Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review - Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review
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ANNUAL REVIEW 2020–2021 VOL. 39 ISSN: 1392-5504 Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review H.E. Valdas Adamkus, Former President of Lithuania on Lithuania’s Eastern Policy H.E. Aleksander Kwaśniewski, Former President of Poland on Polish-Lithuanian Relations Nobel Laureate Robert J. Shiller on the Global Economy During the Pandemic Ambassador Audra Plepytė on the UN’s 75th Anniversary Patrick Keller on Germany’s Role in Deterrence in NATO’s Northeast Chris Miller on the Implications of the U.S. Presidential Election
Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review A NOTE FROM EDITOR-IN-CHIEF: Linas Kojala COVER DESIGN: Fausta Mikutaitė LAYOUT: Ieva Makarevičė THE EDITOR PUBLISHER Linas Kojala, Director of Eastern Europe Studies Centre (EESC), is Editor-in- Chief. EESC is a nongovernmental, non-profit think-tank established in Vilnius, Lithuania, in 2006. It aims to analyze political and economic processes in Eastern Europe and beyond. EESC partners include European Commission, the NATO Science for Peace and Security Programme, National Endowment for It is a privilege to serve as the Ed- This issue places a heavy empha- This publication would not have Democracy, USAID, CEPA, the Foreign Policy Research Institute and others. itor-in-Chief of Lithuanian Foreign sis on the topic of mass protests in been possible without our friends Policy Review (LFPR) for the third Belarus. Laurynas Jonavičius from and partners. I am extremely 3 year. The aim of the annual journal Vilnius University looks at Lithu- happy that the Ministry of Foreign EDITORIAL STAFF ania’s position to events taking is to provide insights on the most Affairs of Lithuania remains a key Rytis Paulauskas, Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania pressing challenges for Lithuanian place in this neighboring country partner, providing support while Margarita Šešelgytė, Vilnius University foreign and security policy, as that was not perceived as being ensuring editorial independence. Andžej Pukšto, Vytautas Magnus University well as to discuss global develop- on the brick of significant changes Konrad Adenauer Stiftung and the ments. We are grateful for the at the start of 2020. The issue of U.S. Embassy in Lithuania contin- exceptionally positive response to Belarus is also touched upon in ue to engage in our partnership; MAIN PARTNER articles by well-known American previous editions of the journal we these contributions have been Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Lithuania have received both from decision- authors, Daniel Fried and David A. essential in making this current makers and the expert community. Andelman, who analyze how the issue of LFPR as far-reaching as it PARTNERS global role of the US has evolved is. I am thankful for my colleagues 2020 is an extremely arduous through the years of Donald The Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung (KAS) is a German political foundation, which at the Eastern Europe Studies year on many fronts. Hence, Trump. Finally, with Joe Biden set Center for their help. is in charge of projects in more than 120 countries. The KAS also cooperates the year’s international group of to take over, Chris Miller looks at in the publication of the Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review by supporting the authors with diverse backgrounds Finally, Ambassador Rytis the aftermath of the election and and areas of expertise have at- Paulauskas, Margarita Šešelgytė, journal’s printing and distribution. the future dilemmas for the Demo- tempted to shed at least some Director at Institute of International cratic presidency. light on the essential develop- Relations and Political Science, US Embassy in Lithuania I am also happy that the publica- Vilnius University and Andžej ments. This enables the journal US Embassy in Lithuania has supported the US experts contributing to this tion is full of well-known names Pukšto, an Associate Professor EM A to provide a variety of views and NI BA SS A YV U H I L N I U S, LIT year's publication. delve deeper into multiple topics. and experienced experts. Audra at Vytautas Magnus University, Plepytė, the Permanent Represen- formed a great Editorial Board, LFPR is honored that two former tative of Lithuania to the United to whom I extend my warmest ISSN: 1392-5504 heads of state – former President Nations, shares her thoughts on thanks. © LFPR, 2020–2021 of Lithuania Valdas Adamkus the United Nations and its 75th and former President of Poland anniversary. Different aspects of Please do not hesitate to share Vol. 39 Aleksander Kwaśniewski – gave security are covered by Vytautas LFPR with your friends, colleagues All of the images in the present edition hold a permission from the source for a exclusive interviews on bilateral Keršanskas, who argues for the and partners! non-commercial reuse. Lithuanian-Polish relations, as well need to develop better knowledge Sincerely, as on the future of the Eastern on dealing with the issue of hybrid LINAS KOJALA Partnership policy. Both presidents threats. Patrick Keller weighs in emphasized the common inter- on German security policy and ests, as well as personal friend- its presence in the Baltic States. ships, that bind Lithuania and Other contributions are also wor- Poland more than ever before. thy of reader attention.
TABLE OF Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review VALDAS ADAMKUS VALDAS ADAMKUS: served as the President of the Republic of Lithuania from 1998 SOONER OR LATER, CONTENTS to 2003 and again from 2004 to 2009. During his years in exile, spent in the USA, he served as a THE SPIRIT OF FREEDOM regional administrator of the fifth region of the United States En- vironmental Protection Agency WILL PREVAIL IN BELARUS and was actively engaged in the fight for the cause of freedom of Lithuania from occupation by the Soviet Union. CONVERSATIONS 5 05 VALDAS ADAMKUS: Sooner or Later, the Spirit of Freedom will Prevail in Belarus I still have hope to 07 ALEKSANDER KWAŚNIEWSKI: Lithuania is a Key Strategic Partner of Poland see new highways 11 ROBERT J. SHILLER on Global Economy during the Pandemic: and railways built Fortunately, Lithuania is a Part of the EU in the near future, CONVERSATIONS meeting modern ANALYSIS standards, for our 13 AUDRA PLEPYTĖ. UN at 75. Challenging the Past and Future countries to be con- 16 DAVID A. ANDELMAN. Covid Leaves Putin Undeterred nected by energy networks, pipelines, 21 DR. CHRIS MILLER. Biden’s European Policy Dilemmas modern telecommu- 24 DANIEL FRIED. US Leadership Post-Coronavirus nication channels. It's been 20 years 27 DR. PATRICK KELLER. Rock Solid: Germany’s Role in Deterrence and Defense now, but these links in NATO’s North-East have not been fin- 30 DR. ANDREAS VON GEHLEN. 30 years of German Unity – 30 years NATO ished yet. IMAGE: Adamkus accepted the award from the hands of Poland's for- Enlargement to the East Speech by Adamkus in Au- mer foreign minister Anna Fotyga (© R. Dačkus/Lithuanian President‘s 33 JAMES SHERR. The Paradox of Russia’s Decline Chancellery) gust, 2020. Former President 4 of Lithaunia was presented 36 DR. LAURYNAS JONAVIČIUS. What will History Books say about the EU and with Lech Kaczyński Pro- Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review Lukashenko in Light of the Crisis in Belarus? During his two terms as the Presi- the national level but also defended metheus Award for his efforts to further regional cooper- 41 VYTAUTAS KERŠANSKAS. Countering Hybrid Threats: In Search of a More dent of Lithuania (1998 through the cause of freedom wherever it ation 2003 and 2004 thorough 2009), was only beginning to emerge. Strategic Approach Valdas Adamkus became known It was these very topics that Adam- for his close attention to Central CONFERENCE OVERVIEW kus sat down to discuss with Linas your key foreign policy priorities. and Eastern Europe, relations with Kojala, the editor of the Lithuanian 45 Dealing with the Trauma of an Undigested Past Poland, and countries like Ukraine While in office, you had some Foreign Policy Review, just before 40 bilateral meetings with your and Georgia. He has remained the President’s 94th birthday. counterpart, President Aleksander committed to these issues since, Kwaśniewski alone, whom we and is remembered to this day, – I would like to ask you about the also interviewed for this Lithuanian internationally, as a leader who not relationship between Lithuania and Foreign Policy Review issue. There only strengthened democracy at Poland, as this used to be one of has recently been a yet-another
warming of bilateral relations, but We ought to maintain close ties – We have been hearing fears that Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review ALEKSANDER KWAŚNIEWSKI, ALEKSANDER KWAŚNIEWSKI: over the last decade, the two with our eastern neighbours. The the attitude of the United States countries have also had their share Maidan Revolution opened new towards Europe is changing. Ameri- is the former President of the of tensions and disagreements. opportunities for Ukraine in terms cans no longer want to pay all that Republic of Poland (1995–2005). – This had been due to a sincere assessment of the political situa- of joining the Western world and implementing democratic prin- much attention to Europe and instead prefer to focus on domestic issues or LITHUANIA IS A KEY Until November 2013, President Kwaśniewski co-lead the STRATEGIC PARTNER China. In your opinion, will the United European Parliament monitoring ciples. However, this exam has tion at the time. Poland fully un- mission in Ukraine to monitor yet to be passed. Perhaps Ukraine States turn away from Europe? derstands the period of the Soviet the criminal cases against Yulia still needs to shake off the eco- OF POLAND occupation, the crimes against – The US Administration’s policy Tymoshenko, Yuriy Lutsenko and nomic remains of the Soviet dicta- Valeriy Ivaschenko. humanity committed by the towards Europe has changed, and torship that enabled oligarchs and regime and the traumas that have this is indeed regrettable. However, politicians like Viktor Yanukovych, yet to heal. So our shared histori- we should not forget that there is no who ultimately fled to Russia. cal past was the point of connec- shortage of European countries criti- tion, and it was strengthened by The influence of the Kremlin cal of the US, too. the personal relationship between remains strong, let alone its Yet both Europeans and Americans 7 us, the two heads of state. military aggression and violations know that transatlantic relations are of Ukraine’s territorial integrity. of utmost importance for global se- This is why we were well-aware of Ukraine’s membership in the EU curity, so I remain optimistic. Hence, the geopolitical challenges of the does not seem very likely at the I do not believe that the strategic day. We shared a strong inter- moment, but I witnessed the en- policy of the US is going to change est in a mutually-agreed policy thusiasm for change among both dramatically. From our point of view, CONVERSATIONS towards Russia with the involve- Ukraine’s youth and its political Lithuania may be receiving less atten- ment of other Baltic countries, leaders even during my presiden- tion than before, but I am certain that Ukraine, and Georgia, as this was cy. It is even stronger now. we will be able to maintain strong the only means of strengthening and stable relations. our own security. We therefore – How do you view the situation CONVERSATIONS proposed a number of new inter- in Belarus today? Do you see – How do you see the role of China national political forums, setting any similarities with Sąjūdis (the on the global stage? Does it present out clear, mutual goals and outlin- Lithuanian Reform Movement) or, a security challenge or an opportu- ing ways to achieve them. perhaps, the Maidan Revolution? nity for economic cooperation? We understood that close – Lithuania has shown the world – China is a superpower. We cannot cooperation between neighbour- that we are not only a democratic turn a blind eye to this fact. During ing countries was the only way country but also a country ready my time in office, this trend was only IMAGE: Kwaśniewski and Adamkus during a discussion at the Vilnius Book Fare in 2012 (© DELFI / Šarūnas out of a number of problems we to lend a helping hand to others. It beginning to emerge. I think that it Mažeika) were facing. is now crucial to support the moral presents, first and foremost, a chal- strength and unity of the Belaru- lenge for the West, to our demo- 6 – Your 2020 acceptance speech sian people. The Freedom Way cratic and other foundational values. Editor of the Lithuanian Foreign nomic and diplomatic sanctions, countries suffering under Russian of the Lech Kaczyński Pro- initiative was a very good example Especially if China becomes closer Policy Review Linas Kojala talks while NATO increased its military aggression. The rotating presence Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review metheus Award in the Office of here, with tens of thousands of with Russia. with the President Kwaśniewski presence in Poland and the Baltic of NATO troops in our region has the President of the Republic of Lithuanians holding hands and on his cooperation with Lithu- States. Is that enough to deter also increased significantly, serving Lithuania contained the following sending a clear signal as to whose – Lithuania marked the thirtieth an- anian President Valdas Adamkus Russia? as a military deterrent and symbol line: ‘I urge us not to forget our side they are on in the face of vio- niversary of its independence. How (in office 1998–2003 and 2004- of our unity, solidarity and resolve. – Russia’s aggressive politics and eastern neighbours.’ The region lence on the streets of Belarus. do you see Lithuania today? 2009), as well as broader trends Is that enough to deter Russia? military interventions are as chal- underwent a number of revolu- of political and economic reform I think that under the current I am certain that this wave can – Lithuania is on the right path. Cer- lenging for countries in our region tions, from Georgia and Ukraine in Ukraine, protests in Belarus, the circumstances, yes. However, if no longer be stopped. Sooner tain domestic issues notwithstand- as they are for NATO and the EU. evolution of transatlantic relations, the international situation worsens, to Armenia and Belarus. And yet or later, the spirit of freedom will ing, we achieved a lot of progress The international community has China and beyond. the NATO military presence should it does not seem as if any one prevail in Belarus, with its people on both domestic and international done a great deal to make such of these countries stand a real becoming masters of their own fronts. We are a stable member of – How do you see the EU and policies costly for Russia – sanc- be significantly expanded. For that chance of joining the EU or NATO. country. Everyone fighting for the club of democratic countries. I NATO response to the growing tions, exclusion of Russia from in- purpose, NATO installations are al- How do you view the situation in freedom today will ultimately see no danger of us changing course Russian threat in the region since ternational bodies and partnerships, ready being enlarged and upgraded Lithuania’s neighbour countries? achieve it. in the future. 2014? The EU imposed eco- additional financial support for throughout Central Europe.
principal partners not only in the up to Belarus and an attempt to It is of unequivocal interest to are correct, I am more than certain Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review region, but also in EU and NATO. decrease its dependence on Rus- him that this transition is done that further expansion will take To some extent, Vilnius already sia. Do you think this is a realistic through a negotiated agreement place. That is also a particular ob- Lithuania remains one plays a more significant role than goal? How can Western countries and not decided through violence In general terms, the ligation for Poland, which always of Poland’s principal Poland in some of the EU’s foreign effectively encourage Belarus to on the streets. It would be the reforms in Ukraine insisted on the “open door policy” partners not only in policy areas; Lithuanian activity and become more transparent and worst possible outcome if Belarus have to be assessed in both organizations. the region, but also know-how in Belarus and Ukraine increase its willingness to cooper- follows the Ukrainian scenario very positively – is particularly impressive. ate with the West? – The EU-US relationship seems in EU and NATO. To from 2014; all parties have to Ukraine today is a to be complicated at the mo- avoid this at all costs. some extent, Vilnius Some would say that many his- – A prosperous and peaceful fu- different country ment. One example is Trump’s torical disputes and contemporary ture for Belarus is in the interest of already plays a more differences – for example regard- all its neighbors. The wave of pop- I think a much more preferable than it was in 2014. announcement that some Ameri- scenario would be like in Poland significant role than ing the position and rights of the ular protests against election fraud 1989, when the transfer of power But much remains can troops, currently stationed in Germany, may leave, and some Poland in some of the Polish minority – still continue to and abuse of power has rocked was part of a political settlement to be done. may go to Poland. Could this EU’s foreign policy restrict the full potential of Polish- the country in recent weeks in a that was first negotiated, and then lead to a broader tectonic shift Lithuanian relations. Undoubtedly, previously unprecedented way. areas; Lithuanian kept by both sides. It enabled in NATO? Could it complicate 9 these are serious considerations, At this time, I can only hope that General Jaruzelski to remain in his activity and know- but I am certain that pragmatic Belarusian society, its leaders as country and be part of society. I I have met many Ukrainians German-Polish relations? how in Belarus and cooperation and good will on both well as authorities will find a way believe such a scenario would still politicians, ministers and other The issue of withdrawing troops Ukraine is particularly sides will enable our countries and to achieve a negotiated political be best for Belarus. government employees in recent from Germany was a subject of societies to work out a satisfactory agreement. There are some signs years. Their enthusiasm and will public debate long before the impressive. modus vivendi. of progress – the constitutional to change Ukraine was true and Trump Presidency, and reductions – You have been leading a CONVERSATIONS debate launched by Aleksandr European Parliament monitoring honest, but not on par with the in numbers have been ongoing – Belarus is an important neigh- Lukashenka is not a bad idea if mission in Ukraine together with preparedness of the administration. for a couple of decades. It has – President Valdas Adamkus bor both for Lithuania/Poland and it brings to one table the most been unnecessarily politicized by Pat Cox. How do you evaluate But in general terms, the reforms in always mentions you as a key the EU as a whole. For instance, important parties. I think that Donald Trump and portrayed as Ukraine today, six years since Ukraine have to be assessed very partner during his time in office, Lithuania appreciates Poland’s Lukashenka is aware that retaining a measure to “punish” Germany CONVERSATIONS Maidan? Have the governments positively – Ukraine today is a dif- describing it as a “golden age” in support with regard to the presidential power for 26 years is for its political “misbehavior” on of Ukraine managed to meet the ferent country than it was in 2014. Lithuanian-Polish relations. Now- Astravyets Nuclear Power plant in unprecedented in Europe, and that some political issues important expectations of both the Ukraini- But much remains to be done. adays, the relationship seems Belarus. On the other hand, there time for a transition will eventually to the US. That is wrong; politics an people and Western partners to have improved again, with seems to be a strong willingness come – in fact it has already come. should not overshadow strategic in terms of reforms since then? – Do you think it is plausible close dialog on energy (electric- from Western countries to open This is in fact the last bell. considerations. Although Poland – Given the challenges, the new that at least one of the Eastern ity connections, synchronization, would welcome an increased US political elite has certainly achieved Partnership countries, namely Nord Stream 2), infrastructure presence on Polish territory, it a lot in recent years. Important Ukraine, Georgia or Moldova, (Rail Baltica) and security issues should not take place at the ex- reforms have been carried out will join the EU and/or NATO as (NATO, US presence). What is pense of overall NATO capabilities and many deadlocks broken, as a member state in the upcoming the place of Lithuania in Polish in Europe. NATO troops should in the case of the moratorium on decade (until 2030)? foreign policy thinking? be allocated to Central Europe not 8 the sale of agriculture land. On – Yes, I think that it is totally plau- on a political whim, but as a result – Lithuania was during my time Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review the other hand, the expectations sible that we will see these coun- of a collective decision based on and is still a key strategic partner of were higher if we take into account tries joining both NATO and the common strategy, enhanced ca- Poland. We are bound together by the level of popularity of President EU. But the political and economic pabilities and mutual interests. many common interests, some of Zełensky at the beginning of his hurdles are much higher today which you mentioned. We are also term. Today’s disappointment than they were back at the turn – China is the “elephant in the bound together by common secu- seems therefore natural and was of the century. Their membership room” in any foreign policy dis- rity challenges and policy vis-à-vis to be expected. With popularity depends much more on the mood cussion. Some say the relation- our Eastern neighbors. Our econo- falling, the question is open wheth- in Western countries than was the ship between the US and China mies have also grown together er the political elite will be able to case during previous waves of is currently comparable to the throughout the years of EU mem- maintain the high pace of reforms. EU and NATO expansion, and will Cold War. Most EU countries, on bership, which is so different from IMAGE: Round table talks during the Orange Revolution in Kiev, Ukraine, This will define the second part be decided on a “case-by-case” the other hand, seem to be trying the period during which Valdas December 1, 2004. Sitting at the table, second from the left is Aleksander of Zełensky’s term in office and basis. But if the determination of to balance their relationship with Adamkus and I were on the scene. Kwaśniewski, and fourth on the left is Valdas Adamkus, President of Lithu- decide his chances for re-election, these countries to reform persists, Beijing. Is there a choice that Lithuania remains one of Poland’s ania (© Archiwum Kancelarii Prezydenta RP – if he decides to run again. and the numbers and indicators European countries must make
What I would like to see is estab- PiS divided society into “elites” Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review lishing some kind of a EU-wide and “true Poles” and fueled the ROBERT J. SHILLER 10 years ago I was technical supervisory agency that conflict between those parts of society based on income, educa- NOBEL LAUREATE is an internationally recognized ROBERT J. SHILLER ON THE would issue security certificates economist and author, currently convinced while for key telecom and energy infra- tion, place of residence, religi- serving as a Sterling Professor of in Beijing that the osity, etc. So we have another Economics at Yale University. GLOBAL ECONOMY DURING structure. Such a European body military rise of would benefit from the experi- paradox – despite the fact that the He received his B.A. from the transformation has enriched the China was aimed THE PANDEMIC: FORTUNATELY, ences and accumulated technical University of Michigan in 1967 knowledge of all EU states to vast majority of Poles, PiS was and his Ph.D. in economics from at erasing a painful effective in convincing those who the Massachusetts Institute of LITHUANIA IS A PART OF THE EU supervise the implementation of past (and preventing equipment from both Chinese and were relatively less successful Technology in 1972. He has writ- it from happening other manufacturers in the EU. that they were in fact losers in the ten on financial markets, financial innovation, behavioral econom- transformation, and that the elites again), and not to In the geopolitical sphere, the achieved their success through a ics, macroeconomics, real estate, build a dominant question remains whether the corrupt political system that disfa- statistical methods, and on public attitudes, opinions, and moral future. But that further rise of China will truly be a vored “ordinary” people. 11 peaceful one. I remember that 10 judgments regarding markets. was during the rule years ago I was convinced while Independent institutions like the He was awarded the Nobel Prize of Hu Jintao, the in Beijing that the military rise constitutional court, media or in Economic Sciences jointly with predecessor of Xi of China was aimed at erasing rule of law were portrayed as Eugene Fama and Lars Peter politically corrupt organizations Jinping. I am not a painful past (and preventing it that cement social and political Hansen in 2013 for their empirical analysis of asset prices. from happening again), and not to certain that I would CONVERSATIONS build a dominant future. But that inequalities, serving the interests Notably Mr. Shiller is of Lithu- leave Beijing today was during the rule of Hu Jintao, of the “elites.” Therefore, they anian descent. His Lithuanian with the same the predecessor of Xi Jinping. I needed to be “reconquered” by roots trace back to the 1800’s forces that represent the interest conviction as 10 am not certain that I would leave of the people, in other words when Lithuania was ruled by the Russian Czar. CONVERSATIONS years ago. Beijing today with the same con- the PiS party. The party and its viction as 10 years ago. political will, embodied by party IMAGE: Robert Shiller during a visit to Lithuania in 2015 (© DELFI / Mindau- – The US is the biggest economy – Poland has been in the spotlight leaders and not institutions, are (either the U.S. or China, no gas Ažušilis) in recent years because of its judi- portrayed as the only guardians in the world. Observers point to an middle path?) Or is this debate cial reforms and media regulation. of “social achievements”. interesting phenomenon: the US superficial? Does Poland have a This has complicated the country’s Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review behavior,” and the effort to make stock market has been growing strategy on China? Against this background, the relationship with EU institutions; belief and trust that Poles have Chief Editor Linas Kojala talks with them more contagious. What rapidly in recent months, while the – I have observed certain political Mr. Shiller on the impact of the are the most important narra- macro economic forecasts remain there has even been talk about in the EU is not enough to efforts by the US administration to pandemic on the global economy, tives shaping Western behavior gloomy. For some, it sounds coun- imposing sanctions on Poland. On pull them away from the PiS force particular countries, despite as well as economic perspectives during these uncertain times and terintuitive. Is there a solid explana- the other hand, the Polish popula- narrative. PiS is cautious in its 10 other interests and obligations for Lithuania. are these dominant narratives tion for it? Is it sustainable? tion remains very much pro-Euro- policy against the EU, balancing they may have, to block China in pean. Is this a contradiction? How “national pride” with utilitarian- necessarily false? areas like 5G infrastructure. Some – I published a 2020 paper1 that Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review do you see the situation evolving? – In your book “Narrative Eco- ism, trying to navigate in such – There are dangerous narratives lists a number of narratives that countries were resistant to such nomics” you argue that the a manner that it does not burn have become epidemic in recent pressure, such as Germany, some Yes, that fissure between the at- economics profession has been afloat today. Particularly troubling bridges with Brussels. Ideas sur- more willing to go along, such as titudes of currents policymakers slow to recognize the importance are narratives about conspiracies, years that might account for this, faced among the Polish demo- Poland. The problem is that we do and the population versus the EU of narratives. You describe a nar- like those about the “Deep State” especially in the United States. Con- cratic opposition to force PiS to not know exactly where is the line can be called a paradox. But the rative as a thought virus spread that is supposedly in control but stellations of narratives were discov- declare its intention to eventually between true security concerns explanation is simple – the issue by “the word-of-mouth contagion invisible, and narratives about the ered through systematic search by leave the EU (like Brexit) and and lobbying for one’s own prod- of the EU was not the principal of ideas in the form of stories.” abundance of “fake news” which Proquest News and Newspapers utilize the pro-European attitudes ucts. The explanations put forward driver of electorate decisions Narrative economics is “the study make it hard for people to temper that were indicated by keywords of the electorate, but they have by the US are not satisfactory for at the ballot box. The Law and of the viral spread of popular their emotions with a sense of “Great Depression,” “secular stag- not succeeded. many governments in Europe, Justice (PiS) party has repeatedly narratives that affect economic realism and fact. nation,” “sustainability,” “housing and domestic security agencies won elections on the basis of provide contradictory data. social and cultural issues. 1 Robert J.Shiller, Popular economic narratives advancing the longest U.S. expansion 2009–2019. Journal of Policy Modeling Volume 42, Issue 4, July–August 2020, Pages 791-798
bubble,” “strong economy,” and strengthened by increasing inter- will be seen in the third quarter. I Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review UN AT 75. “save more.” Everything changed national mistrust in recent years. would think it is reasonable, but not AUDRA then in 2020 with the pandemic. We all need to work to improve inevitable, that Lithuania will rebound PLEPYTĖ Keywords for the changes in nar- the sense of international com- too. A 2007 study3 of 167 countries is the CHALLENGING THE ratives in 2020, as I listed them in munity that will make decoupling from 1960 to 2000 found conclusive Permanent a talk at the City University of New unnecessary. evidence that smaller countries have Representative York, are “Coronavirus,” “Pan- more volatile GDP. of Lithuania PAST AND FUTURE demic,” “Donald Trump,” “Ameri- – Free trade as such is very benefi- to the United Risk-sharing across regions in larger Nations (since 2017) and, on can Dream,” “American greatness,” cial for small export-based econo- countries works better if they have January 14, 2020, was elected “Great Depression,” “quantitative mies such as Lithuania; however, explicit institutions to share risk, as the Vice-President of the easing,” and “trade war.” the rise of protectionist tendencies such as the Equalization Program4 Bureau of the Executive Board is clearly noticeable. What impact of the United Nations Children’s – Rivalry between the US and in Canada that became part of their AUDRA PLEPYTĖ do these global tendencies have Fund (UNICEF). Plepytė was China seems to be encompassing constitution in 1982. In contrast, the on countries such as Lithuania? Lithuania’s Ambassador to Spain, all major spheres of international US has no such explicit program. A Argentina and the World Tourism relations, from trade and health – Fortunately, Lithuania has been 2017 study5 of the European Union Calling 2020 ‘a historic year’ would Organization from 2010 until 13 care to geopolitics and IT. Experts part of the European Union since concluded that “Risk sharing through be an understatement. It seems 2014. Previously she worked at such as Niall Ferguson argue that 2004. A 2019 study2 showed that international public transfers is almost the Permanent Representation of clear that we are all living through the US and China are already in a free trade within the EU has pro- non-existent for all periods and coun- a major turning point in history, This unprecedented Lithuania to the European Union, Cold War situation. Do you see it duced, on average, almost a ten tries analyzed.” one that will be studied for years situation forces us, at the Lithuanian Mission to the this way? percent increase in real GDP. The – Countries around the globe are dis- to come. In the year of a global once again, to reflect United Nations. Plepytė joined the Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 2020 election cycle in the United – Some are indeed arguing that cussing the need to increase invest- pandemic, amidst civil unrest and upon the relevance ANALYSIS States may signal a reduction in 1994. The author is grateful for there is a new “cold war” be- ment in public health systems. While global turmoil, we also mark the tween the US and China. Voices US-China conflict. the importance is clear, the costs of 75th anniversary of the signing of of the UN today and contributions to the article from the staff at Permanent Mission of are heard in the US today that providing better care, more hospitals the Charter of the United Nations. to ask ourselves Lithuania to the UN. the country cannot allow itself to – International experts predicted and specialists are extremely high. This long-awaited celebration of if the institution, CONVERSATIONS that Lithuania’s economy is going become dependent on China for to feel the negative consequences Even countries such as the US seem the UN anniversary is different. established some 75 goods that they might cut off in a to struggle to find the right balance time of international tension. The of the pandemic and decline by between quality and spending. Do The landmark 75th session of years ago, still serves IN SHORT mistrust in the US and elsewhere almost 10 percent of GDP in 2020. you have any advice for decision- the UN General Assembly (GA) humanity in the best • In recent years, criticism of began on September 15. Yet, that underlies such a consider- However, the most recent esti- makers in Europe and beyond? the iconic lectern in the General possible way. the UN, not least in the press, ation is hard to repair. mates show that Lithuania’s GDP tended to overshadow its real may only drop by 2 percent this – Income inequality is especially poi- Assembly Hall, from which kings, achievements. year; a much lower estimate than gnant when it comes to health care. presidents, ministers and other – The pandemic has triggered reflect upon the relevance of the • Beyond political façade, there in many other European countries. The poor tend to die younger, by a leaders from the 193 UN member a debate on the strengths and UN today and to ask ourselves if are hundreds of UN pro- substantial margin. A 2012 study6 in states had addressed the world, grams, commissions, special- weaknesses of our societies. Are small countries like Lithuania the institution, established some Finland found that men in the highest stood idle. For the first time in the ized agencies and a range of For instance, there is an urge to less vulnerable? 75 years ago, still serves human- 12 quintile of income lived 12.5 years history of the UN, heads of states other associated entities that decrease Western dependence ity in the best possible way. How – The US has already seen a more longer than men in the lowest quintile. and governments did not gather perform vital daily roles in sav- on China as “the World’s factory”, should we frame and evaluate the than 10 percent decline in per Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review For women, the gap was 6.8 years. at UN headquarters in New York ing lives, providing humanitar- even if it leads to higher consumer achievements and failures of the capita real GDP in the first two There is a major role for government for the high-level week. UN halls, ian assistance, promoting costs and slower GDP growth. Do UN in today’s world? human welfare and prosperity, quarters of this year. If this rate of in providing health insurance for its hallways and other physical meet- you think such Western-Chinese and protecting and promoting decline were to persist for the rest citizens. The US has been a laggard ing spaces, usually ringing with In recent years, criticism of the economic decoupling is possible human rights. of year, it would mean a more than on providing health insurance for its the vociferous multilingual chatter UN, not least in the press, tended and desirable? • Only last year, well over 300 20% decline for the year. But it is citizens, because of a sometimes of the diplomatic jet set, remained to overshadow its real achieve- – Unfortunately, the argument unlikely to continue at this rate, over-strong focus on individual choice ments. It is true that there have million children and their silent as events were transferred families received support, for such decoupling has been and indications are that a rebound and responsibility. to UN WebTV broadcasts, virtual been (and remain) significant assistance, services, and aid meetings on Zoom, MS Teams reasons for criticism of the UN. provided by UNICEF. The and other platforms. But does it The Organization has not been 2 Jan in 't Veld, The economic benefits of the EU Single Market in goods and services. Journal of Policy Modeling, Vol. 41, Issue 5, September–October 2019, Organization has responded Pages 803-818 even matter if the world’s politi- substantially reformed since its in- to 281 emergencies in 96 3 Davide Furceri, Georgios Karras, Country size and business cycle volatility: Scale really matters. Journal of the Japanese and International Economies, cal elite cannot meet in New York ception. Although its membership countries. Vol. 21, Issue 4, December 2007, p. 424-434 this year? This unprecedented has risen dramatically, and major 4 Equalization Program. Government of Canada • Preserving and adapting the 5 Michela Nardo, Filippo Pericoli, Blanco Maria Del Pilar Poncela, Risk-sharing among European Countries. Publications Office of the European Union, 2017. situation forces us, once again, to changes in the world’s political multilateral system in today’s 6 Lasse Tarkiainen 1, Pekka Martikainen, Mikko Laaksonen, Tapani Valkonen, Trends in life expectancy by income from 1988 to 2007: decomposition by age world is of significant interest and cause of death. Epidemiol Community Health. 2012 Jul; Vol. 66, Issue 7, p. 573-578. to Lithuania.
Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review Putin’s Russia is also taking advantage of current geopolitical shifts, not least by cementing its convenience-led alliance with China IMAGE: A panorama of the United Nations General Assembly taken in October 2012 (© Wikimedia) at the UN Security Council and thus further paralyzing the map have occurred over the de- actions that have resulted in work of the UNSC. 15 cades of its existence, the UN, and remarkable progress in such areas especially its Security Council, is as peacekeeping and peacebuild- still overwhelmingly influenced by ing, human rights and the Rule of During the last 75 IMAGE: The five permanent members of the Security Council (China, that multilateralism in any form au- the P-5, the five major global pow- Law, combating extreme poverty, years, the United tomatically contributes to a more France, Russia, United Kingdom, and United States) enjoy the privilege of ers from the late 1940s. Prolonged ensuring food security and provid- Nations has provided veto power (© Astrid Riecken for CTBTO) stable and secure world. Today’s political discussions and lack of ing assistance in health services, the international global challenges to multilateralism ANALYSIS political will to commit to long-term reform goals are overshadowing education and sanitation. Agenda community with a come not only from actors that are 2030 and a set of 17 Sustainable actively contesting the underpin- actual achievements of the Orga- Development Goals are milestone global platform for the Executive Board of UNICEF China has made a significant nings of the rules-based multilat- nization. While it is true that certain agreements in fostering social dialogue and enabled and will hold the Presidency of shift from its guiding philosophy eral order, it is also driven by the the Board in 2021. The Board of “Hide your strength, bide your things must be improved, lack of cohesion, addressing inequality concerted actions collectively provides guidance for time, never take the lead” to a real clash between democratic and progress on the reform track does and ensuring that no one is left be- that have resulted in authoritarian regimes. In order to ANALYSIS not equate to overall inaptitude of UNICEF activities. effort to increase its presence and hind. Through the adoption of the the Organization. Universal Declaration of Human remarkable progress Being a member-state owned influence in the multilateral system restructure and reinforce multilat- eral order in today’s world, values Too often in the public discourse, Rights, two Covenants and nu- in such areas as and driven organization, the UN by obtaining important first-level and principles must be restored understanding of the UN is merous conventions, the UN made peacekeeping and not only has to deal with its own positions and second-level post- as a core consideration for how ings in UN bodies. Putin’s Russia limited to the decisions of the a rather revolutionary commitment peacebuilding, internal challenges and strive for is also taking advantage of current democratic nations consider that has been translated into inter- UN Security Council or high-level human rights and efficiency, it is also a reflection of geopolitical shifts, not least by membership and participation in political discussions in New York national human rights law, with the global geopolitical currents and or Geneva. But beyond political protection of individual rights and the Rule of Law, transformations. Today’s shifting cementing its convenience-led alli- the range of multilateral institu- tions, fora, and coalitions. combating extreme ance with China at the UN Security 14 façade, there are hundreds of UN freedoms at its core. This has in geopolitical sands have created Council and thus further paralyzing programs, commissions, special- turn inspired a tremendously rich poverty, ensuring food the space for a new age of great the work of the UNSC. The 75th anniversary of the UN provides us with a reality check: security and providing Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review ized agencies and a range of other body of legally binding international power competition. The U.S. is associated entities that perform human rights treaties through turning a cold shoulder to the UN, This is bad news for the United from the pandemic and issues of vital daily roles in saving lives, which human rights are expressed assistance in health disengaging from international Nations and its smaller member inequality, to the climate emer- providing humanitarian assistance, and secured. The work of the spe- services, education agreements and leaving the UN’s states, such as Lithuania. The gency, battles over new technol- promoting human welfare and cialized agencies and programs of and sanitation. specialized organizations. In the jungle of great-powers competi- ogies such as 5G and the virtual prosperity, and protecting and the UN makes the biggest differ- meantime, China, which has been tion means less global stability UNGA. Just as the pandemic has promoting human rights. The UN ence on the ground and is proof extending its influence worldwide and increasing global insecurity, forced to us to rapidly change contribution to world security, of the UN’s capability to deliver. This huge amount of work globally during the last decade via its as well as devaluation of power the way we do business, the UN peace and prosperity is best seen Only last year, well over 300 million is a constant lifeline, ensuring that development aid, investments from multilateral institutions. Pre- cannot continue “business as in retrospect. During the last 75 children and their families received more children’s lives are saved and in strategic and infrastructure serving and adapting the multi- usual” either. The UN’s ability to years, the United Nations has support, assistance, services, their quality of life improved, while projects, etc., appears more than lateral system in today’s world is adapt is slow, yet as long as this provided the international com- and aid provided by UNICEF. The providing them with opportunities eager to fill this void. Bolstered of significant interest to Lithuania. Organization remains capable munity with a global platform for Organization has responded to for a better future. Since 2019, by technological developments Yet, it is important to stress that of reinventing itself, I will remain dialogue and enabled concerted 281 emergencies in 96 countries. Lithuania has been a member of and its unrivaled export economy, it cannot be generally assumed optimistic about its future.
Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review COVID LEAVES DAVID A. ANDELMAN, For decades, oil had a Harvard- educated been the lubricant enabling all varieties PUTIN UNDETERRED historian and formerly a foreign of Russian adventures correspondent for The New York and efforts to expand DAVID A. ANDELMAN Times and CBS News in Europe or solidify political, and Asia, is Executive Director of The RedLines Project, a diplomatic and military columnist at CNN and two-time red lines critical to winner of the Deadline Club Putin’s strategic Award for Best Opinion Writing. Author of “A Shattered Peace: vision in Russia’s near For Russia, and Vladimir Putin, put some brakes on the plunge – Versailles 1919 and the Price abroad and further 17 the novel coronavirus would ap- by September prices had leveled We Pay Today,” the forthcoming afield as well. Now, “A Red Line in the Sand: pear, at first blush, to have been off at the low $40s per barrel, still a Diplomacy, Strategy and the however, with the the opportunity of a lifetime. On third lower than at the start of the the one hand, while so many of year. By then, Russia was hardly History of Wars That Could Still global shutdown of Russia’s long-held targets were feeling the pain. Happen,” and its accompanying business, travel and all Evergreen podcast, he can all but prostrated by the sweep of varieties of economic ANALYSIS Years of coping with sanctions and be followed on Twitter @ IMAGE: US President Barack Obama and Russia's President Dmitry this pandemic across their nations, fiscal isolation had left Russia’s DavidAndelman. activity, the need for Medvedev signed the START treaty on nuclear weapons in 2010 (seen Russia and Putin were in the rather enviable position of being able to economy in relatively good shape. oil began to dry up. here in 2009, @Mika Stetsovski) Unable to borrow abroad even work their will on their foes, and clasp their friends even closer. before the pandemic, its largest IN SHORT corporations were all but debt- • Russia also had no apparent rate of 5,000 per day.1 As a result, jobs to him and could not avoid For decades, oil had been the free, their coffers bulging with cash ANALYSIS strategy for controlling the lubricant enabling all varieties of they could not spend fast enough. Russia sealed its borders to out- shouldering the blame for the Covid-19 spread, especially in side visitors. Russian adventures and efforts And Russia was virtually self- the vast territories outside of spread of the pandemic to their The catastrophic to expand or solidify political, sufficient in agricultural output. At regions. In August, Russia proudly diplomatic and military red lines the same time, Putin was insulat- Moscow. Much of this could be attributed to some core Russia also had no apparent proclaimed it had developed the surge of the strategy for controlling the spread, critical to Putin’s strategic vision in ing himself from the toxic effects of tenets of Putin’s governance especially in the vast territories world’s first coronavirus vaccine. pandemic across Russia’s near abroad and further the pandemic that had begun to • Russia seemed often simply outside of Moscow. Much of this But without any valid clinical trials, Russia might have afield as well. Now, however, with spread all but unchecked across to be trying to take advantage could be attributed to some core it was largely rejected beyond deterred another the global shutdown of business, Russia. Covid-19 did force Putin to of the global chaos triggered tenets of Putin’s governance. Russia as being of questionable leader from some 16 travel and all varieties of economic postpone the nationwide referen- by the pandemic to push effectiveness. From the beginning, he stepped activity, the need for oil began to dum on a change in the Russian some of its central goals back from what rapidly seemed of the more blatant “adventures,” but in Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review dry up. Prices began to plummet, constitution that would allow him • The glass-is-half-full to be turning into the greatest RUSSIAN ADVENTURISM from a high of $63 a barrel for the effectively to serve as president perspective is that the pan- demic will at some point – single challenge to his presidency. The catastrophic surge of the the case of Putin and benchmark WTI crude in January for life, a referendum that he 2020 to $14 three months later. By would eventually win. Meanwhile, and we have certainly not Officials did manage to contain pandemic across Russia might Russia, that did not somewhat the spread of the virus early April, the pain had become Russia was being ravaged by the reached the end game by in Moscow. Elsewhere, however, have deterred another leader from appear to have been so intense that Russia and Saudi coronavirus. By September 1, the any stretch of the imagina- tion – force dictators like Pu- Putin chose to place the admin- some of the more blatant “ad- the case. Arabia agreed to substantial oil country had passed the 1 million ventures,” but in the case of Putin tin to restrain their appetites istration of the crisis largely in the production cutbacks and OPEC mark in the number of confirmed and Russia, that did not appear to and adjust their goals while hands of provincial governors and to ongoing support of strategic and quickly ratified the action, all in an cases, the world’s fourth largest have been the case. Campaigns they deal with a virus in their mayors, most of whom owe their military activities in regions of the effort to restore some equilibrium after the United States, Brazil and own territories that respects ranging from broad disinformation world long viewed as strategic by in supply and demand and return India, and more than double the no edict or fist, no matter 1 WHO Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19) Dashboard, WHO, 2020 the Kremlin continued unabated. oil prices to some vestige of pre- nearest country in Europe (Spain). how firmly clenched. pandemic levels. This may have And the cases were rising at the
Indeed, Russia seemed often already resorting to measures that Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review simply to be taking advantage of his military had perfected while the global chaos triggered by the intervening in the U.S. presidential pandemic to push some of its elections of 2016 – a propaganda, Throughout the central goals. And in the age of the media and social media campaign darkest months of pandemic, Putin’s actions were designed to bolster Lukashenko the pandemic, the proving increasingly flagrant. and undermine the more vocal Russian military but less adroit opposition. This Putin’s toxic circle, particularly of disinformation apparatus was in no also continued to disinformation, began, not surpris- way deterred by the pandemic. flex its muscles and ingly, closest to home. As early as Throughout the darkest months demonstrate its mid-March, the Russian state- dominated news agency Sputnik of the pandemic, the Russian preparedness. was proclaiming that “very smart military also continued to flex its biologists and pharmacists” in muscles and demonstrate its pre- and operations. In mid-March, Latvia invented the Covid-19 paredness. Velikiy accompanied Russian Defense Minister Sergei 19 virus.2 As the pandemic continued by the missile cruiser Marshal Shoigu traveled to Damascus “on to spread, other threads of the Ustinov, engaged in live-fire exer- President Putin’s instructions” to Russian manipulation machine did cises that included cruise missile meet with Syrian President Bashar not cease to spin and indeed only launches over 250,000 square al-Assad. Help with the burgeon- continued to expand. In late July, kilometers in the Barents and ing coronavirus crisis in Syria was in a classified briefing for mem- Norwegian Seas. Norway’s De- high on the agenda.7 Syria’s official ANALYSIS bers of Congress, top American fense Chief Haakon Bruun-Han- request included test kits, personal counterintelligence officer William sen said that the objective of the protection equipment, and medical Evanina reported that Russia was maneuvers was to test Russia’s devices including ventilators. Two again, as it had in 2016, making ability to block NATO’s access to days later, countries already under every effort to boost the fortunes the Baltic, North, and Norwegian various sanctions – Russia, as well of Donald Trump and destroy his Seas. “This is an exercise where as China, Iran, Syria, Venezuela, IMAGE: View to the Ramstein Air Base, Germany, serves as headquarters for U.S. Air Forces in Europe and is also Russia seeks to protect its terri- ANALYSIS opponent, Joe Biden.3 Later, at North Korea, and Nicaragua – ap- a North Atlantic Treaty Organization installation. (© Beowulf Tomek) the height of demonstrations in tory and its interests by deploying pealed to UN Secretary General neighboring Belarus, seeking to highly capable ships, submarines António Guterres to ease these topple that nation’s autocratic and aircraft with the purpose of measures, in an effort to halt the president, Aleksandr Lukashenko, preventing NATO from operating of offering help with containing the At the same time, the United from West Africa, announced spread of the pandemic in their after a clearly manipulated elec- in the area,” Bruun-Hansen said.5 spread of the coronavirus. States was playing right into before the pandemic struck, was nations. There was no response tion, Putin warned in a broadcast A month later, the Russian navy Putin’s hands. Over the past expected to be accompanied to the plea. Still, Putin continued Meanwhile, in early April, Russia on Russian state television that embarked on the largest series of year, Trump and his defense by a shutdown of a $110 million on the offensive, discussing how began reaching into territories live-fire exercises off the coast of secretary Mark Esper announced drone base in Niger, as well as these protestors should not push Russia might come to the aid of of potential NATO expansion, 18 Alaska since the end of the Cold withdrawals of American armed the halt of assistance to French too hard. He had created, he said, Turkish president Recep Tayyip deploying chemical, biological, War – some 50 warships and 40 forces from Germany, the Middle forces fighting militants in Mali, a “certain reserve of law enforce- Erdogan, Iranian prime minister radiological, and nuclear defense Lithuanian Foreign Policy Review aircraft took part in the Bering Sea ment officers” prepared to inter- Hassan Rouhani, even Israeli prime military units to Serbia to help in East, and Africa, canceling critical Niger, and Burkina Faso.10 Also maneuvers, which also involved vene. The specter of Hungary in minister Benjamin Netanyahu. decontamination and disinfec- arms treaties. In June, the United taking the pressure off Putin’s multiple missile launches.6 1956 and Czechoslovakia in 1968 Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail tion efforts against the spread of States announced plans to with- missile forces, Trump had already was still all too fresh. One Belarus Putin saw the Covid-19 crisis Bogdanov talked by phone with Covid-19.8 Serbia has been toying draw 9,500 of the 34,500 troops announced he was pulling out of investigative journalist Hanna in the Middle East as an op- Ismail Haniyeh, head of Hamas’s with NATO membership. And Rus- deployed to Germany. Some the Intermediate Nuclear Force Liubakova suggested4 Putin was portunity to expand his reach political bureau with the same aim sia has been cementing relations would be deployed elsewhere in (INF) treaty with Russia11 and the with such near-beyond states as Europe, but as many as 6,000 Open Skies Treaty,12 and was Armenia and Kazakhstan, offering would be returning to the United contemplating an end to the 2 Is Russia running a coronavirus disinformation campaign?, DW, March, 2020 similar help. States.9 A substantial withdrawal 2010 New Strategic Arms Reduc- 3 Pelosi upbraids counterintel chief in private briefing over Russian meddling. Politico, July, 2020 4 Hanna Liubakova, Russia may not need to invade Belarus. It’s already there. Washington Post, August, 2020 5 More than 30 Russian naval vessels open fire in large-scale Barents Sea war games. The Barents Observer, July, 2020 6 Russian navy conducts major maneuvers near Alaska. Military Times, August, 2020. 8 Russia sends medical aid to Serbia to fight coronavirus. Reuters, April, 2020. 7 Intel: Why Russia is getting involved in Mideast COVID-19 fight. Al Monitor, April, 2020. 9 Trump approves Pentagon plan to pull 9,500 US troops from Germany. Military Times, June, 2020.
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