KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand

Page created by Esther Morrison
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand

Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Kawau Island Kookaburra
        “To publish the Kawau Island Kookaburra as a means of communication
          and as an outlet for news and articles written by interested persons”
            Kawau Island Residents & Ratepayers Association Rule 3(g)

                       Correspondence and contributions to:
                  Michael Marris: editor@kirra.org.nz 021 739 973

                          Advertising managed by:
               Jude Wood: advertising@kirra.org.nz 021 529 633

                         KIRRA membership is invited:
         Contact Nikki Porteous: secretary@kirra.org.nz 021 0270 8953

           Membership includes four issues of Kookaburra each year
          Check out our Kawau Island website: www.kawauisland.org

                          KIRRA EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
                                      2019 - 2020
     Chairman: Andrew Fyfe                                         021 622 231
     Secretary: Nikki Porteous                                  021 027 08953
     Treasurer: Sally Ostick                                      021 223 4268

     Gael Archer                                                  021 052 9002
     Colin Bright                                                  09 524 6189
     Peter Buckton                                                    422 3520
     Pam Dallow                                                       444 3378
     Shelley Futcher                                              021 231 1372
     Lin Pardey                                                    09 422 8997
     Sally Ostick                                                 021 223 4268
     Carl Weaver                                                 0274 572 640
     Mandy Weaver                                                021 273 9479
     Jude Wood                                                     021 529 633

KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                            1
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Contents                                                                            Comment
Cover Photos: Patria Hume; The Two Jens                                                                                                                            Michael Marris
                                                                                    The somewhat gloomy countenance of this            2011 seeking recognition of protected custom-
Comment                            3   Teaching on Kawau 1952-53              44    winter is yielding to the fresh face of spring.    ary rights, and customary marine title. There is
                                                                                    That is not to suggest we will be immune from      more of that later in this issue. It is a matter of
   Michael Marris                          Margaret Clement
                                                                                    the expectable equinox tempests. It is equally     vital importance to us all with potentially pro-
Letter To The Editor               4   Kawau Research Programme               50    expectable that Kookaburra in this annual          found implications.
     Peter Newson                          James Kim                                “coming out of the dark days” issue can look a
                                                                                    little like a tree with new growth appearing but   Importantly however, our Kawau history is
Vivian Bay News                    6   LegaSea                                52                                                       expressed in many ways – the written first
                                                                                    not yet in full-blown. Such as a natural reflec-
     Fay Richardson & Lyn Hume             Scott Macindoe                                                                              person experiences of early Kawau Island set-
                                                                                    tion of winter hibernation!
North Cove News                    8   Poem: The Shout Out                    54                                                       tlers, Māori oral history over several centuries
    Ross West                              Lois H. Hunter                           However, there is a silver lining for this gives   and colonial oral history that has been passed
                                                                                    opportunity for us, as a community deeply          down and recorded over the past 180 years, ac-
South Cove News                   12   Bookworms                              56    rooted in our Island world, to refresh ourselves   counts of explorers and visitors, photographs,
    Andrew Stone                           Lyn Hume                                 about how Kawau has come to be the way it          newspaper articles and the physical evidence
Camp Bentzon Report               14   Park Notes                             58    is, and the roles of so many people before us      of buildings and structures. These all provide a
   Peter & Erin Hyde                        Sue Stoddard                            who have both worked on and trodden our            compendium of our world as it once was.
                                                                                    landscape. A history defines our present – the
Report:Takutai Moana Act          18   A Fairytale Wedding                    60    history itself is a contentious matter most fre-   The real task will be how they are distilled into
    Colin Bright                           Michael Marris                           quently viewed through sometimes narrow            some meaningful and coherent form. This is
Afloat Around Kawau               24                                                lenses of individual experiences.                  not only for children to absorb and appreciate
                                       Poem: Brexit                           62
                                                                                                                                       within their educational system, but also that
     Lin Pardey                            Peter Newson
                                                                                    It is fitting that this government is now en-      our society is confident of a narrative that pro-
Escaping Winter                   26   Sandspit Rubbish Facility              64    suring that a knowledge of our New Zealand         vides a balanced and equitable account of our
    Kawau Girl                             Beth Houlbrooke, Chair RLB               history will be compulsory in all schools from     past.
                                                                                    2022. What is less certain is what shape that
The Beach House                   28   Local Body Elections                   64                                                       This spring issue showcases the magnificent
                                                                                    history will take. Whilst there are often clear
    Annika & Brett                          KIRRA Message                                                                              writings of Margaret Clement of her days as
                                                                                    factual outcomes of historical events that can
Pohutukawa Trust                  30   Solar Options                          66    be and are well documented, their underly-         a teacher in the 1950s at Schoolhouse Bay.
    Thomas Weaver                           Tim Dudek                               ing dynamics are often far less clear and open     These are delightful and informative accounts
                                                                                    to a wide spectrum of interpretation. New          of Kawau Island life of that era. Margaret was
Kawau Boating Club                35   Music in the Gardens                   67                                                       a beautiful young teacher who has over the
                                                                                    Zealand’s next generation of children will be
    Robyn and David Lee                    Fay Richatrdson                                                                             decades has carried with her that grace and
                                                                                    dependent upon a balanced and carefully ex-
Fire Team                         36   Mt Taylor and Swansea Bay              68    plained account of our history, both precolo-      beauty. Her recent Kawau pilgrimage with her
     Sophie Wells                          the late Ray Weaver                      nial and postcolonial. There will be inevitable    three (very adult) children was, from accounts,
                                                                                    tensions.                                          a wonderful trip into nostalgia.
KBC New Pontoon!                  38   Road Toll & Drugs                      70
   KBC Newsletter                          Peter Newson                             We, of Kawau Island lineage (societal if not       It has been my editorial policy for the past dec-
Sandspit Wharf                    43                                                genetic), are embedded in our own history.         ade to regularly present to readers recorded
                                       KIRRA Exectutive Minutes               72
                                                                                    This is a history very much in focus at the mo-    items from our Kawau Island past, in my belief
    Auckland Transport briefing            Nikki Porteous, Secretary
                                                                                    ment because of the claims lodged under the        that we each have a responsibility to be mind-
                                                                                    Coastal and Marine Area (Takutai Moana) Act                                     Continued on page 4

2                                                          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                             3
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Letter To The Editor
                                                                                Peter Newson
The new “Venture Capital Fund”.                      were successful and it could be said that much
                                                     of the super $300 million from OUR current
The government has raided the Superannua-            super fund is likely to suffer the same fate. Our
tion Fund to create a $300 million Venture           new Coalition Government, short of skills and
Capital Fund. The funds in the super fund ac-        experience, has appropriated $300 million
count should be sacrosanct and only be drawn         from the nation’s super funds with no guaran-
down on for the purpose it was created for. The      tee or schedule of repayment.
word “Venture” should be changed to “RISK”
Capital Fund and if is anything like PM Mul-         We have all heard rumours that it won’t be
doon’s Think Big projects which were funded          long before the golden eagle cannot find the
by complete confiscation of all the funds in         necessary to meet the Government’s superan-
the then National Superannuation Scheme,             nuitants’ sacred obligations. A small or large
this took 7.5 % of all the wages and salaries by     saving could be made if our current and previ-
NZ Inland Revenue when taxed and put into            ous Members of Parliament could also become
an individual’s named account with their tax         Universal Superannuitants and accept the
number.                                              same superannuation and become real New
                                                     Zealanders at last.
I started paying in 1955 and then it disap-
peared about 1983, 28 years later! We were all       I firmly believe they are contravening the
promised a Universal Superannuation Scheme           terms and conditions put in place by the Mul-
and I presume that is where the $300 million         doon Government by accepting an exclusive
came from. Not all of the Think Big projects         and undemocratic superannuation payment.

Comment Continued from page 3                        implications for all of us who are residents and
ful of how we have all come to be here. Whilst       rate-payers of Kawau Island. Colin believes it
we may claim rights of ownership, these come         is now on a fast-moving pathway that will im-
with the responsibility of good citizenship.         pact ultimately on all of us who value the use
Tensions at this interface can be easily mobi-       of jetties, seawalls, moorings and other Coastal
                                                     Marine Area resource consent activities. There
lised, and at present some are.
                                                     may be a wider implication than this.                                        •   Marine construction
There are presently challenging issues, also                                                                                      •   Wharfs/Jettys/Pontoons/Gangways
                                                     You are strongly encouraged to carefully read
focused on history, that confront our Island                                                                                      •   New builds/Repairs/Refurbishment
                                                     this report. The outcome of the process will
community. Colin Bright has spearheaded an           affect all of us – perhaps in ways that we will                              •   Seawalls
intense investigative and protective process as      have to absorb some indignation and reframe                                  •   Boat Ramps/Boatlifters/Boat Sheds
the ever-increasing complexities of the Marine       some of our ideas around the rights of land                                  •   Consents/Engineering & Design
and Coastal Area (Takutai Moana) Act 2011            ownership.                                                                       available
unfold within the legal and po-litical systems.
His report on page 18 is critical: whilst this is-   I would suggest you read the “Critical Points”
sue is extremely complicated at one level, its in-   box first. That will provide a platform for con-
evitable outcome at another level has profound       sidering the more complex issues.

4                                                                        KOOKABURRA Spring 2019          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                           5
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Vivian Bay News                                                                                         After the long weeks of inclement weather,
                                                                                                        Dave asked me if I would like to go to Fiji for
                                                                                                                                                            they have managed to hatch chicks over the
                                                                                                                                                            previous years, they have unfortunately not
                                                                                                        some warmth and sunshine. What was a girl           managed to rear them to adulthood. Hope-
                                                          Fay Richardson & Lyn Hume
                                                                                                        to say!!                                            fully this year will be different but for this we
Fay writes:                                         write this - only for the very brave in this tem-                                                       need to ensure that dogs are kept strictly under
                                                                                                        After 48 years and a bigger budget than my last     control on the beach. Every year we remind
                                                    perature today.
It has been a very quiet winter in Vivian Bay                                                           trip, Fiji was everything the brochures claim. I    people that this is a mark of respect for our en-
this year, with The Beach House closed and          The weather has delayed my usual seed germi-        was in heaven, swimming, snorkelling, walks         vironment.
very few visitors to the baches.                    nation in my glasshouse but my top garden is        along deserted beaches, eating fresh fish and
                                                    still producing lots of potatoes, cabbage, broc-    salads grown locally, and we even swam with         We are also enjoying the sight and sound of
Karina and Luke are returning to Ireland as                                                             the manta rays. Our water taxi from Musket          two pairs of kiwi in our vicinity and we can’t
                                                    coli spinach, parsley, and a new crop of snow
their visa applications were denied, so once                                                            Cove marina to Beachcomber Island was a lo-         stress enough that their survival to a large de-
again we have new managers. Brett and An-                                                               cal long boat so luckily it was a calm 30-minute    gree depends on the sensibility of pet owners
nika have just arrived to take over the role and    We spent two days bucketing out the remains         trip.                                               to keep both dog and cat pets under control
we welcome them to our friendly shores.             of our top tank and after a clean, it is slowing                                                        and either inside or kenneled overnight. The
                                                                                                        Now I’m happily back in Vivian Bay with the
                                                    filling up...that is when the sun shines enough                                                         lives of other birds are also at risk and it is very
                                                                                                        fire keeping us warm and looking forward to
A farewell lunch was held at the Humes and          to pump up from our home tank with the so-                                                              distressing to find the remains of other birds
                                                                                                        another summer on our own Island.
we are all very sad to lose this lovely young       lar power, so that come summer we will have                                                             on our properties. Last summer we found
couple that embraced our Island life. Luke has      plenty of water for the garden as well as the       Lyn adds:                                           kereru, tui, wekas and fantails which had very
just gone for his last swim off the wharf while I   house.                                                                                                  obviously been killed and partially eaten. It is
                                                                                                        One of the beautiful aspects of this time of the    really great watching the birds on the Island
                                                                                                        year is the return of the pair of dotterels ready   and listening to their calls, particularly the tuis
                                                                                                        to build a nest on same spot on the foreshore       with their amazing mimicking and melodious
                                                                                                        again. It is fascinating to see that although       sounds.

6                                                                       KOOKABURRA Spring 2019          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                               7
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
ingly slow in a yacht. I incorrectly presumed     camping in Sandy Bay. Being an Olympic sail-
North Cove News                                                                                         Neville was a friend of Herbs, but it turns out
                                                                                                        Neville noticed the property while cruising in
                                                                                                                                                          or Jock favoured sail over engine, so it was a
                                                                                                                                                          trusty Laser that ferried the family back and
                                                                                    Ross West           the area and approached Herb. I think eve-        forth from Tawharanui Peninsula. After their
Two North Cove properties have changed              and husband, Tim. They were even married            ryone in North Cove hopes an arrangement          ‘wooden tent’ was built the Laser was used as a
hands since I last wrote this column. At the        on Kawau at The Beach House some 17 years           between the two can be reached and Neville        floating ute, sometimes towing an aluminium
head of Moana Creek and next door to Jill           ago. They take over the property in November        and his partner Wendy Steele become a regu-       dinghy to accommodate large items like a full-
Hetherington three lots, previously owned by        so will get to live out their dream this summer     lar part of the community. Incidentally Media     sized fridge. Jock says there were about three
Gordon Price and his late wife Laurel, have a       and gently melt into the community.                 Luna is the name of a move in Argentinian         crossings that should NOT have been done
new owner. Jill remembers Gordon and Lau-                                                               Tango which Neville was learning when look-       but they survived and did well over a hundred
rel celebrating Christmas on the Island in 1989     In the last issue I talked about Herb Fava’s        ing for a new name for his vessel!                trips from1987 to 2015. At the age of seventy
but after that their visits were infrequent and     property having some love put into it and can                                                         nine Jan said ‘enough is enough - in future we
Gordon hasn’t appeared for a good ten years.        now put a name to the face of the man doing         The neighbour to the east of me is the large      go by ferry’!
Gordon used to drive the ferry, and he dug a        all the work. Graphics designer Neville Eade        Bilger property that runs from the head of
channel through the mangroves to enable his         lives aboard his very large Warwick designed        Starboard over to the eastern coast of the Is-    The flora and fauna have always been impor-
launch to access on the tide. Of course, the        launch Media Luna now moored on Herb’s              land and up to Bon Accord Harbour. In 1947        tant to the family and as a young man Jock put
dwelling and property in general have suffered      pontoon and from this base he’s done a mas-         Jock’s parents purchased what was advertised      a lot of time and money into possum eradi-
from years of neglect but Jill remembers it with    sive exterior clean up. All weeds, and there        as ‘a fifth of Kawau’, a thousand acres, for a    cation on their property. Without his work I
a fine orchard and beautiful garden all nestled     were many, have been removed and some 19            guinea an acre. The family enjoyed many years     doubt there’d be a pohutukawa left on the east-
in a sheltered valley with lots of sun. I haven’t   cubic metres of contractors’ left overs have        in the existing dwelling on Emu Point but as a    ern coastline. Jon, his wife Tracy and their two
met the new owner but I understand he has           gone to the mainland on Mark Phillips’ barge.       young man Jock discovered the eastern coast       daughters, Lucy and Stella, have picked up the
three teenage boys, so I’m sure they will have      Next is an interior clean. Neville is no stranger   and with wife Jan and young son Jon began                                 Continued on next page
it sorted in no time.                               to the Island having lived for five years in the
                                                    old Lees property adjacent to Camp Bentzon,
Anyone who’s visited Starboard Arm will know        which he sold to its present owner, Lloyd Lam-
the Pettit property with its substantial palm       berg, 25 years ago. Neville and his wife home-
plantings established by John and Shirley over      schooled their two girls, who were eleven and
their many years of ownership. I talked about       twelve when they first arrived here.
that legacy in a previous copy of the magazine
so now it’s time to introduce the new owners        Before Media Luna, Neville cruised the South
Caroline Boot and Tim Duffett and their sons,       Pacific for six winters in a Young 43, but
Tom and Chester. Caroline has a long connec-        changed to a launch after building a house in
tion with the Island going back to childhood so     Greenhithe where he found the trip from the
the purchase is part of a long-term plan for her    upper reaches of the harbour to sea frustrat-

8                                                                       KOOKABURRA Spring 2019          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                         9
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
batten with enthusiasm. I understand guests          path. It scuttled a short distance where it
realise early on that they’re there to participate   stopped with its head and upper body stuck
in weed and pest control. No ‘free lunch’ there!     between two saplings, playing dead, hoping I
                                                     would leave it alone which of course I did.
With the aid of a FWD Mule to move water,
                                                     A young couple who have been coming to the
Jon has sprayed a vast amount of pampas at the
                                                     Island on weed control and planting projects
head of Starboard Arm and is paying someone
                                                     for me have encountered kiwi every evening
to carry on with this work over a lot of their
                                                     they’ve gone looking.
property. Seeing a stoat run over their lawn
prompted Jon to invest in 25 Goodnature traps        I hear them every night and not far from my
which dispatch both rats and stoats.                 house. They’re slow breeders so the more we
                                                     can do to eradicate predators the better chance
He has counters on the devices and when last         we have of increasing their numbers. The old
checked had clocked up close to eighty hits.         days of dogs running free is thankfully no
Wekas remove the evidence. The three Bilger          longer tolerated.
generations are true kaitiaki of the land and a
great example to us all.                             I hope spring isn’t the bumpy ride a few fore-
                                                     casters are talking about and that summer is
Walking home one evening recently I came             full of sunny days with ten knots of wind and
across a kiwi wandering along my foreshore           25 millimetres of rain every Sunday night!

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10                                                                      KOOKABURRA Spring 2019         KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   11
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
South Cove News
                                                                              Andrew Stone
Do you ever feel you want to skip August and
jump from July to September and spring? If
there ever was a month to forget then August
would be my contender.

Maybe it reflects the lousy forecast - there was
not a single day when a front didn’t pass by,
throwing some bitter wind and chilly sharp
showers around.

Every year it seems the same. Winter bites
hard, the ground gets soft, colours leach from
the garden as temperatures slip down into sin-
gle figures. South Cove often seems deserted in    to lean and their condition deteriorated. It’s
August because its residents have pretty much      unlikely they were in imminent danger of top-
agreed to skip the month and go somewhere          pling but the odd big branch could have eas-
warm. Those who stay crank up their wood           ily snapped off in a big blow, given the trees
fires and hibernate.                               copped winds from most quarters.
One couple who own a quad added a cabin to         Jenny, one of our new residents, decided that it
the machine. They saw the lightweight frame at     was best to be safe rather than sore. For most
Fieldays and knew straightaway it would tick       of August machines worked on her property,
the boxes for the drive down the road to the       removing the old trees and slicing the logs so
jetty on a miserable winter’s day. With a little   they could go through a mulcher. Piles of fresh
adjustment it’s possible to get two squeezed       pine chips have been dumped outside places
under cover and out of the elements.               all over the Cove - a bit like gold dust really
                                                   because it’s so difficult to get that amount of
Did I say August was a beast? It was so bad
                                                   mulch across from the mainland.
one day that even Reuben’s water taxi couldn’t
berth. A nasty sou’west swell heaved by the        From some viewpoints, the ridge where the
wharf and the skipper felt it was too dangerous    trees grew is a wide-open space. There are still
to tie up. The passengers had to return to Bon     old stands of pines around the place, but the
Accord where they disembarked in relative          undergrowth around Knight Ridge should
tranquillity and got a lift overland.              respond to all the light that has suddenly ap-
                                                   peared. Especially now that August is behind
But even in this wretched month work has
gone on. A new build along Woods Ridge. The
biggest change in the bay has occurred at the
corner of Knight Ridge. A collection of pines
had stood on two corners of a T-intersection
for decades. As the trees aged, some started

12                                                                     KOOKABURRA Spring 2019         KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   13
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
Camp Bentzon Report
                                                                         Peter & Erin Hyde
Winter Maintenance
Camp Bentzon is transformed into a working
site for three-four weeks each year and jobs are
undertaken that cannot be done with children
around. This is always quite intense as there
are time constraints. We again this year had
the support of the local Warkworth Lions Club
and got some of those jobs done that needed
an empty Camp. Everyone pulls together in-
cluding contractors to meet our deadlines and
ensure that the Camp reopens in the last week                                                        snorkeling in Aka and staying with a family        North Cove, which Peter shared with them.
of August.                                                                                           there.                                             Erin enjoyed the experience too in her kayak
This year we achieved new stairs, a new confi-                                                                                                          - on one occasion they swam under her boat.
                                                                                                     Kokapu School                                      There were aproximately six orcas with two
dence course platform, reshaped road (thanks
Russell for all your time to achieve this), fire-                                                                                                       calves.
                                                                                                     This is quite a fun camp who have been here
wood, nicely pruned trees, retaining wall, and                                                       before. This year the school has grown so they     www.campbentzon.co.nz
painted top bunkroom doors.                                                                          only brought the five to eight-year-olds. It al-
John Hyde                                                                                            ways amazes me how this age bracket does so
                                                                                                     well. The children did the confidence course,
Sadly, we have lost Peter’s Dad, he passed away
                                                                                                     bivouac making, orienteering, kayaking, wharf
on 21st August. We are very grateful that he        ally miss him. The photo shows John ready to
passed quickly and that he had still been able                                                       jumping, Mansion House hike, sailing and so
                                                    work!                                            many other things. The photo shows them
to contribute to the community, which he so
enjoyed doing, planting trees at Shakespear         Our Japan Holiday                                with Peter, learning how to sail prior to ven-
Park only ten weeks previously, and still work-                                                      turing out on the water.
                                                    Peter and I have also headed to Japan for a
ing at the Hospice.
                                                    three-week break. We very much enjoyed this,     Orcas in the Cove
Camp Bentzon has also lost a volunteer. John        finding Japanese people to be helpful, polite
has done on average four weeks voluntary            and the country so litter and graffiti free. A   This weekend was a lot of fun with 60 children
work at the Camp each year, fixing trolleys,        rail pass proved a great way to travel with us   from Takuranga Playcentre. They got to en-
installing groynes, repairing arrows and at-        seeing parts of Tokyo, Kamakura, Nikko, Lake     joy an amazing experience of having orcas in
tending to a range of small timber jobs. This       Chuzenji, Takayama, Toyama, Shirakawa-
in turn has meant we have had the opportunity       go, Hiroshima, Kure, Miyajima, Osaka, Nara,
to share many aspects of Camp Bentzon with          Kyoto and then flying to Okinawa and then by
him, which we have appreciated. John was            ferry to Aka Island.
very passionate and supportive about what we
did at Camp Bentzon, which was a great thing        Highlights were having our first meal “local
to share with your Dad, and we will both re-        style”, Osaka Aquarium, scenery to Takayama,

14                                                                      KOOKABURRA Spring 2019       KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                       15
KOOKABURRA Magazine of Kawau Island New Zealand
                                                                                              Welcome to our Spring issue and we are so happy to say hello to three new
                                                                                              advertisers. Alphabetically (no favouritism here) they are Pontoonz, Solarcraft
                                                                                              DQG7KH*R7R*X\ H[SODLQHGEHORZ 

                                                                                              forms (love the play on pontoon and nz). He has already done some work on
                                                                                              the island, in particular with the Beach House, now sporting one of Al’s models.

                                                                                              Solarcraft have also made an impression on the island as you can see by the
                                                                                              glowing reference supplied at the bottom of their advertisement. Their busi-

Is It Summer Yet.........p
please, pretty please ?

             From Top Left to Right
             New Beach House degustation dessert (Annika & Brett)
             $QHZPRWRULVOLIWHGLQWRExplorer (The Two Jens)
             Foggy morning in Bon Accord (Peter Morton)
             :DWHUH[SORUDULRQLQ6WDUERDUG$UP(Grant Whitehouse)
Report:Takutai Moana Act                                                                                          This report by Colin Bright on behalf of the KIRRA subcommittee is
                                                                                                                  detailed. We urge all Kawau Islanders to read it carefully. The outcome
                                                                                     Colin Bright                 FRQVHTXHQFHVDUHOLNHO\WREHSURIRXQGDQGWRVLJQL¿FDQWO\LPSDFWRXU
TAKUTAI MOANA APPLICATIONS FOR RECOGNITION ORDERS                                                                 community.

THE IMPACT FOR KAWAU RESIDENTS AND RATEPAYERS COULD BE MAJOR                                                      Central Points
                                                                                                                  •   Impact for Kawau Islanders could be major
Almost beneath the radar, a number of ap-            Of those who have commenced proceedings
                                                                                                                  •   To date around 18 applicant groups are claiming coastal and foreshore
plications are presently being considered by         in the High Court, within the time limitation
                                                                                                                      rights around Kawau
the New Zealand High Court and/or by the             stipulated by the Act, the applications are be-
Crown. The applications have been made un-           ing case managed, by what appear to be tight                 •   KIRRA has status as an “interested party” for relevant applications but
der the Marine and Coastal Area (Takutai Mo-         timeframes towards hearings.                                     has to pay High Court fees for each application
ana) Act 2011 (The Act). The applicants seek                                                                      •   This is crucial to KIRRA being able to evaluate and if warranted take a
recognition of coastal and foreshore rights.         Some applicants have sought and have been                        position on any evidence presented
                                                     granted temporary time stays, so that they can
                                                                                                                  •   .,55$¶V¿QDQFLDOUHVRXUFHVKRZHYHUZLOOQRWDOORZDSURSHUHYDOXDWLRQ
Applications have been made seeking the rec-         undertake direct negotiations with the Crown.
                                                     Others are continuing through the Court.                     •   7KH$WWRUQH\*HQHUDOZDVLQLWLDOO\WKRXJKWWRUHSUHVHQWDႇHFWHGFRPPXQL-
ognition of rights over various parts of the
                                                                                                                      ties such as ours, but this role is now being challenged by some applicants
coastal and marine areas around the whole of
                                                     Without first being in a position where the                  •   Each applicant (and there may be several) who establishes the
New Zealand. Some have been made to the
                                                     Committee has been able to see, and to con-                      right to customary marine title around Kawau will need to both be
High Court. Those claims were lodged in ac-
                                                     sider, and to evaluate, the nature and extent                    consulted and to give consent before any resource consent can be
cordance with a date limitation requirement
                                                     of the evidence presented by the applicants,                     lodged – for example, jetties, seawalls, moorings
of the Act. Some applications have been made
                                                     in support of their applications, KIRRA is not               •   .DZDX,VODQGUHVLGHQWVDQGUDWHSD\HUVQHHGWREHFRQ¿GHQWWKDWDQ\VXFK
under the same Act, and within the same time-
                                                     in a position to reach any conclusions on the                    ULJKWVDUHDZDUGHGRQDMXVWL¿HGHYLGHQWLDOEDVLV
frame, to enter into direct negotiations with
                                                     merits or otherwise of individual applications.
the Crown.                                                                                                        •   7KLV ZLOO UHTXLUH VLJQL¿FDQWO\ PRUH ¿QDQFLDO UHVRXUFHV WKDQ .,55$ FDQ
                                                     To try to be in a position to both keep the resi-                apply
Of all of the applications that have been made,
                                                     dents and ratepayers informed about the vari-                •   KIRRA is unable to obtain any costs relief from the Crown (unlike what
a small number affect Kawau. Because some            ous applications, and what they seek as they                     appears to be the case for most applicants)
have been made for direct negotiations with          affect Kawau, and also, where practicable, to
the Crown and are not High Court proceed-            have input and to be in a position to provide        financial support from its members to be able      properties, and/or who have interests in prop-
ings, it is difficult to determine the total num-    comment on evidence presented in support of          to reasonably evaluate the various applications    erties that may be protected by sea walls. It is
ber of applications that relate to the coastal and   applications. KIRRA has committed funds for          that affect our Island and to be able to provide   important because each applicant who estab-
marine areas around Kawau.                           legal research and representation. That com-         some input into the decisions that are made.       lishes a right to a customary marine title will
                                                     mitment is major for KIRRA but it is tiny for                                                           need to be consulted, and their consent will
To date about 17 or 18 applicant groups have         what is required to provide a proper overview        Why is that important?                             need to be obtained, before an application can
been identified.                                     for our community. The funds allocated, how-                                                            be lodged to extend, or renew, any resource
                                                     ever, are at the limit that the organisation is in   There are a number of reasons why, whatev-         consent, or permit, for existing jetties, or sea
Although it is known that some groups have           a position to commit.                                er rights may be established by the applicant      walls, or moorings (i.e. you will need the con-
undertaken direct negotiations with the Crown                                                             groups will be important for, and have an im-      sent of the holder of a customary marine title
over the establishment of rights to the coastal      Regardless of whether an evaluation, by your         pact on, Kawau Islanders, but of the rights and    before you will be able to seek a resource con-
and marine areas around Kawau, almost noth-          Committee, were to determine that particular         entitlements sought one is particularly impor-     sent to extend, or renew, any existing resource
ing is known, at present, of the stages that have    applications deserved support, neutrality, or        tant for Kawau Islanders who have moorings,
been reached in those direct negotiations.           opposition, KIRRA will need a lot more direct        or who depend on jetties for access to their                                Continued on page 21

18                                                                        KOOKABURRA Spring 2019          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                          19
Continued from page 19                                things, it is contended that the applicants have
                              consent, or permit, for anything in the affected      been forced to participate in the proceedings
                              coastal and marine areas).                            in order to protect their indigenous, hereditary
                                                                                    and legal rights to their Takutai Moana.
                              To be able to monitor the applications that
                              have been made and to try and ensure that the         Contrasted to what seems to be the positions
                              applications for such rights around Kawau are         of the applicants, an interested party like KIR-
                              founded on a justified evidential basis, seemed       RA has no such costs relief. It must meet all
                              to the Committee to be something we should            of its Court costs payments and all of its legal
                              be doing and that it was important.                   fees. In addition it faces costs risks if it takes
                                                                                    a position on an application, or a step in any
                              Costs                                                 of the proceedings, that results in a costs order
                                                                                    against it.
                              There is an aspect of the present applications
                              before the High Court, where there appears to         The Position in these Proceedings of the Attor-
                              be a significant difference between the posi-         ney-General
                              tions of interested parties, such as KIRRA, and
                              the applicants. That aspect relates to costs. As      The position that may be taken by the Attor-
                              an interested party KIRRA has been required,          ney-General, on behalf of the Crown, to the
                              by the Court, to file a notice of its appearance as   various applications is uncertain. Initially
                              an interested party for each application where        it seemed that the Attorney-General would
                              it claims such an interest. Such a notice has to      largely stand in the position of contradictor on
                              set out the basis upon which it is claimed that       behalf of all unrepresented New Zealanders to
                              KIRRA should be recognized as an interested           test the evidence presented in support of the
                              party. On each application that has so far been       applications. Such a possible stance was chal-
                              identified separate notices have been prepared        lenged by some of the applicants.
                              and filed and served on the other parties, and
                              KIRRA has been asked to meet, and it has met,         The Attorney-General then seemed to indicate
                              the High Court filing fees required.                  that its position would be as an interested party
                                                                                    to each application and that it would consider
                              However, it does not seem, from material filed
                                                                                    its position in relation to each application on
                              in the Court, that the positions of the appli-
                                                                                    a case by case basis. Some parties are seeking
                              cants has been similar. For the applicants it
                                                                                    more clarification on the role of the Attorney
                              seems that their filing fees have either been
                              waived, or met by the Crown. Such waiver              General.
                              and/or the costs being met by the Crown, may
                                                                                    That background is outlined because whatever
                              also extend to other Court fees.
                                                                                    final ruling is made on that issue (which could
                              Most of the legal costs of the applicants appear      include that that is not a matter on which the
                              to also be being met by the Crown.                    Court should rule), unless KIRRA takes an ac-
                                                                                    tive role in endeavouring to understand and
                              An application is presently being prepared by         monitor the individual applications made,
                              an applicant to determine whether the appli-          that affect the coastal and marine areas around
                              cants should face any costs risks in relation         Kawau, there can be no guarantee that anyone
                              to their proceedings, because, amongst other          else will.

20   KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                               21
$ÀRDW$URXQG.DZDX                                                                                     transported to a new location, made for the
                                                                                                       most amazing photographs.
                                                                                   Lin Pardey          Museum enjoyed, ice cream in hand, we wan-
The wind came blasting in, far stronger than                                                           dered the small downtown area, walked along
forecast. But before it did, we’d had a fine                                                           the docks of the town landing. I tend to read
run down through the Apostle Islands. Now                                                              everything and anything and I began noticing
streaks of white filled the horizon, wave crests                                                       simple 8 by 11 posters advertising a chamber
breaking against the hull began covering us                                                            music concert at the local church in just over
in spray. So, we turned to head back into the                                                          an hour. The first half dozen I sort of ignored.
marina early in the afternoon and helped tidy                                                          Then I pointed out yet another one to David.
up the 30-foot sloop that served as our hosts’                                                         “Be interested?” I asked.
summer cottage and lake explorer.
                                                                                                       “For $12 why not be supportive. Only hap-
“Tell you what,” said Karen. “Let’s head over                                                          pens once a year according to this poster,” he
to Bayfield and have us an ice cream, a look                                                           replied.
                                                                                                                                                          from Australia and New Zealand they gave us
around.” The turn our day took brought to
                                                                                                       “Okay, we’ve got time to ask Jerry and Karen       a standing ovation. They seemed exceptionally
mind one of the many lessons cruising taught
                                                                                                       to drive us back so we can get our truck.” I an-   pleased we had dropped in just on a whim and
                                                                                                       swered.                                            responded to the beautifully chosen and beau-
For the previous two weeks we’d been mean-                                                                                                                tifully played music just as they did.
dering ever westward, on land, not by sea. Da-                                                         But Jerry and Karen were interested too, as
                                                                                                                                                          Later, over a late dinner with Karen and Jerry,
vid, who is from Australia, had never explored                                                         they had friends in Bayfield. “Might run across
                                                                                                                                                          I commented, “Almost sorry we are planning
the American west. Fortunately, I have a pick-                                                         someone we know.”
                                                                                                                                                          to continue westward in the morning, I know
up truck and slide-in camper which I use for
                                                                                                                                                          if we stayed, we’d have made friends with some
occasional US seminar tours. Between tours I                                                           An hour slipped gently by as we browsed the
                                                                                                                                                          of the people we met this evening and had a
store it with friends, one in Connecticut, the                                                         well-stocked bookstore (yes, I did buy yet an-
                                                                                                                                                          fine time as we got to truly know the place.”
other in California. This year, the truck was                                                          other book because of the owners’ high recom-
waiting in Connecticut. We settled Sahula in                                                           mendation and am enjoying it now.). Then we        The lesson I relearned from my voyaging days?
Tasmania for the southern winter and took off      Bayfield turned out to be a delightful little       found seats at the local church and settled in     Keep your eyes open, your schedule flexible
on an extended land tour. Mostly we kept our       town. A small volunteer-run maritime mu-            for what turned out to be and hour-and-a-half      and be willing to try almost anything that
schedule loose, choosing our route and des-        seum showed us the rich and often strange           of tear-inducing beautiful music played by a       was a bit different. I can’t count the number of
tinations as we moved along. We both had a         history of area which until recently was de-        mix of professional and semi-professional lo-      times doing just this provided the highlights
few special friends we wanted to visit. Thus our   pendent fully on the fishing fleet. It had once     cals. During intermission, the husband of the      of our voyaging life and introduced us to lo-
path took us through Vermont, on to Niagara        numbered more than 150 working boats but            pianist commented to us, “My wife has been         cal people who became life-long friends. Even
Falls, then into Canada. Three sets of friends,    those had now dwindled to about a dozen. The        practicing for this concert all year. Now I hear   at home on Kawau this would hold true. As I
three days with each of them. We continued         most interesting exhibit to us with our more        it played with the other four musicians, and an    read of plans someone has made to get a group
along the south shore of Lake Superior. At         tropical-based upbringings, was the ice road.       audience, I see why she does it.” At the end of    together to try weaving and flax work, I know
Sault Ste. Marie we dropped down into Michi-       Each winter, as the lake freezes over, a road is    the second concerto, we, like all the generous     my first reaction might have been – why? But
gan and drove almost to the western end of         cleared across the ice to connect the nearest is-   crowd of local people who were in attendance,      remembering this evening would make me
the Great Lakes to meet up with Karen Larsen       land to the mainland. Over a hundred people         eagerly gave the musicians a standing ovation.     change my mind.
and Jerry Powlas. We’d been friends since they     live there. The children cross to the mainland      But what made the event one I’ll always re-
asked Larry and I for advice and ideas to start    by boat in summer, by ice tractor in the winter.    member is the warmth which many people ex-         My answer would be - why not, if instead of
what became a successful magazine called           But occasional mishaps such as when the ice         tended to us when they learned we came from        being here in the wilds of the USA, I was afloat
Good Old Boat.                                     could not bear the load of a full house being       far away. When they learned we had come            around Kawau.

24                                                                     KOOKABURRA Spring 2019          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                          25
Escaping Winter
                                                                                       Kawau Girl
M.O.T.H. and I leaving for winter holiday and
there pops up message from editor:

     30th August”

Well....we are away till then.

Cruising Italy, the Amalfi and Dalmation
Coasts from Rome to Venice. Halfway through.
In Venice, with some family joining us for the
cruise from Venice via Croatia and the Greek
Islands to finish at Athens.

After hours of flying, finally in Rome to start
our holiday. It’s HOT and KAWAU ISLAND is
but a dream, sombre, wet, and cold, majestic
and compared with Europe so isolated and va-
cant: aren’t we lucky to have this paradise.

Here it’s dry, barren hills and HOT HOT 40
degrees, perspiration runs down my face and
I am generally dripping.                               and lovely couches to recline under the shade
                                                       of huge umbrellas.
Rome is overcrowded with tourists. We join
the ship - it’s full and the swimming pool with        This island like most of the Greek Islands is
standing room only. I can’t get in it, the thought     similar to Kawau Island: rocky, barren, only
of all those sweaty bodies, a cold shower will         scrubby trees and stony dirt tracks to walk, the
have to do,                                            beach was gravel and sandals were necessary
                                                       to get near the water. I don’t think any wildlife
I am so used to swimming off the jetty at              could possibly exist not even fish.
Kawau with M.O.T.H. and only the stingrays
for company.                                           Every port we stop in is crowded with tour-
                                                       ists. Some ports have six cruise ships in at the
M.O.T.H. and I took an excursion from Hvar             same time. Venice, Santorini and Athens were
which is quite a big island belonging to Croa-         choked with tourists - and don’t forget the
tia. We went to a little island with a resort very     HEAT.
popular with the locals. By clambering over
the rocks you could swim in the sea - it was just      I know we came to escape winter and it’s been
a bit tricky getting out again. It was cold at first   a wonderful trip but our next holiday will be
but delightful. The resort was huge, catering          Kawau Island: the peacefulness and isolation
for several hundred daily visitors, a restaurant       away from crowds of people.

26                                                                         KOOKABURRA Spring 2019          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   27
The Beach House
                                                                            Annika & Brett
Hello everyone!

It’s Annika and Brett from The Beach House.
First of all we want to thank you for the very
warm welcome we’ve received. We consider
ourselves very lucky to have the chance to live
in such a magical place. We’ve already seen
dolphins and the dotterel couple (thanks to Fay
and Dave) and even heard a kiwi’s call close to
the lodge.

You probably would like to know who these
people are that took over your beloved Beach
House. Well, there is not much to say – we are    The other half of the duo is me, Annika. I was
just normal, down to earth people. Brett was      born in Germany where I also studied logis-
born in South Africa and moved with his par-      tics and business administration. For two years
ents and his sister to New Zealand when he        now I have worked in hospitality as front of
was 16 years old. He’s a New Zealand trained      house and barista.
chef and has been a head chef for over 10 years
now. During his career among other things         We both love the outdoors, hiking, gardening
he had the opportunity to be the chef to some     and experimenting in the kitchen.
celebrities and was pastry chef for former PM
Helen Clark. After working all over Australia     We are looking forward to a busy season and
for ten years, he moved back to New Zealand       especially seeing all of you coming in for a
in 2018. But enough talk about Brett now.         drink and trying out our new menus.

 Tackle and Outdoor                           Boating         Fishing           Outdoor
                                              Anchors            Fishing Lines Beach trolleys
                                              Chandlery          Lures & jigs      Boots
     12/14 Elizabeth St, Warkworth            /LIHMDFNHWV1HWV JDႇV௘&KLOO\EDJV
                                              Rod holders Reels                    Clothing
     Ph: 09 425 7994                          Ropes              Rods              Home smokers
                                                                 Tackle bags       Kitchen items
     www.tackleandoutdoor.co                                     Terminal tackle Waders

28                                                                    KOOKABURRA Spring 2019        KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   29
Pohutukawa Trust                                                                                       cull taking place in June and one scheduled to
                                                                                                       start shortly in September we intend on con-
                                                                            Thomas Weaver              tinuing to reduce the number of pests on the
                                                                                                       Island to further advance the rehabilitation of
Question:                                                                                              native species and plant life.

Who was prosecuted for illegally selling liquor at                                                     I encourage the Kawau Island community to
Mansion House in the early 1900s?                                                                      take a step back and try to rally a sense of pride
                                                                                                       for the Island as many residents and visitors al-
Please read on and you will find the answer at       up my whole life I guess I used to take it for
the bottom of this article.                                                                            ready do. It is quite easy to become complacent
                                                     granted how amazing our little Island is.         in day-to-day life but we should never forget
Greetings Everyone!                                                                                    how lucky we are. New Zealand is a place of
                                                     It also humbles me to sit and think of the pro-
                                                     gress that has been made environmentally for      pure beauty and tranquillity, Kawau Island is
Well, I suppose you could call this some sort of                                                       its own little gem inside of this paradise.
                                                     Kawau Island since I have known it. I can dis-
“passing of the torch”.
                                                     tinctly remember as a child deploying numer-
                                                     ous amounts of Timms Traps up on the Island,      With the focus on Predator-Free NZ there is a
After learning the ropes from his brother Ray,                                                         lot of research underway.
                                                     and night after night becoming quite success-
Carl (my father) has taken over the reins of the
                                                     ful in reducing the possum and rat numbers
Pohutukawa Trust and now it is my turn to                                                              The Pohutukawa Trust is currently assisting a
                                                     on the Island.
start paying my dividend to Kawau Island for                                                           number of agencies including Manaaki When-
all it has given to the family.                      Times have changed quite drastically from         ua Landcare Research, Te Papa and the Auck-          This group and a few others around the world
                                                     when I used to walk up the old tracks hold-       land Museum.                                         are trying to sequence the genomes of species
Don’t worry; he is still in charge - I am just
                                                     ing Uncle Ray’s hand, counting the number                                                              for evolutionary studies, and to provide re-
helping with writing these articles!
                                                     of wallaby until he had to take over because I    During our September culling program we are          sources for conservation. Having a sequenced
Like Dad and Uncle Ray, I am also an engineer        couldn’t yet count that high!                     assisting Dr Andrew Veale who is a genetic           genome, while not conservation in itself, al-
so don’t be expecting any extraordinary gram-                                                          researcher based at Manaaki Whenua Land-             lows a multitude of studies to be done that are
                                                     Now, I can go for a walk in the early evenings    care Research, specialising in the genetics of
mar from this article.                                                                                                                                      relevant to conservation subsequently, such as
                                                     and see kiwi in our very own backyard; quite
                                                                                                       invasive species. He completed his PhD on            looking at population connectivity, population
My name is Thomas; I am a 23-year-old aero-                                                            the genetics and ecology of stoats, and since        sizes, disease resistance etc. With the walla-
space engineer who has been going to Kawau                                                             then he became interested and involved with          bies on Kawau being controlled with the hope
                                                     Recently the Trust has been increasing its ac-
since I was in nappies.                                                                                sequencing and analysing the genomes of in-          of eventual eradication the Trust supports this
                                                     tivity with the help of Auckland Council and
                                                     the Department of Conservation. With one          vasive species.                                      programme. Shortly after death, the DNA and
We don’t realise how lucky we are. For the last                                                                                                             RNA start to degrade, which makes sequenc-
five years I have been attending university in                                                         A genome is the complete genetic makeup              ing the genome difficult or impossible. That
California, and the place I missed the most in                                                                                                              means samples need to be as fresh as possible.
                                                                                                       of an organism - effectively the code to make
the world was Kawau Island. The deep vibrant
                                                                                                       that individual. He is currently involved in the
blue of the sea in and around Kawau would                                                                                                                   During a cull we are endeavouring to gather an
                                                                                                       stoat genome sequencing project, where he is         individual sample of each species for genomic
take my breath away every time I visited home.
                                                                                                       helping to create a complete and error-free ge-      sequencing. For various reasons samples are
Stepping off the boat up into the forest under                                                         nome assembly, along with a plan named the           not easily able to be retrieved in Australia for
the pohutukawa, surrounded by enormous                                                                 Vertebrate Genome Project (VGP) based in             any of these wallaby species, so they will not
kauri and silver ferns, compared to the dry                                                            the USA. If you’re interested in their project,      have access to pristine DNA, but we have the
often barren Californian landscape, it was like                                                        the website is here: https://vertebrategenom-        opportunity to obtain these samples during
turning up the contrast in my retinas. Growing                                                         esproject.org/.                                      the cull. One individual sample of each spe-

30                                                                      KOOKABURRA Spring 2019         KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                            31
cies is obtained immediately after death, and                                                            dispense a lure specifically designed for that        Hallett’s defence was that he was under the im-
samples of each of the organs are flash-frozen                                                           species.                                              pression that the Island at the time was outside
in liquid nitrogen. These will then be stored at                                                                                                               the New Zealand boundaries. This made him
-80oC for future genetic work. These samples                                                             Once again, several members of the commu-             exempt from the Dominion’s licensing laws as it
will then be used to create a perfect genome for                                                         nity have reached out and asked for advice            was not in any county, nor were any rates cur-
each species, helping understand and conserve                                                            on seasonal planting and we are very happy            rently being paid.
them back in Australia.                                                                                  to help. It is getting late to plant larger plants,
                                                                                                         although as we end the wettest August on re-          A number of witnesses were presented to the
Manaaki Whenua is currently also involved in                                                             cord, ground moisture levels will stay higher         Court in support of his belief. Hallett did how-
a trial to understand the detectability of wal-                                                          for longer. If you will not be around to give it      ever admit to the Auckland Court that he sold
labies with various detection methods. This                                                              some water when things get dryer you should           liquor. Hallett was fined 51 pounds, 5 shillings
is being done in the central North Island to                                                             consider something that will be more tolerant.        and sixpence.
assist wallaby eradication operations there.
                                                                                                         Coprosma (of which there are about 90 species         Carl Weaver, Chairman, Pohutukawa Trust
Although the Trust has very good data on the
                                                                                                         of evergreen shrubs) are both hardy and great         New Zealand
movement of wallaby on Kawau, what they
                                                                                                         for birds etc and should survive planting at this
find will have relevance to Kawau in terms of
                                                                                                         time of year.                                             POHUTUKAWA TRUST NEW ZEALAND
modelling the parameters required to ensure
                                                                                                                                                                  Registered New Zealand Charity CC23836
that all individuals are detectable. The wallaby                                                         The Trust is looking into providing a source of               $OOGRQDWLRQVDUHWD[GHGXFWLEOH
population, centred on Rotorua, is the tammar                                                            natives appropriate for planting on the Island                gratefully received, and needed
wallaby - this is the smaller grey species we                                                            and hopes to be able to bring news of this in a            Please support the Pohutukawa Trust
see on Kawau Island. It was in fact introduced                                                           future issue.                                                   SRKXWXNDZDWUXVW#[WUDFRQ]
from Kawau to land near Lake Rotoiti.

                                                                                                         We still have a good supply of rat baits avail-
What Manaaki Whenua is doing is putting                                                                  able should you have a need. If your dwelling
GPS collars on some wallabies, and determin-                                                             is free from rats consider moving the station
ing their movement patterns and home ranges.                                                             further away from the house - perhaps next to
They then put out an array of detection de-                                                              trees that you have previously seen birds nest-            • Installed • Serviced
vices - primarily cameras at different locations    There is also research being undertaken else-        ing in.
                                                                                                                                                                            • Lifted
around what has been determined as an ani-          where which we are interested in with the use
mal’s home range. What they want to be able         of a thermal camera, in conjunction with AI          If you prefer not to use toxic bait you can insert        • Inspected • Repaired
to determine is the probability of detecting        (artificial intelligence), for monitoring of pred-   a Victor style rat trap (ordinary spring type
the animal at the centre of its home range per      ators. The thermal are much more sensitive           with the wooden base) outside in a drain pipe
                                                                                                         to prevent weka accessing the trap.                               Based at Sandspit
night, and then how wide they range.                than standard trail cameras designed for larger
                                                                                                                                                                            RDC registered
                                                    mammals. The AI aspect when programmed               As always, the Trust operates with the gener-
Once they have this information, they are           has the capacity to identify and differentiate       osity of our supporters. If you would like to
working towards being able to say, for instance,    between rats, stoats, and possums with high
that a 300 x 300 m grid of cameras or detection     accuracy. The possibility exists that it will soon
                                                                                                         assist us in our work donations may be made              RODNEY MOORING
                                                                                                         through our Givealittle page: https://givealittle.
devices will have over 95% probability of de-       be possible with 100% accuracy distinguish           co.nz/org/pohutukawatrustnz
tecting a wallaby if one is present over a three-   between a predator and say a weka or kiwi.
week period. On the other side of them being                                                                                                                                 Phone Tony
able to do this is that if such a camera network    These devices could be cost-effectively pro-                                                                            027 459 0006
was put in a specific area, and it didn’t detect    duced and they have the ability to communi-          Thomas E. Hallett was the lessee at Mansion                Email: info@rodneymooring.co.nz
an animal then you could be reasonably sure         cate with traps etc that when a particular pest      House in 1909 when he was charged with five
that there were no wallabies in the area.           is detected, they activate a suitable trap and       instances of having sold liquor without a license.

32                                                                       KOOKABURRA Spring 2019          KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                             33
Kawau Boating Club
                                                                                                 Robyn and David Lee

                              Not long now folks and the iconic Kawau Boat-
                              ing Club will be open for another season!

                              This will be our 6th season (hard to believe!!)
                              and we are all geared up for a boomer season
                              with a great team already secured. How lucky
                              are we to have the same staff return year upon     We are currently working on a monthly ‘guest
                              year! A record number of ‘Islanders’ this year     speaker’ schedule – this will include informa-
                              with Olivia, Kiera, Janice, Heather, Elle all of   tive talks from a Sandspit Marina representa-
                              whom will be resident on the Island this sum-      tive, Lin Pardy who will be on location Feb/
                              mer.                                               March and a Fisheries Office representative
                                                                                 to talk about our local waterways and regula-
                              Our chef Tony is back in the kitchen after         tions etc. Full details will be in the next issue
                              spending the winter at the RNZYS in their          of Kookaburra.
                              kitchen. We are seeking another chef to assist
                              him so if anyone has any contacts please send      Robyn’s Boaties Boutique will be open all sea-
                              them our way. Pizzas are going to be flying out    son once again….a wonderful range of Italian/
                              the door this summer, with the help of a new       European clothing items being collected as we
                              pizza oven. Unfortunately, due to Island fire      write!!
                              bans, we are unable to do the ‘wood-fired’ ones
                              but these will be just the ticket.                 Opening day for the KBC is Thursday 24th Oc-
                                                                                 tober, 10am. Labour Weekend continues to
                              We are considering buying some paddle-             be the ‘official’ opening weekend and we look
                              boards to hire out this year. Watch this space.    forward to welcoming you all along for some
                                                                                 Island conviviality! If you haven’t already
                              The new floating pontoon is now installed and      joined the Club for this next season you can
                              is ready for action. The Club has had a good re-   do so online - www.kawauboatingclub.nz. The
                              sponse from its members by way of donations        KBC Committee would like to thank those Is-
                              and the purchasing of ‘dedication’ plaques.        land property owners who have taken up the
                              You will soon see these mounted on the inside      opportunity to purchase ‘dedication’ plaques,
                              and outside edge of the pontoon. The money         as part of their membership entitlement.
                              donated will assist with the building, installa-
                              tion and ongoing maintenance of the pontoon.       See you Labour Weekend!

34   KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   KOOKABURRA Spring 2019                                                                           35
Fire Team
                                                                               Sophie Wells
With the fire season well behind us for now,
the team has taken the opportunity to focus on
the medical side of training. Most of the call-
outs we get are injuries and, as Kawau Islanders
seem to have a great talent for finding creative
and diverse ways to end up in a Westpac heli-
copter, it’s important to be prepared to be able
to deal with any scenario that comes our way.

This training boiled down to a co-responder
course held by St John at Camp Bentzon,
where current members got re-certified, and
new members got qualified. The day consisted
of more comprehensive resuscitation training
and a strong focus on learning the components
of our new Resuscitation and First Aid Kits re-
cently issued by FENZ (Fire Emergency New
Zealand). Following this was training on inter-
acting with patients, recognising medical con-
ditions, and dealing with breaks and bleeds.
                                                   to try and stop a fire’s spread. Whilst some of
Finally, the day came to a head with a mass-       the team had a go cutting through fallen logs
casualty training scenario, where the training     with the chainsaws, others dragged vegetation
elements from the previous instruction were        out of the way, and still others hacked through
combined into a real-life situation simulation.    mature kanuka logs with our axe-like Polaski
The day left everyone much more confident          tools. It was definitely a good excuse to not go
with what to do in any situation across the
                                                   to the gym that week, and provided a great op-
board, although we’re definitely hoping these
                                                   portunity to get some hands-on experience on
skills won’t have to be employed too much in
                                                   something that could make a major difference
the future.
                                                   on the fireground.
Gavin’s dry-firefighting training day saw the
team learn some of the tricks of the trade that    Over the past couple of months, there has
he’d developed whilst deployed to Canada.          also been the opportunity to complete some
Whilst we are lucky enough to be surrounded        courses on the mainland. These included: us-
by water, one of the great perks of being on       ing smoke machines in cars for car-fire simu-
an island, although there are some areas that      lations, information on how to manage fire
can be challenging to supply water to in the       grounds, and also having the opportunity to
event of a fire. It’s amazing how much of an im-   work with mainland crews. It’s been a great few
pact hand tools and chainsaws can make, and        months of training, and we’re looking forward
they’re invaluable when creating fire breaks       to what’s next!

36                                                                     KOOKABURRA Spring 2019         KOOKABURRA Spring 2019   37
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