Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems

Page created by Adrian White
Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Little Giant
Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Commanding Performance
In a Space-Efficient Design

Welcome to Miele Professional               Compact Design
The motto, Immer Besser, perfectly sums     When floor space is a concern, but
up the Miele philosophy. Roughly trans-     performance cannot be sacrificed, the
lated as Forever Better, it represents      Little Giant is your perfect solution. Built for
Miele’s dedication to excellence through    demanding day in, day out use, the Little
outstanding design, a direction we have     Giant cleans with the ability and finesse
held since our inception in 1899.           you expect from Miele Professional.

Miele Professional evolved from this        The Little Giant’s height makes it ideal for
dedication to excellence, providing true    undercounter locations, providing you
commercial cleaning systems with out-       design and installation flexibility without
standing speed, capacity, and first-rate    sacrificing the benefits of a true commer-
performance.                                cial cleaning solution.

Miele Professional now introduces the       For added convenience, the washer and
Little Giant: a high-performance, small     dryer can be easily stacked for placement
footprint commercial cleaning system.       in master or guest suites, pantries, or stor-
Combining a stainless steel exterior with   age rooms. Other added benefits for easy
durable, rugged components, it is equally   installation include a drain pump, eliminat-
suited for a master suite or day spa, a     ing the need for a floor drain, and very low
yacht washroom, or bed & breakfast.         machine noise and vibration, even during
The Little Giant delivers unparalleled      the washer’s impressive 526 G-force,               Left photo: Featured are the PW 6065 washing
commercial cleaning performance in a        1400 rpm extraction spin.                          machine, PT 7136 dryer, and HM 21-100 rotary
compact package.
                                                                                               Bottom photo: Featured are the PW 6065
                                                                                               washing machine and PT 7136 dryer.

Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Profitronic Plus Controller

User-Friendly Controls                          For added convenience, the controller
The Little Giant is much more than              features four Function Keys, which you
a compact washer and dryer. The most            can set to your most commonly used
space-efficient offering in the Miele           programs.
Professional commercial laundry line,
this cleaning system shares several             All Profitronic Plus programs are freely
unique traits enjoyed by the larger             programmable, allowing the modification
washers and dryers. Featuring a                 of wash temperatures, spin speeds,
Profitronic Plus controller, the Little Giant   and starting times to pamper your
offers 13 pre-installed wash programs for       exact laundry requirements. For even
common commercial applications. These           greater personalization, Miele offers
programs are easily selected through the        unique Application Packages, featuring
dial and button controls, following clear       highly specific and extensively developed
directions shown on the digital LCD             cleaning programs.
screen in one of 21 selectable languages.

                                                                                            Left photo: Featured is the PW 6065 washing
                                                                                            machine with Profitronic Plus controller.
                                                                                            Bottom photo: Featured is the PW 6065
                                                                                            washing machine.

Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Professional Cleaning
Delivering Reliable Results

Superior Cleaning                              Commercial Reliability
The Little Giant’s HoneycombTM drum            The main bearing for the Little Giant is
provides superior garment care while           built to last an amazing 25,000 operating
enhancing overall cleaning. The Little         hours. The washer’s two-stage imbalance
Giant drum benefits from integrated light-     sensor guarantees optimum laundry
ing, ensuring the operator will not over-      distribution during spinning for maximum
look an item after a wash.                     extraction performance – no longer will a
                                               user have to manually stop the machine
The washer’s powerful asynchronous             and re-balance a load. This ingenuity is a
motor with a frequency-controlled drive        contributing factor to the legendary
          system enables gentle starts         longevity of Miele Professional systems.
           and excellent machine life.
                                               The dryer’s large lint filter, easily accessi-
        An astounding 1400 rpm and             ble in the front of the dryer, requires very
       a G-force of 526 during extraction      little maintenance. In fact, depending on
      means that drying times are              the type of fabric being dried, this filter is
    reduced, and garment life extended.        capable of collecting lint from up to 16
                                               drying cycles – making the Little Giant an
  The Little Giant dryers offer various pro-   ideal choice for businesses.
grams including Hot Air or Cool Air Timed
Drying. A Residual Moisture Program            The Miele Professional Little Giant is
utilizes highly accurate sensors to dry        the ultimate in compact commercial gar-
items to the percent moisture value you        ment care. In a convenient size for
select.                                        lower volumes of commercial laundry,
                                               the Little Giant will provide you years of
                                               reliable operation, rugged design, and
                                               professional performance.

Left photo: Featured is the PW 6065
washing machine.

Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Why a Little Giant?

    Enduring Quality                                Once your Little Giant is ready to go,        ●   Residential Laundry Room
    If you’re looking for the ultimate in           you'll be able to choose the best cleaning    ●
    commercial quality and fabric care, a           program for your individual needs, thanks     ●
    Miele Little Giant is for you. Every Miele is   to an LCD display featuring 21 languages      ●
                                                                                                      Hair Salon
    manufactured to exacting standards and          and direct access keys. Specialty             ●
                                                                                                      Car Wash
    is designed for many years of efficient,        program packages customize your               ●   Gym
    reliable operation. Beneath the Little          machine for maximum efficiency, giving        ●
    Giant’s contemporary, stainless steel           you complete control over your delicate       ●   Bed & Breakfast
    exterior, lies superior motors and compo-       items.                                        ●   Butcher’s Shop
    nents built to run 24 hours a day, seven                                                      ●
                                                                                                      Doctor's Office/Medical Center
    days a week. With a Miele, your business        Limitless Applications
    never has to take a break.                      Whether you own a home or a business,
                                                    Miele’s Little Giant can help you obtain
    Miele’s Little Giant is also compact            better cleaning results. From the main
    and stackable, allowing you to take             laundry room of a home to the back
    advantage of its startling power while          room of a day spa, the Little Giant’s 546
    using just a fraction of the space. And         G-force and 15 lb. capacity make it the
    because Little Giant machines can be            perfect choice for your cleaning needs.
    hooked up to single phase electricity,          In fact, the Little Giant is a space, time,
    wiring and installation is a breeze.            and money-saver in just about any
                                                    environment, including:

                                                                                                  Bottom photo: Featured are the PW 6065
                                                                                                  washing machine and PT 7136 dryer with
                                                                                                  stainless steel HoneycombTM drum.

Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Where Can You Use a Little Giant?

Little Giant Compact Commercial Cleaning Systems
Machine Specifications

                                  Machine                             PW 6065 Washer          PT 7136 Dryer
                                  Load Capacity                        15 lbs / 6.5 kg        15 lbs / 6.5 kg
                                  Machine Exterior - Front             Stainless Steel        Stainless Steel
                                  Machine Exterior - Lid and Sides     Stainless Steel        Stainless Steel
                                  Machine Dimensions                       33.5” H                33.5” H
                                                                          23.5” W                 23.5” W
                                                                           27.6” D                27.6” D
                                  Drum Volume                        17 gallon / 59 liter   34 gallon / 130 liter
                                  Drum Dimensions                          18.9” Ø                 23” Ø
                                                                         11.8” deep              22” deep
     PW 6065 Washer
                                  Door Opening                            11.8” Ø
     • 33.5”H x 23.5”W x 27.6”D
     • 256.5 lbs / 116.3 kg                                            HoneycombTM            HoneycombTM
                                  Drum Type
                                                                       Stainless Steel        Stainless Steel
     • 2 AC 208 V 60 Hz
     • 2 x 20 A                   Spin Speed                             1400 RPM                    –
     • Little Giant system        G-force                                    526                     –
              Honeycomb   TM      Control Type                         Profitronic Plus       Profitronic Plus
              Drum                Net Weight                         256.5 lbs / 116.3 kg     130 lbs / 58 kg
                                  Electrical Connection (Standard)    2 AC 208 V 60 Hz      3 AC 208 V 60 Hz
                                  Electrical Connection (Optional)            –             2 AC 208 V 60 Hz
                                  Fuse Rating                           2 AC - 2 x 20          3 AC - 3 x 30
                                                                              –                2 AC - 2 x 30
                                  Total Rated Load                         4.0 kW                 6.4 kW
                                  Required Water Flow Pressure          Min - 30 psi                 –
                                                                        Max - 145 psi                –
                                  Maximum Floor Load                       2022 N                    –
                                  Water Connection                          3/4”                     –
                                  Cold Water Line                             1                      –
                                  Warm Water Line                             1                      –
                                  Drain Line                             3/4” vented                 –
                                  Vent Diameter                               –                      4”

     PT 7136 Dryer                Evaporation Rate                            –              3.4 fl oz / minute
     • 33.5”H x 23.5”W x 27.6”D
     • 130 lbs / 58 kg
     • 3 AC 208 V 60 Hz
       1 phase optional
     • 3 x 30 A
       1 phase, 2 x 30 A
     • Little Giant system


Featured is the PW 6065 washing
machine and PT 7163 dryer.
Miele Professional
   9 Independence Way
   Princeton, NJ 08540
   ✆ 800.991.9380

                                                  Featured are the PW 6065 washing machine
                                                  and PT 7136 dryer.

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