Grey-box Adversarial Attack And Defence For Sentiment Classification
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Grey-box Adversarial Attack And Defence For Sentiment Classification Ying Xu ∗ Xu Zhong ∗ Antonio Jimeno Yepes Jey Han Lau IBM Research IBM Research IBM Research University of Melbourne Australia Australia Australia Australia Abstract attacks assume full access to the target models and often use the gradients from the target models to We introduce a grey-box adversarial attack guide the craft of adversarial examples. Black-box and defence framework for sentiment classifi- attacks, on the other hand, assume no knowledge cation. We address the issues of differentiabil- ity, label preservation and input reconstruction on the architecture of the target model and perform for adversarial attack and defence in one uni- attacks by repetitively querying the target model. fied framework. Our results show that once Different from the previous two, grey-box attacks trained, the attacking model is capable of gen- train a generative model to generate adversarial ex- erating high-quality adversarial examples sub- amples and only assume access to the target model stantially faster (one order of magnitude less during the training phrase. The advantages of grey- in time) than state-of-the-art attacking meth- box attacking methods include higher time effi- ods. These examples also preserve the origi- ciency; no assumption of access to target model nal sentiment according to human evaluation. Additionally, our framework produces an im- during attacking phase; and easier integration into proved classifier that is robust in defending adversarial defending algorithms. However, due against multiple adversarial attacking meth- to the discrete nature of texts, designing grey-box ods. Code is available at: attacks on text data remains a challenge. ibm-aur-nlp/adv-def-text-dist In this paper, we propose a grey-box framework that generates high quality textual adversarial ex- 1 Introduction amples while simultaneously trains an improved Recent advances in deep neural networks have cre- sentiment classifier for adversarial defending. Our ated applications for a range of different domains. contributions are summarised as follows: In spite of the promising performance achieved • We propose to use Gumbel-softmax (Jang by neural models, there are concerns around their et al., 2016) to address the differentiability robustness, as evidence shows that even a slight issue to combine the adversarial example gen- perturbation to the input data can fool these mod- erator and target model into one unified train- els into producing wrong predictions (Goodfellow able network. et al., 2014; Kurakin et al., 2016). Research in this • We propose multiple competing objectives for area is broadly categorised as adversarial machine adversarial attack training so that the gener- learning, and it has two sub-fields: adversarial at- ated adversarial examples can fool the target tack, which seeks to generate adversarial examples classifier while maintaining similarity with the that fool target models; and adversarial defence, input examples. We considered a number of whose goal is to build models that are less suscep- similarity measures to define a successful at- tible to adversarial attacks. tacking example for texts, such as lexical and A number of adversarial attacking methods have semantic similarity and label preservation.1 been proposed for image recognition (Goodfellow • To help the generative model to reconstruct et al., 2014), NLP (Zhang et al., 2020) and speech input sentences as faithfully as possible, we in- recognition (Alzantot et al., 2018a). These methods troduce a novel but simple copy mechanism to are generally categorised into three types: white- 1 Without constraint on label preservation, simply flipping box, black-box and grey-box attacks. White-box the ground-truth sentiment (e.g. the movie is great → the movie is awful) can successfully change the output of a sen- ∗ This work was completed during the employment of the timent classifier even though it is not a useful adversarial authors in IBM Research Australia. example. 4078 Proceedings of the 2021 Conference of the North American Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics: Human Language Technologies, pages 4078–4087 June 6–11, 2021. ©2021 Association for Computational Linguistics
the decoder to selectively copy words directly cases attackers only have access to output labels from the input. rather than their probability distributions. There • We assess the adversarial examples beyond is relatively fewer studies on black-box attacks for just attacking performance, but also content text. An example is T EXT F OOLER, proposed by similarity, fluency and label preservation us- Jin et al. (2019), that generates adversarial exam- ing both automatic and human evaluations. ples by querying the label probability distribution • We simultaneously build an improved senti- of the target model. Another is proposed by Alzan- ment classifier while training the generative tot et al. (2018b) where genetic algorithm is used (attacking) model. We show that a classifier to select the word for substitution. built this way is more robust than adversar- Grey-box attacks require an additional training ial defending based on adversarial examples process during which full access to the target model augmentation. is assumed. However, post-training, the model can be used to generate adversarial examples without 2 Related Work querying the target model. Xiao et al. (2018) intro- duce a generative adversarial network to generate Most white-box methods are gradient-based, where the image perturbation from a noise map. It is, some form of the gradients (e.g. the sign) with however, not trivial to adapt the method for text respect to the target model is calculated and added directly. It is because text generation involves dis- to the input representation. In image processing, crete decoding steps and as such the joint generator the fast gradient sign method (FGSM; Goodfellow and target model architecture is non-differentiable. et al. (2014)) is one of the first studies in attacking In terms of adversarial defending, the most image classifiers. Some of its variations include straightforward method is to train a robust model Kurakin et al. (2016); Dong et al. (2018). These on data augmented by adversarial examples. Re- gradient-based methods could not be applied to cently, more methods are proposed for texts, such texts directly because perturbed word embeddings as those based on interval bound propagation (Jia do not necessarily map to valid words. Methods et al., 2019; Huang et al., 2019), and dirichlet neigh- such as DeepFool (Moosavi-Dezfooli et al., 2016) borhood ensemble (Zhou et al., 2020). that rely on perturbing the word embedding space face similar roadblocks. 3 Methodology To address the issue of embedding-to-word map- ping, Gong et al. (2018) propose to use nearest- The purpose of adversarial attack is to slightly neighbour search to find the closest words to the perturb an input example x for a pre-trained tar- perturbed embeddings. However, this method get model (e.g. a sentiment classifier) f so that treats all tokens as equally vulnerable and replace f (x) 6= y, where y is the ground truth of x. The all tokens with their nearest neighbours, which perturbed example x0 should look similar to x, leads to non-sensical, word-salad outputs. A so- which can be measured differently depending on lution to this is to replace tokens one-by-one in the domain of the input examples. order of their vulnerability while monitoring the 3.1 General Architecture change of the output of the target models. The re- placement process stops once the target prediction We propose a grey-box attack and defence frame- has changed, minimising the number of changes. work which consists of a generator G (updated), Examples of white-box attacks that utilise this ap- and two copies of a pre-trained target classifier: a proach include TYC (Tsai et al., 2019) and H OT- static classifier C and an updated/augmented clas- F LIP (Ebrahimi et al., 2017). sifier C ∗ .2 During the training phase, the output Different to white-box attacks, black-box attacks of G is directly fed to C and C ∗ to form a joint ar- do not require full access to the architecture of the chitecture. Post-training, the generator G is used target model. Chen et al. (2017) propose to estimate independently to generate adversarial examples (ad- the loss function of the target model by querying its versarial attack); while the augmented classifier C ∗ label probability distributions, while Papernot et al. is an improved classifier with increased robustness (2017) propose to construct a substitute of the tar- (adversarial defence). get model by querying its output labels. The latter 2 C and C ∗ start with the same pre-trained weights, although approach is arguably more realistic because in most only C ∗ is updated during training. 4079
3.2 Objective Functions Our auto-encoder G generates an adversarial exam- ple given an input example. It tries to reconstruct the input example but is also regulated by an adver- sarial loss term that ‘discourages’ it from doing so. The objectives for the attacking step are given as follows: Ladv = log pC (y|x, θC , θG ) (1) Ls2s = − log pG (x|x, θG ) (2) n n ! 1X 1X Lsem = cos emb(xi ), emb(x∗i ) Figure 1: Grey-box adversarial attack and defence n n i=0 i=0 framework for sentiment classification. (3) where Ladv is essentially the negative cross-entropy The training phase is divided into attacking steps loss of C; Ls2s is the sequence-to-sequence loss and defending steps, where the former updates only for input reconstruction; and Lsem is the cosine the generator G and learns to introduce slight per- similarity between the averaged embeddings of turbation to the input by maximising the objective x and x∗ (n = number of words). Here, Ls2s function of the target model C. The latter updates encourages x0 (produced at test time) to be lex- ∗ C and G by feeding both original examples and ically similar to x and helps produce coherent adversarial examples generated by G. Here, the ad- sentences, and Lsem promotes semantic similar- versarial examples are assumed to share the same ity. We weigh the three objective functions with label with their original examples. Effectively, the two scaling hyper-parameters and the total loss is: defending steps are training an improved classifier L = λ1 (λ2 Ls2s + (1 − λ2 )Lsem ) + (1 − λ1 )Ladv with data augmented by adversarial examples. We denote the auto-encoder based generator trained Generating text with discrete decoding steps (e.g. with these objectives as AE. argmax) makes the joint architecture not differ- An observation from our preliminary experi- entiable. Therefore we propose to use Gumbel- ments is that the generator tends to perform imbal- softmax (Jang et al., 2016) to approximate the cate- anced attacking among different classes. (e.g. AE gorical distribution of the discrete output. For each learns to completely focus on one direction attack- generation step i, instead of sampling a word from ing, e.g. positive-to-negative or negative-to-positive the vocabulary, we draw a Gumbel-softmax sample attack). We found a similar issue in white-box x∗i which has the full probability distribution over attack methods such as FGSM Goodfellow et al. words in the vocabulary: the probability of the gen- (2014) and DeepFool (Moosavi-Dezfooli et al., erated word is close to 1.0 and other words close to 2016). To address this issue, we propose to modify zero. We obtain the input embedding for C and C ∗ Ladv to be the maximum loss of a particular class ∗ by multiplying the sample xi with the word embed- in each batch, i.e. ding matrix, MC , of the target model C: x∗i · MC . |C| Figure 1 illustrates our grey-box adversarial attack Ladv = maxt=1 (Ltadv ) (4) and defence framework for text. where Ltadv refers to the adversarial loss of ex- The generator G can be implemented as an auto- amples in the t-th class and |C| the total number of encoder or a paraphrase generator, essentially dif- classes. We denote the generator trained with this ferentiated by their data conditions: the former uses alternative loss as AE+ BAL. the input sentences as the target, while the latter For adversarial defence, we use the same objec- uses paraphrases (e.g. PARANMT-50M (Wieting tive functions, with the following exception: we and Gimpel, 2017)). In this paper, we implement G replace Ladv in Equation (1) with the objective as an auto-encoder, as our preliminary experiments function of the classifier C ∗ , i.e. found that a pre-trained paraphrase generator per- forms poorly when adapted to our test domain, e.g. Yelp reviews. Ldef = − log pC ∗ ([y, y]|[x, x∗ ], θC ∗ , θG ) (5) 4080
We train the model C ∗ using both original and capture these lexical relations. To discourage the adversarial examples (x and x∗ ) with their origi- generator G from generating words with opposite nal label (y) to prevent C ∗ from overfitting to the sentiments, we experiment with training G with adversarial examples. counter-fitted embeddings. Models using counter- fitted embeddings is denoted with + CF suffix. 3.3 Label Preservation 3.4 Generator with Copy Mechanism (+ CPY) One of the main challenges of generating a tex- White-box or black-box attacking methods are tual adversarial example is to preserve its origi- based on adding, removing, or replacing tokens nal ground truth label, which we refer to as label in input examples. Therefore maintaining similar- preservation. It is less of an issue in computer ity with original examples is easier than grey-box vision because slight noises added to an image methods that generate adversarial examples word- is unlikely to change how we perceive the image. by-word from scratch. We introduce a simple copy In text, however, slight perturbation to a sentence mechanism that helps grey-box attack to produce could completely change its ground truth. faithful reconstruction of the original sentences. We use sentiment classification as context to ex- We incorporate a static copy mask to the decoder plain our approach for label preservation. The goal where it only generates for word positions that have of adversarial attack is to generate an adversarial not been masked. E.g., given the input sentence sentence whose sentiment is flipped according to x = [w0 , w1 , w2 ], target x∗ = [w0 , w1 , w2 ], and the target model prediction but preserves the origi- mask m = [1, 0, 1], at test time the decoder will nal ground truth sentiment from the perspective of “copy” from the target for the first input (w0 ) and a human reader. We propose two ways to help label third input token (w2 ) to produce w0 and w2 , but preservation. The first approach is task-agnostic, for the second input token (w1 ) it will decode from i.e. it can work for any classification problem, while the vocabulary. During training, we compute cross- the second is tailored for sentiment classification. entropy only for the unmasked input words. Label smoothing (+ LS). We observe the gen- The static copy mask is obtained from one of erator has a tendency to produce adversarial ex- the pre-trained target classifiers, C-LSTM (Sec- amples with high confidence, opposite sentiment tion 4.2). C-LSTM is a classifier with a bidirec- scores from the static classifier C. We explore the tional LSTM followed by a self-attention layer to use of label smoothing (Müller et al., 2019) to force weigh the LSTM hidden states. We rank the in- the generator generate examples that are closer to put words based on the self-attention weights and the decision boundary, to discourage the genera- create a copy mask such that only the positions tor from completely changing the sentiment. We corresponding to the top-N words with the highest incorporate label smoothing in Eq. 1 by redistribut- weights are generated from the decoder. Gener- ing the probability mass of true label uniformly ally sentiment-heavy words such as awesome and to all other labels. Formally, the smoothed label bad are more likely to have higher weights in the yls = (1 − α) ∗ y + α/K where α is a hyper- self-attention layer. This self attention layer can parameter and K is the number of classes. For be seen as an importance ranking function (Morris example, when performing negative-to-positive at- et al., 2020b) that determines which tokens should tack, instead of optimising G to produce adversar- be replaced or replaced first. Models with copy ial examples with label distribution {pos: 1.0, neg: mechanism are denoted with the + CPY suffix. 0.0} (from C), label distribution {pos: 0.6, neg: 0.4} is targeted. Generator trained with this additional 4 Experiments and Results constraint is denoted with the + LS suffix. Counter-fitted embeddings (+ CF). Mrkšić 4.1 Dataset et al. (2016) found that unsupervised word embed- We conduct our experiments using the Yelp review dings such as GloVe (Pennington et al., 2014) often dataset.3 We binarise the ratings,4 use spaCy for do not capture synonymy and antonymy relations tokenisation,5 and keep only reviews with ≤ 50 (e.g. cheap and pricey have high similarity). The tokens (hence the dataset is denoted as yelp50). authors propose to post-process pre-trained word 3 embeddings with lexical resources (e.g. WordNet) 4 Ratings≥4 is set as positive and ratings≤2 as negative. 5 to produce counter-fitted embeddings that better 4081
We split the data in a 90/5/5 ratio and downsample sarial attack are obtained by using the G + C joint the positive class in each set to be equivalent to architecture, while results for adversarial defence the negative class, resulting in 407,298, 22,536 and are achieved by the G + C + C ∗ joint architecture. 22,608 examples in train/dev/test set respectively. 4.3.1 Evaluation Metrics 4.2 Implementation Details In addition to measuring how well the adversarial For the target classifiers (C and C ∗ ), we pre- examples fool the sentiment classifier, we also use a train three sentiment classification models using number of automatic metrics to assess other aspects yelp50: C-LSTM (Wang et al., 2016), C-CNN of adversarial examples, following Xu et al. (2020): (Kim, 2014) and C-BERT. C-LSTM is composed Attacking performance. We use the standard of an embedding layer, a 2-layer bidirectional classification accuracy (ACC) of the target classi- LSTMs, a self-attention layer, and an output layer. fier (C) to measure the attacking performance of C-CNN has a number of convolutional filters of adversarial examples. Lower accuracy means better varying sizes, and their outputs are concatenated, attacking performance. pooled and fed to a fully-connected layer followed Similarity. To assess the textual and seman- by an output layer. Finally, C-BERT is obtained tic similarity between the original and correspond- by fine-tuning the BERT-Base model (Devlin et al., ing adversarial examples, we compute BLEU (Pa- 2018) for sentiment classification. We tune learn- pineni et al., 2002) and USE (Cer et al., 2018).8 ing rate, batch size, number of layers and number For both metrics, higher scores represent better of hidden units for all classifiers; the number of at- performance. tention units for C-LSTM and convolutional filter Fluency. To measure the readability of gener- sizes and dropout rates for C-CNN specifically. ated adversarial examples, we use the acceptability For the auto-encoder, we pre-train it to recon- score (ACPT) proposed by Lau et al. (2020), which struct sentences in yelp50.6 During pre-training, is based on normalised sentence probabilities pro- we tune learning rate, batch size, number of layers duced by XLNet (Yang et al., 2019). Higher scores and number of hidden units. During the training of indicate better fluency. adversarial attacking, we tune λ1 and λ2 , and learn- Transferability. To understand the effective- ing rate lr. We also test different temperature τ for ness of the adversarial examples in attacking an- Gumbel-softmax sampling and found that τ = 0.1 other unseen sentiment classifier (TRF), we eval- performs the best. All word embeddings are fixed. uate the accuracy of C-BERT using adversarial examples that have been generated for attacking More hyper-parameter and training configura- classifiers C-LSTM and C-CNN. Lower accuracy tions are detailed in the supplementary material. indicates better transferability. 4.3 Attacking Performance Attacking speed. We measure each attacking method on the amount of time it takes on average Most of the existing adversarial attacking meth- (in seconds) to generate an adversarial example. ods have been focusing on improving the attack success rate. Recent study show that with con- 4.3.2 Automatic Evaluation straints adjusted to better preserve semantics and Comparison between AE variants. We first grammaticality, the attack success rate drops by present results on the development set where we over 70 percentage points (Morris et al., 2020a). explore different variants of the auto-encoder (gen- In this paper, we want to understand — given a erator) in the grey-box model. AE serves as our particular success rate — the quality (e.g. fluency, base model, the suffix + BAL denotes the use of an content/label preservation) of the generated adver- alternative Ladv (Section 3.2), + LS label smoothing sarial samples. Therefore, we tuned all attacking (Section 3.3), + CF counter-fitted embeddings (Sec- methods to achieve the same levels of attack suc- tion 3.3), and + CPY copy mechanism (Section 3.4). cess rates; and compare the quality of generated We present the results in Table 1. Attacking adversarial examples. 7 Note that results for adver- performance of all variants are tuned to produce 6 Pre-trained BLEU scores are 97.7 and 96.8 on yelp50 examples that annotators can make sense of during human using GloVe and counter-fitted embedding, respectively. evaluation. 7 8 We can in theory tune different methods to achieve higher USE is calculated as the cosine similarity between the success rate, but we choose the strategy to use lower suc- original and adversarial sentence embeddings produced by the cess rates so that all methods generate relatively fair quality universal sentence encoder (Cer et al., 2018). 4082
ACC ALL POS NEG BLEU SUC POS NEG SENT AGR UKN DAGR 80% and 60-70% accuracy.9 AE 66.0 99.8 28.4 55.3 71.7 58.7 – – – Generally, all models trade off example quality AE+ BAL 75.6 72.3 78.8 65.9 73.9 70.9 0.12 0.80 0.08 for attacking rate, as indicated by the lower BLEU, AE+ LS 74.3 77.8 70.4 80.3 84.6 86.3 0.46 0.44 0.10 AE+ LS + CF 76.6 66.5 86.7 79.9 82.5 85.0 0.64 0.28 0.08 USE and ACPT scores at T3. AE+ LS + CF + CPY 77.4 70.9 83.8 85.7 90.6 90.2 0.68 0.30 0.02 Comparing C-LSTM and C-CNN, we found that C-CNN is generally an easier classifier to attack, Table 1: Performance of adversarial examples gener- as BLEU and USE scores for the same threshold ated by five AE variants on yelp50 development set. are higher. Interestingly, T EXT F OOLER appears to be ineffective for attacking C-CNN, as we are un- approximately 70% – 80% accuracy for the target able to tune T EXT F OOLER to generate adversarial classifier C (C-LSTM). For ACC and BLEU, we examples producing ACC below the T1 threshold. additionally report the performance for the positive Comparing the attacking models and focusing and negative sentiment class separately. To under- on C-LSTM, T EXT F OOLER generally has the up- stand how well the adversarial examples preserve per hand. AE+ LS + CF + CPY performs relatively the original sentiments, we recruit two annotators well, and usually not far behind T EXT F OOLER. internally to annotate a small sample of adversarial H OT F LIP produces good BLEU scores, but sub- examples produced by each of the auto-encoder stantially worse USE scores. TYC is the worst per- variants. AGR and DAGR indicate the percentage forming model, although its adversarial examples of adversarial examples where they agree and dis- are good at fooling the unseen classifier C-BERT agree with the original sentiments, and UKN where (lower TRF than all other models), suggesting that the annotators are unable to judge their sentiments. there may be a (negative) correlation between in- domain performance and transferability. Overall, Looking at the “POS” and “NEG” performance most methods do not produce adversarial examples of AE and AE+ BAL, we can see that AE+ BAL is that are very effective at attacking C-BERT.10 effective in creating a more balanced performance Case study. In Table 3, we present two ran- for positive-to-negative and negative-to-positive at- domly selected adversarial examples (positive-to- tacks. We hypothesise that AE learns to perform negative and negative-to-positive) for which all single direction attack because it is easier to gener- five attacking methods successfully fool C-LSTM. ate positive (or negative) words for all input exam- TYC produces largely gibberish output. H OT F LIP ples and sacrifice performance in the other direc- tends to replace words with low semantic similarity tion to achieve a particular attacking performance. with the original words (e.g. replacing hard with That said, the low AGR score (0.12) suggests that ginko), which explains its high BLEU scores and AE+ BAL adversarial examples do not preserve the low USE and ACPT scores. Both T EXT F OOLER ground truth sentiments. and AE+ LS + CF + CPY generate adversarial exam- The introduction of label smoothing (AE+ LS) ples that are fluent and generally retain their origi- and counter-fitted embeddings (AE+ LS + CF) ap- nal meanings. These observations agree with the pear to address label preservation, as AGR im- quantitative performance we see in Table 2. proves from 0.12 to 0.46 to 0.64. Adding the copy Time efficiency. Lastly, we report the time it mechanism (AE+ LS + CF + CPY) provides also some takes for these methods to perform attacking on marginal improvement, although the more signifi- yelp50 at T2. The average time taken per ex- cant benefit is in sentence reconstruction: a boost ample (on GPU v100) are: 1.2s for TYC; 1s for of 5 BLEU points. Note that we also experimented T EXT F OOLER; 0.3s for H OT F LIP; and 0.03s for with incorporating + BAL for these variants, but AE+ LS + CF + CPY. TYC and T EXT F OOLER are the found minimal benefit. For the rest of the experi- slowest methods, while H OT F LIP is substantially ments, we use AE+ LS + CF + CPY as our model to faster. Our model AE+ LS + CF + CPY is the fastest benchmark against other adversarial methods. method: about an order of magnitude faster com- Comparison with baselines. We next present pared to the next best method H OT F LIP. Though results on the test set in Table 2. The benchmark one should be noted that our grey-box method re- methods are: TYC, H OT F LIP, and T EXT F OOLER 9 (described in Section 2). We choose 3 ACC thresh- We tune hyper-parameters for each attacking method to achieve the 3 attacking thresholds. olds as the basis for comparison: T1, T2 and T3, 10 The sentiment classification accuracy for C-BERT on which correspond to approximately 80-90%, 70- yelp50 is originally 97.0. 4083
C-LSTM: 96.8 C-CNN: 94.3 Model ACC BLEU USE ACPT TRF ACC BLEU USE ACPT TRF TYC 83.8 48.3 11.6 -18.9 87.1 87.6 41.2 29.4 -21.8 91.5 H OT F LIP 80.3 85.6 47.9 -7.0 93.3 81.5 92.5 77.1 -3.8 95.1 T1 T EXT F OOLER 86.5 92.6 88.7 -1.8 94.6 87.7 91.9 94.2 -2.1 96.2 AE+ LS + CF + CPY 87.7 86.8 83.5 -3.8 95.0 85.1 87.8 80.7 -4.1 94.8 TYC 75.3 41.2 -7.6 -20.7 78.2 73.4 38.9 -15.3 -21.4 75.9 H OT F LIP 75.3 80.0 38.1 -7.8 91.7 70.8 84.7 63.4 -7.1 93.4 T2 T EXT F OOLER 73.6 88.5 84.1 -2.9 92.8 – – – – – AE+ LS + CF + CPY 77.1 83.5 74.6 -5.6 92.6 78.3 82.6 70.2 -5.7 92.5 TYC 65.5 30.1 -7.3 -26.4 68.7 – – – – – H OT F LIP 62.5 77.7 36.3 -9.9 91.2 67.1 81.8 57.2 -8.0 92.8 T3 T EXT F OOLER 62.2 85.6 82.6 -3.7 91.7 – – – – – AE+ LS + CF + CPY 66.5 80.2 67.0 -7.3 90.1 69.1 76.4 61.7 -7.7 91.7 Table 2: Results based on automatic metrics, with C-LSTM and C-CNN as target classifiers. Dashed line indicates the model is unable to generate adversarial examples that meet the accuracy threshold. The numbers next to the classifiers (C-LSTM and C-CNN) are the pre-trained classification accuracy performance. Direction neg-to-pos samples as control questions. Workers are first pre- Original unresonable and hard to deal with ! avoid when look- sented with a 10-question quiz, and only those who ing into a home . plenty of headaches . pass the quiz with at least 80% accuracy can work TYC homeschoolers and tantrumming to marker with ! australasia blerg quotation into a home . plenty of on the task. We monitor work quality throughout headaches . the annotation process by embedding a quality- H OT F LIP unresonable and ginko to deal with ! avoid when looking into a home . plenty of headaches . control question in every 10 questions, and stop T EXT F OOLER unresonable and tough to deal with ! avoids when looking into a home . plenty of headaches . workers from continuing on the task whenever their AE+ LS + CF + CPY unresonable and hard to deal with ! canceling when looking into a home . plenty of headaches . accuracy on the control questions fall below 80%. We restrict our jobs to workers in United States, Direction pos-to-neg United Kingdom, Australia, and Canada. Original i wish more business operated like this . these guys were all awesome . very organized and pro We ask crowdworkers the following questions: TYC relly tthe smushes gazebos slobbering americanised 1. Is snippet B a good paraphrase of snippet A? expiration 3.88 magan colered 100/5 bellevue des- tine 3.88 very 02/16 wonderfuly whelms # Yes # Somewhat yes # No H OT F LIP i wish more business operated a this . these guys cpp all stereotypic . very provisioned and pro 2. How natural does the text read? T EXT F OOLER i wish more business operated iike this . these guys were all magnificent . very organized and pro # Very unnatural # Somewhat natural AE+ LS + CF + CPY i wish more business operated like this . these guys # Natural were all impresses . very organized and pro 3. What is the sentiment of the text? Table 3: Adversarial examples generated by different # Positive # Negative # Cannot tell methods when attacking on yelp50 at threshold T2. We display both the original and adversarial ex- amples for question 1, and only the adversarial example for question 2 and 3. As a baseline, we quires an additional step of training that can be also select 50 random original sentences from the conducted offline. test set and collect human judgements for these 4.3.3 Human Evaluation sentences on question 2 and 3. Automatic metrics provide a proxy to quantify the We present the human evaluation results in Fig- quality of the adversarial examples. To validate that ure 2. Looking at the original examples (top-2 these metrics work, we conduct a crowdsourcing bars), we see that they are fluent and their per- experiment on Appen.11 ceived sentiments (by the crowdworkers) have a high agreement with their original sentiments (by We test the 3 best performing models (H OT F LIP, the review authors). Comparing the 3 methods, T EXT F OOLER and AE+ LS + CF + CPY) on 2 attack- T EXT F OOLER produces adversarial sentences that ing thresholds (T2 and T3). For each method, we are most similar to the original (green) and they are randomly sampled 25 positive-to-negative and 25 more natural (blue) than other methods. H OT F LIP negative-to-positive successful adversarial exam- is the least impressive method here, and these obser- ples. For quality control, we annotate 10% of the vations agree with the scores of automatic metrics 11 in Table 2. On label preservation (red), however, 4084
C CH OT F LIP CT EXT F OOLER C∗ Original Perf. 96.8 96.6 96.9 97.2 TYC 75.3 69.5 73.1 76.0 H OT F LIP 75.3 61.2 80.1 97.1 T EXT F OOLER 73.6 66.4 74.5 76.5 (a) Original examples AE+ LS + CF 74.0 83.2 86.3 90.0 Table 4: Defending performance. AE+ LS + CF architecture to obtain C ∗ . For fair comparison, our augmented classifier (C ∗ ) is obtained by training the generator (G) to (b) ACC threshold: T2 produce an attacking performance of T2 accuracy (70%) on the static classifier (C). For the other two methods, we train an augmented version of the classifier by feeding the original training data together with the adversarial examples 13 generated by H OT F LIP and T EXT F OOLER with the same T2 attacking performance; these two classifiers are denoted as CT EXT F OOLER and CH OT F LIP , respectively. (c) ACC threshold: T3 At test time, we attack the three augmented clas- sifiers using TYC, H OT F LIP, T EXT F OOLER and Figure 2: Human evaluation results. AE+ LS + CF, and evaluate their classification accu- racy. Results are presented in Table 4. The second row “Original Perf.” indicates the performance our method AE+ LS + CF + CPY has the best perfor- when we use the original test examples as input to mance, implying that the generated adversarial sen- the augmented classifiers. We see a high accuracy tences largely preserve the original sentiments. here, indicating that the augmented classifiers still The consistency between the automatic and hu- perform well on the original data. man evaluation results indicate that the USE and Comparing the different augmented classifiers, ACPT scores properly captured the semantic sim- our augmented classifier C ∗ outperforms the other ilarity and readability, two important evaluation two in defending against different adversarial at- aspects that are text-specific. tacking methods (it is particularly good against 4.4 Defending Performance H OT F LIP). It produces the largest classifica- tion improvement compared to the original clas- Here we look at how well the generated adversar- sifier C (0.7, 21.8, 2.9 and 16.0 points against ial examples can help build a more robust classi- adversarial examples created by TYC, H OT F LIP, fier. Unlike the attacking performance experiments T EXT F OOLER and AE+ LS + CF respectively). Inter- (Section 4.3), here we include the augmented clas- estingly, the augmented classifier trained with H OT- sifier (C ∗ ) as part of the grey-box training.12 The F LIP adversarial examples (CH OT F LIP ) produces a augmented classifier can be seen as an improved more vulnerable model, as it has lower accuracy model compared to the original classifier C. compared to original classifier (C). We suspect this To validate the performance of adversarial de- as a result of training with low quality adversarial fence, we evaluate the accuracy of the augmented examples that introduce more noise during adver- classifiers against different attacking methods. We sarial defending. Training with T EXT F OOLER ex- compared our augmented classifier C ∗ to the aug- amples (CT EXT F OOLER ) helps, although most of its mented classifiers adversarially trained with ad- gain is in defending against other attacking meth- versarial examples generated from H OT F LIP and ods (H OT F LIP and AE+ LS + CF). T EXT F OOLER. Our preliminary results show that To summarise, these results demonstrate that training C ∗ without the copy mechanism provides our grey-box framework of training an augmented better defending performance, therefore we use the classifier together with a generator produces a more 12 During training, we perform one attacking step for every 13 two defending steps. one per each training example 4085
robust classifier, compared to the baseline approach Additionally, our grey-box framework is ar- of training a classifier using data augmented by guably better for defense (i.e. improving a machine adversarial examples. learning model) than for offense (i.e. attacking a machine learning model), as it requires access to 5 Conclusion the architecture of the target model to learn how to generate adversarial examples, which isn’t a real- In this paper, we proposed a grey-box adversarial istic condition if we were to use it to attack a live attack and defence framework for sentiment classi- system. In contrast, such a condition is less of an fication. Our framework combines a generator with issue if we are using it to improve the robustness two copies of the target classifier: a static and an of a system that we are developing. updated model. Once trained, the generator can be used for generating adversarial examples, while the augmented (updated) copy of the classifier is an im- References proved model that is less susceptible to adversarial attacks. Our results demonstrate that the generator Moustafa Alzantot, Bharathan Balaji, and Mani Srivas- tava. 2018a. Did you hear that? adversarial exam- is capable of producing high-quality adversarial ples against automatic speech recognition. arXiv examples that preserve the original ground truth preprint arXiv:1801.00554. and is approximately an order of magnitude faster in creating adversarial examples compared to state- Moustafa Alzantot, Yash Sharma, Ahmed Elgohary, Bo-Jhang Ho, Mani Srivastava, and Kai-Wei Chang. of-the-art attacking methods. Our framework of 2018b. Generating natural language adversarial ex- building an improved classifier together with an at- amples. arXiv preprint arXiv:1804.07998. tacking generator is also shown to be more effective than the baseline approach of training a classifier Daniel Cer, Yinfei Yang, Sheng yi Kong, Nan Hua, Nicole Limtiaco, Rhomni St. John, Noah Constant, using data augmented by adversarial examples. Mario Guajardo-Cespedes, Steve Yuan, Chris Tar, The combined adversarial attack and defence Yun-Hsuan Sung, Brian Strope, and Ray Kurzweil. framework, though only evaluated on sentiment 2018. Universal sentence encoder. classification, should be adapted easily to other Pin-Yu Chen, Huan Zhang, Yash Sharma, Jinfeng Yi, NLP problems (except for the counter-fitted em- and Cho-Jui Hsieh. 2017. Zoo: Zeroth order opti- beddings, which is designed for sentiment anal- mization based black-box attacks to deep neural net- ysis). This framework makes it possible to train works without training substitute models. In Pro- adversarial attacking models and defending mod- ceedings of the 10th ACM Workshop on AI and Secu- rity, pages 15–26. ACM. els simultaneously for NLP tasks in an adversarial manner. Jacob Devlin, M.W Chang, Kenton Lee, and Kristina Toutanova. 2018. Bert: Pre-training of deep bidirec- 6 Ethical Considerations tional transformers for language understanding. For the human evaluation in Section 4.3.3, each as- Yinpeng Dong, Fangzhou Liao, Tianyu Pang, Hang Su, signment was paid $0.06 and estimated to take 30 Jun Zhu, Xiaolin Hu, and Jianguo Li. 2018. Boost- ing adversarial attacks with momentum. In Proceed- seconds to complete, which gives an hourly wage ings of the IEEE CVPR, pages 9185–9193. of $7.25 (= US federal minimum wage). An as- signment refers to scoring the sentiment/coherence Javid Ebrahimi, Anyi Rao, Daniel Lowd, and De- of a sentence, or scoring the semantic similarity of jing Dou. 2017. Hotflip: White-box adversarial examples for text classification. arXiv preprint a pair of sentences. arXiv:1712.06751. Our research has obvious ethical considerations, in that our adversarial generation technology can be Zhitao Gong, Wenlu Wang, Bo Li, Dawn Song, and extended and used to attack NLP systems at large. Wei-Shinn Ku. 2018. Adversarial texts with gradient methods. arXiv preprint arXiv:1801.07175. That said, this concern is a general concern for any forms of adversarial learning that isn’t unique to Ian J Goodfellow, Jonathon Shlens, and Christian our research. The general argument for furthering Szegedy. 2014. Explaining and harnessing adversar- research in adversarial learning is that it advances ial examples. arXiv preprint arXiv:1412.6572. our understanding of the vulnerabilities of machine Po-Sen Huang, Robert Stanforth, Johannes Welbl, learning models, paving the path towards building Chris Dyer, Dani Yogatama, Sven Gowal, Krish- safer and more secure models. namurthy Dvijotham, and Pushmeet Kohli. 2019. 4086
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