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Camperdown Contact CAMPERDOWN COLLEGE NEWSLETTER Term 3, Week 8, 3rd September 2021 Our six Year 9 SSL students were fortunate to experience four weeks of the on-site program at the School for Student Leadership in Dinner Plain before restrictions came into play. They have also participated in approximately four weeks of a remote learning program, and did a fine job presenting their Community Learning Project (CLP) presentation yesterday, Thursday 2nd September. Whilst on-site, students were exposed to many wonderful experiences: - Cross-country skiing and learning to use snow shoes, - Meeting new people from other schools in Victoria, - Learning how to use a washing machine, - Team building exercises, - Reflection on their own learning style and thinking habits, - Being a team leader, - Building resilience, - Writing their SWAY blogs. All students found the cross-country skiing challenging at first but had mastered the basics before leaving Dinner Plain. Students loved free time where they could go for a walk in the snow, chill out with friends or simply have quiet reflection time. Elyse, Ebony, Perrie, Joseph, Isaac and Isaiah have decided to plant an Indigenous garden at the Senior Campus as their CLP with a view towards using some of the plants in Food Technology classes. We look forward to seeing this grow and develop over the next year or so. Whilst their on-site experience was cut short, there’s no doubt these students will have developed long lasting memories of their time in Dinner Plain. Congratulations to all six students for embracing this opportunity! Yesterday, we received welcome news that our application to send a team to SSL in 2022 was also successful and our Year 8 students will have the opportunity to apply next term. Fiona Crowle, School for Student Leadership Coordinator SENIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1617 JUNIOR CAMPUS 03 5593 1438 Website: Compass:
From the Principal’s Desk… Students in Year 3, 5, 7 and 9 participated Camperdown College school community is built on the in NAPLAN testing (National Assessment principles of inclusion and a strong home-school partnership Program for Literacy and Numeracy) and I have not enjoyed keeping students and families at arm’s earlier this year. At Camperdown College, length. The very serious concerns about schools as potential the participation rate was again excellent exposure and infection sites, and the spread of COVID-19 and teachers were very pleased to see most amongst children and young people, have required all schools students giving NAPLAN their best effort. to limit on-site attendance to the smallest possible number of The NAPLAN reports arrived in the students and staff. A skeletal team of teachers and Education school this week and have now been Support staff is on-site supervising Junior Campus students posted to parents. whose families have no other options available to them and Across the four NAPLAN year levels and five domains meet the strict eligibility criteria. I am deeply grateful to our (reading, writing, spelling, grammar and punctuation, and school community for your understanding. numeracy) there were some exceptional individual results and We are acutely aware of how challenging the circumstances pleasing patterns of achievement at both ends of the school. are for so many of our families juggling work, family Our commitment to an evidence-based early years literacy commitments and remote learning supervision at home, and approach is reflected in the outstanding reading and spelling wish only to reassure you that everyone’s best effort will look results achieved by our Year 3 and 5 student groups. different and that is absolutely fine. We will do everything Congratulations are also due to our teenagers: the significant within our school’s capacity to support families in their majority of Year 9 students have made expected or above endeavours to continue with remote learning. Please do not expected growth in reading, writing and numeracy, in spite of hesitate to make contact with myself or our Assistant the interruptions of COVID-19! Principals to further discuss your experiences and needs. A new feature of NAPLAN this year in Victoria is the awarding The level of engagement across primary and secondary year of certificates to Year 9 students who have demonstrated levels is very pleasing, and this, combined with the intensity exceptional growth since they last completed NAPLAN testing of effort when students have been on-site previously and in two years ago. We are very proud of the Camperdown College the future, means that we are very comfortable inviting all students who have been recognised in this way: Xavier Cole, students and families to step back from the remote learning Paddy Conheady, Mackenzie Borland and Elyse Cross for program next Thursday 9th September on R U OK? Day and Reading; Ben Moore, Ruby Kempton and Tom Hutton for enjoy a more relaxed day at home. Let’s all dress brightly in Numeracy; and Taylor Bernaldo for both Reading and yellow, not just because we haven’t celebrated the mighty Numeracy. A marvellous effort! Leura for a while, but also to remind ourselves of the The continuation of remote learning for a little longer to importance of taking care of ourselves and each other and assist in the containment of Victoria’s COVID-19 outbreak has looking for ‘sunshine’ moments every day. required all students, staff and families to dig even more deeply Ms Cherie Kilpatrick, Principal into reserves of strength, resilience and goodwill. Our Calendar Of events Please note: Due to COVID-19, the dates below are subject to change with little notice. Wk 8 Friday 3rd September Commemorative Paver Orders Due - Round 2 Friday 3rd September Parent Opinion Surveys Close Friday 3rd September Hooptime: Year 3/4 Rookies Postponed Wk 9 Monday 6th-Friday 10th September Junior Campus Scholastic Book Fair Postponed Tuesday 7th September JC Parent Teacher Virtual Interviews See page 5 Thursday 9th September R U OK? Day See below Wk 10 Wednesday 15th September School Council from 7pm via Webex Friday 17th September Junior and Senior Celebration of Learning Assemblies See page 5 Friday 17th September Last day for Term 3 Students dismissed at 2.30pm Wk 1 Monday 4th October First day for Term 4 Next Thursday 9th September Wear yellow at home & watch for activities through Compass Our Mission: Camperdown College will provide exemplary teaching and learning programs within excellent facilities which foster school pride, aspiration and persistence to achieve high levels of learning for all students.
Senior Campus News The longer we spend in remote learning, the more challenging it becomes for all of us. We understand that this is a difficult time for many. We have been focussing on attendance, wellbeing and learning. Students have been encouraged to maintain their daily routines, and on the whole have done a wonderful job in meeting the demands of each of their subjects. Staff have offered a range of wellbeing experiences for the students through daily check- ins, virtual social gatherings, phone calls and one on one Webex meetings. Year 12 Students: For students in Year 12 it is a particularly challenging time as course requirements still need to be meet. Last week we received notification that students could attend onsite to complete SACs and had a schedule in place for SAC delivery for this week. However, this all changed on Sunday afternoon when a new directive arrived no longer allowing this to occur. Teachers and students made swift arrangements and the first SAC, Indonesian, was delivered via Webex on Monday morning. The students have since sat many SACs this week via Webex and are to commended on their adaptability. Thank you to parents who have had to arrange pick up and drop off of SACs. VCAA has sent information to schools and extra support is now in place for VCE and VCAL students. A Consideration of Educational Disadvantage (CED) process will be completed in coming weeks for each student to factor in the interruptions to their learning. Staff and students both have input into this process. As you are no doubt aware through the media, Year 12 students have been strongly encouraged to receive their COVID vaccinations prior to the exam period. South West Health Care has prioritised our students, with many receiving their first vaccination today. The GAT has now been rescheduled to Tuesday 5th October. Support for Year 12 Students: We have joined the Regional Education Support Network who assist regional VCE students to achieve their goals. They work with over 2000 students and 210 schools throughout the state and have over 500 tutors involved. There is a range of options open to students: • RSEN Help: 24 hours Q&A Portal where students can submit a subject specific question/seek advice and within an average of 8 ½ hours they would receive a response. • RSN Learn: Resources in each subject with attached wikkis and quizzes that align with the study design. • RESN Live: Online version of face to face tutoring. • RESN Seminar: Seminars for groups of students on topics such as goal setting, study skills, aspirations, breaking down misconceptions about university, etc. • RESN Workshops: Offer on request revision lectures, including languages. VCE students will participate in a lunchtime Webex session to induct them into the program either late this week or on Monday. Yesterday Year 12 students participated in a connection workshop via zoom organised by Kathryn Robertson and delivered by a company we have used many times in the past, Tomorrow Man, Tomorrow Woman. The 90-minute session provided a safe and non- judgemental, virtual environment to bring life to the students’ current reality. It aimed to provide participants with strengthened resilience, self-confidence and collective empathy with their cohort in these uncertain times, and enable deeper conversations to continue between students. Subject Offerings 2022: A large number of Year 9 students have expressed interest in participating in a VET course for 2022. Initial expressions of interest have been submitted to the Corangamite Trade Training Cluster. Some courses have attracted lots of interest, especially automotive. For the school to support a student’s application, personal qualities such as reliability, commitment and self-discipline would need to be exhibited. Many Year 9 students are demonstrating exactly these qualities during remote learning. Blockings have been finalised and students will receive their blocking information when school returns or if lockdown continues, these will be emailed to individual students. Year 10 Camp: The Year 10 camp to the Charlton Traffic School has been rescheduled to Monday 1st and Tuesday 2nd November. We are aware that the second day of the camp will be on the Melbourne Cup public holiday but were limited in the dates that we could choose. Parent Teacher Interviews: Parent Teacher interviews were conducted last week via Microsoft Teams. This mode proved to be easily navigated and we received positive feedback from families about this. Thank you to all families who joined in as it was a wonderful opportunity to discuss student progress and work together to ensure the best possible outcomes for students. NAPLAN: NAPLAN results arrived this week and have been posted home to families. These tests in key areas of literacy and numeracy provide parents and teachers with a snapshot of how students are progressing – individually, as part of our school community and in relation to similar schools and the state. We will be using the results to celebrate success, inform our planning and address areas requiring improvement by incorporating future learning goals for students. This year, for the first time, certificates have been awarded to Year 9 students who made significant growth (two bands or more) in their learning since Year 7 NAPLAN. Well done to the following students who received these awards: Ben Moore – Numeracy, Ruby Kempton – Numeracy, Tom Hutton – Numeracy, Elyse Cross – Reading, Paddy Conheady – Reading, Xavier Cole – Reading, Mackenzie Borland – Reading, Taylor Bernaldo – Reading and Numeracy. Our Vision: Camperdown College will be a high performing school that produces graduates well equipped to succeed beyond school and contribute actively to the community.
Online Chess Competition: Chess has become a popular lunchtime activity in the library. Last week our eager chess players competed in an online chess tournament against regional schools. Congratulations to Callani Winsall, Olivia Winsall, Thomas Bath, Corey Evans, Tom Wallace, Jacob Brown, Derek McCrae and Harrison Smith who participated. Our team placed third in the competition which was a mighty achievement, with Emmanuel College in first place and Brauer College second. High scorers were Harrison Smith 14 points, Derek McCrae 9 and Olivia Winsall 8. All students agreed, at the completion of the tournament, that they learnt a lot (the arbitrator reviewed games and strategies used in each game) and would be keen to be involved in future tournaments. Writing for the Screen: Ten of our High Ability Program students participated in the first of two sessions in the Victorian Challenge and Enrichment Series Program, Writing for the Screen. The students had the opportunity to develop ideation skills and learn about what makes a great film story. They also were able to explore the key elements behind story structure and get some advanced tips for writing scripts and pitching documents. Congratulations to the following students on their involvement in this program: Aregawi Chivell, Brianna Shields, Callani Winsall, Olivia Winsall, Corey Evans, Charlton Lewin, Pippa Britton, Beth Holmes, Isabelle Eldridge and Lewani Bateman. Vicki Angus Senior Campus Assistant Principal Junior Campus News With another lockdown this term, I would like to say thank you and well done to our families and students for transitioning into learning remotely at such short notice. Our students should be commended on the resilience they have shown over these last two weeks when the traditional way of learning was replaced with our remote learning arrangements. Engagement from students in Prep – Year 6 has been extremely high which is comforting for our school community as we continue to connect socially and academically during this time. Paralympians Virtual Visit: On Wednesday, our Year 6 students were involved in a virtual visit by two 2021 Australian Paralympians. We were fortunate to secure this opportunity for our Year 6 students where students were exposed to the Paralympic Games first hand, as well as learning about two athletes’ sporting careers, training and challenges living with a disability. Emma Booth (Para-equestrian) and Andrew Edmondson (Wheelchair Rugby) were the two athletes our students were treated to during this session, with both Emma and Andrew completing their quarantine period after competing at the games last week. This opportunity was enjoyed by our senior primary students with much knowledge gained. Parent Teacher Interviews: Due to current restrictions, Junior Campus Parent Teachers interviews will be conducted virtually through Webex next Tuesday 7th September. You will need to book the interview time on Compass as has been the case previously. If you have more than one child at the Junior Campus, please leave a five-minute gap between teacher bookings to allow time for both parents and teachers to navigate between meetings. Prior to the interviews you will be sent a link for your child/ren’s teacher/s. At your allocated time of the interview, you will click on the link to join the respective teacher in their meeting. You might spend some time in the ‘virtual lobby’ (waiting room) before the teacher admits you to the meeting. Along with progress reports every six weeks, Parent Teacher Interviews on this date will be the main mechanism for teachers to provide feedback to parents this term and your participation is strongly encouraged. Virtual Book Week: Last week our students were treated to a virtual Book Week with a range of activities prominent on all daily lessons. Mrs Lauren Murphy adapted her planned activities after the sudden calling of yet another lockdown, and we say a big thank you to her for providing many wonderful activities for our students. Virtual book readings and book inspired games and activities featured daily with many photos sent in from students showcasing their efforts. Thank you to students and families for joining in. We look forward to a Book Day when we return featuring our dress up parade, treasure hunt and teddy bear picnic as originally planned. Postponement of Events - Junior Campus Concert, Hooptime, Book Fair: Rehearsals and filming for our virtual concert have been postponed until further notice. Like last year, we look forward to adapting our traditional event to reflect current circumstances. With rehearsals and filming yet to happen, our planned release date of Thursday 16th September will no longer proceed. We look forward to communicating further information regarding our annual concert which is a much loved event each and every year. Our Year 3 – 6 Hooptime students have also been affected by the lockdown. We are hoping that this experience is possible next term. We have been able to book our annual Book Fair in for the week beginning Monday 11th November. Compass: As avid Compass users, families may be aware that notifications are sent in a variety of ways enabling information regarding school events and student feedback to be shared with families in a timely manner. School wide or year level specific information is shared through a message on your phone if you have the Compass app downloaded along with an email. Student specific information, such as a green chronicle entry, is alerted via an email only to parents. Although these notifications are appreciated by families in ensuring they are alerted to information placed on Compass, we encourage regular checking of your child’s Compass profile and dashboard to ensure parents are aware of the information being shared by the school and teachers. R U OK? Day – Thursday 9th September: Next Thursday is R U OK? Day which we will be recognising at the Junior Campus. Whilst we will be still learning remotely, we are asking students to wear yellow next Thursday. Instead of the usual remote learning schedule, we will be communicating a range of activities on the day for families to complete to promote the importance of asking others R U OK? This is a hard time for our families and we look forward to coming together next Thursday as a school community. Jacinta Tolland Junior Campus Assistant Principal Caring ~ Excellence – Honesty – Respect - Responsibility
Camperdown College Major Raffle 1st Prize: $10,000 Travel Voucher from Camperdown Helloworld Travel 2nd Prize: 3 nights Halls Gap escape for 2 adults from Aspect Villas, Grampians Helicopters & Grampians Wine Tours – value $1800 3rd Prize: Fuel card from Riordan Fuels – value $1000 The raffle draw will take place at the Camperdown College Presentation night on 14th December 2021. The winner will be notified by phone. Results will be published in the Camperdown Chronicle. Permit no. 10347/21 Books of 10 are now available from the Senior Campus Office. Please call the Senior Campus to organise a book of tickets. Phone: 55931617 Virtual Junior Campus Parent Teacher Interviews Next Tuesday 7th September from 1pm – 6pm (See below: Bookings now open!) Have you booked your Parent Teacher Interviews? 1. Booking your interviews on your phone can now be done so easily! Click the three white lines at the top left of the screen and then Conferences. In the app, you can then choose which time you’d like to see which teacher. 2. If booking on a computer, click on the two headed icon at the top of the screen, and then Conferences (formally PST) 3. Under Conference Cycles, click on My Bookings beside Junior Parent Teacher Interviews Term 3 2021 4. Click on your child’s teacher/s on the top right hand side of the screen and then choose the appropriate time (you can continue this for each teacher you’d like to meet with – Senior Campus only) 5. You can print a running sheet with your confirmed time by clicking Print Preview at the top of the grey screen Celebration of Learning Assemblies Prep – Year 6 Friday 17th September from 9.30am Both assemblies will be livestreamed Year 7 – 12 Friday 17th September from 11am for your convenience. Last day for Term 3:: Friday 17th September Students dismissed at 2.30pm Proud member of the Great South West Coast Network of Government Schools.
T3, Wk 6: Angus Murphy, Emmett Gladman, Oliver Van Nierop, Nathan Wilson, Sophie Wilson, Abey McLachlan, Patrick Spokes, Saxxon Pearce. T3, Wk 7: Jackson Plowman, Maddilyn Kampjes, Helayna Walker, Archie Rantall, Marianne Suson, Zander Horan, Charlie Unwin, Noah Bassett, Philippa Kempton. Each week, a student is awarded the Star Learning Award for their class and presented with this achievement at our weekly Junior Campus assembly. Star Learners are students who have demonstrated Caring ~ Excellence – Honesty – Respect - Responsibility excellence in their learning.
Closing date extended to Friday 29th October CLOSING DATE EXTENDED. Students are welcome to keep working on their entries. When completed please email them to your teacher. Categories: Narrative, Poem, Essay
Our Mission: Camperdown College will provide exemplary teaching and learning programs within excellent facilities which foster school pride, aspiration and persistence to achieve high levels of learning for all students.
Young Writers’ Society meets every Monday lunchtime at the Senior Campus (when COVID-19 restrictions allow). It began when Mrs Irwin pitched the idea of entering a state-wide writing competition to her Year 10 English class back in 2019. The students who entered, agreed that it would be fun to get together and help each other with their entries. When the entries for the competition had been submitted, Mrs Irwin suggested that the group continue and that it be opened up to any other interested students in Year 7 – 12 that wanted to write and have some fun while doing so. The original members (Kristy Parsons, Hayley Cameron, Aimee Bosanquet and Pauline Sheldrick) agreed, and Young Writers’ Society as we know it today was born. Young Writers’ Society provides an extracurricular social group for students, as well as additional opportunities to develop, hone and extend their writing skills. Previously, students have had occasions to showcase their writing in competitions at the Corangamite Youth Festival and at school assemblies. This year, we are planning for an excursion to the Melbourne Writers Festival. Below are some pieces of writing from our recent meetings, with the emphasis in the process of their construction being fun, fluent and fast. If you think your child may be interested, please encourage them to attend. All Senior Campus students welcome. Annemarie Irwin, MYLNS Literacy Improvement Teacher, Year 10 English & Year 12 Literature Teacher How would a fish drown? Does a fish drown I wait under the stone bridge, comfortably seated in the soft dirt bank of the small in air? Can a fish’s gills get too full of stream of water. The plushness of the dirt feels relaxing in my hands, soothing water? What if a fish breathes in all the my nerves while I wait for my companion to arrive with the umbrella he returned oxygen in their tank? What about a squid; to get, watching the sky as the clouds turn dark and menacing. can a squid die from too much water? Soon, this soft river edge becomes a dangerous place, the water levels rise as I begin to question my judgement to stay. I know I said I’d wait for him to return; The fish flops out into cool open air. It however, the water is knocking me around already and the rain shows no sign of thunks on a hard surface. The fish feels its stopping. tail thrashing, desperately trying to go back into the water from where it came. Getting My judgement becomes a horrible burden, as is demonstrated when my body eaten by a shark would be better than becomes equivalent to that of a ragdoll, thrown around in a treacherous torrent having the feeling of stuff incorrectly like a child would a toy. I claw at the surface of the water, trying to get purchase flowing through a fish. on any solid surface to push myself up for a breath of fresh air, but nothing ever lasts forever. I cannot hold out like this. It feels a warm, rough surface cradle its The last thing I see before the world goes dark is my companion looking out over body before a loud noise was heard above. the bridge. We lock eyes and I succumb to the water in my system. “Look! It’s a fish. I’m going to eat it!” After all, even such a small stream can blow over to something so deadly if given The fish could never understand what just the right chances. Nothing stays the same , except one thing lingers in me, a happened because it’s a fish and it is dead. thought brought in by my last moments before eternal rest; “Can one make It’s a dead fish now. amends for their greatest regrets?” Lewani Bateman (10A) Isabelle Eldridge (10A) Warm breaths tickle my legs. A tiny heartbeat massages each My limbs are so cold that I can feel myself fading; this empty, dark classroom spares me ache. Soft fur wraps around the no sympathy. curves of my calf as it sleeps Trying to regain warmth, I move my stiff limbs that I’m not sure are even still attached. At peacefully, unaware of the threats some point, I manage to sit, to then kneel and stand. I carry my dead body to the door with it could have faced and the great trouble, to finally rid myself of this classroom. I once thrived. dangers that it will soon hope to avoid. With hand on the wall I hobble down the corridor glimpsing at lockers as I pass them by. I stroke the ignorant creature in ‘What should I do now? Where should I go?’ I ask to no one in particular but as I waited my lap, hoping it stays as soft and for a reply, my small hopes were crushed, which led to my limbs finally buckling under my naïve until it draws its final breath body’s weight and causing my slow descent to the cold unforgiving floor. – hoping it passes through The No one knows how long I was lying there but it seemed like I had become one with the Gates without its fur scruffed and floor I was trying to overcome. stained with hardship. Declan Tickner (11A) Kristy Parsons (12A) Imagination, to some it’s a child’s dream – to others, like me, it’s an escape. Escape from As I lay in deep slumber, what, you might ask? Well, it really just depends on your mood at the time. If you are sad, The silence of the night is broken, you might imagine something happy. It’s true when people say happiness is only limited to They’re coming … one’s mind. I feel sorry for those who can’t escape. They can’t have a second to take a breath The howls of the wolves in or relax. But at the same time, I envy them, for it makes them able to deal with their troubles. The night strike down my Since I was young, I always had an imagination too big for my own good. My siblings wanted Slumber as my body is to play outside, while I wanted to watch more films and read more books to discover new Thrown out of bed. worlds. As I peer through the curtains, I freeze. Imagination: for some it’s a way to explore. For others, it’s a phase that every child must My eyes widen as my grow out of. Eyes connect with the wolf’s … Hayley Cameron (12A) Nicholas Bennett (11A) Caring ~ Excellence – Honesty – Respect - Responsibility
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