Reasoning Over Semantic-Level Graph for Fact Checking

Reasoning Over Semantic-Level Graph for Fact Checking
                                                 Wanjun Zhong1∗, Jingjing Xu3∗ , Duyu Tang2 , Zenan Xu1 , Nan Duan2 , Ming Zhou2
                                                                             Jiahai Wang1 and Jian Yin1
                                                            The School of Data and Computer Science, Sun Yat-sen University.
                                                Guangdong Key Laboratory of Big Data Analysis and Processing, Guangzhou, P.R.China
                                           Microsoft Research 3 MOE Key Lab of Computational Linguistics, School of EECS, Peking University

                                                                    Abstract                                        Claim: The Rodney King riots took place in the most populous county in the USA.

                                                                                                             Fact knowledge
                                                 Fact checking is a challenging task because                 extracted from
                                                                                                             evidence sentences
arXiv:1909.03745v3 [cs.CL] 25 Apr 2020

                                                 verifying the truthfulness of a claim requires
                                                 reasoning about multiple retrievable evidence.             Evidence #1:
                                                                                                            The 1992 Los Angeles riots, also known as the Rodney King riots were a series of riots, lootings,
                                                 In this work, we present a method suitable                 arsons, and civil disturbances that occurred in Los Angeles County, California in April and May
                                                                                                            1992.                                                                  2
                                                 for reasoning about the semantic-level struc-                                                    3
                                                                                                            Evidence #2:
                                                 ture of evidence. Unlike most previous works,              Los Angeles County, officially the County of Los Angeles, is the most populous county in the USA.
                                                 which typically represent evidence sentences
                                                 with either string concatenation or fusing the
                                                 features of isolated evidence sentences, our ap-           Figure 1: A motivating example for fact checking and
                                                 proach operates on rich semantic structures of             the FEVER task. Verifying the claim requires under-
                                                 evidence obtained by semantic role labeling.               standing the semantic structure of multiple evidence
                                                 We propose two mechanisms to exploit the                   sentences and the reasoning process over the structure.
                                                 structure of evidence while leveraging the ad-
                                                 vances of pre-trained models like BERT, GPT
                                                 or XLNet. Specifically, using XLNet as the                 than the truth. The situation is more urgent as ad-
                                                 backbone, we first utilize the graph structure to          vanced pre-trained language models (Radford et al.,
                                                 re-define the relative distances of words, with            2019) can produce remarkably coherent and fluent
                                                 the intuition that semantically related words              texts, which lowers the barrier for the abuse of cre-
                                                 should have short distances. Then, we adopt                ating deceptive content. In this paper, we study fact
                                                 graph convolutional network and graph atten-
                                                                                                            checking with the goal of automatically assessing
                                                 tion network to propagate and aggregate infor-
                                                 mation from neighboring nodes on the graph.                the truthfulness of a textual claim by looking for
                                                 We evaluate our system on FEVER, a bench-                  textual evidence.
                                                 mark dataset for fact checking, and find that                 Previous works are dominated by natural lan-
                                                 rich structural information is helpful and both            guage inference models (Dagan et al., 2013; An-
                                                 our graph-based mechanisms improve the ac-                 geli and Manning, 2014) because the task requires
                                                 curacy. Our model is the state-of-the-art sys-
                                                                                                            reasoning of the claim and retrieved evidence sen-
                                                 tem in terms of both official evaluation met-
                                                 rics, namely claim verification accuracy and
                                                                                                            tences. They typically either concatenate evidence
                                                 FEVER score.                                               sentences into a single string, which is used in top
                                                                                                            systems in the FEVER challenge (Thorne et al.,
                                             1   Introduction                                               2018b), or use feature fusion to aggregate the fea-
                                                                                                            tures of isolated evidence sentences (Zhou et al.,
                                             Internet provides an efficient way for individuals             2019). However, both methods fail to capture rich
                                             and organizations to quickly spread information                semantic-level structures among multiple evidence,
                                             to massive audiences. However, malicious people                which also prevents the use of deeper reasoning
                                             spread false news, which may have significant in-              model for fact checking. In Figure 1, we give a
                                             fluence on public opinions, stock prices, even presi-          motivating example. Making the correct prediction
                                             dential elections (Faris et al., 2017). Vosoughi et al.        requires a model to reason based on the understand-
                                             (2018) show that false news reaches more people                ing that “Rodney King riots” is occurred in “Los
                                                   Work done while this author was an intern at Microsoft   Angeles County” from the first evidence, and that
                                             Research.                                                      “Los Angeles County” is “the most populous county
in the USA” from the second evidence. It is there-      2   Task Definition and Pipeline
fore desirable to mine the semantic structure of
                                                        With a textual claim given as the input, the prob-
evidence and leverage it to verify the truthfulness
                                                        lem of fact checking is to find supporting evidence
of the claim.
                                                        sentences to verify the truthfulness of the claim.
   Under the aforementioned consideration, we              We conduct our research on FEVER (Thorne
present a graph-based reasoning approach for fact       et al., 2018a), short for Fact Extraction and VER-
checking. With a given claim, we represent the re-      ification, a benchmark dataset for fact checking.
trieved evidence sentences as a graph, and then use     Systems are required to retrieve evidence sentences
the graph structure to guide the reasoning process.     from Wikipedia, and predict the claim as “SUP-
Specifically, we apply semantic role labeling (SRL)     PORTED ”, “REFUTED ” or “NOT ENOUGH
to parse each evidence sentence, and establish links    INFO (NEI) ”, standing for that the claim is sup-
between arguments to construct the graph. When          ported by the evidence, refuted by the evidence,
developing the reasoning approach, we intend to         and is not verifiable, respectively. There are two
simultaneously leverage rich semantic structures        official evaluation metrics in FEVER. The first is
of evidence embodied in the graph and powerful          the accuracy for three-way classification. The sec-
contextual semantics learnt in pre-trained model        ond is FEVER score, which further measures the
like BERT (Devlin et al., 2018), GPT (Radford           percentage of correct retrieved evidence for “SUP-
et al., 2019) and XLNet (Yang et al., 2019). ToOur Pipeline
                                                        PORTED ” and “REFUTED ” categories. Both the
achieve this, we first re-define the distance between   statistic of FEVER dataset and the equation for
words based on the graph structure when producing       calculating FEVER score are given in Appendix B.
contextual representations of words. Furthermore,
we adopt graph convolutional network and graph
attention network to propagate and aggregate infor-
                                                                   Document Selection          Claim Verification
mation over the graph structure. In this way, the
reasoning process employs semantic representa-
                                                                       documents        SUPPORTED | REFUTED | NOTENOUGHINFO
tions at both word/sub-word level and graph level.
   We conduct experiments on FEVER (Thorne                         Sentence Selection
et al., 2018a), which is one of the most influen-
tial benchmark datasets for fact checking. FEVER                       sentences             evidence
consists of 185,445 verified claims, and evidence
sentences for each claim are natural language sen-
                                                        Figure 2: Our pipeline for fact checking on FEVER.
tences from Wikipedia. We follow the official eval-
                                                        The main contribution of this work is a graph-based
uation protocol of FEVER, and demonstrate that          reasoning model for claim verification.
our approach achieves state-of-the-art performance
in terms of both claim classification accuracy and         Here, we present an overview of our pipeline for
FEVER score. Ablation study shows that the in-          FEVER, which follows the majority of previous
tegration of graph-driven representation learning       studies. Our pipeline consists of three main compo-
mechanisms improves the performance. We briefly         nents: a document retrieval model, a sentence-level
summarize our contributions as follows.                 evidence selection model, and a claim verification
                                                        model. Figure 2 gives an overview of the pipeline.
                                                        With a given claim, the document retrieval model
  • We propose a graph-based reasoning approach         retrieves the most related documents from a given
    for fact checking. Our system apply SRL to          collection of Wikipedia documents. With retrieved
    construct graphs and present two graph-driven       documents, the evidence selection model selects
    representation learning mechanisms.                 top-k related sentences as the evidence. Finally,
                                                        the claim verification model takes the claim and
                                                        evidence sentences and outputs the veracity of the
  • Results verify that both graph-based mech-          claim.
    anisms improve the accuracy, and our final             The main contribution of this work is the graph-
    system achieves state-of-the-art performance        based reasoning approach for claim verification,
    on the FEVER dataset.                               which is explained detailedly in Section 3. Our
SRL results with verb “occurred”
                                                        SRL results with verb “known”
                                                                                                                     riots, lootings, arsons, and
                                                  ADVERBIAL                     ARG1                                      civil disturbances
    Evidence #1:                                                            as the Rodney
                                                                              King riots
    The 1992 Los Angeles riots,                                                                                               occurred
    also known as the Rodney
    King riots were a series of                                             The 1992 Los                                        VERB
    riots, lootings, arsons, and                   known                                                  In Los Angeles                    in April and
                                                                            Angeles riots
    civil disturbances that                         VERB                        ARG2                     County, California                  May 1992
    occurred in Los Angeles                                                                                  LOCATION                         TEMPORAL
    County, California in April      Graph
    and May 1992.                  Construction                                      SRL results with verb “is”
    Evidence #2:                                           VERB                 the most populous county in the USA
    Los Angeles County,                                       is
    officially the County of Los
    Angeles, is the most                                               Los Angeles County, officially the County of Los Angeles
    populous county in the USA.                                                                   ARG1

Figure 3: The constructed graph for the motivating example with two evidence sentences. Each box describes
a “tuple” which is extracted by SRL triggered by a verb. Blue solid lines indicate edges that connect arguments
within a tuple and red dotted lines indicate edges that connect argument across different tuples.

strategies for document selection and evidence se-                          ways to construct the graph, such as open informa-
lection are described in Section 4.                                         tion extraction (Banko et al., 2007), named entity
                                                                            recognition plus relation classification, sequence-
3         Graph-Based Reasoning Approach                                    to-sequence generation which is trained to produce
                                                                            structured tuples (Goodrich et al., 2019), etc. In this
In this section, we introduce our graph-based rea-
                                                                            work, we adopt a practical and flexible way based
soning approach for claim verification, which is
                                                                            on semantic role labeling (Carreras and Màrquez,
the main contribution of this paper. Taking a claim
                                                                            2004). Specifically, with the given evidence sen-
and retrieved evidence sentences1 as the input, our
                                                                            tences, our graph construction operates in the fol-
approach predicts the truthfulness of the claim. For
                                                                            lowing steps.
FEVER, it is a three-way classification problem,
which predicts the claim as “SUPPORTED ”, “RE-                                  • For each sentence, we parse it to tuples2 with
FUTED ” or “NOT ENOUGH INFO (NEI) ”.                                              an off-the-shelf SRL toolkit developed by Al-
   The basic idea of our approach is to employ the                                lenNLP3 , which is a re-implementation of a
intrinsic structure of evidence to assess the truthful-                           BERT-based model (Shi and Lin, 2019).
ness of the claim. As shown in the motivating exam-
ple in Figure 1, making the correct prediction needs                            • For each tuple, we regard its elements with
good understanding of the semantic-level structure                                certain types as the nodes of the graph. We
of evidence and the reasoning process based on                                    heuristically set those types as verb, argument,
that structure. In this section, we first describe                                location and temporal, which can also be eas-
our graph construction module (§3.1). Then, we                                    ily extended to include more types. We create
present how to apply graph structure for fact check-                              edges for every two nodes within a tuple.
ing, including a contextual representation learning
                                                                                • We create edges for nodes across different
mechanism with graph-based distance calculation
                                                                                  tuples to capture the structure information
(§3.2), and graph convolutional network and graph
                                                                                  among multiple evidence sentences. Our idea
attention network to propagate and aggregate infor-
                                                                                  is to create edges for nodes that are literally
mation over the graph (§3.3 and §3.4).
                                                                                  similar with each other. Assuming entity A
3.1        Graph Construction                                                     and entity B come from different tuples, we
                                                                                  add one edge if one of the following condi-
Taking evidence sentences as the input, we would                                  tions is satisfied: (1) A equals B; (2) A con-
like to build a graph to reveal the intrinsic structure                           tains B; (3) the number of overlapped words
of these evidence. There might be many different
                                                                               A sentence could be parsed as multiple tuples.
      1                                                                          3
    Details about how to retrieve evidence for a claim are           
described in Section 4.                                                     semantic-role-labeling
in the most populous
                                                                        county in the USA

                                                   The Rodney
       claim                      Convolutional
                                                   King riots              take place
           …                        Network
                XLNet                                                         in Los Angeles                   Graph
        …                                                                                                                 output
                 with                                           The 1992 Los County, California
                                                                                              …               Attention
sentence 1      Graph                                           Angeles riots               …
        …      Distance              Graph         as the Rodney                           Los Angeles
                                  Convolutional    King riots
                                                                               is          County,
sentence 2                          Network                                                officially …
        …                                                              known
                                                                                         the most populous
                                                                                         county in the USA.

Figure 4: An overview of our graph-based reasoning approach for claim verification. Taking a claim and evidence
sentences as the input, we first calculate contextual word representations with graph-based distance (§3.2). After
that, we use graph convolutional network to propagate information over the graph (§3.3), and use graph attention
network to aggregate information (§3.4) before making the final prediction.

       between A and B is larger than the half of the              representation learning procedure will take huge
       minimum number of words in A and B.                         memory space, which is also observed by Shaw
Figure 3 shows the constructed graph of the evi-                   et al. (2018).
dence in the motivating example. In order to obtain                   In this work, we adopt pre-trained model XL-
the structure information of the claim, we use the                 Net (Yang et al., 2019) as the backbone of our
same pipeline to represent a claim as a graph as                   approach because it naturally involves the concept
well.                                                              of relative position5 . Pre-trained model captures
  Our graph construction module offers an ap-                      rich contextual representations of words, which is
proach on modeling structure of multiple evidence,                 helpful for our task which requires sentence-level
which could be further developed in the future.                    reasoning. Considering the aforementioned issues,
                                                                   we implement an approximate solution to trade
3.2     Contextual Word Representations with
                                                                   off between the efficiency of implementation and
        Graph Distance
                                                                   the informativeness of the graph. Specifically, we
We describe the use of graph for learning graph-                   reorder evidence sentences with a topology sort al-
enhanced contextual representations of words4 .                    gorithm with the intuition that closely linked nodes
   Our basic idea is to shorten the distance be-                   should exist in neighboring sentences. This would
tween two semantically related words on the graph,                 prefer that neighboring sentences contain either
which helps to enhance their relationship when                     parent nodes or sibling nodes, so as to better cap-
we calculate contextual word representations with                  ture the semantic relatedness between different evi-
a Transformer-based (Vaswani et al., 2017) pre-                    dence sentences. We present our implementation
trained model like BERT and XLNet. Suppose                         in Appendix A. The algorithm begins from nodes
we have five evidence sentences {s1 , s2 , ... s5 }                without incident relations. For each node with-
and the word w1i from s1 and the word w5j from                     out incident relations, we recursively visit its child
s5 are connected on the graph, simply concatenat-                  nodes in a depth-first searching way.
ing evidence sentences as a single string fails to
capture their semantic-level structure, and would                     After obtaining graph-based relative position of
give a large distance to w1i and w5j , which is the                words, we feed the sorted sequence into XLNet
number of words between them across other three                    to obtain the contextual representations. Mean-
sentences (i.e., s2 , s3 , and s4 ). An intuitive way              while, we obtain the representation h([CLS]) for
to achieve our goal is to define an N × N matrix                   a special token [CLS], which stands for the joint
of distances of words along the graph, where N is                  representation of the claim and the evidence in
the total number of words in the evidence. How-                    Transformer-based architecture.
ever, this is unacceptable in practice because the
    In Transformer-based representation learning pipeline,
the basic computational unit can also be word-piece. For                Our approach can also be easily adapted to BERT by
simplicity, we use the term “word” in this paper.                  adding relative position like Shaw et al. (2018).
3.3   Graph Convolutional Network                                 The graph learning mechanism will be per-
We have injected the graph information in Trans-               formed separately for claim-based and evidence-
former and obtained h([CLS]), which captures the               based graph. Therefore, we denote Hc and He
semantic interaction between the claim and the evi-            as the representations of all nodes in claim-based
dence at word level 6 . As shown in our motivating             graph and evidence-based graphs, respectively. Af-
example in Figure 1 and the constructed graph in               terwards, we utilize the graph attention network to
Figure 3, the reasoning process needs to operate               align the graph-level node representation learned
on span/argument-level, where the basic computa-               for two graphs before making the final prediction.
tional unit typically consists of multiple words like          3.4   Graph Attention Network
“Rodney King riots” and “the most popular county
                                                               We explore the related information between two
in the USA”.
                                                               graphs and make semantic alignment for final pre-
   To further exploit graph information beyond                                               v                     v
                                                               diction. Let He ∈ RNe ×d and Hc ∈ RNc ×d
word level, we first calculate the representation
                                                               denote matrices containing representations of all
of a node, which is a word span in the graph, by
                                                               nodes in evidence-based and claim-based graph re-
averaging the contextual representations of words
                                                               spectively, where Nev and Ncv denote number of
contained in the node. After that, we employ multi-
                                                               nodes in the corresponding graph.
layer graph convolutional network (GCNs) (Kipf
                                                                  We first employ a graph attention mechanism
and Welling, 2016) to update the node represen-
                                                               (Veličković et al., 2017) to generate a claim-specific
tation by aggregating representations from their
                                                               evidence representation for each node in claim-
neighbors on the graph. Formally, we denote G as
                                                               based graph. Specifically, we first take each hic ∈
the graph constructed by the previous graph con-
                                        v                      Hc as query, and take all node representations hje ∈
struction method and make H ∈ RN ×d a matrix
                                                               He as keys. We then perform graph attention on
containing representation of all nodes, where N v
                                                               the nodes, an attention mechanism a : Rd × Rd →
and d denote the number of nodes and the dimen-
                                                               R to compute attention coefficient as follows:
sion of node representations, respectively. Each
row Hi ∈ Rd is the representation of node i. We                               eij = a(Wc hic , We hje )            (3)
introduce an adjacency matrix A of graph G and
                                                               which means the importance of evidence node j to
its degree matrix D, where
                        P we add self-loops to                 the claim node i. Wc ∈ RF ×d and We ∈ RF ×d
matrix A and Dii =         j Aij . One-layer GCNs              is the weight matrix and F is the dimension of
will aggregate information through one-hop edges,
                                                               attention feature. We use the dot-product function
which is calculated as follows:
                                                               as a here. We then normalize eij using the softmax
                           = ρ(AH
                               e i W0 ),                (1)    function:
                                                                                               exp(eij )
          (1)                                                    αij = sof tmaxj (eij ) = P                    (4)
where Hi ∈ Rd is the new d-dimension represen-                                                k∈Nev exp(eik )
                  e = D− 12 AD− 12 is the normal-
tation of node i, A                                            After that, we calculate a claim-centric evidence
ized symmetric adjacency matrix, W0 is a weight                representation X = [x1 , . . . , xNcv ] using the
matrix, and ρ is an activation function. To exploit            weighted sum over He :
information from the multi-hop neighboring nodes,                                     X
we stack multiple GCNs layers:                                                 xi =        αij hje           (5)
                 (j+1)         e (j) Wj ),
                Hi         = ρ(AHi                      (2)    We then perform node-to-node alignment and cal-
                                                               culate aligned vectors A = [a1 , . . . , aNcv ] by
where j denotes the layer number and Hi0 is the                the claim node representation H c and the claim-
initial representation of node i initialized from the          centric evidence representation X,
contextual representation. We simplify H (k) as H
for later use, where H indicates the representation                            ai = falign (hic , xi ),            (6)
of all nodes updated by k-layer GCNs.                          where falign () denotes the alignment function. In-
      By “word” in “word-level”, we mean the basic computa-    spired by Shen et al. (2018), we design our align-
tional unit in XLNet, and thus h([CLS]) capture the sophis-    ment function as:
ticated interaction between words via multi-layer multi-head
attention operations.                                                falign (x, y) = Wa [x, y, x − y, x     y],    (7)
where Wa ∈ Rd×4∗d is a weight matrix and is             and SEP and CLS are symbols indicating end-
element-wise Hadamard product. The final output         ing of a sentence and ending of a whole input, re-
g is obtained by the mean pooling over A. We            spectively. The final representation hcei ∈ Rd is
then feed the concatenated vector of g and the final    obtained via extracting the hidden vector of the
hidden vector h([CLS]) from XLNet through a             [CLS] token.
MLP layer for the final prediction.                        After that, we employ an MLP layer and a soft-
                                                        max layer to compute score s+   cei for each evidence
4     Document Retrieval and Evidence                   candidate. Then, we rank all the evidence sentences
      Selection                                         by score s+cei . The model is trained on the training
In this section, we briefly describe our document re-   data with a standard cross-entropy loss. Following
trieval and evidence selection components to make       the official setting in FEVER, we select top 5 evi-
the paper self contained.                               dence sentences. The performance of our evidence
                                                        selection model is shown in Appendix C.
4.1    Document Retrieval
The document retrieval model takes a claim and          5     Experiments
a collection of Wikipedia documents as the input,
and returns m most relevant documents.                  We evaluate on FEVER (Thorne et al., 2018a),
   We mainly follow Nie et al. (2019), the top-         a benchmark dataset for fact extraction and ver-
performing system on the FEVER shared task              ification. Each instance in FEVER dataset con-
(Thorne et al., 2018b). The document retrieval          sists of a claim, groups of ground-truth evi-
model first uses keyword matching to filter candi-      dence from Wikipedia and a label (i.e., “SUP-
date documents from the massive Wikipedia docu-         PORTED ”, “REFUTED ” or “NOT ENOUGH
ments. Then, NSMN (Nie et al., 2019) is applied         INFO (NEI) ”), indicating its veracity. FEVER
to handle the documents with disambiguation titles,     includes a dump of Wikipedia, which contains
which are 10% of the whole documents. Docu-             5,416,537 pre-processed documents. The two of-
ments without disambiguation title are assigned         ficial evaluation metrics of FEVER are label ac-
with higher scores in the resulting list. The input     curacy and FEVER score, as described in Section
to the NSMN model includes the claim and can-           2. Label accuracy is the primary evaluation metric
didate documents with disambiguation title. At a        we apply for our experiments because it directly
high level, NSMN model has encoding, alignment,         measures the performance of the claim verification
matching and output layers. Readers who are in-         model. We also report FEVER score for compar-
terested are recommended to refer to the original       ison, which measures whether both the predicted
paper for more details.                                 label and the retrieved evidence are correct. No
   Finally, we select top 10 documents from the         evidence is required if the predicted label is NEI.
resulting list.
                                                        5.1    Baselines
4.2    Sentence-Level Evidence Selection                We compare our system to the following baselines,
Taking a claim and all the sentences from retrieved     including three top-performing systems on FEVER
documents as the input, evidence selection model        shared task, a recent work GEAR (Zhou et al.,
returns the top k most relevant sentences.              2019), and a concurrent work by Liu et al. (2019b).
   We regard evidence selection as a semantic
matching problem, and leverage rich contextual              • Nie et al. (2019) employ a semantic matching
representations embodied in pre-trained models                neural network for both evidence selection
like XLNet (Yang et al., 2019) and RoBERTa (Liu               and claim verification.
et al., 2019a) to measure the relevance of a claim
to every evidence candidate. Let’s take XLNet as            • Yoneda et al. (2018) infer the veracity of each
an example. The input of the sentence selector is             claim-evidence pair and make final prediction
                                                              by aggregating multiple predicted labels.
    cei = [Claim, SEP, Evidencei , SEP, CLS]
where Claim and Evidencei indicate tokenized                • Hanselowski et al. (2018) encode each claim-
word-pieces of original claim and ith evidence can-           evidence pair separately, and use a pooling
didate, d denotes the dimension of hidden vector,             function to aggregate features for prediction.
Label        FEVER          The last row in Table 2 corresponds to the base-
                                 Acc (%)      Score (%)      line where all the evidence sentences are simply
 Hanselowski et al. (2018)       65.46        61.58          concatenated as a single string, where no explicit
 Yoneda et al. (2018)            67.62        62.52          graph structure is used at all for fact verification.
 Nie et al. (2019)               68.21        64.21
 GEAR (Zhou et al., 2019)        71.60        67.10              Model                         Label Accuracy
 KGAT (Liu et al., 2019b)        72.81        69.40              DREAM                             79.16
 DREAM (our approach)            76.85        70.60              -w/o Relative Distance            78.35
                                                                 -w/o GCN&GAN                      77.12
Table 1: Performance on the blind test set on FEVER.             -w/o both above modules           75.40
Our approach is abbreviated as DREAM.
                                                                     Table 2: Ablation study on develop set.

   • GEAR (Zhou et al., 2019) uses BERT to ob-
                                                                As shown in Table 2, compared to the XLNet
     tain claim-specific representation for each evi-
                                                             baseline, incorporating both graph-based modules
     dence sentence, and applies graph network by
                                                             brings 3.76% improvement on label accuracy. Re-
     regarding each evidence sentence as a node in
                                                             moving the graph-based distance drops 0.81% in
     the graph.
                                                             terms of label accuracy. The graph-based distance
   • KGAT (Liu et al., 2019b) is concurrent with             mechanism can shorten the distance of two closely-
     our work, which regards sentences as the                linked nodes and help the model to learn their
     nodes of a graph and uses Kernel Graph At-              dependency. Removing the graph-based reason-
     tention Network to aggregate information.               ing module drops 2.04% because graph reason-
                                                             ing module captures the structural information and
5.2   Model Comparison                                       performs deep reasoning about that. Figure 5 gives
                                                             a case study of our approach.
Table 1 reports the performance of our model and
baselines on the blind test set with the score showed        5.4    Error Analysis
on the public leaderboard7 . As shown in Table 1,
                                                             We randomly select 200 incorrectly predicted in-
in terms of label accuracy, our model significantly
                                                             stances and summarize the primary types of errors.
outperforms previous systems with 76.85% on the
                                                                The first type of errors is caused by failing to
test set. It is worth noting that, our approach, which
                                                             match the semantic meaning between phrases that
exploits explicit graph-level semantic structure of
                                                             describe the same event. For example, the claim
evidence obtained by SRL, outperforms GEAR
                                                             states “Winter’s Tale is a book”, while the evi-
and KGAT, both of which regard sentences as the
                                                             dence states “Winter ’s Tale is a 1983 novel by
nodes and use model to learn the implicit structure
                                                             Mark Helprin”. The model fails to realize that
of evidence 8 . By the time our paper is submitted,
                                                             “novel” belongs to “book” and states that the claim
our system achieves state-of-the-art performance
                                                             is refuted. Solving this type of errors needs to in-
in terms of both evaluation metrics on the leader-
                                                             volve external knowledge (e.g. ConceptNet (Speer
                                                             et al., 2017)) that can indicate logical relationships
5.3   Ablation Study                                         between different events.
                                                                The misleading information in the retrieved evi-
Table 2 presents the label accuracy on the develop-          dence causes the second type of errors. For exam-
ment set after eliminating different components (in-         ple, the claim states “The Gifted is a movie”, and
cluding the graph-based relative distance (§3.2) and         the ground-truth evidence states “The Gifted is an
graph convolutional network and graph attention              upcoming American television series”. However,
network (§3.3 and §3.4) separately in our model.             the retrieved evidence also contains “The Gifted is
      The public leaderboard for perpetual evaluation of     a 2014 Filipino dark comedy-drama movie”, which
FEVER is                   misleads the model to make the wrong judgment.
competitions/18814#results. DREAM is our user
name on the leaderboard.
      We don’t overclaim the superiority of our system to
                                                             6     Related Work
GEAR and KGAT only comes from the explicit graph struc-
ture, because we have differences in other components like   In general, fact checking involves assessing the
sentence selection and the pre-trained model.                truthfulness of a claim. In literature, a claim can be
Text: Congressional Space Medal of Honor is the           tion phase, participants typically extract named en-
               highest award given only to astronauts by NASA.
               Tuples: ('Congressional Space Medal of Honor', 'is',
                                                                         tities from a claim as the query and use Wikipedia
    Claim      'the highest award given only to astronauts by            search API. In the evidence selection phase, partici-
               NASA’)                                                    pants measure the similarity between the claim and
               ('the highest award’, 'given','only', 'to astronauts',
               'by NASA')                                                an evidence sentence candidate by training a classi-
             Text: The highest award given by NASA ,                     fication model like Enhanced LSTM (Chen et al.,
             Congressional Space Medal of Honor is awarded by            2016) in a supervised setting or using string simi-
             the President of the United States in Congress 's
             name on recommendations from the Administrator              larity function like TFIDF without trainable param-
 Evidence #1 of the National Aeronautics and Space                       eters. Padia et al. (2018) utilizes semantic frames
             Administration .
             Tuples: ('The highest award','given','by NASA’)             for evidence selection. In this work, our focus is
             ('Congressional Space Medal of Honor','awarded','by         the claim classification phase. Top-ranked three
             the President of the United States')
                                                                         systems aggregate pieces of evidence through con-
             Text: To be awarded the Congressional Space Medal
             of Honor , an astronaut must perform feats of               catenating evidence sentences into a single string
             extraordinary accomplishment while participating in         (Nie et al., 2019), classifying each evidence-claim
             space flight under the authority of NASA .
             Tuples: ('awarded', 'the Congressional Space Medal          pair separately, merging the results (Yoneda et al.,
 Evidence #2 of Honor’)                                                  2018), and encoding each evidence-claim pair fol-
             ('To be awarded the Congressional Space Medal of
             Honor',’an astronaut','perform','feats of
                                                                         lowed by pooling operation (Hanselowski et al.,
             extraordinary accomplishment’)                              2018). Zhou et al. (2019) are the first to use BERT
             ('an astronaut', 'participating','in space flight','under
             the authority of NASA' )
                                                                         to calculate claim-specific evidence sentence rep-
                                                                         resentations, and then develop a graph network to
Figure 5: A case study of our approach. Facts shared                     aggregate the information on top of BERT, regard-1
across the claim and the evidence are highlighted with                   ing each evidence as a node in the graph. Our work
different colors.                                                        differs from Zhou et al. (2019) in that (1) the con-
                                                                         struction of our graph requires understanding the
                                                                         syntax of each sentence, which could be viewed as
a text or a subject-predicate-object triple (Nakas-                      a more fine-grained graph, and (2) both the contex-
hole and Mitchell, 2014). In this work, we only                          tual representation learning module and the reason-
consider textual claims. Existing datasets differ                        ing module have model innovations of taking the
from data source and the type of supporting ev-                          graph information into consideration. Instead of
idence for verifying the claim. An early work                            training each component separately, Yin and Roth
by Vlachos and Riedel (2014) constructs 221 la-                          (2018) show that joint learning could improve both
beled claims in the political domain from POLITI-                        claim verification and evidence selection.
FACT.COM and CHANNEL4.COM, giving meta-
data of the speaker as the evidence. POLIFACT is                         7   Conclusion
further investigated by following works, including
Ferreira and Vlachos (2016) who build Emergent                           In this work, we present a graph-based approach
with 300 labeled rumors and about 2.6K news ar-                          for fact checking. When assessing the veracity of a
ticles, Wang (2017) who builds LIAR with 12.8K                           claim giving multiple evidence sentences, our ap-
annotated short statements and six fine-grained la-                      proach is built upon an automatically constructed
bels, and Rashkin et al. (2017) who collect claims                       graph, which is derived based on semantic role la-
without meta-data while providing 74K news ar-                           beling. To better exploit the graph information, we
ticles. We study FEVER (Thorne et al., 2018a),                           propose two graph-based modules, one for calculat-
which requires aggregating information from multi-                       ing contextual word embeddings using graph-based
ple pieces of evidence from Wikipedia for making                         distance in XLNet, and the other for learning repre-
the conclusion. FEVER contains 185,445 anno-                             sentations of graph components and reasoning over
tated instances, which to the best of our knowledge                      the graph. Experiments show that both graph-based
is the largest benchmark dataset in this area.                           modules bring improvements and our final system
   The majority of participating teams in the                            is the state-of-the-art on the public leaderboard by
FEVER challenge (Thorne et al., 2018b) use the                           the time our paper is submitted.
same pipeline consisting of three components,                               Evidence selection is an important component
namely document selection, evidence sentence se-                         of fact checking as finding irrelevant evidence may
lection, and claim verification. In document selec-                      lead to different predictions. A potential solution
is to jointly learn evidence selection and claim ver-     Ben Goodrich, Vinay Rao, Peter J Liu, and Moham-
ification model, which we leave as a future work.           mad Saleh. 2019. Assessing the factual accuracy
                                                            of generated text. In Proceedings of the 25th ACM
                                                            SIGKDD International Conference on Knowledge
Acknowledge                                                 Discovery & Data Mining, pages 166–175. ACM.
Wanjun Zhong, Zenan Xu, Jiahai Wang and                   Andreas Hanselowski, Hao Zhang, Zile Li, Daniil
Jian Yin are supported by the National Natu-                Sorokin, Benjamin Schiller, Claudia Schulz, and
ral Science Foundation of China (U1711262,                  Iryna Gurevych. 2018. Ukp-athene: Multi-sentence
U1611264,U1711261,U1811261,U1811264,                        textual entailment for claim verification. arXiv
                                                            preprint arXiv:1809.01479.
U1911203), National Key R&D Program of
China (2018YFB1004404), Guangdong Ba-                     Thomas N Kipf and Max Welling. 2016. Semi-
sic and Applied Basic Research Foundation                   supervised classification with graph convolutional
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Guangdong Province (2018B010107005). The                  Yinhan Liu, Myle Ott, Naman Goyal, Jingfei Du, Man-
corresponding author is Jian Yin.                           dar Joshi, Danqi Chen, Omer Levy, Mike Lewis,
                                                            Luke Zettlemoyer, and Veselin Stoyanov. 2019a.
                                                            Roberta: A robustly optimized bert pretraining ap-
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RoBERTa and XLNet. From Table 4, we can see
that RoBERTa performs slightly better than XLNet
here. When we submit our system on the leader-
board, we use RoBERTa as the evidence selection
                     Dev. Set                Test Set
             Acc.     Rec.    F1     Acc.     Rec.    F1
 XLNet       26.60    87.33 40.79    25.55    85.34 39.33
 RoBERTa     26.67    87.64 40.90    25.63    85.57 39.45

    Table 4: Results of evidence selection models.

D    Training Details
In this part, we describe the training details of our
experiments. We employ cross-entropy loss as the
loss function. We apply AdamW as the optimizer
for model training. For evidence selection model,
we set learning rate as 1e-5, batch size as 8 and
maximum sequence length as 128.
   In claim verification model, the XLNet network
and graph-based reasoning network are trained sep-
arately. We first train XLNet and then freeze the
parameters of XLNet and train the graph-based rea-
soning network. We set learning rate as 2e-6, batch
size as 6 and set maximum sequence length as 256.
We set the dimension of node representation as 100.
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