Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy

Page created by Jose Cummings
Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy
letter from the President

why we choose Canopy
The next time you’re out driving around the Spokane area you may
notice some new Canopy billboards with a familiar message – “your
credit score doesn’t tell the whole story.” This idea is at the core of
how we approach our relationships with each and every member,
and they are words we live by here at Canopy. We know you have a
unique story that we want to hear; that story is vital to helping us
know how to best help you thrive financially. We won’t let your
credit score define you.

When you choose to be a member of Canopy, you are helping to
support that mission. Even if you’re fortunate enough to have a
great credit score and a spotless credit history, there’s a good
chance that some of your friends, family members, and neighbors
may not.

We invest time, effort, and ideas to help make Canopy a great
place to work. Our staff choose to work here because of our
commitment to this mission. Our focus on helping our members
succeed is helping us recruit amazing people, who are looking to
live out that mission every single day.                                   Charlotte Nemec
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alternatives to payday loans that can save you money
Payday loans are designed to trap you in a
cycle of debt. When an emergency hits and
you have poor credit and no savings, you
may feel like you have no other choice. But
choosing a payday loan negatively affects
your credit, threatens any savings you may
have, and may even land you in court. When
you partner with Canopy, there’s a better

check out Canopy’s Payday
Alternative Loan

Payday Alternative Loans allow existing
credit union members to borrow small amounts of money at a lower cost than payday loans and repay the
loan over a longer period.

Payday lenders in Washington can charge up to an astronomical 390% interest on a payday loan (insert
jaw drop). Our Payday Alternative Loan is a MUCH more affordable and we won’t pull your credit
report or check your score if you decide to apply.

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Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy
how to navigate the holidays without going broke
Feel like the holidays snuck up on you again? For most people, this time of year is a trigger to start
racking up some hefty credit card charges to cover additional spending needs. But the hangover starts
sooner than you think, and guess what? When January rolls around, you’re facing a stack of bills and
wondering how you’re going to pay them off.

let’s get real
Money regrets often stem from a lack of long term planning. Getting started means getting real with
yourself about what you can afford to spend and finding the easiest and most effective ways to save,
budget and spend when the holidays finally arrive.

To begin, consider making small automatic deposits to your savings account every time you get paid or
make a deposit. That way, when the holidays roll around, you can use your credit cards to rack up
rewards points, knowing you already have funds set aside to pay those charges off. An easy and fun way
to do this is by opening a Holiday Club savings account at Canopy. You can pick any amount up to
$500 to be automatically deposited into your holiday savings fund each month. The funds will then be
automatically sent to your checking account on November 1, just in time for your holiday shopping needs!

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five ways to save for a large purchase or rebuild your savings
after making one
The thought of ever being able to save up for a large
purchase can be overwhelming. Maybe you’re
considering how much money you’ll need to set aside
for a big expense, like paying for a wedding, making
a down payment on a new home, or saving for a new
(or newer used) car or truck. Even if you don’t have a
large purchase on the horizon, you’d probably feel
more secure knowing you have the emergency funds
stashed for a rainy day.

Here are five things you can do to make the
process easier:

​1. Pay yourself first
 Even if you can’t afford to save enough to hit your goal in your ideal timeframe, pay yourself first. Set up
 an automatic transfer on payday that puts funds from your checking account into your savings account so
 you don’t even have to think about it. Make it even easier by setting up a direct deposit with your
 employer. It’s a lot harder to cancel a direct deposit than it is to cancel an online banking transfer.

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credit myths that may be costing you money
Helping our members learn how to best manage their credit is something we do everyday. It’s a topic
that’s fraught with misinformation and bad advice. A person’s desire to improve their credit score is
fueled by a number of factors.
Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy
Many people had their credit scores
                                                                damaged during the recession and
                                                                pandemic and are now trying to improve
                                                                them in order to qualify for lower mortgage
                                                                and loan rates. In addition, employers
                                                                increasingly use credit reports to evaluate
                                                                applicants, so every little factor counts.
                                                                Regardless of your score, here are some
                                                                common credit myths that could be
                                                                costing you money.

                                                                1. I haven't done anything wrong so my
                                                                credit is fine. Even if you've done
                                                                everything right, your credit could still be

in trouble. That's because 35% of credit reports have errors on them. If that includes you, you might be
paying more in interest than you need to be.

2. If I check my credit report, it will hurt my score. Checking your own report generally doesn't
hurt your score but errors do, so don't let this hold you back from finding out.

3. I've checked my credit report and there are no errors so I don't have anything to worry
about. You actually have 3 credit reports (from Experian, Equifax, and TransUnion) so if you've only
checked one, there's still a chance that errors on one of the others is hurting you.

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Canopy Justice Roast                                   did you know...
Each quarter we collaborate with Ladder Coffee to      ...That as a member of Canopy Credit Union,
donate 30% of proceeds from the Canopy Justice         you’re eligible to be elected to, and vote for, the
Roast to a different, local non-profit. Our fourth     Board of Directors? If you or someone you know
quarter recipient is Big Table Spokane. Big Table      would be a great addition to our Board, we’re
has been headquartered in Spokane since 2009.          taking nominations right now for positions opening
Spokane’s restaurant and hospitality industry          in 2022.
employs nearly 24,000 people and is the
4th largest employment sector in Spokane               Please send a résumé to:
County. Nearly half of those employees fall below
the “survival” income line set by economists. Big      Nominating Committee
Table comes alongside these hardworking people         P.O. Box 2519
when they experience a crisis or an unexpected         Spokane, WA 99220-2519
challenge to offer support, encouragement, and
hope.                                                  Résumés must be received no later than
                                                       December 31, 2021.
Join in and help generate funds for Big Table
Spokane while enjoying a delicious and locally
made coffee blend. Stop by and buy a bag of               your Canopy Board of Directors
Canopy Justice Roast at any Ladder Coffee
location or order it directly online.

  buy Canopy Justice Roast today
Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy
other stories in this edition:
      employee anniversaries
      loan rates
      Canopy leadership
      holiday closures, office hours and locations

                                                     contact us       visit our website

Federally insured by NCUA

                      Canopy Credit Union | 509.328.2900 | www.canopycu.com

                                          STAY CONNECTED

                                             ​        ​     ​     ​
Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy Letter from the President - why we choose Canopy
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