WANNA BET? - SPECIAL SECTION: CANADA'S TOP 40 UNDER 40 - Why betting is the next big business

Page created by Rosa Gibbs
WANNA BET? - SPECIAL SECTION: CANADA'S TOP 40 UNDER 40 - Why betting is the next big business
                                                    WINE INVESTING:
                                                     MAKING MONEY,
                                                    DRINKING MONEY
                                                               p. 13

                                                     YOUR GREENER
                                                        ROAD TRIP
                                                              p. 38

                                                        HOPS, BOTH
                                                       ISLANDS AND
                                                              p. 42


           BET?       Why betting
                is the next big business
                        for sports

WANNA BET? - SPECIAL SECTION: CANADA'S TOP 40 UNDER 40 - Why betting is the next big business
                                                      THEY DO, IT’S
                                                    HOW THEY DO IT

Mary Teresa Bitti                                    40 awards program, one clear theme has          how they do it. They share common char-
                                                     remained consistent among honourees. Re-        acteristics that have made them innovators,

S  ince 1995, when Caldwell decided to turn
   the spotlight on Canada’s up-and-coming
leaders by launching Canada’s Top 40 Under
                                                     gardless of industry, sector or role, each of
                                                     the more than 800 Canadians recognized has
                                                     set themselves apart not by what they do, but
                                                                                                     influencers, and impactful in their chosen
                                                                                                     fields and in their communities.
                                                                                                                               continued next page

                                                                    TOP 40 SPONSORS

WANNA BET? - SPECIAL SECTION: CANADA'S TOP 40 UNDER 40 - Why betting is the next big business
TOP 40

                                                                                                                  of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40 leaders. The
                                                                                                                  characteristics identified fall into four key
                                                                                                                  themes: A combination of ambition and
                                                                For these millennial                              humility, supported by grit and hard work.
                                                                                                                     “Many have taken non-traditional paths
                                                                leaders, the focus is not on                      to leadership but they are all setting them-

                                                                money and titles, it’s on
                                                                creating impact for their
                                                                teams and the broader
                                                                                           “                      selves apart because of the combination
                                                                                                                  of their drive to achieve, their motivation
                                                                                                                  to be better and lead by example and with
                                                                                                                  empathy,” says Freeborough. “For these
                                                                                                                  millennial leaders, the focus is not on money
                                                                                                                  and titles, it’s on creating impact for their
                                                                community.                                        teams and the broader community. Compas-
                                                                                                                  sion and purpose are entrenched in each of
                                                                                                                  these folks.”
                                                                   2021 honourees were among the pro-                He points to 2021 Top 40 honouree
                                                                gram’s most diverse in every context: gender,     Candace Borland as someone who exem-
                                                                cultural background, sexual orientation,          plifies these qualities. Raised on a dairy farm
                                                                geography and industry. For example, 43           in Quebec, Borland is partner and president
                                            Jeff Freeborough    per cent of this year’s nominees are women        of fast-growing marketing agency Anomaly
                                                                and 40 per cent self-identify as LGBTQ+           Toronto. “Her focus on purpose and social
                This year in particular the 2021 Top 40 hon-    and/or diverse based on ethnicity. They           impact is setting her apart as a change agent
                ourees were able to meet the challenges and     work in the consumer, technology, energy,         within her industry,” says Freeborough.
                navigate all the unknowns of life during a      financial services, health care, education and
                global pandemic and thrive, lifting everyone    not-for-profit sectors across the country.        A sense of optimism about the world
                around them. “The ambiguity and uncer-             “In all cases, honourees were as com-          and what’s possible and a willingness to
                tainty of COVID-19 was a call to action         mitted to giving back to their commun-            push for necessary change
                for these leaders, who are not only business    ities as they were to their organizations,”          “There is a clear link from Top 40 hon-
                leaders but who are socially aware and use      says Matthew Wetmore, national manag-             ourees’ positivity to their sense of purpose
                their achievement orientation to do good        ing partner, industries and regions, PwC          and commitment to driving meaningful
                things and make a positive impact,” says        Canada, Top 40’s 2021 presenting partner.         impact,” says Freeborough. “This was on
                        Jeff Freeborough, managing partner      “The qualities that allowed them to have          full display during the pandemic, which
                                     for Toronto at Caldwell.   influence in their work were just as present      brought societal challenges and inequi-
                                                                and impactful in their efforts to help others.”   ties to the forefront. Top 40 honourees
                                                                   Caldwell asked honourees directly what         stepped up, advancing equity and diversity
                                                                             it takes to be recognized as one     in the workplace and focusing on how they
WANNA BET? - SPECIAL SECTION: CANADA'S TOP 40 UNDER 40 - Why betting is the next big business
                                                                                                                                                      TOP 40

                                                                                                     A QUICK LOOK AT TOP 40’S
                                                                                                     SELECTION PROCESS
                                                                                                        The 2021 Top 40 honourees were se-
                                                                                                     lected from 1,200 nominations, an increase
                                                   With the pandemic                                 of almost 20 per cent over last year. These

                                                   putting enormous stress                           nominations resulted in 500 written submis-
                                                                                                     sions that led to 100 individuals selected for
                                                   on health care broadly,                           an interview. Caldwell and PwC conducted
                                                                                                     the interviews over the summer and then
                                                   his focus is on how to use                        created a shortlist of 65 candidates for the
                                                                                                     independent advisory board to consider. The
                                                   current challenges as a
                                                   catalyst for change to
                                                   improve services now and
                                                                                   “                 board includes industry and professional
                                                                                                     leaders from across Canada as well as past
                                                                                                     Top 40 recipients. On Oct. 5, 2021, the
                                                                                                     advisory board, along with representatives
                                                                                                     from Caldwell who were on hand to answer
                                                   into the future.                                  questions, met via video-conference to select
                                                                                                     this year’s Top 40.
                                                                                                         Each honouree was selected based on
                                                                                                     their achievements in each of four selec-
                            Matthew Wetmore
                                                                                                     tion criteria:
could best support their communities.”             the first Indigenous physician president of          • Vision and Innovation
   2021 Top 40 honouree Mathew Mehro-              the Canadian Medical Association. “With              • Leadership
tra, chief digital officer at BMO Financial        the pandemic putting enormous stress on              • Impact and Influence
Group, is responsible for driving digital          health care broadly, his focus is on how             • Social Responsibility
transformation to improve customer ex-             to use current challenges as a catalyst for          Perhaps the greatest characteristic Top 40
periences. In addition to supporting the           change to improve services now and into           honourees share is their ability to inspire.
bank and its customers through the almost          the future,” says Wetmore.                        “They are role models, achieving results
overnight shift to remote work at the start of                                                       for their organizations and working to make
the pandemic, he put his expertise to work         The ability to think big and boldly with          society better and more equitable,” says Free-
at Good Shepherd Ministries, which serves          foresight and vision                              borough. “They come from all backgrounds
people who are homeless and in need in                Top 40 honourees have a clear sense of         and are showing the globe that Canada has
Toronto. “He volunteered his time, energy          purpose and direction: they want to do            world-class leaders and businesses.”
and resources and helped increase fundrais-        better in all aspects of their lives. “This
ing at this organization that was struggling.”     means even in the face of disruption they                   TOP 40 SPONSORS
                                                   can look past what can go wrong to create
The ability to be comfortable with                 opportunities for positive change,” says                          PwC Canada
                                                                                                                   Presenting Partner
uncertainty and to take action anyway              Wetmore.
   This continues to be important as the              2021 Top 40 honouree Brittany Forsyth,                           Caldwell
                                                                                                                    Founding Partner
world learns to live with COVID and the            former chief talent officer at Shopify, saw the
unprecedented change that is part of the           disproportionate impact the pandemic has                  Gluskin Sheff + Associates Inc.
digital age. “There’s a saying in sports that      had on women-led businesses and decided                          National Partner

the game slows down for the best players,”         to do something about it. Together with a                         National Post
says Freeborough. “I think the same is true        group of other like-minded women leaders                          Media Partner

for Top 40 honourees, who are able to bring        she cofounded Backbone Angels to invest                          BNN Bloomberg
stability and decisiveness to crisis situations.   in women and non-binary founders with a                           Media Partner
More than this, they are able to see the op-       focus on Black, Indigenous, and Women                              Air Canada
portunity that challenges can bring.”              of Colour-led companies. “By supporting                           Travel Partner
   That’s exactly what 2021 Top 40 honouree        women in this way she is helping to ensure                        ergoCentric
Dr. Alika Lafontaine has done throughout his       the progress they were making before the                          Event Partner
career, tirelessly advocating for and seeking      pandemic can continue,” says Wetmore.                                 Inline
out innovative solutions to improve Indigen-       “It’s big, long-term thinking like this that                    Referencing Partner
ous health. In August 2021, he was named           can help make positive change.”

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TOP 40

                2021 HOUNOUREES

                Mary Teresa Bitti                                                                                      me, I’ve come to conclude that if you can
                                                                                                                       truly connect and try to be a bit in service

                W         hat happens to us if we never get
                          bored? Journalist, tech podcaster and
                author of Bored Brilliant: How Spacing Out
                                                                                                                       of others, it does yourself and your soul a
                                                                                                                       whole lot of good. I’ve been trying to read
                                                                                                                       a bit about spirituality, and clumsily trying
                Can Unlock Your Most Creative Self, Manoush                                                            to meditate. There are some great apps like
                Zomorodi recently asked this question in a                                                             Chopra that Ive tried to incorporate into
                TEDTalk. The short answer: we become less                                                              my morning, a then a bit of self reflection
                productive and creative. It turns out, taking                                                          at night. I think about what the day was
                a break and truly unwinding with no distrac-                                                           like, how I hopefully connected and sup-
                tions is when the brain enters something called                                                        ported others, most importantly my amazing
                default mode and gets busy connecting dispar-                                                          wife Lisa and my three daughters Katelyn,
                ate ideas, solving problems, and setting goals.                                                        Stephanie and Mackenzie. I’ve still got a
                   “Creativity and the ability to come up with                                                         lot to learn.
                new ideas is a leader’s superpower,” says Top
                40 alumnus, tech entrepreneur and past Next                                                            ON CARVING OUT PERSONAL TIME
                Gen Dragon Nicole Verkindt. “You have to            Nicole Verkindt, 2019 Top 40 honouree.                In the last little while, I have tried intro-
                create the space to re-energize and enable that.”   TYLER ANDERSON / POSTMEDIA                         duce a bit more balance in my life, with
                   Here Verkindt and three of her Canada’s Top                                                         structured breaks and vacations. I speak
                40 Under 40 peers share how the pandemic            goals. During the work week, I try to sleep far    daily via chat with a close group of six close
                has helped them slow down and their favorite        away from my phone. The first few hours of         pals — “Fab 6” – who have been a great
                ways to unwind and recharge.                        the day, I go outside. In the summer, I run or     source of connection and learning through
                                                                    cycle, and in the winter, I snowshoe with my       COVID. I’ve also learned a lot from our
                *Note: Conversations have been edited for length    dog. I also believe in batch work and schedule     younger Barclays team members, who in-
                                                                    blocks of time where I’m only focused on one
                NICOLE VERKINDT, founder and CEO                    thing, such as setting strategy or writing a
                of OMX (2019 Top 40 Honouree)                       proposal. That’s made a big difference for
                                                                    me. Constantly switching makes me feel
                PANDEMIC LESSONS                                    that I’m just responding to everything as
                   Two weeks into the pandemic was the              opposed to proactively working on growth
                longest period in 10 years that I’d gone            or new things.
                without traveling. It was a massive shock
                to the system. I felt I had been in a state of      FAVORITES WAYS TO RELAX
                fight or flight for so long, not just because          I have a huge library and books everywhere
                of all the things that come with starting a         in my house. I like historical fiction and biog-
                business, but because of being constantly           raphies. I recently finished Miss Dior, about
                on the move. I realized working while not           Catherine Dior, fashion designer Christian
                constantly moving has a big impact on how           Dior’s sister, who survived several concentra-
                you feel. I still believe in travel and being at    tion camps during the Second World War.
                events and connecting with people in person,        I also like getting outside, hiking, skiing,
                but there are so many more tactical things          riding horses.
                that don’t require that.                                                                               Bruce Rothney, 1999 Top 40 honouree,
                                                                    BRUCE ROTHNEY, chairman and CEO                    and wife Lisa. SUPPLIED
                ON CARVING OUT PERSONAL TIME                        Barclays Canada (1999 Top 40 honouree)
                   I’m a big fan of downtooling for a few                                                              nately understand the importance of work/
                weeks, usually at least at the start of the New     PANDEMIC LESSONS                                   life balance. My daughters also really under-
                Year and then again in the summer. I’ve gone          As I’m sure for most, the COVID slow-            stand quality of life — they are going to
                to yoga retreats where there’s no cell phone        down has been a powerful opportunity               change their careers a few times, but what’s
                service. I read books, step back, look at my        to reflect on what is most important. For          important is to support and connect with

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                                                                                                                                                          TOP 40

others — this is the true essence of life. Like                                                         really important to me. I also made an effort
a lot of things, your kids influence your own                                                           to get back to my good habits and rituals,
thinking, too.                                                                                          like scheduling unstructured thinking time.
                                                                                                        Overall, I try to be more intentional with
FAVORITE WAYS TO UNWIND                                                                                 how I spend my time.
    I hope to one day learn how to play guitar
properly – it’s been a 20-year journey – and                                                            ON CARVING OUT PERSONAL TIME
being from Winnipeg, I feel a duty to learn.                                                               Like for most people, becoming a parent
I like to sing — badly. My daughters love to                                                            definitely re-oriented some of my priorities.
sing, and we all sing together in the house.                                                            The best way I’ve found to carve out time for
They all came home during COVID and we                                                                  everything is to block my calendar. I try not
are were up every morning doing fun things.                                                             to take meetings before 10 a.m. or in the early
My middle daughter Stephanie decided we                                                                 evening so I can spend time with my kids.
should have an Olympic party in March. So                                                               I also like to schedule unstructured think-
we all got dressed up like Olympic athletes                                                             ing time — an hour or two in the morning
and had activities in our house including                                                               — to read, write, and think. Giving myself
going down the stairs on a toboggan, like the                                                           the space to ideate and think is something
luge. Think Home Alone. My vices remain                                                                 I discovered a few years into my career and
an unreasonable appreciation of wine, scotch                                                            has become very important to me.
                                                    Poonam Puri, 2005 Top 40 honouree, with
and bourbon. And even though I remain
                                                    husband Elian Terner, managing director
terrible at golf, it’s a zen-like experience that                                                       FAVORITE WAYS TO UNWIND
                                                    and head of mining, investment banking, at
my wife and I love doing together.                  National Bank. SUPPLIED
                                                                                                           I definitely try to get outside as much as
                                                                                                        I can. Being in nature fills me up and helps
POONAM PURI, professor of law,                      Island for a cycling, sightseeing and hiking        me recharge. Camping, canoeing, sitting
director, Investor Protection Clinic,               trip. It’s a beautiful part of the country. I       around a campfire with friends and family.
Osgoode Hall Law School, York                       spend my downtime with my kids, husband             I’ve also always been passionate about music
University; corporate director (2005                and my mom who turned 80 at the end of              and playing the guitar, and recently started
Top 40 Honouree)                                    December. Prior to the pandemic, my middle          getting back into it.
                                                    daughter and I would walk over to a local
PANDEMIC LESSONS                                    art school for a ceramics class. I want to do
   The pandemic has shown more than ever            something like that with each of my daugh-
the need to have work/life balance. During          ters. It’s a fun way to be present together. I
lockdown, we saw the lines between work             also listen to audiobooks. I like biographies
and personal time blur almost entirely, which       because it allows me to go deep into some-
leads to burnout and ultimately lower pro-          one’s life. I like to bake and at night I’ll look
ductivity and less happiness. That said, as         at recipes to help me go to sleep. But the next
much as working from home blurs the lines,          day, if I have to choose between exercise and
it hopefully gives the next generation more         muffins, I choose exercise.
flexibility in how they structure their days
and weeks.                                          MIKE KATCHEN, co-founder and CEO
                                                    Wealthsimple (2017 Top 40 honouree)
  In these past two years. more than ever, I        PANDEMIC LESSONS
have purposely made time for myself. I’m              The past two years have been intense for
deliberate about it. It’s there in my calendar      everyone in different ways. For me, it im-
and it doesn’t get moved.                           pacted a lot of my habits and rituals, which
                                                    was disorienting and made it too easy to
FAVORITE WAYS TO RELAX AND                          always be on. Midway through, the stress
UNWIND                                              did take a toll on me, and forced me to re-
   I get outside and get active. Hiking,            evaluate how I was protecting my mental and
cycling and going for family walks with our         physical health. In response, I started making
dog Wally. Afterwards, I feel happier, more         small changes to my routine, like turning a
relaxed, more focused and ready to tackle my        Zoom call into a phone call so I could take         Mike Katchen, 2017 Top 40 honouree.
next project. Recently, I was in Cape Breton        a walk outside. Getting outside everyday is         SUPPLIED

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TOP 40

                2021 HOUNOUREES

                                         JASON ABBATE                                             MICHAEL ACKO                                            DR. MEGHAN
                                         Senior Vice-President,                                   President,                                              AZAD
                                         Development & Production                                 SCOTT HYDRO-VAC                                         Co-Director, MANITOBA
                                         CENOVUS ENERGY                                           & CEO,                                                  INTERDISCIPLINARY
                                                                                                  ENVIROBORE                                              LACTATION CENTRE
                                                                                                  DIRECTIONAL DRILLING                                    (MILC) & Associate
                                                                                                                                                          Professor, Pediatrics & Child
                                                                                                                                                          Health, UNIVERSITY OF

                BIO: Jason is accountable for resource evaluation,       BIO: Mike is an Indigenous entrepreneur and proud       BIO: Meghan holds the Tier 2 Canada research chair
                responsible development, and subsurface operations       member of Doig River First Nation. As president of      in developmental origins of chronic disease. She
                of Cenovus’s oil sands, thermal and cold/EOR assets,     Scott Hydro-Vac and CEO of Envirobore, Mike over-       co-directs the Manitoba Interdisciplinary Lactation
                producing an average of 560,000 bbls/d. Starting         sees the strategic vision and business development      Centre (MILC), where her team studies breast milk
                his career as a reservoir engineer, he has been with     of both organizations. Prior to Scott Hydro-Vac and     and the infant microbiome to understand their role
                Cenovus and its predecessor company since 2006.          EnviroBore, Mike was a founding partner of M & M        in child development. Meghan is deputy director
                Jason is active in his community and sits on the         Resources, which is now a leading Civil earth works     of the CHILD cohort study involving 3,500 Can-
                board of Calgary Reads, which equips communities         and clearing company in Northeast BC.                   adian families, co-director of the International Milk
                with books and knowledge in support of literacy at                                                               Composition Consortium, and co-founder of the
                a young age.                                             BEST CAREER ADVICE: I was never in a career role,       international Perinatal Outcomes in the Pandemic
                                                                         always an entrepreneur. The best advice I’ve re-        (iPOP) Study.
                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?               ceived is to be honest, be patient and be humble.
                Ultimately, I believe it takes hard work and dedica-     Treat everyone with the same respect you would          IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                tion to your craft. As well as the ability to fail and   want to be treated with. That vulnerable person         Data journalism. I practice elements of this (data
                continue to pursue what you believe is right. But at     who needs help at that moment could be or become        visualization and science communication) in my
                the same time, not forgetting about those around         your largest client.                                    current job, and I think doing it full time would be a
                you and how you can give back and support the                                                                    fun, exciting and impactful career. The pandemic has
                communities that you are a part of.                      IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:                highlighted the importance of good data journalism!
                                                                         A Medicaid doctor, for saving lives and healing

                                         MARK BOOTS                                               JANICE                                                  JACQUELINE
                                         Co-founder & CTO                                         CIAVAGLIA                                               COOK
                                         VIAMO                                                    Chief Executive Officer                                 Chief Operating Officer
                                                                                                  ASSEMBLY OF FIRST                                       VENDASTA
                                         LOUIS DORVAL                                             NATIONS
                                         Co-Founder & COO

                BIO: When Mark and Louis met as Engineers Without        BIO: Janice is a mission-driven leader for Indigen-     BIO: Jacqueline is the COO at Vendasta. She is re-
                Borders Canada alumni, they shared one question:         ous, philanthropic, and educational organizations.      sponsible for the development and execution of
                How can we help aid organizations and emerging           She currently serves as the CEO for the Assembly        Vendasta’s revenue and go-to-market strategy, with
                market governments use tech to meet the needs            of First Nations with 170–plus employees. The AFN       the core mandate of empowering Vendasta’s Channel
                of people who aren’t being reached? Their answer         is an advocacy group which is mandated by 630–          Partners to leverage its platform and marketplace to
                was in founding VOTO Mobile - now Viamo - in 2013,       plus First Nations in Canada. Described by peers        help over five million small businesses transition to
                using the ubiquitousness of mobile phones to create      and employees alike as an innovative guide and          digital. She played an instrumental role in Vendasta’s
                new feedback loops at scale, and empower millions        lead-by-example CEO, Janice liaises, collaborates       $40 million capital raise in 2018, and more recently,
                of people with new access to vital information. They     with governments, public sector, private sector, and    helped lead its IPO process which resulted in an
                have since grown the company to 33 countries and         the general public in partnership with First Nations    oversubscribed $120 million private investment.
                reached over 30 million people with hundreds of          communities across the country to make positive
                diverse services. Mark has a PhD in Physics from         change for First Nations.                               IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                the University of Saskatchewan, and Louis has an                                                                 A stay-at-home mom. I’m still working toward that
                MBA as a Skoll Scholar at the University of Oxford.      IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:                career, though I don’t know if I have the endurance
                                                                         I would have been a social worker because I come        and toughness just yet.
                                                                         from a family of health-care professionals. In some
                                                                         ways I see alignment with my current position in that   WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                                                         we both concerns ourselves with individuals, fam-       A belief that you can be one. That’s 99 per cent of
                                                                         ilies, groups, communities, and society as a whole.     the work—the rest is just executing on the plan it
                                                                                                                                 takes to get there.

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                                                                                                                                                               TOP 40

                                                                                                 concerns out of emergency rooms during the pan-
                                     GUY AMINI                                                   demic. In 2021 Guy, along with Graham and dental-
                                     President                                                   corp’s senior leadership team, recognized a career
                                     DENTALCORP                                                  milestone in taking the organization from a privately-
                                                                                                 owned business to a publicly traded company. At $950
                                                                                                 million, dentalcorp became the largest health-care IPO
                                     BIO: When Guy Amini joined dentalcorp in 2014, much         in Canadian history, and the largest TSX-only listed IPO
                                     of the industry was hesitant towards the organization’s     of the year. As a passionate champion of diversity and
                                     business model. Undeterred, and inspired by founder         inclusion, and a dedicated philanthropist, Guy leads
                                     & CEO Graham Rosenberg’s vision to revolutionize            dentalcorp’s many efforts to give back to charitable
                                     the dental industry, he worked closely with the senior      initiatives, while also being a strong supporter of the
                                     team to educate dental professionals on the company’s       next generation of clinicians.
                                     ultimate mission to better serve Canadians. With a clear
                                     vision and a driven support team, Amini’s passionate        BEST CAREER ADVICE: Be the architect of your own
                                     and charismatic leadership style contributed to the         career. A career path isn’t a ladder, it’s a river, full of
                                     organization more than doubling in size in his first four   rocks, rapids, waterfalls and forks. You can either lay on
                                     years. As president, he has been pivotal in building the    your back and let the current take you or do your best
                                     company into Canada’s largest and fastest-growing           to swim and thrash your way to where you want to go.
                                     network of dental practices committed to advancing
                                     the overall well-being of Canadians. Guy’s influence        WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                     extends across Canada, with dentalcorp now manag-           Be ambitious and humble. Challenge yourself to do
                                     ing relationships with over 445 dental practices, 1,300     what you think you can’t, and to think differently
                                     dentists, and more than 7,100 team members.                 than how you normally do. Be OK with what you
                                     When COVID struck, he helped the organization over-         can’t know and be willing to make a call anyway.
                                     come a double-digit revenue decline, increasing the         Surround yourself with talented people and do your
                                     numbers to 105 per cent of pre-pandemic levels within       best to help them be great, mostly by getting out
                                     a year. Guy has overseen numerous technology innova-        of their way.
                                     tions at dentalcorp, including investment in a platform
                                     to power hellodent, dentalcorp’s proprietary online
                                     patient portal that provided Canadians free access
                                     to virtual screenings helping keep non-critical dental

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                2021 HOUNOUREES

                                          JOSHUA DAVIS &                                             DERRICK                                                  BRITTANY
                                          DARYL EE                                                   EMSLEY                                                   FORSYTH
                                          Co-Founders & Co-CEOs                                      Co-Founder & CEO                                         Founding Partner,
                                          SPEEDEE TRANSPORT &                                        TENTREE & VERITREE                                       Backbone Angels & Former
                                          STARK TMS                                                                                                           Chief Talent Officer
                                                                                                                                                              SHOPIFY INC

                BIO: Josh & Daryl are innovative entrepreneurs in          BIO: From a young age, Derrick has connected people       BIO: Brittany is a talent, culture, and human expert.
                logistics, real estate and technology. They teamed         with environmental stewardship. At 16, he and his         Spending the past 11 years in her role as chief talent
                up in 2015 to disrupt the Canadian transportation          brother, Kalen, founded a tree-planting company           officer at Shopify - a global commerce platform and
                industry. Together with their amazing team they            that sold carbon offsetting credits to businesses         one of the world’s fastest growing companies. She
                built one of the fastest-growing logistics companies       – this venture saw $1 million-plus in contracts and       built Shopify’s Talent function from the ground up,
                in Canada due to their relentless focus on building        planted 150,000 trees. After graduation, Derrick          growing a team of 20 employees to over 10,000.
                the most customer-centric company in the nation.           became tentree’s CEO, where he has been steering          She recently decided to move on from Shopify to
                A key part of their rapid growth is due to develop-        the company’s vision since. Today, tentree is a global    pursue Backbone Angels and advisory roles. She now
                ing their own cutting-edge, award-winning logistics        leading sustainable business, with a progressive          spends her time advising and investing in founders,
                software - Stark TMS.                                      supply chain, completely carbon neutral business          with a focus on women and non-binary founders.
                                                                           model, and plants over 60 million trees globally.
                IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:                                                                             WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                Both of us always wanted to be entrepreneurs (Josh         BEST CAREER ADVICE: For me, it was to not value           To be one of Canada’s Top 40 Under 40, you need to
                like his grandfathers and Daryl like his dad), we          your time as it is today, value it as you want it to      be driven, willing and ready to take risks, and con-
                wouldn’t choose a different path. We are fortunate         be. It pushed me to prioritize, “say no”, and use my      stantly focusing on your own growth and develop-
                that our career in logistics has enabled us to branch      time more effectively.                                    ment. There is a distinct entrepreneurial spirit among
                out into our other career passions - real estate and                                                                 the recipients that is led through strong leadership
                technology.                                                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?                both in their professional and personal endeavours.
                                                                           Resilience, Passion, Conviction.

                                          JESSE GUTH                                                 DR. SIBA                                                 ANDREW
                                          Chief Executive Officer                                    HAYKAL                                                   JOYNER
                                          AVID APPAREL                                               Plastic & Reconstructive                                 Managing Director
                                                                                                     Surgeon/Scientist                                        TRICON RESIDENTIAL
                                                                                                     UNIVERSITY HEALTH
                                                                                                     NETWORK, UNIVERSITY
                                                                                                     OF TORONTO

                BIO: Jesse is CEO of Avid Apparel, an industry             BIO: Siba is a double board-certified plastic and re-     BIO: Andrew leads Tricon Residential’s Canadian
                leader in production and distribution of clothing          constructive surgeon-scientist with a subspecialty in     rental apartment platform and is responsible for
                and branded products. He founded the company over          microsurgery. She serves as assistant professor and       setting strategic direction, sourcing investment op-
                10 years ago in a dorm room at Dalhousie Univer-           divisional director of senior education at the Univer-    portunities, overseeing dedicated teams responsible
                sity. Today, he proudly employs nearly 100 talented        sity of Toronto. Siba’s clinical work involves complex,   for development, construction, and asset manage-
                individuals in two countries, oversees a state-of-the-     oncological and microsurgical reconstruction, while       ment, and managing joint-venture and government
                art manufacturing facility, and has partnered with         her research centers on tissue-engineering, regenera-     relationships. Tricon has grown into the most active
                major brands, retailers, influencers, and celebrities      tion and vascularized composite allotransplantation.      developer of rental apartments in downtown Toronto,
                throughout North America. He’s also a dedicated            Siba is also a foremost expert in the clinical manage-    with units ranging from affordable to upscale, and a
                supporter of the Nanny Angel Network.                      ment of lymphedema.                                       focus on amenities, service, and lifestyle program-
                                                                                                                                     ming that puts people first and builds community.
                Selling peameal bacon sandwiches from an ambu-             I always loved anatomy, learning how the body works       BEST CAREER ADVICE:To become an effective
                lance converted to a food truck. I’d call it the “Hambu-   and played many sports competitively. I would be          leader, focus less on the daily execution itself and
                lance”.                                                    in the health and fitness industry if I had chosen a      instead on org charts - getting the right people in
                                                                           different path than being a surgeon. I would have         the right seats and supporting them. It’s the only
                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?                 wanted a career where I could help people achieve         way to build for scale.
                Grit and tenacity. An unwillingness to give up.            their health goals.
                                                                                                                                     WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                                                                                                                     A demonstrated ability to lead teams, achieve im-
                                                                                                                                     pressive outcomes, and bring a sense of purpose to
                                                                                                                                     their work that allows them to make an impact in
                                                                                                                                     their communities.

                24 | CANADA’S TOP 40 UNDER 40
WANNA BET? - SPECIAL SECTION: CANADA'S TOP 40 UNDER 40 - Why betting is the next big business
                                                                                                                  TOP 40

                                                         food and connectivity to the land, and with that, the
CANDACE A. BORLAND                                       need to care for the earth and all of its inhabitants.
Partner, President ANOMALY INC.                          Candace is grateful for the privilege of family
                                                         support, access to education, and the wealth of
                                                         opportunity provided by virtue of growing up in
BIO: Candace Borland is a partner and president of       Canada. “There is only a small percentage of women
Anomaly Toronto, a progressive new-model market-         in the world, and in history, who have had the chance
ing agency. Since joining the agency at its founding     to pursue their career dream. It is what drives me to
in 2012, Candace has been instrumental in shaping        take things as far as I possibly can. The more women
the organization’s passionate entrepreneurial culture,   rise up in all facets of business and life, the more
diverse talent mix, and broad skillset. A socially       level the playing field will become.”
minded change agent in a leadership position typ-
ically held by men, Candace has a mission to inspire     BEST CAREER ADVICE: Don’t shy away from hard
and provide opportunities for other women. To help       work. Say yes to as many opportunities as possible,
fuel this mission she enacted WINN (Women in Need        especially early in your career. Use those opportun-
of Nothing), a confident, broad-shouldered program       ities to ambitiously build your experience, hone your
designed to bring professionals together across          skills and to stretch yourself out of your comfort
industries. The empowerment and influence of             zone. Don’t view it as ‘overtime’ but as additional
Anomaly’s now various culture, diversity and equity      years on your résumé.
initiatives permeates the organization to educate
and create empathy and awareness throughout the          IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
company, resulting in progressive, breakthrough          At Anomaly we creatively solve business problems.
ideas and successful business solutions for clients.     If I wasn’t leading a creative company, I would apply
In addition to her role with Anomaly, Candace is         creative problem-solving to another industry I’m
active in her family business, a renowned livestock      passionate about, such as agriculture (livestock
and genetics company. Its newest venture is Rapid        genetics and ethical food) or perhaps non-profit/
Bay Akaushi – a fullblood Japanese Wagyu business        for-purpose (specifically access to education and
focused on, and advocating for, premium ethically        freedoms for women and girls).
raised beef. Growing up in rural Québec gave Candace
a keen sense of community and the importance of
serving others. With that came strong principles,
integrity and the absolute value of hard work. A life
in agriculture has emphasized the importance of

                                Candace Borland
                                   RTNNEERR | | PPRRES
                                                    ESI IDDEENNTT | | AANNOOM

                                                                       CANADA’S TOP 40 UNDER 40 | 25
TOP 40

                2021 HOUNOUREES

                                          DR. JEAN-PHILIPPE                                          YASH KARIA                                                 MICHAEL
                                          JULIEN                                                     President & CEO                                            LADHA
                                          Senior Scientist, Molecular                                AGROCROP EXPORTS LTD                                       Vice-President,
                                          Medicine Program                                                                                                      Chief Legal Officer &
                                          THE HOSPITAL FOR SICK                                                                                                 Corporate Secretary
                                          CHILDREN                                                                                                              NEWFOUNDLAND AND
                                                                                                                                                                LABRADOR HYDRO

                BIO: As a SickKids senior scientist and associate          BIO: As a new immigrant, Yash started the trading          BIO: Michael is vice-president, chief legal officer &
                professor at the University of Toronto, Jean-Philippe      company in 2002 which has now grown to occupy              corporate secretary for Newfoundland and Labrador
                is leading novel research on the molecular charac-         a purpose-built 110,000 sq-ft packaging facility           Hydro, a Crown-owned utility that is responsible for
                terization of immunity. His team studies the inter-        in Bolton that processes beans, lentils and grains         generation, transmission, and distribution of electri-
                actions between antibodies and antigens, providing         for major retailers in North America. The success          city in the province of Newfoundland and Labrador.
                the blueprints for the design of next-generation           of the business is grounded in supply chain and            He is responsible for oversight of the company’s legal,
                therapeutics and vaccines that harness the power           relationship management with key global suppliers.         governance and commercial matters. Michael is a
                of antibodies. Jean-Philippe is the Canada Research        Agrocrop is now entering its next phase of expan-          strong advocate for advancing issues of diversity,
                chair in structural immunology, a CIFAR Azrieli global     sion by putting together a five-year strategic growth      equity and inclusion through his governance work.
                scholar, and chair of the scientific advisory board of     plan, adding 75,000 sq ft, adding new categories           He was the recipient of the Canadian Corporate
                emerging biotech company Radiant Biotherapeutics.          and leveraging its strong customer relationships           Counsel Association’s Up and Comer Award for 2020.
                                                                           within North America.
                IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:                                                                              IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                Engineering. And if I could pick a different era too, it   BEST CAREER ADVICE: Make your goals first and              Physician following in my parents’ footsteps.
                would be during the Renaissance. When a series of          then just focus on achieving it. Dont look left or right
                inventions and novel technologies transformed the          and just focus on the goal.                                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                views of society and what it could achieve.                                                                           A wide variety of leadership experience in many
                                                                           IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:                   aspects of life. Success in your chosen career is only
                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?                 Be an entrepreneur in another field like real estate.      part of the equation. Also, the ability to celebrate
                An unwavering commitment towards a cause,                                                                             your own successes to get recognized.
                passion, dedication, hard work and a drive to succeed.     WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                                                           Focus, Patience, Determination, Ambition, Risk
                                                                           Taker, Self-motivated and work on greater good &
                                                                           win-win for all.

                                          ISAAC                                                      LEON NG                                                    JESSICA
                                          LANGLEBEN                                                  Founder & CEO                                              NORDLANDER
                                          CEO & Co-Founder                                           LNG STUDIOS                                                Chief Operating Officer
                                          OPEN FARM                                                                                                             THOUGHTEXCHANGE

                BIO: Isaac is the CEO and co-founder of Open Farm,         BIO: Leon is an innovative business leader and entre-      BIO: Jessica, COO of one of Canada’s fastest-grow-
                a premium pet food brand on a mission to deliver           preneur in the proptech industry, championing a            ing SaaS companies, ThoughtExchange, delivered
                exceptional pet nutrition while driving a positive         synergetic group of companies focusing on creative         1,281 per cent revenue growth over the last five
                impact on animals and the planet. Isaac leads Open         media, real estate visualization, and emerging tech-       years and 600 per cent usage growth in the first
                Farm’s team across Canada and the U.S. in bringing         nology. Leon has a background in broadcasting and          three months since the pandemic started. Prior to
                innovative, healthy products to pets through over          film and is a strong supporter of minority representa-     ThoughtExchange, Jessica held leadership roles at
                6,000 pet stores & online. A serial entrepreneur,          tion in cinema. Leon is a strong community leader,         Meltwater and Google and was named Sweden’s
                Isaac has also co-founded two other pet product            sitting on several boards such as St Paul’s Foundation     Most Innovative Leader. She is a renowned thought
                companies – Canada Pooch, a leading pet accessor-          Future Leaders, S.U.C.C.E.S.S Foundation, and the          leader, speaker and contributor for outlets like Forbes
                ies company, and Diggs, an innovative pet supplies         Heart & Stroke Foundation.                                 and Inc. - focusing on the future of work, leadership
                company.                                                                                                              and corporate innovation.
                                                                           WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?                 To be one of Canada’s Top 40 under 40, you need            IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                The key characteristics that stand out to me would         to have balance. It’s not just about your career and       Given my lifelong commitment to learning and
                be vision, ambition, persistence, and desire to have       how successful it is, it’s also about how you give         role as a guest lecturer at Columbia University and
                meaningful impact, whether through business,               back to your community. I think these goals make           McMaster University, I would enjoy dedicating my
                science, technology or social organizations.               the other feel more successful.                            life to academic research, probably in the field of
                                                                                                                                      leadership paradigms, management practices or
                                                                                                                                      digital workplaces.

                26 | CANADA’S TOP 40 UNDER 40
                                                                                                                                                                                   TOP 40

                                                                                                                        acknowledges that it is often difficult to look at one’s
                                                             JONATHAN DAVEY                                             own mistakes, yet it is a key to adapting, demonstrat-
                                                             Vice President, Indigenous Financial Services              ing accountability, and building trust and confidence
                                                             SCOTIABANK                                                 with colleagues and clients. His ultimate goal is to
                                                                                                                        fulfill a deep-felt responsibility to make the Indigen-
                                                             BIO: Jon Davey is of mixed Haudenosaunee and               ous community stronger through positive actions
                                                              non-Indigenous descent. He shares his Lower Cayuga        that bring lasting impact.
                                                              heritage, Six Nations of the Grand River Territory,
                                                              with his father. Jon believes it is his responsibility,   BEST CAREER ADVICE: Before I started university,
                                                              as an Indigenous person, to make things better for        my dad told me that if I had something of substance
                                                              the current and subsequent generations in his com-        to say I would always have an audience willing to
                                                              munity. Jon received a law degree from Osgoode Hall       listen. It was his way of encouraging me to work
                                                              Law School and spent 10 years as a crown counsel          hard in school, but I see it being just as applicable
                                                              with the Department of Justice Canada. During that        to my career.
                                                              time, he worked extensively on matters involving the
                                                              Indian residential school settlement agreement as         IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                                                              well as land management on reserve. He was subse-         Without a doubt I would have been a regular force
                                                              quently appointed as special advisor and counsel to       officer in the Canadian Armed Forces had I not at-
                                                              the assistant deputy minister of Aboriginal Affairs.      tended law school. It’s a vocation that brings togeth-
                                                              Four years ago, Jon made a radical career move            er diverse groups of people toward a common goal
                                                              when he joined Scotiabank. In his current role he is      while demanding accountability. I find that very
                                                              developing the bank’s Indigenous market through           appealing.
                                                              community and business partnerships. Jon believes
                                                              the synergy between his former and current career         WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                                              paths enables him to bring his vast experience of         A sense of humility along with respect for those who
                                                              Indigenous law to bear as he works to improve             came before you and a commitment to making things
     Scotiabank     Lighthouse,100
                                                th Floor, Toronto ON, M5C 2W1
                                                   Floor, Toronto
                                                              the ON,   M5C 2W1
                                                                   financial  well-being of Indigenous commun-          better for those who come after you.
     File:  CBBFPFPADAD4040Under
                                                               E       Workfront#:
                                                                     businesses      1960404
                                                                                  and individuals today and into the
     Trim:   8.375”xx5.22”
                       5.22”       Colours:CMYK
                                  Colours:  CMYK              future.Insertion:
                                                                      Jon  is also a captain in the Canadian Armed
              0.125”                                          Forces (Primary     Reserve)
                                                                       Deadline:JanJan27,    and holds the appoint-
     Bleed:                                                           Deadline:
                                                              ment of aide de camp to the lieutenant governor of
      Safety:  7.5” x 4.55”
     Safety: 7.5” x 4.55”                                     Ontario. Designer:
                                                                      Designer:    Vincenza      Prod:n/a
                                                                                 Vincenzahas taught
                                                                        Being a reservist              n/aleadership,
                                                              as well as the value of failure and self-reflection. He

                                                                        Top 40
                                                                        Top  40 in
                                                                                 in Canada
                                                                        for outstanding
                                                                        for outstanding
                                                                        business leadership.
                                                                        business   leadership.
                                                                        Scotiabank  congratulatesJonathan
                                                                        named   oneof

                                                                        We’d   liketo
                                                                        leadership    indelivering
                                                                        driving   economicprosperity
                                                                        communities      andpeoples
                                                                        team      veryproud

                                                                                                                                      CANADA’S TOP 40 UNDER 40 | 27
TOP 40

                2021 HOUNOUREES

                                          LEKAN                                                      TERESA                                                     SALIMA
                                          OLAWOYE                                                    PURZNER                                                    REMTULLA
                                          Founder & CEO                                              Neurosurgeon /                                             VP, Operations &
                                          BLACK PROFESSIONALS                                        Scientist / Entrepreneur                                   Corporate Strategy
                                          IN TECH NETWORK INC.                                       QUEEN’S UNIVERSITY /                                       LEITH WHEELER
                                                                                                     CEREBELLY                                                  INVESTMENT COUNSEL,

                BIO: As a consummate business professional, Lekan         BIO: Teresa is a neurosurgeon, scientist, entrepre-          BIO: Salima is a finance executive with international
                intentionally honed his expertise in his roles spanning   neur, and mom of three. While pursuing her PhD at            experience directing strategy and building high-
                from local non-profit organizations to government         Stanford, she employed a multidisciplinary approach          performance teams. As VP, operations & corporate
                advisory boards to corporate executive boardrooms.        to identify a novel drug target in medulloblastoma,          strategy, she drives organization change at Leith
                As lead executive, talent development at the MaRS         the most common pediatric brain tumor. She went on           Wheeler Investment Counsel Ltd. Previously, she
                District, Lekan helped ensure talent had the skills and   to repurpose a drug based on her work and launched           was COO, global private investing at D. E. Shaw &
                adaptability needed to thrive in modern work environ-     a multi-institutional first-in-child trial for the manage-   Co., L.P., a New York-based hedge fund. Salima is a
                ments. Throughout these roles, Lekan has earned           ment of medulloblastoma in collaboration with the            graduate of Yale University and a Palmer Scholar of
                a reputation for effective leadership and peerless        PBTC. She also co-founded Cerebelly, veggie-first            the Wharton School of Business. She is chair of the
                vision, resulting in industry awards and accolades.       baby food that provides 16 brain-supporting nutri-           Vancouver Hospice Society, and a director of both
                                                                          ents. Cerebelly is the first shelf stable baby food to       LIFT Impact Partners and the BC Business Council.
                BEST CAREER ADVICE: Show up every day. Be con-            earn the Project Purity Award.
                sistent. Be better than yourself every day, don’t                                                                      BEST CAREER ADVICE: Career is not the only thing
                compare yourself to others. Fail fast and fail forward    IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:                     that defines you. Do more - for yourself, for your
                (act quickly, learn, then act again.                      An astronaut. It has the right balance of thoughtful-        family, and in the service of others. Indeed, it has
                                                                          ness and adventure and becoming an interplanetary            been through many of the things I’ve done outside
                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?                species seems within reach.                                  of work that I’ve developed my EQ, honed leadership
                Being comfortable being different. It’s boring to want                                                                 skills, and had the most impact.
                to be like everyone else! Wanting to make an impact
                and be unapologetic in that pursuit.

                                          TYLER ROBSON                                               ADAM SEGAL                                                 SONIA SENNIK
                                          Chief Executive Officer,                                   Chief Executive Officer                                    Executive Director, Creative
                                          Co-Founder & Chairman                                      STORK CRAFT                                                Destruction Lab
                                          THE VALENS COMPANY                                         MANUFACTURING INC.                                         ROTMAN SCHOOL OF
                                                                                                                                                                MANAGEMENT AT
                                                                                                                                                                THE UNIVERSITY OF

                BIO: Tyler built Valens from the ground up. Under his     BIO: Adam leads the diverse, multinational, and              BIO: Sonia leads CDL’s strategy, operations and
                leadership, Valens has become the largest third-party     growing team at Storkcraft – one of the fastest-grow-        programs across 10 sites at University of Toronto,
                cannabis consumer packaged goods manufacturer             ing juvenile furniture companies in North America.           Oxford, Washington, Calgary, UBC, HEC Montréal,
                in Canada and a leading innovator in the world of         Assuming the role of president and CEO in 2017,              HEC Paris, UW-Madison, Dalhousie and Georgia
                cannabis. Tyler has expertise in plant genetics and       Adam put in place Storkcraft’s first-ever design and         Tech. Sonia is also Executive Director of CDL Rapid
                extraction, with a drive to advance the medical           innovation teams, invested in building best-in-class         Screening Consortium, a non-profit that delivers a
                cannabinoids industry. He was listed in the Inter-        customer care and operations teams, and opened               free program to launch COVID-19 rapid screening
                national Forum on Advancements in Healthcare’s Top        multiple strategic distribution centres across North         in workplaces and schools across Canada. In 2020
                100 Leaders in Healthcare in 2019, and later in the       America. Adam currently resides in Vancouver, B.C.           they founded the Sonia Sennik Resilience Fund, the
                Kelowna Chamber of Commerce’s Top 40 Under 40.            with his wife, two daughters, and family dog.                largest multi-donor endowment in McMaster En-
                                                                                                                                       gineering history.
                WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?                BEST CAREER ADVICE: Things are never as bad
                Hunger, hard work, determination, as well as fore-        (or as good) as they seem. Sometimes the most                BEST CAREER ADVICE: Be loyal to yourself first - let
                sight and vision — these are core mindsets that           challenging situations can feel like an impossible           your intuition guide you as a leader.
                take you places. You can always learn certain skills,     hole to dig out of, but it’s important to keep things
                but you can’t teach mindset, it comes from within.        in perspective and try not to overreact or panic.            IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                                                                          When times are good, don’t get overconfident and             Announcer at the 2010 Winter Olympics in
                                                                          remember to check your blind spots.                          Vancouver. I understand that this would require a
                                                                                                                                       time machine.

                                                                                                                                       WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                                                                                                                       The self-awareness to learn from your failures, a
                                                                                                                                       drive to continuously improve the world around you,
                                                                                                                                       and an understanding of the responsibility you have
                                                                                                                                       to your community.

                28 | CANADA’S TOP 40 UNDER 40
                                                                                                                                                                                             TOP 40
                                                                                                                                                                                        C A N UA DA’
                                                                                                                                                                                                 N DSE R
                                                                                                                                                                                        T O P 44 00

                                                                                                                      When the energy market struggled, SAF shifted
                                              RYAN DUNFIELD                                                           their investment
                                                                                                                     When     the energy focus
                                                                                                                                            marketto struggled,
                                                                                                                                                      other sectors;SAF and     when
                                              CEO    DUNFIELD
                                                  & Managing Principal                                                banks
                                                                                                                     their     and otherfocus
                                                                                                                           investment      financial  firmssectors;
                                                                                                                                                 to other     were shrinking,
                                                                                                                                                                      and whenhe
                                                   & Managing Principal                                               went out
                                                                                                                     banks   andof  his way
                                                                                                                                  other       to acquire
                                                                                                                                         financial  firms the
                                                                                                                                                            werebest  talent inhethe
                                               SAF GROUP                                                              industry.
                                                                                                                     went        Inhis
                                                                                                                            out of  keeping
                                                                                                                                       way towith   his passion
                                                                                                                                                acquire   the bestfor  supporting
                                                                                                                                                                    talent   in the
                                                                                                                      local economies,
                                                                                                                     industry.  In keepinghe   hashis
                                                                                                                                             with   also   served
                                                                                                                                                       passion   foron  the boards
                                              BIO: Ryan Dunfield has never let his age stand in                       of several
                                                                                                                     local         publiche
                                                                                                                           economies,      and  private
                                                                                                                                              has         entities.
                                                                                                                                                  also served    on the boards
                                                BIO:wayRyan of Dunfield
                                                                opportunity.      The CEO
                                                                          has never           and
                                                                                        let his  agemanaging
                                                                                                      stand in       of several public and private entities.
                                                the wayofofSAF       Group in Calgary
                                                                 opportunity.     The CEO was   only
                                                                                              and     29 when
                                                                                                    managing          BEST CAREER ADVICE: I’ve been blessed to work
                                                                SAF Group hisinevenings
                                                                                 Calgary was    only 29
                                                                                           devising    thewhen
                                                                                                             plan    BEST   CAREER
                                                                                                                      with serial      ADVICE: I’ve
                                                                                                                                   entrepreneurs     andbeen   blessed
                                                                                                                                                           their attitude to of
                                              for   started
                                                                     which hisheevenings   devising
                                                                                  co-founded          theSince
                                                                                                in 2013.    plan     with
                                                                                                                      not?’serial entrepreneurs
                                                                                                                             has stuck  with me. and     their attitude
                                                                                                                                                    No matter              of ‘why
                                                                                                                                                                 how challenging
                                                for the
                                              then,   thecompany
                                                           investment which   he co-founded
                                                                          management       firminhas
                                                                                                  2013.    Since
                                                                                                      deployed       not?’ has stuck with
                                                                                                                      or off-the-wall        me. No may
                                                                                                                                        a venture     matter   how challenging
                                                                                                                                                             appear,   a ‘why not’
                                              just     the investment
                                                     under                management
                                                              $4 billion in  financings andfirmemploys
                                                                                                 has deployed
                                                                                                            over     or off-the-wall
                                                                                                                      mindset   ensuresa venture    mayslip
                                                                                                                                          no big ideas     appear,  a ‘why
                                                                                                                                                              through          not’
                                                                                                                                                                        the cracks.
                                                      under   $4 billion
                                                            Today,   SAF in
                                                                          is financings    and employs
                                                                              a leading alternative         over
                                                                                                         capital     mindset ensures no big ideas slip through the cracks.
                                                40 staff.boasting
                                              provider,      Today, SAF    is a leading
                                                                        a solid           alternative
                                                                                  track record          capital
                                                                                                  of investing        WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                              inprovider,    boasting with
                                                  and partnering        a solid   track record
                                                                                world-class       of investing
                                                                                               businesses       to   WHAT    DOES IT for
                                                                                                                      No substitute    TAKE    TOwork.
                                                                                                                                            hard  BE A TOP     40 HONOUREE?
                                                                                                                                                          Risk-taking    is a must.
                                                in and partnering
                                              support      their capitalwith    world-class
                                                                            structure    needs businesses
                                                                                                  and growth   to    No substitute for hard work. Risk-taking is a must.
                                                support their
                                              initiatives.         capital
                                                               During   his structure
                                                                              first yearneeds
                                                                                          of hisand     growth
                                                                                                   Economics          IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                                              degree    at theDuring     his first
                                                                 University          year ofhe
                                                                               of Calgary,    hisworked
                                                                                                           even-     IF I HADchef….
                                                                                                                      Easy     CHOSEN   A DIFFERENT CAREERmore
                                                                                                                                    or trainspotter…perhaps PATH:
                                                                                                                                                               of a
                                              ings       at theFinancial
                                                      at ATB      UniversityinofaCalgary,
                                                                                   customer he worked
                                                                                                            role.    Easy
                                                                                                                              but I’dorlike
                                                                                                                                         trainspotter…perhaps   more
                                                                                                                                             to think I could find    of ato
                                                                                                                                                                   a way
                                                ings at
                                              There    heATB
                                                           was Financial
                                                                  attracted into acapital
                                                                                   customer     support
                                                                                          markets,    and role.
                                                                                                            after    hobby,  but I’d like to think I could find a way to
                                                                                                                      get paid.
                                                There he was
                                              successive          attracted
                                                               roles  made to  hiscapital
                                                                                   way to markets,
                                                                                             working andin after
                                                                                                            their    get paid.
                                                successive roles made his way to working in their
                                              energy banking group Ryan reached a turning point
                                                energy banking group Ryan reached a turning point
                                              at 25 when he joined Sam Belzberg’s Second City
                                                at 25 when he joined Sam Belzberg’s Second City
                                              Capital Partners private equity group. In a bold move
                                                Capital Partners private equity group. In a bold move
                                              on Belzberg’s part, he was given autonomy for his
                                                on Belzberg’s part, he was given autonomy for his
                                              decisions despite his youth — a lesson that helped
                                                decisions despite his youth — a lesson that helped
                                                catapulthis hiscareer
                                                                 career moving
                                                                         moving forward.
                                                                                    forward. HeHe later
                                                                                                   later joined
                                              aahedge    fund    before  founding     SAF. For  Ryan,
                                                  hedge fund before founding SAF. For Ryan, success    success
                                                   about seizing
                                                             seizing the
                                                                       the opportunity
                                                                            opportunity of  of the
                                                                                                the moment,
                                                regardless of  of your
                                                                   your experience
                                                                         experience or   or age,
                                                                                            age, and
                                                                                                   and having
                                                      confidence to   to change
                                                                         change course        when needed.
                                                                                     course when       needed.

SAF  Group is
            is aa
leading  alternative
capital provider to
"As anan  alternativeinvestment
        alternative    investmentfirm
                                                 capital to
  businesses experiencing growth, transition, undertaking
businesses experiencing growth, transition, undertaking
  acquisitions, or that don’t always fit the typical mold of
acquisitions, or that don’t always fit the typical mold of
  traditional financings"
traditional financings"
  Ryan Dunfield, CEO
Ryan Dunfield, CEO

TOP 40

                2021 HOUNOUREES

                                          CAROLYN                                                    ANGELA                                                     AMELIA
                                          STEWART                                                    THOMPSON                                                   WARREN
                                          Executive Director                                         Vice-President, Project                                    Chief Executive Officer
                                          FEED ONTARIO                                               Services & Director,                                       EPICURE
                                                                                                     Environmental Services
                                                                                                     FLINT, A DIVISION OF

                BIO: Carolyn is the executive director at Feed Ontario,    BIO: Angela serves as VP, project services & director,     BIO: Amelia Warren is the CEO of Epicure. Since
                where she has served the organization in various           environmental services at ClearStream. She is ac-          becoming CEO in 2009 and launching the global
                roles for over a decade, taking on the role of executive   countable for project delivery as it pertains to project   Good Food. Real Fast. movement in 2014, her leader-
                director in 2016. She has led the organization through     controls, estimating, supply chain management, real        ship has secured Epicure’s position as one of the
                rebranding, expansion of programs, growth in advo-         estate, field administration, and operational oversight    fastest-growing direct sales companies in North
                cacy/research, and most recently, their COVID-19           for the Flint Environmental Services division. Angela      America. Amelia’s mission is to better the lives of
                pandemic response/recovery. Carolyn is a University        holds a Bachelor of Management from the University         20 million families with healthy 20-minute meal
                of Guelph graduate who is passionate about food            of Lethbridge. In 2020, she was recognized as One          solutions. Through her focus on product innovation
                security, social justice and Feed Ontario’s vision of      of Canada’s Most Powerful Women and she sits on            and a dedicated community of ambassadors, Epicure
                ending hunger and poverty.                                 the Board of Directors for KidSport Calgary.               has grown into a nine-figure company.

                BEST CAREER ADVICE: The best career advice I’ve            BEST CAREER ADVICE: The best career advice I have          BEST CAREER ADVICE: Just keep going; we often
                ever received is two-fold: always lead with character      ever been given is confidence in the memory of past        give up right before we succeed. It is the tenacious
                and integrity and make decisions with your people          success. There are going to be trials and tribulations     that win.
                in mind - you are not succeeding as a leader unless        that you face in your career, it is important that you
                each member of your team is succeeding, too.               remember what got you to where you are. You must           IF I HAD CHOSEN A DIFFERENT CAREER PATH:
                                                                           have an unwavering belief in yourself.                     With my first job being in the non-profit world, it’s
                                                                                                                                      definitely where I’d be — had I taken a different path.
                                                                           WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                                                           The key attributes that it takes to be Top 40 is the       WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                                                                           ability to see what’s not in front of you in any situa-    Hard work, grit, humour, and a bit of luck.
                                                                           tion, resiliency, and a passionate curiosity to know
                                                                           when to lean in.

                                          DR.                                                        MAAYAN ZIV                                                 DR. JENNIFER
                                          VIKRAMADITYA                                               Founder, CEO                                               ZWICKER
                                          G. YADAV                                                   ACCESSNOW                                                  Associate Professor &
                                          Associate Professor of                                                                                                Deputy Scientific Officer
                                          Chemical, Biological &                                                                                                UNIVERSITY OF
                                          Biomedical Engineering                                                                                                CALGARY, AND
                                          THE UNIVERSITY OF                                                                                                     KIDS BRAIN HEALTH
                                          BRITISH COLUMBIA                                                                                                      NETWORK

                BIO: Vikramaditya G. Yadav is an associate profes-         BIO: An entrepreneur and disability activist, Maayan       BIO: Jennifer is the director of health policy at the
                sor at the University of British Columbia, where he        launched AccessNow, a social enterprise that shares        School of Public Policy, associate professor in the
                directs the country’s premier program in sustainable       information about the accessibility of places world-       Faculty of Kinesiology, University of Calgary, and
                process engineering. Vikram is one of Canada’s top         wide. As CEO, she has created a powerful shift in          the deputy scientific officer for Kids Brain Health
                biotechnologists and has made notable contribu-            thinking about the importance of accessibility, from       Network. A Canada Research chair (II) in disability
                tions to research, education, commercialization            accessible technologies to infrastructure, public          policy for children and youth, her research assesses
                and regulation of synthetic biology. He also founded       policy, media and more. An internationally acclaimed       socioeconomic impact of interventions and informs
                Metabolik Technologies Inc., which was acquired            voice for the disability rights movement, Maayan’s         policy to improve access to and integration of ser-
                by Allonnia, a Bill Gates-backed company, and is           leadership has been recognized with many awards            vices for families (and care communities) of youth
                currently the chief executive officer of Tersa Earth,      including the Governor General Innovation Prize and        with disability.
                a mining biotechnology company.                            WXN’s Top 100 Most Powerful Women.
                                                                                                                                      WHAT DOES IT TAKE TO BE A TOP 40 HONOUREE?
                BEST CAREER ADVICE: Charles Darwin was a genius.           BEST CAREER ADVICE: Everything is temporary.               Being comfortable with the uncomfortable and
                However, I was instructed by my parents to never           Whenever I’m facing a bump in the road, I like to          embracing uncertainty — it opens a door to the
                take him seriously when thinking about my career.          remind myself that change will come. This advice           unknown, and only by exploring the unknown can
                Fine-tuning one’s self to do what everyone does,           always helps me navigate difficult times and also          you be constantly learning and growing in life.
                just better, merely makes you a metronome. There is        pushes me to really savour the wins that come
                greater satisfaction in blazing new trails and solving     along too.
                problems unconventionally. Embrace originalism.

                30 | CANADA’S TOP 40 UNDER 40
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