Longfellow Leopards - Hastings Public Schools
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“Our fundamental purpose is to assure all students acquire the knowledge, skills, and behaviors essential to be successful individuals and responsible citizens.” Longfellow Leopards JANUARY 2021 NEWSLETTER As the world has learned to adapt to the new ways of living, hoping to engage with our lives again, dreaming of meeting up with family and friends, and longing to travel across the state, the country, and abroad, we would still like to express our gratitude for many opportunities presented to us and highlight some of the significant events that shaped the first semester at Longfellow. • Our sing-along concert was very touching and heart-warming. With the help of technology, Mr. Adams was able to reproduce one of our most enjoyable traditions at Longfellow. Each classroom watched a screen on which words of our favorite songs were shown to follow along with the music that accompanied the words. Our Ambassadors were outstanding in helping the school to sing together. • Character video assemblies shared monthly character traits with our students and explain what kind of actions we expect to see from our students when they demonstrate those character qualities. • Global assemblies introduced our students to other countries and places, and they also satisfied some of our insatiable curiosity about the rest of the world. • Events like the book fair were opportunities for students to dive into reading at their convenience in their homes with books that they chose themselves. Our amazing PTO supported us this year and made sure each child took home at least one book of their choice. We are very grateful for your support! • The Spelling Challenge fundraiser that is organized by our PTO has been a great success again. For our students, pig racing has become a Longfellow tradition they all anticipate with great joy. This year the races were digital, but as much fun as ever! We are looking forward to the new adventures and learning opportunities that will arise for our students and us in this second semester. Let’s have a healthy, peaceful and fulfilling rest of the school year!
Goal Setting For the month of January, we will focus on setting goals as we L.E.A.P with good character. What are goals? Goals are accomplishments we hope to achieve in the future. They can be short-term and long-term. At school, students set learning goals, as well as good-character goals. Goal setting is a valuable part of learning and growing. Setting and tracking goals improve skills like: planning, time-management, organization, problem-solving, and decision-making. The goal-setting process builds confidence, Books About Goal Setting communication skills and Salt in His Shoes by self-awareness. As students make Deloris Jordan and Roslyn progress in achieving their goals, Jordan they learn the power of effort. Whistle for Willie by Ezra They also begin to take ownership Jack Keats Ruby’s Wish by Shirin Yim of their learning. Bridges A Chair for My Mother by Living with Integrity Vera B. Williams Earning & Giving Respect Thank you, Mr. Falker by Patricia Polacco Acting Responsibly Practicing Compassion 2
Important Reminders • Temperatures are taken each morning upon students’ arrival. If a student has a temperature of 100.4 or higher, he/she will go to a room by the office to wait 10 minutes to have it checked again. If the temperature is sBll high, the student will stay at home unBl fever free for 48 hours. • If your student has COVID symptoms, please keep her/him at home. Please call school, when your child has medical appointments. • Please provide a doctor’s note every Bme your child stays at home sick. • All students, staff and visitors are required to wear masks. “No masks” breaks will be provided throughout the school day. Masks will be given to anyone who does not have them. • Students are not required to wear masks during recess. • Students will wash their hands at least three Bmes during the school day. Students will also saniBze their hands whenever possible. • Parking is limited around Longfellow School. Please consider parking a block or two away and walk toward our building. We want to make sure that our children, staff, parents and community members feel safe at the drop off and pick up Bmes. Please do not park in the parking lot of the dental office across from Longfellow School or in the parking lot of Mary Lanning Hospital. • To avoid chaos, we do not allow anyone to use the playground, while students are s@ll on campus. Families may use playground equipment aCer 4 pm. • We limit the number of visitors to our building. Parents will not be allowed to eat breakfast or lunch with their students. • Treats will not be shared among students. Parents can send treats just for their own children. • Students must be picked up within 15 minutes aCer school is out. School day begins at 8:10 am and ends at 3:20 pm. Remember that on Wednesdays students are dismissed at 2:30 pm. Please make a plan for your students to get home safely. 3
Important Reminders • When checking students out, please use the main door on the north side. • Cell phones and other electronics are not allowed in school without teachers’ permission. • Every Wednesday students will be dismissed at 2:30 pm. Please make arrangements to have students picked up on time, as teachers will be participating in collaborative meetings. • If you would like to receive weekly emails from the principal, please fill out a form on our Longfellow website. The link is called Email Sign-Up. • If you would like to donate aluminum cans, Longfellow has a donations account with City Iron and Metal Company. • Longfellow participates in the Box Tops program. You can help our school to earn some funds by using their app and scanning the Box Tops on the products you buy. We appreciate your help! Winter Weather Dear parents/guardians, please remember that our students line up outside before school and spend their recess outside, if the temperature and the wind chill are above zero. It is important to send students to school wearing warm clothes, such as winter coats, hats, gloves, snow pants and boots. Recess is an important part of a students’ daily schedule, therefore, all students have to experience it. The school does not have extra coats, in case students forget theirs at home. That is why it is crucial to dress your children warmly for cold weather. 4
d Happy Birthday Tedd Arnold author of the We continue to wipe Fly Guy series and A. A. Milne with his down all books that beloved Winnie the Pooh. Both of these are come back into the still a regular check out for all ages. Some library. call them easy, picture or everybody books because we ALL still enjoy reading them. Each student has their Guinness World Records along with Ripley’s own bookmark to select Believe It Or Not are popular non-fiction or and check out books true books as we begin 2021! from our library. This month we will be reviewing the 5 finger rule with library classes. Ask your child if they know how to choose a “Just Right” book. This means they can read it independently. Did you know the library of congress in Washington D.C. has 168 million items? This library serves more customers than the movie theatre. The top 5 countries that read are: India, Thailand, China, Philippines, and Egypt. (US averages 5.7 hours per week). 5
Hey Parents! Your Longfellow PTO is looking for pictures for this year’s Yearbook. Please email any pictures you have of 2020-21 Longfellow students or activities to longfellowyearbook@gmail.com. Thanks! Longfellow Restaurant Night! On January 19 Longfellow is having a Restaurant Night at Domino’s . A portion of the evening sales will be donated to Longfellow Elementary School. It is a wonderful excuse not to cook! Please take advantage of this opportunity! The next popcorn sale is on January 22. A bag is $0.25. A form will go home in Wednesday Folders. Please fill out your request for the number of bags and tape the money to the form. Please return to school before the next Wednesday. Money is used to support our classrooms! Longfellow participates in Box Tops for Education. There is a Box Top App that you can use for scanning the Box Tops that you find on products that you buy in stores. If you would like to support our school, here is the link to the app. Thanks for your support! http://www.boxtops4education.com/bonusapp 8
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