APA ADVOCACY NEWS 19 November 2020 - Australian Physiotherapy ...

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APA ADVOCACY NEWS 19 November 2020 - Australian Physiotherapy ...

19 November 2020
APA ADVOCACY NEWS 19 November 2020 - Australian Physiotherapy ...
APA Advocacy News

Table of Contents
Developing news ............................................................................................................................... 2
   Mental health in the spotlight                         2
   With you all the way - early bird membership discounts end soon                                       2
Latest advocacy and emerging issues .............................................................................................. 4
   Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health 4
   Aged care           4
   Compensables                    5
   Digital health           6
   Private Health Insurance                   6
   COVID-19            7
   Paediatrics 7
   Telehealth          8
Resources .........................................................................................................................................9

19 November 2020
APA Advocacy News

 Developing news

 Mental health in the spotlight                      With you all the way - early bird
                                                     membership discounts end soon
 The Productivity Commission Inquiry Report on       Thank you to all physiotherapists who put in
 Mental Health released this week has                star performances as part of the APA’s
 identified the clear links between poor physical    membership renewal campaign.
 health and mental health conditions.
 Physiotherapy is ideally positioned to deliver      The campaign connects us with the
 vital support in a person-centred approach.         commitment, professionalism, achievement
                                                     and warmth the profession is renowned for.
 The APA joins calls for improvements in the         And acts as a reminder about the true value of
 ways GPs connect Australians with other             being part of the APA community- the endless
 services within and beyond the health system.       support that the APA and its 29,100 members
 Neglect of physical health care was specifically    give each other.
 identified by the Productivity Commission
 Inquiry Report into Mental Health. The report       Renew your 2021 APA membership now by 30
 found that “Mental ill-health affects all           November 2020 and take advantage of our
 Australians either directly or indirectly. Almost   15% Early Bird discount. Conditions apply.
 one in five Australians has experienced mental
 illness in a given year. Many do not receive the    Use the code WITHYOU2021 at the checkout.
 treatment and support they need. As a result,
 too many people experience preventable              Further details: Early bird discount
 physical and mental distress, disruptions in
 education and employment, relationship
 breakdown, stigma, and loss of life satisfaction
 and opportunities.”
 It was noted that health professionals can
 neglect people’s physical health once they
 have been diagnosed with mental illness.

 Further details: Report, APA media release

 Meanwhile, registrations are filling fast for
 APA’s Mental Health First Aid (blended
 learning) course, presented by the chair of
 APA’s National Mental Health Special Interest
 Group, Associate Professor Joanna
 The first two courses held were sell outs and
 this last course for 2020, being held 2-9
 December, is almost full.

 Further details: APA PD

19 November 2020
APA Advocacy News

Latest advocacy and emerging issues

Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander            Aged care
Health                                           The APA has made a submission to the
The APA is a member of the Close the Gap         Royal Commission into Aged Care Quality
Steering Committee, a collaboration of peak      and Safety responding to the Counsel
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander and non-   Assisting’s proposed final recommendations.
Indigenous health bodies working together to     The Counsel Assisting made 124 wide-
achieve equality in health and life expectancy   ranging recommendations, some of which
for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander        echoed principles the APA has advocated for.
peoples.                                         They also included recommendations specific
                                                 to allied health, including physiotherapy.
Last week the Committee met to discuss
topics including the new agreement on            The APA has recently distributed two media
Closing the Gap, institutional racism and non-   releases in response to Royal Commission
government organisations and the 2021            papers: Survey of Aged Care Residents and
Close the Gap report.                            Counsel Assisting's final report and
                                                 recommendations. This has resulted in an
This was the first meeting of the Close the      Australian Ageing Agenda article featuring
Gap Steering Committee under the new             the APA’s response to the proposed final
terms of reference for the Campaign’s            recommendations.
Indigenous Leadership Group (ILG). The new
terms of reference highlight the role of the     We attended the National Aged Care Alliance
ILG in providing overarching leadership and      quarterly meeting this week contributing to its
management of the Close the Gap campaign         response to the Counsel Assisting’s report.
and ensuring directions and decisions are        We advocated to ensure embedding allied
made by and in accordance with Aboriginal        health throughout the aged care system is
and Torres Strait Islander peoples.              prioritised. We also met with Prof Kathy
                                                 Eagar, Director Australian Health Services
Ahpra have released their inaugural              Research Institute and architect of the AN-
Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander              ACC funding model, to pursue issues on
Employment Strategy 2020-2025                    physiotherapy in residential aged care.
(Employment Strategy) with the goal of
increasing Aboriginal and Torres Strait          Further details: APA submission, Australian
Islander participation within Ahpra.             Ageing Agenda, APA media releases

The Employment Strategy is a key                 Other aged care news
deliverable of the National Scheme’s
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health     New research commissioned by the Royal
and Cultural Safety Strategy 2020–2025,          Commission into Aged Care has shown many
which aims to improve health outcomes of         people in non-metropolitan regions move
Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples    more than 100km, or drive for more than 60
by improving cultural safety, increase           minutes, from their home when they begin
workforce participation and improving access     permanent residential aged care or use
to health services.                              respite in an aged care facility.

Further details: media release                   Further details: How far do people move to
                                                 access aged care? report

19 November 2020
APA Advocacy News

More Good days, an online Reablement            Compensables
Community of Practice for Commonwealth
Home Support Programme (CHSP) service
providers, has been launched by the Federal     The APA has recently met with SIRA to
Department of Health.                           discuss their proposed fee reforms for
                                                physiotherapists. This is part of a broader
It is designed to be an online forum tool for   series of reforms to the NSW Workers
CHSP providers to learn, share and engage       Compensation and CTP schemes proposed
with other providers across the CHSP sector.    by SIRA.

Further details: More Good Days                 SIRA have advised that the fee reform is a
                                                response to an escalation of treatment costs
                                                over recent years, a lack of parity with other
The Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line
                                                schemes and declining return to work rates.
has received additional funded to be
extended until 30 June 2021 to ensure senior    The proposed amendments, to take effect on 1
Australians get the services and assistance     January 2021, include:
they need during COVID-19. Between 22              complete withdrawal of the complex
April and 23 October 2020, the support line         consult (PTA005) and work-related activity
received more than 5,000 inbound calls and          assessment and treatment (PTA013)
provided more than 29,000 outbound calls.           codes
                                                   an expectation that almost all consults will
The support service is a joint initiative of        fall within a newly defined Consultation A
COTA Australia, Dementia Australia, National        and B service type (see definition and the
Seniors Australia and the Older Persons             fee attributable to each code within the
Advocacy Network. The expansion of the              attached documents)
service will also include support from the         continuation of telehealth codes associated
Partners in Culturally Appropriate Care             with Consult A and B service types
Alliance.                                          further consultation on withdrawal of the
                                                    home visit codes
Senior Australians who would like information      separation of the Case Conference and
and support are encouraged to contact the           Report Writing codes (note that report
Older Persons COVID-19 Support Line on              writing code can only be used when
1800 171 866, Monday to Friday between              requested by the insurer), and
8:30am to 6pm AEDT (excluding public               further delineation of ‘severe injury’ for
holidays).                                          which the practitioner is to negotiate fees
                                                    with the insurer.
The Guiding Principles for Victorian
residential aged care, designed to lower        The APA is seeking your feedback and
COVID infection risks and in place since July   recommendations in regard to the fee reforms
2020, will end on 30 November 2020 in           by Friday 27 November 2020 to assist with our
metropolitan Melbourne and Mitchell Shire.      submission to SIRA.

Further details: Department of Health           Further details: feedback and queries to

19 November 2020
APA Advocacy News

Compensable training - certification - an           Private Health Insurance
opportunity to communicate and collaborate
                                                    Bupa is updating its Ancillary Provider Terms
As a profession SIRA has given us the               – “Terms” - from 1 February 2021. (the
opportunity to extend our scope of practice         following information has been provided by
and ultimately do more for our patients. The        BUPA to help to explain what this means)
conversations and communications with the
treating doctor regarding certification and         What are they?
return to work are integral to this                  As a physiotherapist recognised by Bupa
                                                       for the purposes of paying a benefit for
The session will cover:                                services you provide to Bupa customers,
                                                       the “Terms” govern your relationship with
    review certification principles and the           Bupa. They apply every time you
     practical process                                 provide a service to a Bupa customer
                                                       who wants to claim for that service under
    hear from a GP what information they
                                                       their Bupa policy.
     need from physios
                                                     They were developed to promote best
    ways to use certification to market
                                                       practice, customer care and safety and
     yourself or your clinic
                                                       also support the rules under which Bupa
    building stronger relationships
                                                       operates (Private Health Insurance Act)
    useful templates written by experts in the        and the codes of conduct put in place by
     field                                             regulators such as AHPRA.
    hear common questions answered on the
     night and the opportunity to ask your own      What’s changed?
                                                     Bupa used to have two separate “Terms”
Further details: APA website                           – one for the dentists and allied health
                                                       professionals and one for practitioners in
Digital health                                         unregulated professions such as natural
                                                       therapies. They now have one
As part of their work with the Australian Digital      overarching set of Terms.
Health Agency, AHPA is conducting a survey of        Telehealth – these new clauses relate to
allied health practitioners about their use of         the treatment of Bupa customers using
digital health technology. Results of the survey       Telehealth
will help inform the Agency about the software
                                                     Bupa Customers – these new clauses
needs of the allied health sector to engage with
platforms such as My Health Record and                 cover informed consent, informed
secure messaging.                                      financial consent, parental/legal guardian
                                                       consent for treatment of a minor
Participants will be able to enter the prize draw    Benefit Recovery – these new clauses
to win one of four $250 Prepaid Visa Cards.            give Bupa the right to recover benefits in
 The survey closes on Monday, 30 November              certain circumstances, for example
2020.                                                  where it can’t be substantiated that
                                                       services have actually been provided to a
Further details: survey                                Bupa customer as no or inadequate
                                                       clinical records exist
                                                     Suspension, Termination and
                                                       Consideration of recognition after
                                                       suspension – these new and updated
                                                       clauses now allow the practitioner to
                                                       terminate their relationship with Bupa

19 November 2020
APA Advocacy News

     with two month’s notice (as well as            It has been confirmed that the following rules
     allowing Bupa to terminate the                 will apply to allied health professionals during
     relationship with two month’s notice).         the ‘circuit breaker’ period:
    New clauses also allow for review of a
     provider’s recognition status where the        Those exempt from the current six-day order:
     relationship with Bupa has previously           allied health professionals working as
     been suspended or terminated.                     essential workers in hospitals providing
    Clinical Record Keeping Requirements –            critical clinical care or as directed by the
     these updated clauses further clarify             hospital
     Bupa’s requirements and are aligned             allied health professionals working in
     with professional Board and industry              private practice providing care through
     requirements.                                     telehealth and other virtual care options
                                                     allied health professionals providing
Further details: Bupa or contact 1800 931              mental health services, being provided in
194 or providerfeedback@bupa.com.au.                   hospital or telehealth, and
                                                     students, medical/nursing/midwifery/
COVID-19                                               allied health on placement providing
                                                       essential care in hospitals or through
The APA and AHPA have strongly advocated               telehealth.
on behalf of the physiotherapy profession and
allied health to ensure continuity of safe          Those not exempt from six-day order:
practice via telehealth and face-to-face since       any other allied health professionals
the onset of COVID-19.                                 other than above, and
                                                     any students other than the above.
We are in continued regular contact with
State Chief Allied Health Officers, the Minister    HR in practice have provided us with a
for Health and relevant departments.                workplace relations update to support
While it is pleasingly we are moving to a “new      members during the ‘circuit breaker’
normal” across the country, we are working          restrictions. These can be found on our
hard to keep our South Australian members           website.
updated in light of the new lockdown.
                                                    Further details: website
South Australia Restrictions                        Physiotherapists who work in RACF are able
                                                    to continue to provide services in these
The South Australian Chief Allied Health            settings. Physiotherapists must adhere to
Officer has advise that private practices can       PPE and infection control requirements of the
remain open and operate if providing services       RACF, inform the RACF in advance of any
by telehealth only. Those not offering              other sites visited and maintain a record of
services by telehealth must close for the           different facilities visited to assist in tracking if
duration of the six-day ‘circuit breaker’ period.   needed.

                                                    NDIS and disability
                                                    Updates to the NDIS Price guide were
                                                    announced on the 17 November 2020.

                                                    Further details: website

19 November 2020
APA Advocacy News

Submissions                                      Telehealth
    We have provided a submission to DSS        The APA held the second round table on 12
     on the National Disability Strategy.        November 2020. The round table had a range
    The APA will provide a submission to        of stakeholders at the discussion which
     DSS on the NDS and NDIS Outcomes            focused on two particular topics:
     Framework                                    funding and sustainable support for
                                                      telehealth for improved access and
JMF grant                                             outcomes
                                                  ensuring safety and quality of telehealth
The Confidence in Disability Management               delivery within allied health professions
course is now available for the first round of
registrants. The course is equivalent to five    Presentations were given by APA Board
hours of CPD and there are a limited number      Director and gerontological physiotherapist
of free places available. Expressions of         Rik Dawson on telehealth in aged care and
interest for the course are still being          SARRAH CEO Cath Maloney on telehealth in
accepted.                                        remote and rural communities. University of
                                                 Melbourne also presented on its development
For more information, and to register for the    of international telehealth guidelines for
course: course registration                      physiotherapists.

The filming for the awareness campaign has       Earlier this year, University of Melbourne, in
now been completed. Editing and final            collaboration with researchers at University of
production will continue over the next few       Queensland and Flinders University, invited
weeks. The final awareness campaign should       Australian physiotherapists to participate in a
be publicly released in mid-December.            Physiotherapy Research Foundation funded
                                                 project which investigated the effectiveness
                                                 of telehealth by physiotherapists in Australia
Paediatrics                                      during the COVID-19 pandemic.
                                                 The project involves clinicians, telehealth
The APA was invited to a consultation with       experts, business owners and funding bodies.
the NDIA and Nous Group on the Early             It has engaged 212 physiotherapists and 388
Childhood Early Intervention (ECEI) Reset        patients and the first round of surveys have
Project.                                         been completed.
Further details: website                         Further details: interim findings
This week the APA met with AHPA and other
peak bodies to brainstorm future advocacy
opportunities and approaches. Ongoing
conversations will be held in the coming
months to develop a position statement for
ECEI advocacy.

19 November 2020
APA Advocacy News

Report: Rethinking aged care: emphasising    Webinar: Vic Health - launch updated guide
the rights of older Australians              Healthy Persuasion: crafting health promotion
                                             messages that resonate. You’ll hear about
Further details: Grattan Institute Report.   the new insights from our 2020 research, as
                                             well as from the people who are using these
                                             insights to structure their communications to
                                             effectively advocate for change. Thursday 3
                                             December, 10am-11.30am.

                                             Further details: Register

19 November 2020
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