SECU's Digital Banking Transformation -

Page created by Benjamin Robles
SECU's Digital Banking Transformation -
                                                                             January 2019 newsletter

SECU’s Digital Banking Transformation
                             Technology changes         SECU is committed to continuing to improve our
                             fast, and so do the        digital products so they easily integrate into your daily
                             needs of our members.      habits and activities. To help us do that, we will look
                             At SECU, we strive to      at new innovations in technology combined with your
                             offer the latest digital   feedback. We want to also reassure you that everything
                             tools that meet your       we develop will be designed with the security of your
                             needs and expectations.    personal information as the top priority.
                             For that reason, in
                             2018 we introduced a       This issue of SECU & You is devoted to our digital
                             new online and mobile      products and services to highlight how using them
                             banking platform that      can save you both time and money. You may even be
        KEVIN STEHL          was designed and built     surprised to learn we offer the same tools you would
                             using feedback from our    find at large traditional banks, but backed by the local
                             members. We wanted to      service and support you expect from your credit union.
create something that offered the financial services
                                                        From everyone here at SECU, we wish you a Happy
tools you need when you need them.
                                                        New Year. Thank you for being a SECU member!
We understand the importance technology plays
                                                        Kevin Stehl
in all aspects of your life, including your finances.
                                                        Vice President of Digital Banking

                                                        SECU Brings the
                                                        Branch to You
                                                        In today’s world, we know that you are always busy
                                                        and may not have the time or ability to visit a branch.
                                                        With digital banking, you don’t have to. Digital banking
                                                        offers the tools you need to instantly access your accounts.
                                                        Check balances, pay bills, manage your accounts, and use
                                                        our budgeting tools to help stay on top of your finances
                                                        any time of day — from anywhere — all protected by the
                                                        security you expect from your financial partner.

                                                                                      Digital banking continued »
SECU's Digital Banking Transformation -
SECU&You		                                                                                 January 2019		                                                          410-487-7328 | 800-879-7328

    Digital Banking continued »


               Save Time — Don’t let busy schedules                      Deposit Checks — Download our mobile
               get in the way of managing your finances.                 app and deposit checks in seconds with
               Digital banking puts the branch at your                   our mobile deposit feature. With auto-
               fingertips to monitor your accounts, pay                  capture, simply hold your phone camera
               bills, and send money in seconds. Just                    over the check and the app takes the
               register for online banking or download the               picture for you!
               SECU MD app.
                                                                         Digital Wallet — Whether paying a friend
               Instant Alerts for Suspicious Activity —                  for dinner, paying a bill, or sending money
               Our fraud team is working around                          to family, SECU has the tools you need
               the clock to monitor and protect your                     to make all your payments electronically.
               information and finances. We alert you of                 Using your phone, you can pay with Apple
               any suspicious activity on your accounts.                 Pay, Google Pay, Samsung Pay, Venmo,
               You can also set up alerts in digital                     Paypal, or your favorite payment tool.
               banking so you are immediately notified
               via text, email, or through the mobile app     As your trusted partner, we want you to have what you
               of any problems.                               need, when you need it.

               Tight Security — Use biometric log-in          Visit and register for online banking.
               tools in mobile banking like fingerprint       Download the mobile app today from the Google Play
                                                              or Apple store. Then you can start banking whenever
                                                                                                                       The Cool Tools You Can
               or Face ID for an added layer of security.
                                                              — and from wherever — you are.                           Use When Life Goes Digital
               Open Any Time — The doors never close on
               online or mobile banking. Instantly access                                                              Go beyond the basics with these digital banking             SECU CREDIT CARD INTEGRATIONS
               balances and transfer money real time, 24                                                               features that can save you time — and are just              We have fully integrated your SECU credit card details
               hours a day, 7 days a week. SECU is there                                                               really cool to have at your fingertips!                     into digital banking. Not only can you make your credit
               when you need us most.                                                                                                                                              card payment directly through digital banking, you can
                                                                                                                       TRANSFERS AND PAYMENTS MADE EASY                            also request a cash advance or balance transfer.
               Help the Environment — With Digital Banking,                                                            No matter what time of day it is, you can easily — and
               you can help us do our part to keep our                                                                 securely — make payments and transfers. Move money           NEW AND IMPROVED BILL PAY
               communities beautiful by simply receiving                                                               between accounts and pay loans and your SECU credit         We are improving Bill Pay in January! You can now:
               your monthly statements electronically.                                                                 card without having to go to another site.                  • Manage all of your bills in online or mobile banking.
                                                                                                                       You can also set up automatic, one-time, and recurring      •   Set up recurring payments or make a one-
               Budgeting Tools — Track your income and                                                                 payments for all of your bills through Bill Pay. You can        time payment.
               spending with our new budgeting tools                                                                   even have your bills sent directly to your online banking
               for a more holistic view of your finances.                                                              account using eBills with participating vendors.            •   Get alerts via email, text, or through the mobile
               Set alerts for account updates including                                                                                                                                app when payments are due.
               balance alerts and loan payment due dates.                                                              MEMBER TO MEMBER TRANSFERS
                                                                                                                       Instantly send or receive money from other SECU             BALANCE SNAP SHOT
                                                                                                                       members with digital banking. All you need is their         See your available balances on the mobile app without
                                                                                                                       account number and last name for immediate                  having to sign-in. Don’t worry about security — only the
                                                                                                                       transfers. Go to the Transfer tab and follow the            last four digits of your account are shown. If you have an
                                                                                                                       prompts to get started.                                     Apple Watch, you can do the same thing — from your
                                                                                                                                                                                   wrist! Login to the mobile app and access your settings
                                                                                                                       SECU Me2U                                                   to turn on the snapshot feature.
                                                                                                                       Pay anyone at any time electronically with SECU
                                                                                                                       Me2You in our mobile app or desktop. All you
                                                                                                                       need is their cell phone number or email address.

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SECU's Digital Banking Transformation -
Your Security
With repeated reports of data breaches where sensitive
customer information was compromised, SECU wants
to reassure all of our members that your security is
our highest priority. We take steps in all areas of our
organization to protect your financial information and
personal data against loss.
This is especially true with our digital banking tools.
We have included additional security features that
add an extra level of protection for your sensitive data.

We’ve added step-up authentication to online and
mobile banking. This prompts you with a security
question or the option to receive a one-time passcode
via email or text to your contact information of record if
you log-in from an unregistered device or are performing
an unusual or risky transaction. We have also added
automatic, real-time alerts if your address, email,                    TAKE CONTROL OF YOUR SECURITY
phone number, username, or password are changed.                       Our online and mobile banking tools let you manage
This enables you to monitor your accounts and quickly                  your registered devices. If you lose your phone, simply
take action if there is any unauthorized activity.                     log-in to online banking and unregister the device so
                                                                       that you’re protected.
Our mobile app has biometric log-in tools that give                    If you are alerted of unauthorized access, notify us
you a personalized level of security to protect your                   immediately by calling 410-879-7328.
information. Use your unique fingerprint or Face ID                    Working together, we can safeguard your information
on your Apple device to log-in.                                        while providing the convenience of anytime, anywhere,
                                                                       access to your accounts.

                                             Board of Directors                             Information published in this newsletter
                                                                                            does not constitute legal, financial, or
   PO Box 23896 • Baltimore, Maryland        Officers:                                      other professional advice, nor does it imply
             21298-8925                      Mark A. Reger, Chairman                        an endorsement by SECU of any other |          Gayle Seward, Vice Chairman                    websites. Consult a professional financial
                                             John Kenney, Treasurer                         advisor about your personal tax and finan-
For our Expressline bank-by-phone service,   Sharonne Bonardi, Secretary                    cial situation. Although it is intended to
call 410-487-7930 or 888-643-9777                                                           be accurate, neither the credit union nor
                                                                                            any other party assumes liability for loss or
anytime. Contact SECU at 410-487-7328        Janet Bacon, Juancho Baino, Ellen Gardner,     damage due to reliance on this material.
or 800-879-7328 Monday through Friday,       Timothy La Valle, Donald Tynes, Sr.            © 2013 State Employees Credit Union of
8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m., and on                                                              Maryland, Inc.
Saturday from 9:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m.
                                                                                                              Federally insured by
                                                                                                              the National Credit
SCU#247242                                   SECU is an Equal Opportunity Employer.                           Union Administration
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