Leisure Travel Behavior in Times of the Corona Pandemic - Trend Survey Results "2020 Fall Edition"

Leisure Travel Behavior in Times of the Corona Pandemic - Trend Survey Results "2020 Fall Edition"
Keynote for the Amadeus Executive Round Table
                                                                   “Fresh Start of the International Mobility & Travel Industry”.
                                                                                       Manuel Wehner, online, 27 January 2021

                               Leisure Travel Behavior in Times of the Corona Pandemic -
                                                 Trend Survey Results “2020 Fall Edition”
                                                 Institute for Aviation and Tourism (IAT) of Frankfurt University of Applied
                                                   Sciences (Frankfurt UAS) in cooperation with Amadeus Germany GmbH

                                                                                                Fachbereich 3 Wirtschaft und Recht

Page 1   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                      Date 27.01.2021
Leisure Travel Behavior in Times of the Corona Pandemic - Trend Survey Results "2020 Fall Edition"

                                 Manuel Wehner, M.Sc. (TUM)
                                 Managing Director IAT & Lecturer, Frankfurt UAS
                                 2018 – 2020: Master’s in Management & Technology, Technical Univ. of Munich (TUM)
                                 2015 – 2017: Project Manager Innovation, Fraport AG
                                 2011 – 2015: Dual Bachelor‘s in Aviation Management, Fraport AG and Frankfurt UAS

                                 Institute for Aviation and Tourism (IAT) of Frankfurt UAS
                                 Practice-oriented research institute incl. a specialized student consultancy
Institute                        Current focus: Strategic realignment of the aviation and tourism industries
                                 Established in November 2020
                                  www.frankfurt-university.de/iat, www.linkedin.com/companies/fra-iat

   Page 2   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                   Date 27.01.2021
 I. Objective, method and demography
 II. Results of the survey
           1. Leisure travel behavior
           2. Touchless travel
           3. Vaccination
           4. Travel experience
 III. Back-up detail evaluation
           A. Correlations
           B. Other survey findings

Page 3    Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
While infections are rising again, the roll-out of vaccines has started –
I.   How does this affect travel behavior?

 Source: www.schengenvisainfo.com

                                    Source: www.sfchronicle.com
                                                                   “             With the availability of Corona vaccines as
                                                                                 silver lining for the industry, two key
                                                                                 questions need to be answered now:

                                                                                 1. How can travel demand be increased
 Source: www.bbc.com
                                                                                    during the vaccination roll-out?
                                                                                 2. How should travelling look like after

                                                                                    successful vaccination programs?
                                    Source: www.bbc.com

      Source: www.dw.com

     Page 4            Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                   Date 27.01.2021
Third trend survey of Amadeus and IAT during the pandemic –
 I.     Questions according to the current travel issues

                                                                                                    Overview on survey and participants:
                            Age groups                                            n=536
                                                                                                    •   The IAT has conducted a third online survey on private travel
                                                                       18 - 24                          behavior with 25 questions in cooperation with Amadeus
                          32%                                                                           Germany GmbH
                                                    19%                25 - 34
                                                                                                    •   German and English questionnaires; 536 respondents, period:
                                                                       35 - 50                          11 Jan 2021 until 20 Jan 2021

                                                                       > 51                         •   The participants are predominantly from the DACH** region
                                                                                                        and from all age groups

                                                                                  n=525             •   Shared via different digital channels, also by the help of
                     Place of residence                                                                 - Condor Flugdienst GmbH
                         18%                                                                            - House of Logistics and Mobility (HOLM) GmbH
                                                                                                    •   Results of the first survey:
                                                                      Rest of Europe                    [German] https://amadeus.com/de/insights/blog/trendumfrage-juli-2020
                                                                      Asia                          •   Results of the second survey:
                                                                      Other                             [English] https://amadeus.com/de/insights/blog/trend-survey-october-
                                          82%                                                           2020
                                                                                                        [German] https://amadeus.com/de/insights/blog/trend-umfrage-oktober-
*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)       2020
                                                                                                                                              ** DACH = Germany, Austria, and Switzerland
        Page 5               Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                              Date 27.01.2021
 I. Objective, method and demography
 II. Results of the survey
           1. Leisure travel behavior
           2. Touchless travel
           3. Vaccination
           4. Travel experience
 III. Back-up detail evaluation
           A. Correlations
           B. Other survey findings

Page 6    Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
1. Stabilization since fall: Most people do not believe
   that normal travelling will be possible before 2022

                                                                                                      Summer survey (July 2020):
                         When will travelling like before be possible again?
                                                                                                      • End of 1st lockdown, recovery period led to optimism
                                                                                                      • Travelling as before would be possible in 2021

        30%                                                                                           Fall survey (October 2020):
        20%                                                                                           • Start of the 2nd infection wave, negative forecasts
        10%                                                                                           • Outlook more pessimistic: No travelling before 2022
                         Already         2021          2022        After 2022 No estimation           Winter survey (January 2021):
                       traveling as
                          before                                                                      • 2nd lockdown still ongoing, vaccinations in roll-out
                     Summer survey (n=275*)     Fall survey (n=557*)   Winter survey (n=536*)
                                                                                                      • Outlook stabilized: No travelling before 2022

                 People with a pessimistic outlook are more likely to be                                              People who flew during the pandemic are more likely
                 concerned about their health and the one of others.                                                  to have an optimistic outlook.
                                                                                           Slide 21                                                                 Slide 22

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

                 Page 7               Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                           Date 27.01.2021
1. Concerns about quarantine and governmental travel warnings are the
   main factors that affected travel behavior in 2020

                                                                                  Reasons impacting travel behavior in 2020
                                                                                     Fall survey (n=668*)           Winter survey (n=536*)





                 Concern about Governmental travel Fear of potentially Fear of infection / Cancellation through                                      Currently no        Concern about non-   Other**
               possible quarantine  warnings        infecting others hygiene conditions in a travel service                                         connection to            refundable
                                                                          destination           provider                                              preferred             cancellations

     Concerns about possible quarantine impact the travel decision even                                                                                       Cancellations and no available

     more, compared to the fall survey. Further important reasons are                                                                                         connection have a higher impact on
     governmental travel warnings and concerns about infecting others.                                                                                        travel behavior for people with a
*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
                                                                                                                                                              higher travel budget.            Slide 23
** e.g. restrictions at destination, less budget for travelling, no holiday feeling, social responsibility, work-related restrictions, increased flight prices, bureaucracy

         Page 8                 Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                                         Date 27.01.2021
1. Governmental  travel warnings are generally well percieved –
   However, low level of predictability is criticized.

                          Trustworthiness                        n=532*                              Communication                       n=534*
                                                                                                                                                       Better predictability of
                                                                                                                                                       travel warnings should be
                                                                                                                                                       the focus in order to ease
                                                  48%                                                                        43%                       the planning process of
                           28%                                                                       31%
                                                                                                                                                       This was mentioned often
           Very good    Rather good    Neutral    Rather bad    Very bad               Very good    Rather good   Neutral   Rather bad   Very bad
                                                                                                                                                       in the comment section
                                                                                                                                                       of the 2nd survey.
                               Relevance                        n=533*                                 Predictability                    n=533*
                                                                                                                                                                     Participants of the DACH
                                                                                                                                                                     region rate
                           23%                                                                                              24%

                                                                                                    44%                                                              trustworthiness,
                                                                                                                                                                     communication and
                                                  42%                                                                                                                relevance of governmental
                                                                                                                                                                     travel warnings better than
                           35%                                                                                              33%                                      participants from other
           Very good    Rather good    Neutral    Rather bad    Very bad               Very good    Rather good   Neutral   Rather bad   Very bad                                        Slide 24

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

        Page 9               Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                        Date 27.01.2021
 I. Objective, method and demography
 II. Results of the survey
           1. Leisure travel behavior
           2. Touchless travel
           3. Vaccination
           4. Travel experience
 III. Back-up detail evaluation
           A. Correlations
           B. Other survey findings

Page 10   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
Stabilized acceptance for digital solutions compared to the 2nd survey;
2.      The adoption rate of required apps increased since then

                                                                                      n=536*                                                                 n=536*
                   Effect of touchless travel options on the                                               Willingness to upload biometric data
                                 travel decision                                                                        into an app
                                    5%                                                                                13%           12%
                          38%                                                                                    21%

                          Very positive        Positive       None        Negative                       Already using   High willigness   Not sure   No willigness

        For more than half of the participants, additional                                          66% would upload their biometric data or do so
        touchless travel options would impact their travel                                          already; up to 87% could be reached if undecided
        decision positively.                                                                        people are convinced.

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

        Page 11              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                     Date 27.01.2021
2. Travellers are more prone to using biometric data in processes
   where it is already common practice

                                      Confidence of using biometric data or health data during different processes                                              n=536*

                                Boarding an aircraft

                               Check-in at the hotel
                                                                                                                                                  Very confident
              Visiting resorts or going on a cruise                                                                                               Rather confident
                                        Renting a car
                                                                                                                                                  Rather not confident

                           Entering an event or fair
                                                                                                                                                  Not confident at all

          Visiting restaurants or shopping malls

                                                          0%       10%        20%       30%         40%   50%   60%   70%   80%    90%     100%

           Travellers are less confident sharing their data for potential new use cases, such as entering events and fairs
           or at shopping mall and restaurant visits.
*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

        Page 12              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                          Date 27.01.2021
2. Two  thirds would consider flying as before the crisis if travel corridors
   exist and negative COVID-19 tests pre-flight would be mandatory

                                                                    n=536*                                                           n=536*
                    Flying as before the crisis                                                      Flying as before the crisis                                Both options are
                    if a travel corridor exists?                                                    if all passengers are tested                                more attractive to
                                                                                                              negative?                                         travellers, who
                               11%                                                                                                                              expect to travel as

                                                                                                                                                                before sooner.

                    23%                                                                             21%                                                         Still, the majority
                                                        67%                                                                72%                                  of pessimistic
                                                                                                                                                                travellers could be
                                                                                                                                                                convinced to
                                                                                                                                                                board an aircraft
                            Yes        Not sure          No                                               Yes   Not sure   No                                   again.
                                                                                                                                                                             Slide 25

      As quarantine concerns are the most                                            If everyone on the aircraft is tested
      relevant factor for not travelling, travel                                     negative right before the flight, 72% of
      corridors could be a key solution.                                             travellers would consider flying as before
                                                                                     the crisis.
*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

        Page 13              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                            Date 27.01.2021
 I. Objective, method and demography
 II. Results of the survey
           1. Leisure travel behavior
           2. Touchless travel
           3. Vaccination
           4. Travel experience
 III. Back-up detail evaluation
           A. Correlations
           B. Other survey findings

Page 14   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
3. More than 80% of the participants want to be vaccinated;
   53% even want to be vaccinated as soon as possible

                                                                                                            n=523*   More than half of the participants
                      How will you react when a Corona vaccine becomes
                                      available for you?                                                             want to be vaccinated as soon as
                                                                                                                     Another third wants to be
                                                                                                                     vaccinated as well, but later once a
                                                                                                                     vaccine is proven, fully certified
                                                                                             53%                     and widely available.

                                 34%                                                                                               The fear of infection has a higher
                                                                                                                                   impact on those who want to be
                                                                                                                                   vaccinated as early as possible.

                                                                                                                                   Concerns about quarantine prevent
                                                                                                                                   those who want to be vaccinated
                   Already vaccined                                    Quick or preferrential vaccination                          later more likely from travelling.
                   Later vaccination                                   Don't currently want to be vaccinated                                                      Slide 26

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

        Page 15              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                               Date 27.01.2021
3. After being vaccinated, many expect exemptions from quarantine rules;
   masks and physical distancing are less important

                                                                                                                                    n=536         An exemption from
                                           Expected privileges after being vaccinated
                                                                                                                                                  quarantine rules is
                                                                                                                                                  the most expected
                                                                                                                                                  privilege regarding
                                                                                                                                                  35% of the
         10%                                                                                                                                      participants stated
             0%                                                                                                                                   that there should not
                     I should not have Exemption from Exemption from No need to be           Ability to enter Exemption from Exemption from       be any privileges.
                        any privileges quarantine rules entry restrictions tested            crowded areas mask wearing          physical
                                                                                                               requirements     distancing

                     Participants of the DACH region expect less privileges after vaccination than
                     participants from other countries.
                                                                                                                                    Slide 27

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

            Page 16             Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                               Date 27.01.2021
 I. Objective, method and demography
 II. Results of the survey
           1. Leisure travel behavior
           2. Touchless travel
           3. Vaccination
           4. Travel experience
 III. Back-up detail evaluation
           A. Correlations
           B. Other survey findings

Page 17   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
4. The  overall service experience in the pandemic is considered positive;
   including hygienic concepts, cancellation and refunding policies

                                                                                                                                         Travellers have an overall
                            Service experience of service providers while travelling
                                                                                                                                         positive experience with
                                                                                                                                         service providers along
                            Hotel resorts (n=342*)                                                                                       the travel journey.

                                                                                                                                         Railway companies do not
       AirBnB or private flats/houses (n=210*)
                                                                                                                                         perform as well as hotels,
                                                                                                                 Negative                AirBnB and airlines.
                                   Airlines (n=313*)                                                             Rather negative
                                                                                                                 Rather positive
                                                                                                                 Positive                           Experiences with
                  Car rental companies (n=170*)

                                                                                                                                                    AirBnB/private homes, car
                                                                                                                                                    rental and railway were
                     Railway companies (n=239*)                                                                                                     more positive for those
                                                                                                                                                    with a higher travel
                                                         0%        20%        40%        60%        80%   100%                                                          Slide 28

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)

        Page 18              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                           Date 27.01.2021
Thank you very much for your attention!

Page 19   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
 I. Objective, method and demography
 II. Results of the survey
           1. Leisure travel behavior
           2. Touchless travel
           3. Vaccination
           4. Travel experience
 III. Back-up detail evaluation
           A. Correlations
           B. Other survey findings

Page 20   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
A. People   who expect a later return to normal travel behavior are more
   likely to be concerned about their health and the health of others

                              Correlation between expected return to normal travel behavior and fear of infection




              Fear of corona infection / hygiene conditions in the destination country                Fear of potentially infecting others (family, friends, colleagues, etc.)
                                                                   I already travel as before**     2021     2022       After 2022
       p=0.00 Highly significant***

       ** Those who travel as before the crisis are not concerned about Corona infection
*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
***Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 21              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                            Date 27.01.2021
A. People who flew during the pandemic are more likely
   to have an optimistic outlook

                                                Correlation between expected return to normal travel behavior
                                                                 and number of trips in 2020





                    I already travel as before                                   2021                                 2022                     After 2022
       p=0.00 Highly significant**
                                                                                   0     1 to 3     4 to 6   6-10   >10

 The higher the number of trips in 2020, the more likely an earlier return of the normal travel behavior is expected.

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
**Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 22              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                         Date 27.01.2021
A. Cancellations and no available connection have a higher impact
   on travel behavior for travellers with a higher budget

                  Correlation between travel budget and                                    n=532*           Correlation between travel budget and             n=532*

                         reason for not travelling                                                              number of leisure trips in 2020
                 Low**                 Average        Rather high         Very high                          Low**       Average   Rather high           Very high
              No connection                  Cancellation through travel service provider                            0      1 to 3     4 to 6
     p=0.00 Highly significant***                         p=0.00 Highly significant***                                    p=0.00 Highly significant***

   People with a higher travel budget were significantly                                            On average, people with a higher travel budget took
   more affected by a cancellations and lack of                                                     significantly more trips in 2020 on average.
*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
** Includes the answer categories "Very low" and "Low”
**Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 23              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                     Date 27.01.2021
A. Participants of the DACH region rate governmental travel warnings
   better than participants from other countries
                    Correlation between place of origin and rating of the                n=521*                    Correlation between place of origin and rating of the   n=522*

                             trustworthiness of travel warnings                                                                relevance of travel warnings
                                    100%                                                                                     100%
             Very good                                                                                      Very good
             Rather good                                                                                    Rather good
                                      50%                                                                   Neutral           50%
             Rather bad                                                                                     Rather bad
             Very Bad                  0%                                                                   Very Bad            0%
                                               Other participants     DACH-participants                                               Other participants   DACH-participants
     p=0.03 Highly significant**                                                                    p=0.04 Significant**

                    Correlation between place of origin and rating of the                n=523*
                             communication of travel warnings
             Very good                                                                               There is no significant correlation between place of
             Rather good                                                                             residence and the assessment of the predictability
             Neutral                  50%
                                                                                                     of travel warnings.
             Rather bad
             Very Bad                  0%
                                               Other participants     DACH-participants
     p=0.03 Significant**

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
**Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 24                    Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                             Date 27.01.2021
A. The  majority of pessimistic travellers could be convinced to board an
   aircraft again once travel corridors or fully tested flights are offered
                                                                                                     n=423*                                                                                                     n=423*
                          Correlation between expected return                                                                      Correlation between expected return
                     to normal travel and readiness to fly as normal                                                          to normal travel and readiness to fly as normal
                                  with travel corridors                                                                                with negatively tested flight
    100%                                                                                                      100%

      80%                                                                                                     80%

      60%                                                                                                     60%

      40%                                                                                                     40%

      20%                                                                                                     20%

       0%                                                                                                       0%
                I already travel                 2021                2022                After 2022                      I already travel              2021                    2022                 After 2022
                   as before                                                                                                as before
                  Yes, I would consider flying     I am not sure   No, I would not consider flying                         Yes, I would consider flyingp=0.00
                                                                                                                                                           I amHighly  significant***
                                                                                                                                                                not sure      No, I would not consider flying
     p=0.00 Highly significant**                                                                              p=0.00 Highly significant**

  While travel corridors and fully tested flights are more attractive to optimistic participants, still more than 60% of
  those expecting a return to normal in 2022 or later could be convinced to consider flying again.

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
**Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 25                Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                             Date 27.01.2021
A. Those  who want to be vaccinated quickly are more likely to fear an
   infection, others are more likely affected by quarantine concerns

                                                        Correlation between preferred time of vaccination and
     80%                                                          reason for changed travel behavior




                Concern about      Governmental travel               Fear of potentially         Fear of corona    Cancellation through        Currently no     Concern about non-
              possible quarantine       warnings                      infecting others         infection / hygiene   a travel service         connection to         refundable
              on arrival or return                                    (family, friends,         conditions in the provider (airline, trip preferred destination    cancellations
                                                                      colleagues, etc.)        destination country     maker, etc.)             available
               p=0.04 significant**                                                           p=0.00 highly significant**

                                               I want to be vaccinated as soon as possible (after medical personnel groups at risk)
                                               I want to be vaccinated stress-free once a vaccine is proven, fully certified and widely available

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
**Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 26              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                Date 27.01.2021
A. Participants of the DACH region seem to expect less privileges after
   vaccination than participants from other countries

                               Correlation between place of origin and expectations of privileges after vaccination




             I should not have any         Exemption from            Exemption from           No need to be tested   Ability to enter     Exemption from                   Exemption from
                of such privileges         quarantine rules          entry restrictions                              crowded areas         mask wearing                   physical distancing
                                                                               Other participants        DACH-participants                p=0.09 Slightly significant**    p=0.00 Highly significant**

 Especially the exemptions from mask wearing requirements and physical distancing are significantly less important.

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
**Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 27              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                Date 27.01.2021
A. The experiences with AirBnB and private flats, car rental and railway
   were more positive for those with a higher travel budget
                             Correlation between travel budget and                                n=210*
                                                                                                 n=521*                                                                                              n=170*
                                                                                                                                        Correlation between travel budget and
                          experience with AirBnB or private flats/houses                                                                 experience with car rental companies
           Very high                                                                                             Very high
        Rather high                                                                                           Rather high
             Average                                                                                               Average
                Low**                                                                                                Low**

                         0%              20%          40%         60%               80%           100%                         0%            20%          40%        60%               80%           100%
                          Negatively        Rather Negatively   Rather positively         Positively                           Negatively      Rather Negatively   Rather positively         Positively
     p=0.11**                                                                                              p=0.08 Slightly significant***

                                 Correlation between travel budget and                            n=293*
                                   experience with railway companies
          Very high

       Rather high
                                                                                                             Curiously, there seems to be no correlation for
                                                                                                             airlines (p=0.31***) and hotels (p=0.28***).

                        0%              20%          40%          60%             80%          100%
                         Negatively        Rather Negatively    Rather positively     Positively
    p=0.06 Slightly significant***

*Different sample sizes (n) result from non-mandatory questions/bucket options (eg. “no opinion“)
** Includes the answer categories "Very low" and "Low”
**Based on Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient

        Page 28                      Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                          Date 27.01.2021
 I. Objective, method and demography
 II. Results of the survey
           1. Leisure travel behavior
           2. Touchless travel
           3. Vaccination
           4. Travel experience
 III. Back-up detail evaluation
           A. Correlations
           B. Other survey findings

Page 29   Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT   Date 27.01.2021
B. The majority of participants travel mainly or only for leisure reasons
   Do you travel more for leisure or for business purposes (# of participants)?

                                                                           (n = 536)
                                                                                            Leisure only
                                                                                            Mainly leisure
                                         111                                                Mainly business
                                                                                            Business only


    Page 30      Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                 Date 27.01.2021
B. Rapid testing, regular updates about the trip and own vaccination are
   what the participants think will bring back travelling

   If the Corona case numbers stay the same as they are currently, what factors would need to be fulfilled for you to
   travel again (# of participants)?

                                                                                   (n = 536)

                        Rapid test results in country of origin and destination                                                                          366
                                         Contactless travel can be guaranteed                                          180
                   Regular updates about current changes relevant to my trip                                                             264
  Travel corridorsare createdand an infection while flying is nearly impossible                                                        244
                                                               I am vaccinated                                                           264
                     Largely vaccinated population in the destination country                                                 213
                I will not travel as I normally would until the pandemic is over                         88
                                                         Other (please specify)                     60
                                                                                   0           50        100   150     200        250        300   350     400

     Page 31          Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                        Date 27.01.2021
B. The participants are generally interested in additional services for safe

   In an effort to lower your risk of infection, how interested would you be in the following services (# of

  300                                                       284
  250                                                                                                                207
  200    170                                         179                                                      179                           182
               148 162                                                                  147                                                       132
  150                                                                                                                          112 110
  100                                                                  85 100                           84
                             56                                                                  66
                                       40     33
            Lounge access /           Rapid testing (waiting            Individual boarding        Free middle seat            Taxi service to the hotel
        Individual shuttle to the      times faster result)                   (n=536)                  (n=536)                 (instead of using a bus)
                aircraft                     (n=536)                                                                                   (n=536)
                                  Not interested         Rather not interested      Rather interested    Very interested

    Page 32       Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                    Date 27.01.2021
B. ...and the majority would be willing to pay extra for them
  Would you be willing to pay extra for one or more of these services (# of participants)?

                                                                         (n = 536)

                                                                                             Yes, I would
                                                                                             No, I would not
                                                                                             No response

    Page 33    Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                     Date 27.01.2021
B. The car was used by most participants during the pandemic;
   Curiously, more participants used aircraft than trains

   Which modes of transportation did you use during the pandemic (# of participants)?

                                                                               (n = 536)

                  Airplane                                                                       248
                       Car                                                                                                                 496
  Long distance bus / coach       15
           Public transport                                                                            288
                      Train                                                                221
     Other (please specify)               43
                              0          50           100           150          200         250       300       350           400   450   500

     Page 34         Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                 Date 27.01.2021
B. The attractiveness of the connection is more important to travellers
   than health-related factors

   What are currently the most important factors when choosing your mode of transportation (# of participants)?

                                                                                 (n = 536)

  Attractiveness of the connection (total travel time, arrival time etc.)                                                                    361
                            Avoid contact / distance to other travellers                                                          324
                                                           Convenience                                                           309
                                                       Hygienic concept                                           231
                                                                   Price                                             246
                                                  Other (please specify)         19
                                                                            0         50     100   150   200       250     300         350         400

     Page 35           Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                           Date 27.01.2021
B. Participants appreciate the flexibility that is offered;
   Ratings for cruise operators and railway companies are relatively low

   How much booking flexibility do you believe is offered by the following service providers (even if you do/did not
   use them) (# of participants)?

  250                                                                225                 222                     222                 238
                   197                       196
  200                                           173
                     136                                               136                                         143
  150                                                                                119                                          110      100             100     99
              94                                                                               84
  100                                                 78                     80 73                          82                                        72
                             64         63                      69
        45                                                                                                               56 48                                          46
                                                                                                    38 33                                        40
   50                              26                      26

              Airlines              Hotels resorts              Car rental         Cruise operators AirBnB / private Long distance bus                      Railway
              (n=536)                 (n=536)                   companies              (n=536)       apartments / / coach operators                        companies
                                                                 (n=536)                                houses           (n=536)                            (n=536)
                          Low flexibility       Rather low flexibility        Moderate flexibility      Rather high flexibility         High flexibility

    Page 36              Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                         Date 27.01.2021
B. The hygiene of airlines and hotels/vacation homes is mostly trusted;
   The one of public transport, buses and trains rather less

  To what extent do you trust the current hygienic regulations in the following means of transport or at the
  following places (# of participants)?

  250                    216
                                              198190                                                                                      204                                                                                     194
  200                                                                                                   179180
                                                                   143                                                                          145                                                145
  150              129                                                         133
                                        100                                                                                         109
                               85                                                                                                                                                                                            93
  100         70                                                                                   69
                                                                                                                 81                                            71            72                                64
                                                                                                                               38                                                             48                        39                    46
        33                                                                                                                                            35
   50                                                  29                            21                               22                                                                 23
                                    3                       6 13                          9   2                            5                               5                      11 5                              3                              2
              Aircraft                   Long distance                     Public                         Trains                  Airport                           Pedestrian               Hotels,     Bars and
              (n=536)                   buses / coaches                  transport                       (n=536)                terminals /                           zones /            vacation homes restaurants
                                            (n=536)                       (n=536)                                              train stations                        shopping               and flats     (n=536)
                                                                                                                                  (n=536)                             centers                (n=536)
                                                  No trust           Low trust                    Indifferent              High trust             Very high trust                 No response

    Page 37                    Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                                                                                       Date 27.01.2021
B. The majority of participants believe to have an average or higher than
   average travel budget

  How big do you think your travel budget is compared to other travellers (# of participants)?

                                                                         (n = 536)
                                                             29 9           51

                                                                                                 Very low
                                                                                                 Rather low
                                                                                                 Rather high
                                                                                                 Very high

    Page 38    Survey Results Winter Edition 2021 | Manuel Wehner, IAT                     Date 27.01.2021
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