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TABLE O F CO NTEN T S WELCOME TO YOUR 2018 LEARNING, GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT MAP! 04 AUDIT & ASSURANCE 06 CORPORATE REPORTING 10 FINANCIAL REPORTING 13 GOVERNANCE AND NON-IFRS REPORTING 18 PRACTICE 20 PUBLIC SECTOR 24 TAX 30 NON-TECHNICAL TRAINING 36 NORTHERN REGION 48 CENTRAL REGION 59 EASTERN REGION 65 SOUTHERN REGION 74 INTERNATIONAL MEMBERS 88 CUSTOMISED CORPORATE TRAINING 90 COMMERCIAL AND SPONSORSHIP 92 We reserve the right to withdraw or modify this brochure at any time. We may add new features and modify or even discontinue existing features without notice to you and in our sole discretion. We reserve the right to alter or amend any criteria or information set out in this brochure without notice. KEY CHARGEABLE CPD HOU RS COMPL I M ENTARY LO C AT I O N WEBCAST REC O R D I N G 3 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE WELCO M E TO YO U R 2 0 1 8 L E A R N I N G , GROWTH A ND D EVE L O P M E N T MA P ! It may be of interest that 2017 saw 1 379 members attending more than five seminars each, with 209 members attending more than 10 seminars each, and 11 attending more than 20 SAICA offerings. The member who engaged most frequently with SAICA seminars and events attended a total of 34 SAICA offerings. These stats are based on information from January to October 2017, and does not include SAICA’s popular annual Tax Update that takes place in November. This repeat attendance by members is a clear indication of the value of SAICA offerings. This brochure details an extensive range of planned Some of the content in this brochure will change. offerings, which includes technical, non-technical Events related to topical affairs will be added, and networking events. Over 150 unique CPD content for seminars related to the latest updates events allow members the opportunity to earn close will be developed closer to the seminar, and to 500 CPD hours. Seen differently, you could easily unforeseen circumstances sometimes require attend a full 20 days of offerings! As a bonus, the 40 that a seminar is unfortunately cancelled. The hours of complimentary CPD promised in previous monthly email will detail the latest information and years is planned to double for the coming year, at a scheduling. minimum. This is amazing value! SAICA is fully committed to delivering exceptional Of particular excitement is that the majority of these value to members and this brochure embodies this service offerings will be webcast live. This facilitates commitment. The number of members who choose several developments. Firstly, every member will to repeatedly attend SAICA offerings is testament receive access to essentially the same service to the quality and relevance thereof. Together with offering irrespective of the member’s geographic the SAICA family, I look forward to meeting you at a location. Secondly, members will be able to save SAICA event in the coming year. time and cost as they will be able to access the content at a convenient location, on a device of their choosing. Thirdly, the content covers both Best wishes, SAICA national and regional content, allowing even customised regional content to be made available to all members. Fourthly, because the webcasted content will be recorded and made available to members on the Click2Start platform, members will Azhar Panchbhai CA(SA) be able to access this content on demand at a later Senior Executive: Member Engagement stage. Lastly, the content on the Click2Start library is expected to increase dramatically, creating an even wealthier resource of useful video content for members for years to come. Don’t miss out! An email calendar is distributed in the first week of each month detailing the events for the coming three months. We encourage you to update your email preferences on your online profile to receive event notices relevant to your interests. 4 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
SOME OF SA IC A’S E V E N T PARTNERS H AVE INC L U D E D : TO PART N E R W IT H SA ICA E V E NT S , CONTA C T: Matt Knight, Project Director, Commercial Delivery and Business Development 5 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE A UDIT & ASSUR AN CE INFORMATION SESSIONS: CONTINUATION OF SERIES: AU D IT & ASSURANCE AUDIT BACK TO BASICS S P E CIALIST AREAS SEMINARS OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The assurance division plans to present two SAICA continues with the series of Audit Back information sessions in conjunction with industry to Basics seminars, which aim to contribute to specialists on specific topics determined by trends addressing identified deficiencies and common in the assurance space. auditing pitfalls. 2018 will see the presentation of the fourth and fifth seminars in the series to be LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS presented in the first and third quarter of the year. The aim of these interactive information sessions is to share practical insight into the workings of LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS selected industries and provide members with the These seminars provide delegates with a thorough opportunity to engage directly with the industry grasp of basic auditing concepts. SAICA has specialist. selected topics based on common inspection findings, which will be addressed in the context of the requirements of the ISAs and illustrated by way of examples. JOHANN ESBURG | W EBCAST JO H A N N E S B U RG | W E B C AST COMPL IM ENTARY C H A RG E A B L E 2h 2 CPD HOURS PER SEM I NAR 4h 4 C P D HOU RS P E R S E MI N A R ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 7 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE A UDIT & ASSUR AN CE TE CH N IC AL UPDATE AUDIT AND ASSURANCE UPDATE: AN D REFRESHER OVERVIEW OF RECENT DEVELOPMENTS OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Findings arising from monitoring activities indicate The SAICA assurance project directors will be that firms and practitioners are still facing challenges hosting an Audit and Assurance Update covering in complying with the requirements of the recent developments in standards and legislations International Standards on Auditing. The seminars affecting practitioners involved in the assurance cover topics selected from the ISAs / ISREs / ISAEs space. / ISRSs and related pronouncements. The specific topics form the basis for quarterly seminars to be LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS presented across the country. This session expands on the recent developments that have been communicated through SAICA’s LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS monthly standards and legislations newsletter and SAICA wishes to contribute to firms and provides a discussion of practical considerations practitioner’s compliance, by enhancing awareness arising from the developments. . and the understanding of the requirements. The requirements contained in the relevant International Standards will provide the foundation for the seminar, balanced with a focus on the practical application and implementation thereof. JOHANN ESBURG | PRETO RI A | DURBA N RECORDING BLOEMFO NTEI N | CAPE TOW N CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 4h 4 CPD HOURS PER SEM I NAR 2h 2 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 8 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE A UDIT & ASSUR AN CE 2018 ANNUAL AUDIT AN D ASSURANCE UPDATE S E MINAR OVERVIEW SAICA will be presenting the Annual Audit and Assurance Update seminar to provide members who are engaged in the assurance environment with a comprehensive technical audit and assurance update on recent changes and developments. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS The outcomes of recent local and international standard-setting and related activities, in the form of standards, laws and regulations and other pronouncements that are becoming effective or that may already be effective in performing audits, reviews, other assurance and related services engagements in South Africa will form the basis of the seminar. The seminar also aims to create awareness and inform members of some emerging areas and on- going projects and their expected impact on audit and assurance practice. JOHANN ESBURG | PRETO RI A CAPE TOW N | BLO EM FO NTEI N | DURBA N COMPL IM ENTARY 4h 4 CPD HOURS ENQUIRE NOW 9 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE C ORPORATE REP O RTI N G CFO CO NFERENCE RETIREMENT FUNDS & S E RIES INVESTMENT MANAGERS SEMINAR OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This conference is for CFOs, FCs and Senior The event will focus on the latest accounting and Finance Managers from businesses of mid-tier size regulatory updates within the industry. It will also up to JSE200 companies. It is focused on giving consider the state of our economy and its impact on the member technical and non-technical expertise long-term investing and savings for retirements. to assist the management and leadership of their company, function and teams, whilst also facilitating LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS good peer networking and discussions throughout. The objective of the event is to keep members within the retirement and investment management LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS industry abreast with the latest developments within The member will be equipped with technical, the industry and the economy. personal development and leadership skills that are required for the modern CFO and senior finance role. JOHANN ESBURG | CAPE TOW N JO H A N N E S B U RG COMPL IM ENTARY C H A RG E A B L E 8h 8 CPD HOURS 3h 3 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 11 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE C ORPORATE REP O RTI N G S H ORT & LONG TERM ANNUAL MEDICAL AID I NSU RANCE SEMINAR SEMINAR OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The event will focus on the latest accounting and The event will focus on the latest accounting and regulatory updates within the Insurance industry. A regulatory updates within the Medical Schemes highlight of IFRS 17 and its impact on the industry. industry. A highlight of IFRS 17 and NHI and their impact on the industry LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS The objective of the event is to keep members LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS within the insurance industry abreast with the latest The objective of the event is to keep members developments within the industry. within the medical schemes industry abreast with the latest developments within the industry. JOHANN ESBURG | CAPE TOW N JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 3h 3 CPD HOURS 3h 3 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 12 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE FINANCIAL REPORTI N G X BRL IFRS FOR SMEs BACK TO CON FE RENCE BASICS SEMINAR OVERVIEW OVERVIEW From 1 July 2018, companies will be required to The IFRS for SMEs Back to Basics seminar is a submit their annual financial statements to the full-day seminar which addresses the IFRS for Companies and Intellectual Property Commission SMEs Standard. The seminar is interactive in that (CIPC) via XBRL. This conference is aimed at it incorporates practical case studies which allow assisting delegates who will be affected by this participants to immediately test their understanding announcement by providing them training on XBRL of the principles learnt. and giving them a platform to engage with those This seminar is aimed at those who are involved in who have experience on XBRL. the preparation or audit of IFRS for SMEs financial statements, academics and those not directly LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS responsible for financial statement preparation Delegates will have the opportunity to engage but would like to stay up to date with current with the CIPC and XBRL experts to understand requirements of IFRS for SMEs. the benefts of XBRL, the impact of XBRL on companies, the rationale for implementing XBRL in LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS South Africa and more. Delegates will gain an understanding of the 2015 IFRS for SMEs Standard which includes the amendments which were effective for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January 2017. JO H A N N E S B U RG | P R ETO R I A JOHANN ESBURG D U R BA N | C A P E TOW N CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 12h 12 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 14 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE FINANCIAL REPORTI N G PANEL DISCUSSION: IFRS BACK TO BASICS TRAN S ITIONING TO THE WORKSHOP N E W IFRSs – SHARING E X P E RIENCES OVERVIEW OVERVIEW IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers This is a two-day interactive IFRS workshop. The and IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments become effective workshop is aimed at assisting delegates with from 2018. What have the new IFRSs meant for the implementation of IFRSs through the use companies? Have you had negotiations with your of practical case studies. The workshop will be key stakeholders to help them understand how the addressing the core standards of IFRS including new IFRSs will impact the company? SAICA will IFRS 15 – Revenue from Contracts with Customers, afford you the opportunity to hear from those who IFRS 9 – Financial Instruments and IFRS 16 – Leases have been involved in the implementation of these and includes the requirements that are typical to new IFRSs as they will share their experiences the majority of entities irrespective of entity size or including any challenges they have had to overcome industry bias. when implementing the new IFRSs and any benefits This workshop is aimed at those who involved derived from implementing the new IFRSs. in the preparation and audit of IFRS financial statements and those who are not involved in the LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS implementation of IFRS but would like to stay up to Delegates will be afforded to opportunity to date with the IFRS. understand the impact the new IFRSs have on companies and how some companies have LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS overcome the challenges that arose during their Members will gain practical knowledge in applying implementation process. the major IFRSs including the new revenue Standard (IFRS 15), the new financial instruments Standard (IFRS 9) (also illustrating the application of this standard to a non-financial institution), the new leases Standard (IFRS 16), consolidations and business combinations, property, plant and equipment, investment property and the recently issued amendments to IFRSs. JO H A N N E S B U RG | P R ETO R I A JOHANN ESBURG B L O E MF O N T E I N | D U R BA N | C A P E TOWN ST E L L E N B O S C H COMPL IM ENTARY C H A RG E A B L E 2h 2 CPD HOURS 12h 12 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 15 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE FINANCIAL REPORTI N G FINANCIAL REPORTING UPDATE FOR PANEL DISCUSSION: EXECUTIVES: THE NEW INSURANCE TH E BUS INESS IMPACT CONTRACTS STANDARD OF ANY NEW IFRSs AND AME N D MENTS TO IFRSs OVERVIEW OVERVIEW From 2018, numerous IFRSs, amendments to IFRSs IFRS 17 – Insurance Contracts becomes effective and IFRICs come into effect but have companies for annual periods beginning on or after 1 January put in place the appropriate processes to ensure 2021. What should companies be putting in place to compliance with the new requirements? How prepare for the implementation of IFRS 17? What is much work should the relevant teams within the the likely impact of this IFRS on companies? SAICA organisation have performed to date to ensure will be unpacking these questions with a panel of compliance? What is the impact of these IFRSs experts at this two-hour session. or amendments to IFRSs on your business? What questions should you be asking to assist you to LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS understand the business impact of these IFRSs? The session will provide delegates with an overview Join SAICA as we unpack these questions and many of IFRS 17 and outline the expected impact of more at this two-hour session. this Standard on insurers. This session will be beneficial to those who are/will be involved in the LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS implementation of IFRS 17. This session is intended to assist those charged with governance including board members, audit committee members, Chief Executive Officers, Chief Financial Officers and other executives to have a better understanding of the business impact of the new or amended IFRSs. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 2h 2 CPD HOURS 2h 2 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 16 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE FINANCIAL REPORTI N G AN N U AL IFRS U P D ATE OVERVIEW The seminar will provide you with an update on the recently issued IFRSs, amendments to IFRSs, IFRICs and other pronouncements published since the 2017 update and these include a practice statement on materiality (Making Materiality Judgements - Practice Statement 2), the revised Conceptual Framework for Financial Reporting and several amendments to IFRSs. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Members will gain an awareness of the amendments to IFRSs issued since the 2017 IFRS Update and gain an understanding of the key accounting principles, and application thereof, of the IFRSs covered. JOHANNESBURG | PRETORIA | DURBAN BLOEMFONTEIN | CAPE TOWN | EAST LONDON STELLENBOSCH | PORT ELIZABETH CHARGEABLE 4h 4 CPD HOURS ENQUIRE NOW 17 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE GOVERNANCE AN D N O N - I FRS REPO RTI N G P ROTE CTION OF PERSONAL LEGAL UPDATE I NFO RMATION ACT OVERVIEW OVERVIEW The Protection of Personal Information Act was The training initiative will discuss the general signed into law. The Act aims to bring South Africa background of the Competition Act, cartel conduct, in line with international data protection laws. The vertical relationships on what type of supplier / impact of this legislation will be far-reaching and will customer relationships are allowed, what abuse of significantly affect the way companies collect, store dominance is all about, mergers and acquisitions, and disseminate personal information. fines and penalties that apply and types of exemptions that can be applied for. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS To understand the impact and implications that the LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Protection of Personal Information Act will have To obtain basic background of the Competition Act on data collection and usage by companies, and to and to understand if and where the Competition Act ensure compliance with the Act. might have an impact on normal business practices. JOHANN ESBURG | PRETO RI A | DURBA N W E B C AST PORT EL I ZABETH | CAPE TOW N CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 4h 4 CPD HOURS 2h 2 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 19 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P RACTICE S AICA 2018 INFORMATION DATA ANALYTICS - USE IN S E S S IO N ASSURANCE ENGAGEMENT S OVERVIEW OVERVIEW SAICA will be presenting this complimentary This seminar is designed for members in information session, which provides a high-level practice who wish to obtain knowledge and update of relevant amendments and developments. skills to incorporate data analytics in assurance engagements. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS This information session provides members with LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS a holistic overview of recent amendments and To understand the impact of Data Analytics and developments in all areas of interest, including those how to make use of data analytics when performing applicable to corporate reporting (including legal and assurance engagements. compliance), taxation, assurance and practice. JOHANN ESBURG | PRETO RI A CAPE TOW N | GEO RGE | EAST LO NDO N JO H A N N E S B U RG | P R ETO R I A PORT EL I ZABETH | BLO EM FO NTEI N C A P E TOW N | B L O E MF O N T E I N | D U R BA N DURBAN | PI ETERM ARITZBURG COMPL IM ENTARY C H A RG E A B L E 6h 6 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 21 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P RACTICE CLOU D IN PRACTICE INTEGRATED REPORTING FOR SMPs / SMEs OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This conference is designed for practitioners who This seminar is designed for members in practice would like to understand how cloud accounting can and SMEs to outline the benefits of integrated assist their own business and their clients’ needs, thinking and the application thereof. or where they can enhance their existing use of cutting-edge Fintech and cloud accounting tools. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS To understand the importance of integrated LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS reporting for SMEs and SMPs by creating value for The conference will showcase the benefits of SMEs through integrated thinking. adopting cloud software - or benchmarking current tools to new software - so that a member’s business or client advisory services have improved platforms, digital strategy and technology. JOHANN ESBURG | DURBAN JO H A N N E S B U RG BLOEMFO NTEI N | CAPE TOW N COMPL IM ENTARY C H A RG E A B L E 6h 6 CPD HOURS 4h 4 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 22 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P RACTICE P RACTICE MANAGEMENT OVERVIEW This conference is designed for members in practice highlighting the importance of practice management and providing guidance. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Various practice management issues unpacked. JOHANN ESBURG CHARGEABLE 4h 4 CPD HOURS ENQUIRE NOW 23 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P UBL IC SECTOR UNDER STA N D I N G T H E A U DIT PUBLIC SECTOR A ND EXA M I N AT I O N O F INFORMATION SESSIONS PUB LI C S C H O O L F I N A N C I A L STATEM E N T S OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This session is designed for all members and These sessions are designed for members and associates involved in the audit or financial reporting associates involved in public finance management of public schools directly or indirectly, including directly or indirectly, including but not limited to but not limited to accountants, internal auditors, lecturers, accountants, finance managers, chief external auditors, finance officers and School finance officers, internal auditors, external auditors, Governing Bodies. audit committee members and consultants. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS This event aims to provide participants with an in- These sessions will provide members and depth understanding on how to audit and examine associates with an in-depth understanding of SAICA public school financial statements efficiently and public sector offerings and project while earning effectively. valuable CPD points. JO H A N N E S B U RG | E AST E R N C A P E JOHANN ESBURG F R E E STAT E | K WA Z U L U - N ATA L L I MP O P O | MP U MA L A N GA | C A P E TOW N CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 6h 6 CPD HOURS 3h 3 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 25 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P UBL IC SECTOR PUB LI C S E C T O R DOING BUSINESS WITH LEA DER SH I P S U MMI T GOVERNMENT AS AN SMME OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This summit is designed for members and non- This seminar is designed for members and non- members who are involved in public finance members who are interested in understanding how management, reporting and governance directly or to do business with Government. indirectly, including but not limited to Chief Financial Officers, finance managers, internal auditors, LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS external auditors, audit committee members, This seminar will provide participants with an in- analysts, other interested parties depth understanding of the procurement process within Government, the preferences received by LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS SMMEs when doing business with Government This event will provide participants with an in-depth and unpack the processes involved in registering on understanding to some of those challenges which the central supplier database, responding to tenders includes the state of public sector procurement and quotations and all other issues that will make it as well as what can be expected beyond the easier for SMMEs to do business with Government. National Development Plan. There will also be panel The session will also cover the tax and financial discussions by expert panel members who will be incentives and grants available to SMMEs. sharing their experiences and views. JO H A N N E S B U RG | K Z N | E AST E R N C A P E JOHANN ESBURG F R E E STAT E | L I MP O P O | MP U MA L A N GA W E ST E R N C A P E CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 6h 6 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 26 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P UBL IC SECTOR SA I C A - A S B G R A P U P D AT E SAICA-ASB GRAP UPDATE SESSI O N 1 / 2 0 1 8 SESSION 2/2018 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This session is designed for all members and This session is designed for all members and associates involved in public finance management associates involved in public finance management and financial reporting directly or indirectly, including and financial reporting directly or indirectly, including but not limited to lecturers, accountants, finance but not limited to lecturers, accountants, finance managers, Chief Finance Officers, internal auditors, managers, Chief Finance Officers, internal auditors, external auditors, audit committee members, external auditors, audit committee members, consultants and analysts. consultants and analysts. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS This update will help members stay up to date with This update will help members stay up to date with recent developments in GRAP and IPSASs. recent developments in GRAP and IPSASs. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG COMPL IM ENTARY C O MP L I ME N TA RY 2.5h 2.5 CPD HOURS 2.5h 2 . 5 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 27 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P UBL IC SECTOR SA I C A - A G S A 2 0 1 6 / 1 7 M F M A SAICA-AGSA 2017/18 A UDI T O U T C O ME S F E E D B ACK PFMA AUDIT OUTCOMES SESSI O N FEEDBACK SESSION OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This session is designed for members and non- This session is designed for members and non- members who are interested in understanding the members who are interested in understanding the 2016/17 MFMA audit outcomes. 2017/18 audit outcomes in national and provincial Government and public entities. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS This event will provide participants with an LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS in-depth understanding of the 2016/17 MFMA This event will provide participants with an audit outcomes. The session will unpack the in-depth understanding of the 2017/18 PFMA audit outcomes at a national and provincial audit outcomes. The session will unpack the level, performance information, compliance with audit outcomes at a national and provincial legislation, irregular and fruitless and wasteful level, performance information, compliance with expenditure, recommendations and all other issues legislation, irregular and fruitless and wasteful identified by the Auditor General during 2016/17 expenditure, recommendations and all other issues PFMA audit. identified by the Auditor General during 2017/18 PFMA audit. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 3h 3 CPD HOURS 3h 3 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 28 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE P UBL IC SECTOR PFM A ND G O V E R N A N C E UPDATE S E S S I O N OVERVIEW This session is designed for all members and associates involved in public finance management and financial reporting directly or indirectly, including but not limited to lecturers, accountants, finance managers, Chief Finance Officers, internal auditors, external auditors, audit committee members, consultants and analysts. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS This update will help members stay up to date with recent PFM and Governance CPD points. JOHANN ESBURG COMPL IM ENTARY 2h 2 CPD HOURS ENQUIRE NOW 29 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE TAX AN N U AL TAX ANNUAL TAX U P D ATE 2017 UPDATE 2018 OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This course is designed for members to be kept up This course is designed for members to be kept up to date on the latest tax amendments but who were to date on the latest tax amendments that occurred not able to attend the 2017 update sessions the during 2018. Though the course is comprehensive in previous year. Though the course is comprehensive coverage of topics is it not intended to be a detailed in coverage of topics is it not intended to be a technical analysis of every matter. detailed technical analysis of every matter. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Create an awareness of and understanding of Create an awareness of and understanding of the latest primary tax legislation (i.e. Acts) and the latest primary tax legislation (i.e. Acts) and secondary tax law (i.e. regulations, case law, rulings secondary tax law (i.e. regulations, case law, rulings etc.) proposed, enacted or issued during the course etc.) proposed, enacted or issued during the course of 2018. of 2017. JO H A N N E S B U RG | P R ETO R I A , C A P E TOW N | D U R BA N | B L O E MF O N T E IN , JOHANN ESBURG P O L O K WA N E | MB O MB E L A | P O RT E L I Z A B ET H | K I MB E R L E Y | K L E R K S DO R P COMPL IM ENTARY C O MP L I ME N TA RY 4h 4 CPD HOURS 4h 4 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 31 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE TAX P BO TAX EXEMPTION – TAX DISPUTE OP E RATIONAL MATTERS WORKSHOP OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This course is ideal for those who work for or render This workshop is designed to enable taxpayers services to Public Benefit Organisations (PBO’s), and advisors to understand the overall tax dispute including schools and need to have a fundamental landscape but more specifically the request for understanding of the income tax exemption and reasons and objections parts thereof and how they VAT landscape of PBO’s, how it is different to other should be properly formulated through the use of a tax exempt entities and how the operations of the case study. entities must be aligned to enable tax compliance. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS This workshop will cover in high level the overall tax This course will cover the overall income tax dispute legislative landscape and then specifically exemption and VAT legislative landscape in respect address through the use of a case study how and of PBO’s (including schools), the reporting & why a request for reasons and objection should be management requirements and what data your formulated in specific manner to esnure compliance corporate reporting system should produce to with the relevant legislation and enable SARS to enable tax compliance. better address the dispute. JO H A N N E S B U RG | C A P E TOW N JOHANN ESBURG | CAPE TOW N B L O E MF O N T E I N | D U R BA N CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 4h 4 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 32 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE TAX TH IRD PARTY REPORTING – CROSS BORDER I T3 AND Cb CR TRANSACTIONS OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This workshop is ideal for those who need to This workshop seeks to introduce delegates to the understand how and when third party data reporting world of cross border trade and will utilize various filings have to be made to SARS and the data and case studies for buying and selling both tangible platform requirements to do such filings. and intangible goods/services cross border to introduce the delegate to the tax and other concepts LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS and considerations that apply to these type of Outcomes include understanding the various transactions. Business Requirements Specifications requirements of the data file (excluding for financial institutions LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS and medical schemes),how it must be compiled Learning outcomes include an introduction and birds for the different third party data reports and the eye view of the finance (eg. Banking, exchange platforms available to submit such data. control etc), legal (eg. Transporation, insurance etc) and tax (customs & excise, VAT and Income Tax) considerations when buying or selling tangible or intangible goods to or from South Africa through the use of basic transactional case studies. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 4h 4 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 33 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE TAX P BO “STRATEGY PACK” SA EXPAT FOR BO ARDROOM TAX MATTERS E X E CU TIVES OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This course is ideal for executives who sit on boards This course is designed for persons who live and or management committees of Public Benefit work in foreign countries (i.e. not in South Africa) Organisations (including schools) and need to have and who may or have emigrated or changed their a fundamental understanding of how the income tax South African tax residence status to understand exemption and VAT landscape affect the strategic their tax compliance obligations in South Africa planning of a PBO, what matters they need to should their residency status change and the address or monitor with management and how consequences of various case studies regarding they are personally responsible or liable in terms of South Africa assets and income still retained. relevant tax legislation. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Create an understanding of income tax and This course will provide executives a roadmap of exchange control implications of emigrating, considerations (i.e. strategy pack) that they need to changing tax residence or rendering services in a understand as to why the income tax exemption and foreign country as well the income tax implications VAT affects strategy of a PBO and which matters and obligations of retaining assets or income they would need management to report and monitor streams in South Africa. to ensure that the tax obligations for exemption are met. It will also provide a basic understanding of personal liability and obligations imposed on executives and which executives carry specific burdens. JOHANN ESBURG | CAPE TOW N JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 4h 4 CPD HOURS 4h 4 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 34 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE TAX S MP RO ADSHOW – TAX OVERVIEW This is a roadshow designed to enlighten members within the Small and Medium Practice space on the latest within the tax, accounting and laws and regulations and overview of the activities of SAICA that impact them. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Overview and basic discussion of the latest and most important changes within tax legislation, tax operations and tax enviroment, focussing in particular on member in the small and medium practices, to create an awareness of changes and the impact thereof. It will also create an awarenes of the activities of the SAICA Tax division for the year that may affect SMP members. JOHANNESBURG | PRETORIA, | GEORGE BLOEMFONTEIN | KIMBERLEY | KLERKSDORP PORT ELIZABETH | CAPE TOWN | POLOKWANE MBOMBELA | DURBAN | PIETERMARITZBURG, NEWCASTLE | EAST LONDON COMPL IM ENTARY 2h 2 CPD HOURS ENQUIRE NOW 35 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G ACCE LE RATED LEARNING LEADERSHIP S H OW CASE CONFERENCE OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Thought leaders will discuss inspirational and Join us for the Annual SAICA Leadership thought provoking topics in under 12 minutes per Conference where leadership experts will provide presentation! you with the latest insights and discuss the most prevalent issues for today’s leaders. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Members will be exposed to various trends and LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS interesting topics. Members will develop a better understanding of the challenges that they and their organisations face and how to prepare for the present and future. JOHANN ESBURG | CAPE TOW N JO H A N N E S B U RG COMPL IM ENTARY C H A RG E A B L E 2h 2 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 37 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G RE INV E N TING BUDGETING TECHNOLOGY ON TO AN INTEGRATED CONFERENCE TH INK ING AND ACTING P LATFO RM OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This seminar is designed for individuals in leadership Join us as we review emerging technologies, their roles who wish to upgrade their existing budgeting impact on business and how they are practically processes and covers the ‘best of breed’ business applied in today’s complex world. practices. Working methodically through all the elements of the budgeting process this business LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS oriented course details several ways of identifying, Members will develop a better understanding of the creating and extracting value at each stage in the latest technologies that they need to be aware of as process. This is a highly practical interactive two- business leaders. day seminar which includes several case study exercises, reflection questions and a multitude of examples drawn from many business sectors. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS The macro objective is to equip delegates with a thorough understanding of integrated thinking and acting in business and to highlight several ideas and options as to how to improve upon their existing budgeting processes. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 16h 16 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 38 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G TOP 35 UNDER 35 EVENT PEAK PERFORMANCE THROUGH MINDFULNESS AND MEDITATION OVERVIEW OVERVIEW A half day event that leads into the evening Top This breakfast is designed to provide an overview of 35 Under 35 Awards, and is for young CAs. The how mindfulness and meditation impact leadership programme will focus on leadership, new media, performance through practical examples and how to technology and other areas. start the journey. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS The event will deliver current content for the young Members will develop an understanding on how to CA to equip attendees with the expertise needed reach their peak performance through mindfulness to remain progressive and influential leaders for the and meditation. future. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG COMPL IM ENTARY C O MP L I ME N TA RY 4h 4 CPD HOURS 2h 2 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 39 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G G E T A LIFE ADVANCED EXCEL I N 40 DAYS! OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This seminar presented by well-respected executive The advanced course is called ‘advanced’ for a coach Gustav Gous focusses on a one day of reason; it’s not for amateurs! It is jam-packed with practical life planning to plan all the different aspects over 60 different functions and formulae. It teaches of our lives, and bring it all together in one big the learners to combine formulae and ensures that holistic life map. The workshop goes beyond mere the learner can take formulae to a new level. The time management to integrated life planning and most important element of this course is that the mapping. learners learn how to teach themselves. There are so many different functions, the learner must be LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS confident to grow and improve himself in the Excel This seminar will provide guidance on the question: environment. Where am I on my life journey and what do I still want to do before I die? Let’s plan the remainder of LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS your life to assure the greatest degree of happiness. Members who have an intermediate knowledge of The slogan for the workshop is: If you have a life - excel will benefit tremendously from this course come plan it; If you don’t have a life - get one. as the presenter provides a practical hands-on approach to learning. There is a questionnaire that members are required to respond to that will determine their suitability for the course. JO H A N N E S B U RG | D U R BA N JOHANN ESBURG | CAPE TOW N B L O E MF O N T E I N | C A P E TOW N CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 8h 8 CPD HOURS 16h 16 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 40 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G THE CORPORATE ENTREPRENEUR: START-UP BOOT CAMP H OW TO DRIVE INNOVATION FOR PROFESSIONALS I N Y OU R ORGANISATION OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This course is designed for members to translate This intensive 2-day course provides an immersive ideas into action using strategic frameworks and and fast-paced introduction to entrepreneurship, design thinking; then put theory into practice with with hands-on activities and exercises that provide real innovation projects. participants with a deep understanding of what it is like to be an entrepreneur. Teams will be formed and LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS the start-up cycle will be compressed, investigating Members who are in roles that give them the ability the evolution from idea to concept to viable start-up, and responsibility to start new projects or ventures and experimenting with customer discovery and within their companies or divisions will gain a set of product/market fit activities that start-ups undertake comprehensive, actionable tools to move from idea to test hypotheses and either validate their to plan for execution so you can successfully drive assumptions or pivot to more promising concepts. change and innovate from within. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Members will develop an understanding of how to practically start a business while still employed, learning from experts who have undertaken a similar journey. As members are experts at the theory, the real benefit will be the practical implementation of ideas and concepts from ideation to execution. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 16h 16 CPD HOURS 16h 16 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 41 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G CRITICAL THINKING AND BUSINESS INTELLIGENCE P ROBLE M SOLVING WITH EXCEL POWER PIVO T AND POWER QUERY OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This course presents a structured approach for This course shows you how to create more tackling problems, opportunities and decisions that powerful PivotTable reports, summarise multi- will ultimately help you get better results—whether dimensional PivotTables and dissect data to produce you are innovating, managing crises or planning for detailed information for business reporting and the future. The course addresses the five types of forecasting purposes. Power Query is regarded as critical thinking needed in business environments: the best transformation and data manipulation tool strategic thinking, tactical thinking, analytical for Excel that will allow a user to get, clean and thinking, innovative thinking and implicative thinking. consume data faster than ever before. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Members will, through exercises, use different Members who have an intermediate knowledge thinking approaches to achieve maximum results. of excel, who need to transform raw data into You will also have the opportunity to apply these meaningful reports will benefit from this course. concepts to a specific problem or opportunity from your own business environment. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 16h 16 CPD HOURS 16h 16 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 42 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G BIG DATA FOR SMARTER BITCOIN AND BLOCKCHAIN D E CISIO NS FUNDAMENTALS OVERVIEW OVERVIEW Thriving in a data-driven world means to be able This course will look at an overview of Bitcoin, its to quickly apply the right tools to gain competitive history, how to use Bitcoin and how to trade Bitcoin. advantage or organisational efficiency. Through There will be a discussion around the Blockchain, surveying different use cases against leading how transactions are stored and how mining works. platforms and approaches, this workshop will teach There will also be use-cases looking at how the attendees how to assess their own organisation technology is disrupting traditional industries and considers compliance and regulation both locally and LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS internationally. This one day interactive workshop will help you develop your understanding of the applications for LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS big data to make sense of your place in the data- This course is intended to enable members to rich digital world. You will learn techniques to build quickly understand and expand their knowledge on an actionable strategy and business case pitch for these technologies as well as their application in using Big Data within your organisation. business now and in the future. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 8h 8 CPD HOURS 8h 8 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 43 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G S TRATEGIC FUTURE PROOF TH INK ING YOUR CAREER OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This programme is designed to help leaders, We really don’t know what the future holds. What managers and technical experts to think we do know for certain is that change is a constant strategically. It is a highly practical workshop and in the workplace. This means that what we are those attending will leave with a much greater doing now will be different in the future. Join us understanding of the process and with a range of as we review the essential skills that we need to tools and techniques they can use at work. develop, to not only remain relevant but also thrive in a future dominated by AI and automation. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS This course is designed to develop the mental tools LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS to start understanding the strategic environment Members will gain an understanding of what they that members operate in, have a better knowledge should be doing now to ensure that they remain of themselves as strategic thinkers and to become relevant and will be competitive in an ever-changing more strategic in day-to-day activities and so can business landscape. better align with corporate goals. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C O MP L I ME N TA RY 16h 16 CPD HOURS 4h 4 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 44 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G I MPACT AND SURVIVING IN AN I NFLUE N CE UNCERTAIN WORLD – THE BUSINESS OF I OVERVIEW OVERVIEW As leaders, personal presence is extremely This is a 1 day personal development program that important. This course is designed to lift you provides the background to surviving in an uncertain out of your day-to-day default style of personal world and suggests several tools and techniques to ‘performance’ and instead develop your skills in enable each of us to better survive in and benefit operating in a zone of high impact and influence. from the emerging business world of today. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Members will understand how to use different The aim of this program is to highlight the personal tactics for influencing in person and in different risks we all face, through analysing the commercial environments, communicate messages with greater world as it is today and where it appears to be clarity, confidence and purpose, maintain inner headed, and to suggest ways to mitigate future confidence under pressure, and be authentic with risks to survive in what is now a completely your personal impact and influence. uncertain environment. Future survival requires that we significantly adjust our ways of thinking and behaving. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG COMPL IM ENTARY C H A RG E A B L E 4h 4 CPD HOURS 8h 8 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 45 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NON-TECHNICAL TRAI N I N G SAICA LEADERSHIP EXCELLENCE ACCELERATION PROGRAMME OVERVIEW This program, designed to hone your business acumen and leadership skills to lead or build a business, runs over 15 days. It is facilitated by senior faculty from GIBS, as well as leading industry practitioners and experts. This programme will allow you to lead more effectively, grow your career and help you to make better decisions for yourself and for your organisation - whether as an employee or as a new business owner. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Organisations will benefit through future-proofing their financial professionals to better cope with a rapidly changing business environment by equipping attendees with tools to: • Lead more effectively • Create sustainable and profitable business ventures • Future-proof yourself against disruptive changes that digitalisation poses to finance businesses globally • Analyse market trends, threats, opportunities and risks • Help build your Personal Development Plan JOHANN ESBURG CHARGEABLE 156h 15 6 CPD HOURS ENQUIRE NOW 46 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
SAICA TOP 35-UNDER-35 AWARDS The Top 35-under-35 campaign (2018) is in its 5th year running and has become one of SAICA’s flagship campaigns and events. Get ready to meet the most talented young CAs(SA) in business. They are the young innovators, risk-takers, rule-breakers and stars in business. They’re all under 35 and are making their mark. The process of choosing the Top 35-under-35 starts Companies. The event will be open to all SAICA with nominations and entries. Nominations and members and associates. A number of key external entries are then judged and the Top 35 are selected. stakeholders are also invited. The Top 35 finalists will be announced and profiled FORMAT OF CAMPAIGN over two issues of ASA magazine. Thereafter, the The campaign is launched and entries opened in 35 finalists are judged by a panel of highly esteemed October 2017. From the February 2018 issue of ASA business leaders who select the category winners magazine the entries are also advertised along with and the overall winner. The winner, category the prizes and sponsors. winners and some of the finalists are once again profiled in the October issue with the winner Entries will be advertised again in the March, appearing on the front cover. April and May issues with entries closing on 15 May. Finalists are announced in the July issue and TARGET AUDIENCE profiled in August and September, with the winner The campaign will be featured in Accountancy SA announcement in October 2018. magazine for the whole year (11 issues) and will be marketed to all SAICA members and Corporate CONTACT Matt Knight, Project Director, Commercial Delivery and Business Development
C O NTE NTS PAGE NORTHERN REG I O N D ISTRICT SEMINARS IFRS FOR SMEs OVERVIEW OVERVIEW These are seminars on topics of interest by the The complimentary IFRS for SMEs is a half day district. workshop which will focus on the new amendments and specific topics of relevance to the IFRS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS for SMEs. The workshop is designed to be an Members meet with like-minded peers, to network interactive workshop which incorporates practical and gain knowledge from various topics to be case studies allowing participants to immediately discussed. test their understanding of the principles learnt. Topics up for discussion include: LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS • Effect of Blockchain and Cryptocurrency Create awareness of the latest accounting and • Ethics reporting standards. To equip members with • Budget Speech effect on SMMEs practical skills to apply these in their immediate • Economic review work environment. • Post Policy Conference Analysis • Leadership • Strategic Thinking • Corporate Governance • Futurists Outlooks VAAL | W EST RAND | LI M PO PO W E ST R A N D COMPL IM ENTARY C O MP L I ME N TA RY 2h 2 CPD HOURS 4h 4 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 49 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NORTHERN REG I O N JDA – TRANSFORMATION PUBLIC SECTOR FORUM W O RK S HOP OVERVIEW OVERVIEW A powerful platform aimed specifically at changing SAICA, through its members and associates, is landscapes in the workplace. The workshop is well positioned to make a meaningful contribution created to provide thought leadership, guidance towards building a public finance management and other business collateral through changing environment that is effective, efficient and supports mindsets. service delivery in our country. The interest group session will provide information about SAICA LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS offerings to members and associates in public Members can voice their concerns on critical sector and projects that are directed towards matters. Gain insight by receiving different building capacity in public finance management. perspectives and apply this in the workplace in the interest of creating a better future for corporate LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS South Africa. • Knowledge of SAICA offerings for members in public sector • Update on SAICA Public Finance Management Capacity Building Projects • Outline of the SAICA National Public Sector Committee Work Plan and how members can get involved JOHANN ESBURG L I MP O P O | L OW V E L D | JO H A N N E S B U RG COMPL IM ENTARY C O MP L I ME N TA RY 3h 3 CPD HOURS 1.5h 1. 5 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 50 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NORTHERN REG I O N S P RING CONFERENCE WOMEN IN LEADERSHIP CONFERENCE OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This is a 3-day multi-speaker conference and SAICA is guided by one of its primary objectives, to provides an opportunity for members to get “act in the public’s interest”. Consequently, SAICA together and learn from the speakers as we as should scale up its Thought Leadership role at this provide networking opportunities. It is kick started crucial time in the country’s economy where visionary, with a golf tournament and spa sessions for those responsible and inspirational leadership is needed to who prefer to be pampered in a serene game lodge inspire growth. It is with this in mind that an annual setting. women leadership conference, pitched at women chartered accountants is being planned for 2018. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS Dependant on the topic presented on, it varies but LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS includes some or all the following: We aim to address topics at these events that will assist our women CAs(SA) to: • Past, current and future economic developments • Thought Leadership • optimise their effectiveness as leaders; • Interaction with industry leaders and peers • meet the challenges of today’s fast changing • Equip and enhance your business business environment; • enhance their business performance; • in turn nurture the leadership of others; • and find the balance between work and personal life. LIMPOPO JO H A N N E S B U RG CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 10h 10 CPD HOURS 6h 6 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 51 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NORTHERN REG I O N AG As (SA) NEW MEMBERS G ALA DINNER GALA DINNER OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This is a celebration of South Africa’s best This is a celebration of South Africa’s best accounting and finance talent. accounting and finance talent. It is one of SAICA’s annual flagship events where It is one of SAICA’s annual flagship events where we acknowledge and welcome the newly qualified we acknowledge and welcome the newly qualified associates into the prestigious accountancy members into the prestigious accountancy profession. profession. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS • To acknowledge the best newly qualified To acknowledge the best newly qualified CAs(SA) AGA(SA) and have them take pledge, creating and have them take a pledge, creating awareness a culture around ethical awareness and around ethical conduct and commitment while commitment while rubbing shoulders with rubbing shoulders with business leaders in the business leaders in the profession. profession. • Being part of building bonds that will ultimately enhance their professional career and the profession. • Create and promote SAICA brand loyalty within the profession. JOHANN ESBURG JO H A N N E S B U RG COMPL IM ENTARY C O MP L I ME N TA RY 0h 0 CPD HOURS 0h 0 C P D HOU RS ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 52 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
C O NTE NTS PAGE NORTHERN REG I O N AN N U AL BUSINESS D INN E R BREAKFAST OVERVIEW OVERVIEW This is a Black-Tie event in the districts of Flagship and very popular formal sit down business Polokwane, Vaal, Johannesburg and Lowveld. It is breakfasts attended by captains of industry, an ideal opportunity for members and stakeholder accounting and audit firms and stakeholders. The outside of the major metropolitan areas to interact, business breakfasts are presented four times per build relationships and expand their networks. year. Non-members are also welcome as this is a broader networking platform among members of LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS the business community in the large metropolitan These annual dinners are an ideal opportunity areas. Leading local and international speakers often for members and associates in these districts to address and engage our members on topical issues network with each other and other business leaders, of the day. in a relaxed environment. LEARNING OUTCOMES AND BENEFITS The topics presented varies, but include some of the following: • Past, current and future economic developments • Thought Leadership • Interaction with industry leaders and peers • Equip and enhance your business POL OKWANE | VAAL | JO HANNESBURG , JO H A N N E S B U RG LOWVELD CHARGEABLE C H A RG E A B L E 0h 0 CPD HOURS 1h 1 C P D HOU R ENQUIRE NOW E N Q U I R E N OW 53 S A IC A C OU RSE CATALOGUE 2018
You can also read