The 'making' of an entrepreneur: testing a model of entrepreneurial intent among engineering students at MIT

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The ‘making’ of an entrepreneur:
testing a model of entrepreneurial
intent among engineering students
at MIT
Christian Lüthje1 and Nikolaus Franke2
 Institute of Technology and Innovation Management, Technical University of Hamburg,
Schwarzenbergstr. 95, 21073 Hamburg, Germany.
 Department of Entrepreneurship and Innovation. Vienna University of Economics and Business
Administration. Augasse 2-6, 1090 Vienna, Austria.

       In the present study a covariance structure model is tested to identify the causes of
       entrepreneurial intent among engineering students. Specifically, we explore whether steady
       personal dispositions or whether perceptions of contextual founding conditions have an impact
       on the intention to found one’s own business.
          The survey of 512 students at the MIT School of Engineering broadly confirms the model.
       Personality traits have a strong impact on the attitude towards self-employment. The
       entrepreneurial attitude is strongly linked with the intention to start a new venture. The
       students’ personality therefore shows an indirect effect on intentions. Furthermore,
       the entrepreneurial intent is directly affected by perceived barriers and support factors in
       the entrepreneurship-related context. The findings have important implications for policy
       makers inside and outside universities.

1. Introduction                                               education centres and chairs for entrepreneurship
                                                              are targeted on students as future entrepreneurs.

F     ostering entrepreneurship has become a
      topic of the highest priority in public policy.
In times of increasing concern about technologi-
                                                              Graduates in technical disciplines are more than
                                                              others expected to found companies in dynamic
                                                              and innovative areas, thus promoting significant
cal advance and strong international competition,             economic growth and increase in employment
entrepreneurial activities are regarded as a driv-            (Roberts, 1991).
ing force for innovation (Drucker, 1999). Conse-                 In fact, successful research universities such as
quently a broad array of programmes and                       the Massachusetts Institute of Technology in
services have been implemented to provide a                   Cambridge seem to foster entrepreneurial activ-
better infrastructure for new ventures. Part of               ities. Approximately 4,000 MIT-related compa-
these initiatives, e.g. business plan competitions,           nies exist today, with total employment exceeding

R&D Management 33, 2, 2003. r Blackwell Publishing Ltd, 2003. Published by Blackwell Publishing Ltd,          135
9600 Garsington Road, Oxford OX4 2DQ, UK and 350 Main Street, Malden, MA 02148, USA.
Christian Lüthje and Nikolaus Franke

1.1 million people and annual sales of $232           sity to self-employment through pragmatic gov-
billion. If the companies founded by MIT              ernment and university programmes?
graduates and faculty formed an independent              The paper starts in section 2 with a short
nation, the companies would make that nation          review of relevant literature on graduate entre-
the 24th largest economy in the world (Ayers,         preneurship. On the basis of the presented
1997). Similar success stories are reported from      findings, we develop in section 3 a structural
Stanford University which is closely associated       model dedicated to explore the impact of
with most of the cutting-edge companies in            contextual and personality factors on entrepre-
Silicon Valley (Pfeiffer, 1997). Many US business     neurial propensity. In section 4 the research
schools present the number of companies founded       method is outlined. The findings are presented
by alumni and faculty as an indicator of their        in section 5. In the final section 6 we discuss the
outstanding quality. Economic studies in different    implications of the findings on the design of
European regions indicate that the impact of          entrepreneurship programmes.
universities on company creation can be observed
outside the USA as well (Harhoff, 1999).
   While there has been significant research on the    2. Research on students’ entrepreneurial
causes of entrepreneurial propensity (Greenber-          behavior
ger and Sexton, 1988; Learned, 1992; Naffziger
et al., 1994; Brandstätter, 1997), only a limited    Business college students and graduates often see
number of studies has focused on the entrepre-        the founding of a company as an attractive
neurial intent among students. It is not widely       alternative to wage or salary employment. This
known whether contextual founding conditions          may partly originate from an increasing disap-
or personality traits drive the students’ career      pointment with traditional occupations in (large)
decision towards self-employment. In order to         companies which in turn increases the desirability
design effective programmes, policy makers have       of self-employment (Kolvereid, 1996). As a
to know which of these factors are decisive (Scott    reaction to international competition, organiza-
and Twomey, 1988). If the readiness to set up a       tions have gone through major cost cutting and
new business is primarily shaped by the founding-     restructuring processes. The employment-related
related conditions, a change in these conditions      advantages of established companies, mainly job
should have an effect on the entrepreneurial          security, reward of loyalty and stability, have lost
intent. In this case, government and university       their attraction (Jackson and Vitberg, 1987). At
policy makers would be well advised to sustain        the same time, the work values usually connected
and expand their activities to improve education,     with self-employment such as independence,
infrastructure, legal conditions and financial         challenge, and self-realization, have become more
support for potential business founders. How-         desirable in the work environment.
ever, these programs would be less likely to foster      Empirical findings provide support for this
entrepreneurship if the founding intentions           trend. In a survey of English students 25% of the
were primarily grounded not on contextual             respondents indicated that they had a business
factors, but on the students’ personality. Person-    idea and 41% were inclined to self-employment.
ality traits are comparatively stable and hard to     Hart and Harrison (1992) explored the attitudes
change in the short term. To encourage new            of high-school students in Northern Ireland and
venture activities of students, a university would    report that 47% expressed the wish to run their
have to rely mainly on a (self-)selection of          own business. The result of a survey in Ireland
promising freshmen.                                   indicates a high average self-reported inclination
   This discussion shows that a better under-         to become an entrepreneur (Fleming, 1994).
standing of the antecedents to career choices         Similar findings exist for the USA. A study
seems promising, both from an academic and a          conducted by Karr (1985) shows that 46% of the
practical point of view. The research reported in     college students consider an own business as a
this paper attempts to answer the following           good opportunity to get ahead. A more pro-
question: Is the students’ entrepreneurial intent     nounced enthusiasm for entrepreneurship was
primarily pre-determined by steady personality        expressed by MBA students from top business
characteristics or is it possible to foster propen-   schools across the USA. 44% of the students

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Testing a model entrepreneurial intent

selected ‘to become an independent entrepreneur’      her environment to explain entrepreneurial in-
as their primary long-term career goal (Sanholtz,     tent. They propose models which include inter-
1990).                                                actions between personality and environmental
   A lower level of entrepreneurial intent is found   factors (Dubini, 1988; Greenberger and Sexton,
by Brenner et al. (1991). Although 55% of the         1988; Learned, 1992; Herron and Sapienza, 1992;
responding senior students in business preferred,     Naffziger et al., 1994).
given a free choice, to operate their own business,      Most of the cited studies are based on samples
only 5% of all students indicated this as their       of professionals who have either founded a
most probable employment status. Similar              company (entrepreneurs) or have work experi-
results are reported by Kolvereid (1996) for a        ence as employees of organizations. It seems
sample of Norwegian business students. Approxi-       questionable to generalize these findings to
mately 43% preferred a career as self-employed,       students and graduates. Both populations can
however, only 7% of all respondents estimated         differ in a variety of important entrepreneurial
the chance to become entrepreneurs to be 75%          characteristics which in turn would lead to
or higher. Statistics support the comparatively       inconsistent results (Robinson et al., 1991a).
low percentage of graduates starting a new               The few empirical studies based on student
business from scratch. In the early nineties          samples suggest that courses in entrepreneurship
between 2 and 2.5% of English alumni started          and the image of business founders within the
a business immediately after graduation               university encourage graduates to become self-
(Brown, 1990).                                        employed. A survey of technology students from
   These findings reveal a difference between the      four different countries reveals that the career
attitude about entrepreneurship on the one side       preferences and entrepreneurial convictions are
and entrepreneurial intent and actual behaviour       influenced by the image of entrepreneurship as a
on the other side. The question arises which          career alternative and the support received from
factors determine the career choice of students       the university environment (Autio et al., 1997). A
and which factors may explain the inconsistency       multi-country survey with MBA students points
between attitudes and intentions.                     out that the social status of entrepreneurship is a
   Interdisciplinary research has been conducted      good predictor of interest in starting a business
to answer this question.1 Psychological models        (Begley et al., 1997). In a survey of MBA students
strove to identify personality characteristics that   at a large US college, Chen et al. (1998) find that
distinguish business founders from non-entrepre-      the number of management courses the students
neurs (Shaver and Scott, 1991; Brandstätter,         had taken were positively related to entrepreneur-
1997). This research field has established a           ial intention. Further empirical evidence results
number of significant traits, including risk taking    from a comparison of small business students and
propensity (Brockhaus, 1987; Hisrich and Peters,      students with other business and economics
1995), need for achievement (Johnson, 1990), and      majors. The small business students have a higher
locus of control (Bonnett and Furnham, 1991)          need for achievement which in turn has a positive
and has focused on particular attitudes towards       effect on the readiness to found a company (Sagie
entrepreneurship as antecedents of the career         and Elizur, 1999). However, it is not clear
path choice (Robinson et al., 1991b). Sociological    whether self-selection effects or causal effects of
theories emphasize a variety of social, cultural      the entrepreneurship courses are responsible for
and economic contextual variables that may            these results. Furthermore, Hostager and Decker
influence the readiness to undertake a new             (1999) in their preliminary study of students
venture. The studies explore factors such as          involved in an entrepreneurship programme
societal attitudes towards entrepreneurship, the      cannot find a relationship between education
availability of funds or the existence of small       and achievement motivation. An even more
business incubators (Shapero, 1984). Similar to       pessimistic view of the effects of universities on
personality traits, these factors have been found     entrepreneurial propensity results from a long-
to be important facilitators for entrepreneurial      itudinal study of 89 business students: after four
activities (Pennings and Kimberly, 1997; Hisrich      years of business courses the interest in pursuing
and Peters, 1995). Some researchers have inves-       self-employment seemed to dissipate (Whitlock
tigated the individual within the context of his/     and Masters,1996).

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Christian Lüthje and Nikolaus Franke

   Other studies which explore the effects of the      propensity, the locus of control, the environmen-
university environment on entrepreneurship ac-         tal support, and the contextual barriers. All four
tivities focus more on faculty and university staff    constructs are expected to reveal a causal effect
than on students (BenDaniel, 1999). Taken              on entrepreneurial behaviour. Therefore, they
together, empirical research has seldom explored       should determine whether students decide in a
students as entrepreneurial subjects. The few          positive or negative way concerning self-employ-
findings that exist are partly inconsistent. Conse-     ment.
quently, there is a lack of understanding how             In alignment with new research evidence, the
public policy and universities can effectively         model proposes that the intention to become a
develop future high-tech business founders. The        business founder is moderated by the attitude
following survey is aimed to provide new insights      about entrepreneurship. Attitude instruments
concerning this topic.                                 tend to account for a big part of the variance of
                                                       a wide range of behaviours (Ajzen and Madden,
                                                       1986; Ajzen and Fishbein, 1980). Consequently,
3. A structural model of entrepreneurial               many researchers have also recognized and
   intent                                              proved the importance of domain-specific atti-
                                                       tudes in understanding (future) business founders
Based upon the existing literature, it appears         (Autio et al., 1997; Kolvereid, 1996; Robinson et
promising to integrate both, individual traits and     al., 1991b). In the present model, attitudes act as
contextual factors into a structural model of          the link between general personality traits and
entrepreneurial intent.                                specific entrepreneurial behaviour. It is assumed
   A combination of an extensive literature review     that the characteristics of the individual indirectly
and serial interviews with students and experts in     influence the intention to become an entrepreneur
entrepreneurship suggested to integrate the two        through their effect on attitude. This leads us to
personal characteristics ‘risk taking propensity’      the following three hypothesis:
and ‘locus of control’ into the structural model.
                                                       H1: Individuals with a high risk taking propensity
Both constructs have frequently been enumerated
                                                           are more likely to have a positive attitude
as part of the ‘personality’ of new venture
                                                           towards entrepreneurship.
creators and have proven their importance in
                                                       H2: Individuals with an internal locus of control
affecting the level of aspiration towards self-
                                                           are more likely to have a positive attitude
employment (Brockhaus and Horwitz, 1986;
                                                           towards entrepreneurship.
Shaver and Scott, 1991; Lumpkin and Erdogan,
                                                       H3: The more favourable the attitude with respect
1999; Robinson et al., 1991b; Stewart, 1996;
                                                           to becoming self-employed, the stronger the
Bonnett and Furnham, 1991).2
                                                           individuals’ intention to become self-employed.
   In order to compile a large set of contextual
factors which might influence the intention to             The model proposes a direct impact of the
found a company, we conducted explorative              perceptions of contextual factors (support and
interviews and scanned the relevant literature         barriers) on entrepreneurial intentions. Hence,
(e.g. Pennings and Kimberly, 1997; Naffziger           the environment is assumed to be responsible for
et al., 1994). As a result, 44 items were generated.   the lack of a perfect attitude-intention correlation
A questionnaire with these items was adminis-          reported above (see chapter 2). A student might
tered to 12 business students who were asked to        be willing to found a company, regardless of his
assess the importance of each item for the             comparatively bad attitude towards entrepre-
decision to found a company. The ten items with        neurship, because he perceives the founding
the highest average importance score were              conditions as very favourable (trigger effect).
selected. A confirmatory factor analysis suggested      Inversely, graduates with a positive attitude
that these items can be segregated in perceived        towards new venture creation may not decide to
support factors and perceived barriers for found-      start their own business due to a negative
ing a company.                                         perception of salient factors in the environment.
   In sum, the designed model focuses on four          This line of reasoning is known in attitude models
(latent) constructs to predict the propensity to       as the contextual influence on the attitude-
start a new venture, namely the risk taking            behaviour relationship (Abelson, 1982). Based

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Testing a model entrepreneurial intent

on these arguments we propose two additional                 survey data applying Cronbach a and confirma-
hypotheses:                                                  tory factors analysis.
                                                                Since entrepreneurial intent is the ultimate
H4: The more insurmountable a student perceives
                                                             dependent construct in the model, considerable
    barriers for founding a company to be, the
                                                             attention was turned to the design of the
    weaker the individual’s intention to become
                                                             intention-scale. Similar to the operationalization
    self-employed – irrespective of his attitude
                                                             used by Autio et al. (1997), the respondents were
    towards entrepreneurship.
                                                             asked to rate the likeliness to become self-
H5: The more favourable a student perceives
                                                             employed in the foreseeable future after gradua-
    supporting contextual factors to start up a
                                                             tion. In a first version, we designed a five-point
    new business to be, the stronger the indivi-
                                                             scale and tested the validity in an exploratory
    dual’s intention to become self-employed –
                                                             study involving 15 students. The results revealed
    irrespective of his attitude towards entrepre-
                                                             a skewed distribution: while the respondents
                                                             often marked the middle scale-point, almost no
   The factor which affect the entrepreneurial               student chose ‘quite probable’ and ‘very prob-
intent are presented in a structural model in                able’. A second preliminary study was conducted
Figure 1.                                                    based on a four-point-scale (n ¼ 26). The subjects
                                                             were asked to make their ratings on the basis of
                                                             the scale and to write a short statement concern-
4. Research methodology                                      ing their career plans and their readiness to found
                                                             a company. The statements were reviewed by
Previous to the main survey, eight preliminary               independent raters and associated with one point
studies involving 139 subjects were conducted to             on the scale. These judgements were linked with
develop valid scales for the constructs in the               the original students’ ratings leading to a correla-
model (see Figure 2). Most of the factors were               tion higher than 0.9. The four-point scale seems
designed through a standard scale development                therefore to ensure a high-validity measurement
process for theoretical constructs (Bagozzi et al.,          of the individuals entrepreneurial intent.
1991). First, based on exploratory surveys and/or               The setting of the preliminary studies was
expert and student judges, a list of items is                provided by students in Germany. Thus, the
generated for each construct. Next, this list is             questionnaire used in this study was first designed
screened and the number of items is narrowed                 in German, slightly modified and than carefully
through standard validity and reliability criterion          translated into English by native speakers. The
(Cronbach a and exploratory factor analysis).                translation was pre-tested with business and
The remaining items are the basis of the ques-               technical students at MIT and proved to be both
tionnaire in the main survey. Finally, a second              comprehensible and clear. Since e-mail and the
validation of the scales is done on the basis of the         internet are the most popular communication

                                                                             contextual factors

        personality traits
                                                                perceived                         perceived
                                                                 barriers                          support

                                                                    H4 (-)                         H5 (+)
          risk taking
          propensity         H1 (+)

                                       attitude towards         H3 (+)        entrepreneurial
                                       entrepreneurship                            intent
                             H2 (+)
                                                        endogenous variables
         internal locus
           of control

Figure 1. Structural model of entrepreneurial intent.

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Christian Lüthje and Nikolaus Franke

                                                                                 literature review, expert interviews

                                                                                         selection of constructs

       entrepreneurial             entrepreneurial              attitudes towards                  risk taking                                                  perception                    personal
          behaviour                     intent                  entrepreneurship                   propensity                 locus of control                  of context                   background
      Preliminary survey 1:      Preliminary survey 2:          Preliminary survey 4:          standard item-scale           standard item-scale           item generation                Modified item-list
      item generation            examination of validity of     item generation                (Hisrich/Peters 1995)         (Hisrich/Peters 1995)         through literature review      Franke (1999) from
      through group discussion   the five-point-scale through   through group discussion       → 10 items                    → 10 items                    → 27 items                     → 9 variables
      n=10                       exploratory questionnaire      n=10
      → 13 variables             with open questions            → 27 items
                                                                                               Preliminary survey 6:         Preliminary survey 6:
                                 → unsatisfactory validity                                                                                                 Preliminary survey 7:
                                                                                               item selection through        item selection through
                                                                Preliminary survey 5:                                        exploratory questionnaire     item generation through
                                                                                               exploratory questionnaire
                                                                item selection through                                       n=21                          exploratory interviews
                                                                exploratory questionnaire                                    criterion: Cronbach α ,
                                 Preliminary survey 3:                                         criterion: Cronbach α ,                                     n=12
                                 scale modification to a        n=30                                                         exploratory factor analysis   → additional 23 items
                                                                                               exploratory factor analysis
                                                                criterion: Cronbach α,                                       → selection of 3 items
                                 four-point-scale                                              → selection of 4 items
                                 exploratory questionnaire      exploratory factor analysis
                                 with open questions            → selection of 4 items
                                 n=29                                                                                                                      Preliminary survey 8:
                                 → very high validity                                                                                                      item selection through
                                                                                                                                                           questionnaire n=12
                                                                                                                                                           average importance
                                                                                                                                                           scores → selection of 5
                                                                                                                                                           barrier and 11 support items
                                                                                                                                                           (5 external, 6 university)

                                                                                              main survey n=512

           13 variables                1 four-point-scale       second item selection:          second item selection:       second item selection:        second item selection:              9 variables
                                                                criterion: Cronbach α,          criterion: Cronbach α,       criterion: Cronbach α,        criterion: Cronbach α,
                                                                confirmatory factor             confirmatory factor          confirmatory factor           confirmatory factor
                                                                analysis etc.                   analysis etc.                analysis etc.                 analysis etc. → selection of
                                                                → selection of 3 items          → selection of 3 items       → selection of 2 items        3 barriers, 3 support items
                                                                                                                                                            (2 external, 1 university)

Figure 2. Operationalization of the model.

means used by students, an online-version of the                                                            were 24.2% in the electrical engineering/compu-
questionnaire was designed.                                                                                 ter science department (n ¼ 378) and 22.2%
   The data for the main survey were collected                                                              (n ¼ l46) in the department of mechanical en-
from the target population of electrical engineer-                                                          gineering. Twelve answers had to be excluded
ing/computer science and mechanical engineering                                                             from further analysis leading to a number of 512
students at MIT School of Engineering. All                                                                  usable questionnaires. Descriptive information
students who were members of the official MIT                                                                about the respondents is provided in Appendix 1.
e-mail list of the two departments were asked to
participate. The target population (all students in
the two departments) is bigger than the selected                                                            5. Results
user population (students in mailing lists). How-
ever, the problem of ‘undercoverage’ does not                                                               The research findings will be presented in two
seem to be critical. The official e-mail lists are                                                           parts. First, we explore whether graduates can in
used to disseminate important course and exam                                                               fact be viewed as an important source of future
information. According to students’ office admin-                                                            business founders. The exploration of entrepre-
istrators, the e-mail directories may therefore be                                                          neurial activities among students is relevant only
viewed as a nearly complete listing of students in                                                          if a minimum of entrepreneurial spirit exists.
the two MIT departments. The combined sample                                                                Then, the covariance structure model is estimated
size is 2,193 engineering students, of whom 1,536                                                           in order to examine the causes of entrepreneurial
were students in the electrical engineering/com-                                                            intent.
puter science department and 657 students had
their major in mechanical engineering.
   The students received an e-mail with a short
explanation of the survey and a hypertext-link to
                                                                                                            5.1. Descriptive findings on students’
the online-questionnaire. One week after the first
                                                                                                                 entrepreneurial activities and plans
mailing a reminder was sent. In all, 524 ques-                                                              The descriptives show that the engineering
tionnaires were completed. The response rates                                                               students seldom undertake entrepreneurial

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Testing a model entrepreneurial intent

efforts in the course of study (see left column of          the respondents indicate that they will ‘quite
Figure 3). Only 3.4% of the respondents in-                 probably’ (44.0%) or ‘very probably’ (10.6%) run
dicated to be self-employed. This finding may be             their own company in the foreseeable future after
explained by the high opportunity cost of self-             leaving university. The planned activities focus on
employment due to the extreme workload and the              dynamic and innovative areas such as IT hard-
high tuition fees at MIT. However, the self-                ware and software (23%), high-tech consulting
employed students run businesses of some im-                (22%), and product development and design
portance. Almost half of them develop IT                    (13%). These companies, if realized, can be
hardware and software, on average they have                 expected to have a significant impact on econom-
invested $31,000 and one out of two self-                   ic growth and increase in employment. On
employed students already has employees.                    average the students plan to employ 96.6 people
   More significant than the entrepreneurial                 three years after founding. Taken together, the
activities in the course of study is the intention          respondents in this sample who prefer to start a
to start a new venture someday after graduation             business may have more than 20,000 employees
(see right column of Figure 3). More than half of           three years after starting the new business. These

                  Entrepreneurial activities                       Entrepreneurial plans
                       during studies                                after graduation
                 Are you currently self-employed?             Do you plan to be self-employed in the
                                                               foreseeable future after graduation?

                                      3.4%                    11.0%                                 10.6%

                      not self-       self-                    very       quite     quite           very
                     employed       employed                improbable improbable probable        probable

                          35% What line of business?                           What line of business?
                                                             23%      22%
                                  12%                                         13%
                                                      6%                               4%        7%

                  IT/ Consul- Prod.        Bio-   Other      IT/ Consul- Prod.        Bio-     Other    Un-
                 Softw. ting   dev./       tech             Softw. ting   dev./       tech             known
                              Design                                     Design

                        Characteristics of business                   Characteristics of business
                Weekly workload              ∅ 17.1 hours    Planned time between             ∅ 5.2 years
                % of total income earned      ∅ 65.5%        graduation and founding
                through self-employment                      Plan to start up new             81.4% yes
                Money invested                 ∅ $ 30,955    venture in a team?
                Monthly turnover higher        17.6% yes     If yes:                         ∅ 3.2 people
                than $ 5.000 ?                               Number of team members
                Employees?                    52.9% yes      Number of employees 3           ∅ 96.6 people
                                                             years after founding
                If yes:                      ∅ 3.1 people
                Number of employees?
                Venture founded by a           41.2% yes
                If yes:                      ∅ 2.6 people
                Number of team members

Figure 3. Descriptive findings concerning entrepreneurial activities and plans.

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Christian Lüthje and Nikolaus Franke

findings seem to fulfill the hopes of economic                         has a strong and highly significant effect on
policy makers. Students at technical research                        entrepreneurial conviction (b ¼ 0.508***). Hy-
universities are apparently a promising source                       pothesis 5 is therefore confirmed by the analysis.
of future high-tech entrepreneurs.                                   If public policy and university administration
                                                                     want to raise the number of graduates who decide
                                                                     to start their own business, an improvement of
5.2. Model testing                                                   the students’ attitude towards entrepreneurship
                                                                     apparently is an effective lever.
The covariance structure model was estimated in                         This attitude is influenced by the personality of
order to explore the antecedents of the intentions                   the respondents (H1 and H2 are supported). In
to choose the entrepreneurial career path. Speci-                    particular, the risk taking propensity stands out
fically, we investigate whether founding activities                   as a very strong influence, with a Beta of
may be fostered by a favourable context inside                       0.464***. The impact of an internal locus of
and outside the university or are rather deter-                      control on the attitude is also fairly high
mined by students’ personality.                                      (b ¼ 0.300**). Taken together, the findings imply
   The assessment of fit reveals that the model                       that students who are willing to accept risks and
satisfactorily reproduces the sample matrix of                       who perceive control over the events in their life
variance and covariance (see Figure 4 and                            have a more favourable attitude towards running
Appendix 2). All global goodness-of-fit measures                      an own business. This way, personality traits have
reach a level that is usually regarded as accep-                     an indirect impact on the readiness to become
table: GFI ¼ 0.952, AGFI ¼ 0.933, RSMEA ¼                            self-employed.
0.047, CFI ¼ 0.939, w2/df ¼ 2.11. The ‘difference                       H4 and H5 stated that the perceptions of
of chi-square test’ compares the original model                      entrepreneurship-related barriers and supporting
with competing models obtained by constraining                       factors contribute a direct explanation for the
one of the free parameters (Long, 1983). The                         preferred employment status of the students. The
results of this test indicate that the model                         findings support both hypothesis. The path
constructs have a high discriminant validity (see                    between the perceived barriers and intentions is
Appendix 3).                                                         significant (b ¼ 0.127**). If students realize an
   The model parameters were estimated using the                     antagonistic environment for business founders,
maximum likelihood method and are reported in                        e.g., because they think that banks do not readily
Figure 4. The attitude towards entrepreneurship                      give loans, or because they rate the state laws
emerges as the most important antecedent of the                      as being too restrictive, they are less likely
intention to become self-employed. The attitude                      to become entrepreneurs. The path coefficient

                                                                            δ        δ       δ                           δ        δ           δ

                                                                           Ind1     Ind2    Ind3                        Ind1     Ind2     Ind3

                  personality traits                                              perceived                                    perceived
                                                                                   barriers                                     support

       δ   Ind1
                                                                                -0.127 **                                       0.183**
       δ   Ind2     risk taking
                    propensity         0.464***
       δ   Ind3

                                                  attitude towards         0.508***                entrepreneurial
                                          ξ                                                                                           ξ
                                                  entrepreneurship                                      intent
       δ   Ind1

                                       0.300**                          endogenous
                   internal locus                 Ind1   Ind2   Ind3                                  Ind1     Ind2
                     of control                                          variables
       δ   Ind2                                    ε      ε      ε                                     ε         ε

                                                                                                 ML estimation with AMOS
                                                                                                 AGFI = 0.93; χ² = 204.2; df = 176; n = 495
                                                                                                 one-tailed test of significance

Figure 4. Results of model testing.

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between the perceived support factors and             play a significant role for the entrepreneurial
entrepreneurial intent point in the same direction    behaviour of technical students. These percep-
(b ¼ 0.183**). An optimistic evaluation of help       tions may be altered and improved by suitable
and facilities, which are available to potential      initiatives. Thus, public policy and universities
business founders, is associated with a higher        would be well advised to intensify their activities
propensity to pursue a career as an entrepreneur.     to implement educational, research and resource
Overall, the perceptions of the context factors       programmes on entrepreneurship. Such pro-
for entrepreneurship have a moderating                grammes have to remove the perceived and the
influence on the attitude-intention relation-          objective context factors which are adverse to
ship. This effect may explain why a student,          starting a company. Furthermore, the image of
despite a positive attitude about being self-         entrepreneurship as a career alternative should be
employed, may not be willing to risk a new            improved and support from the public and
venture because he/she perceives the context          university environment should be intensified.
as hostile. Inversely, students with a less favour-   The actions could entail, for example, using
able attitude may be encouraged to run their          positive role models in teaching, establishing
own business due to an optimistic perception          entrepreneurial support networks, and arranging
of the environmental conditions for entrepre-         business plan competitions.
neurs.                                                   Next, the findings also indicate that the
   The findings allow us to answer the research        conviction to start up a new venture is to some
question of the present paper: the intentions of      extent a question of personality structure. Those
students to become business founders is influ-         who are in charge of an economic policy meant to
enced both indirectly by steady personality           encourage technical students to found high-tech
traits and directly by contextual factors, which      companies should be aware that the measures we
are usually easier to modify. It has to be            propose will not have the same effects on all
taken into account that we have not explored          people. It seems more promising to focus the
the ‘objective’, but the perceived contextual         stimulating activities on the right students,
factors. Therefore, initiatives addressed to im-      particularly those with a propensity to high risk
prove the founding conditions do not necessa-         taking and an internal locus of control. In
rily lead to an immediate improvement of              order to avoid misdirected budgets, policy makers
entrepreneurial intentions and to higher business     and university faculty need to identify these
‘birth rates’.                                        students and encourage them to take part in
   To decide which of the two construct groups –      entrepreneurship programmes. For instance,
personality traits or contextual founding condi-      universities could try to base their selection
tions – has the stronger impact on the preferred      process for courses in entrepreneurship partly
career alternative, the causal effects represented    on information provided by students about
by the path parameters are added up. The              personality traits and preferences regarding en-
personal characteristics have a total indirect        trepreneurship.
effect of (0.300 þ 0.464)*0.508 ¼ 0.388. The con-        Finally, the attitude towards entrepreneurship
text factors show an overall direct impact of         proved to contribute the strongest explanation
(0.127 þ 0.183) ¼ 0.31. This comparison is limited    for entrepreneurial intentions of the technical
by the fact that the personality and the context      students. We have focused on personality traits as
are not entirely covered by the constructs            causes of the attitude. However, other variables
included in the present research. However, for        may have an impact on this attitude as well.
this sample of technical students at MIT both         If these factors are open to change, entrepre-
construct areas seem to have a similar effect on      neurial attitudes may be influenced by educators,
entrepreneurial intent.                               policy makers, and successful founders who
                                                      can be powerful role models. Further research
                                                      in the area of attitude formation holds
6. Implications                                       promise for enhancing the understanding of
                                                      the entrepreneurial intent and the effective
The present survey provides evidence that the         cultivation of a business founding spirit among
perceived contextual barriers and support factors     students.

r Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003                                          R&D Management 33, 2, 2003   143
Christian Lüthje and Nikolaus Franke

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  Hunt, K.H. (1991b) An attitude approach to the                 low level.

Appendix 1. Information about respondents

Age                       Nationality                      Gender                         Student status

  0–20        40.0%       USA/Canada         69.0%         Female            23.9%        Undergraduate        71.6%
 21–22        36.9%       Asia               21.3%         Male              76.1%        Graduate             28.4%
 23–24        12.0%       Europe              4.2%         Self-employed parents          Department
 25–26         5.0%       Rest America        4.9%         Yes               30.1%        Electr./Comp.        72.7%
 27–           6.1%       Other               0.6%         No                69.9%        Mechanical           27.3%
Mean          21.7
Std. dev.      5.2

r Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003                                                   R&D Management 33, 2, 2003     145
Christian Lüthje and Nikolaus Franke

Appendix 2. Results model testing

Factor        Indicator          Indicator       Revalue of     Item       Cornback    Explained       Factor        Average
                                 reliability     factor         total      a           variance        retiability   explained
                                                 loadings       correlat               by f-factor                   variance

Risk           1                 0.808           –              0.382
               2                 0.570            7.366         0.525      0.642       58.7%           0.652         0.388
               3                 0.389            7.809         0.457
Locus          4                 0.667           –              0.315      0.478       65.7%           0.562         0.423
               6                 0.147            2.372         0.315
Barriers       7                 0.417           –              0.405
               8                 0.204            5.086         0.309      0.533       52.2%           0.547         0.294
               9                 0.262            5.070         0.343
Support       10                 0.361           –              0.371
              11                 0.213            4.895         0.306      0.522       51.2%           0.527         0.275
              12                 0.245            4.873         0.334
Attitude      13                 0.788           –              0.606
              14                 0.243            9.764         0.426      0.690       62.1%           0.705         0.452
              19                 0.394           12.003         0.492
Entrep.       20                 0.932           –              0.8643     0.867       93.22%          0.941         0.906
Intent        21                 0.798           22.358         0.8643
Global        w2 ¼ 204.2         GFI            ¼ 0.952
Fit           df ¼ 97            AGFI           ¼ 0.933
Measures      p ¼ 0.000          RMSEA          ¼ 0.047
              w2/df ¼ 2.11       CFI            ¼ 0.939                                                              n ¼ 495

Appendix 3. Test of discriminant validity (w2-Test of difference)

                          Risk                 Locus          Barriers       Support        Attitude           Entrep. intent.

Locus.                    202.1
Barriers                  294.31               258.73
Support                   169.23               203.52         282.29
Attitude                  13.58                15.46          17.3           13.2
Entrep. intent.           69.61                41.20          37.2           64.9           321.6

Number in cells: Difference of w2 between original model and model with one additional (difference should be
higher than 3.841).

146      R&D Management 33, 2, 2003                                                          r Blackwell Publishing Ltd 2003
Testing a model entrepreneurial intent

Appendix 4. Items in analysis

Construct                           Formulation of items

Risk taking                         5-point rating scale (1 ¼ not at all accurate; 5 ¼ very accurate); items; ‘When
propensity                          I travel I tend to use new routes’; ‘I like to try new things (e.g. exotic food or
                                    going to new places’: ‘I have taken a risk in the last six months’.
Locus of control                    5-point rating scale (1 ¼ not at all accurate; 5 ¼ very accurate); items: ‘I often
                                    feel ‘That’ just what the things are and there’ nothing I can do about it’
                                    (scale inversed), ‘When everything goes right, I think that it’ mostly luck’
                                    (scale inversed).
Perceived barriers                  5-point rating scale (1 ¼ not at all accurate; 5 ¼ very accurate); items: ‘Banks
                                    do not readily give credit to start up companies’; ‘State laws (rules and
                                    regulations) are adverse to running a company’; ‘It is hard to find a business
                                    idea for a business that hasn’t been realized before’.
Perceived support factors           5-point rating scale (1 ¼ not at all accurate; 5 ¼ very accurate); items:
                                    ‘Entrepreneurs have a positive image with American society’; ‘Qualified
                                    consultant and service support for new companies is available’; ‘The creative
                                    MIT atmosphere inspires to develop ideas for new businesses’.
Attitude towards entrepreneurship   5-point rating scale (1 ¼ not at all accurate; 5 ¼ very accurate); items: ‘I’d
                                    rather be my own boss than have a secure job’; ‘You can only make big
                                    money if you are self-employed’; ‘I’d rather found a new company than be
                                    the manager of an existing one’.
Entrepreneurial intent              ‘Do you plan to be self-employed in the foreseeable future after you leave
                                    the MIT?’ 4-point rating scale (1 ¼ very probable, 2 ¼ quite probable,
                                    3 ¼ quite improbable; 4 ¼ very improbable) and ‘Are you currently self-
                                    employed’ (yes/no).

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