Jupiter Elementary's Title 1 Framework 2019-2020 - Brevard ...

Page created by Yolanda Edwards
Jupiter Elementary's Title 1 Framework 2019-2020 - Brevard ...
Title 1 Framework
Jupiter Elementary's Title 1 Framework 2019-2020 - Brevard ...
 Jupiter Elementary is a highly diverse community that opened
               it's doors to students in 1995 and currently serves
               approximately 725 students. Jupiter is located in a residential
               neighborhood, which is located in southwest Palm Bay.
               Approximately 42% of our students struggle with chronic
               attendance issues, 75% of our students qualify for free and/or
Title 1        reduced lunch, 12% of our students are English Language
               Learners, and 22% of our students are exceptional education
Background     students. Jupiter is a Gold model PBiS school that focuses on
               reaching every student, everyday.
and Budget    For the 2019-2020 school year Jupiter was allotted $441,640 in
               Title 1 funds based on the number of students who qualify for
               free or reduced lunch.
Jupiter Elementary's Title 1 Framework 2019-2020 - Brevard ...
 Jupiter spends approximately 90% of the Title 1 budget on
                      employing three additional teachers and four instructional
                      assistants to work with students in a small group setting who
Title 1 Staffing:     are not on grade level in either reading and/or math. One
                      teacher is also the Title 1 Coordinator who oversees the
Teachers,             program and ensures Jupiter is in compliance with all state and
                      federal guidelines.
                     We fund an additional full time guidance counselor to assist in
Counselor,            providing additional emotional and social needs and support.
Literacy Coach       Jupiter also funds half of the position for our Literacy Coach
                      who works closely with teachers in regards to English
and                   Language Arts. She also works with a small group in reading.
Instructional        The Total funding costs for the additional support was
Assistants            $406,402, this includes health insurance, retirement,
                      workmen’s comp, and FICA within the total funding costs.
Jupiter Elementary's Title 1 Framework 2019-2020 - Brevard ...
- Based on these additional supports, on the next few slides are
                      the results of student data that was collected for the 2019-2020
                      school year.
Title 1 Staffing:   - However, please take in mind I was only able to collect student
Teachers,             data through Mid-Year (January). Students would normally have
                      had additional end of the year data that typically shows
Guidance              tremendous growth from the beginning of the school year
                      through the end of the school year.
Literacy Coach
and Instructional
Jupiter Elementary's Title 1 Framework 2019-2020 - Brevard ...
Title 1 Staffing:
Literacy Coach
Title 1 Staffing:
Counselor,           Instructional Assistant Data

Literacy Coach
Title 1 Staffing:
Counselor,           Guidance Counselor Data
Literacy Coach
 Jupiter purchases iReading on-line instruction for both reading
                 and math. This program is a researched based educational on-
                 line learning program. This provides supplemental instruction
                 for our students to assist in closing the achievement gap and/or
                 providing enrichment online learning. Students take three
Title 1          Diagnostics a year which assist teachers in identifying
Educational      additional areas of weaknesses or strengths for their students.
                 Teachers then can create small group lessons to work on these
on-line          areas of weakness or provide enrichment lessons to their
Learning        Jupiter also purchases MyOn, which is an on-line digital library
Subscription     where students can chose books to read or have read to them.
                 This on-line digital library is also accessible from home so
Fees             students always have access to books.
                Combined these two on-line educational resources cost
Title 1
 Eureka Manipulative kits were purchased for each classroom
Eureka            teacher in order to assist with implementing the Eureka math
Manipulatives     program with fidelity.
                 The total cost for the kits was $2,312.
                 Provide resources and materials for classroom teachers to
Kindergarten      implement project based learning. Such as, but not limited to;
                  project display boards, poster boards, construction paper,
and Teacher       markers, glue, science materials, etc.
Classroom        The total cost for supplies was $4,950.
for              Results:
and Teacher
 Title 1 set aside funds to pay substitutes during the school day
                 in order for classroom teachers to be able to attend
                 professional development trainings this school year.
                Teachers in 5th grade received PD by the district in Science
                 twice this school year. The total cost for substitutes was $740.
                Teachers in 1st grade received PD by the district in regards to
Teacher          implementing Eureka (math). The total cost was $370.
 Jupiter provides Parent and Family Engagement events in the
                   evening in order to provide additional educational resources
                   and strategies for parents/families to utilize at home with their
                   student(s). Title 1 utilizes funds to purchase these resources
                   such as books, educational games, and much more.
Title 1 Parent    We also fund for a Parent Liaison through Title 1. The Parent
and Family         Liaison assists the school with these parent/family events and
                   organizes other parent/family evenings such as father/daughter
Engagement         dance, mother/son dance, end of the year school carnival.
                  The total funding cost for Parent and Family Engagement was
 Some of the Parent/Family Engagement events that were held
                   this year were - Curriculum Campfire, Literacy Night (Dr. Suess’
                   Birthday), and Literacy week.
                  Two events that we purchased materials for unfortunately due
                   to COVID-19 we were unable to hold. These events were
                   Kindergarten Orientation and our annual Summer Kick – Off.
Title 1 Parent    The total costs for supplies, resources and materials was
and Family
 Faculty/Staff, I will be reaching out to you to provide us with
                your input in regards to the Comprehensive Needs Assessment
                (CNA); which will provide us with information on the areas of
                focus that you feel as a school we should work towards for the
                next school year 2020-2021. This will be used to help us with our
                Title 1 Framework/School Wide Improvement Plan. I will also
                need your input for our School – Family Compact for Learning
Stakeholder    Parents/Families, I will be reaching out to you through a
                parent/family survey link through Survey Monkey for your
Input           valuable input.
              The input you will provide will be used in our Comprehensive
              Needs Assessment (CNA) to help the school in making decisions
              for the next school year 2020-2021.
              Your input will be used to help us with the following.
               Title 1 Framework/School Wide Improvement Plan
               Parent and Family Engagement Plan
               School – Family Compact for Learning
Thank You for taking the time
to review. I’m looking forward
   to seeing ALL of you next
 school year. Continue to stay
      safe and stay well!!!
         Mrs. Cirino, Title 1 Coordinator
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