Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East

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Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
A white paper by WARC

  Leveraging digital
  audio for marketers
  in MENA
                                              COLLABORATION BETWEEN:

© Copyright WARC 2022. All rights reserved.
Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
CONTENTS                                                                                                      2

Foreword by Choueiri Group                                         3    Chapter 3
Foreword by WARC                                                   4    Key considerations for best practice in audio   17
                                                                        Overview                                        18
Introduction: Why audio matters                                    5    Content relevance                               19
                                                                        Increased trust                                 20
Chapter 1                                                               Emotional intelligence                          21
Contextualizing growth in audio                                     6   Case study: Libre - YSL                         22
The global growth of streaming                                      7   Strengthening the local connection              23
Global consumption patterns - how they are evolving                 8
The local growth of streaming                                       9   Summary:
The audio streaming landscape in MENA                              10   What brands need to ask themselves in MENA:
                                                                        Is your brand part of the gap?                  24
Chapter 2
Connecting to core audiences in MENA                               11   References                                      25
Being local makes a difference                                     12   Credits                                         26
For regional listeners, music streaming is the most common means
of music consumption                                               13
Younger audiences: redefining the value of radio                   14
Role of audio in the marketing funnel                              15
Case study: Lower funnel impact of audio - driving footfalls       16

© Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
FORWARD FROM CHOUEIRI GROUP                                                                                                                                                          3

Foreword from Choueiri Group
                                              Converting passive listeners to active        streaming platforms than any other audio      In order to reach these listeners, brands
                                              listeners might sound simple, but the         media format, as they seek to discover        must identify the right context, the
                                              challenge is striking the right note. With    and explore culture as well as form new       right moments, and the right streaming
                                              the advancement of technology and             connections.                                  platform to deliver their message.
                                              highly connected Gen Z and Gen Y
                                              populations, music consumption has            With consumers increasingly shifting          The audio landscape is bursting with
                                              evolved drastically over the past few         allegiances and moving from passive           opportunities and today’s consumer
                                              years and is now more accessible              to active listening, advertisers have         has endless choices when it comes
                                              than ever. With consumers spending            started following suit. Available anywhere,   to audio and ways to access it. By
                                              increasingly more time at home and on         anytime, and on demand, streaming audio       choosing a platform that is highly trusted,
                                              their devices, online music streaming         is a promising new arena, especially in the   emotionally connected, and relatable
                                              is booming and expected to reach              region, and a significant outlet for brands   with an emphasis on local personality and
                                              $24.71Bm globally by 2027.                    and advertisers striving to be pioneers in    identity, brands can deliver impact from
                                                                                            the space. Working across every stage         top to lower-funnel while making sure all
                                              It’s hard to remember a time when             of the funnel, audio advertising unlocks      ears are on them.
                                              listening to music didn’t happen via          several opportunities from increasing
                                              streaming. Music streaming platforms          brand awareness to sparking conversion.       To understand the opportunities in this
                                              have transformed the way we interact with                                                   emerging space, we collaborated with
Mathieu Yarak
                                              and share music. Powered by smarter and       Yet how do you as a brand turn digital        WARC on this study to gain an objective
Group Senior Director, Data
& Insights                                    more personalised technologies, they          audio advertising into a recipe for           and independent viewpoint on shifting
Choueiri Group                                have evolved to become hyper-relevant,        success? To start with, you need to           trends and best practices. This would
                                              engaging, and reflective of users’ true       understand the importance of active           be invaluable in shaping the strategy of
                                              identities. While more traditional channels   listeners. Active listeners are those who     every marketer in our region.
                                              like radio remain popular, consumers          are emotionally engaged, connected, and
                                              are spending more and more time on            attentive at a given moment.                  Enjoy the read!

© Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
FORWARD FROM WARC                                                                                                                                                          4

Foreword from WARC
                                              A picture is supposedly worth a             this emerging medium can offer their         primary and secondary data points
                                              thousand words, and it would seem that      brands. This is in line with the growth of   and a review of current thinking from
                                              advertisers have taken that message         consumption of content in digital audio      reputable thought leaders, with the aim
                                              to heart. In perhaps the busiest of         streaming formats. Music, podcasts, and      of contextualising the global and regional
                                              advertising markets, the United States,     audiobooks have become the staple of         growth of audio and offering relevant and
                                              consumers are exposed to between            many consumers globally.                     actionable insights for marketers in the
                                              2000 and 5000 advertising messages                                                       MENA region.
                                              per day. And while other regions            Brands have gotten onboard and created
                                              may have somewhat lower volumes,            personalised content that resonated          While showcasing relevant data points
                                              exposure to visual media and the volume     with consumers, placed dynamic ads           and case studies, we focused on the
                                              of advertising and branding messages        that have notably higher resonance,          bigger picture. The key question we
                                              is growing exponentially worldwide. It      and sponsored creators for embedding         have tried to answer is how brands can
                                              can hardly be seen as surprising that       their brand’s messages within their          leverage digital audio to garner time,
                                              the vast majority of ads displayed are      content. The audio space has seen its        attention and action from audiences in a
                                              simply ignored.                             fair share of creativity and new ways to     media consumption landscape defined by
                                                                                          reach consumers. But at WARC, we are         fragmentation and saturation.
                                              The reality is that grasping consumers’     interested in looking beyond creativity,
                                              attention has become a huge challenge       and focusing on effectiveness.               We hope this report will offer a rich
Ashik Ashokan
                                              for marketers. This is what makes                                                        source of inspiration and guidance for
Advisory Lead
                                              audio such a crucial way for brands to      We collaborated with Choueiri Group          brands who are looking to connect with
                                              differentiate themselves.                   to study the factors of growth in            their audiences in the audio sphere.
                                                                                          audio streaming and to understand
                                              At WARC, we are seeing a range of clients   the best practices for connecting to
                                              consulting us on the role of audio in the   core audiences in the MENA region.
                                              channel mix and the opportunities that      The research uses a combination of

© Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
INTRODUCTION                                                                                                                                                            5

Introduction: Why audio matters
As audio expands globally, what does the           Local partnerships have also fuelled creative
picture look like in the Middle East?              collaborations between artists, producers and
WARC has partnered with Choueiri Group             tech. All of which means virtual concerts, artist
to take an initial look at the audio potential     meet-ups, and seamless artist integration are
in MENA markets to evaluate how this               now the digital reality.                                               Young millennials                    Gen Z
channel opportunity should be assessed at                                                                            For young millennials and Gen Z in particular, the emergence
                                                   During a time when physical interaction has
a local level.                                                                                                       of new voices in the audio space has made them feel
                                                   been limited, Gen Z and millennial generations                    represented - 62% of millennials and 43% of Gen Z said they
Music streaming technologies are now smarter       turned to streaming to discover and explore                       searched for more content from more diverse creators and
                                                                                                                     podcasts last year.
and more personalised than ever, meaning           culture and form new connections.
greater engagement and even
more time spent accessing music through a
unique and evolving combination of formats
and services.

Technology has made music more accessible                    Millennials                       Gen Z                                            Gen Z
than ever, with record companies’ investments      In the UAE¹, for example, 73% of millennials and 54% of Gen       Meanwhile, 51% of Gen Z believe they have more freedom
in artists, people and innovation paving the way   Z believe that streaming platforms in general, including audio,   than previous generations to express their authenticity and
for greater and greater growth.                    have significantly shaped the way they discover and connect       both generations agree that today’s culture is more open than
                                                   to culture as a whole.                                            ever to hearing divergent voices.

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Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East

Chapter 1

growth in audio

© Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
CONTEXTUALIZING GROWTH IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                                                                                        7

                                                         Music Revenues
                                                          MILLION US$              Music streaming          Music downloads

The global growth                                               20,000

of streaming









Music streaming and online TV/streaming have seen
the largest increase in consumption this year and                      0
                                                                              2017           2018             2019            2020           2021          2022            2023          2024
                                                                                                                                                                                                              Source: Statista
together they are responsible for almost half of
the total increase in daily media time. Freed of the
shackles of limited playlists that plague traditional    Global media consumption in 2021
media such as radio, music streaming is booming as       Compared to 2020, % share of total media growth
consumers indulge in a dynamic musical experience.
                                                                           Music streaming    Online TV/streaming        Podcasts    Game consoles    Print press    Broadcast radio    Online press    Social media     Linear TV
With music libraries growing on a daily basis, the
growth momentum of music streaming is projected to        All adults       29%                                          16%                   15%                     12%               11%              6%         6%        5%
increase over the next four years2.

This is true across key demographics, though less           Female         26%                                     11%               14%                  11%             13%                9%           14%                      2%

apparent among female and younger audiences as                 Male        22%                               42%                                                            7%          9%             20%
podcasts take a larger share among these groups. For
those aged 16 to 24, podcasts saw the largest increase
                                                           16 to 24        17%                         9%          25%                                    12%              10%           22%                                  6%
in consumption last year.
                                                           25 to 34        23%                                8%           12%               18%                          12%            8%            11%               7%
A younger and more diverse audience is one of the
reasons a broader range of advertisers is beginning to     35 to 44        39%                                                         22%                                24%                                14%
use podcasts in their campaigns.
                                                           45 to 54        45%                                                                 40%                                                           16%

                                                           55 to 64        12%               74%                                                                                                              14%

                                                                       0             10%             20%             30%             40%            50%             60%           70%             80%           90%            100%

                                                         Note: Based on quarterly surveys of Internet users aged 16 to 64 across 47 markets.                                                                  Source: WARC Data

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Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
CONTEXTUALIZING GROWTH IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                                            8

Global                                                   The majority of people think it’s fair to watch ads in
                                                         exchange for free content by country
consumption                                              “I think it’s fair that we have to watch ads in exchange for free content”
                                                                                  Free content       Ads

patterns - how they                                                    Spain


are evolving                                                          Poland


As with other media, when it comes to listening, there             Indonesia

was a shift from passive (AM/FM and satellite radio)                      UK
to active (streaming and podcasting), a trend fast-                      Italy
tracked by consumers spending more time in the
comfort of their home and less time in the car on the
go. This may also in part be down to the increase in                Australia

smart devices – which could be good news for up-                           All
and-coming podcast talent.                                        Hong Kong

Most global consumers agree that it’s fair to watch               Singapore

ads in exchange for free content - consumers do not                       US
necessarily see ads as a problem. Recent research3                  Germany
shows that when asked, most consider the bargain
between consumers and advertisers – that people
watch promotions in exchange for free content – to be                Sweden

essentially fair.                                                      China

                                                                                          G1. Have you ever purchased a product or service after seeing it advertised or reviewed on a
                                                                                 0%       social
                                                                                             10% media platform?
                                                                                                            20% Base: all respondents,
                                                                                                                           30%         n=40%
                                                                                                                                          2,230. Platforms
                                                                                                                                                        50% included: TikTok,
                                                                                                                                                                         60% YouTube, 70%
                                                                                          Facebook, Instagram, Snapchat (Kwai for Brazil)
                                                         Source: YouGov, International Media Consumption Report 2021.

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Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
CONTEXTUALIZING GROWTH IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                                            9

The local growth                                           Factors for rise in audio consumption

of streaming                                                                                 Q4

                                                                                 Time                                                             Time
In the past decade, many local and international                                 spent 1.34 hrs                    1.43 hrs                       spent 1.32 hrs                 1.42 hrs

players have set foot in the audio streaming arena
across the MENA region, which created a highly                 UAE                                                                         KSA
competitive space for platforms, all fighting for the                            Reach 62.9 %                       65.1 %                        Reach 58.7 %                   61.9 %
listener’s ear and complete undivided attention.

In that competitive space, there are international
                                                           Source: WARC data
brands that have been in this industry for some time
now, such as Spotify and Deezer, both originating
from Europe, and are undeniably making waves in
the region. On the other hand, there are local players,
such as Anghami that positioned itself as the MENA
streaming platform which provides an offering that is
close to the Arab streamers’ culture and identity.

Music is an integral part of many aspects of daily ife                          A YOUTHFUL                             HIGH SMARTPHONE             HIGH RATES OF
                                                                                POPULATION                               PENETRATION             MEDIA CONSUMPTION
in the MENA region. Listening to songs and artists
when driving is common across the board but for the                              More than 28%                         Saudi Arabia has one of    In MEA, people spend an
                                                                                of the population                        the highest rates of     average of 3:31 hours on
16 to 24 age bracket, it is also closely associated with
                                                                                is aged between                        smartphone ownership      the internet via their mobile
exercise and time spent at the gym. For women, there                                15 and 29                                in the world          and 1:42 hours watching
is also a 40% higher probability of listening to music                                                                                                   TV every day
while cooking4.

                                                           Source: Ipsos Data, The state of music streaming in MENA research 2020.

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Leveraging digital audio for marketers in MENA - A white paper by WARC - COLLABORATION BETWEEN: Campaign Middle East
CONTEXTUALIZING GROWTH IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                                     10

The audio streaming                                                               Key players in the audio landscape

landscape in MENA                                                                    INTERNATIONALLY
                                                                                    STREAMING BRANDS
                                                                                                                                                                  STREAMING BRANDS

Although the MENA market has reached maturity, that maturity does not
mean that audio streaming has reached market saturation in the MENA
region. The likes of Deezer and YouTube Music may have expanded their
geographic footprint in the market but huge potential remains, particularly
in Saudi Arabia. Unlocking that potential will ensure continued growth for
years to come.

Until recently, the lion’s share of regional growth has come from consumers
switching their allegiance from previous generations of music distribution –
be it physical sales or digital downloads – to streaming platforms. That growth   Music streaming penetration among MENA
is forecast to continue in the MENA region, with overseas ventures making the
landscape more dynamically competitive.                                           online population
Local player Anghami became the first Arab technology company to be listed        Regardless of the platform
on the NASDAQ. Anghami, along with international streaming brands like
Spotify, YouTube Music and deezer form the big four that are the most talked           KSA                                                                     59%
about services in the region. However, players like Huawei’s Music App,
Du Telecom’s Music Offering, Etisalat’s Music Offering, Gaana, Hungama,
MTN Music+, Samsung Music, Saavn and many others are also eyeing the
                                                                                       UAE                                                                             70%
same consumer base.
                                                                                  0%          10%          20%           30%          40%          50%      60%      70%

                                                                                  Source: Ipsos Data, The state of music streaming in MENA research 2020.

© Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.

Chapter 2

Connecting to
core audiences

© Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
CONNECTING TO CORE AUDIENCES IN MENA                                                                                                                                                   12

 Being local makes                                                Reasons for preferring a music streaming brand

 a difference                                                                Anghami            Apple Music             Spotify             Deezer
                                                                             (n = 779)           (n = 261)              (n = 306)           (n = 173)
 Ease of accessibility, the availability of preferred music,
 and the large variety of Arabic and local music are the
 top three reasons why streamers choose local players.            50%           48%
                                                                                                   44%                                45%
 The homegrown brands remain resolutely focussed                                                             40%                                                 40%
 on the MENA region and have developed an in-depth                40%                     38%                                                                          38%
 understanding of its cultural nuances. It is for these                                                                                                                      34% 35%
 reasons that Anghami excels at local content and is              30%
 favoured for its delivery of exclusive content.
                                                                                                                                                 22% 22%
 An emphasis on local identity has helped to place                20%

 Anghami uniquely among other key players in the region’s
 music streaming market. Seven out of 10 music streamers          10%
 in the MENA region agree that Anghami has a local
 personality that shares similar values with them. It is a
 brand that feels relatable and like home, and recognises
 the Arab users’ identity. An identity that is not based solely                     Easy accessibility                                   Large variety of         Good reputation/
 on language, but also on culture, traditions and faith.                           on multiple devices                                 Arabic & local music        recommended
 With an extensive, eclectic, and high calibre Arabic music
 library and exclusivity for well known local singers, the like
 of Amr Diab who recently signed an exclusivity with them
 and removing all of his catalogues on YouTube and other
 music paltforms. Eight out of 10 music streamers in the
 MENA region view Anghami as a distinctive local brand
 that they feel very close to4.
                                                                  Source: Ipsos Data, The state of music streaming in MENA research 2020.

 © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
CONNECTING TO CORE AUDIENCES IN MENA                                                                                                                                                                                 13

 For regional listeners, music streaming is the most
 common means of music consumption
 The frequency and time spent on music streaming exceeds radio, making it the main method for music consumption.
 Over 70% stream music at least 4 days a week4.

   MENA music streamers have infinite appetite for music                                                            Daily        4-6 Days a week   2-2 Days a week         Once a week     Less often/ never


                                                                                                                                                                     31%                                       30%

                50of MENA uses
                                                              50           %
                                                           of music streamers
                                                                                        30          %
                                                                                     of streamers listen to

               stream music daily                        discover new music and         music on these
                  via streaming                           new artists browsing        platforms for least
                                                                                                                                                                     12%                                  12%
                    platforms                              streaming platforms         3 to 5 hours a day
                                                                                                                22  %

                                                                                                                     Frequency of                                            Frequency of
                                                                                                                    music streaming                                       radio consumption

 Base (all respondents)
 Source: Ipsos Data, The state of music streaming in MENA research 2020.

 © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
CONNECTING TO CORE AUDIENCES IN MENA                                                                                                                                      14

 Younger audiences: redefining the value of audio

                         Audio is a                                          Streaming                               Audio enables diverse viewpoints
                       stress-reliever                                      drives culture                          and amplifies unheard perspectives
 Delving into listener trends1 in the UAE, audio            With curation being a critical part of how culture      Gen Z is the most racially and culturally diverse
 was perceived as a stress-reliever, where 69% of           is being shaped today, streaming is being seen          generation yet and it expects brands to reflect,
 millennials and 58% of Gen Z use audio to reduce           more and more as a key driver for discovery and         represent and empower them through their
 their stress levels. This was also backed up by the fact   the formation of a global community. In the UAE,        campaigns, talent partnerships and participation in
 that 61% of Gen Z feel “more centered and generally        73% of millennials and 54% of Gen Z believe that        social justice movements. For young millennials and
 happier” when listening to their favourite music on        streaming platforms in general, including audio,        Gen Z in particular, the emergence of new voices in
 a daily basis. 68% of UAE-based millennials see            have significantly shaped the way they discover and     the audio space has made them feel represented.
 audio as a mental health resource. There is a growing      connect to the culture as a whole. 64% of millennials   62% of millennials and 43% of Gen Z in the UAE said
 listening average in podcasts related to mental health,    and 46% of Gen Z in the UAE have used music as a        they searched for more content from more diverse
 alternative health and spirituality.                       way to discover cultures and experiences different      creators and podcasts last year. Through audio,
                                                            from their own. 59% of millennials and 46% of Gen       millennial and Gen Z creators are finding a medium
                                                            Z in UAE have made a friend who lives in another        ready to embrace projects that represent and
                                                            country through music or podcasts.                      empower them and their communities. 51% of UAE
                                                                                                                    Gen Z believe they have more freedom than previous
                                                                                                                    generations to express their authenticity and both
                                                                                                                    generations agree that today’s culture is more open
                                                                                                                    than ever to hearing divergent voices.

 © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
CONNECTING TO CORE AUDIENCES IN MENA                                                                                                                                                                    15

 Role of audio in                                             This overall potential of digital audio needs to be considered
                                                              in the context of how it can impact brand metrics
 the marketing
 funnel                                                       Average uplift on brand health – 2019 - 2021
                                                                                                                                CPG         QSR           AUTO         eCOM

 Audio advertising works at a local, regional and national                                                                     CPG                                     19%
                                                                                                                               QSR                9%
 level and across every stage of the funnel:                               Awareness                            +24%           AUTO                                                            36%
                                                                                                                               eCOM                                                                    51%
 Increases brand awareness: Audio delivers wide reach
 and high frequency. Nielsen Share Shift data shows that                                                                       CPG         6%
 adding audio to a TV campaign improves performance by                                                                         QSR                        12%
                                                                                 Favourability +21%                                                          14%
 20% whilst reducing costs.                                                                                                    AUTO
                                                                                                                               eCOM                                                25%

 Creates favourability: Audience members have close
                                                                                                                               CPG                     11%
 relationships with their preferred stations and platforms,
                                                                                                                               QSR                                           21%
 and audio boosts brand familiarity and consideration.          Consideration                                   +29%           AUTO                              16%
                                                                                                                               eCOM                                                              38%
 Sparks conversion: By delivering urgent calls-to-action at
 the most relevant times and places, audio motivates the                                                                       CPG                8%
 actions and interactions brands require.                           Purchase intent                             +27%
                                                                                                                               QSR                               16%

                                                                                                                               eCOM                                                      32%

                                                              Measurement done by CG Data.
                                                              (Research by DMS shows that audio delivers cross-funnel brand impact in the MENA region.)

 © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
CONNECTING TO CORE AUDIENCES IN MENA                                                                                                                                                           16

 Case study: 2021 Yukon

 Lower funnel impact of audio -
 driving footfalls
 GMC launched the 2021 Yukon in GCC. An immersive audio campaign
 ran on Anghami to promote the launch.

 The campaign objective was to                 Campaign goals:                                 Measurement:                                     Furthermore, the campaign increased
 entice enough user curiosity                  The campaign aimed to spread awareness          The CG Data team measured the                    awareness and favourability - there was a
 about GMC’s re-launched                       of the 2021 Yukon. It sought to evoke user      effectiveness of the campaign through a          114% increase in awareness (2x uplift) and
 Yukon nameplate that would                    curiosity about GMC’s re-launched Yukon         Footfall Attribution exercise (using a leading   121% increase in favourability (2.2x uplift)
 nudge consumers to visit GMC                  and nudge prospective buyers to visit GMC       GPS tech partner). This solution also helped
 showrooms to check out the                    showrooms to check out the car.                 uncover the profile of the audience visiting     The campaign was targeted towards 30
 car.                                                                                          GMC showrooms and these crucial insights         years+ men and succeeded in capturing
                                               Approach:                                       can easily feed into the retargeting strategy.   their attention.
 However, this task had become                 Immersive Audio Ads were used on Anghami.
                                                                                                                                                The campaign’s impact exceeded the
 more challenging due to reduced               The campaign ran from January 2021 to           Impact:
                                                                                                                                                benchmark - 5% uplift vs control group’s
 mobility during the COVID-19                  March 2021.                                     The three-month long campaign on Anghami
                                                                                                                                                0.24 visit index (benchmark: 0:10)
 pandemic.                                                                                     resulted in a high volume of showroom visits
                                               The CG Data team conducted a Footfall           at +8.5% KSA uplift over the control group.
                                               Attribution exercise in KSA, in addition to a
                                               Brand Lift Study.

 © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.

Chapter 3

for best practice
in audio

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KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICE IN AUDIO                                                                           18

    Research shows that matching ad creative to              podcast experience for jazz lovers to celebrate the
    listening context can boost performance. If              anniversary of its annual jazz festival. Some 58,000
    something is not looked at, then it cannot be            jazz lovers listened to Akbank’s content in related
    seen. However, if something is not listened              districts, garnering a total of 4.5 million impressions.
    to, it will still be heard as hearing is passive,
                                                             The intimate and trustworthy nature has been
    involuntary and effortless. This allows ads to
                                                             particularly valued across the world during the
    work their way into consumer consciousness and
    trigger changes in behaviour even when people
    are not paying attention to them.                        Audio provides an opportunity for marketers
                                                             to connect with consumers on a deeper level.
    Audio offers an effective channel for localisation,
                                                             Radiocentre’s “Building Shelf Awareness” research
    including differences in language and localities.
                                                             study found that having been passively exposed
    Streaming platforms also enable the delivery of
                                                             to radio ads when driving to the supermarket,
    targeted messages. Audio platforms can combine
                                                             respondents were 11% more likely to notice the
    what users are listening to and device data to infer
                                                             advertised brands on-shelf and 30% more likely to
    the “mood”, “mindset” and “activities” of their
                                                             buy them.
    audiences, enabling more contextually relevant and
    targeted messaging.                                      Also, radio’s editorial context boosts audio
                                                             advertising processing, according to Radiocentre’s
    Snickers refreshed its “You’re not you when you’re
                                                             “Emotional Multiplier” study. This identified that
    hungry” brand positioning through audio advertising
                                                             radio’s mood-boosting editorial effect extends
    in the UK which targeted people listening to untypical
                                                             into the ad break, enhancing engagement with
    musical genres.
                                                             advertising by 30% compared to if heard when
    Geo-fencing enables location-based targeting.            preceded by silence.
    Turkey’s Akbank created a location-based

    © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICE IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                                 19

    Content relevance                                           Consumer considerations for choice of audio platforms

    Brand preference for audio platforms is deeply
    influenced by the availability of musical content and the
                                                                        Anghami           Apple Music          Spotify        Deezer                                         *Top 2 boxes
    exclusivity of that music. Variety and relevance are also           (n = 1,393)       (n = 492)            (n = 505)       (n = 399)
    important determinants.

    When all of these connectors can be found in a single       80%            76%                                                         80%       76%
                                                                                                            73%                                               72%      71%
    space, it wins music fans over.                                                          69%                           69%                                                   69%

    With over 423 million Arabs globally, Anghami’s extensive   60%                                                                        60%
    Arabic song catalog serves as the only credible streaming
    platform unifying Arabic music, not only in the MENA
                                                                40%                                                                        40%
    region but worldwide.

                                                                20%                                                                        20%

                                                                  0%                                                                       0%

                                                                       It has the biggest catalogue of music.                                    It is the best place to go for discovering
                                                                                                                                                 new music and artists.

                                                                Source: Ipsos Data, The state of music streaming in MENA research 2020.

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KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICE IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                   20

    Increased trust                                                   2019 YouGov brand advocacy rankings: most improved UAE
                                                                             The rankings are based upon YouGov Brandindex’s Recommend metric, which asks
                                                                             “Would you recommend this brand to a friend or colleague?”
    Globally, Anghami gives more than 75 million users access
                                                                             “Would you tell a friend or colleague to avoid the brand?” (Net recommend score)
    to over 72 million Arabic and international tracks to stream
    and download, in addition to around 200,000 Arabic and
    international podcasts. The platform has experienced                                                                                                  Change
    improved levels of customer advocacy over the past 12                              Rank                            Brand                              in score

    This trust links to the importance of local relevance showing                     1               Pakistan International Airlines                      18.1
    a clear understanding of the audience in MENA. From Umm
                                                                                      2                             Netflix                                12.4
    Kulthum to Latifa, Arab female artists have played a pivotal
    role in shaping the region’s music. However, in MENA, 60%
                                                                                      3                             Huawei                                 10.0
    of aspiring female artists feel stigmatised for pursuing a
    career in music6. Those who do choose to move into the                            4                       Air France / KLM                              9.0
    industry have a hard time finding label support. In fact,
    responses from MENA-based music labels showed that                                5                              Pepsi                                  8.7
    female artists make up less than 13% of label signings in
    the past five years. There is, however, hope for a brighter                       6                             Airbnb                                  8.2
    future - that same survey showed that 86% of the labels
    agree there is a demand for Arab female artists; it’s just that                   7                           Coca-Cola                                 7.6
    finding this talent remains a challenge. Spotify launched a
    regional campaign, “Sawtik”, highlighting the musical and                         8                           Anghami                                   7.6
    cultural contribution of female artists through a series of
                                                                                      9                              Crest                                  7.3
    activities and experiences, including female artists taking
    over the covers of 18 flagship playlists.
                                                                                     10                           noon.com                                  7.1

                                                                                                                                                    Source: YouGov BrandIndex

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KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICE IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                         21

    Emotional                                                  Creative strategy

    intelligence                                               2021 shortlist vs 2020 shortlist (selected strategies)

                                                                                        2021   2020

    Emotional intelligence drives the region… and this         Consumer-generated                                                                                   52%
                                                               content, participation                                                         35%
    matters for audio.
    Audiences in MENA are looking for opportunities to                                                                                  30%
    emotionally connect and audio could be key here. Based
    on WARC’s Insights from the MENA Strategy report,                                                                                   30%
    audiences are looking for deeper engagement. The                                                                                  28%
    award-winning work demonstrated what can be aptly                   educational                                                                         45%
    described as “emotional intelligence”.                                                                                     24%
                                                                      responsibility                                                                                      55%
    This ability to deeply connect with consumers allowed
    brands to create digital experiences targeted to the                  Advocacy
    needs of their audiences. Of particular relevance was
    how tone and delivery were determined by a high level            Personalisation
    of emotional intelligence in the brands’ communications.

                                                                                        0%            10%                20%            30%           40%         50%           60%

                                                               Source: WARC Data 2020-2021.

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KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICE IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                                         22

    Case study: Libre – YSL


    Moving closer from a distance.                YSL and Anghami set out to re-ignite the          The Approach: Introducing a virtually            sound design technique that places the
    March 2020: L’Oréal launched its              YSL Libre campaign which had laid dormant         irresistible connection.                         listener at the heart of the action. Users can
    latest female fragrance “YSL Libre”,          for the past five months. The comeback had        Fragrance ads build emotive connections by       be transported to places and experiences,
    featuring the sights and sounds of            to be well-orchestrated and in tune with the      inspiring a range of feelings and fantasies.     all through the power of sound.
    brand ambassador and global pop               challenges which the COVID-19 crisis had          Leveraging Anghami’s newly introduced
                                                  brought into the mix.                                                                              Results:
    sensation, Dua Lipa. Sponsoring one                                                             commercial opportunity, “Immersive 8D
                                                                                                                                                     The sweet smell of success: 113%
    of her top playlists on Anghami, the                                                            Audio Ads”, YSL became the first brand in the
                                                  Fragrances are highly experiential products.                                                       increase in CTR vs the industry benchmark.
    campaign made a lot of noise with                                                               region to pioneer the development of a highly
                                                  How would the campaign build awareness                                                             Upper funnel impact: 67% increase in
    streams increasing by 440% in less                                                              experiential journey for YSL’s Libre brand,
                                                  and engagement and get users to feel the                                                           brand awareness and 43% increase in ad
    than two weeks7. Then, COVID-19                                                                 featuring Dua Lipa. Cutting-edge 8D immersive
                                                  intense power of YSL Libre in the wake of the                                                      recall. Female millennials most engaged
    struck and the campaign was put on                                                              audio technology helped to recreate the
                                                  COVID-19 pandemic, when consumers were                                                             amongst users.
    pause.                                                                                          previously designed YSL Libre audio ads in the
                                                  practising caution, locked indoors and socially                                                    Mid funnel impact: 25% increase in brand
                                                                                                    new 8D format, with distribution commencing
    August 2020: Staging a comeback,              distancing themselves?                                                                             consideration and 7% increase in brand
                                                                                                    across the GCC, targeting females (18 to 44).
                                                                                                    Immersive or augmented reality audio is a

    © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
KEY CONSIDERATIONS FOR BEST PRACTICE IN AUDIO                                                                                                                                                 23

    the local
    As part of Anghami’s “Community Support           The platform began granting over 400             with free advertising on its platform by
    Plan” to help artists and subscribers cope        regional independent artists US$1.5 million      offering a special US$6/month family
    with the financial struggles of COVID-19,         worth of “amplify” credits which allow artists   subscription plan that’s valid for 12 months.
    Anghami pledged US$3 million worth of free        (who are compensated every time their music
    audio ads for small businesses in the MENA        is played) to promote their content and music
    region8.                                          releases on Anghami.

    So far, the Beirut-based music streaming          Additionally, the platform has launched a
    giant has already run US$850,000 worth of         “Support My Music” button which informs
    free audio ads supporting 90 businesses           listeners about how they can support regional         1.                 2.                3.               4.               5.
    and is currently working towards supporting       artists.                                         Small business      Local artist     Artist support   Helping offline    COVID-19
    more, according to Anghami co-founder and                                                          support via ads      support             button        businesses       family offer
    CTO Elie Habib on the platform’s official blog,   Anghami is working on allowing small                                                                     go online

    “Anghami Talks”.                                  businesses to launch their online storefront

    © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
LEVERAGING DIGITAL AUDIO FOR MARKETERS IN MENA                                                                                                                                      24

     What brands need to ask themselves in MENA:
     Is your brand part of the gap?
                                                                                                                               Despite strong evidence supporting audio media
        1                                                           3                                                          effectiveness, many brands appear unwilling
         Audio Avoiders                                             Cross Platform Champions                                   to invest in the channel. A study by Ebiquity
         WARC data shows that 29% of advertisers don’t invest       They are already exploring audio’s full potential and
                                                                                                                               and Radiocentre placed radio second in overall
         in audio at all.                                           continue to test and learn, optimising their investment
                                                                    across platforms and creative strategies.                  performance against factors like targeting,
                                                                                                                               maximising campaign reach and increasing

        2                                                           4
                                                                                                                               campaign ROI. Yet only 16% of respondents
                                                                                                                               to WARC’s The Marketer’s Toolkit survey plan
         Digital Onlys                                              Broadcast Believers                                        to increase spend on radio and audio in 2022
         Some advertisers take the right first step by jumping      They are likely to have seen the benefits of radio
                                                                                                                               – though that figure rises to 38% in the case
         into podcasts and cutting-edge audio formats early.        and now push deeper, investing in other forms of
                                                                                                                               of podcasts. For brands in the MENA region,
         But they don’t explore the full extent of audio, missing   audio. The categories investing the most in radio,
         the large pool of consumers and the power of context.      currently in the US, for example, are financial services   we hope that our paper has not only provided
         WARC data shows that 38% of brands are planning to         and automotive. Both dedicate 9.3% of their media          compelling evidence of the power of digital audio,
         spend more on podcasts this year.                          budgets to radio.
                                                                                                                               but also shown how to leverage it.

     © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.

     1.     Spotify Culture Next UAE Report, 2021.

     2.     Statista, 2021.

     3.     YouGov, International Media Consumption
            Report 2021.

     4.     Ipsos Data, The state of music streaming in MENA
            research 2020.

     5.     Campaign Middle East, 2021.

     6.     Spotify Newsroom, Spotify’s new Sawtik initiative
            shines a light on emerging arab women in music.

     7.     Digital Media Services, Case study,
            Libre-YSL, Can you hear the scent? 2020.

     8.     Digital Media Services, Case Study, Anghami
            drives GMC showroom visits, 2021.

     9.     Menabytes, 2020.

     10. DMS Brand Lift Studies Benchmarks (CG Data).

     © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.
LEVERAGING DIGITAL AUDIO FOR MARKETERS IN MENA                                                             26


                                                   Ashik Ashokan            Katie Sterling   Kunal Sinha
                                                   Advisory Lead            Global Head      Principal
     WARC                                                                   of Advisory      Consultant

                                                   Mathieu Yarak
                                                   Group Senior Director,
     Choueiri Group                                Data & Insights

     © Copyright WARC 2022, All rights reserved.

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At WARC, our purpose is to save the world from                    Today, we help 75,000+ marketers across 100+           At Choueiri Group, our love for media drives everything
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