Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020

Page created by Jeffrey Gross
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Focus on Diabetes
Impact Report 2020
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Executive Summary
The American Diabetes Association® (ADA) welcomed VSP® Vision Care and Regeneron Pharmaceuticals
Inc. as Visionary Partners of Focus on Diabetes™ Initiative (FOD), the ADA’s new Connected for Life
Therapeutic Inertia Initiative. This initiative is focused on the crucial role annual comprehensive eye exams
play in the early detection, intervention, and prevention of eye disease and vision loss caused by diabetes.
Our collaboration will educate the at-risk populations and people living with diabetes, their families, their
caregivers, and health care providers.

Since the launch of this multi-year initiative, FOD has established impactful communications and resources
to increase awareness about the connection between diabetes and eye health, and the steps to help
prevent diabetes-related eye disease and preserve eyesight. Some highlights include:

        • Established baseline measures by conducting research on people at risk for diabetes, people
          with diabetes, and health care professionals to drive the initiative strategy.

        • Launched an eye health-specific microsite serving as a hub of information and resources for
          people to learn more about managing their eye health and diabetes.

        • Healthy Vision Month—In July, FOD brought together vision care industry leaders, top medical
          professionals, and patient champions in a 90-minute virtual event with 100+ attendees.

        • Engaged Champions—Ambassadors, who are individuals living with diabetes and diabetes-
          related eye health complications, shared their personal stories featured on the FOD microsite
          and on social media, and spoke about their experiences during the Healthy Vision Month
          virtual event.

        • Our Ask the Experts series, a call-in platform designed to help tackle issues commonly faced by
          people living with diabetes, held two Q&A discussions on diabetes-related eye health. The events
          had a record 843 and 876 participants, far surpassing ADA’s average event attendance of 500.

        • The newly created Eye Health Interest Group held its first formal discussion session at the virtual
          80th Scientific Sessions in June with 118 attendees. A web-based continuing education
          program on eye health for Doctors of Optometry and health care professionals was
          developed by leaders in the field of diabetes for VSP with the goal of providing cutting edge
          education to advance knowledge, and strategies to improve clinical practice and patient

The ADA is very grateful to VSP and Regeneron for their partnership in helping us to bend the curve in the
fight to stop diabetes and for helping both at-risk populations and people living with diabetes and their
families thrive. Thank you for connecting with us—for being a leader in the health professional community
and for bringing awareness about the importance of prevention and the management of diabetes and eye
health to the more than 34 million people affected by diabetes in communities across America.

Tracey D. Brown
Chief Executive Officer

Charles D. Henderson
Chief Development Officer                                                                                       2

                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
About Our Visionary Partners

VSP Vision Care
VSP Vision Care, a VSP Global® company, which serves nearly 90 million members as the largest and only
national not-for-profit vision benefits provider, is a Visionary Partner of the FOD Initiative and a National
Strategic Partner of the American Diabetes Association (ADA). With a network of over 40,000 doctors
worldwide, VSP is committed to raising awareness of the crucial role optometrists play as an accessible
part of a person’s health care team.

Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc., a biopharmaceutical company that discovers, develops, manufactures,
and commercializes medicines for the treatment of serious medical conditions, is a Visionary Partner of the
FOD Initiative and a Banting Circle Elite Partner of the ADA.


                      Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Focus On Diabetes Overview

Focus on Diabetes is an ADA Connected for Life Therapeutic Inertia Initiative focused on the
crucial role annual comprehensive eye exams play in the early detection, intervention, and prevention
of eye disease and vision loss caused by diabetes. FOD represents ADA’s second comprehensive
campaign focused on a specific disease state, following the launch of Know Diabetes By Heart™ in
2018. Both substantiate our commitment to treating the whole patient and are the first two campaigns
targeting the gaps in the most prevalent comorbidities associated with diabetes. With the collaboration
of VSP Vision Care and Regeneron Pharmaceutical Inc. as Visionary Partners in launching this exciting
initiative, we are poised to bend the curve in preventing and reducing the risk of diabetes-related eye


    *PWD - People with diabetes


                            Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Our Initiative Objectives and Pillars

   I. Consumer Awareness & Activation
    People who have not been diagnosed with diabetes. This includes people who have been
    diagnosed with prediabetes.
   		      • Reach at-risk audiences to increase awareness and initiate risk identification and eye

   II. People with Diabetes (PWD) Support & Education
    People who have been diagnosed with diabetes.
         • Raise awareness of the risk of diabetes-related eye disease among people with diabetes
            and drive preventative behaviors

   III. Professional Engagement
     Primary care & eye health care professionals
          • Educate primary care providers and eye health professionals and drive
             preventative behaviors and treatment

                                                                             95% of
                                                                             diabetes related
                                                                             eye disease is


            Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Baseline Measures

We conducted research on people at risk for diabetes, people with diabetes, and health care professionals
to drive the initiative strategy and refine our goals. These metrics serve as our baseline data and our guide
for where we will look to drive improvement. We assessed baseline awareness, confidence, and behaviors
to find the following key insights, among others:

Consumers at Risk for Diabetes                                          People with Diabetes

                                 37%          are aware                                             78%
                                 that diabetes-related                                              had an eye exam
                                 eye disease can have                                               within the last year
                                 no visual symptoms

     Primary Care Providers                                             Eye Health Professionals

                                  8 out of 10                                                        71%
                                  discuss the risk for                                               are confident they can
                                  diabetes-related eye                                               educate patients on
                                  disease with patients                                              the chronic and
                                  with diabetes most of                                              progressive nature
                                  the time/always                                                    of diabetes


                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Focus on Diabetes Key Messaging

   • If you are at risk for diabetes, talk to your health care team.

   • Blurred vision is a prominent symptom of undiagnosed diabetes.

   • Annual comprehensive eye exams play a crucial role in the early detection, intervention, and
     prevention of eye disease and vision loss caused by diabetes.

   • Diabetic eye disease can be effectively managed and even prevented with early detection and


                Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Messaging to Consumers and People with Diabetes
Consumer awareness and patients with diabetes pillars.
Eye exams are the key drivers for the Consumer Awareness and Activation Pillar of the FOD initiative,
reaching at-risk audiences to increase awareness and initiate risk identification.

People not yet diagnosed with diabetes or high-risk consumers with diagnosed prediabetes are
encouraged to take the ADA’s type 2 diabetes risk test, a simple seven question test that takes only a
minute to complete. High or low results indicate a participant’s risk for type 2 diabetes (T2D) and provides
next steps and advice to help individuals manage their risk. If participants choose to provide their email
address, they receive email communications based on their risk profile with information and access to
diabetes and eye health resources, such as diabetes self-management education and support services, or
how to contact an eye health provider.

For PWD, educational and support messaging on diabetes-related eye health management and prevention
was delivered through various ADA channels, encouraging annual dilated and comprehensive eye exams
and intentional preventative behaviors.

The ADA’s Living With Type 2 Diabetes (LWT2D) program, created for those recently diagnosed with
T2D, offers participants an opportunity to learn about diabetes and diabetes management gradually over
a 12-month period. Through this free program, available in English and Spanish, participants receive
guidance on emotional well-being, healthy eating, getting active, and more through six informational
e-booklets and a monthly e-newsletter.

May through December, current and past enrollees of LWT2D receiving the monthly e-newsletter
which features information specific to the needs of this audience, included drivers to the microsite and featured topics such as, “what can you do to protect your
eyes?”, “how do I choose an eye care provider?”, and “when to get your eyes checked?” in addition
to promoting Ask The Experts: Preventing and Coping with Diabetes-related Eye Diseases.

ADA’s Center for Information (CFI) manages the 1-800-DIABETES (1-800-342-2383) call center and
provides information on diabetes and ADA programs and events. Over the last year, more than 150,000
people contacted the CFI with questions and concerns seeking support or direction about diabetes and its
management. Common eye health questions ranged from seeking information about eye exams, eye health
providers, patient assistance, Medicaid, prescriptions, and more. The CFI representatives were regularly
updated on new eye health information, and call topics were reviewed by our content team to ensure
delivery of resources and materials in demand.

The ADA’s Online Community via ADA and FOD Facebook groups provided support for people recently
diagnosed or living with diabetes and their caregivers. The community and users interact with peers and
ADA content to advance understanding of the link between diabetes and eye health. And the Ask the
Experts series, a monthly call-in platform designed to help tackle issues commonly faced by people living
with diabetes and who want to better understand the link between diabetes and other co-morbidities,
had the opportunity to engage with featured eye experts, Jeffry Gerson, OD, FAAO and Blake Cooper,
MD, in June and September. The live events had a total of 1,719 attendees and received 161 participant
questions. Full recordings can be accessed from our website, and podcasts from the live events were
developed to expand reach. Podcasts are available from most app stores and can be downloaded from the
FOD microsite.                                                                                            8

                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Successes: Consumers and People with Diabetes

What we have accomplished

Living with Type 2 Diabetes                                            Diabetes Risk Test
Monthly e-newsletter + e-booklets, in English & Spanish
                                                                       This online tool provides an
                                                                       accurate diabetes risk assessment
                                                                       in 60 seconds with achievable
                                                   3.0M+               next steps based on results.
                                                   e-news delivered    Get a blood test to find out if you
                                                                       have diabetes or prediabetes.

                                                                       Online Community
                                                                       Provides engagement for people
Ask the Experts Series                                                 recently diagnosed or living with
LIVE EVENTS + PODCASTS                                                 diabetes and their caregivers, via
Q&A program to help tackle issues faced by                             a community of peers and
people living with diabetes.                                           ADA content.

                                                                       Center for Information (CFI)
                                                                       Over the past year, more than 150,000
                                                                       people contacted the CFI.

                                                                       Most asked about topics:

                                                                       		      • Eye complications

                                                                               • General eye

                                                                       		      • Financial assistance


                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Focus on Diabetes Impact Report 2020
Consumer Strategic Alliance

The FOD initiative sponsored an interactive webinar about eye health in type 1 diabetes (T1D) at the
Children With Diabetes Friends for Life® virtual conference in July 2020, presented by Dr. Jeffry Gerson and
Dr. Paul Chous. The event also featured a two hour virtual exhibit with Dr. Ben Szirth of the New Jersey
Medical School, who spoke about his 16 years leading on-site eye screenings for people with diabetes, and
the challenges of eye care in the time of COVID-19.

Friends for Life welcomed over 5,300 conference participants from 55+ countries, an increase of over
100% from previous year registration. Of these participants, 52% of the attendees living with diabetes were
adults or young adults. FOD resources were featured prominently throughout the conference and available
for download to virtual booth visitors.

Following the Friends for Life conference, Children With Diabetes continued to support FOD messaging by
sharing monthly newsletter content to over 7,000 recipients, as well as initiative content on their website.



                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Health Care Professional Engagement

Professional Engagement Pillar
The FOD Initiative educates both primary care providers (PCPs) and eye health professionals. The goal
of FOD for PCPs is to educate them about the relationship between diabetes and diabetes-related eye
disease. An additional goal is to educate eye health care professionals (HCPs) and office staff on signs,
symptoms, and complications of diabetes.

Scientific Sessions & Eye Health Interest Group
In June 2020, the ADA’s 80th Scientific Sessions included the first-ever Eye Health Interest Group discussion
session. The interest group’s leadership team organized the discussion. The topics and speakers included
Drs. Richard Calderon and Richard Shuldiner. Dr. Calderon presented on common ocular symptoms and
addressed questions people had about their eye health. Dr. Richard Shuldiner also presented on several
devices that are used to improve the quality of life for patients with low vision. The discussion had 140+
unique views and the recorded videos are available for viewing on the FOD microsite.

Eye Health Interest Group
George King, MD
Chief Scientific Officer, Joslin Diabetes Center; Professor of Medicine & Ophthalmology
Harvard Medical School

Timothy Kern, PhD
Professor of Ophthalmology; University of California, Irvine School of Medicine

Adrienne Stevens, EdD, MEd, MA
VP Head of Scientific Strategy; Healio Strategic Solutions

Renu A. Kowluru, PhD, FARVO
Professor and Director of Translational Research, Ophthalmology, Visual and Anatomical
Sciences Wayne State University, Kresge Eye Institute

Jinan Saadine, MD, MPH
Medical Epidemiologist, Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, Division of Diabetes Translation

Richard J. Shuldiner, OD, FAAO, FIAVS
Clinical Director, Low Vision Optometry of Southern California, CEO, Optometric Practice
Consultants, President, International Academy of Low Vision Specialists


                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
CE and Non-CE Eye Health Education

On behalf of VSP, FOD developed diabetes continuing education (CE) for optometrists in two formats. A
webinar was presented live to VSP network optometrists on four separate occasions, and a self-guided
version is also distributed through VSP’s learning management system. More than 500 optometrists have
earned CE credit for participating. VSP has made the FOD CE materials a core part of their optometry

FOD also developed non-CE for health care professionals. Diabetes and Eye Health: A Guide for Primary
Care Clinicians was developed as a series of three narrated videos that are accessible on the microsite.
An Overview for Optometry Clinic Staff has been developed and launched as a series of four narrated
videos for VSP network office staff through VSP’s learning management system. The goal of the series
is to provide short, accessible information to the entire team in an optometrist’s office to help them
understand the basics about diabetes, which affects a large percentage of the patients they see.

The Scientific & Medical Advisory Group was established to guide the development of FOD
professional education materials. Members include:

George King, MD
Chief Scientific Officer, Joslin Diabetes Center; Professor of Medicine & Ophthalmology,
Harvard Medical School

Thomas Gardner, MD, MS
Professor of Ophthalmology & Visual Sciences, Molecular & Integrative Physiology and Internal Medicine,
University of Michigan Medical School

Endocrine Physician Assistant, Wheeling Hospital

A. Paul Chous, MA, OD, FAAO
Doctor of Optometry, Chous Eye Care Associates and Associate Professor of Optometry, Western
University of Health Sciences

Jeffry Gerson, OD, FAAO
Optometrist, Grin Eye Care


                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Professional Strategic Alliances
Our impact is felt across the country every November with the American Diabetes Month® engagement
campaign that communicates the seriousness of diabetes and the importance of diabetes prevention
and control. FOD used this platform to build awareness of diabetes-related eye disease by engaging with
strategic alliance partners in the conversation about eye health and prevention in media events, and by
highlighting topics on health equity and the connection between eye health, diabetes, and wellness on
social media, via our online community, Facebook group, and the CFI.


                                                            National Eye Institute (NEI)
                                                             The mission of the NEI is to conduct and support vision
                                                             research and education programs that protect and
                                                             prolong vision.

                                                             On November 10, an episode of Dialogue with ADA
                                                             with ADA’s Chief Scientific and Medical Officer, Dr.
                                                             Robert Gabbay featured Dr. Emily Chew, Director of the
                                                             Division of Epidemiology and Clinical Applications and
                                                             Chief of Clinical Trials at the National Eye Institute. On
                                                             LinkedIn Live, they explained the relationship between
                                                             diabetes and eye health and answered questions from
                                                             viewers. They discussed scientific advancements that
                                                             have been made in the treatment of diabetic eye disease
                                                             and ongoing research to find additional therapies. The
                                                             conversation emphasized the importance of regular
                                                             dilated eye exams. Both consumers and professionals
                                                             tuned in with 1,500+ views.

    ASRS Podcast
    In November 2020, the ADA collaborated with
    the American Society of Retina Specialists
    (ASRS) and featured Dr. Robert Gabbay and
    Natalie Karabel, a Healthy Vision Champion,
    on an episode of their Retina Health for Life
    podcast. The conversation centered on the
    signs, symptoms, and risk factors people with
    diabetes should know to protect their sight.
    Natalie shared her experience and emphasized
    how important regular dilated eye exams are for
    early diagnosis, management, and treatment of
    diabetic eye disease. The episode has more than
    200 views and continues to be promoted to both
    consumers and professionals.                                                                                     13

                       Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Initiative Communications
The ADA’s FOD campaign was developed to raise awareness on the often-overlooked connection between
diabetes and eye health. The COVID-19 pandemic resulted in transforming all live events to virtual throughout
the year with impactful communications activity that established a seamless, unified voice for the initiative and
delivered health behavior change objectives. A microsite was created which integrates diabetes and eye health
content aimed to inform HCPs, PWD, consumers, and the media.

Social media plays a significant role in communicating and raising awareness of the FOD initiative. Significant
messaging was posted on Facebook and Twitter and engaging live social media events were held. The social
media posts increased awareness and allowed everyone living with diabetes to engage with the initiative. They
also increased FOD website pageviews to 9,749, earning an overall social reach of ~1.21M, and an average of
1.5K views per live stream.

The FOD initiative will continue to create resources that will help people living with diabetes manage their eye
health, use innovative ways to spread awareness, and engage with HCPs, equipping them with tools they need
to better assist their patients.

Healthy Vision Month Virtual Event
To commemorate Healthy Vision Month in July, FOD hosted an interactive 90-minute virtual event to explore the
connection between diabetes and eye health, with more than 100 in attendance. ADA CEO, Tracey D. Brown,
and leading experts in the diabetes and eye health fields, illustrated how people can help save their vision
through regular, comprehensive eye exams and early intervention. Patients and advocates shared their personal
experiences and how they manage diabetes-related eye disease.

During the event, attendees and members of the media participated in a 15-minute Q&A session, learned more
about the link between diabetes and eye health, and walked away with concrete advice and tips for their next
eye doctor appointment. Members of the press had an opportunity for phone or email interviews before and
after the event.


                     Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Our Focus On Diabetes Champions
Our patient Champions shared their personal stories about diabetes and the various complications of eye
disease they’ve experienced. Each of them provide a unique perspective and is a testament to what’s possible
when you take control of your health. Read more about these truly inspirational Champions:

        Natalie, an avid world traveler and dancer, lives with
        type 1 diabetes. One morning she realized she couldn’t
        see out of one eye. Today she is recovering, and her
        experience is an inspiration and a cautionary tale for us all.
        Read more about Natalie’s story.

        Roger, a career-focused husband and father, believed he was
        doing enough to control his A1C to prevent progressing from
        prediabetes to diabetes. After years of ignoring the signs, he
        decided to do something about it and is now one of our
        Read more about Roger’s story.

        Patricia has been a pilates instructor for 27 years.
        She lives with type 2 diabetes and has suffered
        severe complications to her eyesight. However, she
        continues to live a full life and shares her story to
        caution others about the possible effects of diabetes
        on eye health.
        Read more about Patricia’s story.


                      Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
Thank You

Visionary Partners
       • Regeneron Pharmaceuticals, Inc.
       • VSP® Vision Care

Strategic Alliances
       • American Academy of Ophthalmology (AAO)

       • American Optometric Association (AOA)

       • American Society of Retina Specialists (ASRS)

       • Children With Diabetes (CWD)

       • National Eye Institute (NEI)

       • The diaTribe Foundation

Steering Committee
American Diabetes Association
Charles D. Henderson, Chief Development Officer

Fouad Amer, Global Head of Opthalmology
Kevin Clark, VP, Ophthalmology Business Unit
Emmanuel Hamon, Executive Director, Marketing
Amanda Seeff-Charny, Senior Director Patient Advocacy
Elizabeth Hackbarth, Director, Patient Advocacy

VSP Vision Care
Patrick McNeil, Chief Communications Officer
Terri Wilson, SVP/GM Health Care Partners and Solutions
Connie Vavricek, Director, Provider Relations
Christi Ballard, Strategic Communications Advisor


                Learn more at | 1-800-DIABETES (800-342-2383)
The People We Serve
There’s nothing we
                                     can’t accomplish
                                     when we’re
                                     Connected for Life.

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