Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...

Page created by Esther Lucas
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Leeds Men’s Suicide Prevention
Grants Programme

Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Leeds Men’s Suicide Prevention Programme

• Recurrent funding for men at risk of suicide prioritised by Councillor
   Blake, Leader of Leeds City Council.

• Grants programme set up to deliver work prioritised in the citywide
   Suicide Action Plan

• Managed by Leeds Community Foundation - over 15 years of grant-
   making expertise in Leeds, West Yorkshire (Yorkshire’s No. 1 Independent
   grant-maker) and through national programmes

• Annual programme over 3 years from 2018

• Close working between Leeds City Council Adults & Health Directorate
   and Leeds Community Foundation
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Grant criteria

• Large grants - up to £25,000 and Small Grants - up to £10,000

• Funding Third Sector Organisations to deliver 12-24 months activity
   around men’s suicide prevention

• Outreach work with targeted communities to reduce social isolation;
   offering social activities for men determined by local men themselves

• In 2018-19, programme targeted communities based on Leeds Suicide
   Audit 2011-13: Inner South, Inner West & Inner East Leeds - LS13, LS12,
   LS11, LS10, LS9
   + Horsforth - LS18 based on real time surveillance (in Round 1 only)
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Leeds Men’s Suicide Prevention Grants

    distributed in grants to date

     9    projects supporting men

     2    grant rounds
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Delivery across the city

                           delivering across
                           the city:
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Large Grants – up to £25,000

Feel Good Factor – Round 1
Jan-Dec 19

Part of the Orion Partnership – expertise around men
Recruiting a network of men’s health advocates - “Manbassadors”
Staff in LS9 businesses and organisations who then connect with isolated men

At 6 months:

• 31 Manbassadors recruited, 21 active from Cross Green to Harehills
• Fish and Chip shops, chemist, gym, convenience stores, a social club, a
  computer games shop and a funeral director.
• 140 men signposted to activities or services
• 130 crisis cards and other information resources distributed
• 240 detailing local H&W activities taken up by customers from premises
  where such information is not normally offered
• Voucher included to incentivise men (e.g. day passes to gym)
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
“Some of my customers have recently lost wives. This will be
                   great for them.”
  “Some guys who come in here could really do with this”

          “I’ve had a lot of conversations. Loads.”
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Leeds Mind – Round 1
Jun 19-summer 20 (delayed start)
Outreach in Horsforth and Inner West Leeds.
For men aged 18+, living, working in or
connected to Horsforth and the surrounding
area; who may be socially isolated, at risk of or
experiencing thoughts of suicide.

Providing a safe space in which men can talk to
other men with similar lived experience.
Access to up to four 1-2-1 sessions to focus on
identifying, setting and working towards
personal goals.

Drop-in session in Horsforth planned where
men will be able to connect and talk to other

40 men to benefit.
Leeds Men's Suicide Prevention Grants Programme - 2018-2020 leedscf.org.uk - Forum ...
Barca Leeds– Round 1
Aug 19 - Aug 20
Joint funded through Jimbo’s Fund (LCF

Promoting the new service directly to local men,
local community and via other agencies;
individual meetings with men to identify needs
and aspirations.

Two weekly groups in LS12 + LS13
Co-producing series of social activities
Qualified counsellor to provide expert, bespoke
therapeutic support for vulnerable men.

Better Together outreach workers (other
funding) to identify socially isolated men who
could benefit from bespoke support.

45+ men to benefit
Health For All – Round 2
Jun 19 - Jun20

Outreach programme in Working Men’s clubs,
high rise flats, partners in Housing, health,
police and churches.

Isolated men in LS11 community (Beeston,
Holbeck, Belle Isle & Middleton)

Introducing men to the Menspace/Skills Hub

Learning and developing practical skills (DIY,
bricklaying, cooking etc.), building friendships,
gaining confidence and co-producing new
activities and trips.

19 men supported so far (interim data)
Small Grants - up to £10,000

New Wortley Community Association            Cloth Cat Studios Limited
Jun 19 – Jun 20                              Jun 19 – Jun 20
Weekly Friday walking group                  50 men to benefit from ‘Man about Town’
40 men to benefit; socially isolated men     - creative, group activities including live
living in New Wortley                        and computer based music, photography,
                                             Virtual Reality, film and animation.
                                             LS13, LS12, LS11, LS10 and LS9

             Humans Being
             May 19 - Jun 20
             Bespoke Training course for ~30 community cafe
             volunteers across 5 cafés
              ‘Men’s wellbeing ambassadors ‘ to support vulnerable
             local men
Small Grants

                                         Red Ladder Theatre Company
Zest Health for Life                     Jun 19 - Jun20
May 19 – Jun 20
                                         ‘The Parting Glass’ performance in non-
IMPACT programme                         theatre spaces to bring the subject of
40 men reaching                          mental health and suicide into the open.
 ~150 men                                Play followed by after-show session
                                         facilitated by men’s mental health
Engaging isolated men in a safe place.   specialist + resources.
Next steps

Round 3 Spring 2021

• Criteria revised in light of recent Leeds Suicide Audit 2014-16
       • Statistics: 2 out of 3 suicides were in the most deprived half of the city;
       • Target area postcodes extended:
           LS6, LS8, LS9, LS11, LS12, LS13, LS14, LS15, LS16, LS17, LS19,
           LS25, LS27 and LS28
           Priority areas for large grants: LS6, LS8, LS9, LS11, LS12, LS15
• Fund to open in January 2020
• Deadline 5 March 2020; panel to meet in April 2020.

Ongoing projects
LCC/LCF project visits for Round 1 and 2 grants
Sharing learning session for all grantees

Contact details for projects

            Damian Dawtry                                                   Duncan Millard
            Community Wellbeing Worker                                      Workshops and partnership
            T: 0113 3504200                                                 T: 0113 8730028
            E: damian@fgfleeds.org                                          E: duncan@humansbeing.org.uk

            Joe Kent                                                        Dom Charkin
            Deputy Operations Director (Health &                            Operations Manager
            Wellbeing & Community Engagement)                               Tel: 0113 2406677
            T: 07581 532423                                                 dominic.charkin@zestleeds.org.uk
            E: joe.kent@barca-leeds.org

                      Roz Doherty                                            Andrea Edwards
                      Wellbeing Team Leader                                  Manager
                      T: 0113 3055803                                        T: 0113 3793466
                      roz.doherty@leedsmind.org.uk                           E: info@newwortleycc.org

   Martin Brennan                                  Rod Dixon                         Shelly Johnson
                                                   Artistic Director                 Manager
   Men’s Worker
   T: 07432 702911                                 T: 0113 245 5311                  T: 0113 244 2773
                                                   E: rod@redladder.co.uk            E: shelly@clothcatleeds.org.uk
   E: martin.brennan@healthforall.org.uk
Leeds Men’s Suicide Prevention
Grants Programme

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