ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW

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ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
IIM Indore
     Executive Programme in
     Sales & Marketing

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW

The Sales & Marketing Relationship                     3

Strengthen Your Sales & Marketing Career               4

Programme Overview & Learning Objectives               5

Programme Highlights                                   6

Key Learning Outcomes                                  7

Programme Content                                      8-9

Pedagogy, Programme Delivery & Programme Schedule      10

Eligibility & Admission Criteria                       11

Evaluation & Attendance Criteria                       12

Certification & Alumni Status                           13

Programme Director's Profile                            14

Programme Fee, Instalment Schedule & Important Dates   15

About Indian Institute of Management Indore            16
ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
The Sales & Marketing Relationship
In any organisation sales and marketing play a pivotal role in the success of the
business. Where sales help bridge the gap between a consumer’s needs and the
product/service offered, marketing helps in creating communication for the same.

                                         Includes “operations and activities
                                         involved in promoting and selling
                       Sales             goods or services.”

                                        Sales & Marketing
                                       • The responsibilities of each
                                         group are closely linked.
                                      • Marketing plays a vital role in
Includes “the process or
                                            supporting sales.
technique of promoting,
selling, and distributing a
product or service.”


“There is no question that, when Sales and Marketing work well together, companies
see substantial improvement on important performance metrics: Sales cycles are
shorter, market-entry costs go down, and the cost of sales is lower.”
                                                   -July-August 2006, Harvard Business Review

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
Strengthen Your Sales & Marketing Career

 Whether you are an aspiring or an experienced marketeer, you need to acknowledge
 and understand the importance of the relationship between sales and marketing.
 Both sales and marketing work towards a common goal i.e., business generation and
 organisational growth.

                                                 208% jump in marketing revenue

   ROI due to a successful
                                                 38% higher win rates
   sales and marketing alignment

                                                 32% increase in year-over-year (YoY)
                                                 revenue growth

 Sources: Wheelhouse Advisors, MarketingProfs and Aberdeen Group

 Structured knowledge and thorough understanding of the concepts in sales and
 marketing will open up a plethora of roles, expose you to various career paths
 based on your interests, and enable career advancement opportunities in
 almost all industries.

                Popular Sales & Marketing Careers to Explore
Retail Sales          Social Media       Marketing            Sales           Product
 Associate              Manager          Specialist       Representative      Manager

 Sales & Marketing            Marketing               Market                Sales
     Manager                  Manager                 Analyst              Manager

 With IIM Indore's Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing, ace your sales and
 marketing career. The programme will help you understand the typical buying
 behaviour of a consumer, the marketing mix and provide you the necessary skills to
 adapt to today’s fast-changing business environment.

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
Programme Overview
Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing (EPSM)
Having a great product alone is not a guarantee of success in today’s world, the
product should fulfil customer needs and the value of the product should be
communicated effectively by the sales and marketing team to ensure success. In
today’s competitive environment, Marketing & Sales are the key drivers for winning
and retaining new businesses. The programme will combine a balance of theoretical
and practical knowledge for the participants. It will help the participants to get the
latest marketing and sales trends, work with the most efficient tools in the market
and get equipped with all the necessary skills in this fast-changing business

Learning Objectives

   Learn about the marketing mix and              Understand customers and what
      creating a value proposition                  motivates buying behaviour

 Evaluate and think critically about           Get comprehensive knowledge of sales
marketing communications to brand                     and marketing domain
         building methods

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
Programme Highlights

                       Curriculum covering strategic
                       aspects of marketing

       Learn to create and manage integrated
                   marketing communications

                       Understand the end-to-end process of
                       new product development

         Learn tools and techniques of brand
          management and digital marketing

                       3-day campus

                       IIM Indore Executive
                    Education Alumni status

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
Key Learning Outcomes

              In-depth knowledge of the two most
              important driving factors of a business
              – Sales and Marketing

              Understanding essential topics in this field
              like Logistics, Branding, Digital Marketing,
              and Sales Channels

              Keeping-up with the upcoming and ongoing
              trends in Sales and Marketing to understand
              the dynamic consumer market

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
Programme Content*

Module                             Topic
  1      Foundations of Marketing
         Analysing Marketing Environment
         Forecasting and Demand Measurement
         Creating Marketing Plan

  2      Conducting Marketing Research
         Importance of Marketing Research
         Marketing Research Process

  3      Consumer Behaviour
         Factors Affecting Consumer Behaviour such as Cultural,
         Social and Personal
         Understand Consumer Buying Decision Process

  4      New Product Development
         Challenges in Developing New Products
         Development Process: From Ideas to Concept to Strategy

  5      Brand Management
         Brand Positioning
         Brand Equity
         Branding Strategy

  6      Pricing Methods and Strategies
         Understanding Pricing
         Consumer Pyschology and Pricing
         Pricing Methods
         Adaptive Pricing

  7      Digital Marketing
         Social Media Marketing
         Word-of-Mouth Marketing
         Mobile Marketing

  8      Marketing Strategies
         Growth Strategies
         Product Life Cycle Marketing Strategies

  9      Sales Management
         Role of the Sales Force
         Role of Selling within Marketing
         Managing and Controlling the Sales Force
         Sales Performance

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
Programme Content

Module                              Topic
  10     Sales Forecasting
         Sales Budgets and their Uses
         Techniques of Forecasting
         Importance of Accurate Forecasts
         The Sales Forecasting System

  11     Marketing Channels
         Strategic Channel Choices
         Types and Classification of Channels
         Structure of Marketing Channels
         Channel Co-ordination
         Channel Conflict
         The Dynamic Nature of Channels

  12     Distribution
         Distribution System Design
         Managing Distribution Channels
         Physical Distribution and Logistics

  13     Creating and Managing Integrated Marketing Communications
         Role of Marketing Communications
         Understanding the Marketing Mix
         Developing Effective Communications

  14     Services Marketing
         Unique Characteristics
         Customer Participation in Services
         Professional Services
         Managing Service Quality and Customer Experience

  15     B2B Marketing
         Organisational Buying Behavior

  16     Emerging Trends in Marketing

                                                    *Courses are subject to change

ACE YOUR SALES & MARKETING GAME - Executive Programme in Sales & Marketing IIM Indore - TimesTSW
Pedagogy, Programme Delivery & Schedule
The pedagogy will be a judicious mix of:
• Lectures • Project Work • Assignments • Case Discussions • Term Papers, etc.

                                     Programme Delivery
                                     Lectures will be delivered through
                                     broadband-based technology involving
                                     two-way audio and video communication.
                                     Sessions will be held once in week.
                                     Participants can attend sessions directly
                                     from their desktop/laptop (Direct-2-Device).

Class Schedule
  Sunday, First Session        12:00 p.m. to 1:15 p.m.
  Sunday, Second Session       1:30 p.m. to 2:45 p.m.

                                    Campus Immersion
                                    3 days campus immersion at IIM Indore

Programme Duration – 12 months

Eligibility & Admission Criteria

Who Should Attend
Mid-level marketeers who have the basic knowledge of
marketing, operations and sales but now want to deep
dive into this field to expand their knowledge
Participants who need a boost in their sales and
marketing career and are keen to learn about the
current market trends, marketing mix, buying behaviour,
evolving brands and more
Senior-level marketeers with good experience and
knowledge in this domain but need to update
themselves with the current ongoing marketing trends
and change the course of their career

Eligibility Criteria
Diploma (10+2+3) or bachelor’s degree or equivalent (10+2+3 or 10+2+4) or 2
years’ master’s degree or equivalent from a recognised university
(UGC/AICTE/DEC/AIU/State Government) in any discipline with minimum 50%
aggregate marks of all the years
Minimum two years of work experience is required post completion of the
qualifying education

                             Admission Criteria
                             Participants would be selected based on their overall profile

Evaluation & Attendance Criteria
Evaluation Methodology
Performance of participants will be monitored on a continuous evaluation basis
through quizzes, assignments, tests, and examinations.
Participants are required to score minimum marks/grades as decided by the
Institute from time-to-time to complete the course.

         Attendance Criteria
         Participants are expected to attend all sessions of a given course.
         Participants may take leave on account of emergencies,
         participation in management festivals or co-curricular activities,
         etc., subject to the approval of the Programme Coordinator.
         75% minimum attendance requirement would be considered for
         the final grading.

Upon successful completion of the programme, participants will be awarded ‘Executive
Certificate in Sales & Marketing’ by IIM Indore.

IIM Indore Executive Education Alumni Benefits
The participants who will complete the programme successfully will be eligible for the
Executive Education Alumni status of IIM Indore. They will be required to apply
separately along with the necessary fee to register their names.
Benefits available to Executive Education Alumni include:
   a. Communication of brochures and newsletters from IIM Indore
   b. Access to the IIM Indore Campus Library (onsite access only)
   c. Official email ID of the institute

Programme Director's Profile

                                        He has attended the Global
                                        Colloquium on Participant Centric
                                        Learning (Glocoll) at the Harvard
                                        Business School (HBS), Boston, MA.
                                        He has attended the IPSA-NUS
                                        Methods School at the National
                                        University of Singapore (NUS). Dr.
                                        Jayasimha has presented papers in
                                        several international conferences
                                        and his work has been published in
                                        various international journals of

Dr. Jayasimha K. R.                     At IIM Indore, Dr. Jayasimha has
Dr. (Jai) Jayasimha is a Professor of   been the Chair of the Executive Post
Marketing. Before joining IIM           Graduate        Programme         in
Indore, he has been a faculty           Management (EPGP). Besides being
member at The Institute of Manage-      the Marketing Area Chair, he has
ment Technology, ICFAI Business         also chaired the Faculty Workload
School (IBS Hyderabad), PES Insti-      Norms Committee. He offers
tute of Technology (PESIT, Banga-       seminar    courses     on    Service
lore) and Kirloskar Institute of        Excellence and Classics in Marketing
Advanced Management Studies.            (CMM) at the doctoral level.

Dr. Jayasimha is a recipient of the
'Best Teacher Award' at IIM Indore.
He is a recipient of the "Prof. Marti
Subramanyam Award" along with Dr.
Rajeev Verma for their joint research
on Service Innovaton.

Programme Fee, Instalment Schedule &
Important Dates
Programme Fee
 Particulars                                                                  Amount (in ₹) (excluding GST)*
 Registration Fee                                                             6,200

 Processing Fee**                                                             10,000

 Campus Visit Fee                                                             12,500

 Programme Fee                                                                1,95,000

 Total Fee (Excluding Registration &                                          2,07,500
 Processing Fee)
 * Fee will be collected by TEEL.
 * GST is 18%.
 ** Processing Fee includes ₹6,200 towards the Registration Fee and ₹3,800 towards the Programme Fee. In case a
 participant’s profile is rejected by IIM Indore, ₹7,500 is refunded to the participant and ₹2,500 is deducted towards
 administrative charges and is non-refundable.

Instalment Schedule

                       Instalment I                           Instalment II       Instalment III       Instalment IV

                       At the time of     Within one week     10th December,      10th March,          10th June,
  Date                 application        of offer letter     2021                2022                 2022
                                          roll-out date

                       3,800              51,200              52,500              50,000               50,000
  (in ₹)*

* GST will be additional as applicable.

 Important Dates
   Application Closure Date                                                   5th September, 2021

   Academic Orientation Date                                                  26th September, 2021

   Tentative Programme End Date                                               August 2022

                                             APPLY NOW

About Indian Institute of Management Indore
                               The Indian Institute of Management Indore (IIM-I) is
                               an autonomous public business school located in
                               Indore, Madhya Pradesh, India. Instituted in 1996,
                               IIM Indore is the sixth addition to the Indian Institute
                               of Management (IIM) family of management schools.

IIM Indore is recognised as one of the premier management institutions,
comparable to the best in the world for teaching, research, and interaction with
industries. It is an institute of national importance under the Indian Institutes of
Management Act 2017.

Spread over 194 acres, IIM Indore stands with pride, with the Triple Crown of triple
accreditation, first from the Association of MBAs (AMBA),               a UK-based
accreditation agency, in 2016; second from the AACSB in 2019, and third and latest
from the EFMD Quality Improvement System (EQUIS) by EFMD, the globally
recognised international organisation for management development, in December
2019. As of August 2020, the 'Triple Crown' has been received by only 102 business
schools globally. IIM Indore is the second IIM in the nation to receive triple

With a mission to be a contextually relevant business school with world-class
academic standards that develops socially conscious managers, leaders and
entrepreneurs, IIM Indore is one of the fastest growing institutions in India today.
The institute has bagged a position in Top 100 in FT Rankings 2019 and stands at
Rank 7 in the NIRF Rankings 2020.

Prabandh Shikhar, Rau - Pithampur Rd,
Indore, Madhya Pradesh - 453556
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