Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA

Page created by Gregory Chen
Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
                                                          Jewelry Appraiser
                                                        a publication of the national association of jewelry appraisers
                                                       Serving the Professional Jewelry Appraiser With Pride©

July/August/September 2019                                                                                                                   Vol. XIII, No. 3

ADA Compliant Website? Really?                                                                       Advisory Against Using an
                                                                                                     “Expiration Date” on Appraisal
Terry Davis brought up to the attendees at the Dallas Conference a situation in his area             Reports
regarding jewelers are being sued for not having an ADA compliant website. Terry                     When an appraisal is created, it is a snapshot in time
referenced an news article in USAToday newspaper that illustrated the entrepreneurial                of the condition, content, and market value of the
spirit. There was a group inhale and resulting confusion. Apparently, there is an individual         items listed in the report. It is never a forecast of
in Florida with too much time on his hands, scours websites for ADA non-compliance and,              future value and only in certain situations may reflect
with a lawyer, sues the non-compliant jewelers’ websites and neatly settles for five figures         the value of a previous date, an “effective date,” of
to stop the proceedings.                                                                             a tax related event such as a gift, donation, or a
      After some research, this has turned out to be true! Title III of the Americans with           decedent’s date of death. Even tax reports may fail
Disabilities Act is being interpreted to include websites as “places of public accommodation.”       to detect hidden accidental or intentional changes
Websites with significant inaccessible components can be seen as discriminatory against              in condition, or content that may have been made
persons with disabilities, in violation of Title III of the ADA. The ADA is a strict liability law   since the effective date to the date of the appraisal.
which means there are no excuses/defenses for violations (e.g. ignorance, web developer              Obviously, an appraisal looking back at a particular
is working on it, etc.)                                                                              date for a tax related issue applies solely to the date
      The law that primarily governs accessibility is the Americans with Disabilities Act            listed on the report and will never expire. Having
(ADA). Even though it doesn’t mention websites anywhere, Title III of the ADA has been               an effective date on a report clearly makes such a
interpreted by U.S. courts to apply to websites. For our websites to be ADA compliant,               report valid only for the date listed. No expiration
they need to be accessible. Website accessibility can mean two things depending on the               date should be on such reports.
context:                                                                                                   The larger concerns all other reports, such
      1. the process of making your website so that its content and functions are accessible         as retail replacement valuations, marketable cash
         to those with disabilities, or                                                              valuations, and liquidation reports. Although they do
                                                                                                     not need to have an “effective date” declared, such
      2. how accessible your website is
                                                                                                     reports are still simply a snapshot in time on the date
The ADA is the legal side, are you in compliance with the law? And accessibility is the
                                                                                                     of the appraisal and not a valid forecast of future
technical or developmental side, how well can persons with disabilities access your website?
                                                                                                     value. The appraiser is never liable for alterations
      Burning question: how do we make our websites accessible?
                                                                                                     of content , condition or market forces beyond the
      The answer is to make it so people with disabilities can enjoy the full use of your            date of the appraisal. Any one or a combination of
website; they can access content, navigate your website successfully, engage with different          these three elements may invalidate the conclusion
elements, etc. U.S. courts and the Department of Justice (DOJ) have frequently referenced            of value without warning. While most of the time
the Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG) 2.0 Level AA success criteria as a                   a report remains valid for months or years, there is
standard to gauge whether websites are accessible. The WCAG 2.0 AA success criteria                  no specific way to predict an expiration or change in
are comprised of 38 requirements, individually referred to as success criterion.                     value.
      No current legal prescription exists for web accessibility but WCAG 2.0 AA has been                  All those who are users of appraisal reports
commonly referenced as a guide. Newly published Web Accessibility Standards (WAS)                    must set their own limits on how long to rely on
make accessibility easier.              reports which may have become invalid due to
                                                                                                     changes of condition, content or market forces. The
                                                                                                     appraiser’s sole responsibility is to be correct on
                                                                                                     the date of the report. Placing an expiration date
                                                                                                     on an appraisal report implies that the appraiser has
                                                                                                     a responsibility for use of the report “as-is” until the
                                                                                                     expiration date. If the appraiser states in their report
                                                                                                     that values, condition and content may be subject to
                                                                                                     change before the stated expiration date, then what
                                                                                                     does such an expiration date mean? “Nothing” would
                                                                                                     be the resulting conclusion. We suggest that users
                                                                                                     of reports set their own parameters for how old a
                                                                                                     report must be to be invalid or no longer acceptable.
                                                                                                     Appraisers may recommend re-evaluation based on
                                                                                                     a blanket suggested time frame of their choice or
                                                                                                     state “unforeseen changes in market values may
                                                                                                     invalidate an appraisal value at any time” but using
                                                                                                     a definitive “expiration date” is not a recommended

                                                                                                     David Atlas, GIA GG
                                                                                                     Chair of Ethical Issues

Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
Calendar of Events
                                                                                            53rd ACE© It Annual
                                                                                             Winter Conference
                                                                                                Tucson, AZ
                              Now Hiring                                                    February 2 - 3, 2020
Heritage Auctions is expanding and seeking additional qualified Jewelry specialists     54th ACE© It Annual Mid-
in various offices. Potential cities include Chicago, San Francisco, and Dallas.
                                                                                            Year Conference
Consignment Director, Fine Jewelry, Chicago
Consignment Director, Fine Jewelry, San Francisco
                                                                                              Location TBD
Consignment Director, Fine Jewelry, Dallas                                                 August 8 - 11, 2020

                                                                                      We welcome your articles and photos for The
                                                                                      Jewelry Appraiser. Acceptable file formats for
                                                                                       photos include JPG, PDF, TIF or EPS files.

            Hertiage Appraisers Now Hiring
Steve Lott, GIA GG, founder of
Heritage Appraisers, is looking for
NAJA appraisers in the following
 • New Hampshire
 • Maine
 • Utah                                                                                    The
 • Oregon                                    Please contact Steve @                      Jewelry Appraiser
 • Washington                                “Stephen Lott” or                   Gail Brett Levine, GIA GG
 • Iowa                                      216.591.0685.                                     Executive Director

                                                                                              David Atlas, GIA GG
                                                                                               Associate Director

              NAJA Exhibit Dates                                                              Chair of Ethical Issues

                                                                                           Deborah Finleon, GIA GG
                                                                                              Associate Director
AGTA                          Atlanta Jewelry               JCK                               Chair of Education
Tucson Convention             Show                          Sands Convention
Center                        Cobb Galleria                 Center                                   Rakel Hall
Tucson AZ                     March 7 – 9, 2020             June 2-5, 2020                        Office Associate
February 4 - 9, 2020          Atlanta, GA                   Las Vegas, NV
Booth G-11                    Loupe Section                                                         Bob Mitchell

                                                                                                Carmen Contreras
                                                                                               Conference Associate

                                                                                                    PUBLISHED BY
                                                                                       National Association of Jewelry Appraisers
                                                                                        P.O. Box 18, Rego Park, NY 11374-0018
                                                                                           718.896.1536 • fax 718.997.9057

                                                                                      ©2019 National Association of Jewelry Appraisers
                                                                                                   All Rights Reserved

Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
                        JEWELRY CONSIGNMENTS

                              Fancy Intense Purplish-Pink Diamond,
                              Diamond, Platinum Ring
                              Sold for: $372,500

           Fancy Blue Diamond,
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           Jessica DuBroc                                                                                         Ana Wroblaski
  212.486.3733 |                                                                         310.492.8641 |

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        Heritage Auctions is expanding and seeking additional qualified Jewelry specialists in various offices.
                       Visit for more information and to submit your resume.

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Paul R. Minshull #LSM0605473; Heritage Auctions #LSM0602703 & #LSM0624318.
BP 25%; see DCA #41513036 Complimentary catalogs are available while supplies last. 53904
Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
52nd ACE© It Mid Year EducationConference Dallas, TX
                                          It was a huge Texas sized welcome from Jill Burgum, the Heritage Jewelry Team
                                          and Heritage Auctions for the 52nd Mid-Year NAJA Education Conference! Heritage
                                          sponsored goody bags were handed to you with your badge and conference
                                          proceedings as soon as you walked in on Saturday morning ending with a
                                          champagne reception at the close of day. More was in store for attendees in the
                                          following days with the Texas BBQ lunch, Mocktion with live bidding. The Howard
                                          Rubin Educational Foundation silent auction which garnered over $2,500 for future
                                          scholarships. Heritage also sponsored the coffee from the opening to the closing
                                          – every day! Over $2 million of upcoming Heritage auction goods were on display
                                          to charm and seduce!

                                          This was the first time we had a conference south of the Mason-Dixon line. Dallas
                                          weather did not disappoint. It was hot. Actually, it started at hot but there was plenty
                                          of air conditioning.

                                          It takes a village!
                                          It takes a village of our generous host Jill Burgum and Heritage Auctions and talented
                                          presenters, NAJA staff, exhibitors, and supporters to put together a conference of this

                            Grateful Appreciation to our Sponsors and Supporters:
                 Jill Burgum, GIA GG,
                      Heritage Auction
                      Tammy Cohen
            Almod Diamonds Limited Group
                       Crown of Light
                 Leah Sensenbrenner
                      Jewelers Mutual
                 Seth Holehouse and
              George Callan, GIA GJG
                      Fortuna Auction
             Victor Hugo Garcia GIA AJP
            Stephen E. Lott, Sr., GIA GG
                Heritage Appraisers, Inc.
             Suzanne Martinez, GIA GG
               Antique Jewelry University
             Thom Underwood, GIA GG
                       Quantum Leap
                      Raphael Boivin

NAJA’s Dream Team:                             Special Thanks:                          We are starting something new –
Gail Brett Levine, GIA GG                      Lauren Abramovitz,
Executive Director                             GIA GG for being the
                                                                                        instead of slices of reactions from
                                               official Conference                      attendees, we have synopsis of the
Dave Atlas, GIA GG                             Photographer
Associate Director & Chair of Ethical                                                   most important first day – AHA!
Issues                                                                                  (Appraisers Helping Appraisers)
Deborah Finleon, GIA GG                                                                 straight from the presenters
Associate Director & Chair of Education       Remember to support                       themselves! NAJA feels that these
Rakel Hall
                                               those who support                        synopses need to be shared with
Office Associate
                                                                                        the entire membership!
Carmen Contreras                                     NAJA!
On-Site Associate

Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
Summaries of Saturday’s AHA! (Appraisers Helping Appraisers) Presentations
What’s Up With USPAP?
It was my pleasure, at our Mid-Year                   the Competency Rule. This phrase originally       a jewelry appraisal example to offer advice
Conference in Dallas this August, to present          appeared in Standard 7-1 (c), but was             on whether or not a personal inspection of a
a brief overview of the updates to USPAP for          moved for broader applicability across all of     subject property is required.
2020-2021. Although there were relatively             USPAP, rather than just within a development            Advisory Opinion 3 includes new
few changes which affect personal property            Standard:                                         language relating to the update of a prior
appraisers, those changes that have been              “Perfection is impossible to attain, and          appraisal, specifically linked to the Ethics
made are important and, in one case, will             competence does not require perfection.           Rule, Confidentiality: “Assignment results and
require an update to the wording of our               However, an appraiser must not render             confidential information from a prior appraisal
appraisal reports.                                    appraisal services in a careless or negligent     or appraisal review may only be disclosed to
      Revisions were made to the Scope of             manner. This Rule requires an appraiser to        the client or parties authorized by the client.
Work Rule, the Competency Rule, Standards 7           use due diligence and due care.”                  Thus, when incorporating a prior report by
and 8, Restricted Appraisal Reports, Advisory               The individual sections of both Standards   reference or attachment, if completing the
Opinions, and Definitions. A new Advisory             7 and 8 have now been labeled for easier          report for a different client, the appraiser must
Opinion, AO-38, was added, and there were             accessibility. For example, Standard 7-4          receive authorization from the original client.”
several new Definitions added.                        is now titled “Approaches to Value” and                 Advisory Opinion 38 is entirely new and
      USPAP definitions are intended to clarify       Standard 8-1 is called “General Reporting         replaces AO-11 and AO-12. It addresses the
the meaning of words or phrases in USPAP              Requirements.”                                    changes to Standard Rule 8-2, Restricted
that differ from, or are not found in, popular              The majority of changes to the Standards    Appraisal Reports. Among other details, it
English dictionaries. The vast majority of            were, again, semantic and mostly for              clarifies that a Restricted Appraisal Report is
the revisions made to the Definitions were            clarity. Sections were split into more easily     appropriate when the client understands the
semantic, for clarity. In those definitions which     understandable single items, and comments         limited utility of the option, when the intended
were modified by a comment, that comment              were moved up into the Standards themselves.      use is appropriate for a report which may
was frequently moved up into the definition                 Unfortunately, USPAP seems to believe       not contain supporting rationale for all of
itself, and the definition reworded for simplicity.   that the commonly accepted definitions of         the opinions and conclusions set forth in the
The following definitions are new:                    “summarize” and “state” are reversed. These       report, and when the client does not need the
                                                      two terms are used extensively throughout         level of information required in an Appraisal
Assignment Elements: Specific information             USPAP, but particularly when explaining           Report.
needed to identify the appraisal or appraisal         the differences in reporting requirements               Finally, FAQs offer further guidance in
review problem: client and any other intended         between an Appraisal Report and a Restricted      response to questions posed not only by
users; intended use of the appraiser’s opinions       Appraisal Report. So, please be aware that        appraisers and other industry members, but
and conclusions; type and definition of value;        when USPAP uses the word “summarize,”             also by the general public. They illustrate the
effective date of the appraiser’s opinions and        they want a full explanation with all possible    applicability of USPAP in specific situations,
conclusions; subject of the assignment and            relevant detail. When they use the term           and they offer advice from the Appraisal
its relevant characteristics; and assignment          “state,” they’re looking for a brief summary.     Standards Board for resolution of issues.
conditions.                                                 At multiple points throughout the updated   They comprise nearly half of the written text of
                                                      USPAP, “date of value” has been replaced by       USPAP, and can be an excellent resource for
Physical Characteristics: Attributes of a             “effective date,” and the phrase “consistent      the appraiser.
property that are observable or measurable            with” has been substituted with “appropriate            The Summary of Actions for USPAP 2020-
as a matter of fact, as distinguished from            for.”                                             2021, as well as the full text of the updates
opinions and conclusions, which are the result              Perhaps the most noteworthy change          can be found at
of some level of analysis or judgment.                for the new year is to the intended users of
                                                      a Restricted Appraisal Report. According          Deborah J. Finleon, GIA GG, CMA (NAJA)
Relevant Characteristics: Features that may           to current USPAP, the client may be the           Chair of Education
affect a property’s value or marketability such       only intended user of a Restricted Appraisal
as legal, economic, or physical characteristics.      Report. As of January 1, 2020, however, as
                                                      long as an any additional intended users are
Effective Date: The date to which an appraiser’s      identified by name, there may be more than
analyses, opinions, and conclusions apply;            one. This change is reflected in new language
also referred to as date of value.                    and updates to Standard 8-2, specifically.
                                                            There has been a change to one element
Misleading: Intentionally or unintentionally          of the Certification of Appraisal Practice, as
misrepresenting, misstating, or concealing            seen below. Please update the Certification
relevant facts or conclusions.                        as listed in your reports accordingly: “I have
                                                      performed no (or the specified) services, as an
A change noticeable throughout USPAP is               appraiser or in any other capacity, regarding
that, as they were in the Definitions, many of        the property that is the subject of this report
the comments were moved up into the Rules             within the three-year period immediately
or Standards to which they refer. The standard        preceding the agreement to perform this
used by The Appraisal Standards Board to              assignment.”       The phrase “agreement to
deem when such movement was necessary                 perform” has been substituted for “acceptance
was: when comments include requirements,              of.” The ASB believes that “agreement”
that language is moved into the Standard or           implies a fuller understand of the Scope of
Rule itself; comments were maintained where           Work than “acceptance.”
needed for better understanding of Standards                Advisory Opinions are not technically
or Rules.                                             part of USPAP. They offer advice, do not
     One of the more prominent changes                establish new Standards, and do not require

        52 ACE© IT Mid Year Conference
was the addition of the following phrase to           public comment. A revision to AO-2 now uses
                   ND                                                       5
Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
Summaries of Saturday’s AHA! (Appraisers Helping Appraisers) Presentations
Synopsis of Town Hall
Among the many topics discussed...
Mined Diamond and Lab Diamond Grading                     His concept is partly based on creation       breach of contract, breach of fiduciary duty
Standards                                           of a software package which would restrict          and two counts of fraud. Moradi’s lawyer said
Making choices on how to grade Lab                  descriptive terminology to broad categories         he intends to file an appeal.
Created diamonds.                                   where we might become more repeatable                     The case is sticky for the jewelry industry
       Let’s see if we have a reasonable            and consistent. Sounds like a good goal if it       in a host of ways. For instance, Brees’ case
consensus before we look at the positions           were not for the fact that broader descriptive      states that because the jeweler was advising
major labs are taking.                              terminology leaves a potentially wide spread        Brees on which stones to buy, he went
       In your own practice will you grade Lab      of value in its wake.                               beyond his role as a jeweler and became an
Created diamonds using the same grading                   What sort of appraisers can be recruited?     investment advisor—a role with ethics and
scale that you use on Mined diamonds? Will          Will such appraisers be qualified to do the work    trust at stake. There are a host of reputable
you grade differently?                              or simply willing in spite of their shortcomings?   retailers out there who are also advising their
       Most of the diamonds I get to grade are      Which of us don’t have areas of expertise           clients on which stones would be a great
already set. Whatever grade I might call them       and other areas where we have somewhat              investment. Does this need to end?
on my own is likely not to be exactly the grade     less knowledge? Who is competent to grade                 According to Roberto Chiapelloni, owner
GIA assigned. If it is most any other laboratory    diamonds and also ready and able to properly        of Manfredi Jewels in Connecticut, “Using
document, it Is even somewhat more likely my        describe a wide array of colored gems?              the word investment when selling a diamond
opinion and the lab report will not agree.          Treatments, enhancements, origins, lab or           puts you on a very shaky limb. We have no
If we know a diamond is Lab Created, how do         mined all play major roles in assessing value.      idea how the market for diamonds will go.
we properly hope to grade it any differently        What is going to be the level of liability and      We are selling something that will always
than we currently do with mined diamonds?           responsibility?                                     have intrinsic value –but honestly we can’t
How can we explain this to clients fairly? Is             I posed these questions months ago in         predict the market. In my humble opinion it is
there some reason anyone might volunteer for        a conference call and have not heard much           unethical to sell a diamond as an investment
grading such stones with even less accuracy?        back for some time. It is possibly a tempting       because you can’t guarantee its future value. “
If we use other terminology for color grading       situation for some appraisers to increase their           In fact, just like the stock market, diamonds
with wider spreads of color definition, we will     income and their visibility to consumers. At        have an up-and-down cycle, especially given
still have gray cross-over areas. Will we then      what cost, one might ask? I have asked that         today’s growth of lab-grown diamonds that
be split grading between 5 or 6 color grades,       question in an indirect way, but everyone in        are disrupting the diamond market and their
or do we need to further create cross-over          NAJA has the potential to be recruited. It          retail prices. Says Chiapelloni, “When we
range indicator? I believe our choices are          sounds like an elite group, but the mechanics       sell a diamond, there is not one word about
obvious and rather limited.                         of it all have been very slow in coming.            investment; it is a jewel that will give you a
       The labs meanwhile have powerful and                                                             lifetime of pleasure and a retention of a good
important customers who would much prefer           The Fallout of the Drew Brees Affair                portion of its value.”
Lab Created diamonds to just go away. Can           Jeweler, CJ Charles Jewelers, who he claimed
we develop a sympathy for their position            sold him lower-grade colored diamonds. Now,         Appraising Items Illegal to Trade. Will
without losing our objectivity? I believe we        according to, the San Diego             Insurance Companies Pay Up in case of
can and must seek to practice such actions,         court granted Brees a $6.1 million judgment         Loss?
so we find the right balance.                       against the jeweler.                                     Insurance companies will not cover such
       The same applies to clarity, UV                    According to the original complaint, Brees    items in the USA. Don’t offer such services
fluorescence, transparency and cut grading.         and his wife Brittany claimed that the jewelry      without a thorough understanding with
Are there any contrary opinions? We ought           store owner Vahid Moradi continually sold           potential clients.
to understand all sides of the situation, but it    them colored diamonds as an investment.
looks to me that NAJA ought to understand           A variety of sales took place throughout a          David Atlas, GIA GG
BEFORE we take any position on a group              four-year period from 2012 to 2016. In 2017,        Chair of Ethical Issues
level.                                              though, Brees had the diamonds appraised
                                                    and was told that their value had been over-
Rapaport Now Loves Appraisers                       estimated, with some of the stones being sold
What’s does Martin Rapaport want with a             to Brees for anywhere from about 40 percent
relationship with highly qualified appraisers?      to a few hundred percent markup.
      With Martin Rapaport, the ideas of                  In an article published by JCK Magazine
business creation, making money while               stated that among the stones Moradi had
benefitting workers and consumers is                purchased and then marked up significantly to
omnipresent. It is a very good group of             sell to Brees was a Harry Winston diamond
concepts, but the devil is always in the details.   ring. Moradi had paid $565,000 for it at a
      Do we struggle to properly describe many      Sotheby’s auction and sold it a month later to
items?                                              Brees for $1.6 million.
      What would need to be clearly                       Brees filed suit, with his attorney stating
communicated to every potential user of             that the jeweler intentionally misled Brees
a report we might make on items that are            and his wife about the value of the stones.
to be sold and widely publicized using our          In total, according to Fox 5 San Diego, Brees
descriptions?                                       had paid about $15 million for diamonds that
      Will twenty appraisers be able to describe    were appraised at $6 million. Throughout
rather complex or items of important value in       the court case, Moradi argued his right to
a consistent and repeatable manner? Can             mark up jewelry and said his markups were
we do this today? Do we expect to do this           not extreme. Still, the court found that Brees

       52 ACE© IT Mid Year Conference
tomorrow?                                           prevailed in the four main causes of action:
                   ND                                                       6
Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
Summaries of Saturday’s AHA! (Appraisers Helping Appraisers) Presentations
Death & Taxes: How to Make Friends with the IRS
First, let me state that I do not work for the     their photographic requirements and their         of the Appraisal Foundation.” Thus, it is a very
IRS, nor I do have any authority to speak on       preferred individual item description format.     good idea to prepare IRS appraisal reports in
their behalf. My suggestions for best practices          There are several resources you should      compliance with the current edition of USPAP.
are based on my own experiences with writing       read thoroughly and consult for estate tax,             In conclusion, the IRS wants appraisers
appraisal reports for the past ten years at        gift tax, and non-cash charitable contribution    to submit well-written appraisal reports. I
Heritage Auctions, as well as my work as           appraisals.                                       have found the Art Appraisal Services team
Director of Education and instructor for the         • 26 CFR § 20.2031-6 – Valuation of             to be very friendly and open to questions.
International Society of Appraisers.                 household and personal effects                  My best advice to appraisers submitting
      The IRS is concerned with appraisals for       • IRS Form 709 and Instructions – Gift Tax      appraisal reports to the IRS is to be sure to
the intended use of estate tax, gift tax, and        Return                                          read and follow the directions outlined in the
non-cash charitable contribution. All three          • IRS Form 8283 and Instructions – Non-         regulations and publications, as well as the
of these functions require the appraiser to          Cash Charitable Contribution Form               suggested requirements for photographs and
determine fair market value of the property          • Publication 561 – Determining the Value of    descriptions. I notice that many appraisers
being appraised. And, a quick reminder               Donated Property                                tend to overthink and make things more
to everyone that fair market value always            • Publication 526 – Charitable Contributions    complicated than they need to be. Don’t fall
includes the buyer’s premium. See Technical          • Final Regulations T.D. 9836 (replaces         into that trap. Use common sense and don’t
Advisory Memorandum 9235005 (May 27,                 Notice 2006-96)                                 panic! Help is always available.
1992).                                                   A note about USPAP. The IRS does
      If the taxpayer is selected for audit, and   not specifically require appraisers to be in      Meredith Meuwly, ISA CAPP
if the tax return includes an appraisal report     compliance with the Uniform Standards of          Vice President, Director of Appraisal Services,
with an individual item valued over $50,000,       Professional Appraisal Practice. That said,       Heritage Auctions and ISA Chair of Education
then the appraisal is automatically referred       the final Treasury Regulations passed on July
to the IRS Art Appraisal Services (AAS) team       30, 2018 defined who is a qualified appraiser
for review. The AAS team is composed of            and what is a qualified appraisal. The term
experienced appraisers who are incredibly          qualified appraisal means an appraisal that
knowledgeable and helpful in all fields of         is conducted by a qualified appraiser in
personal property – jewelry, art, antiques,        accordance with generally accepted appraisal
and other collectibles. For more information       standards. And, generally accepted appraisal
about their department, visit https://www.irs.     standards are defined as the “substance
gov/appeals/art-appraisal-services, or contact     and principles of the Uniform Standards of
the Director at 305-982-5364. They also have       Professional Appraisal Practice [USPAP], as
links to two important documents describing        developed by the Appraisal Standards Board



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Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
Summaries of Saturday’s AHA! (Appraisers Helping Appraisers) Presentations

Appraising Spinel, Tourmaline, and Garnet in The Current Market
This article is written following the presentation       the refractive index of black spinels are much                 The unquestionably vivid colors were due
of the same title at the NAJA Mid-year                   higher than of gem spinels and read OTL on                     to copper and this color agent was not
Conference in Dallas on August 3rd and                   the refractometer.                                             documented in tourmaline ever before. Fast
includes excerpts from some of the author’s                   Burma is known to be the oldest source                    forward two decades, the Paraíba tourmalines
previously published articles.                           of pink and red spinel. Other notable sources                  are still selling and at thousands of dollars
      Appraising gemstones that are of the               include Tajikistan, Vietnam, Sri Lanka and                     per carat. In 2001, we witnessed another
popular varieties and commonly traded sizes              Madagascar, which produce spinel in various                    discovery of an almost identical material but in
is a general practice of the experienced gem             colors and qualities. But it was the more                      Mozambique, Africa. The debate over naming
and jewelry appraiser. However, the increasing           recent deposit discovered at Mahenge in                        this exciting gem has yet to come to an end.
popularity of once standard or common gems               Tanzania that produced some sensational                              Mozambique cuprian tourmaline is
has resulted in dramatic prices increases                material unlike any spinel seen before.                        mined in much larger amounts compared
for a number of these varieties in                                                                                             to Paraíba and the price points are
recent years. Once regarded as                                                                                                 distinctly lower. However, since the two
semi-precious by traders, today many                                                                                           materials overlap mineralogically, origin
spinel, garnet and tourmaline varieties,                                                                                       determination has presented some
among others, are highly sought by                                                                                             challenges for the labs. Although it is
gem aficionados. Latest discoveries,                                                                                           accepted by LMHC, purists disagree
country of origin trend and increasing                                                                                         that Mozambique cuprian tourmaline
prices make appraising these gems                                                                                              should be called Paraíba. The price
challenging especially within the                                                                                              points of African cuprian tourmalines
context of the rarer, fine and extra                                                                                           are clearly lower than Paraíba, so
fine categories and larger sizes. This                                                                                         why confuse the consumer? Fine and
article will explore some of the current                                                                                       extra fine Paraíba in true “windex blue”
trends in spinel, garnet and tourmaline                                                                                        colors can exceed $250K p/c in 3 to
from the appraisal perspective.                                                                                                5 ct. sizes, while the same category
                                                                                                                               Mozambique material wouldn’t exceed
Spinel                                                                                                                         $20K.
Failure to recognize that spinel                                                                                                   The vivid purplish red tourmaline,
was distinctly different mineral from                                                                                          rubellite, has been one of the favorite
                                              Demantoid Garnet, 4.22ct. Courtesy of Pala International. Photo by Mia Dixon.
ruby and sapphire had damaged                                                                                                  tourmalines in the market in recent
its reputation for centuries. Many gem The Mahenge material is credited by many decades. Popularity of this color has increased
professionals are made to believe that if not dealers with generating increased excitement parallel to the ruby market. As an affordable
for modern gemology, we wouldn’t know and awareness of spinels the market sees alternative to ruby, rubellite enjoyed a high
the difference between red spinel and ruby. today. The color intensity associated with the demand especially in the Chinese market,
However, eastern cultures have revered red Mahenge material fundamentally changed the where prices peaked at more than $1,000 p/c
stones for their beauty and used specific price structure and popularity of spinel. Red to earlier this decade. It has been a very popular
names for spinel, ruby and garnet for millennia. pink spinels were sold below $1,000 p/c in 3 stone, mainly due to its availability in large
Their popularity and trading were defined by to 5 ct. sizes a decade ago. Today the same sizes. Today, however, demand for rubellite
their own merits.                                 sizes are traded between $3,000 to $6,000 p/c has returned to typical levels and prices are
      For decades, spinel has also been at wholesale level.                                                             well below their highs. As the buying power of
synthetically produced in vast quantities to             Blue spinels vary in tone and the Eastern market weakens, rubellite prices
imitate other gems. Unfortunately, the majority saturation due to their Cobalt content as have settled back at more realistic levels. In its
of consumers would eventually regard natural the chromophore. The rarest and the most Fine and Extra Fine grades, rubellite demands
spinel as a simulant. Recently there has revered example is the bright blue spinel from $350 to $600 p/c in 5 to 7 ct. sizes. On a similar
been a strong reversal of that perception Vietnam. Vibrant cobalt blue commands three note, seafoam and mint colored tourmalines,
and the popularity of spinel has gained more to five times more per carat price compared to the most popular of green category, demand
recognition in the global gem market as a other blue to lavender spinels in fine and extra the same price.
beautiful, rare gemstone. Consumers are fine category.
more aware of the beauty and rarity of fine              Recently, various tones of transparent Garnet
quality spinel and appreciate the gem for its gray spinels have been offered to buyers Modern mineralogy identifies garnet as a
own merit, whereas previously it was often and celebrated by collectors. Gray is a very mineral group containing 24 related species.
marketed as a more affordable alternative to desaturated blue and violet, so these stones Of these, fewer than 10 are known as
ruby or sapphire. Despite the few heat-treated come with some color flashes. Dealers report gemstones. Due to their complex structure,
samples that have been reported in trade smaller sizes of 2 to 4 ct. as common at $200 garnets are one of the most intriguing mineral
journals, the vast majority of spinel on the to $500 p/c Anything over 7 ct. is uncommon groups. Structurally similar, gem garnets differ
market are believed to be natural.                and individually priced. Gray spinels typically from one another by interchanging chemical
      Spinel is a solid solution series mineral. have eye visible inclusions but clean stones compositions through solid solutions. Garnet
Gem quality transparent spinel occur in a are also available. Burma and Tanzania are group minerals possess high refractive
range of hues with reds, pinks to lavenders reported to be main locations for this unusual index and display high vitreous luster that is
and blues being particularly important to color of spinel.                                                              unmistakable to the trained eye.
the trade. Other spinel species are better                                                                                    Red garnets generally contain fissures
known for industrial use such as chromite Tourmaline                                                                    and fractures due to their formation. The
and magnetite. During the past few years, Discovery of vivid blue, green, and purple-to- irregular structure of these fissures and
due to increasing popularity of black gems, violet tourmalines, a.k.a., “Paraíba” in Batalha, fractures also creates weakness in the stone.
black spinel species have been fashioned in Paraiba State Brazil in 1982 changed the

        52 ACE© IT Mid Year Conference
as gems too. However, it must be noted that way the gem market perceived tourmalines.                                                             continued on page 24
                     ND                                                            8
Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
Pricing Factory Grown Diamonds

    Summaries of Saturday’s AHA! (Appraisers Helping Appraisers) Presentations
    Pricing Factory Grown Diamonds
    The diamond market is currently experiencing
    a number of challenges that are negatively
                                                                                              RapNet Diamond Index (RAPITM)
    impacting demand and pricing across a broad                                      June                 1H2019                               Year on year
                                                                                                          Jan 1 to July 1                      July 1, 2018 to July 1, 2019
    range of qualities and sizes. Although diamond
    jewelry still dominates the market by volume          RAPI 0.30 ct.              -3.1%                -12.2%                               -20.9%
    and value, per carat prices for diamonds
                                                          RAPI 0.50 ct.              -1.8%                -4.7%                                -7.9%
    have decreased virtually across the board in
    2019. As a result, the average price point for        RAPI 1 cy.                 -1.4%                -3.1%                                -5.6%
    an engagement ring is also down from a year           RAPI 3 ct.                 -2.5%                -12.1%                               -16.1%
          Price declines have also been observed         © Copyright 2019, RapaportUSA Inc.

    in the GemGuide for the same period as
    shown in the chart below. A changing appetite
    for jewelry among younger consumers in the            RBC 0.30 - 0.36                     2019             2018                 2019                         2018
    USA is one factor contributing to the decline.                                            VVS2         VVS2                        VS1                       VS1
    Another more significant issue, however, is
                                                                     D                        2,100        2,490                   2,000                       2,400
    political and economic uncertainty occurring
    in major markets in Asia, Europe and the                         E                        1,900        2,230                   1,800                       2,175
    Americas.                                                        F                        1,820        2,120                   1,725                       2,050
          Also challenging the natural diamond
    market is the increasing marketspace occupied                    G                        1,700        2,070                   1,675                       1,910
    by lab grown, (or what are actually factory                      H                        1,590        2,000                   1,550                       1,860
    grown) diamonds. It is true that factory grown                   I                        1,520        1,950                   1,460                       1,800
    diamonds (FGDs) represent a small minority of        Prices in USD GemGuide July/August Issues
    the diamonds sold in the jewelry market today.
    However, the rate at which their production is
    increasing suggests they comprise the fastest        this space with retail price points of $800.00          cut. This is not surprising as the cost of the
    growing segment of the diamond industry. To          per carat since the FGD market was already              starting material is less of a concern than when
    put this in perspective, during the period from      achieving price points more than 200% higher            cutting a natural, mined diamond. In general,
    2006 to 2016 the production of factory grown         than the Lightbox pricing.                              the pricing was approximately -60 to -65% off
    diamonds rose from 18 million carats to 10                 Pricing factory grown diamonds follows            the GemGuide actual wholesale prices. Only
    billion carats annually in China alone. This, of     the same rule of other gem materials, you               FGDs in the colorless to near colorless range
    course, includes both industrial and jewelry         must know what the item is before you can               were included.
    grade diamonds. China is believed to be the          accurately price it. Although some are sold
    largest producer of FGDs with approximately          with disclosure, the significant price differential     The following charts reflect wholesale pricing
    56% market share. Of this number, jewelry            between factory grown and natural mined                 for FGDs as of July 2019. All prices are in
    grade FGDs are a fraction of a percent.              diamonds may be exploited by some reselling             USD.
          The sharp rise in FGD production caught        these stones.
    many in the natural diamond trade by surprise.             At this point, the price structure is not               0.50Ct          IF         VVS1        VS1        SI1
    Today, it is estimated that the growth rate          as well established as it is for natural mined                 RBC
    of FGD production is 22% per year. This, at          diamonds. Factory grown diamond prices are
                                                                                                                            D          1,540      1,265       1,170      960
    a time, when natural diamond production              expected to fluctuate further as competition
    is declining. The full potential for altering        in this space increases. Expansion of FGD                          E          1,220      1,125       1,090      910
    consumer spending decisions on diamonds is           producers will not be uncontrolled. There is                       F          1,075      990*        1,040      870
    unknown. However, in spite of the marketing          an economic floor to entry at which point it                       G          1,000      960         925        840
    hype, so far market research suggests that           will not make financial sense to operate FGD
    demand for FGDs is almost solely price               production. That floor is, however, much lower          * VG cut grade not EX
    motivated. At retail, the price of a factory grown   today than it was a decade ago. Producers will
    diamond is approximately 70% below the price         also have to compete against the marketing
    of a comparable natural diamond. Five years          prowess of De Beers in regards to both natural               1.00Ct      IF           VVS1        VS1         SI1
    ago, this difference was approximately 40%           and Lightbox products. For this reason alone,
    below, 10 years ago, it was about 15%. This          one can anticipate FGDs prices will be under                   D         4,500        3,540       2,650       2,150
    assumes FGDs of SI2, I or better quality.            pressure.                                                      E         3,600        2,550       2,420       1,965
          Factory grown diamonds are viable                    FGDs sell for a substantial discount
                                                                                                                            F     3,200        2,465       2,240       1,895
    products that appraisers are increasingly            compared to natural, but the profit margin is
    going to encounter in the marketplace. This          also higher. Appraisers should also keep in                    G         3,100        2,400       2,220       1,860
    year 54 companies exhibited FGDs at the JCK          mind that demand for FGDs on the secondary
    Las Vegas show. Exactly where FGDs will              market is very weak. Unfortunately, the                 Stuart Robertson, GIA GG
    ultimately be positioned in the market is not yet    greatest margin comes from selling OTC                  Member NAJA
    clear. One can argue that the Lightbox brand         undisclosed.
    launched by De Beers will reshape not only                 The following wholesale price charts are
    the pricing of FGDs, but also the perception of      based on factory grown diamonds offered
    the product at the retail level. It is conceivable   for sale in dealer inventories and on trade-
    that shifting the perception of factory grown        restricted B2B trading platforms. The research
    diamonds to high-end costume jewelry may be          was conducted on the 25th and 26th of July. All
    De Beers intention. The author believes this         were accompanied by IGI grading reports and

            52 ACE© IT Mid Year Conference
    is the primary reason that De Beers entered          the vast majority were graded as having ideal
Jewelry Appraiser - NCDIA
Summaries of Saturday’s AHA! (Appraisers Helping Appraisers) Presentations

Messages sent post-conference
Thanks Gail                                                                       Dear Gail,
It was such a joy and pleasure to meet you!! I really enjoyed the                 Thanks so much for organizing this wonderful conference! Jill and
conference. Job well done!!                                                       Heritage outdid themselves to make us welcome, take care of all our
                                                                                  needs and entertain us.
Thank you for all of your hard work!!
                                                                                  For me the high points were:
Best wishes,                                                                      *Duncan’s talk
Lucy Steele                                                                       *Gina’s talk
                                                                                  *Believe it or not, Deborah’s USPAP discussion (?!!!)
                                                                                  *the Mock auction that demonstrated how well we collaborate with
                                                                                  each other
Hi Gail!                                                                          *the Panel discussion. I hope we spend time on this at every conference.
Thanks for all your hard work on the conference, it was really amazing!           It was extremely helpful to hear from the experts how they approach
I learned so much, met great people and really enjoyed connecting and             tricky circumstances.
being part of the group :-) Marcia and I are already looking forward to
Tucson!                                                                           For all your attention to detail, all your time and late hours, for the
                                                                                  logistics you managed that we’ll never know about and for your
Thanks!                                                                           dedication to providing quality content, I am extremely grateful. I feel
Stacy Summers                                                                     that NAJA is a support network that I can always rely on. The friends I
                                                                                  have made here are invaluable.

                                                                                  Looking forward to seeing you in Tucson!!
Hi Gail,
I feel so lucky to have attended- it seems that Heritage went above and           Safe travels, my Queen!
beyond for a wonderful weekend of learning. I feel like Dallas lit a fire         Best,
under me!                                                                         Merrill Essex

Meghan Keefe, GJG (GIA)
                                                                                  Another great conference in the terrific space of Heritage Auction
                                                                                  house- thanks to all the organizing by Gail, Dave, Deborah and, of
                                                                                  course, Carmen!!!! Where’s the next one in August 2020???
Hi Gail,
I really felt that this conference was a great value for my appraisal             Barbara Nevius
business! I met so many people that are so kind and giving of their
guidance and suggestions! I’m so glad to be a part of this community!
Thank you!
                                                                                  Conference was indeed great! Great job to Gail and Staff.
Thank you again!!
Susan Barnett                                                                     David Rotenberg

Hi Gail,                                                                          Just wanted to say what a wonderful conference. Gail Brett Levine
Hope that you are recovering from the trek to Dallas. I just got a 7 piece        always out does herself. Another special thank you to Jill Burgum and
appraisal in as she found me through NAJA web site. And it is for                 the Heritage Auction team for hosting us. To all the lecturers, thank you
USAA for which I now have the guide lines from the conference. All this           for your wealth of knowledge. And to all the attendees, thank you for not
does work together. Just wanted you to know.                                      throwing tomatoes during my lecture! I hope to see you all again, and
                                                                                  to those who did not attend, I hope to see you all soon.
Patricia Ann Cole
                                                                                  Travis Lejman

Thanks so much for passing along the color vision test results, very              Dallas NAJA conference- Thanks Gail Brett Levine
interesting test!!
                                                                                  Aimee Berrent
I also wanted to thank you for putting on such a fabulous conference.
I can’t imagine all the hours and coordinating that goes on to make
such an event take place, but as a attendee of the conference I so
appreciated all your work that went in to make it happen! The amount
of information, learning and networking that occurred in Dallas was
unbelievable, thank you!!

Safe travels back home,

       52 ACE© IT Mid Year Conference
Rebecca Schoenherr

Education Notes
Come to Conference!!
Our recent Mid-Year Conference in Dallas,          alive! Every one sat down and took the time
Texas was absolutely terrific on many levels.      to answer my endless questions, for I found
The quality of the speakers was, as usual,         any shyness evaporating in the atmosphere
excellent and provided a broad range of            of sharing. These days, I am lucky enough
interesting topics, from Dave’s ever-popular       to have been in the business for a while, and
Town Hall, to Sindi Schloss discussing             to have new appraisers ask me questions,
symbolism in ethnic jewelry, to a mock             but I still learn so much from each and every
auction that had everyone out of their seats       conference I attend. There is always a
applauding. Our hosts, Heritage Auctions,          session which teaches me something I didn’t
provided a very special venue with incredible      know, always a new contact with expertise in a
previews of upcoming sales, excellent food,        specific area who comes along a just the right
two wine and champagne receptions, and             time, always a new friend in a different part
state-of-the-art audio and technical support       of the country whom I can ask about pricing
throughout our stay. The hotel was first class,    trends in their area. I have returned home
included a full, hot American breakfast every      from each and every conference I attend with
day, and was conveniently located close            at least one new skill and something, be it a
to terrific restaurants and nightlife for post-    new piece of equipment or newly acquired
session amusement.                                 knowledge, which makes my appraisal
      However, the very best thing about this      practice better. Every conference.
trip to Dallas was the reminder of what an              The opportunity to reconnect with old
opportunity conference attendance provides,        friends, make new, meet industry leaders, and      But the connections made on these trips have
one not equaled over a dozen webinars              earn those necessary continuing education          been the most meaningful of my career, and I
– personal connection. I have mentioned            points can’t be underestimated. If you haven’t     encourage you to explore the possibilities.
before in this column that it wasn’t until I       been to an NAJA conference in a while, you’re           NAJA works very hard to hold conferences
attended my first NAJA conference that I felt a    missing a lot. Every year we are working           in each third of the country, alternating each
part of the greater community of appraisers. I     to improve the member experience, while            year, so if we’re not close by this year, we will
had no idea there were so many of us. And I        bringing you the knowledge that is so important    be next! If you’ve never been to a conference,
certainly had no idea what a dynamic, collegial    to staying on top of the latest innovations in     consider joining us in February or August next
group I had joined in NAJA. Everyone was           our industry.                                      year. If you haven’t been in a while, you don’t
so generous and friendly, willing to freely             But it’s not just NAJA conferences, of        know what you’re missing. And if I saw you in
share their insights and knowledge with a          course. Attend anything that strikes your          Dallas, you already know how fantastic it was,
new appraiser who had little idea of the larger    fancy. There are dozens of opportunities each      so – see you in Tucson!!
industry outside of the small family jeweler for   year, and not only in the U.S. Take the family
whom she worked.                                   and write off half of your vacation by attending   Deborah J. Finleon, GIA GG, CMA (NAJA)
      At that first conference, I met people       a conference in Bangkok or Spain first! I          Chair of Education
who had been in the business longer than           promise you won’t regret it. The financial and
I – in some cases longer than I had been           time commitment can seem daunting, I know.

Computer Testing Quantifies Color Performance in
NAJA Members
In the recent NAJA Conference in Dallas,           findings which agreed well with FM 100 Hue
TX, Drs. Julie Lovell and Jeff Rabin of the        results. The research team is formalizing
University of the Incarnate Word Rosenberg         their findings for presentation and publication.
School of Optometry, San Antonio, TX,              It is hoped that the final analysis will help
provided color vision testing for certification    standardize and refine NAJA color vision
which included our standard test (FM 100 Hue       testing and certification.
cap arrangement test), as well as a computer-            The FM 100 Hue test involves arranging
based color test which provides red, green and     the colored caps in logical order. As shown,
blue scores representative of the red, green       there are four trays of caps and 85 caps total
and blue sensitive cone cells in the human         requiring up to 30 minutes to complete. A
retina   (      total error score is computed which indicates
management/rabin-cone-contrast-test-               how well the individual can discriminate slight
overview/). A major intent was to determine if     differences in color.
the computer test, which takes much less time            The 5-minute computer-based Cone
(5 minutes) than the FM 100 Hue (10 – 30           Contrast Test (Innova Systems, Inc.) presents
minutes), provides comparable results which        a colored letter (red, green or bluish) in
may help refine the NAJA requirement for           the center of the display and the test-taker
periodic color vision certification.               uses a mouse to select the letter seen from
     The researchers found that most NAJA          the adjacent matching display. The letters
members performed quite well on the FM 100         decrease in visibility as the test proceeds
Hue, in some cases better than age-matched         and the lowest visibility (color contrast) is
norms. They confirmed that the FM 100 Hue          determined for red, green and blue color
can require up to 30 minutes to complete vs.       vision. A PDF automatically saves with a red,      Julie Lovell, MS, PhD and Jeff Rabin, OD, MS,
the computer test, which is easily done in 5       green and blue score on a 100-point scale.         PhD
minutes, and that the computer test yielded

Woe To Those Who Appraise What They Sell!
Court Ruling Affirms Appraisal Profession
The 9th Circuit Court of Appeals recently ruled       one. It did not include data supporting the         distinct categories. We had separate business
that an appraisal from an esteemed auction            value opinion and had no comparable market          cards, separate locations, and unique flyers for
house is not adequate assurance of appraisal          sales. (It should have stated it was using the      each aspect of the umbrella business.
proficiency or competence.            This ruling     sales comparison approach and then provided               The argument could be made that this
came in the case of Estate of Kollsman Vs.            all the supporting data that assisted in reaching   possibility of conflict is just for estate appraisals
Commissioner and upheld the US Tax Court’s            the value conclusion.) I am assuming it did not     and the IRS, but that is not true. Appraisals
opinion.                                              contain a certification, as required by USPAP,      for re-sale, confirmation of value, or even
      The case revolved around the “appraisal”        which would have listed any financial interests,    insurance coverage may hold the same pitfalls.
done for the Estate of Eva Kollsman by the            past, present, or future in the property being      The USPAP definition of an appraiser is the
Co-Chair of Sotheby’s Old Master Paintings            appraised. If it had included all these elements,   following: one who is expected to perform
Worldwide, who claimed the fair market value          the outcome may have been different.                valuation services competently and in a manner
of two paintings the estate possessed were                  The appraiser for the IRS met the             that is independent, impartial, and objective.
worth $600,000. This amount was attached to           qualifications of the Appraisal Qualification       Therefore, the following points should be
their US Estate Tax Return which formed the           Board and completed an appraisal that was           remembered by those seeking to do appraisals
basis of any taxes due.                                                                                                for any intended use or for any third
      The IRS had their own                                                                                            party, including another jewelry
appraiser value the two                                                                                                firm, auction company, gallery, or
paintings, stating that the                                                                                            even your own store.
total was a great deal more.                                                                                           1. F o l l o w U S PA P i n y o u r
This created a deficiency                                                                                              assignments.          Make sure you
in the estate’s tax amount,                                                                                            follow Standards 7 & 8, as well as
sending notice to the estate                                                                                           including a complete certification
they needed to pay. This                                                                                               with signature. Make sure you are
resulted     in    the    estate                                                                                       current in your USPAP classes.
petitioning the US Tax Court                                                                                           2. Always be objective, impartial,
for redetermination.       They                                                                                        and disinterested. We are not
used the appraisal done                                                                                                fiduciary agents, advocates, or
by Sotheby’s to back up                                                                                                salesmen attempting to “get the
their claims. The IRS used                                                                                             sale of the item”-even if our work is
an appraisal done by an                                                                                                done for a contractor.
independent and credentialed                                                                                           3. Any fee structure should not
fine arts appraiser, arguing                                                                                           be contingent upon the sale of
at the Court that the                                                                                                  the piece, future disposition, or
values should have been                                                                                                outcome. Fees should be based
$2,600,000. The IRS won the case and it was           compliant with USPAP. It was considered a           on fair terms, by the piece, by the hour, or by
appealed to the 9th Circuit, which has now            “qualified” appraisal by a credentialed and         contract for the assignment.
upheld the decision.                                  unbiased appraiser-one that did not have a          4. Appraisers must be comprehensive and
      The amount differences are staggering,          conflict of interest or personal interest in the    show the justification for values, depending on
but the real conclusions reached by the               outcome.                                            the intended use of the appraisal. Just relying
court are even more monumental for us as                   Although there were other parts to this        upon personal reputation and “I say so” is not
a profession. They claimed there was a                story, the point to us as appraisers as that        enough, it doesn’t matter. An appraisal is only
distinct conflict of interest with the Sotheby’s      we should be particularly careful if there          as good as the recorded data and the logical
appraiser, particularly because Sotheby’s was         are any potential conflicts of interest in our      analysis that supports it.
simultaneously attempting to contract the sale        assignments. That would include appraising                We have a right and a responsibility to
of the works at auction. The appraiser sent a         jewelry that might be bought or sold by a firm      uphold our appraisal profession. We are not
letter agreement proposing the exclusive right        you have connections with or any past or future     here to service any auction house (even our
to sell the paintings over the next five years,       potential interest.                                 own), consignment shop, or jewelry firm. As
which the executor signed.                                 When I was an auctioneer and gallery           John Brenan, vice-president of appraisal
      The Court said that Sotheby’s stood             owner, I constantly encountered problems of         issues at The Appraisal Foundation has stated:
to earn significant commissions from the              perception with potential appraisal clients. Even   “Consumers are the biggest beneficiaries of this
anticipated sales and that the appraiser “had a       though we sought to keep our appraisal hats on      ruling. Personal property assets will be better
direct financial incentive to curry favor with [the   during a valuation, it was often still perceived    protected when a qualified and independent
executor]” by providing “lowball” estimates that      as being done by the auction company.               appraiser is retained to value one’s personal
would lessen the Federal estate tax burden to         Of course, as we all know, many auction             property assets.”
the estate. (Sotheby’s subsequently sold one          companies use their appraisal departments                 So be it!
of the paintings for $2,434,500.)                     to garner in items for their sales and often try
      The Court said the Sotheby’s appraisal          to soften up the clients by offering low fees,      Note: Leon Castner, ISA CAPP, Senior Partner,
was “unreliable and unpersuasive,” and                discounts, or incentives to sell those items with   NAC
had serious deficiencies in competency as             the company. This is not necessarily true of all    Seven (7) hour USPAP given on Wednesday,
well as independence. An article written by           auction companies, galleries, or jewelry stores,    November 20, 2019, 9:00AM – 5:00PM Eastern
Jeffrey Marks and Amelia Brankov for Wealth           but it does present a problem when a third          and Monday, December 9, 2019, 9:00AM
Management states that “estate administrators         party is seeking confidence that the appraisal      – 5:00PM Eastern      Learn more at: www.
should proceed with caution when considering          was done accurately and competently, without
for estate tax purposes the use of appraisals         undue influence of any sort.
prepared for merchants simultaneously seeking              In my auction days we choose to open
to sell the same property.”                           a separate office which handled appraisal
      Of course, the estate appraisal prepared        assignments. We made it very clear that
for the Kollsman’s was not a USPAP compliant          appraisals and auctions were two different and

You can also read