Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...

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Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
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Julianne Antrobus
Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin
Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Our vision
We strive to be the premier engineering solutions partner,
committed to delivering complex projects from vision
to reality for a sustainable lifespan.

     Capital   Consulting   Digital & AI    Design &     Procurement   Construction & Project   Operations &   Sustaining
               & Advisory                  Engineering                    Management            Maintenance     Capital
Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Local Presence - Westlakes Office
The nuclear fuel cycle team at Westlakes is principally focussed on providing Engineering,
Waste Management & Decommissioning Services to the NDA estate.
Resources and capability
•   Current headcount of just over 100 staff at Westlakes office,
•   Range of multiple disciplines including Radiological Operations Personnel, Multi Discipline
    Engineering, Project Managers and Waste Services personnel
•   Operational Experience in the nuclear industry has shaped a vastly experienced and skilled workforce, with the ability
    to implement fit for purpose process, delivering to schedule and cost.

Client Focus
Principal client is Sellafield Limited (Also LLWR, Dounreay, RR, Tier 3), with routes to market arising from:
• Decommissioning Delivery Partnership, consisting of 3 Joint Venture consortia’s:
     • ADAPT – Atkins, Doosan, Areva
     • IDS – Atkins, Hertel, North West Projects, Westlakes Engineering
     • TDA – Atkins, Westinghouse, Jacobs
• Environmental services framework & Encouraging innovation framework (EiF)
• Sellafield security enhancement project (SSEP) – direct award for design services
• ACKtiv – FGMSP retrievals programme

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Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
SNC Lavalin Nuclear
      Reactor Vendor           Major Projects             Services             Products & Technology    Site/Asset Management

 › Steward of CANDU®      › 100+ years of major   › Unmatched depth         › Developing innovative    › US Federal cleanup
   nuclear technology       EPCM experience,        and breadth in the        solutions to address       heritage
                            delivering end-to-      industry                  customer issues across
 › Pursuing CANDU                                                                                      › Nuclear asset
                            end solutions from                                the nuclear lifecycle
   new build projects                             › Engineering & project                                decontamination
   in China & Romania       offices around          mgmt at all stages      › Technology know-how        & decomissioning
                            the world               of asset life from        of an OEM backed by
 › Collaborating with                                                                                  › Operate & revitalize
   SMR vendors to         › Life extension          new build to              R&D investment
   develop new              projects to detube/     decomissioning          › Proven & proprietary       Laboratories
   reactor technologies     retube & refurbish    › World leader in           D&D and waste
                            CANDU reactors                                                             › Talent and knowhow
                                                    heavy water reactors      technology
                                                                                                         in operations and
                          › Deconstruction of       as OEM for CANDU        › Manufacturing &            transformation
                            nuclear assets at     › Trusted vendor for        testing capabilities       of complex
                            end of life             government and          › Tooling & Robotics         nuclear sites
                                                    military services
                                                                            › Digital portfolio

Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Our Project Examples – Major Projects & Services

Nuclear fusion at ITER                                                     Barakah Civil Nuclear Power Plant                                                Hinkley Point C
 › Client: Fusion for Energy (F4E), ITER International Organization         › Client: Emirates Nuclear Energy Corporation (ENEC)                             › Client: EDF Energy
 › Location: Cadarache, France                                              › Location: Abu Dhabi, UAE                                                       › Location: UK
 › The world's largest experimental nuclear fusion reactor which aims       › Developing the UAE's first nuclear power plant through the nation's            › We’re supporting the revitalization of the UK nuclear power industry
     to deliver nuclear fusion on a commercial scale, offering safe,            peaceful nuclear energy program.                                              and new build development.
     limitless and environmentally responsible energy.                      › Atkins has been an established technical advisor to ENEC for all               › The development of Hinkley Point C will be the first new nuclear
 ›   Since 2010, Atkins has been architect engineer, in partnership with        four units, providing technical and project management support to             power station in the UK for 20 years. When complete, it will produce
     engineering giants Assystem, Egis and Empresarios Agrupados, as            the whole program.                                                            7% of the country’s energy requirements, a significant moment in
     part of the Engage consortium. The consortium is in charge of          ›   Scope of work includes: waste management program, development                 the revitalization of the UK nuclear power industry.
     delivering 39 buildings and associated infrastructure for the ITER         and licensing of the future operating company, training such as
     project, including the 50 x 200m Tokamak complex.                          introduction to nuclear fission, types of reactors, radiation protection,
                                                                                safeguards, regulations and nuclear safety culture.

Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Our Project Examples – Major Projects & Services

Department of Energy                                                      Yangjiang Nuclear Power Plant                                                 Sellafield Ponds & Silos / DDP
› Client: US Department of Energy                                           › Client: China General Nuclear (CGN)                                        › Client: Sellafield Ltd
› Location: various, US                                                     › Location: China                                                            › Location: UK
› We provide a range of services to several DOE projects across the         › Yangjiang Units 3 and 4 are Chinese CPR1000 PWR new build                  › As part of the ACKtiv Nuclear joint venture, we are providing
    US, at sites including Hanford, Washington; Oak Ridge, Tennessee,           reactors. Our role includes the design and supply of the liquid waste        engineering, project management, safety and implementation
    and Savannah River, South Carolina.                                         processing system (TEU) and complementary solid waste systems                services to safely export hazardous waste fuel, debris and sludge
›   We were recently appointed to operate the DUF6 facilities in                (TES).                                                                       from wet storage.
    Kentucky and Ohio with our JV partners Westinghouse and Fluor.          ›   The system design will reduce the liquid effluent discharges to less      ›   We’re also working under a framework on Sellafeld Ltd’s
                                                                                than one-half of China’s current national standard for inland reactor        Decommissioning Delivery Partnership (DDP) for Lots 1 and 2,
                                                                                plants by meeting liquid discharge limits of less than 37 Bq/Liter.          which involves decommissioning and maintenance work on a broad
                                                                            ›   This is a significant technical milestone and breaks new ground in           range of facilities on the site.
                                                                                China’s move towards cleaner nuclear energy production.

                                                                        Copyright - © 2018 SNC-Lavalin Inc. and its member companies.
                                                                        All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Our Project Examples – Site/ Asset Management

Hanford Tank Operation                                                   Savannah River Vitrification                                              Nuclear Safety Engineering - Oak
› Client: US Department of Energy                                          › Client: SRR                                                           Ridge
› Location: Washington State, US                                           › Location: SRS defense Waste Processing Facility, US
› We are part owner of Washington River Protection Solutions               › We provide waste vitrification technology and related technical and    › Client: US Department of Energy
    (WRPS), the prime contractor managing retrieval and transfer of            engineering services to optimize performance of the facility and     › Location: Tennessee, US
    liquid waste in the Hanford Site tank farms.                               other waste management processes.                                    › We have been working at Y-12 since 2008 supporting the prime
›   The process includes full environmental, nuclear and criticality       ›   Improving HLW feed preparation process to generate less hydrogen      contractor’s Safety Analysis Engineering, Readiness Assurance
    assessment to ensure safety during normal and credible                     as the feed is being prepared, by designing operational flowsheet      and Uranium Processing Facility (UPF) Project organizations.
    abnormal conditions.                                                       changes to enable DWPF to reach its 400 canisters/year potential
                                                                               safely and consistently

                                                                       Copyright - © 2018 SNC-Lavalin Inc. and its member companies.
                                                                       All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Our Project Examples – Products & Technology

Darlington, Canada                                                           Chalk River, Canada                                                         Fukushima, Japan
› Client: Ontario Power Generation (OPG)                                       › Client: Government of Canada                                            › Client: Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO)
› Location: Canada                                                             › Location: Canada                                                        › Location: Japan
› SNC-Lavalin is part of the joint venture doing the retube and feeder         › We are majority owner of the Canadian National Energy Alliance          › Selected as the technology provider to help clean up the large
    replacement at the four of the eight CANDU units at the Darlington             (CNEA), which was awarded as prime contractor to manage and               volume of contaminated sea water (1500-2000m 3 / day) at the
    Nuclear Plant in Ontario, Canada. The facility supplies 20% of                 operate Canada’s AECL nuclear laboratories. CNEA addresses key            damaged plant
    Ontario’s energy capacity. More than 80 sophisticated tooling                  objectives for the government of Canada:                              ›   We used the ALPS™ multistage treatment process to ensure that
    systems have been designed and built for the project. The project is       ›   Managing radioactive waste and decommissioning                            the system is flexible enough to withstand variations in feed water
    currently 50% complete, on time and on budget (as at Feb 2018)             ›   responsibilities at the Chalk River and Whiteshell Laboratories       ›   Complex multi-stage, flexible, modular processing system
›   We have also managed several other projects at the Darlington              ›   Ensuring nuclear science and technology capabilities and              ›   Partnered with Toshiba; with a second system ordered
    Nuclear Plant over the last decade.                                            knowledge continue to support the federal government in its nuclear   ›   We’re also undertaking fire hazard analysis. Our innovative software
                                                                                   roles and responsibilities                                                package, GLASS, will help TEPCO make critical decisions about the
                                                                                                                                                             safety of the plant by improving speed, accuracy and transparency

                                                                           Copyright - © 2018 SNC-Lavalin Inc. and its member companies.
                                                                           All rights reserved. Unauthorized use or reproduction is prohibited.
Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Innovation – Solving Market Challenges
Innovation is key
for the future of
nuclear to reduce     Improving     Reducing    Reducing   Life        De-risked
costs and schedule    operational   liquid      clean-up   Extension   design
as well as            safety        effluent    costs      cost        delivery
                                    treatment              reduction
operational safety.

Julianne Antrobus Technology Director, Global Nuclear, SNC Lavalin - Copyright - Britain's Energy Coast Business ...
Partner                                   Technology
                                                                                           Innovation -
                 Various sludge retrieval but open to
                     business in nuclear globally
                                                                                 Supply Chain Collaborations
    Technology & Products partners have an                                  Technology & Products partners have an
    important 6m deep pond for undertaking trials
              role  to play in SNC-L global products                        important role to play in SNC-L global
    and technology strategy.                                                products and technology strategy.
    Typically these      partners
               Rotating Bed             are
                            Reactor (RBR)       Small to Medium
                                          for ion
    Enterprises (SME)exchange  and we have appointed key                    Typically these partners are Small to Medium
    account managers to work with each partner,                             Enterprises (SME) and we have Key Account
    seeking opportunities to deploy their technology                        Managers who work closely with each partner,
    into our global
               Roboticnuclear      market.
                       arm to replace human arm,                            seeking opportunities to deploy their technology
                 initial application being considered                       into our global nuclear market.
                     relates to glovebox operation

                 Size reduction through cutting using
                             robotic arm

Vitreous State
                        Vitrification of wastes

                      NOH2O – Waters sealing technology in nuclear market
Improving Glovebox Safety -
Cobots are an emerging trend in robotics,
where activities currently completed by
humans can be increasingly replaced and
complemented by integration of a robotic
arm solution.
We are seeking innovative ways to reduce risks to
operators with Post Operational Clean Out of gloveboxes.
Working with a Cobot manufacturer we have demonstrated
a MVP for deployment into gloveboxes.
We aim to have an active demonstrator completed in Q4
2019 that will prove the viability of the concept.
Beyond that we aim to add functionality, for example using
advanced control systems harnessing virtual reality, and
progressively automating repetitive tasks using advanced
software algorithms and AI.

Reducing Clean–Up Costs - Rotocutter

Strategic relationship with Barrnon, Cumbrian SME
Hanford tank hardpan sludge to be retrieved without use of
abrasive liquids.
Invested £0.75m to develop prototype.
Currently on Mk 3 based on client feedback.
This technology uses a rotary cutter (referred to as Rotocutter) to
break up hardpan waste, a vacuum system to remove it from the
tank floor, and an innovative self-contained sluicing system to
convey the waste to the surface.

Reducing Liquid Effluent Treatment Costs – Spinionic™
Atkins and SpinChem have been developing an in-situ ion-exchange technology based on a
rotating bed reactor. 5 year Agreement signed with Spinchem to develop technology for
nuclear applications
Significant program of investment (circa £0.5m) in testing both fundamentals at laboratory
scale and engineered scale up.

                                Confidential not for disclosed to third parties
                                Contains private information                                 13
Local Examples via DDP - Technology & Innovation
     Skip Retrievals and Processing (Size reduction)
     Acted as a delivery partner to Sellafield Ltd in the retrieval of Magnox skips from the sites First Generation Magnox Storage Pond
     (FGMSP). TDA project, driven and resourced by Atkins.
     The retrievals process will be complemented by a laser cutting module, for size reduction and subsequent repacking and export of

          Decommissioning Waste Services Partnership (DWSP)
          Provision of a decommissioning waste service to Sellafield Ltd. Capability to characterise, size reduce and consign radioactive
          decommissioning waste. Size reduction will be carried out using a Stealth diamond wire saw. The DWSP will accelerate
          retrievals from FGMSP.

     Alpha Glovebox and Crate breakdown facility (Kinova)
     Designing, manufacturing and installing a capability to size reduce alpha contaminated gloveboxes on the Sellafield ltd site.
     Laser size reduction is used, with safer, faster and cheaper decommissioning in mind.

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Innovation is key for the future of nuclear to
reduce costs and schedule as well as
improving operational safety.
“Start with the end in mind” –know the
market need and the value proposition.
Fail fast – MVP concept.
Encourage innovation – development
should be embedded into the business, not
a separate R&D function.
Collaboration with SME’s and technology
providers is a key plank in the SNC-L

Thank you
If you’d like to find out more visit:
www.snclavalin.com | www.atkinsglobal.com

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