC                 Horizontal                FTC won

Sanford Health/Mid Dakota                    FTC                 Horizontal                FTC won

Otto Bock/
                                             FTC                 Horizontal                Decision pending
Freedom Innovations

AT&T/Time Warner                             DOJ                 Vertical                  DOJ lost, appeal pending

Cross-border deals have become               suggested reversing the burden of proof       attention towards a single vertical
more politicised in recent years, with       in these ‘killer acquisitions’ by obliging    merger (AT&T/Time Warner), the only
antitrust enforcement one of the             ‘super large companies’ to demonstrate        time in 40 years such a transaction
principal battlegrounds.                     the efficiency benefits of the transaction    has been challenged.
                                             to secure clearance. Although legally
                                             questionable, if his ideas are taken up       As for horizontal tie-ups – which are
In Europe, the Commission has signalled
                                             in practice it will place significant         predominately the deals that antitrust
that buyouts involving big tech companies
                                             demands on acquirers.                         enforcers care about – the Trump DOJ is
will continue to be scrutinised over their
                                                                                           yet to take one to trial (it did challenge
impact on consumers, markets and             In the US, it is harder to generalise
                                                                                           a very small aspect of Parker Hannifin/
innovation. The authority has long tried     because two agencies with what appear to
to curb the power of tech giants and is                                                    CLARCOR but the case was settled).
                                             be very different enforcement
considering new measures to aid its cause.                                                 Looking ahead, the outcome of the DOJ’s
                                             philosophies are responsible for reviewing
At present, parties are only required to                                                   investigation into the T-Mobile/Sprint
                                             deals. Under the Trump presidency, the
submit a merger filing if certain revenue    Federal Trade Commission (FTC) has            merger may therefore provide some
thresholds are met. But in future, the       taken a robust, traditional approach by       insight. The head of the agency’s antitrust
price of the target may be used as an        focusing on horizontal mergers. Its work      division, Makan Delrahim, has said that
additional trigger (acknowledging that       has so far been validated by the courts; of   he sees little wrong in reducing the
even smaller tech deals can have a           the four cases it has litigated, three have   number of players in the mobile market
distorting impact on competition).           been won and a ruling on the fourth is        from four to three, and if the deal is
The European Commission’s chief              pending. By contrast, the Department          passed it could lead to further
economist, Tommaso Valletti, has also        of Justice (DOJ) has directed much of its     consolidation in key industries.

M&A monitor 2019 predictions - Why only the strongest will thrive - Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer
M&A monitor                                                                                                                                                                        Q4 2018

Why financial investors are starting small

                                                                Minority acquisitions by financial sponsors

                                35                                                                                       1,200

   Aggregate deal value ($bn)


                                                                                                Number of transactions






                                0                                                                                           0








                                                         Av 18





                                                                                                                                                     Av 18

















                                                         Announcement date                                                                           Announcement date

The story of Ant Financial’s year                                        Deal volumes hit a 10-year high in 2017,                               taking multiple minority stakes as a route
reveals two trends set to continue                                       and activity in 2018 was not far behind                                to overall control, effectively turning
into 2019.                                                               by early December. In Ant’s case, investors                            buyouts into a two- or three-stage process.
                                                                         were attracted by the chance to gain
                                                                         financial exposure to one of Asia’s biggest                            Minority investments offer fewer board
In August, Alibaba’s payments arm
                                                                         success stories (its value has more than                               seats, although with directors being
pushed back its hotly anticipated IPO,
                                                                         tripled to $150bn since 2015). And with                                driven to act independently, even
proving that even the fastest-growing
                                                                         a listing expected, they have an exit point                            controlling positions may not enable
companies can find it tough to list in
                                                                         in their sights.                                                       owners to influence strategy to the extent
the current climate. Yet it also launched
                                                                                                                                                they did in the past. This is particularly
the biggest ever funding round by a                                      Exit dynamics are one of the biggest
                                                                                                                                                so in regulated sectors, but the Securities
private business (pulling in more than                                   issues for buyout firms playing in this
                                                                                                                                                and Exchange Commission’s hard line
$14bn from the likes of Warburg Pincus),                                 space. These are funds that have defined
                                                                                                                                                with Elon Musk suggests that autocratic
demonstrating the increasing appetite                                    horizons to deliver returns, unlike typical
                                                                         growth investors whose approach is                                     leadership styles are on borrowed time
from financial sponsors for VC-style
                                                                         more open-ended. The strongest players                                 in every industry. It is also harder to
growth investments.
                                                                         may be able negotiate an obligation that                               raise leverage from a minority position
As the table above shows, such interest                                  the business will be sold or listed within                             (where dividends may be the only source
in minority stakes has been on the rise in                               a given timeframe – or agree rights                                    of security), meaning sponsors are
recent years (arguably returning many                                    that enable them to force their way out.                               increasingly chasing businesses with
funds to their VC-pedigree roots).                                       But those that can’t are increasingly                                  the highest growth potential.

M&A monitor                                                                                                                 Q4 2018

Culture – the impact of diversity
When market conditions are                    companies and found that those with         and tech – to gauge whether these
challenging, it puts greater                  the most diverse executive teams were       theories apply in practice. All our
pressure on businesses to make                21 per cent more likely to outperform on    interviewees valued the ability of diverse
the right decisions.                          profitability and 27 per cent more likely   teams to ‘cover every angle and identify
                                              to demonstrate superior value creation.     potential pitfalls’ during deals. Mixed
Senior executives are expected to generate    Academic studies suggest homogenous         teams are less likely to be dragged into
growth whatever the prevailing winds          teams act to marginalise dissenting         the ‘ego-driven’ aspects of a negotiation
– and when asset values are high,             voices and promote ‘herd mentality’,        (where minor points are fought over
acquisitions tend to be more closely          overconfidence and ‘empire-building’        ‘simply to win the argument’), and are
scrutinised.                                  (where the consolidation of executive       less likely to harbour cliques that can
                                              power takes precedence over what is         monopolise discussions. One also pointed
One way companies may be able to tackle       best for the business). In the context of   to the benefits of cultural diversity in
this challenge is by building more diverse    M&A, less-diverse companies have even       breaking down deferential hierarchies
deal teams. Governments and investors         been found to pay more for assets, in       and enabling teams to tackle subjects
are pushing for greater gender, ethnic and    part because decision-makers may            that might otherwise be off limits.
social balance on boards, and diversity has   overestimate their ability to
been shown to deliver tangible returns.       drive synergies.                            The most diverse executive
A 2018 McKinsey study, Delivering through     We spoke to senior decision-makers in       teams are more likely to
Diversity, analysed more than 1,000           three industries – healthcare, finance      outperform on profitability.

M&A monitor                                                                                                                     Q4 2018

                  Bonus thoughts –                                             Global M&A
           other trends we are monitoring                                  YTD activity by sector

                Carve-outs, spin-offs and other                                        6
               portfolio-optimising transactions                                                           M&A
         We expect these to continue – not least because of                            5                   value
       the ubiquitous nature of the activist investor, regardless
          of target size or industry, and regardless of region.                                4

                                                                    Sector                                                   $bn      %
                                                                    1    Telecoms, media and technology                       865     24

                                                                    2 Energy and power                                        645     18
                    Volatility in energy prices
                                                                    3 Industrials and materials                               490     13
        All part of the new normal – not just for the resources
                                                                    4 Consumer *                                              417     12
          sector, but for the rest of the industrial economy.
                                                                    5 Healthcare                                              399     11

                                                                    6 Real estate                                              321     9

                                                                    7 Financials                                              320      9

                                                                    8 Infrastructure and transport                             135     4

               The shift back towards a focus on                    Total                                                   3,592    100
              corporate governance and controls
         The market has generally favoured less risk-averse                                            7
         boards over the past five years, so will high-profile                             6
       conduct (accounting, bribery and corruption, individual
          behaviour) scandals lead to a more conservative                                               M&A
                     approach to transactions?                                                         volume


                                                                    Sector                                                    Vol     %

                    Digitisation – what’s next?                     1    Telecoms, media and technology                     10,872    25

           This is obviously a major driver of M&A activity –       2 Consumer *                                            9,276     22

       we are looking hard at the secondary and tertiary layers     3 Industrials and materials                              7,825    18
          here, including enhanced antitrust enforcement,
                                                                    4 Financials                                            4,392     10
        ethical tech and continued efforts to ‘best practice’
                        the cyber security crisis.                  5 Healthcare                                             3,339     8

                                                                    6 Real estate                                            3,148     7

                                                                    7 Energy and power                                       2,818     7
For further insights, please visit our Transactions blog.
                                                                    8 Infrastructure and transport                           1,110     3

                                                                    Total                                               42,780       100

                                                                    *Includes retail

M&A monitor                                                                                                                                                             Q4 2018

Global M&A YTD – value and volume
(Company nationality is determined by HQ location.)

                  Global                                        USA*                                     Europe*                                Asia-Pacific*
                M&A value                                    M&A value                                 M&A value                                    M&A value

$3,592bn $1,560bn $897bn                                                                                                                $873bn
          M&A deal volume                                M&A deal volume                          M&A deal volume                             M&A deal volume

         42,780                                              11,317                              12,240                                        15,101
 Top 3 deals                                     Top 3 deals                               Top 3 deals                               Top 3 deals

Shire/Takeda                                    Express Scripts Holding/                   Shire/Takeda                             Flipkart Group/                         $16bn
                                $76.9bn         Cigna Corp               $68.5bn           Pharmaceutical           $76.9bn         Walmart

                                                Energy Transfer                                                                     Coles Group/
Express Scripts                 $68.5bn         Partners/Energy                            Sky/Comcast                              Shareholders of                         $11bn
                                                                             $61.8bn                                $48.4bn
Holding/Cigna Corp                              Transfer Equity                                                                     Wesfarmers

Energy Transfer                                                                            Abertis Infraestructuras                 Yantai Wanhua Chemical
Partners/Energy                 $61.8bn         Sprint/T-Mobile US           $58.7bn       SA/Abertis               $41.5bn         Industry/Wanhua        $10.2bn
Transfer Equity                                                                            Infraestructuras SA SPV                  Chemical Group

 Inbound:                                        Inbound:                                  Inbound:                                  Inbound:
 most targeted                                   markets investing into                    markets investing into                    markets investing into
 markets                                         US companies                              European companies                        Asia-Pacific companies

USA                                             USA                                        UK                                       China
11,317 deals                $1,560bn            9,065 deals               $1,289bn         2,342 deals              $182bn          5,013 deals                       $395bn
China                                           Canada                                     USA                                      Japan
5,250 deals                   $418bn            454 deals                    $69bn         861 deals                $127bn          2,659 deals                         $79bn
UK                                              Japan                                      Japan                                    Australia
2,855 deals                    $212bn           102 deals                     $33bn        99 deals                 $97bn           1,090 deals                         $69bn

 Outbound:                                       Outbound:                                 Outbound:                                 Outbound:
 most acquisitive                                markets US companies are                  markets European companies                markets Asia-Pacific companies
 markets                                         investing into                            are investing into                        are investing into

USA                                             USA                                        UK                                       China
10,870 deals                $1,530bn            9,065 deals               $1,289bn         2,253 deals              $124bn          5,110 deals                        $391bn
China                                           UK                                         Germany                                  Ireland
5,221 deals                   $433bn            337 deals                    $68bn         1,130 deals              $116bn          14 deals                             $77bn
UK                                              India                                      USA                                      Australia
2,756 deals                   $225bn            116 deals                     $21bn        612 deals                $100bn          1,135 deals                          $77bn
*Includes domestic deals                                                                                                             NB: All deal volumes include net debt of target.

     Financial sponsor M&A – top 3 deals with financial sponsor involvement

                                     1                                                 2                                               3

                    $58.7bn                                               $29.6bn                                    $26.6bn
                               Sprint/                                    EDP Energias de Portugal/                       Dr Pepper Snapple/
                             T-Mobile US                                    China Three Gorges                               Keurig Green
                                                                                 (Europe)                                      Mountain

© Freshfields Bruckhaus Deringer LLP, December 2018, 07627                                                              Source: Thomson One (Deals). Data as at 10 December 2018
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