Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School

Page created by Gene Patel
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Learning from Home 2021
       Term 3 Week 1
     (Thursday & Friday)
          Year 1

 Name: __________________

        Class: ______
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Anticlockwise Letters

Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Personal Recount Sample - Our Local Walk

On Monday morning, my family went for a walk around Sydney.

First we walked to the main street to look at all the shops in our local area.

Then we walked quickly but carefully across the busy street to Sydney Central

Next we walked to the park. At the park we sat down under a big tree and looked
at the different buildings around us. We even saw the Sydney Harbour Bridge and
the Opera House.

Lastly we walked back the way we came and returned home.

It was a very interesting and fun walk!
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Structure of a Recount - Our Local Walk


                          Our Local Walk


On Monday morning, my family went for a walk around Sydney.

Sequence of Events in Time Order

First we walked to the main street to look at all the shops in our local

Then we walked quickly but carefully across the busy street to Sydney
Central Station.

Next we walked to the park. At the park we sat down under a big tree
and looked at the different buildings around us. We even saw the
Sydney Harbour Bridge and the Opera House.

Lastly we walked back the way we came and returned home.

Concluding Sentence

It was a very interesting and fun walk!
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Learning from Home 2021 - Year 1 Term 3 Week 1 (Thursday & Friday) - Lindfield Public School
Place Value Chart
              Tens          Ones

   Hundreds          Tens          Ones
Cutout Dice
                    1. Cut along solid lines.
                    2. Fold on dotted lines.
            3. Glue and/or tape the tabs together.


3   2   4     5



3   2   4     5








   Fresh weekly each Saturday from www.Matharoo.com.au
Add natural features to the mind map below. An example has been given.


                               Natural Features
The Summers Home
Mr Wintergarten’s home
               Adverbs add to a verb.
                      They can tell us four things: how the verb was done, when the verb
                       was done, where the verb was done, and how often it was done.

           Tell us how a verb is done. These adverbs usually end in “-ly”.

             For example: Quickly, messily, excitedly, gently, noisily, loudly.

                Igor jumped excitedly.

                           Tell us when a verb is done. This gives us information about when something

                        For example: Today, yesterday, later, now, after, tomorrow, soon, early.

                      Tomorrow, I will wake up early to make my breakfast.

         Tell us where a verb was done.

            For example: Upstairs, down, behind, above, outside, inside, there, near, far, here.

              The giraffe hid upstairs under my bed.

                               How Often                                                   Adverb
                               Tell us how often or frequently a verb occurs.

                                 For example: Never, sometimes, always, often, rarely, every day.

                                   Officer Ray often helps Pat search for her cat Donut.
© ClickView Pty Ltd
Olympic Games Movement Cards

     Olympic Games
     Movement Cards                                 Pretend you are dribbling a basketball
                                                    across the court, then shoot a goal!


Olympic Games Movement Cards                        Olympic Games Movement Cards

Boxing                                              Race Walking
Shadow box for one minute!                          Walk around as fast as you
This means to punch the air up high,                can, but make sure that one foot is
in the middle and down low.                         touching the ground at all times.

                                       twinkl.com                                            twinkl.com
Olympic Games Movement Cards                Olympic Games Movement Cards

Triple Jump                                 Javelin
                                            Throw your pencil as far
Hop, step and jump! Try to
                                            as you can. Make sure
make the movements as fluid
                                            none of your peers are
as possible.
                                            in the way!

                               twinkl.com                                     twinkl.com

Olympic Games Movement Cards                Olympic Games Movement Cards

Weightlifting                               Gymnastics
Hold a stick over your head
                                            Do a forward roll. Don’t forget
with two hands and do as
                                            to stand up, lift your arms to
many squats as you can.
                                            the sky and wait for
Bonus points for making
                                            your applause at the end!
it look really heavy!

                               twinkl.com                                     twinkl.com
Olympic Games Movement Cards

Pretend you are in the                      Hurdles
water and do as many
different swimming                          Run along and jump imaginary
strokes as you can.                         hurdles as you go.

                               twinkl.com                                  twinkl.com

Olympic Games Movement Cards

Artistic                                    100 Metre
Swimming                                    Sprint
Move your body                              Run as fast as you can from
in creative ways,                           one point to another
pausing for                                 (it doesn’t have to
maximum effect.                             be 100 metres).

                               twinkl.com                                  twinkl.com
Design a uniform for the Australian Olympic Team below.
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