Knowledge Management - Municipal Institute of Learning

Page created by Earl Marshall
Knowledge Management - Municipal Institute of Learning
Knowledge Management
An organization's
ability to learn,
and translate
that learning
into action
rapidly, is
the ultimate
     Jack Welch

                    Lessons from the City of Johannesburg's review of the
                                     Group KM Strategy

                        Knowledge Management Learning Exchange
                               Wednesday, 26th May 2021
Knowledge Management - Municipal Institute of Learning

• Introduction
• Background and context
   – Strategic Location
   – Innovation and Knowledge Management Unit mandate
• KM in the CoJ
   – Group KM Pillars
• Review of the CoJ Group Knowledge Management Strategy
   – Rationale for the review
   – Review process
   – Emerging issues
• Key lessons
• Concluding remarks
Knowledge Management - Municipal Institute of Learning

The year 2020 was unlike any other
in history!

The Covid-19 pandemic has
changed the lives of almost every
person in the world – some by just a
little, most by a lot.

The outbreak of the COVID-19
pandemic was unprecedented in
the City of Johannesburg, and was
to challenge the City’s capabilities,
structures and way of conducting
services to its citizens.

It requires a shift of change and
adapting to a new normal.

Knowledge Management - Municipal Institute of Learning
COVID-19 has not just brought about the need for
change, it also points a way forward.       4
Knowledge Management - Municipal Institute of Learning
The coronavirus has also
                                                    revealed something profound
                                                    about the way societies
                                                    should treat knowledge.

                                                    In 2010 the City of
                                                    Johannesburg benefited from
                                                    an     incredible    learning
                                                    experience in preparing for
                                                    and hosting the 2010 FIFA
                                                    World Cup, much of which
                                                    was brought into play during
                                                    the outbreak of the COVID-19
                                                    pandemic. Effective handling
                                                    of large-scale events and
                                                    responses to natural and
                                                    manmade emergencies is
                                                    becoming increasingly vital in
                                                    today’s world.

It is at times like these that capturing institutional memory becomes of huge
Knowledge Management - Municipal Institute of Learning
Strategic Location and Mandate

         Group Strategy, Policy Coordination and Relations (GSPCR) seeks to:
    ”Thought leadership to enable strategic certainty for city-wide empowerment, service
                                  excellence and impact”.

GSPCR Business Process                         Long-term
                                         organisational strategy
                                        and policy development

                                                               Medium and short term
                   Smart City Programmes                             integrated
                                                               development planning

                              Management &
                                                        monitoring, reporting
                             learning practices
                                                          and evaluation
IKM Unit Mandate

•   To ensure the practice and promotion of an effective knowledge management (KM)
    practice and culture with City of Johannesburg through putting in place processes and

•   Custodian of the city’s strategic knowledge through a central knowledge repository
    (better practices, lessons learnt and innovative initiatives) for learning and sharing

•   Facilitation of the strategic collaboration between the City of Johannesburg and three
    Higher Education Institutions (Wits, UJ & Unisa) by focusing efforts on the positioning of
    Johannesburg as a Centre of Excellence for Higher Education in Africa. (research agenda
    production for depts. / entities / thought leadership engagements etc)

•   Coordination of knowledge exchange sessions through Joburg conversations which are
    engagements amongst peers to promote sharing of ideas, City programmes and policies,
    for collaboration and empowerment opportunities.

KM in the City of Johannesburg

• The City adopted a Group KM strategy to enable CoJ to achieve and sustain its
  strategic objectives as outlined in the Joburg 2040 Growth and Development Strategy
  (GDS), through KM and human capital development. The City of Johannesburg
  defines KM as:

          “Processes used in creating, capturing and sharing of knowledge to increase
            service delivery efficiency and effectiveness that contribute to the City of
                           Johannesburg as a world class African city”.

KM in the City of Johannesburg
Four important high level pillars for Knowledge Management at City of Johannesburg that
would support and facilitate the City Johannesburg’s strategic goals as well as improve
policy implementation and outcomes are:
                                       KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT CAPABILITY

  Policy and Strategy

  Business Capability

  Human Capital
  Empowerment Capability

  Technological Capability

                                Knowledge    Knowledge    Knowledge     Knowledge
                                 Creation     Capturing   Application     Sharing
                                      KNOWLEDGE MANAGEMENT PROCESSES                9
Review of the CoJ Group KM Strategy

 ❶ The CoJ approved its first ‘Group            ❷ Within the City, roles, responsibilities,
 KM Strategy’ in 2013. While much               systems and City infrastructures have
 of this strategy remains relevant,             shifted, while different approaches have
 there have been some significant               been adopted in respect of a number of
 changes within both the City and its           policies, processes and practices that
 external environment.                          have a direct bearing on KM.

❸ The City is also in the process of finalising its review of the Joburg 2040 Growth and
Development Strategy (GDS) – the guiding strategy on which the City’s five year and annual
planning processes rest.

❹ Externally, the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4IR) has also shaped the wider context –
with this, and other unforeseen disasters such as the COVID-19 pandemic, directly impacting
KM possibilities and practices.                                                       10
Review process

                                                        Organizational                One on One
          Desktop research
                                                         Benchmarks                    Interviews
Review key CoJ documentation to                                                        KM Survey
 ensure alignment and relevancy                                                     2 virtual sessions
 including external KM resources                         Focus Group
                                                                                      (pre and post
1        Research and document analysis                 2         Stakeholder engagements

 3       Review of inputs/Rewrite up        4     Consolidation                5     Finalization and approval

                                                                              Final revised Group KM
                                          Final draft of the revised            Strategy & one year
     Collation of inputs
                                             Group KM Strategy                       supporting
                                                                               implementation plan
Review and alignment
                                            Peer review of the
                                             revised strategy                 Processing through CoJ
Restructure and rewrite
                                          document through the               governance structures for
the Group KM Strategy
                                               focus group                     approval (EMT, Sub-
                                                                                Mayoral, Maycom)11
Review of the CoJ Group KM Strategy
As part of the process of refining the City’s Group KM Strategy, it was important to answer
some fundamental questions, including: ‘What is KM, in the CoJ’s context?’ and ‘What is
it not?’.

                                                                                          “Sharing and capturing relevant experiences and
                 “The creation, collaboration, storage and dissemination of               knowledge generated internally and externally.”
            information to the correct users at the correct time and through the
               correct channels, to help make informed and timely strategic

                                                                                                            “Knowledge management relates to all the
                                                                                                            activities we do in the City to identify key
                                                                                                            knowledge and share that knowledge, to improve
                                                                                                            service delivery.”

“Technical and organisational initiatives to deal with structured and
unstructured knowledge – via lessons learnt and the reuse of knowledge.….
Being able to experience the walk through of a practitioner’s experience –
and bring in commonalities and learnings, but also build on different
experiences…to improve delivery.”
                                                                                   “[How we…] manage and enhance the flow of information, knowledge
                                                                                   and communication, to retain corporate intelligence, to enhance
                                                                                   collaboration, and to break down barriers (the silo effect) in and
                                                                                   between the City and its entities.”

Emerging Issues

    Leadership and                                               Technology and     KM Strategy and
                          People            Processes
       Culture                                                      Systems         implementation

                    STRENGTHS                                              WEAKNESSES
•   The strategy is a good base document.               •   There is lack of a common
•   The organisational benefits and the four KM             understanding of KM and its benefits
    pillars are articulated well as part of the             within the City and its municipal
    strategy.                                               entities.
•   Knowledge sharing has made it easier for            •   Lack of effective knowledge sharing,
    teams to work together and collaborate                  leads to failure to learn from other
    across departments and entities                         departments and the               risk of
•   Most departments have KM champions                      duplication of effort/initiatives.
    whose role is to assist in the implementation       •   Access to technology is still a challenge
    of KM processes and practices                           within the City.
•   The implementation of SharePoint has                •   The application of knowledge is still
    enabled access to documentation and                     area      that    requires     enhancing.
    information                                             Knowledge adds value to an
•   The City is doing well in terms of knowledge            organization if it’s applied and reused.
    generation and capturing.
Key lessons

•   Positioning of KM is critical.
     •  Strategic positioning being a KM model that links directly to the vision or strategic
        agenda; and
     •  Structural positioning i.e. location of KM in the organization.

•   Leadership buy-in to build a common commitment.

•   Nurturing an organizational culture supporting the strategy implementation.

•   Knowing who holds the information, knowledge and insights is critical in supporting
    delivery. Ensuring that the relevant knowledge is created, captured, stored and shared
    amongst employees contributes to better service delivery.

•   Recognising the centrality of people to KM. One of the ways in which ‘people’ and KM
    can be brought together is to reflect on KM in the context of the employment cycle.

•   The KM strategy must be seen as a communication tool to guide the organization i.e.
    concise and simple; ensuring a common understanding across the organization.
Concluding remarks

•   KM is not an end in itself – but instead meant to support and enable the CoJ to deliver
    the 4 outcomes as depicted in the CoJ long term strategy (shift towards enhanced KM

•   Understanding that a KM strategy will only receive full support and buy-in- and deliver
    true value – if it contributes to and enables improved day-to-day delivery, progress in
    terms of the organisation's mandate and the progressive realisation of its strategic

    “Municipalities with effective KM systems have been shown to be more competitive than
      others and better able to serve the needs of their residents. KM ensures that the right
        information gets to the right people at the right time to make the right decisions. It
                       empowers and motivates staff and supports innovation and learning”
                                                               South African Cities Network

Connect with us

                 Sheena Clarke
    Deputy Director: Knowledge Management
  Innovation and Knowledge Management Unit
Group Strategy, Policy Coordination and Relations
 City of Johannesburg Metropolitan Municipality

                Tel: 011 407 6453
               Cell: 082 569 0967

Thank you
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