JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary

JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
       Artwork by Dylan Peachey
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
Our journey out of lockdown is           the county have responded and                                                       I am absolutely delighted to be            Achieving a fairer Home Office
well and truly on course with Step       I know they’re keen to get back to                                                  writing this having been re-elected as     funding settlement for Suffolk
3 of the roadmap given the green         business as usual. We’ve always been                                                your Police and Crime Commissioner.        Constabulary remains a top priority
light by the Prime Minister on 17th      here throughout the pandemic for                                                                                               for me in the new term. Just after
May. This saw the most significant       those who have needed us most                                                       The election result was very humbling      the election I was present at an
easing of lockdown restrictions          but the further easing of restrictions                                              and with this mandate comes a huge         online meeting with the Home
yet, with everyday life beginning to     makes our contact with the public                                                   responsibility to continue making          Secretary and the Policing Minister
reflect the reality we once knew, pre-   that bit easier. We will be out and                                                 Suffolk a safer place in which to live,    who confirmed work has already
March 2020. This penultimate step        about more in our communities, we                                                   work, travel and invest.                   started on improving the funding
in the government’s roadmap out of       will be visible and we will get back to                                                                                        formula. The commitment to “level
lockdown sees the return of indoor       that face-to-face engagement which                                                  One requirement for all Police and         up” funding as a general government
gatherings of up to six people or two    is so important.                                                                    Crime Commissioners is to set out          policy remains and, therefore,
households, while up to 30 people                                                                                            their intentions for policing in a local   I’d like to reassure you both the
can meet together outside. Pub, bars     I was delighted to see the results                                                  Police and Crime Plan. The new Suffolk     Constabulary and my office will be
and restaurants are able to welcome      of Operation Sceptre (the national                                                  plan will be based on my election          making Suffolk’s case as strongly as
people inside (ironically just as the    week of action against knife crime)                                                 manifesto which incorporated many          possible. As I’ve stated previously,
weather starts to improve) and           earlier this month. The Constabulary                                                suggestions made by yourselves in          a similar level of per capita police
entertainment venues like cinemas        made a number of arrests in                                                         my previous term of office.                funding to our neighbours in Norfolk
and theatres can open, subject to        different parts of the county for                                                                                              would increase our budget very
restrictions on numbers. And, last       possession of a knife offences and                                                  During the election campaign it was        considerably. That surely cannot be
                                                                                   action. I want to reiterate that if you                                                                                       recipients. Talking to Suffolk
but not least… hugging is back. I        also drug offences, and officers used                                               a real shame I was unable to meet as       too much to ask for as a minimum!
                                                                                   are found illegally in possession of a                                                                                        residents and seeing at first hand
for one couldn’t wait to hug my          intelligence-led deployments as part                                                many of you in person as I would have
                                                                                   knife you will be arrested, put before                                                                                        the work and commitment of so
family. This has been a long journey     of the ongoing work with partners                                                   liked. However, those who I did have       I’m pleased to report the police
                                                                                   the court and brought to justice.                                                                                             many charities and voluntary sector
and an incredibly tough one for all      to tackle knife-based criminality,                                                  the chance to discuss ideas with were      officer recruitment programme is
of us, regardless of our personal        and associated gang activity. Other                                                 not reticent in making their feelings      progressing very well. Our share         bodies is a crucial component for
                                                                                   Finally, congratulations to Tim                                                                                               keeping Suffolk safe and assisting
circumstances. Everyone has been         activity during the week included                                                   known. Whilst there were plenty            of the national uplift programme
                                                                                   Passmore who, following the recent                                                                                            victims and others in difficult or
affected in some way - this global       intelligence led stop & searches, high                                              of suggestions, I think there were         means Suffolk will be recruiting
                                                                                   PCC elections, continues as Police                                                                                            traumatic circumstances. Helping
pandemic has not only threatened         visibility patrols including at Ipswich                                             four issues commonly raised which          an extra 53 officers in this financial
                                                                                   & Crime Commissioner for another                                                                                              these organisations with longer
our physical health but mental health    and Bury St Edmunds train stations,                                                 will be addressed in our new plan.         year and a similar number next year,
                                                                                   3 years. I look forward to working                                                                                            term commitments on funding
as well, with many people put under      in partnership with British Transport                                               These are greater police visibility in     and as a consequence of this year’s
                                                                                   with Tim and his team in keeping our                                                                                          should help them deliver even
enormous strain in dealing with the      Police. Schools Liaison Officers and                                                towns and villages, improvements           extra council tax funding there
                                                                                   county safe.                                                                                                                  better services for the people of
fall-out of lockdown. I have no doubt    Community Engagement Officers                                                       to communication including the             will also be a further 26 officers.
we’ve all had our personal battles in    also supported more than 19 events                                                  101 system, continuation of the            By this time next year there will be     Suffolk.
this time but I truly believe better     in schools and colleges, delivering       Chief Constable                           work against drugs, violent crime          around 1330 full time officers in our
days lie ahead.        The continued     information on knife crime, County        Steve Jupp                                and criminal gangs and the support         county. This will make a big impact      To conclude I am very grateful for
easing of restrictions alongside the     Lines and gangs to children, young                                                  for our younger generations to             on increasing uniformed visibility       the support so many of you have
vaccine roll-out provides the clearest   people and teachers. This included                                                  keep them out of trouble or from           in our towns and villages which I’m      given during the last few years and
signal yet in these past 14 months       assemblies and classroom talks                                                      becoming victims of crime.                 sure you will all welcome. A further     am looking forward to working with
that we can start to return to a near-   with officers encouraging honest                                                                                               major commitment is to improve           you and for you over the coming
normal life safely. Policing has also    conversations around knife crime                                                    The Suffolk plan will be drafted in        communication through various            years to keep our beautiful county
adapted during the pandemic, to          and to highlight to children and                                                    consultation with the Chief Constable      methods but particularly the 101         safe and secure.
make sure we continue to do our job      young people the dangers of carrying                                                and will then go out to wider              service. Money has already been
of protecting the public, enforcing      knives. Over 250 knives and bladed                                                  consultation with stakeholders such        earmarked for these improvements.        Police and Crime Commissioner
the Health Protection Regulations        items were also recovered from the                                                  as Community Safety Partnerships,                                                   Tim Passmore
while keeping our staff as safe as we    knife surrender amnesty bins across                                                 business community representatives         As lockdown eases, I’m really looking
possibly can. This task hasn’t been      the county where people can dispose                                                 and Suffolk residents, before being        forward to starting our public
easy at times, however, I’m extremely    knives and blades safely. It was a                                                  presented to the Police and Crime          engagement meetings and visiting
proud the way my colleagues across       really productive dedicated week of                                                 Panel in October.                          many of our grant and commissioning
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
EAST                                                                                                                                                                                   Area Commander
                                                                                                                                                                                                    Paul Sharp

                        LOWESTOFT, BECCLES & BUNGAY                                                                                      HALESWORTH DISTRICT
                        PC Amy Yeldham, Community Engagement Officer                                                                     PC Simon Green, Community Engagement Officer
                        Thanks to continuing work of the Kestrel                                                                                                                            able to hand over equipment to the latest
                        team and their patrols a man was                                                                                                                                    Suffolk Community Speed Watch group,
                        arrested on Rigbourne Hill in Beccles                                                                                                                               with volunteers from Walberswick who were
                        after officers stopped and searched him                                                                                                                             very pleased to take possession of their new
                                                                                                                                                                                            radar, road signs & high visability gear. We
                        under section 23 Misuse of Drugs Act
                                                                                                                                                                                            met with Walberswick Parish Council towards
                        and seized a knife and knuckle duster                                                                                                                               the end of 2020 to assess proposed sites for
                        from him. He was arrested for having                                                                                                                                volunteers to stand and managed to approve
                        an article with a blade or point in a                                                                                                                               five locations. Not bad for such a small
                        public place, assault on an emergency                                                                                                                               village. Volunteers were shown how to use
                        worker and obstructing a drug search.                                                                                                                               the equipment and they will be accompanied
                        Our Neighbourhood Response officers                                                                                                                                 by a police officer or PCSO on their first
SOCIAL MEDIA            in between responding to emergency                                                         SOCIAL MEDIA                                                             deployment.
                        calls stopped a male on a motorbike in                                                                           Our pro-active Kestrel Team have been busy
Twitter -               North Lowestoft and he was searched                                                        Twitter -             conducting operations in Eye, Framlingham,         If your parish or village is interested in
                                                                                                                                         Debenham & Hoxne recently in response to           setting up a CSW group, please let us know
@LowestoftPolice        under section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs                                                    @HaleswrthPolice
                                                                     Officers, whilst on night time patrols in                           issues of criminality & anti-social behaviour      by contacting us via Suffolk Constabulary
                        Act and found in possession of cannabis.                                                                                                                            website here - Community Speed Watch
                                                                     Pakefield, searched two males under                                 and requests from local people for us to
                        The male was subsequently arrested for                                                                           address this.
Facebook -                                                           section 23 of the Misuse of Drugs Act         Facebook -
                        possession with intent to supply and
/LowestoftPolice                                                     and, after initially fleeing from officers,   /HalesworthPolice
                        driving whilst unfit.                                                                                            The team were in Framlingham on 14 May
                                                                     they were located and one was found in
                                                                                                                                         patrolling various locations and detained a
                                                                     possession of cannabis and dealt with
                        Elsewhere,        Lowestoft        Safer                                                                         male for a drugs search. It proved negative,
                                                                     for that offence.
                        Neighbourhood Team officers have been                                                                            but it was a beneficial opportunity for officers
                        tackling the Anti-Social use of motor                                                                            to engage with the young male and ensure
                                                                     Roads Policing, our Neighbourhood                                   his parents were made aware.
                        vehicles in Lowestoft and surrounding
                                                                     Response Team and the dog section,
                        areas, which has already resulted in
                                                                     responded to a road traffic collision in
                        vehicles receiving section 59 warning                                                                                                                               Finally, can you spot what’s wrong in the
                                                                     Somerleyton due to the driver running
                        notices for ASB and some being seized                                                                                                                               picture with the cows? A highland cow
                                                                     from the vehicle, PD (Police Dog) Harry
                        including a scrambler motorbike seized                                                                                                                              escaped from its’ field in early May in
                                                                     tracked and located the driver a short
                        in Kirkley Ham. Your local officers will                                                                                                                            Blythburgh, clearly wishing to follow a
                                                                     time later, with the driver arrested after
                        continue to deal with further incidents                                                                                                                             desire to travel. Officers from Halesworth
                                                                     a positive breath test at the roadside.
                        and ask that the public report these                                                                                                                                spent some time trying to return it to its’
                                                                     Great teamwork from all involved. Until                                                                                friends, who watched intently as it nibbled
                        incidents as and when they happen as
                                                                     next time! - PC Amy Yeldham                                                                                            at the much more lush vegetation on the
                        we are acutely aware of the distress and
                        disruption such noise based ASB can                                                                                                                                 road-side! In all seriousness though, if you
                                                                                                                                                                                            have livestock close to a road, please check
                        have on a residential community.
Inspector                                                                                                          Inspector                                                                fencing & security regularly. This particular
Nick Aitken                                                                                                        Mark Jackson                                                             field is very close to the busy A12 through
                        Over April and May we have resumed our                                                                                                                              Blythburgh so the incident could have been
                        popular ‘street meets’ and so far, have                                                                          We’ve received a number of requests                much more hazardous for cow & cops.
Inspector Nick          attended Gunton Cliff, Whitton Green,                                                      Inspector Mark        for speed enforcement patrols. As covid
                        The Britten Centre in Lowestoft. Outney                                                                          restrictions are eased, an increase in traffic
Aitken is responsible                                                                                              Jackson is
                        Road in Bungay and Beccles Quay. More                                                                            volume is a direct result, accompanied by
for the two Safer       dates to be added over June and July and                                                   responsible for       a corresponding requirement for police to
Neighbourhood Teams     will be advertised as usual via our social                                                 the three Safer       be out, reminding drivers to be mindful of
                        media pages under Lowestoft Police and                                                                           the environments they’re driving through.
in the Lowestoft,                                                                                                  Neighbourhood Teams   We issued a Traffic Offence Report to one
                        the Police Connect messaging service. If
Beccles and Bungay                                                                                                 in the Halesworth     driver in Holton St. Peter travelling at 47mph
                        you want to join Police Connect please
                                                                                                                                         in a 30 zone. We’ve also been to Palgrave,
locality.               sign up here - Police Connect Sign Up |                                                    locality.             Aldeburgh & Spexhall.
                        Suffolk Constabulary
                                                                                                                                         On a related matter on 12 May we were
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
WEST                                                                                                                                                                             Area Commander
                                                                                                                                                                                            Janine Wratten

                         BURY ST EDMUNDS                                                                                               MILDENHALL
                         PC Lee Andrews-Pearce, Community Engagement Officer                                                           PC Helen Self, Community Engagement Officer
                         The last few weeks have been busy          plan. If you see me out and about do                               Officers in Forest Heath SNT have been busy     urge to put the lights and sirens on whilst
                         for me as I settle into the community      come and say hello, and all offers of a                            over the last few months as the county has      parked in the car park!
                                                                                                                                       started to return to normal and the easing of
                         engagement role. I have been reaching      covid secure cuppa and biscuit will be                             lockdown continues.                             We have also been into Aldi and Tesco’s
                         out to our community partners to           gratefully received!                                                                                               in Brandon and Sainsburys in Mildenhall
                         build those lasting relationships that                                                                        We have started to see an increase demand       handing out purse bells following a recent
                         benefit our communities.                                                                                      in our night-time economy with pubs and         theft of a purse where the suspects distracted
                                                                                                                                       restaurants re-opening. It is nice to see our   the victim before stealing her purse that
                                                                                                                                       towns getting some life back into them.         was in her handbag in the trolley. Please
                         PC Becky Guy from the SNT and I have                                                                          PSCO Bill Butcher has continued getting to      remember not to make it easy for people and
                         been carrying out speed enforcement                                                                           know everyone in Newmarket and was lucky        make sure your bagged is zipped up and not
                         checks in Bury St Edmunds, targeting                                                                          enough to try out a horse-riding simulator at   left unattended.
SOCIAL MEDIA             those who speed on our roads, using                                                  SOCIAL MEDIA             the museum. He is planning on a new career
                         education as well as enforcement to                                                                           in horse racing!
Twitter -                get the message across to drivers.                                                   Twitter -
@BuryStEdsPolice         We will continue doing speed                                                         @MildnhallPolice
                         enforcement in the Bury St Edmunds
Facebook -               and the villages. As your CEO, I can                                                 Facebook -
/BuryStEdmundsPolice     assist and support communities                                                       /MildenhallPolice
                         blighted by speeding in setting up
                         a Community Speed Watch Scheme
                         in their area. Please get in touch or      Me, staff from the SNT and the
                         visit our website if you want to play a    Neighbourhoods & Partnerships
                         part in dealing with speeding in our       Team (NPT) had a pop-up event on
                                                                                                                                       Bill joined PC Helen Self on a stall at
                         communities.                               market day on Wednesday 19 May in                                  Newmarket market and were on hand to give
                                                                    the town. It was great to see so many                              crime prevention advice to those who spoke
                                                                    people in the town and provide us                                  with them. They handed out purse bells to a
                                                                    with a great opportunity to talk about                             few ladies who were concerned about purse
                                                                    the link between child exploitation                                theft and spoke to lots of people whilst on
                                                                                                                                       the market.
                                                                    and county lines, crime prevention
                                                                    and ASB. We are hoping to continue                                 Helen and Bill also carried out foot patrols
                                                                    this type of event on a regular basis.                             in Newmarket concentrating on the Yellow        We are starting to have reports of mini
                                                                                                                                       Brick Road, the High Street and Exning Road.    motorbikes riding on the Jubilee Fields, St
                                                                                                                                       They went into Newmarket Academy during         Johns Close and Evergreen Way areas of
Inspector                                                                                                     Inspector                lunchtime and spoke to pupils about being       Mildenhall. If you know who is responsible or
Andy Beeby                                                                                                    Mark Shipton             back in school and any concerns they have.      you have any concerns, then please contact
                                                                                                                                       PCSO Rachael Darvill and PC Helen Self had      your local SNT.
                                                                                                                                       stalls on Brandon and Mildenhall markets
Inspector Andy Beeby                                                                                          Inspector Mark           during Op Sceptre week of action against        Our Police Cadets met face to face for a
                                                                                                                                       knife crime, giving advice as well as crime     game of tchoukball on the Jubilee Fields in
is responsible for the                                                                                        Shipton is responsible   prevention information.                         Mildenhall and they very much seemed to
Safer Neighbourhood                                                                                           for the three Safer                                                      enjoy getting back to meeting up again.
Team in the Bury St                                                                                           Neighbourhood Teams      IES Breckland welcomed PCSO Ann-Marie
                                                                                                                                       Powell and PC Marie Appleby into school
Edmunds locality.                                                                                             in the Mildenhall,       and they spoke to lots of pupils about
                         Over the next few weeks I hope                                                       Newmarket and            their concerns and listened to information
                                                                                                                                       provided to them. PC Helen Self was able to
                         to visit as many villages and rural                                                  Brandon locality.        do the same at Mildenhall College Academy.
                         communities as I can and patrol on                                                                            Miss Hood, the college principle, sat in the
                         foot or my bike as part of my visibility                                                                      police car with Helen and couldn’t resist the
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
                          SUDBURY                                                                                                                       HAVERHILL
                          PC Darren Marshall, Community Engagement Officer                                                                              PC Cheryl Claydon, Community Engagement Officer
                          Since April we’ve welcomed back to Sudbury        investigated under the Proceeds of Crime                                    It’s been another busy but productive              We also welcome PSCO Jess Cullen-McLeod
                          Inspector Matt Paisley as both our and            Act. Steven’s experiences show how valuable                                 few weeks in terms of policing activity in         who has joined Haverhill from Bury. Jess was
                          Haverhill’s local policing commander. Matt        to us community intelligence is and how we                                  Haverhill. In late April as part of the national   previously a School Liaison Officer, while PC
                          cut his community policing teeth in both          convert that into intelligence led patrols on a                             Operation Sceptre knife crime week we              Jack Oakley has joined the Haverhill SNT
                          Hadleigh and Sudbury so a massive ‘welcome        day to day basis. Well done Steven!                                         visited supermarkets and schools to educate        on attachment. Finally, we also have new
                          home’ to him. Additionally, in recent weeks                                                                                   about knife crime. This included assemblies        recruit PC Thomas Elford who has joined our
                          we’ve been fortunate to welcome four              We’ve been enjoying starting up our                                         and classroom talks with officers encouraging      Neighbourhood Response Team. Good luck
                          new officers across our Neighbourhood             community engagements again and to                                          honest conversations around knife crime.           to them all and we hope they enjoy their new
                          Response teams at Sudbury, all of whom are        date we’ve hosted events in Long Melford,                                   Remember, we have a knife disposal bin at          posting – I know they are all looking forward
                          part of the national uplift of officer numbers.   Lawshall and Bildeston and there will be                                    the front of Haverhill police station where        to getting out and about and meeting the
                          So welcome aboard to PC Sian Fagg, PC             many more in future weeks too. Thanks to                                    you can safely dispose of your unwanted            community.
                          Michael Long, PC Billy Turner and PC Joanne       everyone who have come over to either                                       knifes.
SOCIAL MEDIA              Reynolds and we wish them all good luck in        share a concern or just simply to say hello.      SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                 We have also been busy targeting vehicles
                          all your future policing endeavours.              I’ve ended up holding a lamb called Sheila in                                                                                  being driven without insurance or that are
Twitter -                                                                   Melford and Thea, a beautiful beagle puppy        Twitter -                                                                    committing vehicle offences. We have seized
                          In keeping with communities up and down           took a shine to my beard in Lawshall!                                                                                          several vehicles over the last couple of
@HaverhillPolice          the land, on Saturday 17 April 2021, Sudbury
                                                                                                                              @PoliceHaverhill                                                             months – images of which are featured.
                          officers and volunteers honoured the minutes
Facebook -                silence for HRH Duke of Edinburgh.                                                                  Facebook -
/SudburyHaverhillPolice                                                                                                       /SudburyHaverhillPolice

                                                                            I’ve enjoyed having our fantastic volunteer
                                                                            Police Cadets back for face to face meetings                                Also, in April he Emergency Service Cadets
                                                                            and we’ve packed in a lot whilst making up                                  were out on foot patrol delivering around
                                                                            for lost time. They have had an Operation                                   100 crime prevention leaflets and speaking
                                                                            Sceptre knife crime input which culminated                                  to the public about preventing vehicle crime       Elsewhere, on a related matter, we have
                                                                            in a weapon sweep of the police station                                     on the Arrendene Estate in Haverhill.              conducted Community Speed Watch site
                          In May, we were joined by PC Steven               grounds using the What3Words app to                                                                                            assessments at Clare and Chevington. It’s
                          Coughlan on an attachment to our Sudbury          locate and safely secure pre-hidden knifes.                                 Meanwhile, County Lines intensification            with a view to local volunteers being trained
                          Safer Neighbourhood Team. In just a week          The cadets conducted a community speed                                      week in mid-May saw us visit schools,              in the use of speed detection equipment to
                          he packed in a lot of experiences. He was         check in Great Waldingfield during one                                      hotels, taxi businesses, estate agents, shops,     try and reduce the speed of vehicles going
                          involved in the arrest of a local male in         session as well a drill refresher on another                                library to talk to the public about the issue      through their villages. If you would like to
Inspector                 connection with our recent Sudbury town           session. Finally, we welcomed aboard Cadets                                 of drug dealing. On a countywide scale we          set up a scheme or join an existing scheme
Matt Paisley              arson series which has resulted in admissions     Murren Embery, Leo Manning and Daniel                                       conducted arrests and warrants, organising         please email - communityspeedwatch@
                          in interview. He arrested a drink driver and      Marshall to our unit.                                                       dedicated patrols, gathering intelligence          suffolk.pnn.police.uk
                          he was involved in a stop on a vehicle which                                                                                  to ensure that the force continues to make
Inspector Matt            evolved into a section 23 search of the car       Never did I hope or aspire to spend my 50th                                 Suffolk a hostile environment for criminals to     Finally, a date for your diary - we will be at
                          and occupants. Class A drugs were located         birthday being run ragged and set alight                                    operate in.                                        the Haverhill Show on the Recreation Ground
Paisley is responsible    and Steven conducted the subsequent               during my annual PSU refresher training, but                                                                                   on Sunday 4 July, so look forward to meeting
for the two Safer         interview, gaining an admission of guilt          back in April I did! It’s getting harder these                              We have resumed our popular ‘street                as many of you as possible then!
Neighbourhood Teams       from the suspect. Also worthy of note, he         days to keep up with the ‘young’un’s’ when                                  meets’ and we have been to the rugby
                          was involved in an intelligence-led stop on       you’re a big unit like me but I’m just about                                club at Haverhill, Tesco Haverhill, as well as
in the Sudbury and        a vehicle which flagged up to officers as         managing. To add to the aches and pains, the                                Cavendish, Stansfield, Hargrave and Thurlow
Haverhill locality.       being involved in County Lines activity to        wonderful NHS caught up with me for my                                      with many more locations to come over the
                          and from London. The motorist was found           initial covid jab on my actual birthday so for                              summer weeks so watch out for posts on our
                          in possession of a considerable amount            the rest of the week I didn’t know if my aches                              local Facebook and Twitter accounts. Thank
                          of money which he declined to give good           and pains came from the jab or the training!                                you to the public who have come to see us –
                          account for. This matter is now being                                                                                         we hope you found it beneficial.
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
WEST                                                                                                        SOUTH                                                                           SOUTH
                                                                                                                                                                               Area Commander
                                                                                                                                                                                            Jane Topping

                         STOWMARKET                                                                                               IPSWICH CENTRAL
                         PC Stefan Henriksen, Community Engagement Officer                                                        PC Dom Woodmansee, Community Engagement Officer
                         It is so good to be getting out more      The Kestrel team who are dedicated to                          The Central SNT continue to tackle their          playing in the park after school. The male
                         and more to meet people and look          tackle criminal threats and challenges                         local priorities with some positive results. We   was found to have several bags of cannabis
                                                                                                                                  have monitored addresses we believe to be         on him and was subsequently arrested for
                         forward to more of the same in the        that emerge in a particular local area                         used for ‘cuckooing’ where the vulnerable         possession with intent to supply.
                         coming months.                            have been out and about in our area,                           are being exploited by drug dealers and
                                                                   carrying out high visibility patrols,                          managed to resolve four of them. One more         During the Op Sceptre week that concentrates
                                                                   engagement, and good proactive                                 address is now being looked at after local        on knife crime the CEOs conducted two
                                                                   work, so please say hello to them if                           intelligence raised concerns and a section 8      weapons sweep in the Maple Park area and
                                                                                                                                  notice has been issued to the resident.           small kitchen knives were found hidden in
                                                                   you see them.                                                                                                    well-known dealing spots. The knife bin on
                                                                                                                                  During the County Lines intensification week,     Bramford road was emptied again and is still
                                                                                                                                  now lockdown restrictions have eased, the         getting a large amount of knives deposited
SOCIAL MEDIA                                                                                                SOCIAL MEDIA          community engagement officers (CEOs)              - 183 in total. CEOs were also able to visit
                                                                                                                                  have been able to get back into the schools       St Matthews school to talk about Op Sceptre
Twitter -                                                                                                                         for PHSE lessons and raise awareness on           related topics. As always, we were welcomed
                                                                                                            Twitter -             County Lines, staying safe and making good        by the school children who showed a keen
@StowPolice              I did unfortunately have to cancel my                                              @IpswichPolice        decisions. The children are always very keen      interest and actively participated in open
                         first Stowmarket ‘street meet’ back                                                                      to interact and learn about what we do day        discussions around crime.
Facebook -               on 1 May, due to breaking my foot                                                  Facebook -            to day. The week also saw an increase in
/StowmarketPolice        during training. I’m glad to say I am                                                                    visits to our vulnerable adults at our most       The CEOs made unannounced visits to shops
                                                                                                            /IpswichPolice        recently ‘cuckooed’ addresses. This provides      in and around the town who sell kitchen
                         now back and looking forward to the                                                                      reassurance that we are there to help and         knives to see what security and safeguarding
                         next ones on 12 June and 3 July in                                                                       protect them from exploitation but also a         they have in place around selling them. It
                         Stowmarket between 9am and 2pm,                                                                          great opportunity to engage, build trust and      was good to see all shops had taken steps in
                         in the usual place. We will also be                                                                      confidence in the police as well as gather        various forms to prevent theft and selling to
                         taking the mobile police station to                                                                      intelligence.                                     underage shoppers. The most effective found
                                                                                                                                                                                    was Wilkos who do not physically display any
                         Thurston on 18 June 10am-2pm at                                                                          Central SNT across all teams have conducted       knives at all, only a card label with a picture
                         the train station. We will be aiming to                                                                  or assisted with four warrants in the last        of the knife you wish to purchase, which has
                         get out to as many engagements as                                                                        couple of weeks resulting in five people being    to be produced at the counter so a member
                         possible in the coming months and                                                                        detained and drugs and cash being seized.         of staff can approve the sale before a knife
                         will update these on our Stowmarket                                                                      Two of our County Lines were disrupted in         is given to the customer at the checkout by
                                                                                                                                  the process.                                      a second member of staff. Our Op Sceptre
                         Facebook page.                                                                                                                                             engagements continued at Suffolk College
                                                                                                                                  Some of our local priorities on begging and       and the university campus.
                         We had a great time on 27 May                                                                            street drinking, have increased since the
                         at one of our regular visits to the                                                                      town centre has reopened. This has resulted       Other good work by SNT officers has seen
                         Befrienders Group in Stowmarket.                                                                         in an increase in begging warnings and            one of our prolific shoplifters arrested and
Inspector                                                                                                   Inspector             street drinking warnings being issued by          imprisoned for 18 months after he committed
                         Sadly, we say goodbye to Ginny, who                                                                      officers on foot patrol. These issues had all     a robbery, stealing an elderly lady’s handbag.
Neil McKay               is our Diverse Communities advisor,                                                Vicky McParland
                                                                                                                                  but disappeared during lockdown but have          SNT officers also recently attended a taser
                         as she is retiring. I’m pleased that                                                                     quickly started to increase as the weather        incident at Ipswich train station supporting
Inspector Neil McKay     Stella Frangleton has taken over the                                               Inspector Vicky       improves and more and more people venture         our British Transport Police colleagues where
                         role and I will be joining her in the                                                                    into town. It is important we all challenge       a male brandishing a knife had stabbed
is responsible for the                                                                                      McParland is          this behaviour appropriately and keep it to       another male. The male was safely detained
Safer Neighbourhood      future.                                                                            responsible for the   a minimum so shoppers feel confident and          for GBH and was subsequently outstanding
Team in the                                                                                                 Safer Neighbourhood   safe when they come into the town.                for two other serious knife offences in
Stowmarket locality.                                                                                        Team in the Ipswich   Regular patrols continue around our hot
                                                                                                            Central locality.     spots near Handford school and Maple Park
                                                                                                                                  where drug use and dealing continues on
                                                                                                                                  a daily basis. Officers recently had cause to
                                                                                                                                  stop search a male smoking cannabis in the
                                                                                                                                  play park while several school children were
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
                         IPSWICH WEST                                                                                                        HADLEIGH
                         PC Richard Smith, Community Engagement Officer                                                                      PC Mike Small, Community Engagement Officer
                         I am pleased to be onboard as the newest                                                                            On the Hadleigh Safer Neighbourhood           Speedwatch volunteers and the Suffolk
                         member of the Community Engagement                                                                                  Team we have continued to see an              Safety Camera team to target areas
                         Team and have been getting to grips with                                                                            increase in our demand over the recent        where we receive complaints. We are
                         moving from the west of the county into my                                                                          weeks as more of the covid restrictions       currently in the process of setting up
                         new role as CEO for Ipswich West.
                                                                                                                                             are lifted. Our officers and PCSOs            new Speedwatch schemes and if you
                         As with any transfer of roles I am working to
                                                                                                                                             continue to focus on reports of anti-         are interested in starting one in your
                         build on the existing relationships PC Mike                                                                         social behaviour including reports of         community, please contact us via the
                         Small has made within the community and                                                                             drug use in open spaces and parks             Suffolk Police website.
                                                                          campaign we went into several local schools
                         develop new contacts to help support and         to educate the children on subjects ranging                        around the area. We have increased
                         understand the needs of the Ipswich West         from staying safe online through to not                            patrols around the Hadleigh Leisure           From an engagement perspective, I have
                         area. During my initial weeks I have been        falling prey and becoming vulnerable to                            Centre following reports of ASB around        been working with our schools’ team
SOCIAL MEDIA             involved in several campaigns - the first        gangs.
                                                                                                                           SOCIAL MEDIA      the site and the adjacent park. We are        visiting several of our schools around
                         being Operation Sceptre, the national week                                                                          working with staff at the centre to target    the Hadleigh area. At the end of May,
Twitter -                of action against knife crime. During the week   Our Link Officers have had a number of           Twitter -         any issues that arise. We continue to         we participated in the national County
                         several arrests were made for possession of      positive results surrounding ‘cuckooed’
@IpswichPolice                                                                                                             @HadleighPolice   focus on vehicles being driven in an          Lines intensification week and visited
                         a knife offences and over 250 knives and         properties in and around the Chantry Estate
                         bladed items were recovered from our knife
                                                                                                                                             anti-social manner in Hadleigh. The           several primary and high schools talking
                                                                          seizing drugs and successfully disrupting the                      reports that we receive relate to vehicles    to young people about the danger signs
Facebook -               surrender amnesty bin.                           County Lines drug supply in the area.            Facebook -
                                                                                                                                             being used with excessive loud exhausts       associated with County Line and gang
/IpswichPolice                                                            Cuckooing of properties is where criminal        /HadleighPolice
                                                                          gangs exploit vulnerable people in our                             and travelling at speed around public         related activity. For more information
                                                                          community by taking over their homes.                              carparks and the roads around the town        on this, visit our website where there is a
                                                                                                                                             centre. As always, I urge that you use        section of advice for parents and young
                                                                          Signs that ‘cuckooing’ may be going on at a                        the ‘Report Now’ section of our website       people alike.
                                                                          property include:                                                  to report your concerns relating to ASB
                                                                                                                                             and low-level criminality, but always         It has been a cold spring so hopefully the
                                                                          •   An increase in people entering and                             dial ‘999’ in an emergency situation. We      weather will warm up as we move into
                                                                              leaving                                                        have recently been granted a community        the summer months. We will be working
                                                                          •   An increase in cars and bikes outside                          protection notice against a Hadleigh          with our partner agencies at our open
                         Mike and I had several engagements in our        •   Possible increase in anti-social behaviour
                         local schools, educating on staying safe                                                                            resident who was the subject of repeated      spaces and beauty spots around the area
                                                                          •   Increasing litter outside
                         in the community and knife crime. It was         •   Signs of drugs use                                             calls to police and other emergency           as we expect to see an increase in footfall
                         really refreshing to be able to get back into    •   Lack of healthcare visitors                                    services. A community protection notice       and traffic as the weather improves.
                         our local schools, following the previous                                                                           (CPN) can be issued against a persistent      Please follow us on our local social
                         restrictions and this has allowed us to once     Reporting your concerns allows us to create                        antisocial behaviour perpetrator, and         media Facebook and Twitter accounts for
                         again start building relationships.              an intelligence picture within our community                       the failure to comply can lead to further     regular updates.
                                                                          and focus our resources where they are                             sanctions if the subject of the order fails
                         Over the previous month we have seen an          needed. Any concerns can be reported via                           to comply.
Inspector                increase in anti-social behaviour around         101 or on-line at www.suffolk.police.uk/
Kirsty Graefe            Chantry Library and in Stonelodge Park, with     contact-us/report-something
                         several reports of drug dealing. We have                                                                            In our rural communities around the
                         responded to this by doing high visibility                                                                          Hadleigh policing area, I ask that
                                                                          Alternatively you can report anonymously
Inspector Kirsty         patrols in and around the park area. I have      to Crimestoppers on 0800 555 111 or www.                           residents remain vigilant and ensure that
                         also been part of a review of the general        crimestoppers-uk.org                                               their houses, outbuildings and vehicles
Graefe is responsible    location of the library, with the Design Out                                                                        are as secure as possible.       Around
for the two Safer        Crime Team, which has resulted in a better       Now things are starting to get back to some                        Suffolk, we have seen an increase in
Neighbourhood Teams      CCTV system being authorised. As part of our     sort of normality we will be looking to attend                     crimes affecting the farming community
                         increased presence in that area we operated      several organised events and perform a                             and we encourage residents to report
in the Ipswich West      a cycle security marking event at Chantry        number of our ‘street meets’. Please keep an                       any suspicious activity or vehicles seen
and Hadleigh locality.   Library which gave us an opportunity to          eye on the local police Facebook and Twitter
                         speak with several children.
                                                                                                                                             on farmland or near farm buildings. I am
                                                                          accounts where we will publish these events.                       receiving regular complaints relating to
                                                                          In the meantime, please remember to stay
                         During May we had the County Lines drugs                                                                            speeding through our local villages. We
                                                                          vigilant and work to the current guidelines
                         week of action. As part of this national         on covid restrictions. Stay safe!                                  continue to work with our community
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
                         FELIXSTOWE & WOODBRIDGE                                                                                    IPSWICH EAST
                         PC Rachael Partridge, Community Engagement Officer                                                         PC Hannah Canning, Community Engagement Officer
                         Policing into the summer months with     are planning to take part in a national                           It has been a busy couple of months, with    and pre-schools, talking about police
                         the easing of lockdown restrictions is   ASB awareness week and this will be                               national campaigns in relation to both       uniform, vehicles and how to keep safe
                         set to be a busy time for your Safer     held between 19 to 25 July 2021 with                              County Lines and knife crime awareness       when they are out and about.
                         Neighbourhood and Response Teams         engagements planned in Felixstowe                                 taking place in recent weeks. The Ipswich
                                                                                                                                    East Safer Neighbourhood Team have
                         in Felixstowe and Woodbridge.            and Woodbridge. ASB can be any
                                                                                                                                    executed various warrants in east Ipswich
                                                                  behaviour likely to cause harassment,
                                                                                                                                    and have worked with colleagues on
                         Local police officers are pleased to     alarm or distress, drunken behaviour,                             warrants in Woodbridge and Felixstowe.
                         be able to return to engagements         threatening or abusive language,                                  Cash and drugs have been seized from
                         with partner agencies and visits to      graffiti,  criminal    damage      and                            various addresses. We continue to make
                         schools. PCSO Ellie Miles and PC         noise pollution, drug and alcohol                                 visits to properties considered to be
SOCIAL MEDIA             Hannah Canning attended the Three        misuse, vehicle annoyance and the         SOCIAL MEDIA            vulnerable to cuckooing, with the aim of
                         Bears Playgroup in Kesgrave this         inconsiderate use of motor vehicles.                              disrupting drug supply and County Lines,
Twitter -                month where the children were able       However, please remember in an            Twitter -               and protecting vulnerable members of
@FelixWoodPolice         to ask questions about the police and    emergency always dial 999.                @FelixWoodPolice        our community. I’ve been working with
                         learn how to stay safe. If you would                                                                       PCSO Ellen Whight to deliver inputs
                                                                                                                                    to young people in some of our local
Facebook -               like us to pay a visit to your school    Safer Neighbourhood Team officers         Facebook -
                                                                                                                                    education provisions around the subjects
/FelixstoweWoodbridge    or playgroup please get in touch         have listened to local community          /FelixstoweWoodbridge
                                                                                                                                    of County Lines and knife crime, and
 Police                  with us and we will happily oblige at    concerns in relation to speeding and       Police
                                                                                                                                    the School Liaison Team have also been
                         a convenient time and ensuring we        the use of e-scooters. Officers have                              educating young people around these
                         adhere to covid rules and restrictions   been conducting speed checks in                                   issues in local schools. Patrols have been
                         to make sure everyone is kept safe.      ‘hot-spot’ areas and an e-unicycle                                taking place in known drug hotspots,         Traffic enforcement work and speeding
                                                                  was seized from an adult man in                                   local parks and open spaces.                 checks continue in areas where issues
                                                                  Trimley St Mary.                                                                                               have been reported, with numerous
                                                                                                                                                                                 traffic offence reports made for various
                                                                                                                                                                                 offences including excess speed. A day
                                                                                                                                                                                 of action in relation to traffic issues also
                                                                                                                                                                                 took place recently across the Ipswich
                                                                                                                                                                                 area. There seems to have been an
                                                                                                                                                                                 increase in the use of e-scooters in the
                                                                                                                                                                                 area, so we continue to engage with and
                                                                                                                                                                                 educate those using them unlawfully,
                                                                                                                                                                                 taking enforcement action where
                                                                                                                                                                                 necessary. This has resulted in multiple
                                                                                                                                                                                 e-scooters being seized by police locally.
Soraya Francis
                                                                                                                                    Partnership work continues, as we work
Inspector Soraya                                                                                                                    to build good relationships with local
                                                                                                                                    organisations and initiatives in east
Francis is responsible
                                                                                                                                    Ipswich. I have been into local libraries,
for the three Safer                                                                                                                 pop-up shops, supported housing for
Neighbourhood                                                                                                                       young people and temporary housing.
                         High visibility patrols continue                                                                           Plans are also starting to progress for
Teams in the Ipswich     with members of the public being                                                                           some of the summer events, where
East, Felixstowe and     encouraged to report anti-social                                                                           we hope to have stands where we can
Woodbridge locality.     behaviour (ASB) and non-urgent                                                                             engage with our community. We’ve also
                         crime online via www.suffolk.police.                                                                       visited some of the youngest members
                         uk/contact-us/report-something We                                                                          of our community at their nurseries
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
Suffolk CCR March 2021
              Facts about the Contact & Control Room

of 7733 999 calls into the CCR
                                                 Using our cutting-edge telephone system
                                                 we prioritise our most important 101 calls
                                                so that they are answered first, these include

in March were answered within
         10 seconds

   101 calls were made by
                                                     Hate Crime     Domestic abuse   Mental Health

                                                                  On average it takes us just over
  members of the public and
                                                                   6 ½ minutes to answer these
serviced by the CCR in March
                                                                   101 calls, and help our most

                                                                        vulnerable callers

                                                     If your call isn't one of these you may
                                                       have to wait a little bit longer, but
   of all calls in March were                           everyone one in our small room is
  resolved without sending a                        working as hard as we can to help you,
          Police Officer                                     so please bear with us.

          Last year nearly 20000       You can report non-    Our website also has
         people used the ’Report urgent crime, through to the answers to a huge
         It’ service on our Suffolk anti-social behaviour and amount of questions
           Police website. Nearly     road traffic accidents  that might save you
         8000 moving from phone online in only a matter having to call us, and
                  to online                of minutes           save you time
JUNE2021 Artwork by Dylan Peachey - Suffolk Constabulary
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