Limpley Stoke news Local MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be "furious" over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic

Page created by Gregory Lawson
Limpley Stoke news Local MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be "furious" over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic
Limpley Stoke
     Issue No 39                        July / August 2021                 news
L     ocal MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be “furious” over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic
      from the city. With the introduction of Bath’s Clean Air Zone and the impending closure of Cleve-
      land Bridge, Ms Donelan (inset) expressed grave concerns over the knock-on effects of the schemes
on Wiltshire, according to the Wiltshire Times.
  The MP is working with BANES and fellow Wilt-
shire MPs to find a solution to traffic problems in Bath
that do not “simply move the problem to Wiltshire” and
has signed up to attend Bath MP Wera Hobhouse’s
public meeting on the issue.
   “I have received lots of corre-        Cleveland
spondence from my constituents            Bridge closed
who have been severely impacted           on Monday,
by the current temporary restric-         June 28 for
tions on Cleveland Bridge, coupled        major repairs,
with the introduction of the Bath         despite a
Clean Air Zone,” Ms Donelan said.         worker
                                          previously having tested        BoA scheme review
  “Villages in my constituency such
                                          positive for coronavirus.
as Atworth, Shaw, Winsley and                                             The future of Bradford on
                                          Work stopped while staff
Limpley Stoke (to name just a few)                                        Avon’s social-distancing
                                          were tested and parts of the
have experienced a severe knock-                                          scheme is being considered by
                                          site cleaned but contractors
on effect, with large lorries rum-                                        Wiltshire Council.
                                          confirmed repairs would
bling through the village at all                                             The temporary measures,
                                          start as planned. Work on the
hours of the day and night. Brad-                                         brought in last August, consist
                                          £3.8m project is expected to    of widened footways and a
ford on Avon, with its narrow
                                          take three months.              one-way system on the
streets and beautiful historic archi-
tecture, has also experienced much           Wiltshire Council is also    shopping streets. Data on
higher volumes of traffic as vehi-        concerned that the closure      traffic volumes, speeds and air
cles look for alternative routes to       could have a potentially        quality has been collected from
and from the M4.                          adverse impact on the           several roads during the
                                          county’s roads, with much of    scheme and compared against
   “There needs to be a ‘heads                                            pre-pandemic figures.
                                          the bridge’s existing traffic
together’ solution for this issue.
                                          having to be re-routed.           Wiltshire Council cabinet
One that helps Bath and
                                                                          member for transport, Dr Mark
constituencies in Wiltshire to deal          Wiltshire Council says it
                                                                          McClelland, said: “We do not
with air quality and congestion. I        has not agreed to the use of
                                                                          intend to rush into a decision
look forward to this public meeting       its road network for any        on its removal but examine the
to put forward the views of               signed diversion routes.        data, consult local
neighbouring settlements”,                Around 17,000 vehicles use      stakeholders, and then decide
she added.                                the bridge every day.           on next steps.”
Limpley Stoke news Local MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be "furious" over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic
T   emporary traffic lights were installed on the A36 at Limpley
    Stoke last month, after large cracks appeared in the tarmac.             Part of Crowe Hill, from its
                                                                             junction with the county
  A 100-metre section of footway next to the Warminster-bound
                                                                             boundary in Crowe Lane to its
carriageway between Limpley Stoke Viaduct and village was
                                                                             junction with Cliffe Drive, will
blocked off, with traffic restricted to one lane.                            be closed to all traffic from
   Highways England is currently carrying out investigations into            Monday, July 26 to enable
the cause of surface defects on the footpath adjacent to the                 Wales & West Utilities to carry
carriageway.                                                                 out major work to replace old gas
                                                                             mains and fit new connections.
  Temporary lights will remain in place while investigations
continue but it appears that motorists are already taking short-cuts           Wiltshire Council says the
                                                                             temporary closure will be
through our village to avoid the inevitable delays.
                                                                             required until October 15. It is
  The same stretch of the A36 has been closed twice in recent years          anticipated that the works will
for major stabilisation repairs due to subsidence. A similar scheme          take the stated duration to
to correct road and footpath slippage in 2008 led to three months of         complete, depending on weather
disruption for local residents and businesses.                               conditions.
                                                                                Access will be maintained for
                                                                             residents and businesses where
                                                                             possible, although delays are
                                                                             likely due to the nature of the
                                                                                Please direct any queries
                                                                             regarding these works to:
                                                                             tel: 01225 713497.

                                                                             The new date for the Freshford &
                                                                             Limpley Stoke Village Fête is
                                                                             Saturday, September 18. The
                                                                             popular summer event, which had
                                                         Photo: Tom Harper
                                                                             been due to take place last month,
                                                                             was postponed following the
                                                                             Government's decision to
                                                                             extend lockdown.
Friday night boules (or pétanque) – a regular summer activity in                All the usual entertainment has
Limpley Stoke – takes place from 6.00pm to 7.30pm at the top of the          been re-booked for you to look
King George V play park on Woods Hill.                                       forward to. The raffle draw, with
   All ages are welcome and folk tend to bring along their own               some great prizes as always, has
refreshments. If you’ve never played boules before then this relaxed,        also been re-scheduled for
friendly gathering is the perfect way to try it out, in teams of two to      September 18 and raffle tickets,
five members. Your team will loan you a couple of boules, if needed.         which will continue to be on sale
                                                                             at the Galleries, remain valid.
  Pre-Covid, Limpley Stoke fielded a team in the local boules league
and it is hoped this will resume in due course, with LS team                   More details in the September
members permitted to wear the prodigious ‘Limpleyfolk’ blue t-shirt.         issue of Limpley Stoke News.
Limpley Stoke news Local MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be "furious" over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic
Big Butterfly Count 2021
W      hy not take part in this year’s Big Butterfly
       Count, a UK-wide survey which helps to assess
the health of our environment by counting the amount
and type of butterflies (and some day-flying moths)
we see. The survey takes about 15 minutes – some time
between July 16 and August 8 – to record what you’ve
seen and should be fun for everyone, no matter your age or level of
   To take part, visit https://bigbutterflycount.butterfly- Sign up for Nature Chain emails at or and you’ll receive more
information when it’s available.
   Nature Chain will gather and share a summary of observations from
Limpley Stoke and Freshford. Details will be published nearer the date.      Photo © Sheena Broadhead

                                                                              A stunning kingfisher sculpture
                                                                              has been on display outside
                                                                              Bradford on Avon’s Tourist
                                                                              Information Centre in Westbury
                                                                              Garden to help promote two
                                                                              walking trails organised by
                                                                              Cotswolds National Landscape
                                                                                The sculpture, which has been
                                                                              sponsored by the Town
                                                                              Council, will be back in
                                                                              Bradford on Avon from August
                                                                              23 to September 6, along with
                                                                              others around the town. A
                                                       Photo: Nature Chain    special ‘Golden Kingfisher’
                                                                              sculpture is also on display at
                                                                              Iford Manor café.
Have you noticed the Nature Chain plaques in gardens around the                  The Kingfisher Trail, an arts
village? The plaques are handed out to people who have made their             trail of 21 sculptures decorated
gardens more wildlife-friendly, thereby helping to create a wildlife          by talented local artists for
corridor around the village.                                                  public display in and around the
If you’ve already signed up to Nature Chain and would like a plaque,          Cotswolds this year, is designed
email to arrange pick-up or delivery.                to bring businesses, arts and
                                                                              local communities together.
                                                                                 At the end of the project, all
                         is now taking                                        the sculptures will be auctioned
its summer break. Back in September.                                          to raise funds for CNL’s vital
                                                                              conservation work.
If you have any suggestions for inclusion
in future editions, contact me at                                                To take part in the trail, visit
                                                                     Enjoy the ‘summer’!
Limpley Stoke news Local MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be "furious" over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic
Household waste
                                     Monday, July 12
D     enise Barnes and Lucy
      Poloniecka will be show-
ing their work at an exhibition
                                     Monday, July 26
                                     Monday, August 9
                                     Monday, August 23
at the West Barn in Pound
Lane, Bradford on Avon (oppo-        Blue-lidded bin
site the Tithe Barn) from            Black box
Friday, July 30 to Sunday,           Green waste
August 1, 10.30am to 4.30pm.         Wednesday, July 14
   Denise Barnes works chiefly       Wednesday, July 28
in oil on canvas. Her exhibits       Wednesday, Aug 11
                                     Wednesday, Aug 25
will include paintings inspired
by the local landscape and wild
Cornish seascapes, as well as       Useful contacts
                                    Transport Link 07714 16 92 16
images of the rugged Lake Dis-      Power supply emergency 105
trict.                              Police (non-emergency)    101
                                    Bradford on Avon Police:
   Lucy Poloniecka is a textile     PCSO Laura Wallace
artist. Most of her work is wall
hangings but she also occasion-
ally makes bed quilts. As well      MP: Michelle Donelan
                                    01249 704465
as quilts and art pieces, Lucy
will have a range of silk scarves
and other textile gifts for sale.
                                    Wiltshire Unitary Councillor:
                                    Johnny Kidney 07805 236 480  

                                    Editor: Limpley Stoke News
                                    Sheena Broadhead
                                    01225 723404

                                    LSPC Clerk: Bryony Kohn
                                    01225 723749
                                    MyWilts app: potholes, road
                                    issues, blocked drains, grit bins
                                    mywilts-online-reporting or
                                    phone 0300 456 0105

                                       Mobile library monthly visit:
                                       Thursday: July 8 / Aug 5
                                            Editor: Limpley Stoke News
                                       Uplands  Close,
                                            Sheena      Midford Lane
                                            01225 723404
                                          Limpley Stoke Community
Limpley Stoke news Local MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be "furious" over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic Limpley Stoke news Local MP, Michelle Donelan, is said to be "furious" over calls by Bath MPs to ban all HGV traffic
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