LOCAL LOVE - Leaders and Allies annual Directory - LOOK LIKE? WHAT does - Centraide Laurentides

Page created by April Johnson
LOCAL LOVE - Leaders and Allies annual Directory - LOOK LIKE? WHAT does - Centraide Laurentides
Leaders and Allies
annual Directory

       WHAT does

       LOOK LIKE?
LOCAL LOVE - Leaders and Allies annual Directory - LOOK LIKE? WHAT does - Centraide Laurentides
Centraide Laurentides Leadership and Allied
    Giving Program recognizes donors who give
    $500 or more every year.

    In 2017, Centraide Laurentides benefited from
    the contributions of 684 members who joined
    the Leaders’ Circle. The total amount of their
    donations was $690,267, or 28.4% of the
    $2,424,557 raised during the campaign. The
    number of Leaders and Allies increased 13% over
    last year.

    These generous people have become key actors
    in the fight against poverty and social exclusion.
    Thanks to the multiplier effect of their substantial
    donations, Centraide Laurentides can help a
    vast network of community partners and support
    concrete actions to take care of the essentials,
    break social isolation, support youth success and
    build caring communities.

    Showing your local love means transforming
    communities and thousands of lives, here in the
    Laurentians. Thanks to our Leader and Allied
    Donors, Centraide has the resources to make sure
    that everyone—regardless of their age, sex, origin
    or ability—can fully participate in society. Thank
    you for showing your local love.

    With an annual donation of $500 or a little less
    than $20 per pay, you... allow young adults living
    with an intellectual disability to keep learning to
    become self-sufficient and build their social skills.

    With an annual donation of $1,200 or $46 per
    pay, you... help an agency provide food assistance
    to a hundred people in difficulty to help them get
    through a personal or family ordeal.

    With an annual donation of $10,000, you... let
    a dozen women in a vulnerable situation (without
    money or shelter) move into transitional housing
    for 3 months so that they can address their
    fears, rebuild their self-esteem, and get help to
    reintegrate into society.

LOCAL LOVE - Leaders and Allies annual Directory - LOOK LIKE? WHAT does - Centraide Laurentides
Why give to Centraide Laurentides?
Because Centraide Laurentides specializes in
community investment. We are intimately familiar
with each community and therefore know where
needs are greatest. Centraide Laurentides
strategically invests the money our donors entrust
to us so that it makes an impact on the entire
community. To achieve this, we need Leaders
like you.

Leadership levels
Leaders’ Circle
Philanthropists               $25,000 or more
Platinum Leaders              $10,000 to $24,999
Gold Leaders                  $5,000 to $9,999
Silver Leaders                $2,500 to $4,999
Bronze Leaders                $1,200 to $2,499
Allied Donors                 $500 to $1,199

What your donation actually
costs after tax credits

Annual            Real cost after
donation          tax credits*
$500              $290 ($290 for first-time donors**)
$1,200            $652 ($402 for first-time donors**)
$5,000            $2,620 ($2,370 for first-time donors**)
$10,000           $5,209 ($4,959 for first-time donors**)

*2018 rates:
Provincial tax credit:
20% on the first $200 and 24% on the subsequent amount.
Federal tax credit:
15% on the first $200 and 29% on the subsequent amount.
First-time donor’s super credit from the federal government**:
For the 2018 tax year, the federal government will grant an
additional credit of 25% on the first $1,000 per taxpayer (or
spouse) making a first donation.
** First-time donor: An individual, spouse or common-law
spouse who has not claimed a charitable donations tax credit
for any year after 2008.

                                 CENTRAIDE LAURENTIDES           3
Thank you to our
    2017 Leaders

    (gift of $25,000 and more)

    Fondation J. Armand Bombardier
    Fondation Marcelle et Jean Coutu

    Gold Leaders
    (gift of $5,000 to $9,999)

    Alain Beaudoin
    Frédérick Cromer
    Fondation St-Hubert inc.
    Jacques Giguère
    Danielle Luc
    Fondation RBC
    and 2 anonymous donors

    Silver Leaders
    (gift of $2,500 to $4,999)

    Charles Bélanger
    Sylvain Désilets
    Robert Dewar
    Yvan Gingras
    Patrick Hébert
    Sylvain Leclerc
    Pietro Lepore
    A.R. Deane Nesbitt
    Andrew Sayer
    Gilles Tisseur
    and 4 anonymous donors

Bronze Leaders
(gift of $1,200 to $2,499)

Donald Allard                 Éric Franche
André Arcand                  Michelle Fuller
Alexandre Archambault         Claude Gauthier
Julie Augeraud                François Gauthier
Claude Beaulieu               Alain Gendron
Michel Beaulieu               Istifan Ghanem
Normand Bélanger              Fondation Denise et
Bob Benoit                    Robert Gibelleau
Clément Benoit                Joann Graf
Tony Boisvert                 David Grant
Jean Boivin                   Benoît Guérard
Richard Booy                  Benoît Guérin
Judith Bourgeois              Julie Guilbault
Alan Caceres                  Jean-Luc Hétu
Francesco Calcara             Marc Jolicoeur
Christian Chaput              Sylvain Joly
Sylvie Chartrand              Réjean Kingsbury
Marc-André Coderre            Laurent Labbé
Charles Comtois               David Laberge
Sébastien Côté                Alain Lafrenière
Dave Courtois                 Sylvain Lajoie
Jean-Pierre Cousserans        Mario Langlois
François Cyr                  Ludovick Lapierre-Gauthier
Crystian Darveau              Johanne Laprise
Marie-Josée De Ladurantaye    Alain Larocque
Marie-Christine Désilets      Alain Lavoie
Marie-Claude Desjardins       Marc-Antoine Leboeuf
Pauline Desjardins            Suzanne J. Lefebvre
Robert Desjardins             Marie-Josée Lemieux
Paul E. Deslauriers           Rachel Lessard Lafrenière
Gordon Dezelak                Jonathan Léveillé
Jean-Yves Dion                Damien Levrard
Pierre Émond                  Paméla Licha
Michel Ferron                 Patrice Mainville
Laurent Fichet                Richard Marinier
Mélanie Filiatreault          Alain Martel

                             CENTRAIDE LAURENTIDES   5
Martin Perrier
                                    Chair of the 2018
                                    Director of the
                                    Network and
                                    a Leader.

    “Everyone’s contribution allows Centraide
    Laurentides to have a major impact on the
    community. Together, we are making a local
    difference by continuing to fight poverty.
    Leadership and Allied donations improve living
    conditions for people in need right here in the
    Laurentians. Thank you for getting involved in our
    annual fundraising campaign as Leader and Allied
    donors. Your generosity and commitment help
    change lives.”

    Thank you for showing your local love.

                                   Sylvie Chartrand,
                                   CPA, CA
                                   Partner, Raymond
                                   Chabot Grant
                                   and Leader

    “Sometimes, all it takes is a bit of help to change
    someone’s life and the life of their family and to
    shine the light at the end of the tunnel. Alone,
    we can’t get very far, but by giving together to
    Centraide Laurentides, we can make a difference.”

Isabelle Ménard
                                  Team Leader,
                                  Health & Safety
                                  and Environment,
                                  and Ally

“Pay it forward! This may be a common saying, but
it reminds me how donations are a gift of personal

Centraide allows people in local communities to
find hope, take a breath, and get respite as they
overcome life’s hardships. No one is immune from
a situation or change that can turn their life upside

All of these reasons motivate me and reassure me,
because one day I could be the one knocking on
the door of an agency supported by Centraide
Laurentides and the one your donation helps.
Right now, since life has allowed me to give to
a great cause, I am doing what I can to pay it

                             CENTRAIDE LAURENTIDES      7
Bronze Leaders
    (gift of $1,200 to $2,499) - continued

    Laurent Martineau        Elio Ruggi
    Ian G. Matthews          Dominic Sabourin
    Simon Mercier            Donna Sharpe
    François Mercier         Douglas Sharpe
    Pierre Messier           Sylvie Talbot
    Sylvain Miron            Martin Tessier
    Éric Morin               Guylain Thériault
    Pierre Munger            Maxime Therien
    Geneviève Nantel         Sylvain Therrien
    Jinnah Nasrullah         Jean-Philippe Vachon
    Jean Néron               Daniel Verret
    Pierre-Luc Normand       Chad Vetter
    Danielle Paquette        and 38 anonymous
    Serge Paquette           donors
    Jean-François Parent
    Sylvain Pelletier
    Richard Perreault
    Ivan Perrier
    Martin Perrier
    Mélanie Perron
    Christophe Phan
    Maude Phaneuf
    Ginette Piché
    Suzanne M. Piché
    Jean Piette
    Denis Poirier
    Jean-François Quinton
    Jean-Charles Raillat
    Yves Richard
    Martin Robidoux
    Benoît Roby
    Martin Rouleau
    Guy Roy

Thank you to our
2017 allies

(gift of $500 to $1,199)

Henri Alexandre             Cristelle Boisjoli
Michel Anglehart            Steeve Bond
Paulo Arruda                Pierre Bouchard
Renée Arsenault             Chantal Boucher
Allain Arsenault            Line Boucher
Alain P. Aubin              Mathieu Boudreau
Gilles Aubin                Robert Bourassa
Marie Aubin                 Daniel Bourdon
J. François Audet           Alain Bourdua
Timothy Ayoub               Marie-Claude Brais
Jean-François Banville      Marc Brideau
André Baudouin              Karine Brière
Marcel Beauchemin           Véronique Brouillette
Gabriel Beaudoin            Franck Brousseau
Pascal Beaulac              Marc Bustamante
Carl Beaulieu               Jonathan Camire
Daniel Beaulieu             Isabelle Carle
Hugo Beaulieu               Francis Cartier
Serge Beaulieu              Jason Chales
Steve Belisle               Raymond Charest
Louis-Mathieu Bellavance    Myriam Charlebois
Pascal Benalil              Yannick Chasles
Michel Benoit               Serge Chevigny
Jean-François Bergeron      Eric Cholette
Lyse R. Bergeron            Richard Cloutier
Annie Bernatchez            Jean-Pierre Contant
Normand Bernier             Philippe Côté
Marc Bigaouette             Jean-Marc Couture
Alain Bilodeau              Michel Craig
Marcel Blais                Alain Crépeau
André Blanchet              Yann Cyr
Pierre Boire                Richard Da Silva

                           CENTRAIDE LAURENTIDES    9
     (gift of $500 to $1,199) - continued

     Marc-André D’Avignon       Ariel Jose Fernandez
     Normand Day                Luc Filiatrault
     Martin De Stephano         Daniel Filion
     Alain Delorme              Martin Fiola
     Claude Demers              Richard Forest
     François Demers            Sophie Forest
     Jean-François Denis        Jocelyn Fortin
     Jessica Deschênes          Danielle Fournier
     Danny Descoteaux           Éric Fournier
     Charles-Éric Desgagné      Philippe Fugère
     Claude Desjardins          Roger Fugère Jr.
     Yvan Desjardins            Louise Gallant
     Luc Desmarais              Maryse Garceau
     Laurin Desmarais-Delisle   Pierre Garceau
     Lise Desrochers            Steeve Gardner
     Michel Desrosiers          Jacques Gariépy
     Reine Dessertine           Nicole Gauthier
     Sylvie-Louisette           Marie-France Gauvin
     Dessureault                Joseph Gazalé
     François Dion              Éric Gendron
     Nicolas Dodane             Alain Genest
     Raymond Drapeau            Serge Genier
     Bernard Drolet             Véronique Giasson
     Diane Du Ruisseau          Geneviève Ginchereau
     André Ducharme             Christian Godard
     Dominic Ducharme           Louis Gravel
     Dany Duclos                Stéphane Grégoire
     Alexandre Dumais           Robert Grégoire
     Myriam Dumais              David Grenier
     Georgette Dunnigan         Christiane Grimard
     Jacqueline Dunnigan        Pierre Hamel
     Pierre Dunnigan            Josée Hamelin
     Ahmed Ech-Chouyekh         Radouane Harfat
     André Eleuterio            Stéphane Harouni
     Patrick Emond              Alexandre Helal
     Jean-Charles Ferland       Patrice Henley

Mathieu Hubert-Benoit    Luc Lusignan
Dominic Husson           Francis Magrau
Robert Johnston          Pierre-Luc Maillé
Jonathan Jutras          Jean Mailloux
Cari Kelly               Yanick Malette
Ali Khalili              Serge Malo
Linda Kopec              Rosa Mancuso
Pierre Lacoste           Paul Marinaro
Anne-Marie Lafond        Karl Marinelli
Donald Lagacé            Sylvain Martin
Myriam Lagarde           Dominic Martineau
Guillaume Lalande        Jason McGrath
Deborah Lalumière        Michel Meloche
Frédéric Lamarche        Isabelle Ménard
Claude Lamarre           Yvon Mercier
Lise Lamothe             Marc Messier
Pierre Langlois          Daniel Michaud
Gilles Lapierre          Hugh Mitchell
Marc-André Laplante      Diane Montambault
Sylvain Larente          Tino D. Monteleone
Philippe Larochelle      Scott Moore
Daniel Larocque          Caroline Morel
Jacques Lavallée         Roberto Naccazato
Glenda Le Sauteur        Danielle Naud
François Leduc           John A. Neysmith
Martine Lefrançois       Adina Nicula
Marie-Claude Lemay       Caroline Ouellet
François Lemire          Raymond Ouellet
Guillaume Lemire         Julie Ouimet
Stéphane Lemyre          Vincent Pagé
Christiane Lepage        Ugo Paniconi
Marie-Ève Lepage         Diane Paquet
Annie Leroux             Mélanie Paquette
Chantal Leroux           Annik Parizeau
Nathalie Lévesque        Yvan Patenaude
Alain Lévesque           Nathalie Pelletier
Danielle Lizotte         Stéphane Pelletier
Diane Lortie             Isabelle Perreault
André Lozeau             Réal Perron

                        CENTRAIDE LAURENTIDES   11
     (gift of $500 to $1,199) - continued

     Steve Perron               Yvonne St-Onge
     Sébastien Plouffe          Simon St-Pierre
     Thibault Poinsignon        Jean-Luc St-Yves
     Patrick Primeau            Daniel Tessier
     Jaiver Ivan Quintana       Guy Thibault
     Jérôme Ramel               Richard Thibault
     Pierre Raymond             Robert H. Thibault
     Annie Rehel                Jean Thibodeau
     Amélie Richard             Carmela Trasente
     Armand Richard             Jean-François Tremblay
     Yves Richard               Jean-Pierre Tremblay
     Sébastien Riopel           Josée Tremblay
     Anouk Rivard               Marco Tremblay
     Serge Robert               Nathalie Tremblay
     Monique Rochon             François Turcotte
     Vital Rochon               François Turgeon
     Horacio Xavier Rose        Francine Van Erum
     Solano                     Alberto Vargas
     Jean-François Rouleau      Michael Vautour
     Éric Rousseau              Alain Veilleux
     Jacques Rousseau           Chuong Vu Ngoc
     René Roy                   Josette Yvon
     Roger Saindon              and 239 anonymous
     Daniel Savard              donors
     Jean Savard
     Patrick Sears
     Benoît Serres
     Clyde Sharpe
     Mireille Simard
     Soukaroune Siphengphet
     Luc Soucy
     François Soulières
     David Speirs
     Sophie St-Amour
     Denise St-Gelais
     Sylvie St-Georges

Four areas of action
        One overall mission

                     Build caring
             Support youth
             success         Take care of
                             the essentials

                   Break social

Parce qu’il soutient plus de 60 organismes
communautaires dans la région des
Laurentides qui agissent dans quatre champs
parce qu’il participe à plus de 30 tables
de concertation régionales et soutient des
initiatives locales afin d’actualiser des solutions,
Centraide Laurentides investit stratégiquement
les dons qui lui sont confiés pour qu’ils
rapportent à toute la collectivité.
En tant que donateur Leader et Allié,
vous faites partie de la force motrice qui
propulse le travail accompli par Centraide
dans la communauté.
Merci d’avoir agi ici, avec coeur.

                             CENTRAIDE LAURENTIDES     13
The following agencies and
     companies have two or more
     Leaders or Allies

     Abipa Canada inc.
     Agence des services frontaliers du Canada
     Banque de Montréal
     Banque Nationale Groupe financier
     Bell Helicopter Textron Canada limitée
     Bombardier Avions commerciaux – Usine de Mirabel
     Caisse Desjardins de la Rivière-du-Nord
     Caisse Desjardins Thérèse-De Blainville
     Caisse Desjardins de l’Envolée
     Campagne de charité en milieu de travail du
     Gouvernement du Canada (CCMTGC)
     Centre intégré de santé et de services sociaux
     des Laurentides
     Commission scolaire de la Seigneurie-des-Mille-Iles
     Costco Boisbriand
     Costco Saint-Jérôme
     Costco Terrebonne
     Desjardins Entreprises – Laurentides Sud
     Desjardins – Réseau des caisses Services aux
     membres et clients
     Desjardins – Technologies de l’information
     Elasto Proxy
     Hybride Technologies inc.
     L3 Technologies MAS inc.
     La Hutte, Hébergement d’urgence
     Mecachrome Canada
     Orange Traffic inc.

Pratt & Whitney Canada – Centre
aéronautique de Mirabel
Produits de Métal Vulcain inc.
Raymond Chabot Grant Thornton
RBC Banque Royale du Canada
Restaurants McDonald’s : Jacques, Louis
et Catherine Giguère
Safran Moteurs d’Hélicoptères Canada inc.
Safran Systèmes d’atterrissage
Sonaca Montréal
Stablex Canada inc.
Stelia Amérique du Nord
TD Groupe Financier
Ville de Blainville
Ville de Boisbriand
Ville de Saint-Eustache
Ville de Saint-Jérôme
Ville de Saint-Sauveur

                            CENTRAIDE LAURENTIDES   15
The Centraide Laurentides Leadership and
    Allied Giving Program is aligned with the
    Centraide United Way Leadership Giving
      program in effect across Canada. The
     Centraides of Quebec acknowledge the
 contributions of individuals who give between
$500 and $1,199 through its Allied Donor giving
 level. Centraide Laurentides includes this level
    in its Leader and Allied Donors directory.


 To join us:
 Telephone: 450 436-1584
 Website: centraidelaurentides.org

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