Mobility: Immigration Tracker - 26 May 2021 Impact of COVID-19 on global immigration - EY

Page created by Lucille Olson
Mobility: Immigration Tracker - 26 May 2021 Impact of COVID-19 on global immigration - EY
Mobility: Immigration
Impact of COVID-19 on global immigration

26 May 2021
Important notes

•       This document provides a snapshot of the policy changes that have been announced in jurisdictions around the world
        in response to the COVID-19 crisis. It is designed to support conversations about policies that have been proposed or
        implemented in key jurisdictions
•       Policy changes across the globe are being proposed and implemented on a daily basis. This document is updated on an
        ongoing basis but not all entries will be up-to-date as the process moves forward. In addition, not all jurisdictions are
        reflected in this document
•       Find the most current version of this tracker on
•       Please consult with your EY engagement team to check for new updates and new developments

             EY teams have developed additional trackers to help you follow changes:
             ►   Force Majeure
             ►   Global Mobility
             ►   Global Tax Policy
             ►   Global Trade Considerations
             ►   Labor and Employment Law
             ►   Tax Controversy
             ►   Transfer Pricing
             ►   US State and Local Taxes
             EY professionals are updating the trackers regularly as the situation continues to develop.

    Page 2             Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration
Overview/key issues

•        With the crisis evolving at different stages globally, government authorities continue to implement
         immigration-related measures to limit the spread of the COVID-19 pandemic and protect the health and
         safety of individuals in and outside of their jurisdictions.

•        Measures to stem the spread of COVID-19 include the following:
         • Entry restrictions and heightened admission criteria for certain populations (including prohibitions on entry
             from high-risk locations)
         •   Mandatory “stay-home notices” and quarantine orders for newly admitted citizens, residents and visitors
             (whether in state facilities, hotels or private residences)
         •   Temporary suspension (and in some cases, permanent cancelation) of existing (valid) visas issued prior to
             COVID-19 and suspension of issuance of new visas
         •   Introduction of heightened eligibility criteria and application requirements where visas are being issued
             (including suspension of visa waiver agreements and enhanced document requirements for new applications)

•        Some governments are announcing flexible policies to prevent temporary residents who are unable to
         travel from becoming overstayers under immigration laws, and enabling virtual right to work.

Page 3                Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration
Jurisdictions covered (79)                                                        *Updated
Angola           Gabon         Liechtenstein             Serbia
Argentina *      Georgia       Macau *                   Singapore
Australia *      Germany *     Malaysia                  Slovenia
Austria          Ghana         Mexico                    South Africa
Bahrain          Greece        Mongolia                  South Korea
Belgium *        Guatemala     The Netherlands *         Spain
Brazil           Guernsey      New Zealand               Sweden
Canada *         Honduras      Nicaragua                 Switzerland
Chile            Hong Kong *   Nigeria                   Taiwan
China Mainland   Hungary *     Norway                    Thailand
Colombia         India         Oman                      Trinidad and Tobago *
Costa Rica       Indonesia     Panama                    Uganda
Cyprus           Ireland       Paraguay                  United Arab Emirates *
Czech Republic   Israel        Peru                      United Kingdom
Denmark *        Italy *       Philippines               United States
Ecuador          Jamaica       Qatar                     Uruguay *
Egypt            Japan         Romania                   Venezuela
El Salvador      Jersey *      Rwanda                    Vietnam
Finland          Kenya         Kingdom of Saudi Arabia   Zambia
France           Kuwait        Senegal

Page 4
Angola                                                                                                                                                                        • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                              • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                              • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                        Heightened admission                              Vaccination requirements                        Quarantine / isolation                        Impact on existing visas,
         Entry restrictions
                                                            requirements                                     and considerations                              requirements                                and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens can enter Angola.          ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All               ►    There are currently no vaccination-       ►   Duration. All travelers are required to    ►   Existing (valid) visas. These visas are
                                                       travelers who are eligible to enter                 related requirements relating to COVID-       quarantine for 10 days upon arrival.           not suspended or canceled, and may be
 ►   Permanent residents. Permanent                    Angola are required to take a reverse               19 that have been announced in                They will be tested for COVID-19 after         used to enter Angola, provided the visa
     residents can enter Angola.                       transmission polymerase chain reaction              connection with travel to this                this 10-day period, and if they test           holder is not otherwise inadmissible
 ►   Temporary residents and work                      (RT PCR) COVID-19 test no more than                 jurisdiction.                                 negative, they will be permitted to end        (e.g. business visitors who do not
     visa/permit holders. These individuals            72 hours prior to their intended travel.                                                          their quarantine.                              receive an entry/travel exemption).
     can enter Angola.                                 They must test negative, and carry a
                                                       certificate confirming the same, in                                                           ►   Location. Travelers are required to        ►   New visa issuance. New visa
 ►   Business visitors. These individuals              order to enter Angola.                                                                            quarantine in a government-designated          applications continue to be accepted
     may enter in Angola provided that they                                                                                                              institution if they test positive for          and processed. However, delays are
     are professionals who are entering to         ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. New                                                                COVID-19 on arrival. If they test              expected due to COVID-19.
     provide services to public or private             entrants are required to take an antigen                                                          negative, they may quarantine in a
                                                       rapid COVID-19 test after arrival. They                                                           private location (e.g. private home).      ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Visa
     entities.                                                                                                                                                                                          extension/renewal applications continue
                                                       will also be tested after their 10th day of
 ►   Other categories. Other categories of             quarantine.                                                                                   ►   Exemptions. None.                              to be accepted and processed for
     travelers who are currently admissible                                                                                                                                                             individuals who are in Angola. However,
                                                       Health screenings on arrival. All new                                                         ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to         delays are expected due to the COVID-
     include professionals providing               ►
                                                                                                                                                         local rules, including those relating to
     services to public and private entities,          entrants will be screened upon arrival.                                                                                                          19. Work Visas, Investor Visas,
                                                                                                                                                         the use of masks, restrictions on              Temporary Stay Visas, Residence
     cargo/goods transport personnel,              ►   Declarations. All new entrants must                                                               gathering with others, curfews etc.
     humanitarian assistance, medical                                                                                                                                                                   Permits and Refugee Cards that expired
                                                       sign a consent form upon arrival,                                                                                                                on or after 28 February 2020 are
     emergency, technical stopovers, entry             confirming that they will comply with
     and exit of consular and diplomatic                                                                                                                                                                considered valid until 31 July 2021, if
                                                       local heal rules (e.g. post-arrival testing,                                                                                                     the visa/permit/card holder is outside of
     staff.                                            quarantine).                                                                                                                                     Angola. These individuals must request
 ►   Transit. Transit through Angola in case       ►   Registrations. All travelers must                                                                                                                a renewal of their visa/permit/card
     of technical stopover is allowed.                 complete a Travel Registration Form in                                                                                                           within five business days of entering
                                                       advance of travel. For more                                                                                                                      Angola.
 ►   Comments. Entry into Angola by non-
     resident foreign citizens traveling from          information, click here.
     (or who transited through) Brazil and         ►   Mobile phone apps. None.
     India is temporarily suspended until
     further notice.                               ►   Health insurance. None.
                                                   ►   Fees. None.
                                                   ►   Comments. None.

Page 5                            Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                            Back to top
Argentina                                                                                                                                                                         • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                  • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                  • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                                Heightened admission                           Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                        Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                                    requirements                                  and considerations                             requirements                                and new visa issuance
 ►   Citizens. Citizens may enter Argentina by air via     ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All            ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. Currently, all new entrants      ►   Existing (valid) visas. All Argentine
     Ezeiza International Airport, San Fernando
     Airport, and, starting 16 March 2021, Jorge
                                                               eligible travelers to Argentina must take        related requirements that have been          must quarantine for 14 days upon               residence documents with an expiration
     Newbery Metropolitan Airport, or by sea via the           a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)                announced in connection with travel to       arrival.                                       date on/after 18 March 2020 have
     Dársena Norte (Buquebús) Terminal. They may               COVID-19 test no more than 72 hours              this jurisdiction.                                                                          been automatically extended multiple
     enter via land only if they left the country              prior to travel, and test negative in                                                     ►   Location. New entrants who test                times, in 30-day increments, by the
     between April and 25 December 2020.
                                                               order to be admitted. In limited cases,                                                       negative for COVID-19 (upon arrival and        Argentine authorities. These documents
 ►   Permanent residents. Permanent residents may              eligible travelers may be allowed to take                                                     on their seventh day in country) may           are currently considered valid until 22
     enter Argentina, subject to the air, sea and land         this first PCR COVID-19 test, at their                                                        quarantine at the address where the            June 2021. Tourist visas are currently
     restrictions noted above.
                                                               own expense, upon arrival at Ezeiza                                                           traveler will remain in Argentina. Those       suspended and cannot be used to enter
 ►   Temporary residents and work visa/permit                  International Airport.                                                                        who test positive for COVID-19 after           Argentina until further notice.
     holders. Temporary residents may enter                                                                                                                  entering the country may be required to        Argentine resident authorization
     Argentina. Residents and workers must possess         ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing.                                                                quarantine at a government-designated          documents are not suspended and may
     the necessary authorizations prior to travel. They        Travelers are required to take a second                                                       location, at their own expense.
     may enter via land only if they left the country                                                                                                                                                       be used to enter to country, provided
     between April and 25 December 2020.                       PCR COVID-19 test upon arrival, and a                                                                                                        the document holder is not otherwise
                                                               third PCR COVID-19 test after seven                                                       ►   Exemptions. Limited exemptions from
     Business visitors. Business visitors are not                                                                                                            the quarantine requirement exist,              ineligible for entry.
                                                               days in country.
     currently permitted to enter Argentina. An                                                                                                              including for (1) international carriers   ►   New visa issuance. New visas and
     exception exists for Brazilian citizens, who are
     permitted to enter, provided they receive
                                                           ►   Health screenings on arrival. Travelers                                                       and crew members, (2) foreigners who           permits are being issued only with prior
     approval from the Argentine consulate with                are subject to random health screenings                                                       are expressly authorized by the                authorization from the Ministry of
     jurisdiction over their place of residence prior to       at the discretion of the Argentine                                                            Argentine immigration authorities              Foreign Affairs. New business and
     travel.                                                   authorities.                                                                                  (including business visitors, residents        tourist visa applications are not being
 ►   Other categories. Direct family members of                                                                                                              and workers who are authorized to              processed currently.
     Argentine citizens (including children, parents
                                                           ►   Declarations. All new entrants to                                                             enter Argentina), and (3) transiting
     and spouses) may enter Argentina subject to               Argentina must complete a sworn                                                               passengers, provided they remain in        ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Visa and
     several entry criteria. Essential workers and             statement, available here, no more than                                                       Argentina for less than 24 hours.              permit extension/renewal applications
     individuals seeking to enter for family                   48 hours prior to entry. Travelers over
     reunification are also eligible to enter Argentina.                                                                                                                                                    are being processed for applicants who
     They will need to obtain prior approval from the          the age of 70 are exempt from these                                                       ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to         are physically present in Argentina.
     Argentine consulate with jurisdiction over their          requirements.                                                                                 local rules, including those relating to
     place of residence.                                                                                                                                     the use of masks, restrictions on
                                                           ►   Registrations. None.                                                                          gathering with others, curfews etc.
 ►   Transit. Transit is prohibited for the most part.
     Only Argentine citizens and residents outside of      ►   Mobile phone apps. All travelers are
     Argentina may transit through Argentina en route
     to their final destination.
                                                               strongly recommended to download and
                                                               use the “Cuidar COVID-19” app.
 ►   Comments. Eligible travelers must enter by air via
     the Ezeiza International Airport, San Fernando        ►   Health insurance. All travelers must
     Airport or, starting 16 March 2021, Jorge                 have health insurance that covers the
     Newbery Metropolitan Airport, or by sea via the
     Dársena Norte Terminal (Buquebús). All flights            costs of medical treatments related to
     from the United Kingdom, Brazil, Chile, India and         COVID-19.
     Mexico are suspended until further notice.
                                                           ►   Fees. None.

Page 6                                    Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                         Back to top
Australia                                                                                                                                                                      • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                               • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                               • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                          Heightened admission                              Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                         Impact on existing visas,
         Entry restrictions
                                                              requirements                                     and considerations                             requirements                                 and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens can enter Australia.         ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All travelers     ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. All travelers are subject to a    ►   Existing (valid) visas. These visas are
                                                         must present a negative polymerase chain            related requirements that have been          14-day quarantine, except for travelers         not suspended or canceled and may be
 ►   Permanent residents. Permanent                      reaction (PCR) COVID-19 test result,
     residents can enter Australia.                                                                          announced in connection with travel to       from New Zealand arriving via the New           used to enter Australia, provided the
                                                         issued no more than 72 hours prior to               this jurisdiction.                           Zealand safe travel zone. All                   visa holder also has an entry/travel
 ►   Temporary residents and work                        departure. Rapid antigen testing and PCR                                                         travelers who have been in New Zealand          exemption.
     visa/permit holders. These individuals are          COVID-19 testing is required for all                                                             for 14 days can travel by air to
     not permitted to enter Australia unless             travelers from India prior to boarding                                                                                                       ►   New visa issuance. Visa applications
                                                                                                                                                          Australia without the need to apply for a
     they have travel exemption.                         flights to Australia.                                                                                                                            continue to be accepted and processed.
                                                                                                                                                          travel exemption or complete 14-day
                                                                                                                                                          quarantine. For more information, click         Delays are being observed for some visa
 ►   Business visitors. Same as temporary            ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. COVID-19
                                                         tests will be conducted after arrival (while                                                     here.                                           categories. Delays are also expected
     residents and work visa holders.
                                                         travelers are in quarantine).                                                                                                                    from third-party agencies, such as
 ►   Other categories. The following individuals                                                                                                      ►   Location. Quarantines must be                   English test centers, health check
     may also enter Australia: citizens of New       •   Health screenings on arrival. All travelers                                                      completed at designated locations               providers, police clearance providers
     Zealand who normally reside in Australia,           will be screened upon arrival, and asked if                                                      arranged by the Australian authorities.         and biometrics collection centers.
     Business Innovation and Investment                  they have been, or are, experiencing
     (subclass 188) visa holders, individuals            COVID-19 symptoms.                                                                           ►   Exemptions. Exemptions exist in very        ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Visa
     recruited under the approved Seasonal                                                                                                                limited circumstances. These are tied to        extension/renewal applications continue
     Worker Program or Pacific Labour Scheme,        ►   Declarations. An Australia Travel                                                                the requirements in the Australian State        to be accepted and processed. Delays
     and travelers arriving via the New Zealand          Declaration must be completed at least 72
                                                                                                                                                          or Territory to which they will travel.         are being observed for some visa
     safe travel zone.                                   hours before departure. The declaration
                                                                                                                                                                                                          categories. Delays are also expected
                                                         can be found here.                                                                           ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to
 ►   Transit. Travelers may transit through                                                                                                                                                               from third-party agencies, such as
                                                         Registrations. Each Australian State or                                                          local rules, including those relating to        English test centers, health check
     Australia, provided they remain in              ►
                                                         Territory may have additional                                                                    the use of masks, restrictions on               providers, police clearance providers
     Australia for 72 hours or less.
                                                         requirements for entry.                                                                          gathering with others, curfews etc.             and biometrics collection centers.
 ►   Comments. Travelers may require
     approvals from the Australian States or         ►   Mobile phone apps. Each Australian State
     Territories to which they will travel, and          or Territory may have additional
     they are subject to the rules imposed by            requirements for entry.
     the States or Territories to which they will
     travel, or through which they will transit.     ►   Health insurance. None.
     Travelers should check the requirements in
                                                     ►   Fees. Travelers are responsible for the
     the locations through which they will
                                                         costs related to quarantine.
     transit as well as their final
     destination. Click here for more                ►   Comments. Masks must be worn on flights
     information about measures being                    to Australia and domestic flights across
     implemented in different Australian States          the States/Territories. Masks are not
     and Territories.                                    required for children age 12 and under, or
 ►   Facilitated commercial flights from India to        those with other accepted exemptions.
     Australia resumed on 15 May 2021.

Page 7                              Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                            Back to top
Austria                                                                                                                                                                                 • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Last updated/validated: 19 May 2021

                                                          Heightened admission                                        Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                        Impact on existing visas,
         Entry restrictions
                                                              requirements                                               and considerations                             requirements                                and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens, permanent residents,        ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. In general, travelers       ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. In general, new entrants are     ►   Existing (valid) visas. These visas are
     temporary residents and work                        are required to take a polymerase chain reaction
                                                         (PCR) no more than 72 hours prior to entry, or an
                                                                                                                       related requirements that have been          required to quarantine for 10 days on          not canceled or suspended. Visa holders
     visa/permit holders are allowed to enter            antigen COVID-19 test no more than 48 hours prior             announced in connection with travel to       arrival, provided they are entering from       may enter using their visas, provided
     Austria.                                            to entry, and test negative, in order to be admitted          this jurisdiction.                           a country that is not deemed a “safe           they are not otherwise inadmissible
                                                         to Austria. Commuters are also required to present                                                         country.” After five days of quarantine,       (e.g. if they are seeking to enter from a
 ►   Permanent residents. See above.                     proof of a negative PCR or antigen COVID-19 test,
                                                         issued no more than seven days prior to entry,                                                             the traveler may choose to take a PCR          high-risk area without getting tested for
 ►   Temporary residents and work                        every time they seek to enter. Commuters arriving                                                          or antigen COVID-19 test, and end their        COVID-19 prior to travel).
     visa/permit holders. See above.                     from Bulgaria, Estonia, France, Italy, Malta, Poland,                                                      quarantine early, if they test negative.
                                                         Sweden, Slovakia, Slovenia, the Czech Republic,                                                                                                       ►   New visa issuance. Currently, visa
 ►   Business visitors. In general, business             Hungary or Cyprus must take a PCR or antigen test                                                      ►   Location. The quarantine can take place        applications may be lodged exclusively
     travelers are permitted to enter. See               no more than 72 hours prior to entry.
                                                                                                                                                                    in a private residence. New entrants are       in exceptional circumstances. For
     comments below.                                 ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. New entrants are                                                            not required to quarantine at a state          example, family members of Austrian
                                                         required to take a COVID-19 test on arrival. If no
     Other categories. Cross-border                                                                                                                                 facility.                                      citizens and certain Austrian residents
 ►                                                       test result can be presented upon entry, a test must
     commuters are allowed to enter Austria.             be completed within 24 hours of entry. It is possible                                                                                                     (e.g. EEA and Swiss citizens residing in
                                                         for new entrants to take a PCR or antigen COVID-19
                                                                                                                                                                ►   Exemptions. Travelers entering from            Austria), as well as certain travelers
     Third-country nationals may not enter if                                                                                                                       “safe countries,” as well as business
                                                         test after five days in the country (during their                                                                                                         entering for work, may be issued a new
     the purpose of their travel is tourism or           quarantine period). If they test negative, they may                                                        visitors, cross-border commuters and           visa. In general, new visa applications
     leisure, if they are traveling a country            be permitted to cease quarantining. Commuters                                                              those in transit, are not required to          may not be lodged with Austrian
     that is located outside of the Schengen             who do not present a negative test result upon
     Area and the list of countries that are             entry must get tested within 24 hours of entry.                                                            quarantine. Individuals traveling              embassies and consulates, or with
     deemed safe by the Austrian authorities                                                                                                                        to Vomp-Hinterriss, Mittelberg and             external service partners (e.g. VFS
                                                         Health screenings on arrival. New entrants may be
     (i.e. “safe countries”). The list of safe
                                                                                                                                                                    Jungholz are similarly exempt.                 Global).
                                                         subject to health screenings, including temperature
     countries is changing at a rapid pace.              checks and questioning about their health status.
                                                                                                                                                                ►   Comments. None.
     Travelers should confirm whether the                                                                                                                                                                      ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Extension
                                                     ►   Declarations. All travelers entering Austria must
     country from which they are departing is            register digitally in advance, to obtain a "pre-travel
                                                                                                                                                                                                                   applications are being processed as
     on the “safe country” list, prior to travel.        clearance," unless an exception applies. Commuters                                                                                                        usual. Please consider delays due to
                                                         must also register, and renew their registration                                                                                                          reduced staff and restrictions.
 ►   Transit. Transit through Austria is                 every seven days and/or when any requested
     permitted, provided the traveler can                information changes (e.g. when they take new
                                                         COVID-19 tests). For more information, click here.
     prove that they are eligible for entry to
     the destination after Austria (e.g. they        ►   Registrations. See above.
     have a confirmed connecting flight out of
                                                     ►   Mobile phone apps. New entrants have the option to
     Austria, or arrangements to transit via             download the "Stop Corona" contact-tracing app. It
     land). Austrian border officers have                can be downloaded for free from the Apple and
     discretion to deny travelers the ability to         Google app stores.
     transit if they deem that the traveler
                                                     ►   Health insurance. None.
     does not have convincing proof that they
     will limit their time in Austria to transit     ►   Fees. Travelers are responsible for the
     (e.g. if they suspect that the traveler will        costs associated with COVID-19 testing.
     seek to enter the country).

Page 8                              Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                                      Back to top
Bahrain                                                                                                                                                                               • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                      • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                                Heightened admission                            Vaccination requirements                          Quarantine / isolation                          Impact on existing visas,
         Entry restrictions
                                                                    requirements                                   and considerations                                requirements                                  and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens may enter Bahrain.                 ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. Travelers       ►    Saudi citizens must demonstrate that        ►   Duration. All new entrants must              ►   Existing (valid) visas. Existing (valid)
 ►   Permanent residents. Permanent residents                  from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka,                  they are full vaccinated (e.g. both doses       quarantine for 10 days on arrival.               visas are not suspended or canceled.
     may enter Bahrain.                                        Bangladesh, and Nepal are required to             of the Pfizer vaccine) in order to be                                                            They may be used to enter Bahrain,
                                                               get tested prior to travel, in order to be        admitted to Bahrain via a land border.      ►   Location. New entrants may quarantine            unless the visa holder is otherwise
 ►   Temporary residents and work visa/permit                  allowed to board their lights.                                                                    at a hospital, hotel or private residence.       inadmissible.
     holders. These individuals may enter Bahrain.
                                                           ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. All                                                            ►   Exemptions. None.                            ►   New visa issuance. New visa
 ►   Business visitors. Business visitors may be
     permitted to enter Bahrain provided they                  travelers are required to undergo a PCR                                                       ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to           applications are being processed.
     receive approval from the Nationality                     COVID-19 test upon arrival. They are                                                              local rules, including those relating to
     Passports and Residence Affairs (NPRA)                    also required to take another PCR                                                                                                              ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Visa
                                                                                                                                                                 the use of masks, restrictions on                extension/renewal applications are
     authorities. For more information, click here.            COVID-19 test after five days of                                                                  gathering with others, curfews etc.              being processed. For more information,
 ►   Transit. Transit through Bahrain is permitted,            isolation, and then again after 10 days
                                                               in Bahrain. Fully vaccinated individuals,                                                                                                          click here.
     except where entry bars are in place (e.g.
     flights from Iraq may not transit through                 and individuals who are deemed to have
     Bahrain). See below.                                      recovered fully from COVID-19, are not
 ►   Comments. Citizens and residents of Gulf                  required to take a PCR COVID-19 test
     Cooperation Council (GCC) member states,                  on arrival.
     passengers holding a valid e-visa prior to
     boarding, passengers eligible to obtain a visa        ►   Health screenings on arrival. None.
     on arrival, and holders of official, service or
     UN passports, may enter Bahrain                       ►   Declarations. None.
     currently. Visa on arrival eligibility can be
     checked on website of the NPRA. Travel from           ►   Registrations. None.
     Iraq and Iran is currently banned, as is travel
                                                           ►   Mobile phone apps. Travelers are
     from other locations with elevated infection
     levels. No official country list has been                 strongly encouraged to download the
     published, and travelers should confirm their             “BeAware Bahrain” mobile phone app.
     eligibility to travel to Bahrain with their airline
     carriers prior to travel. Passengers arriving         ►   Health insurance. None.
     from India, Pakistan, Sri Lanka, Nepal and
     Bangladesh, and passengers who have not               ►   Fees. Travelers are responsible for
     been vaccinated for COVID-19, are required to             paying the cost of COVID-19 testing in
     show a polymerase chain reaction (PCR)                    Bahrain (approximately BD 36).
     COVID-19 test certificate that contains a QR
     code, issued from where the test was
     completed no more than 48 hours prior to
     their departure.

 ►   Effective 24 May 2021, entry is prohibited to
     anyone that is traveling from India, Pakistan,
     Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, or Nepal, that is not a
     citizen, GCC national or residence visa holder.

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Belgium                                                                                                                                                                              • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                     • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                           Heightened admission                                 Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                            Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                               requirements                                        and considerations                             requirements                                    and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens may enter Belgium.            ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All non-Belgian      ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. Individuals entering from a red      ►   Existing (valid) visas. Visas are
                                                          residents aged six or above, who are traveling         related requirements that have been          zone who were there for over 48 hours,             temporarily suspended for non-essential
 ►   Permanent residents. Permanent                       from a red zone and were there for more than                                                        including Belgian residents, are required to       travel. Individuals holding valid visas may
                                                                                                                 announced in connection with travel to
     residents may enter Belgium.                         48 hours, are required to present a negative                                                        quarantine for 10 days upon arrival. Those         not use their visas to enter Belgium if the
                                                          polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19
                                                                                                                 this jurisdiction.
 ►   Temporary residents and work                                                                                                                             who test positive for COVID-19 on their            purpose of their proposed travel to
                                                          test result, issued no more than 72 hours
     visa/permit holders. These individuals                                                                                                                   seventh day in Belgium will be required to         Belgium is not considered essential.
                                                          prior to departure, in order to be eligible for
     may enter Belgium, provided they hold a                                                                                                                  remain in quarantine for at least ten
                                                          admission.                                                                                                                                         ►   New visa issuance. Most Belgian
     valid permit/long-term visa D. Individuals                                                                                                               additional days. Children under the age of
                                                          Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. All non-                                                             six who enter from a red zone are required         consulates and embassies have resumed
     holding a work visa issued in Brazil, India      ►
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 visa processing worldwide. They are
     or South Africa cannot enter Belgium until           Belgian residents age 6 or above, who are                                                           to quarantine for 10 days upon arrival to
                                                          traveling from a red zone and were there for                                                        Belgium. Travelers coming from India,              currently only processing C (short-term)
     30 June 2021. This date may be                                                                                                                                                                              and D (long-term) visa applications for
                                                          more than 48 hours, are required to take                                                            South Africa, South America or the
     extended further.                                                                                                                                                                                           those whose travel is considered essential.
                                                          another PCR COVID-19 test on their seventh                                                          United Kingdom quarantine for 10 days.
 ►   Business visitors. Only individuals                  day in Belgium. Travelers coming from                                                                                                                  Short-term travelers must obtain
     traveling from outside of Europe are                 India, South Africa, South America or the                                                       ►   Location. Quarantines can be completed at          attestations from their local Belgian
     subject to entry restrictions. They must             United Kingdom, and all Belgian residents                                                           a private home or temporary                        consulate/embassy confirming that their
                                                          aged six or above, who are coming from a red                                                        accommodation.                                     travel is essential. Specific processing
     be in the possession of a valid attestation
                                                          zone and were there for more than 48 hours,                                                                                                            requirements differ based on the
     confirming that their travel to Belgium is           must take a PCR COVID-19 test on their first                                                    ►   Exemptions. In some instances, travelers
     permitted. Depending on the situation,                                                                                                                                                                      jurisdiction where the consulate or
                                                          and seventh days in the country.                                                                    entering Belgium for professional reasons          embassy is situated. Visas will no longer be
     this will be an Essential Travel Attestation                                                                                                             for no more than 48 hours, who would
     or a Business Travel Abroad Form.                ►   Health screenings on arrival. None.                                                                                                                    issued to travelers arriving from
                                                                                                                                                              otherwise be required to quarantine, may           Brazil, India or South Africa for
 ►   Other categories. The external Schengen          ►   Declarations. The Belgian company                                                                   be allowed to receive an exemption from            professional purposes until 30 June 2021,
     borders are closed to foreigners for all             is required to complete a Business Travel                                                           the quarantine requirement. This                   except if they are considered diplomats or
     non-essential travel. This rule doesn't              Abroad form (for business visitors). All                                                            exemption does not apply for travelers             seafarers. Applications can still be filed;
     apply to residents of Australia, Israel, New         travelers are required to complete                                                                  coming from India, South Africa, South             however the actual visas will not yet be
     Zealand, Rwanda, Singapore, South Korea              a Passenger Locator form (no more than 48                                                           America or the United Kingdom. The                 issued until after 30 June 2021 at the
                                                          hours prior to departure).                                                                          Belgian entity sponsoring the entry of the
     and Thailand.                                                                                                                                                                                               earliest.
                                                                                                                                                              traveler must complete a Business Travel
                                                      ►   Registrations. None.
 ►   Transit. There are no entry restrictions in                                                                                                              Abroad form to apply for such an               ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Individuals
     place for travelers who will strictly transit    ►   Mobile phone apps. Apps are available,                                                              exemption. Exemptions are granted at the           applying for a work or single permit (first-
     through Belgium, en route to another                 however it is not obligatory for travelers to                                                       sole discretion of the Belgian authorities.        time applicants and renewals) can submit
     destination. This applies regardless of the          use these apps.                                                                                                                                        their applications via email. The majority of
     place from which the traveler departs,                                                                                                               ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to             town halls are handling their activities
                                                      ►   Health insurance. No specific COVID-19 rules                                                        local rules, including those relating to the
     provided that flights are operating from                                                                                                                                                                    online, and certain documents may only be
                                                          in place regarding insurance.                                                                       use of masks, restrictions on gathering
     that location.                                                                                                                                                                                              issued/delivered via email. First-time and
                                                      ►   Fees. Those who do not abide by the
                                                                                                                                                              with others, curfews etc.                          renewal applications must continue to be
 ►   Comments. The Belgian measures above                 testing rules are subject to a fine of EUR 250.                                                                                                        submitted as required, even if the physical
     are in effect from 27 January 2021.                                                                                                                                                                         retrieval of the ID card / single permit is
                                                      ►   Comments. Testing requirements can differ,
                                                          depending on the period of stay (e.g. trips
                                                          lasting less than 48 hours).

Page 10                              Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                               Back to top
Brazil                                                                                                                                                                     • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                           • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                           • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                         Heightened admission                           Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                          Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                             requirements                                  and considerations                             requirements                                  and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens may enter Brazil.           ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All            ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. All travelers entering Brazil      ►   Existing (valid) visas. Existing valid
                                                        travelers (including Brazilian citizens)         related requirements that have been          are recommended to quarantine for 14             temporary visas may be used to enter
 ►   Permanent residents. Permanent                     must present a proof that they tested            announced in connection with travel to       days upon arrival. Travelers who are             Brazil, even if these visas have not been
     residents with foreign identification              negative for a reverse transmission              this jurisdiction.                           eligible to enter from, or via, the United       registered with local authorities (i.e. the
     cards may enter Brazil.                            polymerase chain reaction (RT PCR)                                                            Kingdom or South Africa, are required            Federal Police). Individuals holding valid
 ►   Temporary residents and work                       COVID-19 test no more than 72 hours                                                           to quarantine for 14 days upon arrival.          but unregistered visas who are seeking
     visa/permit holders. These individuals             prior to boarding. The COVID-19 test                                                                                                           to re-enter the country, are required to
                                                        documentation must be issued in                                                           ►   Location. Travelers can specify a                register their visas within 90 days of
     may enter Brazil with their foreign                                                                                                              suitable location where they will
     identification cards.                              Portuguese, Spanish or English, by a                                                                                                           entry to Brazil, and in all cases, no later
                                                        laboratory recognized by the health                                                           undergo their quarantine, without being          than 16 September 2021.
 ►   Business visitors. Business visitors are           authorities in the country of departure.                                                      exposed to high-risk individuals. If
     allowed to travel by air. Entry by land            Children under the age of 2 are exempt                                                        travelers cannot provide a suitable          ►   New visa issuance. New visa
     or sea is currently banned, except in              from the test requirement. Children                                                           location to quarantine, they may be              applications are being processed.
     limited situations (e.g. maritime                  under the age of 12 who are                                                                   denied admission to Brazil.
                                                                                                                                                                                                   ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Visa
     Workers entering by waterways).                    accompanied by adults when traveling                                                      ►   Exemptions. None.                                extension/renewal applications are
                                                        to Brazil are exempt of the COVID-19                                                                                                           being processed currently.
 ►   Other categories. None.                                                                                                                          Comments. All travelers are subject to
                                                        test requirement provided all the other                                                   ►

 ►   Transit. Transit through Brazil is                 adult travelers have satisfied the test                                                       local rules, including those relating to
     permitted currently.                               requirement. Unaccompanied children                                                           the use of masks, restrictions on
                                                        between the ages of 2 and 12 must                                                             gathering with others, curfews etc.
 ►   Comments. International flights to                 comply with the COVID-19 test
     Brazil originating in, or transiting               requirement.
     through, the United Kingdom , South
     Africa are prohibited until further            ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. None.
     notice. In addition, foreigners who
                                                    ►   Health screenings on arrival. None.
     spent time in the United Kingdom,
     South Africa or India in the 14 days           ►   Declarations. Travelers must complete
     leading up to their travel to Brazil, are          an online health online declaration prior
     currently prohibited from entering.                to travel. For more information, click
     Exceptions from this entry ban are in              here.
     place for relatives of Brazilian citizens,
     and individuals with valid residence           ►   Registrations. None.
     permits that are duly registered within        ►   Mobile phone apps. None.
     the Federal Police.
                                                    ►   Health insurance. None.
                                                    ►   Fees. None.
                                                    ►   Comments. None.

Page 11                            Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                         Back to top
Canada                                                                                                                                                                                  • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                                Heightened admission                                Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                            Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                                    requirements                                       and considerations                             requirements                                    and new visa issuance
 ►   Citizens. There are no entry restrictions for         ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. A negative          ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. All travelers entering Canada        ►   Existing (valid) visas. These visas are
     Canadian citizens.                                        polymerase chain reaction (PCR) COVID-19              related requirements that have been          are required to quarantine for 14 days             not suspended or canceled. Visa holders
 ►   Permanent residents. There are no entry                   test result, where the test was taken at              announced in connection with travel to       upon arrival, unless they qualify for an           may use their visas to enter Canada
     restrictions for permanent residents.                     most 72 hours before departure, is                    this jurisdiction.                           exemption from the quarantine                      unless they are otherwise inadmissible.
                                                               required for all travelers arriving by air. A                                                      requirement.                                       Individuals who were issued visas
 ►   Temporary residents and work visa/permit                  negative PCR COVID-19 test, taken in the
     holders. Passengers seeking to travel from                                                                                                                                                                      after completing an immigration
                                                               United States no more than 72 hours prior                                                      ►   Location. Travelers entering Canada by
     jurisdictions other than the United States, must                                                                                                                                                                medical exam who have not traveled to
     qualify under one of the travel exemptions, and           to travel, will be required for travelers                                                          air will be required to quarantine at a            Canada within 12 months of completing
     demonstrate that they are traveling for a non-            entering by land.                                                                                  designated hotel for up to 72 hours
     optional and non-discretionary purpose, in order
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     the medical exam may be subject to a
                                                           ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. Travelers                                                           while they wait for their COVID-19 test            temporary suspension of their visa,
     to be allowed to board. Individuals arriving from
     the United States by air or land must                     arriving by land or air who are not exempt                                                         result. If the test result is negative, they       pending completing of a new medical
     demonstrate that they are traveling for a non-            from the quarantine requirement                                                                    may travel to a suitable location of their         exam (at which point the visa may be
     optional and non-discretionary purpose.                   are required to complete a COVID-19 test                                                           choosing to complete the rest of the 14-           used once again for travel).
                                                               on arrival. For more information about                                                             day quarantine. The list of designated
 ►   Business visitors. Business visitors must
     demonstrate that they are traveling for a non-            exemptions from the quarantine                                                                     hotels can be found on the Canadian            ►   New visa issuance. New visa
     optional and non-discretionary purpose.                   requirement, click here.                                                                           government website and the booking                 applications are being processed.
                                                                                                                                                                  must be made by phone. Travelers who               However, delays are being observed,
 ►   Other categories. Immediate family members of         ►   Health screenings on arrival. Upon arrival
     Canadian citizens and permanent residents are
                                                                                                                                                                  enter by land may quarantine at a                  resulting from service reductions.
                                                               in Canada, all travelers will be asked if they
     permitted entry to Canada provided they will                                                                                                                 suitable location of their own choosing
                                                               have been, or are, experiencing COVID-19                                                                                                          ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Processing
     remain in Canada for at least 15 days. Extended
                                                               symptoms.                                                                                          where they will not be exposed to high-
     family members of Canadian citizens may apply                                                                                                                risk individuals. Travelers who cannot             of visa extensions continues but has
     for authorization to travel to Canada. Immediate
                                                           ►   Declarations. None.                                                                                provide a suitable quarantine                      been delayed due to service reductions.
     family members of Canadian temporary                                                                                                                                                                            New public policies have been enacted
     residents may apply for authorization to travel                                                                                                              location will be directed to designated
                                                           ►   Registrations. Air travelers who are not                                                                                                              to expedite change of condition
     to Canada. All of these individuals                                                                                                                          quarantine facilities.
                                                               quarantine exempt must book a three-                                                                                                                  applications, and to expand the
     must demonstrate that they are traveling for a
     non-optional and non-discretionary purpose.               night stay at a designated hotel and input                                                     ►   Exemptions. There are limited                      eligibility window for restoration
                                                               their booking details into the ArriveCAN                                                           exceptions to the quarantine                       applications. Certain foreign nationals
 ►   Transit. Transit is permitted as long as the              app.
     traveler does not leave the sterile transit area of                                                                                                          requirement, including for crew                    are eligible to apply for interim work
     the airport.                                          ►   Mobile phone apps. All travelers arriving                                                          members, essential-service workers and             authorization when applying for a new
                                                               by air must download the ArriveCAN app,                                                            emergency-service providers.                       work permit.
 ►   Comments. There are domestic (intra-
     provincial) travel restrictions in place for              through which they will provide their
                                                               contact information and quarantine plan                                                        ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to
     travelers within Canada. For additional
     information, click here.                                  details. Travelers arriving by land are                                                            local rules, including those relating to
                                                               recommended to use the ArriveCAN app.                                                              the use of masks, restrictions on
 ►   All inbound passenger flights from India and                                                                                                                 gathering with others, curfews, etc.
     Pakistan are suspended until 21 June 2021.            ►   Health insurance. None.
     Travelers departing India and Pakistan to
     Canada via a third country must obtain a              ►   Fees. None.
     negative COVID-19 test result in the third
     country, before boarding the connecting flight to     ►   Comments. None.

Page 12                                   Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                              Back to top
Chile                                                                                                                                                                                   • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                                        • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                            Heightened admission                                     Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                           Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                                requirements                                            and considerations                             requirements                                   and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens, permanent residents,          ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All travelers,           ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. All travelers entering Chile        ►   Existing (valid) visas. Existing visas are
     temporary residents and work visa/permit              including citizens and residents, must take a              related requirements that have been          are required to quarantine for 10 days            not suspended or canceled. These visas
     holders are allowed to enter Chile through            polymerase chain reaction (PCR) test no more
                                                           than 72 hours prior to travel, and carry a test            announced in connection with travel to       upon entry.                                       may be used to enter Chile, provided
     open ports of entry (e.g. Santiago
     International Airport).                               certificate confirming that they tested negative,          this jurisdiction.                                                                             the traveler is not otherwise
                                                           in order to enter. Minors age two or younger are                                                    ►   Location. The first five days of                  inadmissible.
 ►   Permanent residents. See above.                       exempt. Other individuals may also be exempt, on                                                        quarantine must be completed at a
                                                           a case-by-case basis. These individuals will be                                                         “transit hotel” (hotel de tránsito) or in a   ►   New visa issuance. New visa
 ►   Temporary residents and work visa/permit              required to obtain a special authorization from                                                         residence specifically designated by the          applications submitted from within Chile
     holders. See above.                                   the Chilean consulate with jurisdiction over their
                                                           place of residence before entering Chile without a
                                                                                                                                                                   health authorities, depending on the              are being processed, albeit with delays.
 ►   Business visitors. In general, these                  PCR COVID-19 test.                                                                                      individual’s immigration status. During           Some Chilean consulates are processing
     individuals are not admissible. However,                                                                                                                      this time, new entrants will be required          visa applications submitted by
                                                       ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. COVID-19 testing
     there are specific exemptions for visitors
                                                           is not required upon arrival. However, individuals
                                                                                                                                                                   to take a PCR COVID-19 test. Provided             individuals outside of Chile. However,
     who are married to Chilean citizens or                                                                                                                        they test negative during the first five          delays are to be expected. In some
                                                           may get tested voluntarily after seven full days in
     residents, or who are the parents or children                                                                                                                 days of quarantine, new entrants may              cases, consulates will close temporarily
                                                           Chile, and if they test negative, they may shorten
     of Chilean citizens or residents. In addition,
     foreign visitors who do not have family ties
                                                           their quarantine period.                                                                                complete the remainder of their                   in response to local infection rates and
     to Chilean citizens or residents may be           ►   Health screenings on arrival. All new entrants                                                          quarantine at a private residence.                health conditions.
     exempt from the entry restriction if they are         are subject to random screenings by local
     traveling from locations that are not on the          authorities. The authorities reserve the right to                                                   ►   Exemptions. None.                             ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Extension
     World Health Organization’s official list             mandate that a new entrant undergo a COVID-19                                                                                                             applications may be submitted within
                                                           test on arrival.                                                                                    ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to            Chile to the appropriate authorities.
     of community transmission. For more
     information, click here.
                                                                                                                                                                   local rules, including those relating to          However, delays are being observed,
                                                       ►   Declarations. All travelers must complete an                                                            the use of masks, restrictions on
                                                           affidavit, called a “Pasaporte Sanitario,” within                                                                                                         and authorities are applying new
 •   Other categories. Other non-residents may
                                                           the 48 hours preceding their entry. This
                                                                                                                                                                   gathering with others, curfews etc.               requirements, which may complicate or
     be permitted to enter Chile if they have
                                                           document can be obtained here.                                                                                                                            lengthen the visa extension process.
     family ties with Chilean citizens or residents
     (as described above). In addition, foreigners     ►   Registrations. Travelers must provide their local
     may be permitted to enter Chile with prior            contact information to authorities upon arrival,
                                                                                                                                                                                                                 ►   The validity period of Chilean ID cards
     approval in the form of a “Salvoconducto”             for further monitoring and preventive                                                                                                                     issued in 2019, 2020 and 2021 has
     permit issued by a Chilean consulate with             purposes. All travelers must also complete a                                                                                                              been extended until 28 February 2022
     jurisdiction over their place of residence.           tracking form for 14 days following arrival to                                                                                                            for foreigners with residence
                                                           Chile, and submit the updated form to the
     Foreigners who obtained visas abroad                                                                                                                                                                            permits. Note, the residence permits
     but have not yet entered Chile for the first          Chilean authorities via email on a daily basis.
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     themselves are not extended, and
     time using their visa are not currently           ►   Mobile phone apps. None.                                                                                                                                  permit holders must comply with
                                                       ►   Health insurance. Foreign visitors must have a
                                                                                                                                                                                                                     applicable requirements in order to
 ►   Transit. Transit is currently allowed, and is         health insurance policy of at least USD 30,000,                                                                                                           renew these permits.
     not subject to new restrictions.                      that covers the costs of medical treatments
                                                           related to COVID-19.
 ►   Comments. Chile is continuously evaluating
     entry measures and entrance restrictions,         ►   Fees. No special COVID-19 related entrance fees
     and will update its current rules as conditions       for are required currently.
     evolve in Chile and globally.
                                                       ►   Comments. None.

Page 13                               Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                                   Back to top
China Mainland                                                                                                                                                                • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                              • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                              • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                         Heightened admission                           Vaccination requirements                         Quarantine / isolation                            Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                             requirements                                  and considerations                               requirements                                    and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens and permanent               ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All            ►    As of 15 March 2021, individuals in        ►   Duration. Quarantine requirements vary         ►   Existing (valid) visas. The following are
     residents are allowed to enter.                    travelers, including citizens and                Macau, Hong Kong, South Korea,                 across China. In Guangdong Province, a             suspended until further notice: policies governing
                                                                                                                                                                                                           port visas, 24/72/144 hour visa-free transit
                                                        residents, must take a polymerase chain          Japan, Australia (Sydney currently),           14-day centralized quarantine (i.e. at a           through mainland China, 30-day visa-free travel
 ►   Permanent residents. See above.                                                                                                                    government-designated hotel) is
                                                        reaction (PCR) test and/or IgM antibody          Thailand, Belgium, Norway, Israel,                                                                to Hainan, 15-day visa-free entry for foreign
 ►   Temporary residents and work                       test no more than 48 hours prior to              Ireland, Philippines, Pakistan, Vietnam,       required, followed by a 7-day home                 cruise members, 144 hour visa-free entry to
     visa/permit holders. The borders are               departure, depending on the specific             Qatar, Slovakia, Laos, Bahrain, Belarus,       quarantine. In Jiangsu Province, a 14-             Guangdong, and 15-day visa-free entry to
                                                                                                                                                        day centralized quarantine is required,            Guangzi. Citizens of Uzbekistan who hold a valid
     closed to most foreigners, including               requirements of the Chinese embassy              Gabon, Micronesia, Malta, Sri Lanka,                                                              visa and residence document (e.g. for work) are
     holders of visas, residence permits and            with jurisdiction over their place of            Timor-Leste, Indonesia (Medan                  followed by 14 days of community health            not currently allowed to use these visas to enter.
     Asia Pacific Economic Cooperation                  residence, in order to be eligible for           currently), the United Arab Emirates,          monitoring. In Zhejiang Province, a 14-            Foreign nationals who hold valid residence
     (APEC) Business Travel Cards. The                  admission.                                       Greece, Cambodia and Kyrgyzstan who            day centralized quarantine is required,            permits for work (among other purposes) are
     travel ban does not apply to holders of                                                             are seeking to apply for Chinese visas,        followed by a 7-day home quarantine. In            temporarily not allowed to enter China if they are
                                                    ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. COVID-                                                           Shanghai, a 14-day centralized                     departing from Canada, or if they are departing
     diplomatic, service, courtesy or C visas,                                                           and who have been inoculated with a                                                               from Los Angeles and San Francisco and they
     or Hong Kong, Macau or Taiwan                      19 tests will be conducted after arrival         COVID-19 vaccine produced in mainland          quarantine is required, followed by a 7-           have not received advance approval from a
     residents who enter with a Mainland                (while travelers are in quarantine).             China, are not required to obtain an           day health observation period. In Beijing,         Chinese consulate.
     China Travel Permit. China has entered                                                              Invitation Letter (PU or TE) or an             a 14-day centralized quarantine is
                                                    ►   Health screenings on arrival. Travelers                                                         required, followed by a 7-day home             ►   New visa issuance. In general, many Chinese
     into agreements with more jurisdictions            are subject to random health screenings          Invitation Verification Notice issued by                                                          embassies and consulates are temporarily
     (i.e. South Korea, Germany, Singapore,                                                                                                             observation period and another 7-day
                                                        at the discretion of the Chinese                 the Chinese foreign affairs authorities,                                                          suspending visa issuance for many visa types. In
     Myanmar and Indonesia) to establish a                                                                                                              home health monitoring period.                     addition, the authorities are reviewing in detail
                                                        authorities.                                     the departments of commerce of the
     “fast track” procedure to facilitate                                                                                                                                                                  applications for government-issued "PU"
                                                                                                         provincial governments (including          ►   Location. In general, new entrants may             invitation letters. Foreigners entering for
     foreigners’ entry into China for essential     ►   Declarations. None.                              autonomous regions and municipalities),        quarantine in a hotel which is a                   economic, trade, scientific, technology and
     and urgent business. The fast track                                                                 or the headquarters of central state-          government-designated location for the             emergency humanitarian reasons, as well as
     process needs to be pre-approved by the        ►   Registrations. Foreigners must                                                                                                                     those entering to attend funerals, may apply for
                                                                                                         owned enterprises.                             centralized quarantine.
     relevant Chinese government                        complete an online registration in order                                                                                                           visas at embassies and consulates, and these
     authorities before foreigners can travel.          to be admitted to China. They will need                                                     ►   Exemptions. Macau residents are exempt             requests will be processed on a case-by-case
                                                        to provide information relating to their                                                                                                           basis. Foreign employees may apply for "PU"
     Eligible foreigners can apply for a                                                                                                                from quarantine requirements, provided             invitation letters and then apply for visas to enter
     Chinese visa after their fast track                health status, and upload their pre-                                                            that they: (1) are in possession of a valid        China. Dependent family members are not
     applications are approved.                         travel test results, among other things,                                                        entry and exit document, (2) obtained a            currently able to apply for "PU" invitation letters,
                                                        before being issued a QR code                                                                   negative nucleic acid COVID-19 test                individually or along with the foreign employee.
 ►   Business visitors. See above.                      (travelers must have a QR code to                                                               certificate, and a green “health code” (in         This was verbally confirmed to EY by the
 ►   Other categories. See above.                       enter). For more information, click here.                                                       the health code app), no more than seven
                                                                                                                                                        days prior to their desired entry, and (3)     ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Foreigners who
 ►   Transit. Transit is prohibited for the         ►   Mobile phone apps. None.                                                                        did not travel in the 14 days leading up to        entered China before 28 March 2020 and are
     most part.                                                                                                                                         their desired entry to mainland China.             currently in mainland China with short-term visas
                                                    ►   Health insurance. None.                                                                                                                            or residence permits can receive automatic 60-
 ►   Comments. International flights to                                                                                                             ►   Comments. All travelers are subject to             day extensions if their visas or residence permits
                                                    ►   Fees. Travelers are responsible for the                                                                                                            cannot be extended before their expiry dates.
     Beijing must enter via one of 16                                                                                                                   local rules, including those relating to the
                                                        costs related to quarantine.                                                                                                                       There is no process required for such extensions.
     designated points of entry, while those                                                                                                            use of masks, restrictions on gathering            During this automatic extension period, the
     to Shanghai can only land at the Pudong        ►   Comments. None.                                                                                 with others, curfews etc.                          aforesaid foreigners can remain in mainland
     International Airport.                                                                                                                                                                                China legally and leave the jurisdiction normally.

Page 14                            Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                         Back to top
Colombia                                                                                                                                                                    • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                            • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                            • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                         Heightened admission                            Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                         Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                             requirements                                   and considerations                             requirements                                 and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens, permanent                  ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. All             ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. Travelers who enter Colombia      ►   Existing (valid) visas. Valid (existing)
     residents, temporary residents, work               passengers who wish to enter the                  related requirements that have been          without a negative PCR COVID-19 test            visas are not suspended or canceled.
     visa/permit holders and business                   country must take a polymerase chain              announced in connection with travel to       must isolate for 14 days upon arrival.          They may be used to enter Colombia,
     visitors may enter Colombia.                       reaction (PCR) COVID-19 test no more              this jurisdiction.                                                                           provided the visa holder is not
                                                        than 96 hours prior to travel.                                                             ►   Location. Where required, isolation may         otherwise inadmissible.
 ►   Permanent residents. See above.                                                                                                                   occur in a hotel or private residence.
                                                    ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. If, due                                                         Impacted individuals are not required to    ►   New visa issuance. In general, new visa
 ►   Temporary residents and work                       to force majeure, it is not possible to                                                        isolate in a government-designated              applications are being processed.
     visa/permit holders. See above.                    take a PCR test prior to travel, travelers                                                     location.
                                                        may be permitted to enter Colombia                                                                                                         ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Visa
 ►   Business visitors. See above.                                                                                                                 ►   Exemptions. Travelers who comply with           extension requests are being processed.
                                                        and take a PCR test after being
 ►   Other categories. Not applicable.                  admitted. Affected individuals will need                                                       the pre-travel COVID-19 test required           However, it is not possible to change
                                                        to isolate pending receipt of their test                                                       are not required to isolate upon arrival.       immigration status and convert a visitor
 ►   Transit. Transit is permitted. No                                                                                                                                                                 visa to a migrant visa until 31 May 2021
                                                        result. Airlines reserve the right to deny                                                     Comments. All travelers are subject to
     special restrictions are in effect as a                                                                                                       ►
                                                                                                                                                                                                       at the earliest.
                                                        boarding to travelers who do not hold a                                                        local rules, including those relating to
     result of COVID-19.
                                                        negative PCR test prior to travel.                                                             the use of masks, restrictions on
 ►   Comments. Direct and connecting                                                                                                                   gathering with others, curfews etc.
                                                    ►   Health screenings on arrival. None.
     flights between India and Colombia are
     currently suspended. All border                ►   Declarations. None.
     crossings with Venezuela are closed
     until 31 May 2021.                             ►   Registrations. All travelers must
                                                        complete a registration known as
                                                        “CHECKMIG” prior to travel. For more
                                                        information, click here.
                                                    ►   Mobile phone apps. All travelers must
                                                        download the CORONAPP app, and
                                                        provide all required information, prior
                                                        to travel
                                                    ►   Health insurance. None.
                                                    ►   Fees. None.
                                                    ►   Comments. None.

Page 15                            Impact of COVID-19 on Global Immigration                                          Back to top
Costa Rica                                                                                                                                                              • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Contact:
                                                                                                                                                                        • Last updated/validated: 26 May 2021

                                                      Heightened admission                           Vaccination requirements                       Quarantine / isolation                         Impact on existing visas,
          Entry restrictions
                                                          requirements                                  and considerations                             requirements                                 and new visa issuance

 ►   Citizens. Citizens may enter Costa          ►   Pre-travel COVID-19 testing. None.          ►    There are currently no vaccination-      ►   Duration. Isolation is not mandatory.       ►   Existing (valid) visas. Valid (existing)
     Rica.                                                                                            related requirements that have been          However, foreigners entering Costa              visas are not suspended or canceled.
                                                 ►   Post-arrival COVID-19 testing. None.             announced in connection with travel to       Rica who become ill while in the                They may be used to enter Costa Rica,
 ►   Permanent residents. Permanent                                                                   this jurisdiction.                           country, will be required to isolate at         provided the visa holder is not
     residents, temporary residents, work        ►   Health screenings on arrival. None.
                                                     However, the local authorities retain                                                         their own cost.                                 otherwise inadmissible (e.g. if a
     visa/permit holders and business                                                                                                                                                              business visitor does not complete a
     visitors can enter Costa Rica.                  discretion to screen new entrants.                                                        ►   Location. Where applicable, isolation           “Pase de Salud”).
                                                 ►   Declarations. All business visitors and                                                       can occur in a hotel or private
 ►   Temporary residents and work                                                                                                                  residence. The authorities are not              New visa issuance. New visa issuance is
     visa/permit holders. See above.                 tourists are required to complete a form                                                                                                  ►

                                                     called “Pase de Salud”, which can be                                                          requiring impacted individuals to isolate       currently suspended until 8 February
 ►   Business visitors. See above                    accessed here. The purpose of the Pase                                                        in government-designated locations.             2021. This may be extended
                                                     de Salud is to collect information about                                                                                                      further. New visa issuance is currently
 ►   Other categories. None.                                                                                                                   ►   Exemptions. Not applicable.                     suspended until 30 April 2021. This
                                                     travelers’ health conditions, and
                                                     potential exposure to individuals who                                                         Comments. All travelers are subject to          may be extended further.
 ►   Transit. Transit is permitted. No                                                                                                         ►

     special restrictions have been enacted.         tested positive for COVID-19, among                                                           local rules, including those relating to    ►   Visa extensions/renewals. Immigration
                                                     other things. Citizens, permanent                                                             the use of masks, restrictions on               documents, including temporary and
 ►   Comments. Costa Rica recently                   residents, temporary residents and                                                            gathering with others, curfews etc.             permanent residence permits, that
     reduced the measures it implemented             work visa holders are not required to                                                         Costa Rica recently reduced the                 expired after 18 December 2019 are
     previously to stem the spread of                complete this form prior to travel.                                                           measures it implemented previously to           automatically extended until 2 March
     COVID-19.                                                                                                                                     stem the spread of COVID-19. It is no
                                                 ►   Registrations. None.                                                                                                                          2021.
                                                                                                                                                   longer mandatory for foreign visitors
                                                 ►   Mobile phone apps. None.                                                                      and tourists to isolate for 14 days upon
                                                 ►   Health insurance. All business visitors
                                                     and tourists are required to obtain
                                                     health insurance that covers the cost of
                                                     medical treatments and isolation, if
                                                     required, in the event they test positive
                                                     for COVID-19 while in Costa Rica.
                                                 ►   Fees. None.
                                                 ►   Comments. None.

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