La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...

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La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
Edition 92

                                              Summer 2020

                                         REFLECTING ICFR

La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant
Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea
                          Photo: Maddie Bell January 2020
La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
The magazine of ICFR ­ The International Caravanning Fellowship of Rotarians ISSUE 92 Summer Edition 2020


               CONTENT                                                                            EDITOR
                                                                                                   Bruce Liddle
Editor ..............................................................2



Vice President.................................................4


                                                                            Who would have guessed it ­ stuck in the house, no
I.T. ..................................................................5    socialising (particulary hospitality!) and no rallies. All
                                                                            this caused by a molecular sized piece of protein
Programme Secretary......................................7                  called a virus. Since the dawn of man we have had
                                                                            an ongoing battle with this particle ­ sometimes it
Incoming Programme Secretary......................7                         gets the upper hand but it is always defeated in the
                                                                            end. Keep your chin up and tyres inflated Get ready
Public Image & Marketing................................8                   to roll later this year when I hope to see you all at the
                                                                            Autumn Fellowship in Ardingly West Sussex.
Rally Programme UK 2020..............................8
                                                                            Remaining with the health topic, ICFR has purchased
Rally Reports UK 2019/20...............................9                    a defibrillator to be available at rallies where no local
                                                                            defibrillator is readily accessible. I should reassure
Rally Reports Foreign 2020............................10                    you that your executive is not becoming more
                                                                            pessimistic! It is aware that defibrillatore are now
AGM Agenda..................................................12              much more reliable and easy to use, they are more
                                                                            widely available in the community and therefore we
Members stories.............................................14              should also 'be prepared'. Some useful information is
                                                                            available in this magazine on pages 18 ­20
ICFR Defibrillator udate and Mnemonic.........18
                                                                            You may remember I carried out a survey with the
In Memoriam and Obituary.............................21                     last N&Vs circulation asking members if they would
                                                                            like an electronic version of the magazine. I
Snippets from our Vice President...................22                       received15 requests for this which suggests that the
                                                                            majority of members would like a hard copy. It is
Congratulations..............................................23             ironic therefore, that you are reading this via our
                                                                            website. It was both wrong and unsafe for me to
Welcome to new members............................23                        undertake producing and posting a hard copy of this
                                                                            edition. I have printed a small number which will be
N & Vs Summer Edition deadline..................23                          sent to those members who are unable to access the
Autumn Fellowship Programme....................24
                                                                            Keep safe and ready to roll.                          Bruce Liddle
            ICFR operates in accordance with Rotary International policy but, is not an agency of, nor controlled by, Rotary International

            Page 2                                                         Summer 2020                               NEWS & VIEWS
La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
please do get your bookings       difficult times that were just
SECRETARY                            into John.                        around the corner. There are
                                                                       no easy words to explain
     Derek Rogers                                                      what the world was and is
                                      PRESIDENT                        facing and no one could
                                                                       have predicted the effect
                                                                       upon our lives let alone our
                                              Geoff Bell               rally programme.

                                                                       The Fun & Fellowship in the
                                                                       Algarve Rally, starting as it
                                                                       did in January, set off
                                                                       oblivious to what was to
                                                                       follow. However, as you will
                                                                       be well aware, rally after rally
                                                                       was quickly cancelled and
                                                                       we were left wondering when
                                                                       if at all, we could get out in
                                                                       the remainder of this difficult
I was certainly not expecting to                                       year with our motorhomes
have to write another report in                                        and caravans to enjoy our
preparation for our 2020 AGM,                                          hobby. At this point in time,
but as we are all aware, times                                         we have lost fourteen rallies
in early 2020 are very different,    2019 was another fabulous         plus the North West Moot.
and difficult for many of us. But    year for our Fellowship with      The Well, Well, Well, Well
I do trust that you are keeping      an interesting and varied         and Ashbourne Rallies are
safe.                                selection of rallies made         optimistically looking for our
                                     possible by our excellent         current “lockdown” to end.
My formal report is firstly to       teams of Rally Marshals
thank the current Officers and       including two new ones.           And     sticking     with    that
Committee members who have                                             positive note, from August
extended their terms of office       Following     our    extremely    until the end of this year,
from      May     through       to   enjoyable Autumn Fellowship       there remain eleven rallies to
September. And in conjunction        at Ancaster, yet another          enjoy. Given this reduced
with that, for those who have        different location, Maddy and     number, Rally Marshals have
been     nominated     to    new     I finished the year with our      been asked to extend the
positions, for allowing their        Garden of England rally in        number of available places
nominations to be carried            Kent, which was very well         where possible. So, please
forward to September. As you         supported, and the Barney’s       sign up to attend the rallies
are     aware,    the     retiring   Christmas          Spectacular,   that are still available to you!
members are working to ensure        always a great finale for the
a smooth transition to those         year. We managed a fairly         Our AGM, which was to have
incoming, and in that regard         respectable 16 rallies during     taken place at the Spring
special thanks to Gwyn for his       2020 and my apologies if we       Fellowship in Frome, has
sterling work as Programme           didn’t get to catch up with       been       re­scheduled    for
Secretary as he transitions the      any one of you!                   Saturday 19th September at
role over to Tim.                                                      the Autumn Fellowship in the
                                     2020                              further new venue of Ardingly
We are still seeking a volunteer                                       in West Sussex. Given this
who will take over Public            I feel sure that like me, as      alteration, my tenure as your
Relations activity from Martin       the New Year broke, you           President        has    been
Williams ­please do think hard       were all looking forward to       extended with the agreement
about this as we do need to          getting the wheels turning on     of Vice­President Bruce and
keep the momentum going that         your units, experiencing new      the Executive team and I
Martin has been developing.          sites and catching up with        shall hand over the reins on
                                     old friends. I thought that I     this date.
Later in this edition of News        was about to enjoy a number
and Views is a revised Agenda        of brilliant end­of­my–term       2021
for the AGM at Ardingly ­ I do       rallies to finish up my
hope to be able to meet up with      remaining 6 months as your        It is hoped that the loss of so
many of you again at that            President but it wasn’t to be.    many rallies to date will
Autumn Fellowship Rally ­            We had no idea of the             enable their simple transfer

     NEWS & VIEWS                                     Summer 2020                          Page 3
La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
to a similar slot in the 2021                                           the area and run it for say 3
programme thereby giving us             VICE                            days. If it is over the weekend it
all a further opportunity to                                            may help those working or with
apply   and     enjoy    these        PRESIDENT                         a family to come and try us.
                                         Bruce Wallace                  I hope some of you will produce
Rest assured though, there                                              new rally sites in the coming
remains sufficient space for                                            year. If you have not run a rally,
more, both overseas and in                                              team up with someone who has,
the UK, so please take a look                                           spread the load and remove
at the website and come                                                 some of the worry you may feel.
forward with further offers to                                          Remember you are among
fill in the gaps. We continue                                           friends and if things do go wrong
to need your rally proposals!                                           we can all laugh about it
If you have some new ideas,                                             together.
new locations or new themes
but are unsure about taking                                             This may be my last report to
on the role of Rally Marshal,                                           you all as Vice President . Can I
please       let  either   our                                          thank you all on behalf of Pat
Programme        Secretary  or                                          and I for the wonderful support
myself know and we will                                                 you have given us, thank you for
endeavour to find a way                                                 all the advice and guidance and
forward.                       Looking Forward.                         most of all for your friendship.

Finally                            As I write this Pat and I are        ICFR is a wonderful Rotary
                                   isolated   at home trying to         Fellowship and I hope many
This has been a particularly       contain the spread of the virus.     others will come to enjoy it as
difficult time for us all but      Geoff, Derek and I as well as the    much as we have.
please spare a thought for         executive are thinking about the
your Rally Marshals. Having        future and planning ahead as      Bless you and all your families
put so much time and effort        you would expect.                 and our prayers for your safety.
into planning and organising,                                        Looking forward to the time
many of them have seen their       Rallies have had to be cancelled when we can meet you all again
efforts come to nought and         or postponed and I do hope this in a field somewhere.
been faced with the further        will mean a bumper programme
task        of      negotiating    for 2021.We owe a big thank Bruce Wallace Vice President.
cancellation. They and their       you for all those who have
teams deserve our sincere
thanks and I trust that you will
                                   arranged Rallies this year and
                                   done all the hard work only to
give their next venture your       find them unable to actually run.      Derrick Sanders
full support!                      Thank you.
My thanks also go to the            I looked at the Rally programme
Executive team, many of            for 1998 and there were 71
whom     have     contributed      rallies!
considerable hours to steer a
route      through        thisI hope everyone will be thinking
unprecedented period.         about possible rallies for next
                              year. My hope is that rallies
Most importantly, I hope you arranged for this year would be
and your loved ones stay safe offered again for next year.
and healthy during this time.
Keep smiling, wash your             There are a number of sites I
hands, and communicate with        suggested for large rallies at the
each other. We are all in this     Autumn Fellowship last year and
together, and we will get          we now have a 20% discount for       At the time of this report we
through it together.               all Caravan and Motor Home           have 736 members which shows
                                   club sites outside of school         a slight reduction from a year
Geoff Bell                         holidays. If you are worried         ago. We continue to regularly
                                   about running a five or six day      attract new members as can be
                                   rally for the first time, maybe      seen from the Monthly Update.
                                   tack your one on to another in       These are virtually all following

          Page 4                                Summer 2020                        NEWS & VIEWS
La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
personal encouragement from        News & Views. I have seen           to    a   planned    advertising
existing members. I suspect        many changes since first            campaign and we have also
that our numbers reduce            becoming     the    International   written off old stock such as
slightly due to having been a      Liaison Officer on 1st January      Metal Lapel Badges, old Car
very successful fellowship 25+     2000 and have enjoyed the           and Van Stickers and other
years ago, as most of our          friendship and guidance of          items that haven’t been sold for
losses are from our aging          many over the years, for which      some time.
members no longer able to join     I’ve been grateful. Sheila and I
us at our rallies or local         will continue to be active and      Delighted to support the 2
meetings. I do expect that this    enjoy the wonderful friendship      major    rallies, the   Spring
trend may continue for a little    that we have valued over the        Fellowship at Frome and the
while and then level out.          years.                              Autumn Fellowship at the South
                                                                       of England showground.
Once again, at the turn of the Derrick Sanders
year,      several     members                                         Can I thank all the Rally
cancelled their subscription                                           Marshals      and      the Area
rather than informing me of
their intention to leave the             FINANCE                       Treasurers for their prompt
                                                                       returns, which were very
fellowship. This caused work for                                       helpful, and finally thanks to the
our treasurer in reconciling It is myTed   Walmsley
                                        pleasure to present to         Executive for having confidence
membership fees. Please let                                            in appointing me as ICFR
me know if you wish to leave                                           Treasurer.
the fellowship rather than just
not paying your subscription. I                                        Ted Walmsley.
can then let your Area chairman
and other members know.

I frequently send out general                                                        IT
circulations using Mailchimp
which means that it is important                                               David Shaw
to let me know if you change
your email address, otherwise
you will not receive messages
that may be of interest to you.
Also let me know if you want an    you the Balance Sheet for year
extra email address adding to      ending 31st December 2019.
my list, several couples have      My thanks to John Holman for
copies sent to each of them.       passing all documents to me in
                                   excellent order. We handed
Please let me know of any over after the AGM in May, but
changes to your address, the bank delayed the actual
telephone, mobile, e­mail or handover till July.
club, so that I can keep our
Handbook information accurate The accounting system I use
and circulate details in the has been tried and tested over            As I reported at the 2019
monthly update.                    many years, it is a self­           Autumn Fellowship meeting
                                   balancing system and produces       there have been some more
My term of office ends next the current balance in both                changes to the website this
June but due to current bank accounts immediately a                    year.
circumstance and restrictions, transaction is recorded.
this will be extended until the                                        Most recently, information for
Autumn Fellowship Meeting. I Thanks to our Auditor Michael             members regarding the Covid
am pleased to say that Katrina Segon            who        confirmed   19 situation have been added
Lancaster will succeed me and everything correct, and signed           to the Notice Board page, with
she will officially take office at off the accounts in January.        links from other pages on the
that meeting. I wish her well                                          site to this information.
and expect that she will make a Subscriptions         continue    to
positive contribution to the decline, but we have had a                I added a new page, Rally
management of the fellowship.      number of new members which         Newsflash; this will have the
                                   is very encouraging. The            latest news about rally place
This is my 31st and no doubt accounts show a deficit this              availability    caused      by
final report as an officer for year of £1712.20 which is due           cancellations or other factors.

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La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
Page 6   Summer 2020   NEWS & VIEWS
La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
Rally marshals can update us
with the latest changes to their
                                      about changes to the website,
                                      please, please please, let me
rally status ­ this is intended to    know via the Contact page.                PROGRAMME
supplement the membership
secretaries updates but in a
                                      David Shaw
real time environment.
                                                                                  Tim Sheppard
Calendars for 2020 and 2021
have been updated regularly to
assist      our      Programme        SECRETARY
Secretary       with     forward
planning. The 2022 page has                Gwyn Wealans
been added but as yet is totally
empty. The scrolling banner at
the top of the page will only
have future rally details; past
rallies are deleted shortly after
they have been concluded.

The help page, which I hope
will help members to get to                                                 Taking on the role of ICFR
grips with navigation and                                                   Programme Secretary in the
features of our site, has seen                                              middle of the corona virus
minor updates.                                                              pandemic is probably not ideal
                                                                            timing (for me anyway), but I
I have deleted the Newsletters                                              would like to thank Gwyn for his
page, and made significant            Well I think the simplest way to      hard work to date.
changes to the Links to other         report this activity, is to say:­ A
sites page, the newsletters of        B C or All ( well most of them        Once this all settles down, I am
New Zealand, Australia, USA           are) Been Cancelled.                  sure we will all be champing at
and France can be found by                                                  the bit wanting to get away in
following the links to their          Unfortunately, the reverse of         the caravan or motorhome, and
websites. Links to other Rotary       this is I have not been seeing        we need get an exciting
sites and caravan related sites       many proposals for next years         programme of rallies organised
can be found on this page.            rallies. We have the AGM and a        for 2021.
                                      pre AGM to retry the Heart of
In the coming month I will be         Wiltshire,        and     Autumn      First though, I would encourage
investigating   changing      the     Fellowship and 2 foreign rallies,     all Rally Marshals whose 2020
platform of the Website away          the Holy Roman Empire and             rallies are still expected to go
from Serif based software to          Tim’s World Largest to rerun          ahead to consider whether you
WordPress, the reasons for this       what should have occurred this        can extend the numbers on
are that the Serif software is no     year. So I have to report a very      your rallies to make more
longer updated or supported,          poor      situation   from    the     places available.
which means that I am the only        Programme side.
person that can update the site.                                            Secondly, I would encourage
                                      So please as I hand over to Tim       Rally Marshals whose rallies
WordPress is an online system         Sheppard      to    run     the       had to be cancelled in 2020 and
that can be modified by anyone        Programme side get your               who are able to re­schedule for
with permission, currently I          thinking hats on and send him         2021 to get revised 'Offer to
have                    registered    some proposals.                       Run' forms to me asap.
‘icfrrotarianscaravanning’ as a
domain name with WordPress,           Regards                               But we also need new ideas for
this is still in the development                                            rallies. I am always happy to
stage and is not yet available        Gwyn Weallans                         discuss ideas for new rallies
on the web. I will eventually                                               and support new rally marshals
publish both sites together for a                                           with planning their first rally.
trial    period    before   finally
ceasing to publish in the old                                               So, if you have an idea for a
format. This may take some                                                  rally, but are worried about
time, old dog new tricks etc.                                               trying to do it on your own, the
                                                                            ICFR Rally Guidance pack has
If you have any suggestions                                                 lots of useful information to help
                                                                            you, but if you are still worried,
                                                                            let me know and I will
      NEWS & VIEWS                                       Summer 2020                             Page 7
La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
endeavour to find you an           promotional tools, including
experienced Rally Marshal who
can help you.
                                   point of sale items.We should
                                   remember that these public
                                                                        UK RALLIES
Together, lets make sure 2021
                                   image items do have longevity
                                   and we should continue to use
has an exciting programme of       them in order to gain maximum
rallies so we can get together     exposure. Work continues on
for fun and fellowship.            updating        the    existing     AUGUST
                                   powerpoint presentation with
Tim Sheppard                       the intention of making it          Wed 5th - Tues 11th Well, Well,
                                   available for ICFR areas and        Well Rally, Eden Tree Caravan
                                   members      to    use  as    a     Park, Bradwell, Peak District
 PUBLIC IMAGE &                    promotional tool.
                                                                       A 6 night rally based on the
   MARKETING                       The 2019 advertising campaign       village of Bradwell in the
                                   gave us serious exposure in the     Derbyshire      Peak    District
    Martin Williams                Rotary magazine throughout          Carnival week with 4 Well
                                   the season and also the Inner       Dressings and Open Gardens.
                                   Wheel magazine. We were             Explore the village with its
                                   fortunate to be able to negotiate   views across the Hope Valley to
                                   very favourable rates at the        see the 4 decorated wells and
                                   time,    which    enabled     the   enjoy refreshment in the
                                   executive to agree on the           Methodist      Chapel    (great
                                   purchase of the advertising         cakes!!).     Bradwell    Open
                                   space.                              Gardens will enable us to see
                                                                       how people garden when
                                   The Covid­19 virus pandemic         nothing is flat! See the dams
                                   has made it difficult to know       used by the Dambusters for
                                   where to direct our public image    target practice prior to the
                                   efforts. It will up to my           famous raid. We hope to visit
                                   successor and the executive to      the UK's largest cement works,
During my tenure in Public         make the right decisions, given     Bakewell market, and the
Image and Marketing for the        the circumstances at the time.      Sheffield             Museums,
fellowship, we have made good                                          Chatsworth, Hardwick Hall and
progress     in   getting    the   Finally I must express my           Haddon Hall are just a short
message      across     to   the   thanks to everyone who has          drive away.
extended Rotary family. We         given support to me over the
have demonstrated the benefits     past 5 to 6 years making my         Max 12 RM: Tim Sheppard
of how ICFR membership and         time on the executive very
the outdoor life is available to   enjoyable.                          AUGUST
all Rotarians who own a
caravan or motorhome.                                                  Fri 14th - Wed 19th 43rd
                                                                       Ashbourne rally Derbyshire
It is never easy to quantify the
results of our endeavours.                                             The beauty of the Peak District
However it is true to say that                                         with many walks and attractions
without any exposure via                                               close by. However many times
modern social media and the                                            you visit, there is always
magazine press market, it is                                           something else to see in the
most unlikely that our target                                          area. Ashbourne Show is on
audience will have heard about                                         Saturday 15th August.
the fellowship. Personal contact
by existing members also                                               Max 20   RM: David Huxley
remains     a     truly   valued
“marketing” tool.                                                      SEPTEMBER
Over the past few years, with                                          Thurs 3rd- Wed 9th Gower
the able assistance of Colin                                           Peninsular Rally, Pitton Cross C
Bradford, we have made great                                           & C, Rhossili, Swansea
strides   in   spreading  the
message. Colin designed and                                            Come and enjoy scenery of the
produced     a    number   of                                          Gower Peninsular at this full­

       Page 8                                  Summer 2020                       NEWS & VIEWS
La Plage Moustique De Marie Gallant Guadeloupe, Southern Caribbean Sea - REFLECTING ICFR Edition 92 Summer 2020 - International Caravanning ...
facilities, family run site. Ideal for   SEPTEMBER                           DECEMBER
walks, pubs, scenic coastline,
rugged cliffs and sandy bays.            Sat 12th – Wed16th Cotswold         Wed 9th- Tues 15 Barney
Only a mile from Rhossli village         View, Caravan and Camping,          Christmas Spectacular rally, Old
and its beach. There is a large          Charlbury, Nr Banbury, OX7          Brick Kilns Caravan Park,
National Trust Car Park, a Pub, a        3JH                                 Barney, Norfolk
couple of Cafes and a National
Trust Shop. In St Mary's church          A return to this Popular rural   This excellent site has 16A
there is a memorial to Edgar             site in Oxfordshire, with On SiteElectrics, Hard Standings and
Evans who was born in the                catering, Local Walks and        superb toilet/shower blocks. A
village and went to the South            Skittles.                        Full evening programme will
Pole with Scott. The city of                                              include a visit to the Cromer
Swansea is only 16 miles away            Max    20    RM:         Richard Pier Christmas Show. Get your
where you will find the National         Swainston                        Christmas Spirit going at
Waterfront                  Museum.                                       Barney                    SEPTEMBER
                                                                             Max 12 RM: Mike Segon
Max 15     RM: Gerard Turley             Thurs 17th - Tues 22nd Autumn

                                         Fellowship 2020 South of
                                         England           Showground,
                                                                              UK RALLIES
Thurs 10th – Wed 16th Historical
                                         Ardingly, West Sussex
Baths, Bath Marina and Caravan           Come to sunny Sussex­by­the­
Park                                     Sea for our 2020 Autumn
                                         Fellowship rally ­ a new venue      Barney Christmas Spectacular
Visit the Historic City of Bath          for ICFR. The South of England      Rally at the Old Brick Kilns
including a guided tour of the           Showground has all the usual        Caravan Park
Abbey, availability to visit the         facilities including a spacious
world­famous Roman Baths,                function suite and we will have     4th to 10th December 2019
Jane Austen Centre, Museums,             our own marquee for daily
Gardens and plenty more. Site is         refreshments. Easily reached        Although this was our fourth
close to Park and Ride.                  from Crawley (M23), East            visit to the Barney site, the
                                         Grinstead and Haywards Heath,       main attraction was a return
Max 16 RM: Tim Waller                    the Sussex Weald is a               visit to the Cromer Pier
                                         designated Area of Outstanding      Christmas     Show,     having
                                         Natural Beauty which includes       enjoyed the entertainment there
SEPTEMBER                                                                    on a number of summer visits
                                         nearby Ashdown Forest yet is
                                         under an hour from Brighton         when on the Holt Rally.
Fri 11 – Wed 16th (with option to
stay an extra night) Sussex even         and the South coast. Several
                                         National Trust Properties and       A warm welcome with soup, tea/
close to the Sea Rally, Kloofs                                               coffee and cakes and biscuits
Caravan Park Bexhill on Sea              gardens are within easy reach,
                                         and the famous Bluebell             was awaiting us on arrival in the
                                         Railway line is nearby. A full      “village hall” (site games room)
Come and join us at this 5­star                                              and that evening Mike and
and 5­pennant touring park set           programme of ICFR fellowship
                                         awaits you. (See page 24)           Barbara Segon the RM’s and
amidst 22 acres of peaceful                                                  Bruce     and       Pat  Wallace
countryside in rural East Sussex                                             welcomed 15 ralliers from the 9
yet only 2 miles from Cooden             RM: John and Karen Holman
                                                                             vans and motor homes on the
Beach and within 11 miles of                                                 Rally to a hot supper and
Bexhill,      Hastings       and         SEPTEMBER                           dessert.
Eastbourne. There are many
local places of interest to enjoy        Tues 22nd – Mon 28th Sussex We all enjoyed an active social
including Herstmonceux Castle,           by the Sea Rally, Ellscott, programme with a Norfolk
Battle Abbey, Old Hastings and           Chichester                     ramble for the hardy, fish and
Batemens      (NT)     plus    an                                       chip supper,
abundance of restaurants and             Friendly site ­ Good access to
hostelries. Members will have the        buses and local attractions.   Sunday carvery at The Running
option of staying one extra night                                       Horse in Fakenham, and a
following the end of the rally to        Max 20 RM: Bruce and Pat successful hospitality in vans
enable them to join the Autumn           Wallace                        evening organised by Bruce.
Fellowship on Thursday 17th

Max 12 RM: Geoff Bell
      NEWS & VIEWS                                        Summer 2020                            Page 9
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The highlight of the Rally was a                                        forgotten the wool which led to
visit to the Cromer Christmas                                           the second item being knitted
Pier Show which was a whole                                             and undone several times over
heap of Festive Fun including                                           the coming six weeks! However
comedy,      amazing       dance                                        she was pleasantly surprised to
routines and glitzy costumes.                                           get her knees brown. My ICFR
Olly Daly (a Norfolk boy)                                               flag drew enquiries from past
compered the show for the                                               and current Rotarians and time
eleventh year on the run. Mark                                          was spent trying to boost
James the Modern Magician                                               membership from UK and Euro
entertained us with his sleight    very able assistants Pat and         members.
of hand, magic, juggling and       Bruce for looking after us all
comedy. The star of the night      with food and fellowship on this     Enroute Campsite details
was our own Mike Segon who         most enjoyable Rally.
after some resistance was                                               Burgos     ­   Name:Camping
dragged on to the stage to         Margaret Warrack                     Fuentes Blancas Cat.1
assist Olly in the art of
escapology.                                                             Salamanca ­ Name: Camping
                                       FOREIGN                          Ruta de la Plata Cat.2

                                        RALLIES                         Evora        Name:
                                                                        Camping Orbitur Evora
                                         2020                           Lagos        Name:
                                                                        Camping Orbitur Valverde

                                                                        Report by Anthony Johnson

                                                                        Jan 16th ferry arrives into
                                                                        Bilbao 6hrs late because of
                                                                        earlier stormy weather; Anthony
                                                                        & Joanna stay on quayside
                                                                        overnight, others press on to

                                   Rally report for Algarve         ­   Jan 18th arrive into Salamanca
This photo does not show Mike      January – March 2020                 staying 2 nights; tour of city;
trying to escape inside a                                               freezing cold second night with
rescusitation    model.    Mike    Report by Ivan Palmer                power cuts.
rranged for his son (back right)
to run a rescusitation training    7 units with 13 members              Jan 20th Evora for 2 nights, city
session. In this photo Mike is     attended the Algarve. Ivan &         tour.
deomonstrating      how       to   Barbara Palmer travelled by
transplant     some     internal   shuttle and drove through            Jan 22nd ­ All arrive Campismo
organs!                            France to join others at Burgos,     Valverde at Luz (Lagos).
                                   where they formed the 'First
The final night dinner on site     Party' consisting of Rally           Jan 28th ­ The evening meal at
was piped in by Bruce Liddle       Leader Paul and Christine            Casinha do Petisco restaurant
who later went on to explain the   Brunschand, Derek and June           in Lagos was a big success.
workings of the bagpipes and       Poppleton, Anthony Johnson
the piper’s splendid dress.        and Joanna Channel. We were          Feb 2nd ­ Tour of South West
Some of the highlights of the      joined on site by Ron and Jan        coast from Praia do Bordeira to
final night was a selection of     Collins who were staying on a        Sagres
self entertainment and a most      site in the centre of Lagos. In
enjoyable sing along with the      the main the weather made this       Feb 5th ­ Rally team comes last
Kent Country singer Maddy          a great break. All who know me       in the campsite quiz contest
who was in good voice and we       will not be surprised that I spent
all joined in with carols.         my time watching the world go        Visit by ICFR members Jan &
                                   by ­ I managed to read 28            Ron Collins to play bowls at
Once again time flew by and        books on my Kindle. Barbara          club across road and stay on
President   Geoff    thanked       was disappointed to find that for    for evening meal with the rally.
Barbara and Mike and their         one item of knitting she had

       Page 10                                  Summer 2020                       NEWS & VIEWS
9th February ­ Anthony and Joanna moved on                H&S – but glad that I did not miss it. Not sure if
and continued their travels.                              Alan and Nita managed it or not.

Report by Derek Rogers                                    Robin had been saying that he was going to try

On the 12th February the 'Second Party' made
up of Alan and Nita Martin, Robin and Alison
Levin, and Derek Rogers joined the group. We
enjoyed a visit to Silves Rotary Club meeting in
the Holiday Inn at Armanco de Pera overlooking a
beautiful bay. One of their members ­ David
Trubshaw – a distant relative of the Concorde test
pilot Brian Trubshaw – gave a talk on the life of
Lord Byron and his various romantic exploits with
both sexes!! Say no more.

Derek and June went back home via Seville to do
some sightseeing there.
                                                          the sea – we kept reminding him but the closest
Ivan and Barbara left on the 20th February to             he got I think was just to get his feet wet!!
drive back through Spain and France for a Shuttle
on the 27th. Ivan gave his thanks to Paul and             Nice weather continued in Luz ensuring a
Christine for a very enjoyable break and                  pleasant time, walks, relaxation and friendship
introduction to Portugal, now we need to look             had by all.
again for next year.

 Robin an Alison were next to go – and they went
via Tomar – just north of Lisbon. We had heard                             The perfect Site
of this town from another visitor on site. Very
historic – the original Knights Templar (Crusaders)       I have found the perfect site to escape the house
had their castle built there which later became a                            lockdown.
huge monastery for the Order of Christ.
Interesting little town.                                                      Open all year

A presentation of a Gift from President Geoff was                 Fully serviced hard standing pitch.
made, together with a vote of thanks by Derek on
behalf of everyone present or on the travels.               Highly rated on site, heated, toilet and shower
 I went to Lisbon, and spend 3 days sightseeing
there. Visited an area called Sintra – full of old              Access to local shops and bus routes
regal palaces and gardens etc. and then did three
walking tours of Lisbon. Someone said the city of                            (when available)
7 hills – seemed more like 70! But really great
visit.     One of the tours was focused on their                             Fast, free, Wifi.
early maritime history and their huge empire –
really great tour I thought. I also spent a night at                    Free full laundry facilities.
Tomar before coping with gales, heavy rain and
rotten seas for the return ferry!!                             Well kept grass play, sunbathing, area.

  Paul and Christine had some non­rotary friends                            On site barbecue.
flying out to stay locally in a hotel after I had left.
Alan and Nita managed to get a spot on the                                     Easy access
military site that Ron and Jan were on – right in
the town centre which suited them. I think they            Exit side door of house and site is 2 steps away
then decided to be lazy and enjoy the sun –                                   on the drive
stayed there for just a few more days I think.

 Robin/Alison and I did one of the small boat trips
from the harbour including one which took us                       Compliments of Terry Lonsdale
right inside the various caves and hidden coves
that are along the coast near the lighthouse in
Lagos. Really stunning trip but not sure about

      NEWS & VIEWS                                        Summer 2020                               Page 11

ARDINGLY, Saturday 19th September 2020.


  1. In memoriam

  2. Apologies

  3. Report from the Rally Marshal

  4. Approval of minutes from previous AGM; Matters arising from the minutes.

  5. Reports from:

     1. The President

     2. The Vice President

     3. The Secretary

     4. Treasurer’s Report

         • Present 2019 accounts for approval

        • Recommend the Subscription for 2021

        • Recommend & Approve Auditor for 2021

     5. Membership Secretary

     6. Editor

     7. Programme Secretary

     8. International Liaison Officer

     9. IT Secretary

    10. Equipment and Sales.

  6. Appointment of Tellers.

  7. Constitution.

The Executive Committee has proposed a minor change to the Constitution with regard to the nomination
process for Officers and Committee members, to cover situations where no formal nominations have been
received by the normal deadline. See Appendix below.

  8. Officers and Executive elected for 2020/21

     1. Election and Approval of the Officers and Executive for 2020­2021. See App below.

     2. Announcement of Trustees, 2020/2021

     3. Confirm Honorary Members, 2020/2021

  9. Vote of thanks

       Page 12                                     Summer 2020                        NEWS & VIEWS
10. Date, time & place of the next AGM.

The conduct of the AGM shall be in accordance with Rule Appendix RA1 of ICFR Rules & Regulations.

A Summary of the minutes from the ICFR AGM at Shrewsbury, 2019, were published in the Winter 2019 News &
Views, Edition 91, or can be viewed via the ICFR Website



To introduce the following additional clauses:

  • 11.5 In the absence of any nominations for any Officer or Committee Member role the Secretary will accept
nominations up to the advertised time of the AGM and they will be treated as if received under Clause 11.3,
except that they may be excluded from the requirements of Clause 11.4.

    • 11.6 Any Member nominated under Clause 11.3 may withdraw their nomination in writing up to the
advertised time of the AGM and they will be treated as if not received.


New appointments to the Officer and Committee posts are as follows:­

President Bruce Wallace; Vice President Derek Rogers; Secretary Gerard Turley;

Membership Secretary Katrina Lancaster; Programme Secretary Tim Sheppard;

Committee members Arthur Ambrose, Maggie Ambrose, John Sadler.

Confirm the following positions:­

Treasurer Ted Walmsley; Editor Bruce Liddle; International Liaison Officer Ivan Palmer;

Committee members – Alan Martin; Mike Parkinson; Richard Swainston.


1.               Any Full Member not attending the AGM will be entitled to request a postal vote with the
Secretary prior to that meeting, subject to that Full Member writing to the Secretary, by Wednesday 19 August
2020 requesting an individual postal voting form. Only individual requests will be accepted and the necessary
documents will be dispatched as soon as possible.

This facility will apply to the Constitution change proposal.

2.                Providing the above provisions are complied with, the Secretary will send:

     1.           A postal voting form plus an individual voting identification number.

     2.           Details of all resolutions currently proposed for consideration at the GM.

3.                The Full Member casting such a postal vote shall return it to the Secretary to arrive not later

 Wednesday 9 September 2020 and will not thereafter be entitled to record a second vote on those matters in
person at the GM.

4.                Bulk applications for postal votes will not be accepted.

          NEWS & VIEWS                                          Summer 2020                        Page 13
G HOME                                seen. Better try and find someone to help me get
                                                        a train home. Time now 12.40am and a very cold
When I was working, I commuted daily into               and frosty November night. Saw Stationmaster's
London, my journey usually taking about 90              office and went in. No one at home, all lights on
minutes each way.                                       and a nice warm electric fire blazing away. I had a
                                                        good look round and just resisted the urge to find
One day at work early in October, I heard that our      a comfy seat
office was to be used by a local advertising
company to make a TV advert. A few days later           and settle. So nice and warm and inviting. Got to
the "crew" arrived with a huge amount of                get home though.
equipment, filling most rooms and corridors. I left
at 5.30 pm, the filming finishing at 2.30 am! All for   Found the ticket collectors box with a seat, had a
a 30 second advert!                                     little sit down, but still no one around. Beginning
                                                        to think of the Marie Celeste, all very odd. Then a
Six weeks later, we were told the advert was            tender pulled in, all steam and clanking. I asked
finished and would we like to see it. We were very      the man on footplate if he could take me home.
pleased to receive the invite as three of our staff     "Sorry mate, this old girl is going in the shed for
had small parts in the film, but it was only to be      the night"he said, not unkindly but not a lot of
shown on Irish TV.                                      help.

The viewing was in a small room in the office of        Thought I would wander round to the entrance
the advertising company in Soho. Very well              and see if there were any bicycles around. Luckily
arranged and 12 of us saw the advert 4 times            none on offer as if I had found one, I am not sure
over. Strangely I can't remember now, what was          I would have been able to safely cycle the 10
being advertised.                                       miles home, down a dual carriageway. Suddenly,
                                                        salvation, as I stood there a taxi pulled into the
After the showing we made ready to go home.             forecourt of the station. I hurried forward, opened
Unknown to us the advertising company had laid          the rear door and told the driver my home town.
on a little reception/party to thank us for letting     No reply, but then off we went. I alternated
them use our office. We were led into an adjacent       between dozing and trying to see that we were
room, where a super selection of food was               going in the right direction. After a short time the
displayed and drinks swiftly offered. It was by         driver said he was a bit short of petrol and did I
now 6pm and as I had told my wife that I might be       know anywhere he could get some. No problem I
a little late, I was fairly relaxed. I remember being   told him, I knew just the place. We got to 24 hour
offered Gin & Tonic at the outset with a small          filling station, man got petrol I told him way to go.
measure of Gin topped up with tonic. The last           By now only 1 mile from home. I told him where
drink I remember was a tumbler half full of Gin         to stop and asked how much?
topped up with tonic.
                                                        "Well, he said, you were very helpful over the
I received a nudge from someone who used the            petrol, so a fiver should cover it".
same main line station as me ­ "Time to go home"
she advised.                                            I paid and shuffled off up my drive.

Right, I agreed, checked my watch and saw it            But then a thought suddenly occurred to me ­ I
was 11.10pm. Somehow we got to the right                don't think that was a taxi. I think it was a private
Underground line and the right train station. Bit of    car that some drunken oaf had lumbered into and
a problem now as my helper/guide from the office        demanded to be taken home. Thinking a bit more
went elsewhere to me and I had to find the              I vaguely thought I had seen an outline of a
correct train. After a bit of squinting and             woman's head in the passenger seat.
concentrating I saw that the train I should be on
went from platform 16 at 11.55pm. Not too much          Whoever it was, he was not a Rotarian that I
time to spare, but I found the platform and train       knew and definitely not a member of ICFR.
and with 5 minutes to spare collapsed in a corner       Nevertheless to retain a small measure of my
seat­and went straight to sleep. With a jolt I woke     reputation, I would wish to remain
up and instinctively got off the train, my home
stop usually being the first stop made. On              ANON
alighting on the platform I was a bit puzzled.
Something wan't quite right. Then I realised ­ I
had missed my stop 10 miles previous and was
now alone on a deserted station. All the lights
were on all over the station, but no one to be

       Page 14                                     Summer 2020                        NEWS & VIEWS
TALE FROM THE                                that we did not visit them all during the three
                                                        weeks we were there but I would be lying. The
             CARIBBEAN                                  tasters are very small (well sometimes), it’s what
                                                        they can manage to sell you later that counts.
After really enjoying our Caribbean journey last        But since we were Island hopping there is only so
year, Geoff and I decided we would Air B&B              much one can consume in any given time.
around three more islands. Of course this has
nothing to do with the fact that after a nice G and     Tiny Marie Galante to which we travelled by ferry
T we quite enjoy a rum and whatever one likes to        from the mainland, harboured three rum
put into it!                                            distilleries and some of the smallest Carrefour
                                                        shops we’ve ever seen. Remember Guadeloupe
St Lucia We set off to St Lucia on January 6th          is French so Carrefour has a strong foothold,
2020, and were met by Sean, a work colleague of         some even as big as their French parents and
Geoff’s from High Speed 1. His first comment            some not...... One commodity they all sell, yes
was “Did you know your AirB&B was up a hill?”           you guessed it, RUM. In fact it can be bought in
We said we did as it sounded as though it had a         the five litre cask and is normally cheaper than
nice view. It did. However the hill would not have      wine!
been out of place on the RAC rally or a hill climb
course!                                                 Marie Galante sports the remains of some two
                                                        hundred windmills that powered the machinery for
The southern half of St Lucia is relatively quiet       the rum industry and some lovely golden sand
with small villages, welcoming locals and many          beaches together with great unspoilt walks. We
beautiful waterfalls and gardens. At one local          also caught up with Carnival season here, and
waterfall I had my feet manicured by tiny fish, a       very colourful it was too, wonderful costumes with
ticklish sensation for those that have tried it in a    lots of bands and dancing.             Great fun.
salon. However sitting in a beautiful garden in a       Unfortunately we were not around for any of the
natural pool surrounded by flowers was lovely.          really huge ones.
Geoff lasted ten seconds, his feet are just too
sensitive! We also shared a beer at the bar in the      Our Third AirB&B lady spoke no English and
garden with the interesting Rasta guy who owned         seemed to think that if she spoke loudly we would
the place.                                              be bound to understand! Her apartment could
                                                        sleep six, had a huge kitchen and was set in a
Our second AirB&B cost us the grand sum of £25          beautiful garden.
for the two of us with breakfast in a beautiful
heritage building. Yes, I did say £25 a night!          We visited interesting ruins from the historic past.
Perpetua, our host, cooked us the most amazing          Unfortunately, many of them were associated with
Caribbean breakfasts which ranged from salt fish,       the slave trade that both Britain and France were
to pancakes and Accra (deep fried Caribbean fish        heavily involved with in the 1700’s. Sugar cane
balls) but never bacon and egg. All very delicious      was king and was a very labour intensive crop.
and fattening. No wonder Geoff and I spent a lot        Guadeloupe was fought over several times by the
of time walking. And of course, into all this came      English and French. The slaves were freed at one
our friend Sean who insisted on taking us to the        point but Napoleon re­enslaved them two years
local bars to sample St Lucia’s local brew. Rum.        later. Not a great decision on his part.
Lovely with coconut water or ginger ale! Also the
local beer named after the island’s two famous
landmarks ­ the Pitons.

Guadeloupe was our next stop. A butterfly shaped
island with smaller islands off shore and a very
varied topography.

What you need to know about a lot of AirB&B
hosts is that some of them can’t do enough for
you. This includes having a friend with a car
waiting at the airport to transport you to their
house off a flight that is two hours late and did not
land until 21.00hours. Then makes sure that you
have coffee and croissants for breakfast until you
can get to the shops!
                                                        Basse Terre, the more mountainous of the two
Guess what? They have rum in Guadeloupe as              halves of the island was very beautiful. There was
well, and several distilleries. I would like to say     a Zoo and Botanical Garden set in the rainforest

     NEWS & VIEWS                                       Summer 2020                           Page 15
with a huge ariel walkway. We unfortunately              forest pools and gorges.
arrived here at the same time as some timid
Germans off one of the many cruise liners, and           In true ICFR spirit we decided to take on a couple
their slow progress caused a huge traffic jam.           of hikes. We managed the easy trail to Trafalgar
They wanted no one on their bit of walkway whilst        Falls on a good day. No cruise liners in port. The
they were on it! I had to persuade Geoff not to          two falls, one of 125 feet and one of 75 feet, are
jump up and down as is his usual trick, even if he       both quite spectacular. We then attempted a trail
is told not to, as we would have had to wait even        that I think David Huxley might have enjoyed ­
longer!                                                  more than a few grunts here! In fact, that was all
                                                         the trail consisted of, a mile and half of grunts. Of
For those of you who were followers of ‘Death in         course there were those youngsters who romped
Paradise’ the building they used for the Police          past us on the slippery steep trail and reached
Station is near the Botanical Gardens. Of all the        the goal faster than us, but we were mindful of
buildings on the island, we could not fathom out         our ankles. This was the Rain Forest so there
why the TV producers picked his one. It was very         was always ample water! The goal of Middleham
boring and hard to distinguish as a ‘film star’.         Falls was not such a tourist route. When we
Disenchanted, we retired to a mobile food stall          reached the spectacular 260 feet high falls
selling Bokits, a speciality of the island and           plunging into a crystal clear pool the sun came
comprise Bap­ like sandwiches which are fried.           out and treated us to a glorious rainbow as one
Naughty but very nice!                                   brave person plunged into the water. It was
                                                         definitely worth the 3 hour+ journey.
The highest mountain in Guadeloupe, Soufriere,
is also a volcano which last erupted spectacularly       A lake at 2500feet was another of our ventures.
in 1977, causing a lot of disruption. This is not the    We left the sunny coast wearing shorts and t
only Soufriere to be found in the Caribbean.             ­shirts completely forgetting that weather can
There’s also one in Dominica and one in St Lucia.        change dramatically in a very short space of time
                                                         even in the Caribbean. We were hiking in the
Dominica was the next location and reached by            Cloud Forest with only glimpses of the lake
another late­running plane. Prior to boarding, they      through the mist. When the sun broke through
weighed not only the luggage but us as well. The         briefly and revealed a very narrow high path I
plane seated only twenty passengers and we               almost wished it hadn’t.
could all sit and watch the two pilots fly it from our
seats. No need for piped in­flight entertainment         Scenes from The Pirates of the Caribbean were
we had it live.                                          filmed here in Dominica. We swam through a
                                                         gorge to a waterfall that was used by the film
Another fantastic AirB&B host picked us up from          company. The current to swim in was very strong
the airport, after a helpful security guard had          so we both needed some form of buoyancy aid.
phoned her to tell her we were there. She took           Returning through the gorge was easy, just lay
us to the shops and then took us to the car hire         back and let the current do the rest!I
company the next day.           Doreen was a
Superhost. For the uninitiated Superhosts are            We also journeyed along Indian River with our
those who go more than the extra mile for their          guide Leo, rowing the boat to a Bush Rum Bar.
guests! She was a passionate cook and produced           Motor transport is not allowed because of the
the most delicious cake for us.                          wildlife so the guides are very fit! The river was
                                                         another site for ‘The Pirates of the Caribbean’.
                            Dominica is called The       The film company had built the house for
                            Nature Island. Mainly        Calypso, the witch on the river bank. Amazingly it
                            unspoilt by human            survived the hurricane and as you can imagine is
                            hand and in the throes       a great tourist attraction.
                            of rising from one the
                            most         devastating     I must explain about ‘bush rum’. The Dominicans
                            hurricanes to ever hit       like to be different and experiment with their rum
                            the Caribbean some           by putting a ‘Bush’ in it. Bottles with varying bits
                            two years ago. There         of greenery or brownery could be viewed along
                            are     nine    dormant      the shelves of alcohol. I can’t say we were ever
                            volcanoes,       sulphur     tempted, especially when we read one write up
                            pools and hot springs,       by a blogger who wondered why he felt more
                            ( lovely to wallow in)       than a little strange after a couple of bevies. The
                            huge waterfalls, black       Bush was reputedly cannabis!
sand beaches, lakes at such a high altitude they
are mysteriously covered by cloud a lot of the           We attended an interesting Rotary Meeting where
time and trails through the rain forest that lead to     we were made very welcome. It was a lunch­time

       Page 16                                      Summer 2020                        NEWS & VIEWS
meeting and we enjoyed a super Caribbean meal         During this time both Dominica and St Lucia
which members ate, or not, as they chose. The         turned away cruise liners for obvious reasons.
eating continued throughout the meeting. I think      Hopefully they will keep the islands relatively free
the President finally managed to get fed! The         of the virus. It is ironic that they so desperately
dress code was very fluid. The order of the day       need the liners for their economy as well as all
was ‘come in whatever you happen to be wearing        the rest of the tourists like us who descend upon
depending on what you happen to have been             the islands.
doing’. Geoff did not feel out of place in his
shorts and sandals.                                   We had a wonderful time in the Caribbean and
                                                      were once again overwhelmed by the warm
                                                      hospitality of the locals.         We thoroughly
                                                      recommend AirB&B to you all if you have not tried
                                                      it. It gives one the freedom to ‘do your own thing’
                                                      if that is what you like and it can be very good
                                                      value. We never paid more than £50 a night for
                                                      apartments, sometimes with more than one
                                                      bedroom and fully fitted kitchens. On the whole
                                                      hosts can never do enough for you. Our final
                                                      hosts arranged a lift to the Airport, about an hour
                                                      away with a member of the Police Band as the
                                                      Chauffeur. Nothing like having a local celebrity to
                                                      see you on your way!

                                                      Maddy Bell

Our final stay in Dominica was in the most
beautiful bay of Portsmouth. Clear blue water,             Our last outing for a while
almost golden sand on an island that is largely
volcanic and an interesting renovated British Fort.   Tim has a holiday cottage which he lets out in
                                                      Bamburgh. The cleaning agency (50 clients)
St Lucia, we returned to and another great            couldn’t get enough loo rolls and cleaning
AirB&B and car rental business. Once again the        materials so with 3 unbooked days we
delayed plane kept our hosts waiting.      Not all    thought we would do the good deed, have a
flights are delayed. I don’t think we had any         walk on the beach and do a few odd jobs.
trouble last year. Gary, our host here kindly took
us to buy ‘ Fish and Chips’. Well almost. We          We left home on the Saturday morning and
were able to buy Caribbean style Cod and Chips.       headed for the Yorkshire Dales, doing a pub
In this case huge portions of Tuna, salad and rice    stopover at the Tan Hill Inn (at 1753ft). If you
and Piton Beer!                                       haven’t yet tried pub stops, it is a great way
                                                      to see different parts of the UK, have a nice
We watched the island’s Independence Day              meal and as much drink as you want knowing
Parade. The island was four times French and          that your bed is just outside.
seven times English. Their Police Band was a
sight to behold. The Drum Major had a style of        The Tan Hill Inn was still doing takeaway food
his own as he performed to the Calypso rhythms.       so we had chicken pie with mash and lots of
We spent the rest of the time exploring the huge      veg, followed by one of the best sticky toffee
golden beaches flanked by crystal turquoise sea,      puddings ever, delivered to our van door.
their excellently restored fort and enjoying the      Overnight parking for the motorhome was just
luscious fish. We also discovered an amazing          £10 and they provided toilets and a water
landscape of cacti after grounding the car on         tap.
some of the many dirt tracks across the island.
                                                      In the morning, we enjoyed a walk in each
Our friend Sean took us to The Friday Night Jump      direction on the Pennine Way which crosses
Up, a mammoth fish fry (more marlin, tuna and         the road at this point – spectacular
kingfish, rum, beer, homemade ice cream and           panoramic views, then we set off for a drive
music). Not too much Social Distancing here! All      through the Dales, enjoying coffee and cake
this in a small town that any other night is          on the Green at Reeth before heading for
practically deserted. In true ICFR fashion we         Ellingham and a car park just off the main
thoroughly enjoyed ourselves and made it home         A69 on the Allendale estate. The estate has
around midnight.                                      gifted an area as community woodland and
                                                      we really enjoyed a walk across a meadow

     NEWS & VIEWS                                     Summer 2020                           Page 17
and up round the woods. Lots of chirpy birds.      2 minutes. The saving (around £25 per
Although listed as a motorhome stopover, no        month) isn’t massive, but we feel better for
one else joined us but we felt safe and            not paying the government money for
stayed overnight to discover a fairly hard frost   something they have stopped us using.
in the morning.
                                                   For you caravanners out there, if you have a
Monday saw us needing diesel so we                 second car, why not consider a SORN for
stopped at Morrisons in Morpeth and I              one car ? We mainly use Katrina’s Fiat
ventured into the shop to see what was             Panda when not away in the motorhome ­
available – amazing! For weeks I had been          mine Panda is just a second runabout for
searching for dried yeast – got the flour only     when we need 2 cars so we SORNed that
to discover that my yeast was years out of         and got a refund cheque from the
date – some handwash which I hadn’t seen           government in less than a week.
in the shops for weeks and some extra meat
for the freezer. I had been running down the        When the restrictions are lifted eventually,
back­up freezer in the cellar in order to          you simply tax your vehicle again online
defrost it so was caught rather short of frozen    using the V5 details ­ Simples ! as the
meat.                                              annoying advert with the meerkats says .
The weekend guests had left the house and
we set about bringing in our vital supplies                      Tim Sheppard
and checking out what disasters had
happened in the last 3 months ­ nice oak
coffee table with big patch of red crayon .

Hearing the increasingly bad news on the                 ICFR DEFIBRILLATOR
radio, we decided against staying till                         UPDATE
Thursday which had been our plan and got
home on the night of the new restrictions

 We have emptied our stock of food from the
van – it might be useful and one can was
already out of date – and then SORNd the
van and our second car (Ed. see separate
article). Amazingly we received a £50 cheque
this morning for the car – less than a week!
The van was due to be taxed 1 April so that is
now on hold.
Katrina Lancaster

To SORN or not to SORN—that
      is the question !
 As the current coronavirus pandemic has
confined us all to barracks and we can’t use
our motorhomes and caravans, why not save
money and use the DVLA SORN process to
save on your road fund licence.

  You need the 11 digit document reference
number on the vehicle’s V5 form (it is on the
right hand side about half way down) and
your vehicle registration.                         At the ICFR Exec meeting, held during the
                                                   Autumn Fellowship last year, it was agreed
 Go to­a­sorn (be          that ICFR should have a defibrillator available
careful if you use a search engine to find it      for loaning to Rally Marshals when one is not
as there are websites that will charge you         readily available near their rally site. This
£30 or more for something that is free on          piece of equipment should be considered and enter the details.                 ‘Nice to have but not essential’ by Rally
We have done it for our van it took less than

       Page 18                                Summer 2020                    NEWS & VIEWS
Bruce Liddle was asked to source a defibrillator and with the agreement of the Exec members
one has now been purchased. At the present time this is being held by Bruce Liddle.

The process by which the defibrillator is passed to Rally Marshals is currently under
consideration but in the short term it will be coordinated via the Programme Secretary.

To help members overcome any anxiety they may have about using the defibrillator Bruce
(and his wife Sue) have agreed to undertake some Resuscitation Training Sessions at the
various rallies they attend. Mike and Barbara Segon’s son Andrew did a session at the Barney
rally in December last year which members found very useful.

Included in this NEWS & VIEWS is a copy of a mnemonic which you may find helpful.

Please bear in mind that should someone have a cardiac arrest, doing nothing is not an

Do not be afraid of the defibrillator – it provides clear verbal instructions. The only caution is to
make sure you are not touching the patient whilst the machine checks the patients heart
rythym and also stand clear should the defibrillator decide a shock is needed. Verbal
instruction will be given to tell you when to stop touching the patient.

Should anyone want to do some homework concerning the defibrillator the model purchased
is an IPAD (Intelligent Public Access Defibrillator). The model is a CU­SP1 Auto. It is fully
automatic which means it will diagnose the heart rythym and deliver the shock automatically if
needed. Clear warnings about patient contact will be given.

                   IPAD case open showing the *AED Starter
                     Kit and Spare Pads on the left and the
                               IPAD on the right

    NEWS & VIEWS                                   Summer 2020                         Page 19

                D          Danger – check around patient

                R          Response – Shout “Can you hear me?” into both ears and
                           tap/shake shoulders to check if conscious

                S          Shout for help. If on your own, call emergency services, put phone
                           on loudspeaker, continue checks. If helper there, they should be
                           asked to make the call and follow the instructions including
                           identifying the site of the nearest defibrillator.

                A          Airway – is it blocked?

                B          Breathing – place your ear near casualty’s mouth ­ listen/look at
                           chest to observe if any chest movement

                C          Circulation – deal with major bleeding

If casualty non­responsive and not breathing or not breathing properly start CPR. Chest
compressions with arms straight at 120/minute and depressing the chest at least 5cm or 2
inches. If you are willing and able, after 30 compressions give 2 rescue breaths and sequence
resumed. If breaths not performed continue chest compressions without a break. Carry on
until emergency staff arrive or patient regains consciousness.

                                   USING DEFIBRILLATOR

Turn defibrillator on and follow instructions – including removing clothing from chest area.
Chest may need shaving, skin need drying, avoid placing pads directly over a pacemaker
(lump under the skin usually near left shoulder).

There are diagrams on the pads indicating where they should be placed.

*The defibrillator box also contains an AED starter kit – tough cut shears, razor, gloves,
resuscitation face shield and wipes.

Bruce Liddle

      Page 20                                 Summer 2020                       NEWS & VIEWS
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