Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms

Page created by Ernest Espinoza
Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms
20 August –
13 September 2020    Press Highlights
Curated by Rebecca

                  viss reizē zied
              и вдруг все расцвело
            and suddenly
                suddenly it all blossoms
Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms
3 September 2020

The Art Newspaper
Tom Seymour

Riboca2 shows the fragility of
our world, and our vulnerability
within it.

Like dominos, virtually every art
biennial scheduled to take place
over 2020 was cancelled. But
Riboca2 decided to forge ahead.
Reimagining the format has
required us to be flexible, open
and united, Mirgorodskaya says.
Qualities which may be required
from us all in the future.
Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms
18 August 2020

Jackie Wullschläger

Like all meaningful biennials,
including Venice, RIBOCA is
inherently, gorgeously, an
architectural proposition: the
draw is fleeting installations
in conversation with iconic
buildings, unique landscapes.

Mourning and cosmic dreams,
renewal from ruins, a different
ecology: this newcomer
among biennials punches
above its weight, impressively
demonstrating the power of the
regional to illuminate the global.
Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms
7 October 2020

Novuyo Moyo

If you can’t beat it, as the        If the biennial presents a fantasy
saying goes, incorporate it into    of existing as an enchanted
your curatorial concept. After      bubble, a space outside the
initially postponing the second     world, this rare insight into the
edition of the Riga International   conditions of its production only
Biennial of Contemporary Art        reinforces the reality in which
(RIBOCA), the curatorial team       a show of this magnitude is
led by Rebecca Lamarche-Vadel       embedded.
elected to embrace Covid-19,
acknowledging the virus as
a “significant author” of the       biennial-of-contemporary-art-and-suddenly-
exhibition. Change is the only      it-all-blossoms
constant and every end—for the
curators, if not for the artists
who weren’t able to show their
works as initially intended—a
potential beginning.
Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms
24 August 2020

Hili Person

The second edition of the Riga       cancelations and dashed plans.    But it never snowed in Latvia     pandemic brought it all into
Biennial of Art is one of the lone   The biennial finally opened to    due to record-high temperatures   focus: Covid-19 may be an
events to draw the art world out     the public in a much reduced      that hit Europe this year,        agitator, but the old world was
of hiding this summer.               and altered format on August      and so Serapinas’s legion         already slipping away. It’s high
                                     20, with members of the art       of Mudmen—a multitude of          time to imagine a new one.
The young biennial, once a stop      world gathering at a defunct      bulbous stacks of mud and
along what would have been           and dilapidated industrial site   hay—stand in their place. It’s
a clogged art calendar, now          by Riga’s port.                   an important reminder of what     riga-biennial-2-2020-1903626?fbclid
stands out as one of the lone                                          Lamarche-Vadel was already        fUiejaJqRYA2LJS6ABpn_Ze6ISsApVI_10#.
events to take place in a year of                                      chipping away at before the       X0Sl4HX4XIA.twitter
Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms
26 August 2020

Louise Long

‘And suddenly it all blossoms’,   RIBOCA’s second edition is          its evolution – noting absent and   ensuing ‘re-enchantment’ of
the exhibition title rings        clear: steering visitors on an      altered artworks, celebrating       its own fragility.
out. A cry of celebration         ‘odyssey’ of ‘enchantment’ in       silence as much as noise. Part
and optimism – just not in        the face of ‘coming cataclysm’.     biennial, part memorial.  
time for spring, as originally    An exhibition de catastrophe,                                           medium=Social&utm_source=Facebook&fb-
planned. And whilst the ‘it’ is   taking in its stride both the       And triumph RIBOCA2 has.            clid=IwAR1i7LoS3vnJ_pvHPyAKu0AKCtjaX-
undefined, curator Rebecca        turbulence of the setting and the   Perhaps most meaningfully
Lamarche-Vadel’s vision for       times. Opting to leave traces of    of all, in the acceptance and
Viss reizē zied denly it all blossoms
3 September 2020

Calvert Journal
Elise Morton

Although Lamarche-Vadel’s words         was evidenced from the off
speak to our current, somewhat          by the diversity of RIBOCA2’s
apocalyptic context, the Biennial       “participants”.
seemed to have been conceived
with the end of the world already       Rather than taking the pandemic
in mind. With its original curatorial   as a sign of Armageddon and
theme of “re-enchantment”,              giving up the artistic ghost, the
RIBOCA2 was always intended to          Biennial has — imperfectly, but
be a reflection on an impending         admirably — resolved to adapt,
cataclysm, the need to rethink          reinvent itself, and seek the new
our relationships with other            possibilities and visions that might
beings (be they animals, or             be “unveiled” by this crisis.
even extra-terrestrials), and the
consequent imperative to make 
room for alternative voices and
visions. Such an undertaking
Return of the large format
                     exhibition after digital dwarfism:
                     the Riga Biennial vacillates
24 August 2020       between madness, courage and
                     boldness. It is a signal for the
Frankfurter          art world.
Allgemeine Zeitung
Werner Bloch         kunst/was-besucher-der-biennale-in-riga-
7 January 2020

Paul Laster

Following its critically           times. And considering that 85
acclaimed first iteration, the     percent of the projects will be
Riga International Biennial of     new commissions, produced
Contemporary Art (May 16–          in close relationship with local
October 11) is back with the       communities, this biennial
exhibition “and suddenly it        offers a chance to experience
all blossoms,” which takes         the new while learning about
the notion of re-enchantment       the past in the Baltic’s biggest
as a point of departure for        metropolis, where the historical
understanding the present and      city center is a UNESCO World
a path to planning a better        Heritage Site.
future. Borrowing its title
from the Latvian poet Māra
Zālīte, the exhibition takes its
inspiration from the history
of Riga, Latvia, and the Baltic
States, which have been
occupied and drawn into other
people’s conflicts countless
Gamely playing Tarkovsky’s        It couldn’t be a better place for   Tarkovsky’s Stalker, the setting
                        Stalker, Lamarche-Vadel           a Covid biennial, we all agreed     presented viewers with objects
                        guided us through this strange,   as we walked to a piece sparsely    of obscure origin and period.
1 September 2020
                        deserted site, proving that the   installed around Riga’s former
                        straightest path is not always    harbor. No violation of six-
ARTFORUM                the shortest.                     feet distancing rules could be
Neringa Černiauskaitė                                     imagined here. Like The Zone in     T3KWyGOdyrvzYij-H75E1EhahDvOV08wKFq4
1 September 2020

Helmuts Caune

Thanks to the miraculous fact      But what is, in my opinion,
that the second edition of the     really fresh (or, on the contrary,
Riga International Biennial of     a return to something old and
Contemporary Art (RIBOCA),         forgotten) about RIBOCA2 is
titled and suddenly it all         how it is experienced through
blossoms, is actually taking       the senses and not the mind.
place, the public has the chance
to experience this unusual         The form in which, despite
territory from new viewpoints      everything, RIBOCA2 has
and perspectives for at least      managed to materialise in
three weeks.                       Andrejsala, hides within it many
                                   opportunities to be inspired by
The biennial is clearly not        ways in which we can adapt
embarrassed by this weakness       to ‘the new normal’. Again,
and humbly accepts it as evi-      largely because it is more of an
denced by, among other things,     adventure than a lesson.
leaving the original written
plans for the missing works (but
crossed out) in the annotations
and textual materials.
28 August 2020

Elise Morton

A re-evaluation of our position    Serapinas, hailing from
and values – and, indeed,          neighbouring Lithuania, believes
the question of who gets to        that RIBOCA has given a ‘boost
take part in a contemporary        to the local art scene and artists
art biennial – was from the        from the wider Baltic region’;
off echoed in the diversity of     the Biennial’s reinvention will
RIBOCA2’s ‘participants’, a term   doubtless provide an equally
intended to acknowledge that       valuable education in what it
not all those with work in the     means to ‘pivot’ (one of the
biennial identify as artists.      principal watchwords of this
                                   pandemic) as an arts institution.
The true test of RIBOCA2’s
commitment to openness and
adaptability, in many ways,
was the arrival of the Covid-19
Grigory Nekhoroshev

Riga, however, is now aiming     event’s French curator, Rebecca     Andrew). A power plant and          was gradually evicted from the
high. Its goal is to include     Lamarche-Vadel, managed to          port elevators were built there     city centre, hence the Biennale’s
Latvia and other Baltic region   take over an entire island in the   in the mid-19th century. In         move to its brutal architecture.
countries “in the global art     centre of Riga, if only for three   Soviet times, it hosted the huge,
context” of contemporary         weeks. (The island of Andrejsala    concrete warehouses of Riga’s
art. Mirgorodskaya and the       was named after the Apostle         commercial port, but the port
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+371 6768 7714
Office address:
Ausekļa iela 2-2, Rīga, LV-1010, Latvia

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