MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement

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MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech
                                                                        using Cross-Modality Disentanglement

                                              Alexander Richard1 Michael Zollhöfer1 Yandong Wen2 Fernando de la Torre2 Yaser Sheikh1
                                                                 Facebook Reality Labs 2 Carnegie Mellon University
                                              {richardalex, zollhoefer, yasers}               
arXiv:2104.08223v1 [cs.CV] 16 Apr 2021

                                            This paper presents a generic method for generating full
                                         facial 3D animation from speech. Existing approaches to
                                         audio-driven facial animation exhibit uncanny or static up-
                                         per face animation, fail to produce accurate and plausi-
                                         ble co-articulation or rely on person-specific models that
                                         limit their scalability. To improve upon existing models, we
                                         propose a generic audio-driven facial animation approach
                                         that achieves highly realistic motion synthesis results for the
                                         entire face. At the core of our approach is a categorical
                                         latent space for facial animation that disentangles audio-
                                         correlated and audio-uncorrelated information based on a
                                         novel cross-modality loss. Our approach ensures highly ac-
                                         curate lip motion, while also synthesizing plausible anima-
                                         tion of the parts of the face that are uncorrelated to the au-
                                         dio signal, such as eye blinks and eye brow motion. We
                                         demonstrate that our approach outperforms several base-
                                         lines and obtains state-of-the-art quality both qualitatively
                                         and quantitatively. A perceptual user study demonstrates
                                         that our approach is deemed more realistic than the cur-
                                         rent state-of-the-art in over 75% of cases. We recommend
                                                                                                            Figure 1. Given a neutral face mesh of a person and a speech signal
                                         watching the supplemental video before reading the pa-
                                                                                                            as input, our approach generates highly realistic face animations
                                         per:                           with accurate lip shape and realistic upper face motion such as eye
                                         uploads/2021/04/mesh_talk.mp4                                      blinks and eyebrow raises.
                                         1. Introduction
                                             Speech-driven facial animation is a highly challenging         adapted to understanding subtle facial motions and expres-
                                         research problem with several applications such as facial          sions. Thus, a poorly animated face without realistic co-
                                         animation for computer games, e-commerce, or immersive             articulation effects or out of lip-sync is deemed to be dis-
                                         VR telepresence. The demands on speech-driven facial an-           turbing for the user.
                                         imation differ depending on the application. Applications              Psychological literature has observed that there is an im-
                                         such as speech therapy or entertainment (e.g., Animojies or        portant degree of dependency between speech and facial
                                         AR effects) do not require a very presice level of realism in      gestures. This dependency has been exploited by audio-
                                         the animation. In the production of films, movie dubbing,          driven facial animation methods developed in computer vi-
                                         driven virtual avatars for e-commerce applications or im-          sion and graphics [4, 2]. With the advances in deep learning,
                                         mersive telepresence, on the contrary, the quality of speech       recent audio-driven face animation techniques make use of
                                         animation requires a high degree of naturalness, plausibil-        person-specific approaches [22, 26] that are trained in a su-
                                         ity, and has to provide intelligibility comparable to a natural    pervised fashion based on a large corpus of paired audio
                                         speaker. The human visual system has been evolutionary             and mesh data. These approaches are able to obtain high-
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
quality lip animation and synthesize plausible upper face        2D [29, 40, 31] and 3D [30, 22, 26] faces. In the follow-
motion from audio alone. To obtain the required training         ing, we review the most relevant approaches.
data, high-quality vision-based motion capture of the user is    Viseme-based face animation. In early approaches, a
required, which renders these approaches as highly imprac-       viseme sequence is generated from input text [13, 14] or di-
tical for consumer-facing applications in real world settings.   rectly from speech using HMM-based acoustic models [35].
Recently, Cudeiro et al. [8] extended this work, by propos-      Visual synthesis is achieved by blending between face im-
ing a method that is able to generalize across different iden-   ages from a database. For 3D face animation, Kalberer et
tities and is thus able to animate arbitrary users based on a    al. [20] model viseme deformations via independent com-
given audio stream and a static neutral 3D scan of the user.     ponent analysis. In [21], 3D face masks are projected onto
While such approaches are more practical in real world set-      a low-dimensional eigenspace and smooth temporal anima-
tings, they normally exhibit uncanny or static upper face        tion is achieved by spline fitting on each component of this
animation [8]. The reason for this is that audio does not        space, given a sequence of key viseme masks. Leaning on
encode all aspects of the facial expressions, thus the audio-    the concept on phonetic co-articulation, Martino et al. [9]
driven facial animation problem tries to learn a one-to-many     seek to find context-dependent visemes rather than blending
mapping, i.e., there are multiple plausible outputs for every    between key templates. Given the success of JALI [11], an
input. This often leads to over-smoothed results, especially     animator-centric audio-drivable jaw and lip model, Zhou et
in the regions of the face that are only weakly or even un-      al. [42] propose an LSTM-based, near real-time approach
correlated to the audio signal.                                  to drive an appealing lower face lip model. Due to their
    This paper proposes a novel audio-driven facial anima-       generic nature and artist-friendly design, viseme based ap-
tion approach that enables highly realistic motion synthe-       proaches are popular for commercial applications particu-
sis for the entire face and also generalizes to unseen identi-   larly in virtual reality [1, 19].
ties. To this end, we learn a novel categorical latent space
                                                                 Speech-driven 2D talking heads. Many speech-driven ap-
of facial animation that disentangles audio-correlated and
                                                                 proaches are aimed at generating realistic 2D video of talk-
audio-uncorrelated information, e.g., eye closure should not
                                                                 ing heads. Early work [4] replaced the problem of learn-
be bound to a specific lip shape. The latent space is trained
                                                                 ing by searching in existing video for similar utterances as
based on a novel cross-modality loss that encourages the
                                                                 the new speech. Brand et al. [3] proposed a generic ML
model to have an accurate upper face reconstruction inde-
                                                                 model to drive a facial control model that incorporates vo-
pendent of the audio input and accurate mouth area that only
                                                                 cal and facial dynamic effects such as co-articulation. The
depends on the provided audio input. This disentangles the
                                                                 approach of Suwajanakorn et al. [29] is able to generate
motion of the lower and upper face region and prevents
                                                                 video of a single person with accurate lip sync by synthe-
over-smoothed results. Motion synthesis is based on an
                                                                 sizing matching mouth textures and compositing them on
autoregressive sampling strategy of the audio-conditioned
                                                                 top of a target video clip. However, this approach only
temporal model over the learnt categorical latent space. Our
                                                                 synthesizes the mouth region and requires a large corpus
approach ensures highly accurate lip motion, while also be-
                                                                 of personalized training data (≈17 hours). Wav2lip [25]
ing able to sample plausible animations of parts of the face
                                                                 tackles the problem of visual dubbing, i.e., of lip-syncing
that are uncorrelated to the audio signal, such as eye blinks
                                                                 a talking head video of an arbitrary person to match a tar-
and eye brow motion. In summary, our contributions are:
                                                                 get speech segment. Neural Voice Puppetry [31] performs
   • A novel categorical latent space for facial animation       audio-driven facial video synthesis via neural rendering to
     synthesis that enables highly realistic animation of the    generate photo-realistic output frames. X2Face [40] is an
     whole face by disentanglement of the upper and lower        encoder/decoder approach for 2D face animation, e.g., from
     face region based on a cross-modality loss.                 audio, that can be trained fully self-supervised using a large
   • An autoregressive sampling strategy for motion syn-         collection of videos. Other talking face video techniques
     thesis from an audio-conditioned temporal model over        [28, 7, 36] are based on generative adversarial networks
     the learned categorical latent space.                       (GANs). The approach of Vougioukas et al. [36] synthe-
   • Our approach outperforms the current state-of-the-art       sizes new upper face motion, but the results are of low res-
     both qualitatively and quantitatively in terms of ob-       olution and look uncanny. The lower face animation ap-
     tained realism.                                             proach of Chung et al. [7] requires only a few still images
                                                                 of the target actor and a speech snippet as input. To achieve
2. Related Work                                                  this, an encoder-decoder model is employed that discovers a
                                                                 joint embedding of the face and audio. Zhou et al. [41] im-
   Speech-based face animation has a long history in com-        prove on Chung et al. [7] by learning an audio-visual latent
puter vision and ranges from artist-friendly stylized and        space in combination with an adversarial loss that allows to
viseme-based models [11, 42, 19] to neural synthesis of          synthesize 2D talking heads from either video or audio. All
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
the described 2D approaches operate in pixel space and can
not be easily generalized to 3D.
Speech-driven 3D models. Approaches to drive 3D face
models mostly use visual input. While earlier works map
from motion captures or 2D video to 3D blendshape mod-
els [10, 37, 15], more recent works provide solutions to ani-
mate photo-realistic 3D avatars using sensors on a VR head-
set [23, 26, 39, 6]. These approaches achieve highly realis-
tic results, but they are typically personalized and are not
audio-driven. Most fully speech-driven 3D face animation
techniques require either personalized models [5, 22, 26] or
map to lower fidelity blendshape models [24] or facial land-
marks [12, 16]. Cao et al. [5] propose speech-driven anima-
tion of a realistic textured personalized 3D face model that
requires mocap data from the person to be animated, of-
fline processing and blending of motion snippets. The fully
speech-driven approach of Richard et al. [26] enables real-
time photo-realistic avatars, but is personalized and relies
on hours of training data from a single subject. Karras et       Figure 2. System overview. A sequence of animated face meshes
al. [22] learn a speech-driven 3D face mesh from as little as    (the expression signal) and a speech signal are mapped to a cate-
3-5 minutes of data per subject and condition their model        gorical latent expression space. A UNet-style decoder is then used
on emotion states that lead to facial expressions. In con-       to animate a given neutral-face template mesh according to the en-
trast to our approach, however, this model has lower fidelity    coded expressions.
lip sync and upper face expressions, and does not gener-
alize to new subjects. In [30], a single-speaker model is        uncorrelated to speech. With this in mind, the latent space
generalized via re-targeting techniques to arbitrary stylized    should have the following properties:
avatars. Most closely related to our approach is VOCA [8],       Categorical. Most successful temporal models operate on
which allows to animate arbitrary neutral face meshes from       categorical spaces [33, 32, 34]. In order to use such models,
audio and achieves convincing lip synchronization. While         the latent expression space should be categorical as well.
generating appealing lip motion, their model can not syn-        Expressive. The latent space must be capable of encoding
thesize upper face motion and tends to generate muted ex-        diverse facial expressions, including sparse events like eye
pressions. Moreover, the approach expects a training iden-       blinks.
tity as conditional input to the model. As shown by the          Semantically disentangled. Speech-correlated and speech-
authors in their supplemental video, this identity code has a    uncorrelated information should be at least partially disen-
high impact on the quality of the generated lip synchroniza-     tangled, e.g., eye closure should not be bound to a specific
tion. Consequentially, we found VOCA to struggle on large        lip shape.
scale datasets with hundreds of training subjects. In contrast
to the discussed works, our approach is non-personalized,        3.1. Modeling and Learning the Expression Space
generates realistic upper face motion, and leads to highly          Let x1:T = (x1 , . . . , xT ), xt ∈ RV ×3 be a sequence of
accurate lip synchronization.                                    T face meshes, each represented by V vertices. Let further
                                                                 a1:T = (a1 , . . . , aT ), at ∈ RD be a sequence of T speech
3. Method                                                        snippets, each with D samples, aligned to the corresponding
                                                                 (visual) frame t. Moreover, we denote the template mesh
    Our goal is to animate an arbitrary neutral face mesh us-    that is required as input by h ∈ RV ×3 .
ing only speech. Since speech does not encode all aspects of        In order to achieve high expressiveness of the categori-
the facial expressions – eye-blinks are a simple example of      cal latent space, the space must be sufficiently large. Since
uncorrelated expressive information – most existing audio-       this leads to an infeasibly large number of categories C for
driven approaches exhibit uncanny or static upper face ani-      a single latent categorical layer, we model H latent classi-
mation [8]. To overcome this issue, we learn a categorical       fication heads of C-way categoricals, allowing for a large
latent space for facial expressions. At inference time, an       expression space with a comparably small number of cate-
autoregressive sampling from a speech-conditioned tempo-         gories as the number of configurations of the latent space is
ral model over this latent space ensures accurate lip motion     C H and therefore grows exponentially in H. Throughout
while synthesizing plausible animation of face parts that are    this paper, we use C = 128 and H = 64.
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
The mapping from expression and audio input signals to          given the correct expression sequence but random audio.
the multi-head categorical latent space is realized by an en-      Our novel cross-modality loss is then defined as
coder Ẽ which maps from the space of all audio sequences
                                                                                   T X
and all expression sequences (i.e., sequences of animated                          X
                                                                                             M(upper) kĥ(expr)      2
                                                                         LxMod =              v          t,v − xt,v k +
face meshes) to a T × H × C-dimensional encoding
                                                                                   t=1 v=1
                                               T ×H×C                              T X
       enc1:T,1:H,1:C = Ẽ(x1:T , a1:T ) ∈ R             .   (1)                   X
                                                                                             M(mouth) kĥ(audio) − xt,v k2 ,
                                                                                              v          t,v                    (6)
This continuous-valued encoding is then transformed into                           t=1 v=1
a categorical representation using a Gumbel-softmax [18]
                                                                   where M(upper) is a mask that assigns a high weight to ver-
over each latent classification head,
                                                                   tices on the upper face and a low weight to vertices around
                                                                   the mouth. Similarly, M(mouth) assigns a high weight to ver-
                     h                  i
        c1:T,1:H = Gumbel enct,h,1:C                 (2)
                                               1:T,1:H             tices around the mouth and a low weight to other vertices.
                                                                      The cross-modality loss encourages the model to have an
such that each categorical component at time step t and in
                                                                   accurate upper face reconstruction independent of the audio
the latent classification head h gets assigned one of C cate-
                                                                   input and, accordingly, to have an accurate reconstruction of
gorical labels, ct,h ∈ {1, . . . , C}. We denote the complete
                                                                   the mouth area based on audio independent of the expres-
encoding function, i.e., Ẽ followed by categorization, as E.      sion sequence that is provided. Since eye blinks are quick
   The animation of the input template mesh h is realized          and sparse events that affect only a few vertices, we also
by a decoder D,                                                    found it crucial to emphasize the loss on the eye lid vertices
                  ĥ1:T = D(h, c1:T,1:H ),                   (3)   during training. We therefore add a specific eye lid loss
                                                                                       T X
which maps the encoded expression onto the provided tem-                   Leyelid =
                                                                                                 M(eyelid) kĥt,v − xt,v k2 ,
plate h. It thereby generates an animated sequence ĥ1:T                               t=1 v=1
of face meshes that looks like the person represented by
template h, but moves according to the expression code             where M(eyelid) is a binary mask with ones for eye lid ver-
c1:T,1:H . See Figure 2 for an overview.                           tices and zeros for all other vertices. The final loss we op-
                                                                   timize is L = LxM od + Leyelid . We found that an equal
Learning the Latent Space. At training time, ground-
                                                                   weighting of the two terms works well in practice.
truth correspondences are only available for the case where
(a) template mesh, speech signal, and expression signal are        Network Architectures. The audio encoder is a four-layer
from the same identity, and (b) the desired decoder output         1D temporal convolutional network similar to the one used
ĥ1:T is equal to the expression input x1:T . Consequentially,     in [26]. The expression encoder has three fully connected
training with a simple `2 reconstruction loss between ĥ1:T        layers followed by a single LSTM layer to capture temporal
and x1:T would lead to the audio input being completely            dependencies. The fusion module is a three-layer MLP. The
ignored as the expression signal already contains all infor-       decoder D has a UNet-style architecture with additive skip
mation necessary for perfect reconstruction – a problem that       connections, see Figure 2. This architectural inductive bias
leads to poor speech-to-lip synchronization, as we show in         prevents the network from diverging from the given tem-
Section 4.1.                                                       plate mesh too much. In the bottleneck layer, the expres-
    We therefore propose a cross-modality loss that ensures        sion code c1:T,1:H is concatenated with the encoded tem-
information from both input modalities is utilized in the la-      plate mesh. The bottleneck layer is followed by two LSTM
tent space. Let x1:T and a1:T be a given expression and            layers to model temporal dependencies between frames fol-
speech sequence. Let further hx denote the template mesh           lowed by three fully connected layers remapping the repre-
for the person represented in the signal x1:T . Instead of a       sentation to vertex space.
single reconstruction ĥ1:T , we generate two different recon-        See the supplementary material for more details.
                                                                   3.2. Audio-Conditioned Autoregressive Modeling
             1:T     = D hx , E(x̃1:T , a1:T ) and         (4)        When driving a template mesh using audio input alone,
            ĥ1:T = D hx , E(x1:T , ã1:T ) ,              (5)     the expression input x1:T is not available. With only one
                                                                   modality given, missing information that can not be inferred
where x̃1:T and ã1:T are a randomly sampled expression            from audio has to be synthesized. Therefore, we learn an
and audio sequence from the training set. In other words,          autoregressive temporal model over the categorical latent
  1:T     is a reconstruction given the correct audio but a        space. This model allows to sample a latent sequence that
random expression sequence and ĥ(expr)
                                     1:T is a reconstruction       generates plausible expressions and is consistent with the
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
reconstruction   autoregr. model
                                                                       encoder inputs      decoder loss    error (in mm)         perplexity
                                                                       expression                   `2            1.156              1.853
                                                                       expr. + audio                `2            1.124              1.879
                                                                       expr. + audio            LxMod             1.244             1.669
                                                                      Table 1. Different strategies to learn the latent space and their im-
                                                                      pact on the autoregressive model.
Figure 3. Autoregressive model. Audio-conditioned latent codes
are sampled for each position ct,h in the latent expression space,
where the model only has access to previously generated labels as     ond and face meshes are tracked from 80 synchronized cam-
defined in Equation (8).                                              eras surrounding the subject’s head. We use a face model
                                                                      with 6, 172 vertices that has a high level of detail including
                                                                      eye lids, upper face structure, and different hair styles. In to-
audio input. Following Bayes’ Rule, the probability of a              tal, our data amounts to 13h of paired audio-visual data, or
latent embedding c1:T,1:H given the audio input a1:T can              1.4 million frames of tracked 3D face meshes. We train our
be decomposed as                                                      model on the first 40 sentences of 200 subjects and use the
                                                                      remaining 10 sentences of the remaining 50 subjects as val-
                        T Y
                        Y                                             idation (10 subjects) and test set (40 subjects). All shown
 p(c1:T,1:H |a1:T ) =             p(ct,h |c
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
plate geometry (see supplemental video for an example).
Not surprisingly, this setup also leads to a low reconstruc-
tion error1 as shown in Table 1. The major caveat of this
strategy, however, is the structure of the latent space. Since
there is no incentive to disentangle information about inde-
pendent parts of the face, latent representations can have a
strong entanglement between eye motion and mouth shape.
As a consequence, the autoregressive model (Equation (8))
fails to generate latent representations of accurate lip shape
if it is required to produce temporally consistent and plausi-
ble upper face motion at the same time. Consequentially, lip
motion is less accurate and facial motion more muted when
compared to our model that uses audio and expression to
learn the latent space.
    We quantify this effect by evaluating the perplexity of
the autoregressive model. Given a categorical latent repre-
sentation c1:T,1:H of test set data, the perplexity is
                                                                                Figure 4. Visualization of the latent space. Latent configurations
                                                  − T 1·H                       caused by changes in the audio input are clustered together. La-
                  P P = p(c1:T,1:H |a1:T )                  ,            (9)
                                                                                tent configurations caused by changes in the expression input form
i.e., the inverse geometric average of the likelihood of the                    another cluster. Both clusters can be well separated with minimal
                                                                                leakage into each other.
latent representations under the autoregressive model. Intu-
itively, a low perplexity means that at each prediction step
the autoregressive model only has a small number of po-
tential categories to choose from, whereas high perplexity                      shows that the cross-modality loss does not negatively affect
means the model is less certain which categorical represen-                     expressiveness of the learnt latent space (i.e., the reconstruc-
tation to choose next. A perplexity of 1 would mean the                         tion error is small for all latent space variants) but positively
autoregressive model is fully deterministic, i.e., the latent                   affects the autoregressive model’s perplexity.
embedding is fully defined by the conditioning audio input.
                                                                                (3) Cross-Modality Disentanglement. We demonstrate
As there are face motions uncorrelated with audio, this does
                                                                                that the cross-modal disentanglement with its properties an-
not happen in practice. A comparison of row one and three
                                                                                alyzed above in fact leads to a structured latent space and
in Table 1 shows that learning the latent space from audio
                                                                                that each input modality has different effects on the decoded
and expression input leads to a stronger and more confident
                                                                                face meshes. To this end, we generate two different sets of
audio-conditioned autoregressive model than learning the
                                                                                latent representations, Saudio and Sexpr . Saudio contains latent
latent space from expression inputs alone. This observation
                                                                                codes obtained by fixing the expression input to the encoder
is consistent with the qualitative evaluation in the supple-
                                                                                and varying the audio input. Similarly, Sexpr contains latent
mental video.
                                                                                codes obtained by fixing the audio input and varying the ex-
(2) Enforcing the usage of audio input. The training loss                       pression input. In the extreme case of perfect cross-modal
of the decoder has major impact on how the model makes                          disentanglement, Saudio and Sexpr form two non-overlapping
use of the different input modalities. Since the expression                     clusters. We fit a separating hyper-plane on the points in
input is sufficient for exact reconstruction, a simple `2 loss                  Saudio ∪ Sexpr and visualize a 2D projection of the result
on the desired output meshes will cause the model to ig-                        in Figure 4. Note that there is only minimal leakage be-
nore the audio input completely and the results are similar                     tween the clusters formed by Saudio and Sexpr . Below the
to the above case where no audio was given as encoder in-                       plot, we visualize which face vertices are most moved by la-
put, see Table 1 row one and two. The cross-modality loss                       tent representations within the cluster of Saudio (left), within
LxMod offers an effective solution to this issue. The model                     the cluster of Sexpr (right), and close to the decision bound-
is encouraged to learn accurate lip shape even if the expres-                   ary (middle). While audio mostly controls the mouth area
sion input is exchanged by different, random expressions.                       and expression controls the upper face, latent representa-
Similarly, upper face motion is encouraged to remain accu-                      tions close to the decision boundaries influence face vertices
rate independent of the audio input. The last row in Table 1                    in all areas, which suggests that certain upper face expres-
                                                                                sions are correlated to speech, e.g., raising the eyebrows.
    1 We refer to the reconstruction error of a model as its ` error on the
test set when all inputs, i.e., template mesh and encoder input, are from the      In Figure 5, we show the vertices that are most affected
same person. The autoregressive model is not used for reconstruction.           by decoding of all latent representations in Saudio and Sexpr ,
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
favorability            ours better
                                                                                                                                  or equal
                                                                                                competitor    equal       ours
                                                                        ours vs. VOCA [8]
                                                                        full-face                  24.7%     20.9%      54.4%       75.3%
                                                                        lip sync                   23.0%     19.8%      57.2%       77.0%
                                                                        upper face                 33.6%     21.6%      44.8%       66.4%
                                                                        ours vs. ground truth
                                                                        full-face                  42.1%     35.7%      22.2%       57.9%
                                                                        lip sync                   45.1%     34.1%      20.8%       54.9%
                                                                        upper face                 68.5%      6.9%      24.6%       31.5%

     (a) Vertices most influenced   (b) Vertices most influenced       Table 3. Perceptual study. Human participants where asked which
     by audio input.                by expression input.               of two presented clips are more realistic as full-face clips, upper
Figure 5. Impact of the audio and expression modalities on the         face only, or in terms of lip sync. For each row, 400 pairs of side-
generated face meshes. Audio steers primarily the mouth area but       by-side clips have been ranked by favorability.
has also a visible impact on eyebrow motion. Expression meshes
influence primarily the upper face parts including the eye lids.
                                                                       this effect to be amplified even more and observed VOCA
                                            lip vertex error (in mm)   to produce much less pronounced lip motion, particularly
 VOCA [8]                                                     3.720    missing most lip closures. We provide a side-by-side com-
 VOCA [8] + our audio encoder                                 3.472    parison in the supplemental video.
 Ours                                                        3.184
    Table 2. Lip errors of our approach compared to VOCA.
                                                                       Perceptual Evaluation. We presented side-by-side clips of
                                                                       our approach versus either VOCA or tracked ground truth
                                                                       to a total of 100 participants and let them judge three sub-
respectively. It becomes evident that the loss LxMod leads             tasks: a full face comparison, a lip sync comparison, where
to a clear cross-modality disentanglement into upper and               we showed only the region between the chin and the nose,
lower face motion. Yet, it is notable that audio, besides              and an upper face comparison, where we showed only the
its impact on lips and jaw, has a considerable impact on               face from the nose upwards, see Table 3. For each row, 400
the eyebrow area (Figure 5a). We show in the supplemen-                pairs of short clips each containing one sentence spoken by
tal video that our model, in fact, learns correlations be-             a subject from the test set have been evaluated. Participants
tween speech and eyebrow motion, e.g., raising the eye-                could choose to either favor one clip over the other or rank
brows when words are emphasized.                                       them both as equally good.
                                                                          In a comparison against VOCA, our approach has been
4.2. Audio-Driven Evaluation                                           ranked better or equal in more than 75% of the cases for
                                                                       full face animation and lip sync and is ranked better or
Lip-sync Evaluation. We compare our approach to
                                                                       equal than VOCA in 77% of the cases. For upper face mo-
VOCA [8], the state of the art in audio-driven animation of
                                                                       tion alone, the results are slightly lower but participants still
arbitrary template face meshes. To evaluate the quality of
                                                                       heavily favored our approach (66.4% of cases better than or
the generated lip synchronization, we define the lip error of
                                                                       equal to VOCA). Note that most frequently our approach
a single frame to be the maximal `2 error of all lip vertices
                                                                       has been strictly preferred over VOCA; equal favorability
and report the average over all frames in the test set. Since
                                                                       only makes up a minority of cases. When comparing our
upper lip and mouth corners move much less than the lower
                                                                       approach to tracked ground truth, most participants found
lip, we found that the average over all lip vertex errors tends
                                                                       ground truth favorable. Yet, with 35.7% of full-face exam-
to mask inaccurate lip shapes, while the maximal lip vertex
                                                                       ples being ranked equally good and only 42.1% ranked less
error per frame correlates better with the perceptual quality.
                                                                       favorable than ground truth, our approach proves to be a
    For the comparison with VOCA, which expects a condi-
                                                                       strong competitor.
tioning on a training identity, we sample said identity at ran-
dom. In addition to the original implementation of VOCA,               Qualitative Examples. Figure 1 shows audio-driven ex-
we also compare to a variant where we replace the Deep-                amples generated with our approach. The lip shapes are
Speech features [17] used in [8] with Mel spectrograms                 consistent with the respective speech parts among all sub-
and our audio encoder. Table 2 shows that our approach                 jects, while unique and diverse upper face motion such as
achieves a lower lip error per frame on average. As shown              eye brow raises and eye blinks are generated separately for
in the supplemental material of [8], the quality of VOCA is            each sequence. Further examples generated with our ap-
strongly dependent on the chosen conditioning identity. On             proach and comparisons to other models can be found in
a challenging dataset with highly detailed meshes, we find             the supplemental video.
MeshTalk: 3D Face Animation from Speech using Cross-Modality Disentanglement
Figure 7. Dubbing. We re-synthesize an English sentence with a
                                                                        new Spanish audio snippet. Note how the lip shape is adjusted to
                                                                        the new audio but general upper face motion like eye closures are
Figure 6. Re-targeting. Given an animated mesh and neutral tem-
plates of other identities, our approach accurately re-targets facial
expressions such as lip shape, eye closure, and eyebrow raises.         5. Limitations
                                                                            While we have demonstrated state-of-the-art perfor-
4.3. Re-Targeting                                                       mance for audio driven facial animation both in terms of
    Re-targeting is the process of mapping facial motion                lip-sync as well as naturalness of the generated motion of
from one identity’s face onto another identity’s face. Typ-             the entire face, our approach is subject to a few limitations
ical applications are movies or computer games, where an                that can be addressed in follow-up work: (1) Our approach
actor animates a face that is not his own. Our system can               relies on audio inputs that extend 100ms beyond the respec-
successfully address this problem, as we demonstrate in the             tive visual frame. This leads to an inherent latency of 100ms
supplemental video. Using the architecture displayed in                 and prevents the use of our approach for online applications.
Figure 2, the latent expression embedding is computed from              Please note, this ‘look ahead’ is beneficial to achieve highest
the original (tracked) face mesh and the audio of the source            quality lip-sync, e.g., for sounds like ‘/p/’ the lip closure
identity. The template mesh is of the desired target iden-              can be modeled better. (2) Besides latency, our approach
tity. Our system maps the audio and original animated face              can not be run in real-time on low-cost commodity hard-
mesh to a latent code and decodes it to an animated version             ware such as a laptop CPU or virtual reality devices. We
of the template mesh. Note that no autoregressive modeling              believe that the computational cost can be drastically im-
is required for this task. Besides the video, Figure 6 shows            proved by further research. (3) If the face tracker fails to
examples of re-targeted facial expressions from one identity            track certain parts of the face, e.g., if hair overlaps and oc-
to another.                                                             cludes the eyebrows or eyes, we can not correctly learn the
                                                                        correlation of their motion to the audio signal.
4.4. Mesh Dubbing
    Usually, when dubbing videos, a speech translation that             6. Conclusion
is fully consistent with the lip motion in the original lan-
guage is not possible. To overcome this, our system can be                 We have presented a generic method for generating 3D
used to re-synthesize 3D face meshes with matching lip mo-              facial animation from audio input alone. A novel cate-
tion in another language while keeping upper face motion                gorical latent space in combination with a cross-modality
intact. In this task, the original animated mesh and a new              loss enables autoregressive generation of highly realistic
audio snippet are provided as input. As before, we use the              animation. Our approach has demonstrated highly accu-
architecture in Figure 2 directly to re-synthesize lip motion           rate lip motion, while also synthesizing plausible motion
in the new language. Since the latent space is disentangled             of uncorrelated regions of the face. It outperforms several
across modalities (see Figure 4 and Figure 5), lip motion               baselines and obtains state-of-the-art quality. We hope that
will be adapted to the new audio snippet but the general up-            our approach will be a stepping stone towards VR telepres-
per face motion such as eye blinks are maintained from the              ence applications, as head mounted capture devices become
original clip. Figure 7 shows an example of this application.           smaller, thus complicating the regression of accurate lip and
See the supplemental video for further examples.                        tongue motion from oblique camera viewpoints.
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