Page created by Byron Banks

Welcome to another year of learning
 and development opportunities
 for professionals engaged in the
        Planning Industry.


TAILORING YOUR PROFESSIONAL                         PIA is committed to a number of strategic
DEVELOPMENT                                         initiatives for 2021, including PlanTech and
The PLANET program is administered by the           Indigenous Planning. As projects associated
Planning Institute of Australia (PIA). PLANET       with these initiatives develop, we expect these
provides popular core learning programs             themes will be reflected in PIA’s policy and
and keeps you up to date with legislative,          advocacy, events and education outputs.
regulatory and policy changes in planning.          As part of this, we are looking forward to
Programs are added through the year and             developing and rolling out PLANET courses
updates will be available here –                    and other educational content reflecting                these strategic initiatives in consultation
planet-courses                                      with experts in our industry.

                                                    BESPOKE TRAINING AVAILABLE
                                                    PIA NSW work with a number of
Planners play an integral role in shaping
                                                    organisations to bring our training to you
the future of our cities, towns and surrounds.
                                                    anywhere in NSW. We are able to offer
Successful development outcomes require
                                                    many of our PLANET courses as a bespoke
planners to have new competencies to
                                                    package for your staff. For more information
enable the advancement of their skills in
PLANET provides a comprehensive range of            IMPORTANT INFORMATION
programs which cover six key skill areas that all   BOOKINGS/STUDENTS/
great planners need to be competent in (and         CANCELLATIONS
match with our Registered Planner pathway):
                                                    PLANET bookings and payment should be
    Professionalism and integrity                   made online via the PIA website. Course
    Spatial thinking                                numbers are strictly limited so please book
                                                    early to avoid disappointment.
    Creative and multidisciplinary approach
                                                    Full-time student members (with evidence)
    Communication and engagement                    who wish to attend a program will be charged
    Planning frameworks                             50% of the scheduled fee. Please contact
                                                    PIA to arrange. Note: The listed price for all
    Technical knowledge                             programs includes GST.
PLANET presenters are subject matter                If you cannot attend a registered session you
experts who are skilled in facilitating training    must withdraw online no later than 7 days prior
and providing a positive learning experience        to the course. If you cannot attend and you
to improve your knowledge.                          are within 7 days of the course date, you can
                                                    transfer your registration to another course or
PLANET PROMOTES “BEST                               another person, provided we have at least
PRACTICE” IN URBAN PLANNING                         48 hours notice of your decision to transfer.

One of the best ways to improve your skills is      We cannot issue refunds or credits. If you
to become informed of best practice models          do not attend on the day a full fee will be
used by others. Our programs are developed          charged.
to ensure improved practitioner skills through      PIA requests payment of any outstanding
tailoring practical workshop sessions.              invoices before you register for PLANET
The learning model also provides training           courses in 2021.
opportunities to address a range of personal        Check the website
skills gaps for career development.                 for updates to venues and start times.


Planning for Non-Planners                                                                        4
Development and Feasibility 101                                                                  5
Planning Proposals 101                                                                           6
Planning Proposals 101 – Regional                                                                7
Statement of Environmental Effects – Tips N Tricks                                               8
Your Guide to Noise Assessment                                                                   9
Preparing and Reviewing Clause 4.6 Variation Requests                                           10
Skills You Need to Know to be a Good Expert Witness                                              11
Making Engagement Work for You and Your Community                                               12
The Emotionally Fit Planner NEW                                                                 13
The Community Engagement Challenge: How to Involve Others in Your Decisions                     14
How to Structure and Write a Planning Report                                                    15
Planning for Climate Change Resilience NEW                                                       16
Planning for Bushire Resilence                                                                   17
Placemaking – Part 1: Placemaking for Planners                                                   18
Placemaking – Part 2: Introduction to Place Measurement                                          19
Promoting Local Strategic Planning Statements NEW                                               20
Public Realm Planning                                                                            21
From the Ground Up: Planning Green Infrastructure and Urban Forests for Australian Cities NEW   22
Cities that Feed Us: Planning for Urban Agriculture NEW                                         23
Planning for Social Outcomes NEW                                                                24
Planning for Flood Risk Management                                                              25
Infrastructure Planning and Delivery                                                            26
Economics for Planners                                                                          27
Property Economics for Planners – An Introduction NEW                                           28
Neighbourhood Character and Character Statements                                                30
Planning Together Ways: An Indigenous Intercultural Approach NEW                                32
Sustaining Heritage through Planning and Development                                            34
Active Frontages 101                                                                            35
Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design NEW                                               36
GIS for Planners: Theory and Practice to Produce a Basic GIS Map NEW                            37
GIS for Planners: Analysis and Cartography NEW                                                  38
Urban Design                                                                                    39
Parking Requirements and Waivers                                                                40
Census and Demographic Analysis for Planners NEW                                                 41

2021 PLANET course list                                                                         42
Invest in your career                                                                           46



PLANNING FOR NON-PLANNERS                        He is the Director of the Henry Halloran Trust
                                                 at the University of Sydney – a research trust
This course will provide you with a practical    funded through philanthropy.
and robust introduction to the NSW Planning
System. It will be especially beneficial to
people from a non-planning background that
would like a better understanding of how         ONLINE
urban planning operates in NSW. Participants     Dates
will be provided with a range of planning        Tuesday, 23 February 2021 and
documents in the course notes and a planning     Wednesday, 24 February 2021
jargon buster.
                                                 Tuesday, 1 June 2021 and
                                                 Wednesday, 2 June 2021
Staff at public and private organisations who
work with planners and/or interact with the
planning system. It would also be useful for     9:30am–12:30pm AEDT/AEST (both days)
members of the public who are interested in
finding out how the planning system works.       Venue
                                                 Online – hosted from NSW
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                               Zoom access details will be sent prior to
•  The purposes and rationale for planning;      the session
•  Planning terms and jargon;
•  How the planning system works in NSW          Price
   and in Australia;                             PIA member $290
•  How local councils fit into the planning      Non-member $420
•  The role of land use zones in planning;       IN-PERSON
•  How the two main planning tasks
   (controlling development and making
   plans) work; and                              Thursday, 23 September 2021
•  The purpose of the main planning              Thursday, 18 November 2021
   documents used by planners.
COURSE PRESENTER:                                8:30am–4:00pm AEST/AEDT
Professor Peter Phibbs
Professor Phibbs is a geographer, planner and    Venue
social economist. Whilst his main research       Sydney CBD (TBC)
area has been involved with the development
of the affordable housing sector and on          Price
the relationship between planning systems        PIA member $330
and housing supply, he has always been
                                                 Non-member $460
passionate about explaining the working of the
planning system to as many stakeholders as
possible. Peter is currently a member of the
World Health Organisation’s working group                          METRO           6 PD
which has prepared a set of guidelines on the                      EVENT          POINTS
connections between housing and health.

101                                                  Stephen McMahon RPIA (Fellow),
                                                     General Manager – Development,
This course introduces the principals and            Cameron Brae Properties
practices involved in property development           At Cameron Brae Properties, Stephen
feasibility.                                         undertakes a range of land development
                                                     projects in Western Sydney and regional
                                                     NSW. He is also Director of planning
It provides a critical appreciation of the role of
                                                     consultancy, Inspire Planning and lectures
planning controls on development yield, value
                                                     part-time at the UNSW. His experience
capture/betterment contributions, financing          includes the London Docklands Development
and market economics in development                  Corporation and NSW Olympic Coordination
feasibility. Participants will prepare a simple      Authority.
hypothetical feasibility assessment for the
development of a chosen site within relevant
planning and financial parameters.
                                                     Friday, 26 March 2021
Course Requirement: Access to an Internet
enabled tablet or laptop PC and a basic              Time
ability to use MS Excel or similar software is a     1:00pm–4:30pm AEDT
prerequisite for this course.
DESIGNED FOR:                                        Online – hosted from NSW
Emerging statutory and strategic planners            Zoom access details will be sent prior to
as well as others who seek to gain an                the session
understanding of property development
feasibility.                                         Price
                                                     PIA member $205
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                   Non-member $295
•  A recognition of the different players
   involved in the development process and
   the relationship between each;                                                    3.5 PD
•  An understanding of the relationship                                             POINTS
   between urban planning and the
   property development process;
•  An appreciation of property as a form
   of investment and the concepts of
   financing, taxation and conveyancing;
•  Completion of a hypothetical
   development feasibility assessment.


PLANNING PROPOSALS 101                            COURSE PRESENTERS:
                                                  Juliet Grant RPIA (Fellow),
The statutory planning controls contained in      Executive Director, City Plan Strategy
local environmental plans inevitably require      & Development P/L
updating, whether it is in response to a wide     Juliet is an experienced planner with
scale strategic planning exercise or changes      26 years’ strategic and statutory experience
in site specific circumstances. A planning        in local and state government and the
proposal is the mechanism to achieve this,        consulting environment. She has an in-
and may relate to a change of zone or             depth knowledge of the political, policy and
specific development standards, or both!          legislative environment and an in depth
                                                  understanding of government processes and
Join us for a short course designed for           how to apply them.
Planners and allied practitioners involved in
the rezoning process. We will look at what a
                                                  Helen Deegan MPIA (Fellow), Director,
planning proposal is (and what it isn’t) in the
                                                  City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
context of the legislative framework. From
                                                  Helen is a qualified planner with a diploma
a practical perspective we will use case
                                                  in property development as well being
studies to look at what a planning proposal
                                                  a graduate of the Australian Institute of
should contain, the steps in the process and
                                                  Company Directors. Helen has extensive
indicative timeframes.
                                                  experience and expertise in all types of
                                                  strategic and statutory planning, including
This course will identify the key challenges
                                                  preparation and delivery of SSDA, local
and opportunities associated with planning
                                                  development assessment and planning
proposals, as we embark upon the journey
to transform local planning controls to meet
the current needs and aspirations of local
communities. This will include demonstrating
strategic merit, evaluating options and
                                                  Monday, 5 July 2021
understanding the role of consultation within
each step of the process.
DESIGNED FOR:                                     9:00am–12:30pm AEST
Statutory and Strategic Planners, Urban
Designers and Development Managers.               Venue
                                                  Online – hosted from NSW
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                Zoom access details will be sent prior to
•    What is a planning proposal, and what        the session
     should it contain;
•    Overview of the legislative framework;       Price
•    Steps in the process and indicative          PIA member $205
     timeframes; and                              Non-member $295
•    Key challenges and opportunities.
                                                                                   3.5 PD

PLANNING PROPOSALS 101 –                          COURSE PRESENTER:
REGIONAL                                          Amanda Wetzel MPIA, Regional Director,
                                                  City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
The statutory planning controls contained in      Amanda is a qualified urban and regional
local environmental plans inevitably require      planner and engagement professional (IAP2).
updating, whether it is in response to a wide     She has over 10 years’ experience working
scale strategic planning exercise or changes      in State and Local Government in Australia
in site specific circumstances. A planning        and as a private consultant in Europe and
proposal is the mechanism to achieve this,        the Middle East. Specialising in strategic land
and may relate to a change of zone or             use development and policy formulation,
specific development standards, or both!          Amanda has a demonstrated track-record in
                                                  stakeholder and community engagement.
Join us for a short course designed for
Planners and allied practitioners involved in     Amanda has expertise in concept
the rezoning process. We will look at what a      planning, urban design and preparing
planning proposal is (and what it isn’t) in the   and implementing long-term planning
context of the legislative framework. From        and development initiatives. Her project
a practical perspective we will use case          experience ranges from National-level policy
studies to look at what a planning proposal       to Main Street masterplans, for public and
should contain, the steps in the process and      private clients. She is highly-regarded for her
indicative timeframes.                            effective communication and engagement
                                                  skills, providing a basis for establishing a
This course will identify the key challenges      common understanding and vision for change
and opportunities associated with planning        supported by tangible actions.
proposals, as we embark upon the journey
to transform local planning controls to meet
the current needs and aspirations of local        Date
communities. This will include demonstrating      Thursday, 5 August 2021
strategic merit, evaluating options and
understanding the role of consultation within     Time
each step of the process.                         9:00am–12:30pm AEST

Statutory and Strategic Planners, Urban
Designers and Development Managers.               Newcastle City Hall
                                                  290 King St
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                Newcastle NSW 2300
•  What is a planning proposal, and what
   should it contain;                             Price
•  Overview of the legislative framework;         PIA member $225
•  Steps in the process and indicative            Non-member $315
   timeframes; and
•  Key challenges and opportunities.
                                                                  REGIONAL         3.5 PD
                                                                   EVENT          POINTS


STATEMENT OF ENVIRONMENTAL                        Stephen combines commercial acumen
EFFECTS – TIPS N TRICKS                           and advanced problem-solving skills with
                                                  a solid understanding of government
Whether your Statements of Environmental          operations and decision-making processes
Effects (SEE) effectively delivers your           to guide major planning projects through
message can be the difference between             the planning process and to increase the
a smooth or frustrating development               capacity of organisations to achieve their
process. A good SEE provides Council and          goals.
the community with enough information to
understand your project and its merits, whilst    Mark Schofield, Director - Planning,
addressing all the statutory requirements –       City Plan Strategy & Development P/L
no mean feat!                                     Mark is a qualified town planner with
                                                  20 years’ experience in State and Local
Writing a good SEE takes time, practice           Government, with expertise in strategic
and insight. This course will provide you with    and statutory planning. Mark delivered the
knowledge to improve your SEEs.                   Development Assessment Best Practice
                                                  Guide for Councils and Your Guide to the
DESIGNED FOR:                                     Development Application process for the
New and not so new practitioners striving to      Premiers’ Priority Faster Housing Approval
write better Statements of Environmental          program. He has extensive experience
Effects and those tasked with assessing           in the assessment of local and state
them.                                             significant projects and knowledge of urban
                                                  and regional planning issues.

•  The importance of strategic context;           Date
•  Preparing reports proportionate to the         Monday, 18 October 2021
   issue; and
•  The view from both sides of the fence,         Time
   including the perspective of Planning          9:00am–12:30pm AEDT
   Panel members.
COURSE PRESENTERS:                                Online – hosted from NSW
Stephen Kerr MPIA, Executive Director,            Zoom access details will be sent prior to
City Plan Strategy & Development P/L              the session
Stephen has almost 30 years’ experience at
senior levels in private practice and local and   Price
state government, Stephen offers extensive
                                                  PIA member $205
experience in strategic and statutory
planning, design control and assessment,          Non-member $295
organisational review and reform, due
diligence and strategic development advice
and assessment of major developments.                                             3.5 PD

YOUR GUIDE TO NOISE                              Jeff has worked in Government as both a
ASSESSMENT                                       regulator and infrastructure developer with
                                                 experience on all types of State Significant
Join us for a short course designed for non-     Infrastructure and Development in NSW. He
acousticians who as part of their work need      has been involved in the development of all
to understand NSW noise regulations and          of the current noise policy documents used in
be able to interpret a specialist Noise Impact   NSW and has authored more than 50 journal
Assessment Report for a new project or           and conference papers and technical articles.
modification to an existing operation.
                                                 Mark Irish, Principal Consultant, SLR
The course will focus on how to review a         Consulting
Noise Impact Assessment, determine which         Mark is an experienced acoustic consultant,
noise policy documents are applicable to a       his areas of expertise include building
project, understand the assumptions that         acoustics, transport infrastructure, planning
have been made and predictions calculated,       assessment and industrial noise.
assess the reasonableness and feasibility of
any mitigation measures proposed, and set        As a lead acoustic engineer, Mark is building
practical noise objectives.                      up strong relationships with both clients
                                                 and design teams on diverse project types
A strong mathematical background is not          including commercial fitouts, industrial
required, as acoustical fundamentals will only   facilities, hotels, residential, entertainment
be discussed conceptually and some tips          venues, outdoor leisure and specialist
and ‘rules-of-thumb’ explained so that you       commercial spaces.
will be able to make more robust judgements
regarding noise impacts.
DESIGNED FOR:                                    Wednesday, 27 October 2021
Town Planners, Environmental Managers and
Assessment Officers.                             Time
                                                 8:30am–12:00pm AEDT
•  Overview of Noise Generation and              Venue
                                                 SLR Consulting Australia Pty Ltd
•  EP&A Act and the POEO Act in relation
                                                 202 Submarine School, Sub Base Platypus,
   to noise;
                                                 North Sydney NSW 2060
•  Noise Policies applicable in NSW and an
   overview of the more commonly applied
   ones; and                                     Price
•  Likely scenarios involving noise that a       PIA Member $225
   planner might expect to encounter.            Non-Member $315

Jeff Parnell, Senior Advisor - Acoustics,                         METRO            3PD
                                                                  EVENT           POINTS
Sydney Metro
Jeff is Chair of the NSW Division of the
Australian Acoustical Society and is an
Adjunct Academic at UNSW and a Visiting
Fellow at UTS.



PREPARING AND REVIEWING                             Panels and the national board of the Planning
CLAUSE 4.6 VARIATION REQUESTS                       Institute of Australia. In 2004 Paul was
                                                    admitted to the Order of Australia for services
The NSW planning system currently has two           to the community, environmental resources
mechanisms that provide the ability to vary         management and planning
development standards contained within
environmental planning instruments:                 Penny Murray, Partner, Addisons
•    Clause 4.6 of the Standard Instrument          Penny has provided planning, environment
     Local Environment Plan (SILEP); and            and government advice to both public
•    State Environment Planning Policy No 1 –       and private sector clients in the property,
     Development Standards (SEPP1).                 development, infrastructure, energy, resources
                                                    and manufacturing sectors since 1999. She
Both clause 4.6 and SEPP 1 provide flexibility in   also advises on land acquisition, compensation
the application of planning controls by allowing    and valuation matters. She is nominated as
councils and other consent authorities to           a recommended lawyer in Asia Pacific Legal
approve a development application that does         500 in real estate, an expert in Planning and
not comply with a development standard when         Environmental Law in Best Lawyers and a
certain tests are met.                              leading Environmental Lawyer – NSW in Doyle’s
                                                    Guide to the Australian Legal Profession.
This workshop will explain how to best utilise
a clause 4.6 variation request to successfully
                                                    The Hon Malcolm Craig QC
achieve a variation of the applicable
                                                    Malcolm Craig retired as a Judge of the Land
development standards.
                                                    and Environment Court of New South Wales
                                                    on 5 June 2016, having been a member of
                                                    that Court since 2 March 2010. He has since
Town Planners, Urban Designers, Planning            returned to practice at the New South Wales
Lawyers, Developers and Strategic Planners.         Bar. He was appointed Queen’s Counsel in I989.

•  Assist consultant planners in drafting           Date
   clause 4.6 variation requests so that the        Tuesday, 30 March 2021
   consent authority can be satisfied that
   the contravention of the development
   standard is justified; and
                                                    9:00am–12:30pm AEDT
•  Assist council planners in reviewing and
   assessing the adequacy of clause 4.6
   variation requests.                              Venue
                                                    Online – hosted from NSW
COURSE PRESENTERS:                                  Zoom access details will be sent prior to
                                                    the session
Paul Mitchell OAM, MPIA (Fellow), Director
– Major Projects, City Plan Strategy &
Development P/L                                     Price
Paul is an Australian and international leader      PIA member $205
in planning service delivery. He has expertise in   Non-member $295
strategic planning, environmental assessment
and expert testimony. Paul is the Chair of the
NSW Northern Regional Planning Panel and a
                                                                                     3.5 PD
former member of the Sydney District Planning

SKILLS YOU NEED TO KNOW TO                     Paul Mitchell OAM, MPIA (Fellow), Director
BE A GOOD EXPERT WITNESS                       - Major Projects, City Plan Strategy &
                                               Development P/L
Do you want to be a confident expert           Paul is an Australian and international
witness? This half-day workshop will examine   leader in planning service delivery. He has
recent case law as well as draw on real life   expertise in strategic planning, environmental
practical experiences.                         assessment and expert testimony.

DESIGNED FOR:                                  In 2004 Paul was admitted to the Order
Town Planners, Urban Designers and             of Australia for services to the community,
Strategic Planners.                            environmental resources management and
•  To understand the legislative               Date
   requirements for an expert witness;         Tuesday, 7 September 2021
•  To be aware of the requirements that
   exist for expert witnesses in matters
   before the Land and Environment Court
   of NSW;                                     8:30am–12:30pm AEST
•  To draw on the real-life practical
   experiences of adjudicators and             Venue
   experienced practitioners in the Land       Sydney CBD (TBC)
   and Environment Court of NSW; and
•  To be aware of recent case law relating     Price
   to expert witnesses.                        PIA member $225
                                               Non-member $315
Graham Brown MPIA (Fellow), Past
Commissioner of Land and Environment                           METRO           3.5 PD
Court                                                          EVENT          POINTS
Graham is retired as a Commissioner and
Senior Commissioner of the Land and
Environment Court of NSW having served
three times seven year appointments.

During his time at the Court, Graham heard
over 2000 appeals on a wide range of
planning and related issues. He currently
sits as Chair, Alternate Chair or Expert on
six local planning panels and is a delegate
of Northern Beaches Council on the Sydney
North Regional panel.



MAKING ENGAGEMENT WORK                            •   A taste of some innovative ways
FOR YOU AND YOUR COMMUNITY                            to increase engagement and
Good planners support their community             •   Tips for selecting engagement
through change. They discuss, plan and deliver        technologies and making your
change with stakeholders. Using engagement            engagements more constructive.
to collect data, test assumptions, build
relationships and identify assets to leverage     COURSE PRESENTER:
at various stages of planning, so that they       Amelia Loye, Managing Director, engage2
can deliver better outcomes for and with their    Amelia is a social scientist specialising in
communities.                                      community and stakeholder engagement.
                                                  Over the last 17 years, she has worked with
During this interactive half-day workshop, we     governments across Australia and New
will discuss what you can do to make your         Zealand, and British Columbia in Canada.
engagements more constructive. Amelia will        Helping governments to consult community,
invite you to think about your engagement         work with stakeholders and consider social
objectives and how they might change at           issues and impacts in the design and delivery
different stages of the planning process.         of resource management policy, urban and
Then you will discuss a range of engagement       regional planning.
methods and technologies and when to use
them to deliver different planning outputs and    She now runs two organisations - a
engagement objectives.                            consultancy called engage2, and a not-for-
                                                  profit organisation called The Centre for
The workshop will cover what is new in
                                                  Civic Innovation. She is also a vice-chair of
community engagement and how Covid has
                                                  the Australia and New Zealand Smart Cities
changed the way people want to engage. You
                                                  Council’s Civic Innovation Taskforce.
will examine the role of digital engagement
and technologies for online, in-place and
in-person engagement and how they can             Date
support your engagements behind the scenes,       Wednesday, 31 March 2021
with a focus on making these tools work for
you, your organisation and community.
DESIGNED FOR:                                     9:30am–1:00pm AEDT
Urban and Regional Planners; Transport
Planners; Developers; Architects; Local           Venue
Government Officers; Elected Members;             Online – hosted from NSW
Urban Designers and anyone involved in            Zoom access details will be sent prior to
urban/town planning and development               the session
It is assumed participants will have some prior
knowledge on community and stakeholder            PIA member $205
engagement before attending this workshop.        Non-member $295

LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                                                 3.5 PD
•  A deeper understanding of engagement                                           POINTS
   objectives, methods, and technologies for
   different stages of the planning process.

                                                  Joe Pane, Director, JP Coaching and
Planning can be a high-pressure career.           Training Pty Ltd
From dealing with stressed clients, difficult
                                                  Joe has been working full time in the field
decisions, personal challenges and daily
                                                  as a professional trainer of emotional
uncertainties. We sometimes wonder
                                                  intelligence since 2006. He is also degree
whether we are doing enough and at times
                                                  qualified in psychology and sociology. He
whether we are enough to handle what
                                                  is the creator of The Emotional Fitness
                                                  Formula, his most popular program to date.
                                                  This program helps people deepen their self-
At the core of all our experiences and
                                                  awareness and significantly help improve
interactions are emotions. When we know
                                                  both personal and professional relationships.
how to emotionally manage and lead
ourselves and others effectively, we not only
                                                  His range of clients include Jones Lange
lead but we inspire others to step up and
                                                  LaSalle, Flight Centre, ANZ, Department of
                                                  Defence, Ray White, Hocking Stuart, The
                                                  Coaching Institute, OAMPS Insurance, Coles
This presentation will equip you with hands
                                                  Group, Benetas, and NBN.
on, grounded and practical skills to add
or improve your emotional fitness. These
skills will enable you to become a strong         Date
leader, capable of inspiring others and more
                                                  Tuesday, 8 June 2021
capable of dealing with difficult decisions and
DESIGNED FOR:                                     9:30am–5:00pm AEST
Anyone who wants to improve how they
manage uncertainties in both their career         Venue
and personal relationships.                       Online – hosted from Victoria
                                                  Zoom access details will be sent prior to
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                the session
•  Understand our core behavioural drivers
   so we can lead fulfilling lives;               Price
•  Be significantly better equipped to            PIA member $290
   handle inevitable challenges;                  Non-member $420
•  Learn how to handle the uncertainties
   and ambiguities life gives us; and
•  Understand why some people trigger                                             7 PD
   you and how to change your experience.                                        POINTS


THE COMMUNITY ENGAGEMENT                         Participation (IAP2) course that is delivered
CHALLENGE: HOW TO INVOLVE                        globally. IAP2 is the professional association
                                                 for people working across the world in the
OTHERS IN YOUR DECISIONS                         growing field of community engagement.
The International Association for Public
Participation (IAP2) “Public Participation for   Tanya Burdett RPIA, Director, Essential
Decision Makers” course will give participants   Planning Ltd (UK) and Burdett Associates
understanding of the IAP2 models and             (Australia)
approaches.                                      Throughout her 25+ year career, Tanya has
                                                 been involved in over 170 projects, from large
Considerations of social impact and need         scale infrastructure programs and projects
for social licence have recently gained more     such as High Speed Rail proposals in the
attention from organisations. The course         UK, state-government level engagement
will explore the costs and benefits of public    programs such as the Victorian Infrastructure
participation, how and why to involve the        Strategy Victoria and Level Crossing Removal
public in decisions, and emphasise what          Projects, to smaller development applications
proponents are offering and promising the        and strategic planning assignments
public through their involvement.                throughout the UK and Asia-Pacific region.

Anyone involved in any aspect of engaging        Dates
the community or stakeholders, and anyone        Wednesday, 13 October 2021 and
involved with decision-making. It is ideal       Thursday, 14 October 2021
for all levels of government, consultancies,     (2 Half-Day Workshops)
private companies and non-government
organisations. Elected members also benefit      Time
from the training.                               9:30am–1:00pm AEDT (both days)

•  The role the public can have in decision-
                                                 Online – hosted from NSW
   making and planning for that role;
                                                 Zoom access details will be sent prior to
•  The risks and benefits to the policy/
                                                 the session
   project of engaging the public;
•  Determining the stages where there
   is value for the public to participate in     Price
   decisions, and situations where they          PIA member $290
   might not participate at all; and             Non-member $420
•  Key concepts and skills to be effective
   when involving others.
                                                                                  7 PD
COURSE PRESENTERS:                                                               POINTS
Margaret Harvie, Director, Plancom
Margaret’s passion is engaging communities
to ensure that they have a say over decisions
that affect them. Accredited since 2008
she is one of a handful of trainers delivering
the International Association for Public

HOW TO STRUCTURE AND WRITE                              terms that only planners understand;
A PLANNING REPORT                                       and
                                                   •    How to incorporate the tenets of plain
Many of us leave the written outputs for a              English writing – clarity, consistency and
large project till the end, or we’re required           making your words count – into your
to produce a written report in little time.             day-to-day work..
Strategically planning ahead is inherent in
what we do – despite this, we tend not to          COURSE PRESENTER:
apply these skills to our report writing.          Tara Madden, Director, Topdeck Pty Ltd
                                                   Tara is an expert writer and editor with nearly
Most planning reports are publicly released,       20 years’ experience communicating public
and we should develop and write them so            policy issues in Australia and the UK.
that people understand what they’re reading
and have a sense of transparency and               Tara first edited a planning report in 2005 – a
involvement. Taking the time upfront to think      public-facing document that included terms
about your report – its purpose, audience and      like ‘building envelope’, ‘heritage curtilage’ and
objectives – is a wise investment that will save   ‘pedestrian outcomes’. Once she recovered,
time as the report is developed. This will open    she established Topdeck Communications, and
up more time to focus on the written word          now works with State agencies, local councils
itself, allowing you to avoid overused planning    and consultancies to translate technical
terms, jargon or motherhood statements.            documents, planning reports or strategic plans
                                                   into engaging, clear content.
This workshop helps you to understand what
needs to be agreed before the writing begins,      She dreams of one day reading a planning
and how you can develop clear and consistent       report that doesn’t include the words
content that makes sense to those outside the      ‘amenity’, vibrancy’ or ‘it is important to note
planning profession.                               that…’..

Anyone writing documents designed to               Date
be read by, and understood by, a public            Tuesday, 9 November 2021
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                 9:30am–1:00pm AEDT
While you won’t leave this course with a new,
innate ability to write perfectly, you will have
the pointers that will help you to form better
report-writing habits. This includes:              Online – hosted from NSW
                                                   Zoom access details will be sent prior to
•    What you need to think about before
                                                   the session
     you start - audience, messages and
•    How to make a report easier to read -         Price
     choosing an appropriate style, voice and      PIA member $205
     tone;                                         Non-member $295
•    How to develop a clear narrative and
     structure for your report;
•    How to avoid the pitfalls of writing a                                            3.5 PD
     planning report, including the overused                                          POINTS



PLANNING FOR CLIMATE                           Catherine is both an accredited town
CHANGE RESILIENCE                              planner and accredited bushfire consultant,
                                               specialising in resilience and strategy building.
This workshop will provide an overview of
climate change resilience and adaptation
concepts, further exploring the role of        ONLINE
planning in considering and addressing         Dates
risks from climate change impacts and a
                                               Wednesday, 17 March 2021 and
particular focus on natural hazards.
                                               Thursday, 18 March 2021
                                               (2 Half-Day workshops)
Planners and industry professionals who
need to understand more about how climate      Time
change should be considered as part of the     9:00am–12:30pm AEDT (both days)
planning and development framework in
NSW and the impact and effect this has on      Venue
natural hazards planning.                      Online – hosted from NSW
                                               Zoom access details will be sent prior to
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                             the session
•  Explore the basic climate change
   concepts and current trends;                Price
•  Identify the terminology used when
                                               PIA member $290
   referring to climate hazards and
                                               Non-member $420
   impacts, resilience and adaptation;
•  Be aware of the NSW policy and
   decision-making framework for strategic     IN-PERSON
   planning and development involving          Date
   climate change and natural hazards;         Wednesday, 29 September 2021
•  Acknowledge the range of practical tools
   that can be used as part of planning
   and development assessment so as            Time
   to avoid or reduce risks from natural       8:30am–5:00pm AEST
   hazards; and
•  How to play an effective and active role    Venue
   in planning and development processes       Sydney CBD (TBC)
   involving climate change and natural

Practical examples will be used to             Price
demonstrate concepts and the main              PIA member $330
reference point will be the New South Wales    Non-member $460
planning system.

COURSE PRESENTER:                                                METRO            6 PD
Catherine Ryland MPIA, Director, CR Bushfire                     EVENT           POINTS
Catherine is an urban planner and bushfire
resilience expert with almost 20 years of
diversified industry experience.

PLANNING FOR BUSHFIRE                            •   A knowledge of Planning for Bushfire
RESILIENCE                                           Protection and its legislative framework;
This workshop is designed to provide planning    •   An understanding of the practical
professionals with an understanding of the           application of PBP.
destructive nature of bushfires, the impact
to property and how the legislative planning     COURSE PRESENTER:
framework in New South Wales helps to            Catherine Ryland MPIA, Director, CR Bushfire
mitigate against future disasters.               Catherine is an urban planner and bushfire
                                                 resilience expert with almost 20 years’ of
We will explore strategic bush fire planning     diversified industry experience in the UK
for resilient communities as a concept. We       and Australia. As the primary author of
will consider the process of carrying out a      Planning for Bushfire Protection 2019 and
bushfire risk assessment on a landscape          its associated legislation, Catherine has
scale using practical examples and look at       extensive experience in planning policy,
ways to design development layouts with          strategy and development assessment,
bushfire mitigation in mind.                     particularly with regard to matters of bushfire
                                                 risk. Based in Sydney, Catherine is a member
Planning for Bushfire Protection (PBP)           of the PIA NSW Division Committee and
provides the legislative basis for the           a leader in the preparation of policy and
application of bushfire protection measures      strategy relating to natural hazards.
through the planning process in NSW. We
will also delve into the detail of PBP and its
relationship with the National Construction      Dates
Code/Australian Standard 3959:                   Wednesday, 28 April 2021 and
Construction of buildings in bushfire-prone      Thursday, 29 April 2021
areas. Practical case studies will be provided   (2 Half-Day Workshops)
to work through the application of PBP for
subdivision, special fire protection purpose     Time
(SFPP) and infill development applications.
                                                 9:00am–12:30pm AEST (both days)
Planning and building professionals looking
for an understanding of the application          Online – hosted from NSW
of Planning for Bushfire Protection in           Zoom access details will be sent prior to
the planning proposal and/or planning            the session
application process.
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                               PIA Member $290
•  An understanding of risk management           Non-member $420
   and emergency management;
•  A knowledge of the impacts of bushfire
   on communities;                                                                7 PD
•  An understanding of bushfire                                                  POINTS
   behaviour including fuel structure and
•  An understanding of strategic bushfire



PART 1:                                           Date
PLACEMAKING FOR PLANNERS                          Tuesday, 4 May 2021
Everyone is talking place but what does that
mean for planners? This interactive online
                                                  9:00am–12:30pm AEST
workshop will introduce the theory and
fundamentals of placemaking as the process
of creating self-activating and successful
town centres and neighbourhoods that              Online – hosted from NSW
are better for people. Case studies will be       Zoom access details will be sent prior to
used to illustrate best practice placemaking      the session
DESIGNED FOR:                                     PIA Member $205
Urban Planners, Councillors, Local                Non-member $295
Government Professionals, Architects,
Industry Members, Business Consultants and
Research Students.                                                                3.5 PD
•  Learn about the theory and practice of
•  Learn through case studies that have
   used a placemaking approach in
   three areas of planning: LEP Updates,
   DCP Amendments and Town Centre
   Revitalisation; and
•  Collaborate in workshop sessions on
   how to make better places.

Kylie Legge MPIA, Founding Director,
Place Score
Kylie is a leading voice in the evolving
profession of placemaking. She is a founding
Director of Place Partners, a multidisciplinary
placemaking consultancy based in Sydney
Australia as well as Place Score - the world’s
first place experience measurement tool.

Her interests lie in the relationship between
people and their urban environments and
how we can work better collaboratively to
create the kinds of places people want to
spend time in.


PLACEMAKING - PART 2:                             Date
INTRODUCTION TO PLACE                             Friday, 7 May 2021
How can you use place data to better inform       9:00am–12:30pm AEST
planning? This workshop introduces the
concept and practice of place measurement         Venue
with a focus on Main Street viability and          Online – hosted from NSW
neighbourhood liveability. You will learn          Zoom access details will be sent prior to
about the value of place measurement for           the session
evidence-based planning and defining the
return on investment for your projects, as        Price
well as learning common terminology and an        PIA Member $205
introduction to a range of tools.                 Non-member $295

Urban Planners, Councillors, Local                                                 3.5 PD
Government Professionals, Architects,                                             POINTS
Industry Members, Business Consultants and
Research Students.

•  Learn about the theory and practice of
   place measurement;
•  Deep dive into different tools and how
   they can be used; and
•  Collaborate in workshop sessions
   utilising different tools to make better
   public places.

Kylie Legge MPIA, Founding Director,
Place Score
Kylie is a leading voice in the evolving
profession of placemaking. She is a founding
Director of Place Partners, a multidisciplinary
placemaking consultancy based in Sydney
Australia as well as Place Score - the world’s
first place experience measurement tool.

Her interests lie in the relationship between
people and their urban environments and
how we can work better collaboratively to
create the kinds of places people want to
spend time in.



PROMOTING LOCAL STRATEGIC                         •       Understand the role of the LSPS in
PLANNING STATEMENTS                                       dealing with privately-initiated Planning
This half-day workshop aims to promote            •       Understand how the LSPS fits within
ongoing discussion of Local Strategic                     councils’ Integrated Planning and
Planning Statements (LSPS), following their               Reporting Framework. In particular,
adoption throughout New South Wales.                      the Community Strategic Plan, touch-
During the session the conceptual framework               points with other supportive strategic
for LSPS will be revisited – its place in the             plans and implementation through
national, state, regional, district and local             the Delivery Program and Operational
strategic planning regimes. Attention will                Plans; and
be paid to the legal requirements – their         •       Be aware of the provisions of a range
purpose, role in the strategic planning system            of LSPS case studies, including those of
and processes for preparation and ongoing                 participants.
                                                  COURSE PRESENTER:
Now that the first versions are in place and      Danny Wiggins MPIA (Life Fellow),
follow-up actions are proceeding, it is a         Town Planner, Facilitator and Educator
good time to recap on requirements and            Danny has been a planning consultant for
potential, and share experiences. The session     thirty years, specialising in statutory planning
will explore their potential to inform regional   systems, local planning controls and ‘healthy
and state-level plans and policies and, in        planning’. Danny is also an experienced
particular, inform local planning controls        educator and facilitator. He has an honours
(LEPs and DCPs). The discussion will be           degree in Town Planning and a PhD in
informed by case studies and the experience       residential location theory and was recently
of participants.                                  elevated to MPIA (Life Fellow).

Planning and building professionals looking           Date
for an understanding of the application               Monday, 7 June 2021
and relevance of Local Strategic Planning
Statements within the planning system.                Time
                                                      9:00am–12:30pm AEST
•  Understand how the LSPS fits within the            Venue
   two-way flow of national, state, regional,
                                                      Online – hosted from NSW
   district and local strategic land-use
                                                      Zoom access details will be sent prior to
   planning regimes;
                                                      the session
•  Be inspired and prepared (as council
   planners) to move on Mark 2 of their
   LSPS;                                              Price
•  Understand how the LSPS can prompt                 PIA member $205
   council-initiated innovation in local              Non-member $295
   planning controls (LEP and DCP)
   through Planning Proposals and DCP
   amendments, and as an input to                                                     3.5 PD
   Regional/District Plans and SEPPs;                                                POINTS


                                                Crosbie Lorimer, (Allied Professional (NSW)),
Join us for a half-day workshop that            Managing Director, CLOUSTON Associates
introduces the essentials of current best       Crosbie has more than thirty-seven years in
practice in public realm planning. This         practice, the first seven of which were with
workshop explores the values, policy and        CLOUSTON in the UK and the last 30 with
strategy that underpin best practice and the    the company in Australia. Crosbie brings
placed based metrics that drive practical and   extensive experience in public realm planning
enduring outcomes on the ground.                and design to this role across the public and
                                                private sectors.
Town Planners, Urban Designers and              He has led multidisciplinary teams on
Strategic Planners.                             projects for some of Australia’s key public
                                                domain landscapes including Hyde Park
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                              and Centennial Parklands, NSW and more
•  How strategic planning helps shape           recently to the award-winning Waverton
   responsive statutory planning;               Coal Loader. A regular representative for
•  Outline of best practice metrics for both    AILA on State Government committees, juries
   quality and quantity of open space;          and panels, Crosbie brings his experience in
•  The role and application of The Sydney       integrated planning of the public realm to
   Green Grid in connecting people and          projects, conferences and advisory bodies
   place;                                       across the country.
•  Changing trends in recreation and
   particularly sport;
•  The economic value of the public realm;
                                                Thursday, 1 July 2021
•  The principles underpinning Value
   Capture and VPAs; and
•  The role of the community in successful      Time
   long term outcomes.                          9:00am–12:30pm AEST

                                                Online – hosted from NSW
                                                Zoom access details will be sent prior to
                                                the session

                                                PIA member $205
                                                Non-member $295

                                                                                3.5 PD



FROM THE GROUND                                   John Rayner, Director of Urban Horticulture,
UP: PLANNING GREEN                                University of Melbourne
INFRASTRUCTURE AND URBAN                          John’s teaching and research interests
                                                  are focused around the design and use of
FORESTS FOR AUSTRALIAN CITIES                     plants in the urban landscape (recent work
                                                  includes the woody meadows joint research
This workshop will provide an overview of
                                                  project with the University of Sheffield, UK),
urban greening for Australian cities, including
                                                  green roofs and facades and therapeutic
introductory talks that explore the benefits
                                                  landscapes. He co-leads the University’s green
of green infrastructure and urban trees,
                                                  roofs research and development program.
in-depth case studies to guide planning and
design strategies for local greening, and
                                                  Claire Farrell, Senior Lecturer - Green
interactive workshops to share ideas with
                                                  Infrastructure, University of Melbourne
fellow participants and presenters.
                                                  Claire's main research interest involves
The benefits of urban greening are well           using plants to make cities more liveable.
established, yet planners are often not           Her current research is on using green roofs
equipped with in-depth knowledge of the           for stormwater mitigation and improving
latest greening solutions. Workshops will         biodiversity in Australian cities.
equip planners with both inspiration and
practical advice for urban greening projects.     Other research interests include improving
                                                  water and nutrient retention of green roof
DESIGNED FOR:                                     substrates, the potential use of vegetables in
                                                  rain gardens and using Australian shrubs in
Planning professionals looking for an
                                                  designed plantings.
understanding of urban greening for
Australian cities.
LEARNING OUTCOMES:                                Thursday, 15 April 2021 and
•  Learn about innovative new urban               Friday, 16 April 2021
   greening solutions;                            (2 Half-Day Workshops)
•  Explore design strategies to implement
   neighbourhood greening; and
•  Collaborate in workshop sessions to
                                                  9:00am–12:30pm AEST (both days)
   unpack key challenges to urban greening.

COURSE PRESENTERS:                                Venue
Sara Barron, Lecturer in Urban Horticulture,      Online – hosted from NSW
University of Melbourne                           Zoom access details will be sent prior to
Sara comes from the University of British         the session
Columbia (UBC) where she helped develop
their new Bachelor of Urban Forestry              Price
program. Her PhD focused on how suburban          PIA member $290
landscapes can be re-imagined to balance          Non-member $420
healthy suburban forests with higher density
housing. Sara has expertise in large-scale
sustainable community planning and climate                                          7 PD
change research projects and holds a                                               POINTS
Landscape Architecture degree from UBC.


FOR URBAN AGRICULTURE                               Mel Fyfe, CEO and Co-Founder, Blakthumb
                                                    Mel is a strategic planner with food systems
Ask someone to think about urban agriculture,       and urban renewal expertise. Prior to co-
and they’ll likely think of soil fields or          founding Blakthumb in 2017, Mel held senior
greenhouses rather than high-tech indoor,           roles in the public and private sectors including
controlled-environment growing. This course will    leading the transport and infrastructure
explore modern methods of urban agriculture,        portfolio at Barangaroo.
its role in planning places and precincts, and
the opportunities for planners to integrate fresh
food production into our cities and places.         ONLINE
As our urban places have developed and
                                                    Friday, 14 May 2021
become more populated, we’ve seen
commercial-scale fresh food production uses
moved further and further to the edge, or           Time
removed from urban places entirely. We’re           9:00am–12:30pm AEST
also seeing the impacts of climate change and
health crises on complex supply chains and          Venue
food security.                                      Online – hosted from NSW
                                                    Zoom access details will be sent prior to
This workshop will explore concepts in urban        the session
agriculture including an introduction to
controlled-environment agriculture (CEA)            Price
and technologies, and how urban agriculture         PIA member $205
can be positively integrated into places and        Non-member $295
precincts. CEA is a growing industry worldwide,
and planners are uniquely placed to set the
frameworks to enable food productions in place      IN-PERSON
and shape cities that feed us.                      Date
                                                    Friday, 15 October 2021
Strategic Planners, Planning Consultants,           Time
Policy Makers and people interested in urban        8:30am–12.30pm AEDT
                                                    Sydney CBD – TBC
•  Gain an understanding of modern urban
   agriculture, methods and technologies;
•  Understand the role of urban agriculture
   in food security, urban resilience and local     PIA member $225
   food networks;                                   Non-member $315
•  Planning context and considerations to
   enable integration of urban agriculture
   into places and mechanisms; and                                     METRO            3.5 PD
•  Public value benefits of urban agriculture                          EVENT           POINTS
   including improved community health
   outcomes and economic development.


PLANNING FOR SOCIAL                               •   How social infrastructure plans are
OUTCOMES                                              prepared and their inputs.

Social planning is an important and               COURSE PRESENTER:
sometimes misunderstood element of the            Sarah Reilly MPIA (Fellow), Director,
planning system. Social planners work across      Cred Consulting
disciplines including open space, housing,        Sarah is the Director of Cred Consulting –
urban design, safety and infrastructure to        a creative and collaborative consultancy
shape social outcomes. In this course you         she started in 2010 focussed on creating
will discover best practice approaches to         sustainable communities, places and cities
social planning and understand how you can        for people, with people.
influence planning processes to deliver social
impact for communities.                           She is a highly experienced social planner,
                                                  researcher and community engagement
The course will focus on three key tools of       specialist with over 20 years experience. She
social planning - demographic analysis, social    is a Fellow of PIA, a Divisional Committee
impact assessment and social infrastructure       Member of NSW PIA and board member of
plans - to prepare participants to work as a      the housing charity Head Start Homes.
social planner or alongside social planners.
Practical examples will be provided and
participants will be given the opportunity to     Date
test their social planning skills on real world
                                                  Wednesday, 20 October 2021

Participants should leave the course with a       Time
deeper understanding of social planning, how      9:30am–1:00pm AEDT
planning processes shape social outcomes
and how to use the tools of social planning in    Venue
their work.                                       Online – hosted from NSW
                                                  Zoom access details will be sent prior to
DESIGNED FOR:                                     the session
Early career social planners, local
government staff working in social planning,
assessment officers, strategic planners and
                                                  PIA member $205
consultant planners.
                                                  Non-member $295
•  The role and impact of social planning in                                      3.5 PD
   the planning system;                                                          POINTS
•  How social planners use their tools to
   shape social outcomes;
•  How to identify, source and interpret
   demographic data for social planning
•  The components of a social impact
   assessment and their role in assessment
   processes; and


PLANNING FOR FLOOD RISK                           Carrie Dearnley
MANAGEMENT                                        Carrie is a Senior Flood Engineer at BMT
                                                  with 11 years' experience providing floodplain
This training programme is focused on best        management advice to local and state
practice planning for flood risk management       government. She has been involved in the
focusing on land use planning responses to        strategic planning response to flooding for
managing flood risk. Best practice requires       multiple councils in Queensland including
a true risk-based approach, recognising           Moreton Bay Regional Council, Toowoomba
that different land uses, people, density and     Regional Council and Brisbane City Council.
built forms have different vulnerability or       Carrie has recently delivered floodplain risk
susceptibility to flood risk. The course offers   management studies for the Brisbane River
a practical training programme to assist          and Swan River (Perth).
planners to understand the science behind
flood modelling and factors that contribute
to flood risk, and provides practical advice      Dates
for informing strategic planning, land use        Thursday 4 November 2021
and development policy and including flood
information in planning schemes. We will
draw on a range of Queensland-based case          Time
studies to inform discussion.                     9:00am–5:00pm AEST

DESIGNED FOR:                                     Venue
This training programme is designed               Online – hosted from Qld
for all planners (strategic, statutory and        Zoom access details will be sent prior to
environmental) involved in strategic planning,    the session
developing and/or implementing land use and
development policy in planning instruments        Price
- working either for applicants or for local or
                                                  PIA member $290
state government agencies. The programme
                                                  Non-member $420
is relevant for planners at all stages of their
career who wish to become more familiar with
best-practice tools to manage flood risk.
                                                                                    7 PD
Shannon Haines MPIA
Shannon is a Director with Ethos Urban with
more than 20 years experience working in
local government, State government and as
a consultant. She was awarded the 2015 PIA
Queensland Planner of the Year and received
a commendation for the 2016 Australian
Planner of the year for her contribution to
risk based planning and coastal hazard
adaptation. Shannon has presented to
international audiences in Europe, United
Kingdom, Asia and the Pacific and in
Queensland, NSW and Victoria on risk based
planning for natural hazards.



INFRASTRUCTURE PLANNING                                 available to them to maximise
AND DELIVERY                                            infrastructure delivery and management.

In December 2020 the Productivity                  COURSE PRESENTER:
Commission released its findings of a review of    Greg New RPIA (Fellow)
the NSW infrastructure contributions system.       Greg is a qualified urban planner with special
Earlier last year the Department of Planning       expertise in infrastructure funding and
Industry and Environment exhibited several         delivery plans and systems. He is known as a
discussion papers on proposed changes to the       development contributions specialist, having
infrastructure contributions system.               been responsible for the preparation and
                                                   review of over 100 infrastructure contributions
Covid-19 has created a fresh urgency to
                                                   and delivery plans and schemes across NSW
stimulate economic activity through housing
                                                   since the 1990s.
construction and infrastructure investment.
The State government has initiated various
                                                   Greg served on PIA’s NSW Division Committee
funding schemes for shovel ready infrastructure
                                                   from 2016 to 2020, and was a Vice President
projects. The Minister has also made directions
                                                   in 2019. During his time on the Division, he
to councils to free up their contributions funds
to deliver infrastructure sooner.                  assisted in the preparation of policy positions
                                                   and submissions on infrastructure funding and
•    What are the current opportunities for        delivery.
     funding local infrastructure?
                                                   Additional guest speakers will be announced
•    What are the barriers to delivering
     infrastructure sooner and how can they
     be addressed?
•    Infrastructure contributions are only
                                                   Monday, 22 March 2021 and
     part of the equation for infrastructure
                                                   Thursday, 25 March 2021
     delivery. How can councils design a
                                                   (2 Half-Day Workshops)
     mix of mechanisms to facilitate timely
     delivery and sustainable ongoing
     management of infrastructure?
                                                   Day 1: 9:30am–12:30pm AEDT
DESIGNED FOR:                                      Day 2: 1:30pm–4:30pm AEDT
All professionals that participate in the
preparation and implementation of section          Venue
7.11 and 7.12 plans and VPAs including             Online – hosted from NSW
strategic and statutory planners, consultant       Zoom access details will be sent prior to
planners, finance professionals, engineers and     the session
project managers.
                                                   PIA Member $290
•  An understanding of what the reforms
                                                   Non-member $420
   are and when they will be implemented;
•  You will learn about how the changes
   affect councils, land owners and                                                 6 PD
   developers; and                                                                 POINTS
•  An overview of how councils can manage
   the variety of funding mechanisms
You can also read