City of Bunbury Council Minutes 12 October 2021
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City of Bunbury Council Minutes 12 October 2021 CITY OF BUNBURY 4 Stephen Street Bunbury WA 6230 Western Australia Correspondence to: Post Office Box 21 Bunbury WA 6231 Telephone: (08) 9792 7234 ◌ Facsimile: (08) 9792 7184 ◌ TTY: (08) 9792 7370 ◌
Table of Contents Item No Subject Page 1. Declaration of Opening / Announcements of Visitors............................................................................ 6 2. Disclaimer ............................................................................................................................................... 6 3. Announcements from the Presiding Member ........................................................................................ 7 4. Attendance ............................................................................................................................................. 7 4.1 Apologies ................................................................................................................................ 7 4.2 Approved Leave of Absence ................................................................................................... 7 5. Declaration of Interest ............................................................................................................................ 8 6. Public Question Time .............................................................................................................................. 9 6.1 Public Question Time ............................................................................................................. 9 6.2 Responses to Public Questions Taken ‘On Notice’................................................................. 9 7. Confirmation of Previous Minutes and other Meetings under Clause 19.1.........................................10 7.1 Minutes ................................................................................................................................10 7.1.1 Minutes – Ordinary Council Meeting ..................................................................10 7.1.2 Minutes – Council Advisory Committees and Working/Project Groups .............11 8. Petitions, Presentations, Deputations and Delegations .......................................................................12 8.1 Petitions ...............................................................................................................................12 8.2 Presentations .......................................................................................................................12 8.3 Deputations ..........................................................................................................................12 8.4 Council Delegates’ Reports ..................................................................................................12 8.5 Conference Delegates’ Reports............................................................................................12 9. Method of Dealing with Agenda Business ............................................................................................13 10.1 Review of City of Bunbury Local Planning Policies (listed as 10.1 in the agenda) 14 10.2 Review of Council Policy: Honorary Freeman of the City of Bunbury (listed as 10.1.2 in the agenda) ..........................................................................................19 10.3 Review of Council Policy: Legal Representation for Elected Members and Employees (listed as 10.1.3 in the agenda) ........................................................21 10.4 Review of Council Policy: Reserve Areas Set Aside for the Riding of Horses (listed as 10.1.4 in the agenda) ...........................................................................24 10.5 Review of Council Policy: Naming of Roads, Reserves, Bridges and Other Places (listed as 10.1.5 in the agenda) ................................................................26 10.6 Review of Council Policy: Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection (listed as 10.1.6 in the agenda) .............................................28 10.7 Chief Executive Officer Key Performance Indicators – As of October 2021 (listed as 10.2.1 in the agenda) ...........................................................................32 10.8 Financial Management Report for the Period Ending 31 August 2021 (listed as 10.3.1 in the agenda)......................................................................................35 10.9 Schedule of Accounts Paid for the 1 August 2021 to 31 August 2021 (listed as 10.3.2 in the agenda)......................................................................................41
Table of Contents Item No Subject Page 10.10 Economic Development Action Plan – Year Two, Six-Month Review (listed as 10.4.1 in the agenda) ..........................................................................................42 10.11 Hay Park North Pavilion Naming (listed as 10.5.1 in the agenda) .......................46 11. Applications for Leave of Absence........................................................................................................50 12. Motions on Notice ................................................................................................................................50 13. Questions from Members.....................................................................................................................50 13.1 Response to Previous Questions from Members taken on Notice ......................................50 13.2 Questions from Members ....................................................................................................50 14. New Business of an Urgent Nature Introduced by Decision of the Meeting .......................................50 15. Meeting Closed to Public ......................................................................................................................50 15.1 Matters for which the Meeting may be Closed ...................................................................50 15.1.1 CEO Performance Review January 2021-August 2021 ...........................................51 15.1.2 Request for Tender - South West Sports Centre Plant & Machinery (Spa Filtration Upgrade)..............................................................................................52 15.2 Public Reading of Resolutions that may be made Public .....................................................53 16. Closure ..................................................................................................................................................54
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Acknowledgement of Country We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Wardandi Noongar people, and pay our respects to Elders past, present and future. Vision Bunbury: welcoming and full of opportunities. Organisational Values #WEARECOB We are one team We keep each other safe WE ARE COMMUNITY We display empathy and respect We have fun and celebrate our successes We work together to achieve great outcomes We are open to opportunities We actively listen and think things through WE ARE OPEN We are inclusive and treat everyone equally We are honest and open in our communications We are open to feedback to improve our performance We lead the change, we own it We trust and empower each other WE ARE BRAVE We have the difficult conversations early We hold ourselves to the highest standard We have the courage to improve and simplify Page 4
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Nature of Council’s Role in Decision Making Advocacy: When Council advocates on its own behalf or on behalf of its community to another level of government/body/agency. Executive/Strategic: The substantial direction setting and oversight role of the Council, e.g. adopting plans and reports, accepting tenders, directing operations, setting and amending budgets. Legislative: Includes adopting local laws, town planning schemes and policies. Review: When Council reviews decisions made by Officers. Quasi-Judicial: When Council determines an application/matter that directly affects a person’s rights and interests. The Judicial character arises from the obligations to abide by the principles of natural justice. Examples of Quasi-Judicial authority include town planning applications, building licences, applications for other permits/licences (e.g. under Health Act, Dog Act or Local Laws) and other decisions that may be appealable to the State Administrative Tribunal. Page 5
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 1. Declaration of Opening / Announcements of Visitors The Mayor declared the meeting open at 5.30pm, and in doing so acknowledged the Traditional Custodians of this land, the Wardandi Noongar people, and paid his respects to Elders past, present and future. 2. Disclaimer The City of Bunbury accepts no responsibility for any act, omission, statement or intimation that occurs during Council Briefings or Council Meetings. The City refuses liability for any loss caused arising out of reliance by any person or legal entity on any such act, omission, statement or intimation occurring during Council Briefings or Council Meetings. Any person or legal entity acting or failing to act in reliance upon any statement, act or omission made during a Council Briefing or Council Meeting does so at their own risk. Please note the recommendations contained in this document are not final and are subject to adoption, amendment (or otherwise) at the meeting. Any statement or intimation of approval regarding any planning or development application made during a Council Briefing or Council Meeting is not to be taken as notice of approval from the City. The City advises that anyone who has an application lodged with the City must obtain and should only rely on WRITTEN CONFIRMATION of the outcome of the application, and any conditions attached to the decision made by Council regarding the application. Copyright Any plans or documents contained within this Agenda and any associated Appendices are Copyright of the City of Bunbury. The content is protected by Australian and International copyright trademark. Content must not be modified or reproduced without written authorisation of the City of Bunbury. Recording and Webstreaming of Meetings • All Ordinary and Special Council Meetings are electronically recorded except when Council resolves to go behind closed doors • All recordings are retained as part of the City’s records in accordance with the General Disposal Authority for Local Government Records produced by the Public Records Office • The live stream can be accessed at Stream.aspx • Recordings can be accessed at Videos-2021.aspx • Images of the public gallery are not included in the streaming, however the voices of people in attendance may be captured and streamed. • If you have any issues or concerns regarding the live streaming and recording of meetings, please contact the City’s Governance Officer on 9792 7273. Page 6
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 3. Announcements from the Presiding Member The Mayor acknowledged those who regularly view the Council Meetings via the live stream. The Mayor announced that on 20 September 2021 at the WA Local Government Convention, the City was presented with the 2021 Local Government Road Safety Award Category B: Safe System Approach Complementary Initiatives. The Mayor announced that the City had received a Certificate of Appreciation from the Hon. Don Punch, MLA, and Mr Evan Nunn, CEO of Accordwest, for the City’s contribution to the Tiny Houses initiative. 4. Attendance Council Members: Presiding Member: Mayor G Brennan Members: Deputy Mayor J Miguel Councillor K Turner Councillor B McCleary Councillor T Smith Councillor C Kozisek Councillor A Yip Councillor M Steck Councillor K Steele Councillor T Brown Councillor K Plumb Executive Leadership Team (Non-Voting) Chief Executive Officer Mr M Osborne A/Director Strategy and Organisational Ms O Robertson Performance Director Sustainable Communities Mr G Barbour Director Infrastructure Mr G Harris City of Bunbury Officers (Non-Voting) Manager Governance Mr G Golinski Manager Finance Mr D Ransom Media and Engagement Officer Ms K Fielding Executive Assistant to the Mayor Mr L Murphy Others (Non-Voting) Members of the Public 7 4.1 Apologies Cr Giles was an apology for the meeting. 4.2 Approved Leave of Absence Nil Page 7
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 5. Declaration of Interest Members should fill in Disclosure of Interest forms for items in which they have a financial, proximity or impartiality interest and forward these to the Presiding Member before the meeting commences. Section 5.60A: “a person has a financial interest in a matter if it is reasonable to expect that the matter will, if dealt with by the local government, or an employee or committee of the local government or member of the council of the local government, in a particular way, result in a financial gain, loss, benefit or detriment for the person.” Section 5.60B: “a person has a proximity interest in a matter if the matter concerns – (a) a proposed change to a planning scheme affecting land that adjoins the person’s land; or (b) a proposed change to the zoning or use of land that adjoins the person’s land; or (c) a proposed development (as defined in section 5.63(5)) of land that adjoins the person’s land.” Regulation 34C (Impartiality): “interest means an interest that could, or could reasonably be perceived to, adversely affect the impartiality of the person having the interest and includes an interest arising from kinship, friendship or membership of an association.” Councillor Kozisek declared an impartiality interest in the item titled 10.4.1 “Economic Development Action Plan – Year Two, Six-Month Review.” The Chief Executive Officer declared a financial interest in the item titled 15.1.1 “CEO Performance Review January 2021-August 2021.” Councillor Yip Declared an impartiality interest in the item titled 10.5.1 “Hay Park North Pavilion Naming.” Page 8
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 6. Public Question Time In accordance with Reg. 7(4)(a) of the Local Government (Administration) Regulations 1996, members of the public in attendance at the meeting may stand, state aloud their name and address, and ask a question in relation to any matter over which the municipality of Bunbury has jurisdiction or involvement. In accordance with Standing Order 6.7(3)(a) a person wishing to ask a question, must complete a question form which is provided in the trays at the back of the public gallery and on the City’s website. The completed form must include your name and address and contain no more than three (3) questions. If your question requires research or cannot be answered at the meeting, it will be taken on notice and you will receive a written response and a summary of your question (and any responses provided) will be printed in the minutes of the meeting. 6.1 Public Question Time Nil 6.2 Responses to Public Questions Taken ‘On Notice’ Nil Page 9
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 7. Confirmation of Previous Minutes and other Meetings under Clause 19.1 7.1 Minutes 7.1.1 Minutes – Ordinary Council Meeting The minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the City of Bunbury Council held 21 September 2021 have been circulated. Recommendation The minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the City of Bunbury Council held 21 September 2021 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Required Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr McCleary and seconded by Cr Brown. The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 198/21 The minutes of the Ordinary meeting of the City of Bunbury Council held 12 October 2021 be confirmed as a true and accurate record. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 10
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 7.1.2 Minutes – Council Advisory Committees and Working/Project Groups Applicant/Proponent: Internal Report Author: Various Executive: Mal Osborne, Chief Executive Officer Authority/Discretion: ☐ Advocacy ☐ Review ☐ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☐ Legislative ☒ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix MTBN-1: CEO Performance Review Panel Minutes 22 September 2021 Appendix MTBN-2: PRDC Minutes 30 September 2021 Summary The following Advisory Committee Meeting was held, and the minutes are presented for noting: 1. Title: CEO Performance Review Panel Minutes Author: Leanne French, Senior Governance and Risk Officer Appendix: MTBN-1 2. Title: Policy Review and Development Committee Minutes Author: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance Appendix: MTBN-2 Council Committee Recommendation The following Advisory Committee meeting minutes listed in the report be accepted and noted: 1. CEO Performance Review Panel 22 September 2021 2. Policy Review and Development Committee 30 September 2021 Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Required Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr Steele and seconded by Cr Plumb. The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 199/21 The following Advisory Committee meeting minutes listed in the report be accepted and noted: 1. CEO Performance Review Panel 22 September 2021 2. Policy Review and Development Committee 30 September 2021 CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 11
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 8. Petitions, Presentations, Deputations and Delegations 8.1 Petitions Nil 8.2 Presentations Mr Charlie Martella and Mr Lui Tuia, on behalf South West Migrant Memorial, made a presentation to Council to acknowledge the assistance that was provided in allowing the Migrant Memorial to be established in Queens Gardens. Mr Martella presented a $10,000 cheque to be used by the City for the ongoing maintenance of the Memorial in the future. 8.3 Deputations Nil 8.4 Council Delegates’ Reports Nil 8.5 Conference Delegates’ Reports Nil Page 12
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 9. Method of Dealing with Agenda Business Standing Order 5.5 permits the Council to adopt the recommendations “by exception” (en-bloc). Pursuant to Standing Order 5.5, the Council “adopted by exception” (i.e., without discussion) those recommendations listed for items 10.1.1, 10.1.2, 10.1.3, 10.1.4, 10.1.5, 10.1.6, 10.2.1, 10.3.1, 10.3.2, 10.4.1 and 10.5.1 which was all non-confidential items on this agenda. The items “adopted by exception” were moved by Cr Steck and seconded by Cr Brown. Page 13
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 10.1 Review of City of Bunbury Local Planning Policies (listed as 10.1 in the agenda) File Ref: COB/3150 Applicant/Proponent: Policy Review and Development Committee Responsible Officer: Anthony Pick, Senior Planning Officer Responsible Manager: Felicity Anderson, Manager City Growth Executive: Gary Barbour, Director Sustainable Communities Authority/Discretion ☐ Advocacy ☒ Review ☐ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☒ Legislative ☐ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix RAC-1: Draft Local Planning Policy 3.4 Outbuildings and Minor Structures Appendix RAC-2: Draft Local Planning Policy 3.5 Sea Containers Appendix RAC-3: Adopted Local Planning Policy 3.5 Minor Structures (including Outbuildings) Appendix RAC-4: Adopted Local Planning Policy 5.7 Sea Containers and Transportable or Relocatable Storage Containers and Structures Appendix RAC-5: Local Planning Policy 58 Recycled Dwellings Summary The planning department is currently undertaking a review of the City’s local planning policies (LPPs). The purpose of the review is to ensure that the City’s LPPs are contemporary and provide clear guidance on the expectations, standards, and requirements of the City on a range of planning matters. The revised LPP format is largely based on WALGA’s ‘Local Planning Policy Guide’ to deliver consistency in structure, format, and style across Local Government jurisdictions, whilst providing for local planning responses relative to the City of Bunbury. The LPP review will be undertaken through a staged approach given the number of policies to be reviewed. Committee Recommendation That Council resolves to: 1. In accordance with clause 5 of ‘Division 2 – Local Planning Policies’ under Part 2 – Local Planning Framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 – Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, proceed to advertise draft Local Planning Policy 3.4 - Outbuildings and Minor Structures, and draft Local Planning Policy 3.5 - Sea Containers for public comment for a period of not less than 21 days. 2. Following public advertising consider for adoption draft Local Planning Policy 3.4 - Outbuildings and Minor Structures, and draft Local Planning Policy 3.5 - Sea Containers, along with any submissions lodged with the City of Bunbury during the public advertising period. 3. In accordance with clause 6 of ‘Division 2 – Local Planning Policies’ under Part 2 – Local Planning Framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 – Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, proceed to: (i) Revoke Local Planning Policy 58 - Recycled Dwellings (ii) Publish a notice of revocation in accordance with clause 87 of the Regulations. Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Page 14
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Strategic Relevance Theme 2 Our economy Goal A thriving and dynamic economy, that plays to its strengths, and confidently presents to the world. Objective 2.2 Bunbury is known far and wide for its strengths as a place to live, visit and do business. Theme 3 Our places and spaces Goal A natural and built environment that reflects Bunbury’s core values. Objective 3.3 High-quality urban design, well-planned neighbourhoods with housing chose, and appropriate provision for diverse land uses to meet the community’s needs. Theme 4 Our City Goal Civic leadership, partnerships and sound governance in delivering with and for the community. Objective 4.3 Trusted leadership and robust decision-making. Regional Impact Statement The local planning policy review will not have any regional impact. Background The Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 provides the legislative basis for preparing a local planning policy, in respect of any matter related to the planning and development of the Scheme area. The Planning Department are undertaking a review of the City’s LPPs with a focus on ensuring the policies are easy to understand, provide greater clarity on process and reflect community expectations. The LPPs seek to facilitate development whilst ensuring design and amenity impacts align with community expectations. The policy review also includes identifying LPPs that are no longer required for a planning purpose (e.g., the matter is dealt with through changes in planning legislation or development standards no longer reflect contemporary planning practices). Where an LPP no longer adds value to the planning assessment of development applications, the LPPs will be recommended to be revoked. The draft local planning policies and adopted policies, referred to within this report, are provided at Appendices RAC-1-5 for the consideration and information of Council. Council Policy Compliance Not applicable. Legislative Compliance Clause 3, Part 2, Schedule 2 of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015 (the Regulations) provides for local government to prepare a LPP in respect of any matter related to the planning and development of the Scheme area. Page 15
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting The Regulations set out the procedural requirements for preparing, amending or revocation of an LPP. The following statutory planning instruments of the state and local planning framework are appliable. - Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015. - City of Bunbury Local Planning Scheme No.8 (LPS8 or the Scheme). - State Planning Policy 7.3 Residential Design Codes Volume 1. The recommendation of the Policy Review and Development Committee will be included in the agenda item presented to Council for determination. Officer Comments Draft Local Planning Policy 3.4 - Outbuildings and Minor Structures On 2 July 2021 changes to State Planning Policy 7.3: Residential Design Codes Volume 1 (R-Codes) provided for LPPs to amend or replace certain deemed-to-comply requirements of the R-Codes, without the approval of the WAPC. Draft LPP3.4 has been prepared to provide a clear planning framework for the assessment of development applications for outbuildings and minor structures, and varies the deemed-to-comply requirements of the R-Codes in respect of building height, lot boundary setbacks and size of outbuildings. The draft LPP varies clause 5.1.6 Building height of the R-Codes in respect of the maximum wall and ridge height for minor structures (carports and patios). Those variations are subject to satisfying development standards set out in Table 1a and 1b of the LPP. The proposed variations reflect the type of minor variations that have been supported by the City. The draft LPP varies the maximum wall and ridge height for outbuildings, and the collective size area of outbuildings. The variations to the deemed-to-comply provisions are based on a sliding scale relative to the size of the lot. Development that complies with the policy will not be subject to neighbour consultation as is currently required. Any variation to the LPP requirements may require neighbour consultation, at the discretion of the City. Officers have been on site to review the impact of development post construction, where variations were previously approved. Officers consider that the policy development standards are reasonable and appropriate. However, where variations are sought applications will need to demonstrate the impact of the development in relation to site context (e.g., streetscape, density and residential amenity). The draft policy provides greater clarity on the process for when applications are to be assessed through a building permit or development application. The draft policy varies the deemed-to- comply requirements of the R-Codes and therefore compliance with the policy will not require development approval. Previously the policy permitted variations subject to neighbour consultation. Where applications were lodged with neighbour comments, they were processed by the Building Department. Where no neighbour comments were lodged with the application the Planning Department undertook neighbour consultation. There were concerns that the policy provided for an objection to a minor variation which was consistent with the development standards set out in the policy. The new draft policy will provide for a more consistent and simpler process. Page 16
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Draft Local Planning Policy 3.5 - Sea Containers The LPP has been reviewed and updated to provide clarity, avoid duplication, and simplify the development standards and requirements applicable to the assessment of sea containers on zoned or reserved land. The policy sets out exemptions from development approval subject to development standards and conditions. Where development approval is required, the LPP sets out the development standards (e.g., size, design, stormwater, siting, use) applicable to an outbuilding in association with a residential use, commercial storage, or siting of a sea container on reserved land. Local Planning Policy 58 – Recycled Dwellings LPP58 was adopted in 2003. The LPP provides guidance on the procedures and requirements for recycled dwellings. However, the policy does not provide any detailed design requirements and is not frequently referred to, if at all, due to the limited number of applications. It is considered that recycled dwellings can be appropriately assessed through State Planning Policy 7: Design of the Built Environment, State Planning Policy 7.3: Residential Design Codes Volume 1, Local Planning Policy 3: Zone Development Requirements, and the City of Bunbury Local Planning Scheme, in particular the matters to consider which includes: (m) the compatibility of the development with its setting, including – (i) the compatibility of the development with the desired future character of its setting; and, (ii) the relationship of the development to development on adjoining land or on other land in the locality including, but not limited to, the likely effect of the height, bulk, scale, orientation, and appearance of the development. It is therefore recommended that the LPP is revoked. If further design requirements are required in the future those requirements would be more appropriately addressed within LPP3: Zone Development Requirements. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications The revisions to the Local Planning Policy will reduce the number of development applications (Codes Variations) processed by the Building and Planning Department. Therefore, there will be a reduction in fee income due to the changes proposed in the policy. Last year the Building Department processed 72 Codes Variations and received $147 per application. However, it is estimated that approximately 50% of R-Code variations were in relation to a reduced lot boundary setback which will still need an application under the proposed process. Community Consultation Nil at this stage. LPP3.5 Outbuildings and Minor Structures, and LPP3.4 Sea Containers will be advertised in accordance with the Regulations for a minimum of 21 days. Should Council resolve to revoke LPP58 Recycled Dwellings, the City is required to publish a notice of revocation in accordance with the Regulations. Page 17
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Councillor/Officer Consultation The draft LPPs have been referred internally to the City’s Strategic Planning, Environmental Health and Building Services team, and is now recommended to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee. Timeline: Council Decision Implementation Draft Local Planning Policy 3.4 - Outbuildings and Minor Structures and Draft Local Planning Policy 3.5 - Sea Containers, will be advertised in accordance with the Regulations for 21 days and any submissions will be reviewed in light of any submissions made prior to Council resolving to proceed with the policies with or without modification. Local Planning Policy 58 Recycled Dwellings is to be revoked subject to a notice of revocation being published on the City’s website. Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr Steck and seconded by Cr Brown. The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted (en-bloc) to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 200/21 That Council resolves to: 1. In accordance with clause 5 of ‘Division 2 – Local Planning Policies’ under Part 2 – Local Planning Framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 – Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, proceed to advertise draft Local Planning Policy 3.4 - Outbuildings and Minor Structures, and draft Local Planning Policy 3.5 - Sea Containers for public comment for a period of not less than 21 days. 2. Following public advertising consider for adoption draft Local Planning Policy 3.4 - Outbuildings and Minor Structures, and draft Local Planning Policy 3.5 - Sea Containers, along with any submissions lodged with the City of Bunbury during the public advertising period. 3. In accordance with clause 6 of ‘Division 2 – Local Planning Policies’ under Part 2 – Local Planning Framework’ of ‘Schedule 2 – Deemed provisions for local planning schemes’ of the Planning and Development (Local Planning Schemes) Regulations 2015, proceed to: (i). Revoke Local Planning Policy 58 - Recycled Dwellings (ii). Publish a notice of revocation in accordance with clause 87 of the Regulations. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 18
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 10.2 Review of Council Policy: Honorary Freeman of the City of Bunbury (listed as 10.1.2 in the agenda) File No. COB/306 Applicant/Proponent: Policy Review and Development Committee Responsible Officer: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance Responsible Manager: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance Executive: Odetta Robertson, A/Director Strategy and Organisational Performance Authority/Discretion ☐ Advocacy ☐ Review ☒ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☐ Legislative ☐ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix RAC-6: Revised Council Policy Honorary Freeman of the City of Bunbury Summary This report is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee (PRDC) to facilitate a review of current Council Policy Honorary Freeman of the City of Bunbury. The policy was last reviewed in July 2019 and is now due for its biennial review. Committee Recommendation That Council adopt the revised Council Policy Honorary Freeman of the City of Bunbury as presented at Appendix RAC-6. Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Vote Strategic Relevance Theme 4: Our City Goal: Civic leadership, partnerships and sound governance in delivering with and for the community. Objective 4.3: Trusted Leadership and robust decision making. Objective 4.4: A skilled organisation, which exercise responsible asset stewardship, sound financial management, and exemplary customer service. Regional Impact Statement N/A Background This policy was last reviewed by Council in July 2019, and is presented to Council by the PRDC for discussion and review as part of Council’s policy review schedule. Council Policy Compliance This report facilitates the review of an existing Council Policy. Page 19
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Legislative Compliance N/A Officer Comments The policy stipulates the procedure for the nomination, selection and awarding of the prestigious title to a person designated as ‘Honorary Freeman of the City of Bunbury’. The PRDC have undertaken a review of this policy and have made some minor suggested changes. The proposed changes are reflected at Appendix RAC-6. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications Nil Community Consultation Not applicable. Councillor/Officer Consultation This matter is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration. Applicant Consultation Not applicable. Timeline: Council Decision Implementation Any revisions to the policy will take effect immediately following Council’s determination. Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr Steck and seconded by Cr Brown. The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted (en-bloc) to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 201/21 That Council adopt the revised Council Policy Honorary Freeman of the City of Bunbury as presented at Appendix RAC-6. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 20
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 10.3 Review of Council Policy: Legal Representation for Elected Members and Employees (listed as 10.1.3 in the agenda) File No. COB/306 Applicant/Proponent: Policy Review and Development Committee Responsible Officer: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance Responsible Manager: Greg Golinski, Manager Governance Executive: Odetta Robertson, A/Director Strategy and Organisational Performance Authority/Discretion ☐ Advocacy ☐ Review ☒ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☐ Legislative ☐ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix RAC-7: Council Policy Legal Representation for Elected Members and Employees Summary This report is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee (PRDC) to facilitate a review of current Council Policy Legal Representation for Elected Members and Employees. The policy was last reviewed in September 2019 and is now due for its biennial review. Committee Recommendation That Council note the review of existing Council Policy Legal Representation for Elected Members and Employees, with no changes recommended. Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Vote Strategic Relevance Theme 4: Our City Goal: Civic leadership, partnerships and sound governance in delivering with and for the community. Objective 4.3: Trusted Leadership and robust decision making. Objective 4.4: A skilled organisation, which exercise responsible asset stewardship, sound financial management, and exemplary customer service. Regional Impact Statement N/A Background This policy was last reviewed by Council in September 2019, and is presented to Council by the PRDC for discussion and review as part of Council’s policy review schedule. Council Policy Compliance This report facilitates the review of an existing Council Policy. Page 21
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Legislative Compliance Section 9.56 of the Local Government Act 1995 (the Act) provides protection from actions of tort for anything a council member or employee has, in good faith, done in the performance or purported performance of a function under the Act or under any other written law. However, the legislation does not preclude people taking action against individual council members or employees if they believe that the council member or employee has not acted in good faith. Section 3.1 of the Act provides that the general function of a local government is to provide for the good government of persons in its district. Section 6.7(2) provides that money held in the municipal fund may be applied towards the performance of the functions and the exercise of the powers conferred on the local government by the Act or any other written law. Under these provisions, a council can expend funds to provide legal representation for council members and employees, as long as it believes that the expenditure falls within the scope of the local government's function. Officer Comments Council Policy Legal Representation for Elected Members and Employees outlines the conditions upon which the City may cover the cost of legal representation for Elected Members and Officers where legal action has been taken against them in relation to their role as either an Elected Member or employee of the City of Bunbury. The policy reflects the Department of Local Government, Sport and Cultural Industries Operational Guideline Legal Representation for Council Members and Employees. The PRDC have undertaken a review of this policy (Appendix RAC-7) and recommend no changes. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications Nil Community Consultation Not applicable. Councillor/Officer Consultation This matter is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration. Applicant Consultation Not applicable. Timeline: Council Decision Implementation Any revisions to the policy will take effect immediately following Council’s determination. Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr Steck and seconded by Cr Brown. Page 22
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted (en-bloc) to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 202/21 That Council note the review of existing Council Policy Legal Representation for Elected Members and Employees, with no changes recommended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 23
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 10.4 Review of Council Policy: Reserve Areas Set Aside for the Riding of Horses (listed as 10.1.4 in the agenda) Fine No. COB/306 Applicant: Policy Review and Development Committee Responsible Officer: Sarah Upton, Manager Community Services Responsible Manager: Sarah Upton, Manager Community Services Executive: Gary Barbour, Director Sustainable Communities Authority/Discretion ☐ Advocacy ☐ Review ☒ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☐ Legislative ☐ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix RAC-8: Council Policy Reserve Areas Set Aside for the Riding of Horses Summary This report is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee (PRDC) to facilitate a review of current Council Policy Reserve Areas Set Aside for the Riding of Horses. The policy was last reviewed in July 2019 and is now due for its biennial review. Committee Recommendation That Council note the review of existing Council Policy Reserve Areas Set Aside for the Riding of Horses, with no changes recommended. Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Vote Strategic Relevance Theme 4: Our City Goal: Civic leadership, partnerships and sound governance in delivering with and for the community. Objective 4.3: Trusted Leadership and robust decision making. Objective 4.4: A skilled organisation, which exercise responsible asset stewardship, sound financial management, and exemplary customer service. Regional Impact Statement N/A Background This policy was last reviewed by Council in July 2019, and is presented to Council by the PRDC for discussion and review as part of Council’s policy review schedule. Council Policy Compliance This report facilitates the review of an existing Council Policy. Page 24
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Legislative Compliance City of Bunbury Public Places and Local Government Property Local Law is applicable. Officer Comments The PRDC have undertaken a review of the Policy as presented at Appendix RAC-8 and suggest that the content is appropriate and does not require amendment. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications Nil Community Consultation Not applicable. Councillor/Officer Consultation This matter is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration. Applicant Consultation Not applicable. Timeline: Council Decision Implementation Any revisions to the policy will take effect immediately following Council’s determination. Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr Steck and seconded by Cr Brown. The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted (en-bloc) to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 203/21 That Council note the review of existing Council Policy Reserve Areas Set Aside for the Riding of Horses, with no changes recommended. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 25
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 10.5 Review of Council Policy: Naming of Roads, Reserves, Bridges and Other Places (listed as 10.1.5 in the agenda) Fine No. COB/306 Applicant: Policy Review and Development Committee Responsible Officer: Steve de Meillon, Team Leader Community Partnerships Responsible Manager: Sarah Upton, Manager Community Services Executive: Gary Barbour, Director Sustainable Communities Authority/Discretion ☐ Advocacy ☐ Review ☒ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☐ Legislative ☐ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix RAC-9: Revised Council Policy Naming of Roads, Reserves, Bridges and Other Places Summary This report is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee (PRDC) to facilitate a review of current Council Policy Naming of Roads, Reserves, Bridges and Other Places. Committee Recommendation That Council adopt revised Council Policy Naming of Roads, Reserves, Bridges and Other Places as presented at Appendix RAC-9, including the proposed change of title for the Policy. Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Vote Strategic Relevance Theme 4: Our City Goal: Civic leadership, partnerships and sound governance in delivering with and for the community. Objective 4.3: Trusted Leadership and robust decision making. Objective 4.4: A skilled organisation, which exercise responsible asset stewardship, sound financial management, and exemplary customer service. Regional Impact Statement N/A Background At the Ordinary Council Meeting held on 29 June 2021, Council requested (via a motion on notice from Cr Steele) that the Policy Review and Development Committee review existing Council Policy Naming of Roads, Reserves, Bridges and Other Places in the context of recognising Aboriginal history and language, as well as initiating a process for the naming or dual naming of landmarks, sites and streets. (refer Council Decision 131/21). Council Policy Compliance This report facilitates the review of an existing Council Policy. The City’s Reconciliation Action Plan is also applicable in this regard. Page 26
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Legislative Compliance N/A Officer Comments The PRDC have reviewed this policy in the context requested by Council, with suggested changes as reflected at Appendix RAC-9. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications Nil Community Consultation Not applicable. Councillor/Officer Consultation This matter is presented to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee for consideration. Applicant Consultation Not applicable. Timeline: Council Decision Implementation Any revisions to the policy will take effect immediately following Council’s determination. Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr Steck and seconded by Cr Brown. The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted (en-bloc) to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 204/21 That Council adopt revised Council Policy Naming of Roads, Reserves, Bridges and Other Places as presented at Appendix RAC-9, including the proposed change of title for the Policy. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 27
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 10.6 Review of Council Policy: Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection (listed as 10.1.6 in the agenda) File Ref: COB/306 Applicant/Proponent: Policy Review and Development Committee Responsible Officer: Jenny Scott, Curator Bunbury Museum and heritage Centre Responsible Manager: Dave Russell, Manager Community Facilities Executive: Gary Barbour, Director Sustainable Communities Authority/Discretion ☐ Advocacy ☐ Review ☒ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☐ Legislative ☐ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix RAC-10: Revised Council Policy Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection Summary The Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection Council Policy is due for revision and re-adoption by Council in line with specified time frames with minor changes made as recommended and simplified where appropriate. Committee Recommendation That Council endorse the revised Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection Council Policy as presented at Appendix RAC-10. Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Strategic Relevance Theme 1: Our Community and Culture Goal: A safe, healthy and cohesive community, with a rich cultural life, and supportive social environment. Objective 1.3: A welcoming community, where diverse cultures are valued, and residents have a sense of belonging. Regional Impact Statement There will not be any regional impact by endorsing the revised Policy Background The Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection Council Policy is reviewed every two years to reflect any updates and amendments to ensure it is relevant in delivering successful management of objects and local studies collection items to the community. Council Policy Compliance The report facilitates a review of existing Council Policy Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection. Page 28
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Legislative Compliance N/A Officer Comments The proposed revised Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection Council Policy has the following changes proposed as attached in the draft Policy to establish greater clarity and simplification where possible. The items of greater interest or significance have been included via explanation below and minor changes such as re-wording or do not change intent are visible as track changes within the document. 1. Terminology (general) – Due to the organisational re-structure and period of time since last reviewed, relevant officer roles have been updated throughout the document. 2. Policy Statement (Page 1) – This has been reworded to simplify and be more succinct than the current version. 3. Policy Details (Page 1) – Wording updated to be guided by National Museum Standards (intent does not change). Updated deaccession wording to simplify. Given the curator role responsibilities, the curator should be responsible for identifying acquisition items (and not the Manager). 4. Policy Details (Page 2) – Some simplifying of wording and also recommended deletion regarding financial delegations as this is already embedded in the Council Purchasing Policy and would be a duplication. Staff are aware of their obligations to only spend within authorised limits by position and by budget allocation available. 5. Section 1.1 Collection (Page 2) – This has been deleted as it is already covered by the Policy Statement and Policy Details. 6. Section 1.2 Mission (Page 2) – has been re-written to reflect current mission and now sounds more positive and inspiring. 7. Section 1.3.1 and 1.3.2 History of Museum and Building (Page 2/3) – This has been in place from when the corporate guideline and Council Policy were combined. The history holds no place in how the Policy is applied and is not in line with the Policy Statement. The history contained within the current Council Policy is available both at the Museum and Heritage Centre and online. While it is acknowledged that the history plays an important role, residents are more likely to access this information from the website or on site from the Museum and Heritage Centre. 8. Section 1.3.3 The Collections (Page 3/4) – wording has been updated to be more contemporary and relevant and the deletion has occurred because it is either contained elsewhere in the document or serves no purpose and is superfluous. 9. Section 2.2.1 Acquisition Criteria (Page 4/5) – Minor re-wording in line with contemporary practices and no significant change of intent or purpose. 10. Section 2.2 Acquisition Guidelines (Page 5/6) – Minor re-word and some content added around acquisition assessment as well as inclusion of relevant Aboriginal cultural material references. The reference to deed of gifts for acquisitions has been removed as is not relevant as this relates to the City purchasing and not donation. 11. Section 2.3 Acquisition Approval Process and Procedures (Page 6/7) – The wording has had minor changes to provide more clarity in general and references to budget and purchasing is not relevant as is covered in the existing Council Purchasing Policy. 12. Section 2.4 Donations and Bequests (Page 7) – minor wording changes and removal of supporting documentation reference as this is collected as a matter of course under the collection management section. There has been a sentence added regarding donation and permanent display including recalling at will. These are conditions that should be clearly articulated to any donors so that the museum is neither obliged to permanently display an item or have it recalled. This would be better placed as a loan item in lieu of donation. Page 29
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 13. Section 2.5 DGR Status (Page 7) – The winding up clause has been updated to reflect expectations of people donating Items. The wording for this clause has been derived from the recently adopted Art Collection Council Policy which also addressed the same issue to ensure that in the event of winding up that a suitable organisation receive any objects. 14. Section 2.6 De-accessioning and Disposal of Collection Items (Page 7/8) – The intent of this section remains the same with most wording just reflecting a more simplified approach. The section stating keeping an item for a minimum of 5 years has been recommended for deletion as it may not be safe to keep an item this long and given that we have both criteria for deaccession and a Council decision required to endorse de- accession it would be very rare that this would happen. Also suggested for deletion is the wording around keeping an object/item for 6 months post endorsement for deaccession – this is simply not required as disposal can proceed once decision endorsed by Council. 15. Section 2.7 Method of Disposal (Page 8/9) – Once a decision for de-accession has been endorsed by Council the disposal method shall be carried out in line with appropriate Local Government Act legislation and Management Policies. This wording has been updated from the current version and now includes reference to the ICOM’s Code of Ethics for Museums. 16. Section 4.1 Loan Objectives (Page 10) – The information is not required as does not have a practical application within the Policy. Has been deleted to simplify. 17. Section 4.3 Parameters (Page 11) – The text deleted is of an operational nature and is not required as covered under the supervision of staff as per their position descriptions. 18. Compliance Requirements (Page 11/12) – These have been updated to reflect current guidelines and legislation. Analysis of Financial and Budget Implications All monies spent on the maintenance and acquisition of objects and collection items is done so in line with approved adopted budgets on an annual basis. Community Consultation N/A Elected Member/Officer Consultation Consultation took place within the Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre Staff, Curator Bunbury Museum and Heritage Centre and the Manager Community Facilities. The matter is now recommended to Council by the Policy Review and Development Committee. Applicant Consultation Not applicable – statutory update Timeline: Council Decision Implementation Immediate once Council have endorsed the recommendation. Page 30
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting Outcome of Meeting 12 October 2021 The recommendation (as printed) was moved by Cr Steck and seconded by Cr Brown. The Mayor put the motion to the vote, and it was adopted (en-bloc) to become the Council’s decision on the matter. Council Decision 205/21 That Council endorse the revised Museum and Heritage Centre and Local Studies Collection Council Policy as presented at Appendix RAC-10. CARRIED UNANIMOUSLY 11 votes “for” / nil votes “against” Page 31
12 October 2021 Minutes – Council Meeting 10.7 Chief Executive Officer Key Performance Indicators – As of October 2021 (listed as 10.2.1 in the agenda) File Ref: COB/515 Applicant/Proponent: CEO Performance Review Panel Responsible Officer: Mal Osborne, Chief Executive Officer Responsible Manager: Mal Osborne, Chief Executive Officer Executive: Mal Osborne, Chief Executive Officer Authority/Discretion ☐ Advocacy ☐ Review ☒ Executive/Strategic ☐ Quasi-Judicial ☐ Legislative ☐ Information Purposes Attachments: Appendix CEO-1 CEO KPI’s Indicators – Period ending 12th of October 2021 Summary Each year the CEO Performance Review Panel, in consultation with the Chief Executive Officer, meet and develop Key Performance Indicators (KPI’s) for the City of Bunbury to adopt and report on. The purpose of this report is to present the October 2021 update on the Key Performance Indicators for the Chief Executive Officer. Executive Recommendation That Council notes the CEO Key Performance Indicators for the period ending October 2021 as presented at Appendix CEO-1 Voting Requirement: Simple Majority Strategic Relevance Theme 4: Our City Goal: Civic Leadership, partnerships, and sound governance in delivery with and for the community Objective 4.4: A skilled organisation, which exercises responsible asset stewardship, sound financial management and exemplary customer service. Regional Impact Statement Nil Background At the Ordinary Council Meeting held 9 February 2021, Council resolved to endorse the CEO Key Performance Indicators for 2021 and noted the key points for action by the CEO. All KPI’s are to be formally reported on via a Council Agenda Item every 9 weeks and this report serves to present Council an update as of October 2021. Page 32
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