Page created by Gerald Johnston
City of Derby
611 Mulberry Road, Suite 300
Derby, KS 67037-3533
(316) 788-1519

City of Derby – Storm Shelter Operations Guide                                                Page 2
Concept of Operations
There are currently five community storm shelters established in the City of Derby (see map on
page 6). While information about each is provided, the operational guidance in this publication
applies to the two shelters operated by the City of Derby, at Fire Station 82 on Rock Road and
Derby Middle School on Madison Avenue.
The City of Derby encourages all residents to have an emergency plan for sheltering in place
during severe weather situations and highly recommends that residents identify an interior
and/or windowless room on the lowest floor of a building as a primary option for shelter.
However, the City also recognizes that there are situations in which individuals would feel safer
in designated community storm shelters. Storm shelters are intended to save lives by providing
a safe space that has been designed and constructed to resist higher wind forces and debris
impacts created by tornadic activity. In these instances, those seeking shelter are encouraged
to follow City of Derby social media for information on community storm shelter availability, and
to travel to shelters prior to the arrival of severe weather.
The Public Shelter at Fire Station 82 will be the first City of Derby shelter to be prepped and
staffed under ordinary circumstances. The shelter will be available 24/7 for use when the
National Weather Service issues a Tornado Watch that includes Sedgwick County. If the shelter
door in the basement is locked, police records may be called at 316-788-1557 to unlock the
door. There are times when this shelter will be open to the public and may not have a storm
shelter volunteer or coordinator present.
   •   When a tornado watch is in place the shelter may be accessed 24/7 by requesting access via
       firefighters at the station or calling 316-788-1557 and requesting storm shelter access at the

Other shelter operations in the City of Derby will be activated when tornadic activity is
considered imminent. “Imminent” refers to the anticipated arrival of tornadic storms in the Derby
area within the next two to three hours, based on warnings issued by the National Weather
Service and the Shelter Coordinator’s observations of storm activity.
The Public Shelter at Derby Middle School is a secondary shelter, and opening and operation
of the DMS shelter will occur during evening hours in peak storm months AND subject to both
volunteer and facility availability. The City will make every effort to open and operate the DMS
shelter when ALL of the following conditions are met:
   •   Storms are forecast between the typical hours of 4:00 p.m. to 10:30 p.m.
   •   Operation of the shelter would not conflict with already-scheduled school or district events and
   •   An official Tornado Watch is issued by the National Weather Service that includes Sedgwick
       County AND the City is in the imminent path of developing storms; OR an official Severe
       Thunderstorm Watch is issued by the National Weather Service that includes Sedgwick County
       AND the City is in the imminent path of developing storms with an established history of tornadic
       activity; OR an extreme threat level is associated with forecast storms.

The church shelter locations at Pleasantview Baptist Church, South Rock Christian Church, and
Woodlawn United Methodist Church are opened based upon church volunteer availability. The
shelters may be opened in the event of a tornado warning or when a tornado watch is issued by
the National Weather Service and the City of Derby is in the imminent path of developing
City of Derby – Storm Shelter Operations Guide                                           Page 3
storms. Church shelter staff will communicate with the Shelter Coordinator regarding their ability
to open their shelters during an event so information can be relayed to the public.

Tornadic storms may occur during the overnight hours, but in those situations residents are
encouraged to shelter in place or take shelter at Fire Station 82. The City will NOT request
volunteers to operate shelters between the hours of 10:30 p.m. and 7:30 a.m. or at times when
National Weather Service alerts do not provide adequate lead time that allows volunteers to
safely open shelters prior to a storm’s arrival.

Shelters will NOT be opened or made available for events where the primary threats are
thunderstorms or high winds. Shelters are open for anticipated tornadic activity only.

Shelters are equipped for short-term use and to provide only the basic essentials (e.g. water,
basic sanitation, basic first aid, electricity when possible) in order to support their intended
purpose, which is life-safety for a minimum specified duration. Shelters are NOT equipped to
provide beyond these essentials. In most instances, residents will be able to return to their
homes in a relatively short time. However, if not possible (i.e. extensive damage to home),
shelters are not intended or equipped for long-term use.
Shelter patrons are expected to adhere to basic rules, which include the following:
 1. Weapons are prohibited in shelters and on all school property
 2. Smoking or the use of tobacco, e-cigs, vaping or similar activities in any form is prohibited
    in the shelters and on all school property
 3. Alcohol and drugs (other than those prescribed by a doctor) are prohibited in shelters and
    on all school property
 4. Radios or music devices may be used only with individual earphones
 5. Foul, offensive, or threatening language or gestures are prohibited
 6. Shelter patrons are responsible for cleaning up after themselves, their dependents, and
    their animals
 7. Shelter patrons are responsible for any damage they, their dependents, or their animals
    cause to property or other persons or animals
 8. Shelter doors must remain closed at all times

Shelter patrons who do not adhere to the rules or are disruptive to the orderly functioning of the
shelter will be referred to local law enforcement and may be removed from the premises.
This publication is a guide for operating shelters as well as for area residents intending to use
City of Derby – Storm Shelter Operations Guide                                           Page 4
The main priority for communications is accurate information in a timely manner.
The intent of this section is to clarify communication roles internally during severe weather and
how that information is shared with the public.

       Shelter Coordinator: David Foster
                                                        Shelter Volunters
     City Communications:
    Kristy Bansemer, Director

                                             Public:                         Churches:
     City Administration:
                                       Derby Middle School:          Pleasantview Baptist Church
         Kiel Mangus,
                                                                     South Rock Christian Church
          Deputy CM
                                          Fire Station 82                  Woodlawn UMC
    Sarah Gooding, Assistant
             to CM

All communication should develop clear messaging of the following:

   •   The Shelter Coordinator’s decision to open the shelter(s)
   •   Which shelter locations will be open
   •   The time at which the shelter(s) will open

When severe weather is developing or forecasted that could impact the City of Derby, the
Shelter Coordinator will make a determination as to what time to open the Fire Station 82 and/or
Derby Middle School shelters. This will depend on imminency of the storm and availability of
volunteers/the shelter coordinator to staff the facilities.
The Shelter Coordinator needs to confirm with the Storm Shelter group which shelters will be
available and at what time. That message needs to be clear to the city’s Communications
Director, Deputy City Manager, and Assistant to the City Manager so they can make sure the
information is accurately relayed to the public.
The Communications Director will release pertinent information on shelters for the event via the
City’s official social media channels (Facebook and Twitter).
Once a volunteer or the Shelter Coordinator has opened a storm shelter, they should send a
message to the group that the shelter is open so other volunteers/shelters are aware.
If an emergency shelter is nearing capacity, the person managing that shelter should notify
others and check to see if space is available elsewhere. If it safe for people to go to another
location then individuals seeking shelter will be redirected to another shelter. Updates will be
posted to the City’s social media channels.
After a storm event the Shelter Coordinator will set up an after-action review/debriefing with all
parties to review communications, report key data, and talk about experiences and lessons for
City of Derby – Storm Shelter Operations Guide                                                   Page 5
Shelter Locations

  1. Derby Fire Department #82                                    ADA Accessible/Pets Allowed
     1401 N. Rock Rd.
        • Fire Station 82 may be accessed at any time during tornado watches and
           warnings. The storm safe room is located in the basement. Park in lot north of the
           fire station (do NOT block emergency equipment exits) and enter the southeast
           doors. The stairs are just inside to the left. There is a handicap accessible
           entrance on the southwest side of the building on the lower level. Vehicle access
           is off of Sunset Drive either from Meadowlark Blvd. or Windmill Rd.
        • Animals are allowed at this location and crates are available for use.
        • Residents should call Police Records at 316-788-1557 to get access to the
           shelter if firefighters are not available at the station to give access.

  2. Derby Middle School                                       ADA Accessible/Pets Allowed
     801 E. Madison Ave.
        • May open between the hours of 4 p.m. and 10:30 p.m., provided there is no
            conflict with scheduled school extracurricular activities.
        • The Storm safe room is through Door 4A in the Auxiliary Gym (southwest corner
            of campus). Park on east side of gym and in the football stadium parking lot.
            Enter the gym at the east side.
        • Animals are allowed at this location and crates are available for use. Animals
            must remain under owner’s control when not in crates.

  3. Pleasantview Baptist Church                                   ADA Accessible/No Pets
     1335 N. Buckner
        •  Enter the church using the main doors on the south side of the building. Follow the
        hallway right, then turn left to the basement stairs. Handicap accessible with stair lift.
        •    Animals are NOT allowed.

  4. South Rock Christian Church                                             ADA Accessible/No Pets
     900 S. Rock Rd.
        • Enter the church using the west entrance doors.
        • Animals are NOT allowed.

  5. Woodlawn Methodist Church                                               ADA Accessible/No Pets
     431 S. Woodlawn Blvd.
        • Enter on the southeast side.
        • Animals are NOT allowed.
City of Derby – Storm Shelter Operations Guide   Page 6
City of Derby – Storm Shelter Operations Guide                                         Page 7
Roles and Responsibilities

   •   Develop and maintain the Derby Severe Weather Shelter Plan (this publication)
   •   Develop training for Shelter Volunteers
   •   Recruit and train Shelter Volunteers
   •   Semi-annually or after each use, ensure resources and inventory at each shelter are
       reset to pre-storm conditions. All remaining consumables (water, food, pet food) should
       be donated in the late summer or early fall of each year.
   •   Monitor weather watches and warnings in order to estimate when shelter operations
       should start and end – coordinate decisions and communicate with Shelter Volunteers,
       Church Liaisons, and the City of Derby
   •   Conduct an after-action review with Shelter Volunteers and Church Liaisons to
       determine the need for any changes to shelter operational guidance
   •   Report to the City of Derby on:
        o   Recommended changes to shelter operations or requirements
        o   Shortfalls in shelter resources
        o   Any significant accidents, vandalism, and/or damage to facilities/equipment


   •   Attend training with Shelter Coordinator
   •   As needed, help recruit new Shelter Volunteers
   •   When severe weather conditions are forecast or developing, contact the Shelter
       Coordinator to communicate your availability and readiness to open and operate the
       City’s shelters
   •   Follow checklists in this publication for opening, operating, and closing public shelters
   •   Participate in after-action reviews with the Shelter Coordinator

   •   Attend training with Shelter Coordinator
   •   When severe weather conditions are forecast or developing, communicate with the
       Shelter Coordinator your availability and readiness to open and operate the church
   •   Participate in after-action reviews with the Shelter Coordinator
City of Derby – Storm Shelter Operations Guide                                         Page 8
Shelter Animal Care Handout
Animals are welcome to take shelter with their owners under the following conditions:
 1. All animals must remain under direct control of their owners by leash or in a kennel at all
 2. All animals will be kept in the appointed Animal Care Area while in the shelter unless being
    taken to or from the shelter entrance.
 3. All animal waste (saliva, urine, and stool) will be cleaned up immediately, appropriately, and
    adequately, which will be determined by shelter staff when in question. When available,
    paper towels and disinfectant spray will be used and discarded appropriately.
 4. Damage to property or harm caused to another animal or person is the responsibility of the
    pet owner.
 5. Animals that are frequently loud, disruptive, or threatening will be removed from the shelter.
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