The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile

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The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
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The Occasional
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                                          SPRING 2018 5

                                                             the Leica life: an Oahu photo essay

                             contents/spring 2018
                                      12       INCENDIARY TOPIARY

                                      13   AUDITORIUM 23 EMT SUT

                                      16   ABYSS – IMPERIAL STOUT

                                      22      THE VINYL DETECTIVE
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
6 SPRING 2018                                     THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                                SPRING 2018 7

                contents/spring 2018
                  24       THE LISTENING ROOM

                  41    DIAL 911 FOR AUDIOPHILE

                  51 CASUALTY OF CONVENIENCE
                  59    CLARUS CRIMSON CABLES

                                                                                        Pure Fidelity: a quintessentially Canadian turntable
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                              SPRING 2018 9

                                      contents/spring 2018
                                        68       DUST & GROOVES

                                        82   FERN & ROBY FOOTERS

                                        85    SUNNY GIN & TONICS

                                        97      THE LITTLE FWEND

                                                                      part-time audiophile
                                                the occasional, spring 2018, vol.1, issue 3
                                                                                   the occasional
                                                                     ©2018 part-time audiophile
                                                                            publisher – Scot Hull
                                                           creative director/editor – Rafe Arnott
         in M                                             

                                                                               John Stancavage

                                                                                    Brian Hunter

                                                                                   Jan Zeschky
               ji ©

                                                                                 Robb Niemann
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
10 SPRING 2018

                                                                                       fern roby
    contents/spring 2018                                                                         A U D I O

                                                                                       Made by real people in Richmond, VA
                        LOOKING INSIDE

           103   TOTALDAC D-1 INTEGRAL

           112          SOULUTION 330

           116          THIS IS THE END

                                          comparing the PS Audio P10/P20 PowerPlants
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
12 SPRING 2018                                                                                                                       THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                          WINTER 2018 13

     INCENDIARY TOPIARY                                                                                                                                                      not
                                             Internet surge, and I’d gotten a sign-
                                             ing bonus. I went to Myer-Emco and
                                                                                         changed me. Maybe not “for the bet-
                                                                                         ter,” but I am certainly different for                                            SUbT
                                             bought a Denon receiver and a set of        having received them.
                                             Klipsch speakers.                           My friend Eric Shook recently wrote
                                             I remember “accidentally” discover-         a piece about a moment he had with
                                             ing that the volume control, which          a friend of his.
                                             started with negative numbers, actu-        How he opened the door for her into
                                                                                                                                                                                     Auditorium 23
                                                                                                                                                                             Elektro-Mess Technik
                                             ally rolled over into positive num-         the weird little world of the audio-                                                 step-up transformer
                                             bers. And how loud that was. I was          phile. Whether or not she spends
                                             watching the movie Pitch Black, and         any time exploring that world isn’t                                                 Step-up transformers (SUT)
                                             the crash scene was so loud it shook        exactly the point either, though that                                                     are not as well known as
                                             the walls and carved a grin into my         would be great. What I was struck by                                                       they should be by many

                                             face that the Joker would have been         was this sense of “gift” that this rep-                                               audiophiles. Utilizing pas-
         didn’t become an audiophile on      proud of.                                   resented. It made me think of my fa-                                                   sive transformer windings
         purpose, nor was I even aware it    But my friend Martin was the one            ther. It made me think of my friend.                                              rather than active gain stages,
         was happening.                      who flipped that over into hi-fi.           And then I started wondering about                                                       a SUT builds up the deli-
    I was just into movies.                  Martin was a gifted financial plan-         all the other gifts I’ve been given,                                                  cate electro-acoustic signal
    One of my fondest memories as a          ner. He bought this beautiful home          both knowingly and inadvertently.                                                     of low-output moving-coil
    kid was the weekend that my dad          near Lake Needwood and kitted out           I started wondering if that’s really all                                               (LOMC) cartridges to line
    brought home a Betamax that he’d         the living room with some great big         that I am, all that any of us are, just a                                            level so they may be passed
    rented from Errol’s. I think this        Totem loudspeakers and even bigger          collection of such gifts. And I won-                                                        on to a preamplifier or
    might have been 1979. I have no          Plinius amplifiers.                         dered at all the gifts we all, each of                                                                    amplifier.
    idea what conversations happened         I’d visit; he’d crank it up. And up.        us, might be giving to others. What                                                       Keith Aschenbrenner of
    between him and Mom. No idea if          And up. Then, he’d turn his head to         gifts that we might yet give?                                                        Auditorium 23 – a bespoke
    there were concerns about what “it       me – so slowly – with only a hint of a      My friend Martin died several years                                                       audio company based in
    might do to our family.”                 grin, as if to say “what do you think”      ago. In his will, he gifted that stereo                                                 Germany – has dedicated
    At 10 years of age, I was oblivious to   and it was only when I responded            to me. I used it and loved it for years.                                             his formidable engineering
    all that.                                that I realized that the music was so       As such things go for an audiophile,                                                    skills to making improve-
    TV was a treat and movies were           loud I could not hear myself shout-         I upgraded each piece, and now my                                                 ments in passive-transformer
    something we went out to see, or         ing. In fact, the sound was so effort-      system is completely different from                                                     windings in particular for
    caught on Prime Time, or that I          less, so clear that I hadn’t noticed        the system he started me with. But                                                    Denon, EMT, and Ortofon
    caught on the Saturday morning           that it was even loud. It was aston-        the gift, the seed for my system, for                                               cartridges. When compared
    creature-feature.                        ishing.                                     my exploration, for my hobby, for                                                          to standard active-stage
    But that Friday afternoon, Dad came      I think all of us have stories like this.   the website, for this magazine, for                                                  phono preamplifiers, I per-
    home with a stack of tapes and the       Stories of a friend or a loved one          my livelihood, all of it came from                                                   sonally find that unless you
    two of us watched every single one.      who flipped a switch for us. Turned         that man, from that one day, from                                                        are spending consideable
    I think it was a 14-hour Betamax         us on. Opened a door to a room that         that one moment when I literally                                                         sums of money, a decent
    marathon. It was heaven. And that’s      we hadn’t thought existed. My father        couldn’t speak.                                                                       valve-based phono pream-
    when the hook was set. I’ve been film    did that for me. My friend Martin           How odd. How rare. How magical.                                                    plifier and a SUT delivers the
    fan ever since.                          did that for me. I am not certain that      Of course, each of you, reading this,                                               most lifelike, emotional and
    My first hi-fi system was not a hi-fi    I am precisely grateful, exactly, to ei-    has that kind of magical power too.                                                     transparent reproduction
    system – it was a home theatre sys-      ther of them for their particular gift,     My hope is that you use it and use it                                             available – without sacrificing
    tem.                                     but that’s not really the point.            well.                                                                                         warmth for accuracy.
    This was the 90’s, the height of the     I did accept their gifts and those gifts                 –S COT HU L L                                                        
                                                                                                                                                                                               –Rafe Arnott
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
16 SPRING 2018                                              THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE   SPRING 2018 17

                     words and photography by Jan Zeschky
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
“Und wenn du lange in einen Abgrund
blickst, blickt der Abgrund auch in dich
hinein. [And if you gaze long into an abyss,
the abyss also gazes into you.]”

    t’s time to get down.
    Not in a funky sense — we’d need a
    good Brettanomyces-inoculated wild
ale for that — but in the sense of a descent
into a deep, dark place.
There’s something about the void that holds
a morbid fascination. A sense of infinite
nothingness, of dissipation into an eternal
But nothing, except perhaps a black hole, is
truly empty. There is always shape, colour,
sensual stimuli, no matter how muted.
And, as Nietzsche hinted at, the more we
glean from what we sense there, the more
we can learn about ourselves.
I’m not saying drinking a beer can be an
exercise in self-psychoanalysis. Where the
hell is the fun in that? Just that subjectivity
is important. Your sensory detection says
a lot about you. Vive la difference and all
Which is why it’s so much fun tackling a
powerhouse beer with friends and seeing
what flavours and aromas different people
pick out. And make no mistake, beers like
The Abyss are ones for sharing.
The blackest beers often fascinate the most.
From surprisingly refreshing dark lagers
to silky, nutty oatmeal stouts, a black beer
– given colour by roasted specialty malts
– gives away nothing in appearance, but
reveals all in the savouring.
That’s particularly true of inky, high-
strength imperial stouts that can throw off
an enormous range of aromas and flavours.
                      continued on page 20
The Occasional SPRING 2018 ISSUE NO. 3 - Part-Time Audiophile
20 SPRING 2018                                                                                    THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                         SPRING 2018 21

     The multi-award-winning Abyss, first           Taking a sip, an initial brightness comes
     brewed by Deschutes in Bend, Oregon in         through in a rich and slightly tart cherry
     2006, is one of the finest examples of this    sweetness at the fore. This is supported
     style, seducing drinkers with the lure of      by profiles of port, melted baker’s choc-
     sinking into its depths.                       olate and fudge as the brightness begins
     The descent begins with the beer’s very        to fade. Together with a vinous seam                                                “Sink slowly into the deep, complex
     concept. We’re already in way deeper           through the middle, these flavours de-
     than a simple dry Irish stout. As well as      velop into an engulfing malt profile and                                            roasted malt profile...”
     malted barley, roasted barley and wheat,       a growing, silent roar of robust bitterness
     blackstrap molasses, licorice, vanilla         and astringency-laced alcohol heat.                                             JAN ZESCHKY
     beans and cherry bark all contribute to        Relax. It feels good being this deep.
     this beer’s immensity.                         Comfortable? Now you can start explor-
     Time is another vital ingredient. Half of      ing. Chase a chunk of aged gouda with
     the beer is aged for a year before release,    a sip of Abyss for a blissful sweet and
     with most finding a home in bourbon            savoury hit; or pair with Black Forest
     and wine barrels, while a smaller portion      gateau for a symphony of chocolate and
     sits in new oak. The results are carefully     cherry flavours. Cap it off with a few
     married to a fresh batch of The Abyss,         languorous pulls on a maduro cigar.
     making the finished bottled product            Want to go even deeper?
     as much about blending as it is about          Stash a bottle or two of The Abyss away
     brewing.                                       in a dark, cool place – ideally about 8-10
     Before beginning the dive proper, make         C (46-50 F), if you can manage. De-
     all preparations: score off the bottle’s       schutes assistant brewmaster Ben Kehs,
     protective wax seal, savour the release        who heads up barrel-aging operations in
     of CO2 from the cap opening, and pour          Bend, says that for him, the beer hits its
     slowly into a large brandy glass.              peak after around two or three years in
     Give everything a once-over: the pitch         the cellar.
     blackness of the liquid, with a dull glow      Thanks to the slow invasion of oxygen,
     of scorched golden ochre at its extremi-       time smoothes out the beer’s edges,
     ties; the generous espresso-crema head,        meshes flavours, introduces more
     which has impressive retaining power           savoury notes and sweetens up the
     for a beer this strength (11.4% ABV);          malt, allowing you to sink even further
     the glass-coating foam that peels slowly       into bliss.
     down the walls, leaving beads of bubbles.      “I love fresh Abyss, just for some of
     Now dive in, nose first.                       the brightness, but as the product
     Sink slowly into the deep, complex roast-      gets a couple of years on it the alcohol
     ed malt profile that features tar, molasses,   softens a little bit … and all those fine
     muscovado sugar, vanilla-laced fudge,          points you can pick out in the fresh
     dark fruit and hints of cocoa powder and       product meld into something that’s
     coffee grounds. Latch on to a current of       greater than the sum of its parts,” Kehs
     sweet, lightly peppery alcohol, which,         says.
     combined with the blackened malt pro-          If you want to fully embrace The
     file, delivers the effect of charred sweet     Abyss, line up a vertical of different
     chillies. Finally, take note of the savoury    vintages, pick out differences between
     character, with a hint of soy sauce de-        them, choose your favourite.
     rived from the aging process.                  You might find out something new
     The blackness awaits. Succumb.                 about yourself. T/O
22 SPRING 2018

      Titan Books
      The Vinyl

      Priceless, ultra-rare LP press-
      ings, vintage Quad ESL-57 elec-
      trostatic speakers, and Garrard
      turntables mixed with intrigue,
      murder, gun-toting molls, black
      humour, and a fantastic plot are
      just a few of the hallmarks of
      Andrew Cartmel’s inital foray
      into the shadowy underworld
      inhabited by The Vinyl Detec-
      Written in Dead Wax is the first
      of three in a series (followed by
      The Run-Out Groove and Vic-
      tory Disc) that the author has
      been penning since 2016.
      If you love digging into a great
      mystery novel, like to laugh out
      loud while reading, and have
      a bent for the more esoteric
      (nerdy) aspects of being an
      audiophile and record collector
      then this the series fyou’ve been
      waiting for.
      I had to constantly force myself
      to put these books down while
      revving through them because
      I didn’t want the joy of their
      unfolding storylines to end too
                        –Rafe Arnott
24 SPRING 2018                                                                       THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE   SPRING 2018 25

                       bridging the generational audiophile gap
                                                               by John Stancavage

                                was checking my email recently when I noticed
                                a breathless announcement from Best Buy that
                                “AUDIOFEST IS HERE,” with “Incredible Sav-
                           ings on Amazing Sound.”
                           OK, worth a look, I thought as I clicked on the
                           message. Many Best Buy stores include a Magnolia
                           outfit, which routinely stocks high-end brands such
                           as MartinLogan, Sonus Faber, McIntosh, Sennheis-
                           er and AudioQuest.
                           As I scrolled down, though, the first item promoed
                           (with a photo) was a TV sound bar. The second
                           was a Bose Wave radio and then a Sonos wireless
                           speaker. Farther down was a Google Home Max
                           voice-response speaker.
                           Almost lost amongst all these “lifestyle” gadgets
                           was a small photo of an inexpensive Denon receiv-
                           er next to a budget Audio-Technica turntable. Still,
                           they were the closest thing to traditional audio in
                           the ad. The high-end names I mentioned above
                           might have been included in AudioFest had you
                           walked into the store looking for them, but Best
                           Buy wasn’t expending any space in this particular
                           ad to promote them.
                           To be fair, Magnolia did follow up with its own ad.
                           The first item? A Pioneer Elite “smart speaker” with
                           It struck me that this is the stark reality of hi-fi as
                           a mainstream hobby in 2018. The electronics most
                           people think of for playing music – if they are not
                           using cheap earbuds or even their phone’s mina-
                           scule speaker – are, at most, monophonic wi-fi
   photo/Rafe Arnott

                           boxes or the dreaded sound bars.
                                                          continued on page 13
SPRING 2018 27

                    It seems that proudly installing    better than others – a lot better.
                    in your home a system made up       For me, it was when a friend
                    of a separate amp/preamp or re-     of my parents bought a pair of
                    ceiver and a pair of traditional    huge Bozak speakers. I reclined
                    speakers has faded into the past    on the carpet in front of them
                    with other quaint pastimes such     all evening, mesmerized.
                    as raking your shag carpet and      “Can we get those?” I asked
                    developing film.                    my mother. “No,” she replied.
                    At every audio show I’ve at-        “Why not?” I pushed, with her
                    tended in the past decade, at       explaining they were much too
                    least a couple of people will       expensive. “But he works at the
                    bring up the same question as       same company dad does,” I con-
                    they scan the sea of grey hair:     tinued, even then not wanting
                    “How do we get more young           to lose a disagreement. “Yes, but
                    people into our hobby?”             he’s a bachelor,” my mom coun-
                    With a few exceptions, hi-fi        tered, firmly shutting down my
                    today remains rooted in the         hi-fi dreams for the moment.
                    component-system strategy           Today, many of us AARP
                    of decades past. When I was a       audiophiles with similar child-
                    teenager in the 1970s, this was     hoods wonder aloud why there’s
                    alluring because such rigs were     not a likeminded fervor among
                    everywhere. There were the          the current younger generation
                    “stereo shops” where you could      about better sound. The thing
                    ogle the good stuff like Marantz    that occupied many of our wak-
                    electronics, Thorens turntables     ing hours seems to have been
                    and KLH speakers. Every-            usurped in part by time spent
                    where else, though – depart-        on social media and gaming,
                    ment stores, appliance outlets      with music listening primarily
                    and even furniture retailers        taking place through ear buds
                    – you would see some type of        and single Bluetooth speakers.
                    two-channel (or, for a fleeting     “If these kids could just hear
                    couple of years, four-channel)      good two-channel – even the
                    setup for sale. Typically, these    entry level,” we say.
                    were cheap Japanese brands          Therein lies the challenge,
                    with a lot of flashing lights but   though.
                    poor sound quality.                 Stereos no longer are every-
                    Still, for kids like me even the    where. Smart boxes are.
                    most sketchy systems became         Even veteran audiophiles have
                    the primary goal of income          to expend considerable effort
                    from a paper route or summer        these days to find and audition
                    of mowing lawns. After buying       the newest gear. What chance
                    a stereo, earnings and weekly       does a newbie have? Many of
                    allowances went toward one          the traditional access ramps
                    album a week, after a long          into the hobby closed quite a
                    search through the record store,    while ago.
                    studying covers and listening to    “Wait a minute,” we say. “Isn’t
                    what the weird guy behind the       this younger age group buying
                    counter was playing.                vinyl – our format?”
                    At some point, you discovered
photo/Rafe Arnott

                                                           continued on page 90
                    that some stereos sounded
power lies within

“Power tends to corrupt; absolute power regeneration corrupts

                                 fter living with the PS
                                 Audio Power Plant P10
                                 for more than a year
                        now, I can say it’s a key piece of
                        my reference system, that I don’t
                        do a review without it, and that
                        it has absolutely corrupted me
                        for anything else (except the new
                        DirectStream Power Plant 20, more
                        on that later).
                        Apologies to Lord John Dal-
                        berg-Acton whose phrase I co-opt-
                        I know there is a division in opin-
                        ions on AC-power conditioning,
                        filtering, and aftermarket power
                        cables among audiophiles. This
                        isn’t news, and I’m sure there will
                        be different camps for time in me-
                        moriam. I’m not here to belabour
                        those divisions.
                                    continued on page 31

30 SPRING 2018   THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                                                              SPRING 2018 31

                      If stock power cables work for you, and you’ve never          in, I’m explaining this to you so you’ll understand that
                      been curious about upgrading your cables, or address- when I had the opportunity for a long-term review of
                      ing the incoming AC power to your home, then I envy the P10, it made sense for me to continue with PS Au-
                      you in a way.                                                 dio because I had a solid baseline to measure what – if
                      I say that because I was instantly curious about both         any – improvements I was to encounter by adding the
                      after reading various reviews, and online forum discus- P10 into my system based on previous experience with
                      sions on the subject when I was first wading into this        their products already.
                      hobby several years ago.                                      Experience listening with, and without the P10 has
                      This curiosity led me to start demoing power cables           revealed that my incoming AC power is saturated with
                      from a local hifi shop. I’d critically listen to a few tracks RF noise, contamination, and current fluctuations
                      with the stock cables in place, then power down, swap         (using the P10’s bright front LED control panel allows
                      in a new cable, and repeat the cycle.                         me to see exactly what’s coming into my home from
                      Not only did I hear distinct changes to the sound I was the grid – which appears to vacillate anywhere from
                      getting out of my modest system at the time, I noticed        113~122 volts).
                      they weren’t always improvements.                             Due in no small part to the varying load demands
                      From this experimentation I learned some important            being placed on the power grid at different times of
                      lessons: Most of the AC current our systems receive           day, and noise/interference from the crazy myriad
                      through wall sockets is unstable, and fluctuates con-         of electrical devices that are connected to said grid –
                      stantly. Changing AC cables isn’t necessarily a good          computers, refrigerators, televisions, radios, stoves, mi-
                      thing if all it’s doing is colouring your output.             crowaves, hair dryers, washing machines, fluorescent
                      Over time I found the cables that allowed me to hear          lights – you get the picture – I’ve consistently noted
                      deeper into                                                                                              a haze/hash
                      the recording      “Most       of  the     AC     current     our     systems         receive            over the musi-
                      by lowering        through wall sockets is unstable...”                                                  cal reproduc-
                      the noise floor,                                                                                         tion occurring
                      or helping         RAFE ARNOTT                                                                           in my sound
                      to eliminate                                                                                             system when I
                      RF-related grunge – without affecting tone, or tim-           do not have some sort of filtering in place.
                      bre, or artificially goosing upper or lower registers         Now, there are many different ways to approach what
                      – were adding to my enjoyment of what artists had             I think is a fundamental problem with modern AC
                      committed to tape. A significant discovery for me.            coming into the bulk of urban homes: You can have an
                      Through the ensuing years I continued with my per-            electrician install a dedicated 20, or 15-Amp line (or
                      sonal, and professional research (as a reviewer) into         lines) into your home, you can get your own dedicated,
                      power cables, power conditioning, and finally power           audiophile-grade power pole installed to channel cur-
                      regeneration as funds allowed.                                rent into your home (both of which, while somewhat
                      It was through this experimentation I came to home            effective, are still channeling crappy power IMO). You
                      audition the PS Audio Dectet AC Power Conditioner,            can move to an area with no neighbours so you don’t
                      and AC5 Power Cables. These impressed me enough               share the grid, you can go off-grid with solar power, or
                      with their ability to allow more of the recording to          you can purchase a device that separates your delicate
                      come through – without colouration – that I purchased audio component circuitry completely from incoming
                      them. Next came the PS Audio Power Port AC recep-             power.
                      tacle which reduced background hash further. I con-           Given my current living situations, and finances, the
                      tinued to experiment with numerous manufacturers              latter was the most prudent choice.
                      AC cables, only now trying them first in the wall, and        So, what exactly does the PS Audio Power Plant P10
                      then through the Dectet, which proved to allow clearer do? In a nutshell it generates a completely new, ar-
                      insights into what each cable was contributing (or not) tefact-free stream of AC power from the incoming
                      to the sonic signature of components.                         current that your home receives from transformers on
                      Now, before this starts to sound like a PS Audio love-        the greater grid.              continued on page 32
32 SPRING 2018

                                                                                                                          drops in hard followed a heartbeat later by      ming unleashes about 30 seconds into the
                                                                                                                          Albert “Tootie” Heath’s sticks smacking the      track over Somerville’s aching voice is like
                                                                                                                          rack toms. Playing this through the totaldac     machine-gun fire with the speed of attack
                                                                                                                          d-1 integral, and a Soulution 330 integrat-      on every strike of the sticks standing clearly
                                                                                                                          ed amplifier plugged into a standard wall        apart, never bleeding into one another, and
                                                                                                                          socket yields a historical sonic portrait of     rocking your head back.
                                                                                                                          this, her only Bethlehem Records session,        Without the P10 in the mix, the big dynamic
                                                                                                                          without focus on any particular slice of the     swings of the original Canadian pressing I
                                                                                                                          frequency spectrum: a beautifully rendered,      own through the EMT JSD VM cartridge,
                                                                                                                          and musical balance is clearly achieved.         Auditorium 23 step-up transformer, and
                                                                                                                          Her voice coming across cool, collected, and     the all-valve single-ended Soro integrated
     How does it do this?         It’s a fresh start for your                                                             the double bass of Jimmy Bond thrumming          with built-in phono stage is big, bouncy,
     It first converts that       equipment to draw upon,                                                                 deep in the mix alongside Heath’s metro-         and organic with its rubber-band bass lines,
     incoming stream to DC,       because the reality – to                                                                nomic percussion.                                slick synthesizer noodling, and polyphonic
     then using “patented PS      my ears – is what you’re                                                                Swapping the d-1, and 330 into the P10, and      rhythms.
     Audio technology re-         really listening to when                                                                queuing up the track again in Tidal Hi-Fi,       Plugging the amp into the Power Plant
     generates and produces       one is assessing a sound                                                                the background blackens considerably.            reveals a wealth of previously glazed-over
     new sine-wave-perfect,       system is the incoming                                                                  There is more air around Simone’s voice –        electronic micro dynamics which had been
     regulated high-current       power: it makes or breaks                                                               which now possesses projection more from         concealed under a haze of noise floor. The
     AC power. In the pro-        the sonic efficacy which                                                                the chest rather than just her mouth – the       black background helps free a number of
     cess of regeneration any     your components are                                                                     bloom off her piano notes, and the decay off     keyboard textures from anonymity, and
     problems on your power       truly capable of.                                                                       Heath’s now more palpable drum skins con-        allows for further percussive heft to be phys-
     line such as low voltage,    To that end, the P10                                                                    veys a more spatially-evocative landscape.       ically felt in the lowest bass notes.
     distorted waveforms, sag-    allowed every single piece                                                              Simone’s playing jumps further forward on        It’s not night-and-day between the two, but
     ging power and noise are     of gear I added to it to                                                                the sound stage, and Bond’s bass notes seem      in a system of reasonably revealing capa-
     eliminated.”                 reach deeper into the                                                                   to drop another octave, and become more          bilities, which possesses a transparency to
     Sounds pretty trick.         recorded event, with an                                                                 clearly defined, and separated from Heath’s      source, the gain in accuracy, and fidelity to
     The P10 isn’t conditioning   improvement in dynam-                                                                   stick work in the recording.                     the recorded event is welcomed, all the more
     the power, limiting the      ics, at both the micro, and                                                             Bronski Beat dropped their debut album The       so because it doesn’t come at the expense of
     current or dynamics like     macro levels.                                                                           Age Of Consent in the fall of 1984.              warmth.
     passive devices which are    The difference was some-                                                                I remember it clearly because I was touched      Having had the P10 for some time, and
     basically magnetic chokes    times subtle, sometimes                                                                 by the sad, poignant video of the first single   having run a healthy number of integrated
     doing their best to scrub    eye opening.                                                                            released off it – “Smalltown Boy” – and          amps, power amps, preamps, CD players,
     high-frequency interfer-     But the difference is                                                                   because it featured the wailing falsetto of      streamers, DACs, phono stages and turnta-
     ence from the line. No,      always there, and it is my                                                              Jimmy Somerville over the hypnotic synth         bles through it, I can safely say I have a very
     the P10 is creating a new    experience that it is not                                                               beats, staccato percussion, and goosebump        clear set of indicators of what I know the
     power wave for your gear     colouring the recording. It                                                             keyboarding of band members Steve Brons-         unit delivers to the sonic landscape of my
     to ride. One without cur-    is removing a veil of noise   cians committing their      the recorded event.           ki, and Larry Steinbachek.                       home.
     rent eddies, without RF      which was previously          art to tape, whether it’s   Take Nina Simone’s 1958       Not only was the track a heartfelt political     So, when PS Audio recently asked me if I
     noise, without a sine wave   masking not only details,     a live venue or a studio,   soul-jazz album Little Girl   anthem on homophobia, it was a riotous           could compare the new DirectStream Power
     degraded, and beaten out     but one of the most key       that sense of aural space   Blue, in particular the       dance number which always got the liv-           Plant 20 to my P10, and add that to my P10
     of all proportion by the     attributes I seek out in      surrounding players is      track “Plain Gold Ring.”      ing-room floor packed when the 12-inch           review, I was curious, and agreed to hold
     demands being placed on      playback: reproduction of     one of the most power-      After a plaintive vocal       single got spun at house parties in my youth.    my P10 review so I could add in thoughts
     it by hundreds of other      the dimensionality of the     ful indicators for me of    introduction solo by          The explosive force that Bronski’s drum-         on the P20.            continued on page 34
     electrical consumers be-     recorded space.               whether or not playback     Simone which sets the
     fore it even has a chance    Those four walls, and the     will be able to transport   stage for the space of the
     to reach your wall outlet.   air surrounding musi-         me back to the moment of    recordeding, her piano
34 SPRING 2018                                                      THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                          SPRING 2018 35

                                                                                                          PS Audio Perfect Wave 10 Power Plant: $4,999 USD
                                                                                                          PS Audio DirectStream P20 Power Plant: $9,995 USD

     First off, the P20 is larger (96 pounds, 17x14x11 inches)                                            PS Audio
     than the already massive P10 (73 pounds, 17x14x8.5 inch-                                             4826 Sterling Dr., Boulder, Colorado
     es), so make sure you run it either on the ground, or a very                                         80301 USA
     sturdy rack system or table. The P20 delivers 3,600VA peak
     output (compared to the P10’s 1,500VA peak), can accom-
     modate both 20, and 15-amp power cables, is equipped
     with 16 power receptacles (compared to 10 on the P10) in
     five zones – two zones of which are high-current – features
     an all-new FPGA-based DSD sine wave generator, and
     has three times lower impedance than any previous Power
     The P20 features a new, larger, more detailed seven-inch
     LED screen (4.5-inches on the P10), and comes with the
     standard PS Audio remote control.
     In direct-comparison tests between the P10, and P20
     (power-down component, swap cable, power-up), with the
     kit I currently have on my racks (Solution 330 integrated
     amplifier, totaldac d-1 integral DAC/streamer, Audio Note
     CD 4.1x, Audio Note Soro Phono SE Signature – Thales
     TTT-Slim II doesn’t count because it’s battery-driven), the
     P20 brought out more of everything – in varying degrees
     depending on recordings – that the P10 was already re-
     vealing, with the biggest difference between the two being
     the sense of grunt behind the music that the P20 delivered
     over the P10.
     The P10 opens up the bottom end on recordings, it allows
     the lowest notes to come through unimpeded, with author-
     ity, with power, and mostly with a real sense of solidity.
     The P20 does all of that, but with it’s improved headroom,
     there is a more palpable, tactile sense of unrestricted flow
     to the musicality.
     A feeling of composure through even the most raucous
     tracks. “Figure 8” off Tahliah Debrett Barnett’s (FKA twigs)
     2015 album M3LL155X has the ability to peel the skin
     off listeners, and tear apart loudspeakers at volume in the
     wrong system.
     Through the d-1, and the Soro being fed from the P10
     “Figure 8” is the electronic equivalent of a high-speed car
     crash involving a dump truck, and a Lamborghini Hu-
     racan: gut-wrenching bass impact like ceramic, and asphalt
     rending welded steel from itself while being ground across
     concrete at 80 miles per hour.
                                        continued on page 36
36 SPRING 2018   THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                                                     SPRING 2018 37

                                         It’s a driving sonic maelstrom.          power diet, never stray or overlap
                                         The track rumbles the window             into each other.
                                         panes in my home, and the elec-          Tone, and timbre of instruments
                                         tronically-enhanced bottom end           are spot-on, with wood-bodied
                                         is there in all it’s thunderous glory.   ones in particular in possession
                                         The almost physical wall of key-         of the proper scale, weight, and
                                         boards, synths, computer-pro-            resonance that I associate with real
                                         gramming effects, and vocal ar-          acoustic guitars.
                                         rangements that I’ve heard smear         Organ, and piano notes are mel-
                                         together in an auricular haze on         lifluous, and the slide guitar, and
                                         some systems is here articulate,         horn arrangements have a bur-
                                         musical, and most of all alive with      nished, brassy flavour.
                                         human presence.                          Opting in to the P20, the already
                                         Swapping in the P20 noticeably           big, hip-shaking bottom end
                                         widens/deepens the already cav-          seems to swell in size, and weight,
                                         ernous sound stage, further lowers       with a deeper tonal shading now
                                         the noise floor, and allows a deeper     coming through. Vocals take on a
                                         emotional connection to be made          sweeping, more expansive quality
                                         with the conviction that Barnett         to the air volume surrounding the
                                         brings to her snarling, hyper-vocal      physical arrangement of singers,
                                         singing.                                 and a more chesty composition to
                                         George Harrison’s 1970 triple-LP         the character of the oral discourse.
                                         All Things Must Pass was his first       This was a scenario that continued
                                         solo effort following the breakup        to play out every time I listened to
                                         of The Beatles earlier that year.        a track off Tidal, closed the lid on
                                         Co-produced by engineering               a CD, or dropped the needle on an
                                         legend Phil Spector, it features         LP: everything that was pulling me
                                         his Wall of Sound of production          deeper into the listening expe-
                                         technique, and was referred to in        rience, into the meaning of the
                                         Rolling Stone as “… the music of         artists intent through the recorded
                                         mountain tops, and vast horizons.”       medium – be it digital or analog –
                                         Recorded mostly at Abbey Road            was enhanced through the P20.
                                         Studios, the album is awash in           If the P10 was helping sink me
                                         overdubs, and star power with a          into the depths of the song, the
                                         huge amount of artists contrib-          P20 was like throwing an anchor,
                                         uting to the sonic flavour, not the      and chain around my legs as I sank
                                         least of which were Eric Clapton,        down. It seems that with this latest
                                         and Ringo Starr. The LPs possess         (and largest) edition to the compa-
                                         a huge amount of air, and space          ny’s regenerator line (a new Di-
                                         around both Harrison’s vocals, and       rectStream Power Plant 15, and 12
                                         those of the many back-up singers        have been unveiled since I received
                                         employed, with a deep sound stage        the P20), PS Audio has taken
                                         populated by myriad instruments          everything I’ve come to expect,
                                         that could be daunting to separate       and appreciate from the P10, and
                                         from the mix, but with the P10           improved upon it wholesale. T/O
                                         firmly in control of the amplifier’s
Class A Headphone                              w ww.passl

                                         Enjoy the Experience

                                   At Pass Labs we have one goal — to create products that invite
                              you to listen. We want you to enjoy the experience so much that you
                    go through your entire music collection — again and again. Each time a joyous
Pass Laboratories            discovery of something new. We want music lovers for the long haul.
42 SPRING 2018                                                                                                              THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE   SPRING 2018 43

                       here’s something that clicks within my         – had a serious bent for fast cars (as well fine
                       psychic alignment about the sound of           wines, and whisky) I couldn’t resist the urge to
                       a stylus first touching down into the          get a hold of him.
             run-in groove of an LP, just the same way                Turns out Niemann was able to meld high
             there’s something about the exhaust note of a            fidelity with German automotive engineering in
             high-performance, or vintage automobile.                 the form of a Burmester soundsystem-equipped
             The two, while mutually exclusive in many                Porsche Carrera S.
             aspects, seem to contain a shared resonance, or          We decided to meet, and spend a day together
             metaphysical frequency that makes me feel as             in the 911 driving around our hometown of
             if all is right in the world – even if it’s just for a   Vancouver, British Columbia. We hit the road,
             moment – and I can let the smile stay on my              and then hit a local distillery to talk about fast
             face.                                                    cars, music, turntables, watches, wines, whis-
             So when I found out that Robb Niemann, the               kies, and the future of high fidelity. Here’s an
             CEO of Burmester North America – who I                   excerpt of our chat, I hope you enjoy it.
             know as a music lover, and dedicated audiophile                                                 –Rafe Arnott
44 SPRING 2018                                                                                                         THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                                                                 SPRING 2018 45

                 Rafe Arnott: Robb, you’ve been involved      RA: You’ve often talked about the              been bitten by the hi-fi bug. Hi-fi    clubs or events where “those peo-            Stuttgart at the Porsche factory, Au-
                 in high fidelity for some time now, can      lifestyle crossover that music, and hi-fi      will become a passion and a hobby      ple” hang out, I am most often met           gust Auchliner, the chief designer of
                 you talk about your start in the industry,   occupy for some audiophiles, and what          no doubt, it simply took an experi-    with a dull stare.                           the 911 program, came out to sign
                 and what it is you’re doing now with         a key niche it fills as part of the appre-     ence of their favourite music on a     Last week I was at a Scotch-tasting          the car, as it was one of the nicest
                 Rutherford Audio, and Burmester?             ciation of the finer things in life for you.   great system to educate them.          event where I showed a national              configurations he had seen in a long
                                                              Cars, watches, art, boats, whisky, wine,                                              sales director of said Scotch house          time. I have a photo of Mr Auchlin-
                 Robb Niemann: Rutherford Audio               furniture – collectables of any type – also    There are far too few places in        an article that you had written on a         er signing the car along with a few
                 was born of the passion to provide the       have a major crossover with lifestyle in       North America to really experience     turntable paired with a Scotch, and          special mementos from Auchliner,
                 best of the best of European hi-fi to        my opinion. Yet we often see the difficul-     exceptional hifi in a profession-      he got incredibly excited.                   and the Porsche facility in Stuttgart.
                 the North American hi-fi enthusiasts.        ty that many high fidelity manufacturers       al manner where someone feels          Every single rep they have is a vinyl        Krebs recently upgraded to a new
                 This journey started with me trying          seem to have in capitalizing on their          comfortable from the moment they       lover and posts daily about their            GT3 and thankfully he needed to
                 to purchase Burmester as a customer.         products lifestyle value when compared         walk into the store.                   Scotch and listening experiences.            make room in his garage and I am
                 I stumbled upon the brand at CES in          to items like cars, watches or wine. Why       I’m talking about the people they      Now we are going to work togeth-             the beneficiary of this very well
                 2007 thanks to Alan Vintr, the region-       do you think that is?                          are greeted by, the couch they sit     er to try and bring the two areas            loved and cared for machine.
                 al director of Apple who later worked                                                       on, the artwork on the walls, the      together nationally by pairing great
                 with me for a number of years, Vintr         RN: The hi-fi industry as a whole is still     magazines on the tables, the coffee    scotches with vinyl listening nights         RA: What do you enjoy most about
                 dragged me in to listen to this remark-      very small and fragmented compared             or sparkling water they are served,    at unique venues.                            owning an exotic automobile? What
                 able system and I was smitten by it. The     to other lifestyle-based industries. We        etc.                                                                                is it that it does for you on a person-
                 Burmester sound filled my soul like          have a very long way to go to get to the       How many hifi stores are you aware     RA: Not only are you smitten with            al level, and how do you share that
                 nothing else I had ever heard.               size and scale of the likes of Mercedes        of that have the fit and finish of     great wines, watches, whisky, hifi           passion with others?
                 A few years later, as the old adage states   or the international following of a first      a Rolex store, the same level of       gear, art – never mind your passion
                  – right time right place – following        growth Bordeaux. Burmester is cele-            professionalism as a Rolls-Royce       for growing organic food – and trav-         RN: Automotive for a man of my
                     a visit to Berlin and Munich High        brating its 40th year this year and that       dealership, or the passion of an art   el,     but you’ve been bitten hard          age culturally has been part of life.
                       End, I was offered an opportunity      is still rather young when you consider        gallery owner for the artists they                         by the automo-           Ever since I was a kid I have been
                          by Dieter Burmester that I sim-     some of the respected wine houses of           represent?                                                         bile, and        a passionate automotive enthusiast
                             ply had to embrace. Fast for-    the world. I have great faith that audio        It is all too easy for someone to                                   driving        and specifically a Porsche 911 lover.
                                ward and I am closing in      as we know it will grow over time, it          call themselves a dealer these                                       bug. Can       I simply enjoyed every aspect of my
                                   on 10 years as the CEO     simply takes an experience involving           days.                                                               you talk to     Porsche journey from my first drive
                                      of Burmester North      it, and for that we have to be ambassa-        It is an expensive proposition                                     me about         in a 930 Turbo back in the ‘80s to
                                          America and         dors sharing these wonderful products          to have a dealership and do it                                    your current      more recent events like driving a
                                             Rutherford       wherever we go.                                right. With the cost of equip-                                   ride, and          356 from the museum in Stuttgart
                                                   Audio      I recently met a billionaire who travels       ment and property these days                                    what the back       at Pebble Beach, and now taking
                                                       Inc.   with an iPhone and uses a Bluetooth            I feel that most retailers stop                              story is to it? It’s   my kids on “dates with dad” in the
                                                              pill speaker and considered that hi-fi         at hanging a sign and expect                               my understand-           Porsche.
                                                                   until they had an experience listen-      the brands to carry people in the                       ing it’s a unique car.      My oldest son and I have had great
                                                                         ing to their favourite music        doors. I am a proponent of rela-                                                    bonding times attending Porsche
                                                                               with a nice bottle of wine    tionship building and in this we                RN: I have a 2013 Porsche           events locally and we look forward
                                                                                     at our office.          must go into the world and meet        Carrera S that was a custom config-          to many more.
                                                                                           Now they          people where they are at. I am often   uration by a good friend of mine –                       continued on page 46
                                                                                                  have       told by dealers they need to con-      Volker Krebs in Vancouver. This car
                                                                                                             nect more to those that can afford     has all the right options including
                                                                                                             these products but when I ask them     Burmester of course. When Krebs
                                                                                                               if they go to restaurants or golf    took European delivery of the car in
46 SPRING 2018

          I enjoy every spare moment         RN: For me it is always about
          I have where I can share the       quality in every facet of life.
          experience with others. Car        Quality in audio is like a
          culture is a wonderful one         performance sport, trying to
          and it’s the people and their      maximize the reproduction to
          passion that is captivating.       the best it can possibly be.
          Passion for the automobile         I do have a number of unique
          seems to cross over into so        albums, most of the ones I
          many other areas; food, wine       treasure the most are gifts. I
          and music, it is natural and       have received albums from
          you meet some of the nicest        wonderful individuals in
          people along the way. Ev-          this industry and from a few
          eryone has a story when it         artists whom I have met along
          comes to cars. I remember          the way. I travelled to Stock-
          meeting a couple at Pebble         holm a few years ago on be-
          Beach and we ended up              half of the late Winston Ma to
          drinking wine late into the        pick up the original tapes of
          evening sharing stories of         Jazz in the Pawnshop. When
          travel and family, only the        I returned Ma produced a
          following day I found out he       new and improved three-disc
          is one of the largest collectors   version of which I have a
          in the world of Porsches.          number of the test pressings
                                             and a few early pressings. We
          RA: Getting back to music,         did an event years ago in New
          what are some of your favour-      York where I had a copy of
          ite LPs? Do you have anything      Swedish House Mafia singles
          rare in your collection? Are       release sent over from Europe
          you a digital, or analog en-       the day it came out.
          thusiast first? Does it matter     Only a few weeks later they
          to you if the sound quality is     disbanded.
          there?                                    continued on page 49

                                                                               “Car culture is a wonderful one and it’s the
                                                                               people and their passion that is captivating.”
                                                                               ROBB NIEMANN
48 SPRING 2018   THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                            SPRING 2018 49

                                                       RA: We’ve seen numbers from
                                                       various reporting agencies around
                                                       the planet regarding the continued
                                                       growth of vinyl sales, the decline
                                                       of CD sales, and the juggernaut of
                                                       market share that is streaming au-
                                                       dio. What’s your opinion on these
                                                       various formats, and do you think
                                                       the future of true high fidelity
                                                       will be non-physical formats like
                                                       FLAC, or MQA that are remotely
                                                       stored, and accessed via the cloud?

                                                       RN: I have the pleasure of own-
                                                       ing one of the best CD players
                                                       in the world, a Burmester 069
                                                       as well as a number of high-end
                                                       turntables and a few exceptional
                                                       streaming units.
                                                       I enjoy all formats but there is
                                                       something tactile about hunting
                                                       for an album then removing it
                                                       from the sleeve and setting it up
                                                       to play.
                                                       It is much like a great wine in my
                                                       opinion, there is a process that
                                                       takes time and in that time there
                                                       are subtle nuances and textures
                                                       involved which add to the overall
                                                       I do believe that vinyl will be
                                                       here to stay because of that
                                                       tactile experience but stream-
                                                       ing is doing well and with new
                                                       improved quality for streaming
                                                       like MQA it can only add to the
                                                       overall positive experience.
                                                       As long as there is an effort to
                                                       improve the quality I will ap-
                                                       preciate that effort and keep
                                                       listening to music no matter the
                                                       format. T/O
                      words by Brian Hunter, photos by Bryan Beasley & Brian Hunter

                                         he din of the party had faded into
                                         the background much like the
                                         voices of parents, or teachers on
                                Peanuts cartoons emanating from a TV on
                                low volume. My query to the host’s young
                                daughter had ellicited nothing more than
                                a questionable look tempered with subtle
                                “I got soul but I’m not a soldier” I repeated.
                                “You’ve never heard it?” I asked querulous-
                                Intrigued and without skipping a beat the
                                little five-year-old girl yells across the room
                                a request for the Killer’s “All These Things
                                That I’ve Done” without mentioning the
                                proper name of the track and obediently a
                                plastic hockey puck of a speaker retrieves
                                the song post haste.
                                This is the futuristic dark corner that music
                                playback has found its way into.
                                This call-to-play narrative is just a short
                                neural pathway from a Genie-wish fulfill-
                                ment of musical reproduction and a long
                                distance from either your collection of LPs
                                or the symbiotic curation of radio play.
                                Sure, we still have radio in some of its
                                forms, but album playback is all but a fleet-
                                ing memory that was never even formed in
                                the minds of the upcoming generation of
                                music listeners.
                                The planet has turned so far into streaming
                                cloud-based files that the well-documented
                                vinyl resurgence almost appears to borrow
                                a counter-culture feel to the mainstream
photo/Bryan Beasley

                                need for right here, right now.
                                                     continued on page 52
52 SPRING 2018

                 Still the joy on that five-     of love for its constituents.
                 year-old girl’s face was gen-   That is to say, the con-
                 uine, and the track played      venience factor is lower
                 endlessly all night from the    across the board for both
                 kitchen.                        vinyl and (when it comes
                 Having been involved in         to hardware) tubes, but the
                 this lovely hobby for many      preverbal juice is worth
                 years now (from the media       the squeeze to those who
                 side), its grown apparent to    engage in the practice.
                 me that I do love to contem-    After all, reward is ever
                 plate the tent-pole discus-     sweeter when you have put
                 sions that swirl amongst all    20 hours against the task. 40
                 who have ever considered a      hours? How about hun-
                 large ticket purchase in the    dreds? You get it.
                 name of the audio gods.         Sky-high price tags aside,
                 I prefer to mull over ques-     the turntable as a playback
                 tions and not engage the        device requires a manual
                 combative banter of forum/      pound of flesh, no matter
                 comment sections.               how much you money you
                 Through those insights, it’s    throw at it.
                 clear that the path through     Records should be cleaned
                 analog – in its many forms      before initial play, regardless
                 – is a more challenging but     of how close a relation to
                 ultimately rewarding labor      the master it might be.
                                                      continued on page 56

                                                                                   photo/Bryan Beasley
56 SPRING 2018                                                                                                               THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE   SPRING 2018 57

     The reward on the other side,          answer may become clearer.             becomes further diminished.
     untethered in its relationship to      Love without labor can become          Its hard not to discuss the impact
     other more concrete benchmarks,        labor without love.                    of the iPodization to the listening
     is real enough for the hero who        Shortcuts to happiness have an         sphere of high fidelity, where it’s
     emerges victorious from this           unfortunate way of chipping away       easier to get more for less (fidelity,
     melee.                                 at any experience as a whole and       that is).
     That’s not to say the digital boys     taken too far, leave the sharpened     Single-serving bits for two ears
     don’t have their cake and spin
     it too, but the playback is often
     times immediate, and, in the case
     of streaming, requires little more
     than a flick of a finger to engage.
     What happens then when we get
                                            pencil with nothing but a nub and
                                            Some of our joy is firmly planted
                                            in the pain it takes to get to the
                                            finish line. On the digital end,
                                            much of this same cyclical game

                                                                                   only. The portable mid-step
                                                                                   between the playback-wish fulfill-
                                                                                   ment is constrained now only by
                                                                                   the strength of the wireless infra-
                                                                                   structure in any given city.
                                                                                   Has the increased portability of

     what we want, exactly when we          can be recreated in the battle for     audio become a greater metaphor
     want it – forever?                     a “trueness to source,” but when       for the micro-transaction, silo’d
     Ask any former Betty Ford resi-        the sleeve art is gone, the immer-     social-media-packed reality we
     dent from ample means and the          sion into the vision of the album      now live in?

                                                                                                                                photo/Bryan Beasley
                                       The portable mid-step between the
                                       playback-wish fulfillment is constrained
                                       now only by the strength of the wireless
                                       infrastructure in any given city.
                                                                      –Brian Hunter

     Or will the idea merely become         The video game industry has man-       car stereo then there is still hope
     the tale of another generation of      aged to hold on to the second-hand     to transcend the trappings of the
     humans waxing about the simper         disc market for another generation     numerous audiophile distractions
     times from days long gone?             of consoles but the writing is cer-    available.
     More importantly, how long will        tainly on the wall.                    Hopefully your love for listening
     it take for old technologies to fade   We own less but have access to         is a combination of both personal
     away completely from the public        more. But has this unfettered access   and shared experiences, analog and
     consciousness? There really isn’t a    to everything we want brought          digital, and is both inspired and
     solid measuring stick to follow giv-   us closer to personal nirvana or       emotionally rewarding.
     en the short overall timeline we’ve    further from it? As with most          Love the music, love the tech. Har-
     been on, digitally speaking, but one   all things balance is needed for       ness and hone the passion, contrib-
     thing appears to be changing: local    a healthy execution of any form        ute positively to the community
     storage of any type of information     of entertainment. If you can still     and most importantly, don’t forget
                                                                                                                                photo/Bryan Beasley

     continues to go the way of the         hear the emotion from both your        to listen like a five-year-old stuck at
     8-track.                               reference hifi rig AND a passing       a parents party. T/O
THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                           SPRING 2018 59

                                      AC, RCA, Digital, Speaker

                                              Constructed from multi-
                                                  gauge (heavy, flat and
                                             spiral configurations) and
                                          individually-insulated pure
                                              copper Ohno continuous
                                          cast wire that features three
                                          uniquely-shaped conductor
                                              types, Clarus Cables pat-
                                          ented Crimson line features
                                              more science than fiction
                                          in their design. While there
                                               are still many who ques-
                                            tion not only the ability to
                                            accurately measure the in-
                                         tegrity of signal degradation
                                              in cables, never mind the
                                          sonic differences audible to
                                           listeners, Clarus’s president
                                              Joseph C. Perfito told me
                                             that I’d be impressed with
                                            the transparency to source
                                           of the designs his company
                                         builds in the United States. I
                                           for one believe that cabling
                                          can make or break a system
                                         and look forward to hearing
                                               what the Crimson line is
                                                              capable of.
                                                           –Rafe Arnott
60 SPRING 2018                                               THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE       SPRING 2018 61

                   of the

                                    hat do you do when
                                    you’ve owned a number
                                    of turntables over the
                       years but always found one aspect
                       of each design you’ve entertained
                       to be wanting?
                       You design and build your own
                       deck and start up a company to
                       produce and bring them to market.
                       This is exactly what John Stratton
                       of Vancouver, British Columbia
                       did when he decided he wanted a
                       ‘table that could deliver the sound
                       he loved from high-price turnta-
                       ble designs but at a cost grounded
                       more in reality.
                       The result was two decks: the En-
                       core and the Eclipse, which both
                       retail for roughly $4,500 USD de-
                       pending on the exact specifications
                       at the time of ordering. The Encore
                       features a traditional-style plinth
                       and the Eclipse a modern take on
                       Both feature 50mm Ultra MDF
                       cores, CNC machining, precision
                       bronze bearings, a 12-volt AC-syn-
                       chronous motor and an outboard
                       speed-controller with a separate

                       linear power supply.

                                    continued on page 63

THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                                                                                   SPRING 2018 63

     When Stratton first reached out to me     loudspeakers.                              accomplished on a few turntables
     to see if I would be interested in re-    I fed the Eclipse a steady diet of vinyl   pushing $20k at trade shows.
     viewing one of his designs, I couldn’t    for several days to familiarize myself     Operation of the TA-1000 tonearm
     say no after checking his website and     with its sonic abilities before I got      was fluid, well-damped and concise.
     realizing he was located about 15         down to taking a serious look at what      This isn’t an ‘arm that flops around or
     minutes from my home.                     made up the deck and how it sound-         feels flimsy: just the opposite. It has a
     The unit he brought over was finished     ed.                                        feeling of such high-quality machin-
     in beautiful matte Santos Rosewood        Taking off the large 36mm-thick Del-       ing and fluidity to use that I often
     (Stratton said that a high-gloss finish   rin platter and examining the bearing      smiled whenever I queued-up a track
     could be available as an option), and     shaft, tonearm mount, dual-pulley          and dropped the needle in the groove.
     equipped with a package deal that         driven polished-aluminum subplatter        Getting familiar with the sound took
     included the Maestro outboard motor       and fit and finish of the unit I came      a while, but one of the first things
     controller and a TA-1000 tonearm.         away with a deep respect for what          I noticed was how rock-steady the
     He had kindly outfitted the deck with     Stratton and his crew had accom-           pitch was. Stratton’s attention to detail
     a Benz Micro Wood SL low-output           plished. QC was outstanding and the        in the motor-control assemblies obvi-
     moving-coil cartridge for me as well.     ‘table would not have been embar-          ously paid off as did his use of a heavy,
     Getting the ‘table into my system took    rassed by other designs I’m familiar       damped plinth because I’ve heard the
     a matter of minutes, and after mak-       with at double the price point.            Benz SL on other decks and the bass
     ing sure the deck was levelled, I ran     The platter and sub-platter fit was        that was being produced with this
     unbalanced cables into an Audio Note      truly precise and spun so true and flat    combination was contributing more
     S2 step-up transformer and from           that I often forgot I’d left it running    bottom-end definition and speed to
     there into an Audio Note Soro Phono       because you had to be only a few           the lowest notes than I’d ever heard
     SE Signature integrated amplifier and     inches away to see if it was actually      previously from Benz Wood or
     out to my Audio Note AN-E/Spe HE          spinning. Something I’ve not seen          Glider.         continued on page 64
64 SPRING 2018                                                                                                             THE OCCASIONAL PART-TIME AUDIOPHILE                               SPRING 2018 65

                                                                                                                                      Pure Fidelity Eclipse Turntable w/Acoustic Signature
                                                                                                                                      TA-1000 Tonearm $4,495 USD
      The treble signature was always       underneath them.                       post-rock LP Laughing Stock, which
                                                                                                                                      Pure Fidelity
      open, airy and extended and never     The Classic Records QUIEX SV-P         features a large ensemble of session
      strayed into dryness or etching. A    200-gram LP of Sonny Rollins A         musicians backing up what was left       
      real feat on some of the LPs I spun   Night at the “Village Vanguard” that of the group core in Mark Hollis
      which I’d heard go sour up top on     I own is one of my favourite live      and Lee Harris after Paul Webb’s
      other rigs.                           recordings. It’s unassuming in its     departure. More eerie-atmospherics
      Midrange was well balanced with       mic’ing of Rollins’ tenor sax, Wil-    exploiting the recorded space and
      tonal accuracy and transparen-        bur Ware’s bass, and Elvin Jones’      about a specified environment that
      cy without sacrificing details like   stick work. No one outshines the       the listener is placed into, the LP
      massed strings, or multiple guitar    other, there is a delicate balance be- is heavily punctuated with dispa-
      and horns.                            tween the artists that is maintained rate instrumentation that bristles
      Piano qualities in playback were      throughout the session. The audi-      melodically all over the sound stage
      smooth, well-rounded with beau-       ence never becomes overly-intru-       and has led lesser cartridge/tone-
      tiful rendering of timbre, ditto for  sive like some live-venue recordings arm/turntable combos astray into
      cellos and violins which both had     I own or have heard where cutlery      smearing of the many micro dy-
      excellent weight and body.            can often be heard on plates as        namics at play in every track.
      Grabbing my copy of the Chromat- patrons dine. Not here. The focus is Here the Eclipse did not put a foot
      ics Night Drive, I was eerily trans-  on the musicians.                      wrong and carved out a clear space
      ported by the title track’s ambient   I’ve heard this LP more times than     in the presentation for every in-
      recording                                                                                          strument and
      of a call      “Running Up That Hill off the same side had                                         Hollis’ aching
      from a pay Radelet’s ghostly musings sparking goosebumps                                           vocal tracks.
      phone that                                                                                         Not uber high-
      segues into up my spine...”                                                                        end, and not
      a deep,        RAFE ARNOTT                                                                         necessarily
      rolling                                                                                            budget-con-
      electronic                                                                                         scious, the
      bass line synched with overdubs of    I can remember, but I’ve never         Pure Fidelity Eclipse turntable
      Ruth Radelet’s ethereal vocals. Key- heard it with this authoritative of a   walks a line between the promise of
      boards were layered back into the     bottom end. Once agin the Eclipse      big-money sound and what’s prac-
      sound stage with classic deep-vee     seems to allowing the cartridge        tical from a materials and engineer-
      3D-rendering of the sparse guitar,    and tonearm to mine the depths of ing standpoint at the sub-$5K level.
      drums and programming which           these grooves in a way that other      If I was forced to describe/compare
      make up the song.                     ‘tables I’ve played it on haven’t been the sound of the Eclipse I’d say it
      The cover of Kate Bush’s “Running     able to. Ware’s finger fret work has   combines the PRAT (pace, rhythm
      Up That Hill” off the same side had organic texture with every brush of and timing) of an RP8, the dynam-
      Radelet’s ghostly musings spark-      the strings during “Striver’s Row,”    ics and resolution of a Clearaudio
      ing goosebumps up my spine and        and Jones’ skins have a papery-dry     Ovation and a bottom end I’d more
      showed off that sub-basement bass     presence to every strike that comes closely associate with something
      that I’d started to identify as the   through with clarity and speed on      like a Dr. Feickert Analogue Wood-
      Eclipse letting that TA-1000 and      “Softly As In a Morning Sunrise.”      pecker deck.
      Benz SL do their thing, all the while Rollins’ sax blows hard and has        The Eclipse is a deck that Stratton
      allowing the subtle synth work        real meaty punch with brassy hues      wanted to incorporate those facets
      of Johnny Jewel and the hypnotic      apparent through every breath on       of turntable design he values high-
      guitar riffing of Adam Miller to      “Old Devil Moon.”                      est into what he described as “the
      come through clearly defined and      Switching things up I pulled out       ultimate hybrid,” I’d say he achieved
      unruffled by what was going on        Talk Talk’s last effort, their 1991    his goals and then some. T/O
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