Page created by Gregory Mckinney
                                                                        2022 / 23

              LEARNING LANGUAGES                                    Q

              EXCITING DESTINATIONS                                     Q

              FUN & FRIENDSHIPS                             Q


Languages                                 2
    Au Pair                                   8
    Gap Year                                  9
    High School Programme                    10
    On Cloud                                 12
    Family Package                           14

    St. Julian‘s                             15
    St. Paul‘s Bay                           18

    Brighton                                 20
    London / Ealing                          22
    London / St. Margaret‘s                  24
    Bournemouth                              26

    New York                                 28
    Boston                                   30
    Los Angeles                              32

    Toronto                                  34
    Vancouver                                36
    Montréal                                 38

                                                  LANGUAGE IS YOUR
                                                             KEY TO THE
    Munich                                   48

    Montréal                                 38




                                                  Your Junior Programme!
    Munich                                   48
                                                  Close your eyes and take a moment        Foreign languages provide you
     Spanish                                      to picture your dream language           with the key to a world of new
    Spain                                         holiday. What do you see?                horizons.
    Barcelona                                50
    Málaga                                   52   Now open your eyes to the world          Unlock countless possibilities in
                                                  with SPRACHCAFFE! We invite you to       academic education and open the
     Italian                                      join us on a life-changing journey; an   door to your future career. Whether
    Italy                                         unforgettable passage of discovery       you long for sun, sea and sand, or
    Viareggio                                54   through breathtaking scenery, fasci-     whether it’s the hustle-bustle of the
                                                  nating new cultures and remarkable       city that inspires you, SPRACHCAFFE
                                                  experiences. Forge lifelong friend-      guarantees you the perfect back-
    Morocco                                       ships and turn your dream language       drop to your very personal learning
    Rabat                                    56
                                                  holiday into a reality with us.          experience.
    Beijing                                  58   ›   Learn the language of your choice
    Additional Offers:                       60
                                                  ›   Living & learning with peers                                             ®
                                                  ›   Life and culture
    FANtastico                                    ›   Make new friends
    Family & Friends
    Terms & Conditions / Registration Form

                 Vancouver                               Eastbourne          Bri on
                                 Toronto                    Bournemouth
                                                                     o               FFrankfurt
                                               MMontréal                Paris
                                                                        Paris         MMunich
                                                                                       Mun   icich
                             New York                                                             Viareggio                       Beijing
                                                 t              Barcelona
          LLos Angeles                                                           Nice
                                                            Rabat                          Malta

Leisure and lessons in just the right mixture
It's nice when everything comes to-
gether perfectly right from the start.
Each of our schools is staffed year-round                                                                         Our schools in Malta are accredited
                                                                                                                  by Feltom.
with professional language teachers.
                                                                                                                  Our schools in London Ealing and Brighton
From elementary to advanced level                                                                                 have been inspected and accredited by the
everyone is welcome: our courses                                                                                  British Council.
cater for a range of ages, as well as                                                                             Our language programmes in Canada
different language levels. We also                                                                                are accredited by Languages Canada and
have a leisure programme which is                                                                                 CEC Quality Management in Canada.
well organized and extremely diverse.
                                                                                                                  We are ISO 9001:2000 certified.
Everyone is encouraged to use their
newly learned language throughout!                                                                                Our German institution is a member of FDSV

This is why we want you to explore                                                                                SPRACHCAFFE is a member of ALTO
                                                                                                                  and WYSE.
your school's surroundings and all they
                                                                                                    FULL MEMBER
have to offer. Our schools provide a                                                                              Our schools in Barcelona, Málaga and Madrid
bridge to the local culture and customs                                                                           are accredited by Instituto Cervantes.
of the region: something we have                                                                                  Our organisation follows the EN14804
been successfully doing for almost                                                                                standards of the European Union.
40 years.

Our courses                                Teaching time                                                              Evaluation & Certificate
    Regardless of your choice of course,        The Standard Course generally takes                                        The majority of our students take an
    you’ll have the chance to develop your      place from 9:00 to 12:30, Mon - Fri.                                       online language test prior to com-
    language ability quickly and                Students who choose the Intensive                                          mencing their programme, however
    effectively. Our Standard Course,           Course have 2 additional lessons fo-                                       if this is not available, they may
    of 20 lessons per week, aims to give        cused on conversation from 13:00                                           take the exam on the first Mon-
    a dramatic boost to your confidence         to 14:30.                                                                  day. Students are placed into classes
    in a foreign language, with focused         Our Standard Plus Course (24 les-                                          according to their current lan-
    teaching in all 4 skill areas: speaking,    sons per week) helps you to obtain                                         guage skills.
    listening, reading and writing. Our         the F1 visa to the USA. Depending                                          Each student receives an end-of-
    Intensive Course builds on our              on the location, standard classes are                                      course certificate. Learning materials
    Standard Course, with 10 additional         sometimes held in the afternoon.                                           are provided to students on loan
    lessons per week, focusing on the fas-      Class sizes are on average 15 students                                     (5 - 10 EUR/week) throughout their
    test possible language acquisition.         per class.                                                                 course.

            Workshops                                                        Course Type    Days           Lessons            Learning Time     Teaching Times*
    1. Business English helps develop-
                                                                                                           20 lessons
                                                 Online Course information
                                                                              Standard     Mon - Fri                            15 hours          09:00 - 12:30
    ing skills such as email writing, leading                                  Course                  (45 minutes each)
    meetings, target group vocabulary
    and the use of idioms.                                                                                 30 lessons                             09:00 - 14:30
                                                                              Intensive    Mon - Fri                           22.5 hours
    2. Job Applications & Interviews                                           Course                  (45 minutes each)
    is designed as an aid for job appli-
    cations. It covers vocabulary and func-                                                                10 lessons                             13:00 - 14:30
                                                                             Workshops     Mon - Fri                            7.5 hours
    tional tailor-made language.                                                                       (45 minutes each)

    3. Communication Skills offers you                                                                                                        * Alterations possible
    assistance for elaborate conversa-
    tions and advice when implementing
    advanced communication strategies.
    4. Public Speaking & Presentations
    helps strengthening confidence in
    front of larger audiences (e.g. pro-
    fessional or academic presentations).
    5. English Drama. Develop your
    abilities as an actor and perform a
                                                                                                AND A LOT OF SHEER
    play in front of an audience – train
    your rhetoric and pronounciation.                                                FUN FOR YOU

                            SPEND TIME
                                          MAKING FRIENDS
       Supervision                                                                                         Leisure programme
Throughout the trip learners are ac-       the students are going during their free                  The learning journey continues as
companied by our "Teamers" – young         time, as well as staying with them at                     soon as classes finish! With our com-
adults between the ages of 20 and 30       the residence. Teamers are also respon-                   prehensive leisure programme stu-
who have been specially trained to         sible for the organisation of the leisure                 dents have the opportunity to really
accommodate the requirements of            activity programme. Students aged 17                      discover their chosen destination. A
our young learners. Our Teamers come       and under are expected to observe                         two-week language course generally
from all over Europe and America, and      a curfew and follow the full leisure                      includes a big variety of activities plus
communicate with students exclu-           programme. Students aged between                          at least one full-day excursion and
sively in the language being taught.       18 and 20 also enjoy the complete                         two half-day excursions (see table
Each Teamer is responsible for the         support of the Teamers, and while not                     below for more details). Of course,
supervision of around 15 students, tra-    bound by the leisure programme, they                      students are also given some free
velling with the group, leading guided     are encouraged to take part in any                        time to socialise in the afternoons and
tours and activities, checking where       activities which are of interest to them.                 evenings!

                  Daily Routine                            Duration                     Number of                     Number of Full Day
                  (variations possible)                     of Stay                    Activities incl.                Excursions incl.
07:00 - 08:30     Breakfast
09:00 - 10:30     Tuition                                   1 week                                                            —
10:30 - 11:00     Break

11:00 - 12:30     Tuition                                   2 week
12:30 - 15:00     Lunch break
13:00 - 14:30     Tuition or spare time                     3 week
15:00 - 18:00     Afternoon programme
18:00 - 19:30     Dinner                                   + 1 week                         etc.                             etc.
20:00 - 22:00     Evening programme
                                                                                                                          Intensive fun pack
TRAVEL                                                                                                   Arrival      Sunday

                                                                                          Days of Travel
                                                                                                           Course Start   Monday

                     AS YOU LIKE                                                                           Departure      Saturday

          Transfer                                                                       Unaccompanied Minor Service
    Our U20 programmes offer the full        Students travel to and from the             With our Unaccompanied Minor Ser-
    package – students are in good hands     airport with their fellow classmates,       vice (UM) parents will be informed
    from arrival to departure. Students      most of whom they will be meeting           of the name, phone number and
    will be picked up at the airport upon    for the first time. The transfer provides   address of the transfer-driver well
    arrival and taken to their accom-        students with the first opportunity to      before departure.
    modation. For this, we require full      make new friends. Students generally
                                                                                         Please note that we only offer Un-
    flight details at least 4 weeks before   check in to their accommodation in
                                                                                         accompanied Minor Service if this is
    the course begins. Transfer time win-    the afternoon and vacate their room
                                                                                         required by the airline.
    dows vary depending on the destina-      in the morning on the day of depar-
    tion, and detailed information can       ture. They may be asked to pay a key        The driver is only allowed to accom-
    be found on the individual school        deposit which will be returned on           pany students to the check-in, not to
    pages.                                   departure.                                  the gate.

We understand that a good night’s
sleep can play an integral role in pro-
moting effective learning. That is why
we do everything possible to ensure
your home away from home is com-
fortable. We provide a range of acco-
mmodation options, with something
to suit every taste and budget. Which-
ever option you choose, you’ll feel at

                                             YOUR STAY –
home from day one! In rare cases we
reserve the right to offer accommo-
dation not identical to that men-
tioned in this brochure.
If needed, a travel card for public trans-
portation might cost between 15 to
35 EUR/USD/GBP/CAD additionally.                                          ACCOMMODATION
Meals, allergies & dietary needs             Homestay                                    Residence / College

Each year we welcome thousands of            By staying with locals, students dis-       At a residence, students usually stay
students to our schools and boast            cover the customs and habits of their       closer to school than they would with a
almost 40 years of experience in cater-      destination right from the start, samp-     homestay, which means less commu-
ing with a variety of dietary needs.         ling authentic local cuisine and disco-     ting and more time enjoying their sur-
                                             vering how the locals really live. Lear-    roundings. They will get to stay with
Our participants always have the             ning continues even when lessons            other students from all over the world,
opportunity to try something typical         have finished. Our friendly hosts           allowing them to use their new lan-
of the country.                              are experienced in hosting interna-         guage skills in an international environ-
                                             tional students and play an integral        ment. Teamers also stay at the resi-
Sampling new food can play a big             part in their learning experience.          dence. Our Colleges offer accommo-
part in discovering a new country            A few homestays may be located              dation and classes all at one place.
and its culture. Students are pro-           outside of the centre, which means
vided with breakfast, dinner and             students get to know parts of the           The Club Village in Malta is truly
either a cooked or packed lunch (which       destination typically undiscovered          unique. The accommodation is right
consists of a sandwich, a drink and          by tourists.                                on campus, alongside the language
a dessert/snack).                                                                        school, swimming pool, restaurant
                                             Joint accommodation: If you’re plan-        and sports facilities. Choose from a
Please let us know of any allergies/         ning to travel with friends and would       range of room types, from a twin-
dietary requirements when making             like to share your room with someone        to a 7-bed-room. Our Teamers also
your booking, as well as information         in particular, please let us know well in   stay in the Club Village. Our breath-
about any medication you take. This          advance, so we can take this into con-      taking campus consists of striking
information is given to the Teamers          sideration when allocating accommo-         limestone buildings, which truly cap-
and, if necessary, the homestay (sur-        dation. We can’t guarantee all requests,    tures the spirit of this Mediterranean
charge may apply).                           but we will do our best!                    paradise.

                                             AU PAIR +
                                EXPERIENCE A LANGUAGE =
                                                    ENJOYABLE VACATION

    If you like travelling to a foreign country,            How to apply
    you can now experience it in a very                     Fill in the application and you will
    special way – as an au pair. This is your               receive several documents including
    chance to have a whole new cultural ex-                 the forms for references. A personal
    perience. For several months you will be                letter to your host family and a col-
    living with a host family, taking care                  lage of yourself will complete your
    of their children and helping with small                basic application.
    housekeeping duties. However, you will
    have enough free time to get to know new                Finding the perfect
    people and travel around. Besides gaining               host family
    valuable experience, your time as an                    After a further check of your
    au pair should help you master the                      application it will be passed on to a
    local language. To ensure that you                      potential homestay. They will con-
    have the necessary foundations of your                  tact you either by email, skype or
    destination country’s language, we                      telephone.
    can first teach you the basics in one
    of our 30 centres worldwide and                         Further information available in
    then help you find the host family.                     our special brochure.

    Conditions of participation:                                                    Included in the pricee
                                                                                  • Detailed preparation and information prior to departure
    Age:                 18 - 35 years
    Experience:          In childcare is necessary (e.g. babysitting,             • Support for visa application
                         internships in nurseries, etc.),                         • Assistance during your stay by local contact person
                         2 written references required
    Education:           School-leaving qualifications                            • Host family placement
    Length of stay:      3 - 24 months                                            • Free accommodation and board

    Visa:                Mostly Working Holiday Visa
                                                                                  • Weekly pocket money, regular hours of work
                         Tourist Visa or J-1-Visa
    Application:         Deadline 3 months prior to departure                     • Certificate of Participation
    Working hours:       Approx. 25 - 40 hours/week
    Other:               Impeccable certificate of good conduct                   Not included: Flight, insurance, visa fee, optional language course

     Destinations                     Working hours                               Price                            Remuneration weekly
     USA                              max. 45 hrs                                 650 USD                          Pocket money: 195,75 USD
     CANADA                           25 - 40 hrs                                 570 CAD                          Pocket money: 150 CAD
     AUSTRALIA                        30 - 40 hrs                                 670 AUD                          Pocket money: 175 - 340 AUD
     NEW ZEALAND                      25 - 45 hrs                                 730 NZD                          Pocket money: 140 - 260 NZD
     ENGLAND                          25 - 35 hrs                                 330 GBP                          Pocket money: 80 - 115 GBP
     IRELAND                          25 - 35 hrs                                 330 EUR                          Pocket money: 100 - 200 EUR
     FRANCE                           30 hrs                                      330 EUR                          Pocket money: 80 - 90 EUR
     SPAIN                            25 - 30 hrs                                 330 EUR                          Pocket money: min. 70 EUR
     ITALY                            30 hrs                                      330 EUR                          Pocket money: 75 EUR
     NORWAY                           30 hrs                                      330 EUR                          Pocket money: approx. 1400 NOK

      GAP YEAR

In search of new horizons?                                          Included in the price
                                                                   • Standard Courses including registration fee
Still not sure what to do after school?
Got a few months until university starts?                          • Study Club, weekly
                                                                   • One-to-one Progress Councelling, every 4 weeks
A Gap Year is your chance to make the most of those free months:
• Be inspired and prepare for your next career steps               • Academic Report, every 4 weeks
• Enjoy the fascinating culture & people of your host country      • Working Holiday Support, every 4 weeks

• Gain intercultural experience and make new lifelong friends
                                                                   • Varied Extra-Curricular Programme, weekly

You can choose one of our 30 schools in 10 countries, or even      • Certificate of Participation
combine several languages with a tailor-made multi-destination
package. Whatever you choose, you’ll have the time of your life!   Not included: Accommodation (4 weeks are compulsory)

 Destinations                                                           12 weeks              24 weeks             36 weeks          48 weeks

 MALTA: St. Julian's                                                        1.660 EUR               3.260 EUR        4.860 EUR         6.460 EUR

 ENGLAND: Brighton, London                                                 1.800 GBP                3.550 GBP        5.300 GBP         7.050 GBP

 CANADA: Toronto, Vancouver, Victoria, Ottawa, Calgary, Montréal           2.700 CAD                4.850 CAD        7.200 CAD         9.550 CAD

 SPAIN: Málaga, Madrid, Barcelona                                           1.410 EUR               2.760 EUR        4.110 EUR         5.460 EUR

 GERMANY: Frankfurt, München                                                1.360 EUR               2.660 EUR        3.960 EUR         5.260 EUR

 CHINA: Beijing                                                            1.750 USD                3.450 USD        5.160 USD         6.860 USD

 MOROCCO: Rabat                                                             1.260 EUR               2.460 EUR        3.660 EUR         4.860 EUR


                                                       Life as an international student

     Choose between four different des-                As an international student you will be
     tinations that will make your time                attending a local high school in the
     abroad a unique experience. All our               country of your choice. Once abroad,
     schools have a high academic stand-               you will be living with a local home-
     ard and provide a wide range of subject           stay which can consist of host parents,
     options as well as extracurricular activi-        a single parent or a large family with
     ties. You can pick New Zealand with               several host siblings.
     its interesting Maori culture and more
     sheep than inhabitants, or Australia              After school you will have the oppor-
     with its Sunshine Coast and indigenous            tunity to take part in extracurricular
     beliefs, or Canada with lots of snow              activities and clubs such as sports,
     to go skiing. Or you could decide to              handicrafts and music. For further
     go to England to have high tea and                information      browse      through
     explore the world of Harry Potter.                our High School brochure!

      Prices starting from:                 Canada              USA               New Zealand        England       Australia

      High School Semester
                                          15.885 CAD        9.390 USD              21.403 NZD       9.355 GBP     22.384 AUD
      for 5 months

      High School Year
                                          26.985 CAD        9.790 USD              36.703 NZD       11.173 GBP    35.824 AUD
      for 10 months

                                                                                  January, April,    January,    January, April,
      Starting dates                              -              -
                                                                                   July, October    September     July, October

      Prices starting from:                 Ireland           France                  Spain           Italy      Scandinavia

      High School Semester
                                          10.190 EUR         4.890 EUR              7.490 EUR       7.090 EUR      6.890 EUR
      for 5 months

      High School Year
                                          11.490 EUR         5.590 EUR              9.690 EUR       7.790 EUR      7.690 EUR
      for 10 months

      Starting dates                              -              -                       -              -               -

Buddy programme                            … and apply?                              Further information and contact

Some schools offer a buddy programme       We offer you all information needed,      Before, during and after your high
where you get paired with another stu-     especially concerning residence per-      school experience there is always
dent who will help you whenever you        mit etc.                                  someone you can turn to for fur-
have a question. During your time                                                    ther assistance. Before you go, we will
abroad you will get the chance to          Please submit your application with       stay in touch with you on a regular
immerse yourself in a different culture,   a short introduction and copies of        basis.
learn or improve your languagen skills,    your most recent school certificates.
and meet people from all around the                                                  During your stay, the school coordina-
world.                                     What is an Application Package?           tors support all international students.
                                                                                     After your stay you will receive a cer-
                                           After receiving your online application   tificate of your successful participa-
                                           we will ask you for further documents.    tion. For you and your parents it is
How do I choose a destination …            The Application Package should            also good to know that we are in con-
                                           include:                                  stant contact with our partners and
Simply go to our website and fill out      • a letter to your Host Family            schools in each destination.
the online application. Even if you do     • a picture of yourself

not know where you want to                 • a reference letter from your teacher

go yet you can send an appli-              • a health certificate from your
cation without commitment.                   general practitioner

     SPRACHCAFFE – Online
     Study a foreign language with real
     teachers more effectively, in
     the comfort of your own home.
     Learning languages online with
     SPRACHCAFFE is so much more
     than just cramming in vocabu-
     lary and studying grammar. Let
     SPRACHCAFFE take you to the
     digital world of language learning.
     Enjoy entertaining and exciting
     lessons online! Experience lively
     interaction and virtual communi-
     cation with real teachers!

     • Determine your current language
       level with the help of our online
     • Choose the course that suits
       your needs best.
     • Receive a non-binding offer.
     • Placement test and certificate
       included in the price.

                                                                                                                        1 month from

                                                                                                                        68,-           EUR

      Guaranteed quality                                 Group Courses                                    Group
                                                                                                             oup Course (G2) once/week
      All teachers are highly qualified and have         • Meet like-minded people from all over          2 lessons
                                                                                                              ssons per week
      years of experience in teaching their mother         the world in the virtual classroom             ongoing classes, minimum 12 weeks
      tongue.                                            • Interaction in the group, experiencing         4 - 7 students, per month / EUR:           68
                                                           and directly using the language
      Real teachers                                      • From 2 to 20 lessons per week                  Group Course (G10) 5 days, Mon - Fri
      100% real experienced teachers, 100% live.           (1 lesson = 45 min)                            10 lessons per week
      No robots, no boring multiple choice.              • Many time models available                     7 -12 students, per week / EUR:            80
                                                         • Specialised course possible; e.g.              Group Course (G20) 5 days, Mon - Fri
      Smart technologies                                   Business English or language                   20 lessons per week
      Our virtual classroom is based on easy-to-           exam preparation                               7 -12 students, per week / EUR:           160
      use technology, even on a smartphone.              • With our online language courses,
                                                           we can also help you get prepared for          Weekend Courses (G WE) Sat - Sun
                                                           the common language entry exams                8 lesssons per weekend, minimum 4 weeks
      Personal timetables                                  (TOEFL, TOEIC, FCE, IELTS, DELE, DELF,         7 - 12 students, per weekend / EUR:        68
      You determine the number of hours                    CILS etc.).
      yourself and choose the course from the
                                                                                                          Course starting dates for all levels but ele-
      schedule that suits you best.                                                                       mentary students: every Monday
      Certificates                                                                                        Course starting dates for elementary
      Upon completion of the language course               Check the timetable:                           students: every first Monday of the month
      you receive a Sprachcaffe Certificate.
                                                         One to One Courses                               One to One Course flexible
      Tailor-made courses
                                                         • 1 or 2 persons with the same language          10 lessons / EUR:                         310
      Learning content can be discussed
                                                           level. Course may focus on job/ school
      individually and adapted on a daily basis.                                                          One to Two Course flexible
                                                           specifics or language exam preparation
       Multiple choice.                                                                                   10 lessons / EUR:                         170
                                                         • personalised curriculum & intensive
      Group experience                                     support
      Small learning groups (max. 12 students)           • flexible dates & times
      from all over the world allow                      • 1 lesson = 45 min. Between 2 and 6
      lively exchange and better results.                  lessons per appointment possible.

When you book an online course you save 5% loyalty discount on the next course and accommodation of a language trip.

     Trips for the whole family!

     Are you, planning a summer holiday with your children?

     Why not learn a new language together?

     Our family package gives you and your children (minimum age 12
     years) the chance to spend an amazing holiday. In class the
     teens make a lot of international friends of the same age. At
     the same time you, can focus on networking with adult
     classmates from around the world or discussing business                      Choose a programme for your
     related topics.                                                          children from this brochure and ask
                                                                                us about your options as parents.
     In the afternoon there is plenty of time to either participate in               Both solutions are available:
     the language school’s activities or to spend some family time       accommodations either in the same or
     exploring your holiday destination.                                    in separated rooms with your child.
        St. Julian's

    SPRACHCAFFE – St. Julian's
    Malta, one of Europe‘s southern-
    most countries, lies between
    Sicily and North Africa. This island
    nation presents you with ab-
    solutely everything you could
    possibly dream of from a truly
    inspirational language holiday:
    excellent climate, sunshine
    the whole year round and Medi-
    terranean flair.
   St. Julian’s is the pulsating heart
   of Malta. Lined with the trendiest
   restaurants, bars, shops and
   entertainment, it is a district that
   never sleeps. Our school is
   located ideally right on the border
   to Pembroke. Students have
   the best of both worlds: the world
   of entertainment and also the
   peace of our campus during night.
   The coastline is only 5 minutes


Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to St. Julian's                                                                                                         (including *Intensive Fun Pack)

            Sunday               Monday                      Tuesday                   Wednesday                  Thursday                      Friday                    Saturday
                       Language placement test      Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,
                       and lessons: conversation,   grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and

                       grammar, reading and         listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,
                       listening comprehension,     written exercises          written exercises          written exercises          written exercises
                       written exercises
                                                                                                                                                                         Full-day trip
             Arrival                                                                                                                                                   to Blue Lagoon/
                       Orientation Tour:            Malta experience*:         Visit to the National      Trip to the Golden Bay     St. Julian's Treasure Hunt:

                       visit of the school, its     visit the island's most    Aquarium*                  Beach*                     find hidden treasures                    or
                       facilities and take a        beautiful landmarks                                                                                                   Departure
                       tour around the area

                       Volleyball Tournament        Football & Karaoke Night   Free evening               Instagram Competition:     Movie Night*:
                       & Welcome Party:             with Sprachcaffe friends                              compare your best          practice your English

                       Get to know your class-                                                            Sprachcaffe snapchats
                       mates and teamers

                                                              EXPLORE THE BEAUTIFUL MEDITERRANEAN ISLAND OF MALTA
                                                              With year-round sunshine and countless leisure activities, SPRACHCAFFE
                                                              Malta guarantees learning success and unforgettable memories. Learn and
                                                              live in a place full of new friends and benefit from our extensive experience
                                                              teaching students of all language levels.
                                                              Learning has never been so relaxed and so effective at the same time. You’ll
                                                              be surprised by the comfort and cosy atmosphere to be found all over
                                                              Malta. Our team at SPRACHCAFFE Club Village eagerly awaits your arrival!

               Restaurant/ Bar

               Our facilities include a bar, restau-
               rant as well as a lounge with TV and
               DVD player and a games room.


                                                              All our classrooms are air conditioned, well-
                                                              equipped and most are accessible for disabled
                                                              people. Furthermore, there is a library on
                                                              campus and a common room for studying.


                                                                                                                    Our school, especially the pool at its cen-
                                                                                                                    tre, is a meeting point where students and
                                                                                                                    staff share new adventures and recount
                                                                                                                    the day’s lessons. Nobody is a stranger by
                                                                                                                    the end of the day.


                         The second you step through the
                         gate into our club village, you’ll
                         be greeted by our welcoming
                         surroundings and staff. Help is
                         always at hand with our friendly                                                     Apartments
                                                                                                              A   t   t
                         24-hour reception.
                                                                                                              There are a variety of comfortable studios and
                                                                                                              shared apartments available to accommodate
                                                                                                              our students on campus.

     Watch our student video on                                       5 min. Coastline                        15 min. Sliema, St. Paul's Bay
     sprachcaffe.com/malta/video                                     10 min. St. Julian's, Beach              30 min. Valletta
                                                                                                                                                                            2 weeks from

          Course: Standard & Intensive Details: page 6.
          Level: A1- C1, Learning material on loan
                                                                                                                                                                     950,-                 EUR

          Workshops:                             Mondays of the month
                                                  1st 2nd 3rd 4th                                                                                           Including:
                                                                                                                                                                 uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                                                                               course air-
          Business English                                                                                                                                  portt roundtrip transfer, homestay          +
          Communication Skills                                                                                                                              with full board, standard leisure program
          Job Application & Interview                                                                                                                       excursions and professional supervision by
          Public Speaking & Presentation                                                                                                                    our Teamers.
          English & Drama
          Supervision by our trained Teamers                                                                 we e k s
                                                                                                    From 2

                                                                                                        AG O O                 N                           Package Prices                               in EUR

                                                                                                 BLUE L
          Details: page 7.
          Accommodation:                                                                                                                                      Season A                     1 week week +
                                                                                                                                                              Homestay +                     495       455
          Homestay      + full board,
                                                                                                                                                              Club Village  +              560       550
                       hot lunch on campus
          Club Village +//                                                                      trip inc                                             Club Village                  590       580
                       shared bathroom,                                                                                                                       Club Village                   630       590
                       full board, hot lunch
                                                                                     We are especially proud of our SPRACH-                                   Season B                      1 week week +
          Activities: Sports (e.g. beach volleyball,                                 CAFFE Club Village: this unique campus
                                                                                                                                                              Homestay +                     525       485
          football, Zumba, fitness etc.), pool activi-                               not only includes many classrooms but also
          ties, Welcome Party: Get to know your                                      a large pool, a beach volleyball court, a bar, a                         Club Village  +              590       550
          classmates & teachers, barbecue, karaoke,                                  restaurant and a shaded garden with a lot                                Club Village                  620       580
          international school parties and many                                      of space! SPRACHCAFFE Malta is the ideal                                 Club Village                   660       620
          more activities available for a small sur-                                 place to learn and unwind.
          charge.                                                                                                                                             Season C                      1 week week +
                                                                                     The choice is all yours: you can either share
          Number of excursions included depends                                                                                                               Homestay +                     645       605
                                                                                     a room in our Club Village (2 - 3 bedded
          on the number of weeks booked.                                             or 5 - 7 bedded) or you can live in a home-                              Club Village  +              710       670
          See details on page 7.                                                     stay (sharing with other students). Most of                              Club Village                  740       700
                                                                                     the host families are about a 15-minute                                  Club Village                   780       740
          Transfers: Arrival/departure at the airport of
                                                                                     walk or bus journey away from the school
          Malta (MLA) is possible at any time on regular                                                                                                   Surcharges per week                  in EUR
                                                                                     and the SPRACHCAFFE Club Village.
          arrival/departure date.
                                                                                                                                                           Intensive Course                       +40
          Unaccompanied minor service offered only                                       We strongly recommend good medical
                                                                                                                                                           Workshops                              +75
          if required by airline: (one way) +150 EUR                                 coverage. You can purchase it on your own
                                                                                     or book it with us. Details on page 61.                               Fun Pack Intensive Leisure Programme +65

Starting dates and seasons                                                           If the season changes during your stay, the extra week price of the new season applies.
                          January                February               April                June                                   July                 August           Sept             October
                    2   9    16   23        30    6    13         3      10     17     5     12   19         26          3     10    17    24   31   7     14   21   28    4     2     9     16    23     30
max. stay (weeks)   7   6     5    4         3    2     1         3       2      1     14    13   12         11          10     9     8     7    6   5      4    3    2     1    5     4      3     2      1

                    9   16     23      30                                                                                                                  No class on public holidays 2022:
max. stay (weeks)   4   3      2       1                                                                                                                   15 Apr, 7 Jun, 15 Aug
             St. Paul's

         SPRACHCAFFE – St. Paul's
         Located in the north of the
         island, St. Paul’s Bay boasts the
         prettiest of Malta’s coastal
         villages – with outstanding
         natural beauty and picturesque
         beaches – the perfect vacation.
         Learn English on a glorious
         island with swaying palm trees,
         rugged beaches and the
         tantalising water of the Mediter-
         ranean providing an unforgettable
         summer vacation. St. Paul’s Bay
          is just 10 km away from Malta’s
         capital, Valletta, and is home, not
         only to Malta’s National Aquarium,
         but also a host of other great
         activities! Fun, adventure and
         thrilling activities awaits you in
         St. Paul’s Bay. Use your holiday
         to learn English on Malta.


        Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to St. Paul's                                                                                                       (including *Intensive Fun Pack)

                 Sunday              Monday                       Tuesday                   Wednesday                  Thursday                      Friday                   Saturday
                            Language placement test      Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,
                            and lessons: conversation,   grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and

                            grammar, reading and         listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,
                            listening comprehension,     written exercises          written exercises          written exercises          written exercises
                            written exercises
                                                                                                                                                                              Full-day trip
                  Arrival                                                                                                                                                   to Blue Lagoon/
                            Orientation Tour:            Malta experience*:         Visit to the National      Trip to the Golden Bay     St. Pauls Treasure Hunt:

                            visit of the school, its     visit the island's most    Aquarium*                  Beach*                     find hidden treasures                    or
                            facilities and take          beautiful landmarks                                                                                                   Departure
                            a tour around the area

                            Volleyball Tournament &      Football & Karaoke Night   Free evening               Instagram Competition:     Movie Night*:
                            Welcome Party:               with Sprachcaffe friends                              compare your best          practice your English

                            get to know your class-                                                            Sprachcaffe snapchats      at the cinema
                            mates and teamers

                                                                                        we e k s                                                2 weeks from
                                                                               From 2
                                                                                U E L AG
     Course: Standard & Intensive
     Details: page 6. Level: A1- B2
     Learning material on loan
     Supervision by our trained Teamers                                                              lusive!
     Details: page 7.                                                               trip inc
     Homestay       /                              Our school is located right in the middle                                Including:
                                                                                                                                      uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                                                 course air-
                    full board, packed lunch            of St. Paul’s Bay, a quaint and charming                                 portt roundtrip transfer, homestay
                                                        Mediterranean seaside town. SPRACH-                                           with full board, standard leisure pro-
     Residence                                       CAFFE is just minutes away from the sea-                                 gramme, excursions and professional
                    full board, hot lunch               front dotted with cafés and ice cream par-                               supervision by our Teamers.
                                                        lours – a welcoming location for guests
     Activities: Sports (e.g. beach volleyball, foot-
                                                        from all over the world.
     ball, Zumba, fitness, etc.), pool activities,
     Welcome Party: Get to know your class-                                                                                     Package Prices                          in EUR
                                                        With the best of the island’s beaches right
     mates and teachers, barbecue, karaoke, arts        on their doorstep, students are spoilt for
     & crafts, international school parties and         choice when it comes to excursions and free
     many more activities available for a small         time activities. Swimming, diving, shop-
     surcharge.                                         ping or just chilling out: our St. Paul’s Bay                              Season C                    1 week week +
                                                        school has something for everyone!                                         Homestay  /               605     565
     Number of excursions included depends
     on the number of weeks booked.                     Learn how to scan read, improve grammar                                    Residence                   685     645
     See details on page 7.                             and gain confidence in your spoken English
                                                        with our motivated teachers. At St. Paul’s Bay                          Surcharges per week                  in EUR
     Transfers: Arrival/departure at the airport of
                                                        you have the choice between staying at a                                Intensive Course                       +40
     Malta (MLA) is possible at any time on regular
                                                        homestay or at our residence is located just                            Fun Pack Intensive Leisure Programme   +65
     arrival/ departure date.
                                                        a few minutes away from the school. It offers
     Unaccompanied minor service offered only if        fully en-suite rooms and a swimming pool,                               No class on public holidays 2022:
     required by airline: (one way) +150 EUR            just a short walk from the sea!                                         17 Jun, 15 Aug

     We strongly recommend good medical in-             Starting dates
     surance. You can purchase it on your own                                            June                       July                         August                 Sept
     or book it with us. Details on page 61.                                              26               3   10    17    24     31      7      14       21    28       4
                                                           max. stay (weeks)              11              10   9     8     7      6       5       4       3     2        1

                                                                                                                                No class on public holidays 2022:
                                                                                                                                19 Mar, 2 Apr, 7 Jun, 8 Sep


         SPRACHCAFFE – Brighton
        The UK is as fascinating as it is
        diverse. British culture and
        tradition have reached almost
        every corner of the globe,
        and it is still a forerunner in
        countless fields including
        music, arts, finance, business
        and education.
        Trendy and fashionable Brighton
        stands at the forefront of
        British popular culture, enchanting
        its visitors with its typically
        English charm. Shop till you
        drop at The Lanes, and make sure
        you don’t miss out on visits to
        the world famous Royal Pavilion
        and Brighton Pier, two of
        Brighton’s most outstanding


     Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to Brighton                                                                                                               (including *Intensive Fun Pack)

                  Sunday               Monday                         Tuesday                 Wednesday                   Thursday                     Friday                     Saturday
                             Language placement test        Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,
                             and lessons: conversation,     grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and

                             grammar, reading and           listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,
                             listening comprehension,       written exercises          written exercises          written exercises          written exercises
                             written exercises

                   Arrival                                                                                                                                                       Full-day trip
                             Orientation Tour:                Royal Pavillion Tour     Half-day trip to Seven     Laser Zone                 Sports / Arts and Crafts            to London /

                             visit of the school, its facili-                          Sisters*                                                                                Madame Tussaud's*
                             ties and take a tour around                                                                                                                              or
                             the area                                                                                                                                             Departure

                             Welcome Party:                 Ride on i360*              Movie Night                Speed Boat Trip*           Farewell Evening

                             get to know
                             your classmates
                             and teachers

           Course: Standard (20 lessons = 15 h/week)
           & Intensive (30 lessons = 22.5 h/week)
           Details: page 6. Level: A1- C1
           Learning material on loan
                                            Mondays of the month
           Workshops:                        1st 2nd 3rd 4th

           Business English
           Communication Skills
           Job Application & Interview                                                                                                                                2 weeks
           Public Speaking & Presentation
           Supervision by our trained Teamers.
           Details: page 7.

           Homestay    full board,
                                                                                            we e k s
                                                                                                                                                    1.620,-                               GBP

                                                                                   From 2
                                                                                   LO N D O
                      hot lunch
                                                                                                                                                  uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                                                               course air-
                                                                                                                                             portt roundtrip transfer, college    with full
                          full board, hot lunch
                                                                                                                                                 rd, standard leisure programme, exexcur-
                                                                                                                                             sions and professional supervision by our
                                                                                        trip inc
           Activities: Sports (kayaking, football,
           fitness, Zumba), cinema, picnic, barbecue                                                                                         Teamers.
           at the beach, sightseeing, boat trips,
           international student parties and many
           more activities available.                                                                                                      Package Prices                                         in GBP

           Number of excursions included depends                       SPRACHCAFFE Brighton boasts a very                                       Season C                             1 week week +
           on the number of weeks booked.                              central location, with countless places of                               Homestay                               650       560
           See details on page 7.                                      interest just around the corner. The sea-                                College                                 855       765
                                                                       front is without a doubt the most popular
           Transfers: Please arrange arrival and depar-                meeting place for international students.
           ture flight at London Heathrow (LHR) or                                                                                         Surcharges per week                  in GBP
                                                                       Students will stay at our college together                          Intensive Course                        +70
           London Gatwick (LGW) from 9:00 - 19:00.                     with other international students. Accom-
                                                                                                                                           Workshops                               +75
                                                                       modation is located on campus. The school
           Unaccompanied minor service offered only                    is less than a 10-minute walk by foot. Stu-                         Fun Pack Intensive Leisure Programme    +60
           if required by airline: (one way) +150 GBP                  dents will improve their English skills by
                                                                       living with other students from around the                          Days of travel
                                                                       world. They will support each other, while                          Arrival                                            Sunday
           We strongly recommend good medical in-                      making new friends.                                                 Course start                                      Monday
           surance. You can purchase it on your own or
                                                                                                                                           Departure College                                 Saturday
           book it with us. Details on page 61.
                                                                                                                                           Departure Homestay                                Saturday

Starting dates & seasons                                                                                           If the season changes during your stay, the extra week price of the new season applies.
                             June                                                                       July                                                                   August
                     19                26                          3         10                          17           24                      31                      7                      14
max. stay (weeks)     9                8                           7         6                           5            4                       3                       2                      1

         SPRACHCAFFE – London, Ealing
         London, the vibrant capital city
         of England, is one of the super-
         metropolises of the world and a
         hub of activity. You can meet the
         craziest types here, but also expe-
         rience a beautiful piece of British
         tradition. Here you get the chance
         to see today what will be modern
         in the rest of the world tomorrow.
         It is no wonder that shops stock
         tomorrow’s fashion trends and
         clubs play the latest music hits.
        Our school in Ealing is located in
        a residential area in the west of
        the British capital. Both the city
        centre and Heathrow Airport
        are reachable within 40 minutes
        on the tube from nearby Ealing
        Broadway station.


     Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to London, Ealing                                                                                                        (including *Intensive Fun Pack)

                  Sunday              Monday                       Tuesday                  Wednesday                   Thursday                      Friday                    Saturday
                             Language placement test      Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,
                             and lessons: conversation,   grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and

                             grammar, reading and         listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,
                             listening comprehension,     written exercises          written exercises          written exercises          written exercises
                             written exercises

                                                                                                                                                                               Full-day trip
                             Orientation Tour:            City Tour of London:       Piccadilly Circus: walk    Shopping Trip:             National Gallery*: visit the         to Oxford

                             visit of the school, its     discover the historic      around the city's most     go on a shopping tour      famous art museum                        or
                             facilities and take          landmarks                  famous public square       in the streets of London                                        Departure
                             a tour around the area

                             Welcome Party:               Visit to Madame            Musical*                   Ride on the London Eye*    Farewell Party:

                             get to know your class-      Tussaud's*                                                                       enjoy the last evening
                             mates and Teamers                                                                                             with delicious pizza

    Course: Standard (20 lessons = 15 h/week)                                                                                                                                               2 weeks from
    Intensive (30 lessons = 22.5 h/week)

    Details: page 6. Level: A1 - C1
    Learning material on loan
                                                 Mondays of the month
           Workshops:                             1st 2nd 3rd 4th

           Business English
           Communication Skills
           Job Application & Interview
           Public Speaking & Presentation                                                                                                                              Including:
                                                                                                                                                                            uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                                                                                          course air-
                                                                                                                                                                       portt roundtrip transfer, homestay
           Supervision by our trained Teamers.
                                                                                                                                                                       with full board, standard leisure program
           Details: page 7.
                                                                                                                                                                       excursions and professional supervision by
           Accommodation:                                                                                                                                              our Teamers.
                                                                                                         we e k s
           Homestay                                                                               From 2
                                                                                                  OX FO R
                      full board, packed lunch
                                                                                                                                                                     Package Prices                                        in GBP
           Activities: Sports (kayaking, football, fit-
           ness, zumba), cinema, picnic, barbecue at                                                                                                                      Season A                             1 week week +
           the beach, sightseeing, boat trips, inter-
                                                                                                       trip inc
                                                                                                                                                                          Homestay                               620       550
           national student parties and many more
           activities available.
                                                                                                                                                                          Season B                             1 week week +
           Number of excursions included                                             SPRACHCAFFE London is situated in the                                                Homestay                               640       570
           depends on the number of weeks booked.                                    leafy suburb of Ealing, affectionately re-
           See details on page 7.                                                    ferred to as “The Queen of the Suburbs”.
                                                                                                                                                                          Season C                             1 week week +
           Transfers: Please arrange arrival and depar-                              Located west of the city centre, Ealing is                                           Homestay                               670       600
           ture flight at London Heathrow (LHR) from                                 just a 40-minute underground journey from
           09:00 - 19.00.                                                            the heart of London, as well as from Heath-                                     Surcharges per week                  in GBP
                                                                                     row Airport. Ealing’s friendly locals and                                       Intensive Course                       +75
           Unaccompanied minor service offered only                                  charming location make it the perfect place
           if required by airline: (one way) +150 GBP                                                                                                                Workshops                              +75
                                                                                     for an educational holiday.
                                                                                                                                                                     Fun Pack Intensive Leisure Programme +80
           We strongly recommend good medical in-                                    You will stay in twin/shared rooms in hand-                                     Harry Potter Studio                  +110
           surance. You can purchase it on your own or                               picked homestays, which all include full
           book it with us. Details on page 61.                                      board. Most of the homestays are located                                         No class on public holidays 2022:
                                                                                     in Ealing!                                                                       1 + 3 Jan, 15 + 18 Apr, 2 May, 3 Jun, 29 Aug

Starting dates & seasons                                                                                                                     If the season changes during your stay, the extra week price of the new season applies.
                          January                February               April               June                                      July                        August                 Sept                 October
                    2   9    16   23        30    6    13         3      10     17     5    12   19        26           3        10    17     24      31      7     14   21        28     4       2       9     16    23       30
max. stay (weeks)   7   6     5    4         3    2     1         3       2      1     14   13   12        11           10        9     8      7       6      5      4    3         2      1      5       4      3     2        1

                    9   16      23     30
max. stay (weeks)   4    3       2     1

        London/St. Margaret's

         SPRACHCAFFE – London/St. Margaret's
        London is the origin of many
        modern trends that can be found
        in many places around the world.
        Its plentiful historical landmarks
        and international districts un-
        deniably make it a city that will
        never cease to impress its visitors.
        Our St. Margaret's language
        school campus is located in a very
        secure area of London, which is
        highly regarded by both parents
        and students alike.
       The nearby district of London
       Hampstead has a very good
       reputation and St. Margaret's
       itself is one of the UK's leading
       boarding schools. Students have
       the opportunity to learn
       English in a traditional boarding
       school, which was

       established in 1749.

     Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to St. Margaret's                                                                                                        (including *Intensive Fun Pack)

                  Sunday               Monday                     Tuesday                   Wednesday                   Thursday                      Friday                    Saturday
                             Language placement test      Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,
                             and lessons: conversation,   grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and

                             grammar, reading and         listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,
                             listening comprehension,     written exercises          written exercises          written exercises          written exercises
                             written exercises

                   Arrival                                                                                                                                                     Full-day trip
                             Orientation Tour:            Piccadilly Circus:         City Tour of London*:      Shopping Trip:             National Gallery*: visit the         to Oxford

                             visit of the college, its    walk around the            discover the historic      go on a shopping tour      famous art museum                        or
                             facilities and take a tour   city's most famous         landmarks of London        in the streets of London                                        Departure
                             around the area              public square

                             Welcome Party:               Ride on the London Eye*    Free evening               River Cruise*              Farewell Party:

                             get to know your class-                                                                                       enjoy the last evening
                             mates and teachers                                                                                            with delicious pizza


     Course: Standard & Intensive
     Details: page 6. Level: A1 - C1                                                                                           2 weeks from
     Learning material on loan

     Supervision by our trained Teamers.
     Details: page 7.

                                                                   F   rom 2 w

                                                                   OX FO R
                                                                               eeks   stay
                                                                                                                 1.440,-                                 GBP

     College     +(2- 4 )
                full board, hot lunch                                                                  Including:
                                                                                                            uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                          course air-
     Activities: Sports, cinema, picnic, barbecue,                         trip inc                    portt roundtrip transfer, college           +
     bowling, sightseeing, museums, karaoke,                                                           with full board, standard leisure program
     international student parties and many more                                                       excursions and professional supervision by
     activities available.                           The perfect stay for your language trip:          our Teamers.
                                                     SPRACHCAFFE's St. Margaret campus, lo-
     Number of excursions included depends           cated in the London district of Bushey.
     on the number of weeks booked. See details                                                       Package Prices                                         in GBP
     on page 7.                                      St. Margaret's is a leading boarding school in
                                                                                                          Season C                               1 week week +
                                                     Great Britain and highly regarded by parents
                                                     and students alike. The highly esteemed              College +                              745       695
     Transfers: Please arrange arrival and depar-
     ture flight at London Heathrow (LHR) from       district of Hampstead is only 12 miles away.
                                                                                                      Surcharges per week                 in GBP
     09:00 - 19.00.                                  Here you'll receive high quality lessons and
                                                     also save time and money on your journey         Intensive Course                      +75
     Unaccompanied minor service offered only        to class, as our accommodation is located        Harry Potter Studio                  +110
     if required by airline: (one way) +150 GBP      right on campus.                                 Fun Pack Intensive Leisure Programme +60

     We strongly recommend good medical in-          While the local students are on summer           Starting dates
     surance. You can purchase it on your own or     holiday, St. Margaret's opens its doors and                                     July                 August
                                                     rooms to our SPRACHCAFFE students                   2022             10    17          24    31     7     14
     book it with us. Details on page 61.
                                                     aged 12-17.                                      max. stay (weeks)   5     4           4     3      2      1


         SPRACHCAFFE – Bournemouth
        Bournemouth, the sunniest and
        warmest place in Britain, with
        12 kilometres of sandy beaches
        and a young student population,
        is a fantastic place to learn English.
        The school, not far from the city
        centre, is surrounded by greenery
        and furnished with up-to-date
        equipment, providing the
        perfect learning environment.

        This beach resort on the English
        coast isn’t popular only with
        the British. People from all over
        the world are enticed by its mild
        climate, beautiful beaches, and
        historic excursions. This region also
        boasts an impressive number of
        bars and restaurants.


      Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to Bournemouth                                                                                                         (including *Intensive Fun Pack)

                   Sunday              Monday                      Tuesday                    Wednesday                  Thursday                   Friday                     Saturday
                              Language placement test      Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,    Lessons: conversation,    Lessons: conversation,
                              and lessons: conversation,   grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and      grammar, reading and      grammar, reading and

                              grammar, reading and         listening comprehension,   listening comprehen-      listening comprehen-      listening comprehen-
                              listening comprehension,     written exercises          sion, written exercises   sion, written exercises   sion, written exercises
                              written exercises

                    Arrival                                                                                                                                                   Full-day trip
                              Orientation Tour:            Oceanarium*:               SC Sports Olympics:       Corfe Castle*:            Trip to Alum Chine                   to London

                              visit of the school, its     discover the               enjoy the afternoon       trip to the impressive    and Overcliff*                           or
                              facilities and take          fascinating                at one of Europes top     historic landmark                                              Departure
                              a tour around the area       marine life                10 beaches                of Corfe

                              Welcome Party:               Free evening               Movie Night*              International Student     Farewell Evening

                              get to know your                                                                  Disco
                              and teachers

                                                                                                                                                 2 weeks
     Course: Standard & Intensive
     Details: page 6. Level: A1- C1
     Learning material on loan
     Supervision by our trained Teamers.
     Details: page 7.
                                                                                                                                 1.580,-                         GBP

     Accommodation:                                                                   we e k s
                                                                             From 2
                                                                             LO N D O
     Residence:                                                                                                           Including:
                                                                                                                                uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                                             course air-
                full board, packed lunch.                                                                                  portt roundtrip transfer, residence     with
                                                                                                                           full board, standard leisure programme
                                                                                                                                                         programme, ex-
                                                                                                                           cursions and professional supervision by
     Activities: Sports (e.g. kayaking, football,
                                                                                  trip inc
                                                                                                                           our Teamers.
     fitness, basketball), karaoke, cinema, Cream
     Tea, hiking, picnic, barbecue at the beach,
     sightseeing, boat trips, international student
     parties and many more activities available.                                                                          Package Prices                              in GBP
                                                      The staff at the school and the English
     Number of excursions included                    teachers are available whenever you need                               Season C                      1 week week +
     depends on the number of weeks booked.           them, whatever the issue is. Stay in o your
                                                                                                                             Residence                         835     745
     See details on page 7.                           own room in the school residence.

     Transfers: Please arrange arrival and depar-     English teachers use a great variety of exer-                       Surcharges per week                         in GBP
     ture flight at London Heathrow (LHR) for         cises with a focus on advancement in speak-
                                                                                                                          Intensive Course                             +70
     flights from 10:00 - 18.00.                      ing and grammar to give each student the
                                                      opportunity to put their skills into practice.                      Fun Pack Intensive Leisure Programme         +60
     Unaccompanied minor service offered only if
     required by airline: (one way) +150 GBP

     We strongly recommend good medical in-           Starting dates
     surance. You can purchase it on your own                                                                 July                                     August
     or book it with us. Details on page 61.                 2022
                                                                                        3                10    17    24         31           7           14            21
                                                         max. stay (weeks)              8                7     6     5          4            3           2             1

                 New York

        SPRACHCAFFE – New York
        New York, affectionately referred
        to as “The Big Apple”, is home
        to over 8 million inhabitants.
       Thanks to America’s history as
       a global melting pot, New York
       boasts an exceptional level
       of diversity, with New Yorkers
       living out their various cultures
       and adding flavour to the city’s
       incredible heritage.
        No visit to New York would be
        complete without a shopping
        trip to Fifth Avenue or a stroll
        through New York’s famous
        Central Park, the Statue of Liberty
        and Ellis Island simply can't be


     Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to New York
                 Sunday              Monday                       Tuesday                   Wednesday                  Thursday                   Friday                   Saturday
                            Language placement test      Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,    Lessons: conversation,    Lessons: conversation,
                            and lessons: conversation,   grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and      grammar, reading and      grammar, reading and

                            grammar, reading and         listening comprehen-       listening comprehen-      listening comprehen-      listening comprehen-
                            listening comprehension,     sion, written exercises    sion, written exercises   sion, written exercises   sion, written exercises
                            written exercises

                  Arrival                                                                                                                                                   Excursion
                            Orientation Tour:            Boat tour to Statue of     Visit of the American     Free afternoon            Times Square Tour:               to Coney Island

                            visit of the school, its     Liberty and Ellis Island   Museum of Natural                                   visit one of New York's                or
                            facilities and take                                     History                                             most iconic places.                 departure
                            a tour around the area

                            Welcome Party:               Free evening               Free evening              Free evening              Bad Taste Party:

                            get to know your class-                                                                                     who can create
                            mates and teachers                                                                                          the most awful look?

                          we e k s

                 From 2

              CO N E Y
                      trip inc

     Course: Standard & Standard Plus
     Details: page 6. Level: A1- C1
     Learning material on loan                                                                                                                   2 weeks from
                                                 Mondays of the month
     Workshops:                                   1st 2nd 3rd 4th

     Business English
     Communication Skills
     Job Application & Interview
     Public Speaking & Presentation
     Supervision by our trained Teamers.
                                                                                                                                      3.560,-                         USD

     Details: page 7.
                                                                                                                                     uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                                                   course air-
                                                                                                                                portt roundtrip transfer, residence         +
                                                                                                                                with full board, standard leisure program
                Basic shared room, full board,
                                                                                                                                excursions and professional supervision by
                packed lunch
                                                                                                                                our Teamers.
                full board, packed lunch
                                                                                                                               Package Prices                             in USD
     Activities: Sports (kayaking, football, fitness,
     zumba), cinema, picnic, barbecue at the                                                                                      Season C                        1 week week +
     beach, sightseeing, boat trips, international                                                                                Residence                      1950     1610
     student parties and many more activities
     available.                                                         Located right in the heart of the Financial               College                        1730     1390
                                                                        District and a stone's throw away from
     Number of excursions included                                      Battery Park, our school boasts a stunning
     depends on the number of weeks booked.                             view of the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island.        Surcharges per week                        in USD
     See details on page 7.                                             The nearest subway station is a mere 5 min-            Standard Plus Course                        +40
                                                                        utes away on foot.                                     Workshops                                   +80
     Transfers: Please arrange arrival and depar-                                                                              Full-day Trip: Niagara Falls               +200
     ture flight at John F. Kennedy Airport (JFK)                       Our guests in New York are presented with
                                                                        the choice of staying in a twin room at our            Full-day Trip: Bronx Zoo                    +55
     or La Guardia (LGA) from 09:00 - 21:00.                                                                                   Half-day Trip: Statue of Liberty            +45
     Other airports and times on request.                               residence conveniently located near to our
                                                                        school location, at one of our multicultural
     Unaccompanied minor service offered only                           homestays, or at our college.                          No class on public holidays 2022: 4 Jul
     if required by airline: (one way) +150 USD
                                                                        Starting dates
     We strongly recommend good medical
     coverage. You can purchase it on your own                                                                    July                                      August
                                                                                               3       10          17     24         31           7           14            21
     or book it with us. Details on page 61.                               max. stay (weeks)   8       7           6      5          4            3           2             1

USA Boston

        SPRACHCAFFE – Boston
       Boston is the home of world 's
       most famous universities
       (e.g. Harvard University), next
       to 52 other renowned institutions.
       The city also has a number of sig-
       nificant historical landmarks.
       Boston plays host to over 100
       colleges and universities, and
       is one of the most student-
       friendly cities in the USA. With
       its multi-cultural population,
       it is one of the best places in
       North America to learn English.
       The city boasts a strong arts-
       and-entertainment scene, host-
       ing a variety of events through-
       out the year. Be sure to sam-
       ple some of Boston’s world-
       renowned culinary specialities,
       including traditional fish and
       chips or clam chowder, available

       at many of the beautifully deco-

       rated terraces across the city.

     Sample Programme for a 7-Day Trip to Boston                                                                                                             (including *Intensive Fun Pack)

                 Sunday              Monday                      Tuesday                   Wednesday                   Thursday                     Friday                   Saturday
                            Language placement test      Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,     Lessons: conversation,
                            and lessons: conversation,   grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and       grammar, reading and

                            grammar, reading and         listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,   listening comprehension,
                            listening comprehension,     written exercises          written exercises          written exercises          written exercises
                            written exercises
                                                                                                                                                                            Full-day trip
                                                                                                                                                                             to the USS
                  Arrival                                                                                                                                                   Constitution
                            Orientation Tour:            Boston Duck tour*          Boston Freedom Trail       Visit to China Town &      Harvard:

                            visit of the school, its                                                           shopping                   visit the famous
                                                                                                                                                                             Bunker Hill
                            facilities and take                                                                                           elite university
                            a tour around the area
                            Welcome Party:               Free evening               Whale Watching at the      New England Zoo*           Prudential Skywalk*

                            get to know your class-                                 New England Aquarium*
                            mates and Teamers

                                                                                        we e k s
                                                                               From 2

                                                                                    R                HILL
Checklist                                                                                                                                 2 weeks from
     Course: Standard & Standard Plus
     Details: page 6. Level: A1- C1
     Learning material on loan
     Supervision by our trained Teamers.
     Details: page 7.
                                                                                    trip inc
                                                                                                                               3.110,-                       USD

                                                       Our school is located in a historic building
     Accommodation:                                    right in the heart of Boston, near Boston
                                                                                                                              uding: Standard language course,
                                                                                                                                                            course air-
     College:          /                          Public Garden, just a short walk from many
                                                                                                                         portt roundtrip transfer, college        with
                      full board, packed lunch         historical sites.
                                                                                                                         full board, standard leisure programme
                                                                                                                                                        programme, ex-
     Activities: Sports (kayaking, football, fit-      During your stay at SPRACHCAFFE Boston                            cursions and professional supervision by
     ness, zumba), cinema, picnic, barbecue at         you will be accommodated in a basic fur-                          our Teamers.
     the beach, sightseeing, boat trips, inter-        nished single or double room at one of
     national student parties and many more            our homestays or in our college. Breakfast
     activities available.                             and dinner are served at your accommo-                           Package Prices                             in USD
     Number of excursions included                                                                                           Season C                    1 week week +
     depends on the number of weeks booked.            A packed lunch will be prepared for you                               College                    1750 1360
     See details on page 7.                            every morning, which students usually
                                                                                                                             College                     1780 1390
                                                       choose to eat with their classmates after
     Transfers: Please arrange arrival and depar-      their lessons.
     ture flight at Boston Logan International (BOS)                                                                    Surcharges per week                  in USD
     from 09:00 - 21:00. Other times are possible      Homestays are generally located about
                                                       45 minutes away from our school using                            Standard Plus Course                   +40
     on request only.                                                                                                   Fun Pack Intensive Leisure Programme +150
                                                       public transport.
     Unaccompanied minor service offered only if
     required by airline: (one way) +150 USD

     We strongly recommend good medical                Starting dates                                                   No class on public holidays 2022: 4 Jul
     coverage. You can purchase it on your own                                                                   July                                    August
     or book it with us. Details on page 61.                                               3                10    17    24           31            7              14
                                                          max. stay (weeks)                7                6     5     4            3             2              1

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