Oxford university business economics programme - Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July

Page created by Kevin Robinson
Oxford university business economics programme - Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July

Oxford university business
economics programme
Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics
Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July
Oxford university business economics programme - Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July
Oxford University Business Economics Programme

Oxford university business economics programme - Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July
Oxford University Business Economics Programme

About the programme
The Oxford University Business           Our intensive programme
Economics Programme is an                allows you to focus and explore
immersive executive programme            economic theory and its real-world
based in Oxford at the Department        application - so that you can better
of Economics.                            understand the challenges and
                                         choices that today’s businesses face
Our core objective is to help you to
                                         and the impact of those choices on
develop the level of critical thinking
                                         the wider world.
required of a future leader by
combining high-calibre academic          This year, we are celebrating our
tuition, and discussion sessions with    70th anniversary and are excited
industry-leading keynote speakers.       to introduce a new programme
All in the company of a diverse          format that accommodates modern
group of delegates who share a           work practices and maintains our
similar vision.                          exemplary teaching standards.

Oxford university business economics programme - Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July
Oxford University Business Economics Programme

20                                   10                     5
               Online                            Distinct       Day residential
               lectures                          topics         tutorial week

Oxford university business economics programme - Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July
Oxford University Business Economics Programme

the 2022 Programme -
Fundamental economics
Traditionally, the core programme is       change, globalisation and the
run over the course of 2 weeks, but        potentially long-lasting economic
for our 70th year, we are introducing      impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
a new hybrid format to allow you
                                           The lectures will provide you with
greater flexibility and a more
                                           all the theoretical background, but
comprehensive learning experience.
                                           the intensive tutorial week is where
The programme combines 20 online           you will be able to dive deeper and
lectures with a 5-day residential          broaden your understanding of each
‘tutorial week’. The lectures will cover   topic. The residential week is built
10 distinct topics and will be provided    around small discussion groups
to you well in advance of the tutorial     - all led by experienced Oxford
week so that you can make the most         University tutors and researchers.
of your time with our tutors.
                                           You will also participate in group
                                           projects where you will work with
Course Overview
                                           real-life scenarios that are directly
Fundamental Economics offers               related to the programme material.
participants an intensive overview
of the World of Economics. We will         At the end of each day, your group
start with the fundamentals of             will present and discuss what
supply and demand, and finish with         you have learned. We will also
the latest state-of-the-art models of      encourage you to challenge the
economic growth. Our programme             ideas presented and discuss how
gives participants the economic            what you have learned relates to
grounding necessary to understand          your own at-work experiences.
current issues, such as climate

Oxford university business economics programme - Summer school 2022 - Fundamental economics Sunday 10 July to Friday 15 July
Oxford University Business Economics Programme

topics and                                        1.
                                                 (Missing) markets
                                                 Can economics help us understand
                                                 the current climate crisis? The short
                                                 answer is yes! In certain situations,
                                                 markets may “fail” or even be “missing”
                                                 altogether. Prices of goods/services
                                                 may not reflect the “true” social costs.
                                                 Pollution and global warming are
                                                 examples of such market failures. In
                                                 these lectures, we introduce the basic
                                                 concepts of markets, when and how
                                                 they may fail and what remedies may
                                                 be used to help.


                                                 ƒ The basics of supply and demand
                                                 ƒ Missing markets and saving the

What people say about OUBEP:

                                           “A brilliant analysis, very thought provoking,
                                           and just what you would expect from OUBEP.
                                           Changes your view of how the world works
                                           too, critically and economically.”

 2.                                       3.
Market power                             Strategic reasoning
How can businesses strike the right      Understanding the competitive
balance between volume and profit        landscape is crucial when entering
margins and how does this trade-         a new market. But what if your
off depend on market competitors?        competitors are aware of your
What happens when there are no           offering and take an offensive stance?
physical resource constraints, e.g.      Should you still proceed, or will the
for information-based products? Our      threat make the post-entry battle
next two lectures guide you through      unprofitable? Here we provide the
the basic rules you need to apply        basics of game theory and apply them
when choosing between scale and          to familiar market entry scenarios.
price. We also demonstrate how
these rules can change depending         Lectures:
on the economic environment.
                                         ƒ Basics of game theory
                                         ƒ Future play and market entry

ƒ Exploiting market power
ƒ Pricing, product differentiation and
  market positioning

Oxford University Business Economics Programme

            topics and lectures continued

              4.                                        5.
            The power of information                   Auction theory
            What happens when you and your             What kind of bidding strategy will
            customers do not have the same             help you win at a house auction?
            information? From used car sales to        Can we save endangered species
            financial markets and complex insurance    with auctions? Can mere contract or
            - there is a hierarchy of understanding.   product design help you overcome
            Market participants often know more        customer impulses such as loss
            than others about asset valuations         aversion or lack of self-control? This
            and underlying performance, and in         set of lectures explore the importance
            these lectures, we show you the power      of interpreting human behaviour and
            of information and signalling. We          will provide you with the tools to
            also discuss how to elicit – otherwise     understand these types of situations.
            unobserved information – by a clever
            design of contracts.                       Lecture:

                                                       ƒ Auction design

            ƒ Screening and signalling
            ƒ Corporate finance
            ƒ Contract design

“High quality academic and business
                                             perspective from new angles. Great insight.”

 6.                                        7.
The basics of behavioural                 The macroeconomy
economics                                 How do we measure Gross Domestic
                                          Product (GDP)? What does it tell us
What are the key behavioural biases
                                          about the macroeconomy? What other
and how do they affect your approach
                                          indicators help us understand the
to pricing policy and marketing
                                          health of our economy? And what role
strategy? How can you motivate
                                          does the intermediation of financial
employees that care about reciprocity
                                          resources play in this regard? These
and fairness? In this special topic
                                          lectures provide an insight into the
lecture, we will explore how psychology
                                          macroeconomy and how it works.
and economics interact, and how
understanding this interplay will help
you decide the best way to incentivise
your customers and your workforce.        ƒ GDP and beyond
                                          ƒ The role of the financial sector

ƒ The basics of behavioural economics

Oxford University Business Economics Programme

            topics and lectures continued

              8.                                          9.
            Saving the economy from                      Globalisation, nationalism
            recessions                                   and supply chains
            What is Quantitative Easing and how is it    How did COVID-19 change the trade-off
            different from the other “conventional”      between globalisation and nationalism
            tools that central banks can use to help     when it disrupted global supply
            prop up economies? Will the large-scale      chains? Who benefits and who loses
            fiscal responses to the COVID-19 recession   when the USA and China enter a trade
            lead to unsustainable national debts?        war? In these lectures, we discuss the
            These lectures explore the potential         rationale behind free trade and we
            answers to these questions using basic,      study the winners and losers from trade
            yet powerful, frameworks so you can          liberalisations. We also touch upon the
            understand why economies experience          magnitude and importance of global
            booms and recessions.                        supply chains and what happens to
                                                         trade policy when they are disrupted.
            ƒ Central banks, inflation targeting and
              quantitative easing                        ƒ The basics of international trade
            ƒ Fiscal policy and debt sustainability      ƒ Globalisation and supply chain
                                                         ƒ Winners and losers of trade

“Rigorous and challenging economic
                                        analysis. always Well presented by
                                        world class experts.​”

Inequality, entrepreneurship
and economic growth
Why does inequality within and
across countries persist and what
drives economic growth? How can
entrepreneurship and startups affect
the macroeconomy? In this final
series of lectures, we will develop
your understanding of economic
growth and inequality in the current
environment. We will also demonstrate
how important entrepreneurship and
startups are for growth and highlight
concerns around the barriers and
disruptions that startups face, such
as those during the Great Financial
Crisis or the COVID-19 pandemic.


ƒ Growth within and across countries
ƒ Entrepreneurs, startups and

Oxford University Business Economics Programme

The core programme is curated and                ABI ADAMS-PRASSL
delivered by the department of                   Director of External Engagement
Economics’ leading academics, whose
tutoring experience and cutting edge             Abi is an Associate Professor at the
research make the programme insightful,          Department of Economics at the
engaging and unique to OUBEP.                    University of Oxford. She has published in
                                                 leading journals in Economics, Law, and
                                                 Computer Science, and is on the editorial
                                                 board of The Review of Economic Studies,
                                                 one of the leading economics journals
                                                 globally. She has raised over £2.5million
                                                 in research funds for a range of projects
                                                 on the impact of technology of work and
                                                 the justice system, and on understanding
                                                 gender inequality in the labour market
                                                 and beyond. She was awarded the
                                                 Economic & Social Research Council’s
                                                 Outstanding Impact on Public Policy Prize
                                                 and was selected as an initial leader of
                                                 the Oxford Policy Engagement Network.

                                                 Alongside her University work, Abi is
                                                 currently a Specialist Advisor to the
                                                 UK Parliament Women & Equalities
                                                 Select Committee and advises a range
                                                 of stakeholders on empirical analysis
                                                 relating to strategic litigation in the
                                                 realm of public law and human rights.

Oxford University Business Economics Programme

ALEX TEYTELBOYM                            PETR SEDLACEK
Director of OUBEP                          Senior Tutor for OUBEP

Alex is an Associate Professor in          Petr is a macroeconomist with
Economics within the Department of         a particular interest in the vast
Economics in Oxford, a Tutorial Fellow     heterogeneity among workers and
at St Catherine’s College, and a Senior    firms. He is fascinated by the question
Research Fellow at the Institute for New   of how worker and firm heterogeneity
Economic Thinking (INET) at the Oxford     interacts and how it shapes and is
Martin School.                             shaped by, the aggregate economy.
                                           His research combines empirical
His main research interests lie within
                                           analysis of micro-level and aggregate
market design (e.g. matching markets
                                           data for macroeconomic questions
and auctions) and network economics.
                                           and theoretical and quantitative
He is interested in the applications of
                                           models with heterogeneous agents.
economic theory to many policy areas,
including environment, energy and          Petr is the senior tutor for OUBEP
refugee resettlement.                      and as such curates the academic
                                           programme and content for all
                                           seminars and the summer programme.

Course timetable                                                                         Work all together
                                                                                           Work in tutorial groups
  Monday 11 to Friday 15 July 2022                                                         Meals/coffee breaks

                      Sun            Mon               tue               wed            Thu                      Fri
                      10th July      11th July         12th July         13th July      14th July                15th July

            08:00                    Breakfast         Breakfast         Breakfast      Breakfast                Breakfast

            08:45                    Intro             Intro             Intro          Intro                    Intro

            09:00                    Recap 1           Recap 1           Recap 1        Recap 1                  Recap 1

            09:45                    Tutorial 1        Tutorial 1        Tutorial 1     Tutorial 1               Tutorial 1

            10:45                    Break             Break             Break          Break                    Break

            11:00                    Tutorial 2        Tutorial 2        Tutorial 2     Tutorial 2               Tutorial 2

            12:00                    Lunch             Lunch             Lunch          Lunch                    Lunch

            13:00                    Recap 2           Recap 2           Oxford tour    Recap 2                  Recap 2

            13.45   Arrival          Tutorial 3        Tutorial 3                       Tutorial 3               Tutorial 3

            14:45                    Break             Break                            Break                    Break

            15:00                    Tutorial 4        Tutorial 4                       Tutorial 4               Tutorial 4

            16:00                    Break             Break                            Break                    Break

            16:15                    Project           Project                          Project                  Project

            17:30                    Presentations     Presentations                    Presentations            Presentations

            18:00   Dinner           Break / drinks    Break / drinks    Free evening   Formal Dinner at         Drinks reception
                                                                                        Balliol College
                                                                                        (with Steering
                                                                                        members after

            19:30                    Dinner            Dinner                           7.00pm - Drinks          Awards ceremony
                                                                                        7.30pm - Dinner

            20:30                    Evening speaker   Evening speaker                                           Departure
Facilitated by the department of economics
                                             Programme fees: £12,500 (Includes all lectures and accommodation costs)

                                             For more information and to book please email us:
     DEPARTMENT OF                           oubep@economics.ox.ac.uk
     ECONOMICS                               oubep.econ.ox.ac.uk

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