Page created by Randall Robles

DOWNLOAD THE 2019                                       TABLE OF CONTENTS
   IBSC ANNUAL CONFERENCE                                  CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE                         2
   MOBILE APP!                                             CONFERENCE INFORMATION                         4
                                                           SPOUSE/PARTNER PROGRAM                         8
   Navigate the event like a pro with the
   2019 IBSC Annual Conference mobile app,
                                                           HIGHLIGHTS                                     9
   powered by core-apps.com.                               IBSC ACTION RESEARCH PROGRAM                  10
   Use the 2019 IBSC app to:                               PLENARY SPEAKERS                              12
⊲⊲ Get organized with up-to-the-minute                     WEDNESDAY DAILY SCHEDULE                      18
   speaker and event information.                          THURSDAY DAILY SCHEDULE                       19
⊲⊲ Receive important real-time messages from IBSC.
                                                           FRIDAY DAILY SCHEDULE                         26
⊲⊲ Build a personalized schedule and bookmark workshops.
                                                           SATURDAY DAILY SCHEDULE                       35
⊲⊲ Take notes and download workshop materials.
⊲⊲ Stay in the know and engage in social media.            ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS                              36
⊲⊲ Connect with colleagues through Friends.                SPONSORS                                      37
⊲⊲ Share your photos and experiences                       CONFERENCE MAPS                               38
   with the Activity Feed.
⊲⊲ And much more!
   Simple Steps to Download the App
   For iOS and Android
⊲⊲ Search the App Store or Google Play for “2019 IBSC”.
⊲⊲ Scan the QR code below.                                 MEDIA RELEASE
                                                           By attending the IBSC Annual Conference,
                                                           attendees grant permission to the International
                                                           Boys’ Schools Coalition (IBSC) and its agents
                                                           to utilize the attendee’s image or likeness to
                                                           promote IBSC. Attendees waive any right to
                                                           inspect or approve the finished product(s) and
   For all other devices (including BlackBerry,            the advertising copy or other matter that may
   Windows, and other web-browser-enabled                  be used in connection therewith or the use to
   devices): While on your smartphone, point               which it may be applied.
   your mobile browser to m.core-apps.com/
   ibsc2019 to get the proper download
   version for your phone. Please contact
   support@core-apps.com with any questions.
BONJOUR,                                                   BIENVENUE À MONTRÉAL,
Bienvenue à Montréal and our global gathering of           On behalf of all of us at Selwyn House School, let me
devoted boys’ educators as together we explore the         express how honored we are to host this year’s IBSC Annual
theme Boys and the Arts: Great Minds, Big Hearts.          Conference, Boys and the Arts: Great Minds, Big Hearts.
We hope Montréal’s joie de vivre inspires you to           Engagement in the arts has been shown to improve quality
engage with likeminded professionals dedicated to          of life for students, staff, and families.
guiding boys on the journey to manhood for lives of
                                                           Let me be clear: This is not merely a conference about the
achievement and fulfillment, compassion and justice,
                                                           curriculum benefits of arts education. Our mission is far more
and service and leadership.
                                                           expansive. The arts play a critical role in the daily life of a boy.
IBSC thanks Selwyn House School for its warm               Our keynotes, featured speakers, workshops, and action
hospitality and hosting us in the cultural capital of      research projects all expand on connection, relationships,
Canada. We especially appreciate the leadership of         self-expression, and feelings of emotional well-being.
Headmaster Hal Hannaford, Dean of Students Minna
                                                           Mental wellness strategies profoundly impact the future
Shulman, and the entire conference organizing
                                                           success of our children. We have lofty goals and objectives
committee. Our hosts spent countless hours across
                                                           for the upcoming three days, but it is my sincere hope that
two years to compose this dynamic event featuring
                                                           all of you will leave Montréal with a further understanding
awe-inspiring keynote speakers, more than 80
                                                           of how much the arts can enhance your life. It is certainly
in-depth workshops, brand new featured studio
                                                           not about ability, talent, or skill. It is about embracing the
sessions, and dazzling entertainment.
                                                           world around you by appreciating, watching, listening,
Let’s open our eyes to stunning vistas from Mount          observing, experiencing, supporting, and — when you are
Royal to the cobblestone streets of Old Montréal. Open     up to it — participating. Yes, I hope you will sing, dance,
our ears to the melodies, harmonies, and riffs of the      bang, draw, or act, look at how the arts can bring you joy,
world-renowned Montréal International Jazz Festival.       and understand the healing power unleashed when we
And open our minds and hearts to bold new ideas.           embrace artistic expression.
Together let’s dig deep to uncover the best ways to
                                                           We will talk about boys, stress, the autism spectrum, and
engage boys and equip them with the instruments to
                                                           mental wellness. We will be entertained and hear true stories
discover, understand, shape, and lead our constantly
                                                           of personal experiences. We will discover the role the arts
evolving world. As you attend conference sessions,
                                                           have played in many lives and learn that all situations can be
may the vibrancy of this multicultural city give you the
                                                           solved and resolved through connection and relationships.
courage to improvise and take risks.
                                                           Arts put the power of transformation at our fingertips.
Thank you for championing boys’ education and the
                                                           And, finally, a huge shout-out to our beloved Dean of
blessings of being part of a community of educators
                                                           Students Minna Shulman. Her vision inspired the theme
living worthy lives in the service of our boys and the
                                                           for this year’s conference. Her dedication, orchestration,
men they will become.
                                                           and effort have made all the difference, and we at Selwyn
Amicalement,                                               House School feel especially grateful.

IBSC                          IBSC                         SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL (CANADA)

                                                                                                                   #IBSCAC 1
2019 Organizing Committee:

                                                                       CONFERENCE AT A GLANCE
                                          Jaime McMillan, Maureen
                                          Powers, Kathy Funamoto,
                                          Minna Shulman, Sharon
                                          Walker, Susan Doherty, and
                                          Hal Hannaford

DEAR DELEGATES,                                                          WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26
                                                                       1:00 – 3:00 PM    Registration and Refreshments
Bonjour et bienvenue à Montréal.                                                         Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
                                                                                         Parc Mont-Royal A & B
Welcome to the 2019 IBSC Annual Conference and
Montréal, our beloved European city in the heart of North
                                                                       3:00 – 6:30 PM    Opening Plenary Session Featuring
America. Montréal has something to offer everyone,
                                                                                         Adam Cox, Molly Johnson,
especially in the summer! We are one of the most
                                                                                         entertainment, and more
bilingual, multicultural, and multi-ethnic cities in Canada.
                                                                                         Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
The conference hotel, Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth,                                      Place du Canada
is one of Montréal’s iconic landmarks. Located in the
heart of downtown, it is an easy walk to the Quartier                  6:45 PM           Buses depart the conference hotel for the school
des Spectacles, where the Festival International
de Jazz de Montréal kicks off on June 27. It is also                   7:00 – 9:00 PM    Welcome Reception, The Art of a Party
minutes away from the Old Port, Vieux Montréal,                                          Selwyn House School
Quartier Latin, The Gay Village, Mount Royal Park,
fabulous museums, and the downtown core of small                       8:45 – 11:00 PM   Buses depart the school for the conference hotel
shops and large department stores.
                                                                       9:00 – 11:00 PM   After Hours Bar
The plenary sessions and all our keynote addresses take                                  Selwyn House School
place at Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth. Our workshops                                     Coristine Hall
and most meals occur at Selwyn House School, a quick
bus ride or a brisk 40-minute walk from the hotel.

While we provide breakfast Thursday, Friday, and
Saturday, lunches on Thursday and Friday, and evening
dinatoires on Wednesday and Friday evenings, you are
surrounded by some of the finest cuisine anywhere.

We plan to keep you so highly engaged, intellectually
stimulated, physically active, and socially alert that
you may want some extra days to explore the city at
your own pace!

At Selwyn House School, we have benefited greatly from
our long and strong affiliation with IBSC and are thrilled
to host the 2019 IBSC Annual Conference. We are testing
a new model where small schools, with the help of local
venues, host this important gathering of educators.

Join us as we explore the creative and healing power
of the arts and their ability to promote wellness and
personal change in all of us. We anticipate some
Montréal magic as we experience the theme Boys and
the Arts: Great Minds, Big Hearts.


  THURSDAY, JUNE 27                                                        FRIDAY, JUNE 28
7:30 – 8:30 AM        Breakfast with IBSC Trustees				6:45 – 7:45 AM                         Buses depart the conference hotel for the school
                      Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
                      Square Dorchester                                  7:00 – 8:00 AM      Breakfast
                                                                                             Selwyn House School
8:30 – 10:40 AM       IBSC Annual Meeting
                      Plenary Session Featuring Sonia Lupien 8:00 – 9:00 AM                  Workshop Block 3
                      2019 IBSC Hawley-Jarvis Award                                          Selwyn House School
                      Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
                      Place du Canada                                    9:15 – 10:15 AM     Featured Studio Session 2
                                                                                             Selwyn House School
10:40 AM              Break
                                                                         10:15 AM            Break
11:00 AM – 12:00 NOON Plenary Session Featuring Jonathan Emile
                      Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth                       10:30 – 11:30 AM    Workshop Block 4
                      Place du Canada                                                        Selwyn House School

12:00 NOON            Buses depart the conference hotel for the school   11:30 AM – 12:30 PM Lunch
                                                                                             Selwyn House School
12:15 – 1:15 PM       Lunch
                      Selwyn House School                                12:30 – 1:30 PM     Workshop Block 5
                                                                                             Selwyn House School
1:30 – 2:30 PM        Workshop Block 1
                      Selwyn House School                                1:30 PM             Buses depart the school for the conference hotel

2:45 – 3:45 PM        Featured Studio Session 1			                       2:15 – 5:30 PM      Plenary Session Featuring The Autism
                      Selwyn House School                                                    Monologues and Ned Hallowell
                                                                                             Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
3:45 PM               Break                                                                  Place du Canada

4:00 – 5:10 PM        Workshop Block 2 Featuring IBSC Action             6:30 – 9:00 PM      Cocktail Dinatoire Reception, Nuit en Blanc
                      Research Presentations                                                 The Windsor Ballroom
                      Selwyn House School

5:15 PM               Buses depart the school for the conference hotel     SATURDAY, JUNE 29
Evening on Your Own                                                      7:00 – 8:00 AM      Breakfast
                                                                                             Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
                                                                                             Square Dorchester

                                                                         8:00 – 11:45 AM     Closing Plenary Session Featuring Susan Doherty,
                                                                                             Hal Hannaford, and Jean-Marc Vallée
DOWNLOAD THE FREE 2019 IBSC                                                                  Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth
ANNUAL CONFERENCE MOBILE APP                                                                 Place du Canada

                                                                                                                                    #IBSCAC 3
Boys and the Arts:                            General Overview                                Traveling to and from Selwyn
Great Minds, Big Hearts                       All plenary sessions and keynote                House School and Fairmont
We designed the entire 2019 IBSC Annual       addresses take place in the Place               the Queen Elizabeth
Conference, Boys and the Arts: Great          du Canada room on convention floor              Yellow school buses will transport you
Minds, Big Hearts, to offer something         of Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth. All            from one venue to the other. The bus
special to everyone committed to              workshops and featured studio sessions          drop-off and pick-up location at Fairmont
excellence in boys’ education. Every          occur at Selwyn House School.                   the Queen Elizabeth is located on the Rue
day, each of us has the opportunity to                                                        Mansfield entrance of the hotel.
touch the lives of our students, who are      Contact Details
tomorrow’s fathers and leaders. Working       Reach Selwyn House School at                    It is a 40-minute walk from the hotel to
together, let’s explore simple ways to        1-514-931-9481 daily 8:00 AM – 4:00 PM.         Selwyn House School. Go north on Rue
reach the hearts and expand the minds                                                         Mansfield for about three blocks, then
of our students, faculty, and parents. We     Reach Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth              west on Rue Sherbrooke for 2.9 km (1.8
all know the paramount importance of          24/7 at 1-514-861-3511.                         mi. or about 20 blocks) until you see
the mental and physical health of our                                                         the school on the right at Ave. Argyle in
communities. At Selwyn House School,          For nonmedical emergencies,                     Westmount.
we believe that even a small school           call Jaime McMillan at 1-514-909-7125.
can make a large impact through the                                                           Also on Rue Sherbrooke, you can catch
healing power of the arts in the lives of     Conference Hotel                                the #24 STM bus going west to get to the
boys. We, in the world of boys’ schools,      FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                    school. The fare is CA$3.25 and can be
have a huge responsibility to help our        900 Réne Lévesque Boulevard West                purchased on the bus with exact change
students become empathic, aware, solid,       Montréal, Québec H3B 4A5                        only. Bus passes are also available (info
respectful, open-hearted, and responsible     1-514-861-3511                                  in your welcome bag). The bus stop for
people. This year’s conference theme                                                          Selwyn House School is at Ave. Redfern.
and format focus on the need for boys to      Selwyn House School
learn to share themselves emotionally for     95 Cote St. Antoine                             To return by the #24 bus to the hotel, take
their own mental wellness. We also dive       Westmount, Québec H3Y 2H8                       the bus east and get off at Rue Mansfield
into the vital roles of parents, educators,   1-514-931-9481                                  to walk the few blocks south to the hotel.
and administrators, who must commit the
needed time and resources to the arts         IBSC-Selwyn House Welcome Desk                  There are also Bixi bike stands (public
and mental health.                            at Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth                 bicycle sharing) near the hotel and across
                                              Find the Welcome Desk on the                    the street from the school. Rates are
Logo                                          convention level of the hotel during            CA$2.95 one way and CA$5.00 per day for
Created by Jesse Caruso (SHS 2017), our       these times:                                    short-term access, payable by credit card
logo says it all. Boys and the Arts is the    MONDAY 7:30 – 9:30 AM                           at the Bixi stand. Find more information on
main theme of the conference, and Great       TUESDAY 7:30 – 9:30 AM AND 4:00 – 6:00 PM       Bixi in your welcome bag.
Minds and Big Hearts is a Selwyn House        WEDNESDAY 11:00 AM – 7:00 PM
goal for all our students.                    THURSDAY 7:00 AM – 1:00 PM AND 5:00 – 7:00 PM
                                              FRIDAY    6:00 – 8:30 AM AND 1:00 – 6:00 PM
                                              SATURDAY 6:30 AM – 1:00 PM

                                              IBSC-Selwyn House Welcome Desk
                                              at Selwyn House School
                                              Find the Welcome Desk at the main
                                              entrance to the school during these times:
                                              TUESDAY 9:00 AM – 3:00 PM
                                              THURSDAY 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
                                              FRIDAY   8:00 AM – 2:00 PM

4   @BoysSchools
Traveling to and from Montréal-Pierre         Local Transportation                                       Free Time Ideas
Elliott Trudeau International Airport         Taxis                                                      Your welcome bags are filled with ideas
Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau               Visit the taxi stand at the Rue Mansfield                  of places to go and things to do in
International Airport (YUL) is 14 miles       entrance of the hotel or hail a taxi from                  Montréal. The hotel concierge can make
(22 km) from the hotel.                       the street (not always easy). For trips from               all kinds of plans and reservations. The
                                              Selwyn House School, call Atlas Taxi at                    Selwyn House folks at our Welcome
Limousine                                     1-514-485-8585 for pickup. Taxi fare from                  Desks are ready to assist you.
To Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau            Fairmont to Selwyn House costs about
International Airport from hotel: from        CA$15.                                                     Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth has much
CA$145 one way, including meet and                                                                       to offer on site:
greet service.                                Bus and Metro (Subway)
                                              Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth has direct                    ROSÉLYS: Bistronomie cuisine, with a variety
Transfer to Montréal-Pierre Elliott Trudeau   access to the Bonaventure Metro Station.                   of flavorful dishes served in a setting
International Airport: from CA$85 one way.    There is a hotel entrance from the metro                   with one-of-a-kind décor. Chef Maxime
                                              station. Follow signage.                                   Delmont’s cooking highlights local and
Taxi                                                                                                     seasonal ingredients.
There is a flat rate of CA$40 between the     The closest metro station to Selwyn                        ●
airport and downtown hotels.                  House School is the Atwater Station on                     NACARAT: The new hot spot in town, a
                                              the green line.                                    stunning interior décor best described
747 Express Bus                                                                                  as “Ziggy Stardust meets 21st century
Featuring nine stops in each direction,       The #24 bus on Rue Sherbrooke offers               modernity.”
the 747-service operated by the City of       reliable service from the hotel area to            ●
Montréal operates 24 hours a day and          the school and back.                           ARTISANS: An urban market that brings
offers transportation between downtown                                                       together local producers and artisans,
Montréal and the airport.                     Uber                                           fostering a sense of community in
                                              Uber is active in Montréal.                    downtown Montréal.
Buy your ticket for CA$10 inside the                                                         ●
terminal before boarding. When returning      Parking near Selwyn House School                       KRÉMA: An inviting space with its central
to the airport, pay the CA$10 bus fare        There are no parking spaces provided at                fireplace, comfy armchairs, and unbeatable
aboard the bus (coins only, bills are not     Selwyn House School. Street parking is                 view of Montréal’s effervescent downtown.
accepted). Tickets provide travelers with     limited to four hours in Westmount. We                 Kréma is the place to be for the best roast
a transit pass valid on the STM bus and       have secured free parking spots at the                 coffees from Montréal brûleries and other
metro network for 24 hours. For more          Marianopolis College parking lot at 4873               comforting beverages.
information, visit www.stm.info/en.           Ave. Westmount, Westmount, Québec                      ●
                                              H3Y 1X9. This is a 15-minute walk from                     MOMENT SPA: A welcoming and luxurious
Car Rentals                                   Selwyn House School.                                       urban spa, in line with Fairmont the Queen
Car rentals are not recommended as                                                                       Elizabeth’s new image.
parking in Montréal is expensive and
there is little time during the conference                                                               The hotel sits above the Underground
for driving around Montréal. Car rental                                                                  City and food courts. Grab a quick bite,
offices around the hotel may be a good                                                                   shop, and walk the 19-mile network
option before and after the conference.                                                                  of indoor paths linking restaurants,
Driving takes 20-25 minutes to get from                                                                  department stores, hotels, office towers,
downtown to the airport.                                                                                 and attractions. From the hotel begin your
                                                                                                         journey underground by accessing Place
                                                                                                         Ville Marie. The tunnel linking Place Ville
                                                                                                         Marie to Central Station and Fairmont the
                                                                                                         Queen Elizabeth was the birthplace of
                                                                                                         Montréal’s Underground City.

                                                                                                                                           #IBSCAC 5
IT and Wi-Fi Services and Support           Workshop Presenters                           Selwyn House Pop-up Shop
Selwyn House School offers Wi-Fi in         After checking in at the Registration Desk,   The Selwyn House Pop-up Shop, selling
all areas of campus. IT services and        please report to the Workshop Presenters’     Selwyn House and Boys and the Arts
support are available at the school         Table located near the Registration           merchandise, is located on the stage
Welcome Desk.                               Desk to confirm your attendance, review       in Coristine Hall (the dining room in the
WI-FI NETWORK NAME: SHSGUEST                technology requirements and logistics,        Lucas Building). Stop by, look around,
PASSWORD: ibsc2019                          verify room assignments, and pick up          and grab some cool things during the
                                            or order any needed supplies.                 half days we spend at Selwyn House
Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth offers                                                       for workshops. If merchandise remains,
Wi-Fi in all guest rooms, and IBSC          Welcome and Registration Desks                the Pop-up Shop will relocate to the
has secured free Wi-Fi on the               Throughout the conference, the Welcome        convention floor of Fairmont the Queen
convention floor for attendees during       and Registration Desks at the hotel and       Elizabeth on Saturday morning.
the conference.                             at Selwyn House School are your go-to
WI-FI NETWORK NAME: FAIRMONT_MEETING        places for questions, technology support,     Conference Bookstore
PASSWORD: IBSC2019                          supply pickup, and information on the         Several authors speak at this year’s
                                            conference, school, and Montréal. Find        conference. Find their books available for
Conference Registration                     volunteers and staff ready to assist you      purchase during the plenary sessions on
Delegates and Spouses/Partners              easily identified by their colorful and       Wednesday afternoon, Thursday morning,
Conference registration opens at 1:00       artistic aprons.                              Friday afternoon, and Friday morning.
PM in the lobby on the convention                                                         Look for the bookstore on the convention
floor of Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth.      Meals                                         floor near the Place du Canada room. The
The Registration Desk remains open          Meals are a special part of IBSC              bookstore accepts cash and credit cards.
throughout the conference during            conferences, as they provide a chance to
plenary sessions and doubles as the         meet and greet delegates from around          Conference Dress Code
Welcome Desk. Entertainment, activities,    the world. Breakfast is provided on           For all conference events, comfortable,
and light refreshments are available on     Thursday and Saturday on the convention       smart-casual attire is appropriate. The
the convention floor until the Opening      floor at Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth,        days in Montréal promise to be warm and
Ceremonies at 3:00 PM sharp!                and on Friday at Selwyn House School.         sunny (26°C for the high). Venues tend to
                                            Lunches are provided on Thursday and          keep rooms cool with air conditioning, so
Spouses and partners, after registration    Friday at Selwyn House School in the Old      a sweater or jacket may come in handy.
please stop by the Spouse/Partner           Boys’ Tent and Playground, Coristine Hall,
Program desk to confirm your reservations   and Guzzo Tent and Playground. All areas      Our special Friday night Cocktail Dinatoire
for the activities, meet the leaders, and   serve the same meals. If you registered       Reception Nuit en Blanc is an optional
get all your questions answered.            your special dietary restrictions, please     opportunity to dress in white to celebrate
                                            pick up your meal in Coristine Hall.          the late sunsets and early sunrises of the
There is also a Welcome Desk at Selwyn                                                    last week of June in our beautiful city.
House School in the Business Office next    Find details of the special evening events    We hope you wear a white outfit (casual
to The Rossy Agora. The school Welcome      and meals in the daily schedules.             to dressy), but even just one white item
Desk operates during the workshops.                                                       adds to our festive theme.
                                            Find snacks and refreshments served
                                            near the Place du Canada room at
                                            Fairmont the Queen Elizabeth during the
                                            plenary session breaks. At Selwyn House
                                            School, find snacks and refreshments
                                            near the workshop rooms and in the
                                            Guzzo Tent.

6    @BoysSchools
Speaking French and English                    Lockdown (Intruder Alert)                                    Stay in the room on the floor until you hear
in Montréal                                    In the event an intruder is reported in or                   the following phrase: “Attention, attention,
Montréal is one of the most bilingual cities   near any of the Selwyn House School                          attention. All clear, all clear, all clear.” Then
in Québec and Canada, with over 59% of         buildings, the school’s public address                       you may get up but stay in the classroom
the population able to speak both English      system will sound the following phrase:                      until the police or firefighters come to
and French. Montréal is the second-largest     “Attention, attention, attention. Lockdown,                  the door and instruct you to leave the
primarily French-speaking city in the world,   lockdown, lockdown.”                                         classroom or you hear from the sound
after Paris. Of course, you can get around                                                                  system the following phrase: “Attention,
town and enjoy your time in Montréal           ⊲⊲ If you are already in a classroom, close the door         attention, attention. Leave your classroom
without knowing or speaking any French.           and lock it from the inside.                              and proceed to [specific] meeting area.”
Starting conversations with Bonjour! and
ending them with a Merci! go a long way        ⊲⊲ If you are outside of a classroom, find the closest       If you hear a fire alarm during the
to making everyone feel appreciated.              room not yet locked and hide in there.                    lockdown, do not exit the classroom. The
Signage in Montréal is confusing — and                                                                      intruder may have pulled the fire alarm
not just because it is in French. Feel free    ⊲⊲ Proceed to the furthest side of the room away from        to cause panic. If you hear “Attention,
to ask for help if you do not understand          the doorway and lie down on the floor. Use desks and      attention, attention. Fire alarm, fire alarm,
signs about parking, public transportation,       chairs to block the view of where you are on the floor.   fire alarm.” repeated over the sound
shops, restaurants, and more. Almost                                                                        system, then the alarm is real and you
everything is in French, but nearly            ⊲⊲ Turn off the sound of your cell phone and electronic      should exit the room. Proceed out of
everyone speaks English and is willing            devices and remain quietly on the floor.                  the building and across the street to the
to help. (N.B. Nord=North, Sud=South,                                                                       designated area.
Est=East, Ouest=West)                          ⊲⊲ Do not allow anyone into the classroom once
                                                  you have locked the door.
Emergency Information
Emergency Contact
If you experience a life-threatening
situation, dial 911, the emergency services
number in Canada. An operator may
speak with you first in French but just
speak in English and you will be well
served. Remember your location:

900 René Lévesque Boulevard West
Montréal, Québec H3B 4A5

95 Cote St. Antoine
Westmount, Québec H3Y 2H8

First Aid
For first-aid assistance while at Selwyn
House School, go directly to the Welcome
Desk at the main entrance of the school.
At the hotel, go to the concierge or our
Welcome Desk on the convention floor.

Fire Evacuation
                                               Selwyn House School, Lucas Building
If you hear the fire siren at school, exit
the building, cross the street in front of
the school, and await instructions from a
Selwyn House School representative.

                                                                                                                                                 #IBSCAC 7
Registered spouses and partners are             THURSDAY, JUNE 27                                     FRIDAY, JUNE 28
invited to join delegates for the Wednesday,
Thursday morning, Friday afternoon, and        7:30 – 8:30 AM                                        Breakfast on Your Own
Saturday conference program. Find other        Breakfast                                             9:15 AM
special activities below.                      FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                          Depart the conference hotel
                                               SQUARE DORCHESTER                                     for Chateau Ramezay
    WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26                                                                               FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH
                                               8:30 – 10:40 AM
                                                                                                     MANSFIELD STREET ENTRANCE
                                               IBSC Annual Meeting
1:00 – 3:00 PM                                 Plenary Session                                       10:00 – 11:00 AM
Registration and Refreshments
                                               Featuring Sonia Lupien                                Guided Tour of Chateau Ramezay
FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                   2019 IBSC Hawley-Jarvis Award                         A team of experts collaborating with UNESCO named
PARC MONT-ROYAL A & B                                                                                Château Ramezay one of the 1,001 historic sites you
                                               FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                          must see before you die. Montréal’s portal to its past,
3:00 – 6:30 PM                                 PLACE DU CANADA                                       Château Ramezay was built in the 18th century as a
                                                                                                     prestigious residence. It was the first building in Québec
Opening Plenary Session Featuring
                                               10:40 AM                                              classified as an historic monument. Relive more than
Adam Cox, Molly Johnson,                                                                             500 years of history through its numerous exhibits,
entertainment, and more                                                                              multimedia portrayals of historical figures (available in
                                                                                                     six languages), and French colonial style garden.
FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                   11:00 AM – 12:00 NOON
PLACE DU CANADA                                Plenary Session Featuring                             11:00 AM
                                                                                                     Depart for the Plateau
6:45 PM                                        Jonathan Emile
                                               FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                          PARK AVENUE AND BERNARD IN FRONT OF THE RIALTO THEATRE
Buses depart the conference
hotel for the school                           PLACE DU CANADA                                       11:00 AM – 1:30 PM
                                                                                                     Walking Lunch Tour of Montréal’s Mile End
7:00 – 9:00 PM                                 12:00 NOON                                            and Plateau Areas: Beyond the Bagel North
Welcome Reception,                             Welcome and Lunch                                     There are stops you’d expect on a Jewish food history
                                                                                                     walking tour centered in Mile End and the Plateau, once
The Art of a Party		                           FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                          heavily Jewish neighborhoods: Wilensky’s luncheonette,
SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL                            RUE MCGILL                                            home of the iconic Wilensky Special, Schwartz’s, of
                                                                                                     course — and the dueling bagel places, St-Viateur and
8:45 – 11:00 PM                                1:15 PM                                               Fairmount. Even people who know nothing else about
Buses depart the school for                    Depart the conference hotel for                       Jewish food know bagels. And those stops are there —
                                                                                                     complete with food. But what is transcendent about
the conference hotel                           the Classic Montréal Tour by Bus                      Beyond the Bagel, a new tour researched and curated
                                               FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH                          by Montréal Jewish food historian Kat Romanow, is
9:00 – 11:00 PM                                MANSFIELD STREET ENTRANCE                             that it also includes places you wouldn’t expect to
                                                                                                     find on it — like the alleyway behind the backyard of
                                               Admire the modern architecture of the new
After Hours Bar                                                                                      the St-Urbain St. triplex from which Esther Witenoff
                                               Quartier International de Montréal, the bustle of
SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL                            Ste-Catherine Street to stately McGill College        launched the Mrs. Whyte’s pickle company. Enjoy this
CORISTINE HALL                                 Avenue, and skyscrapers such as the famous            version of a tour that normally runs 3.5 hours.
                                               Place Ville Marie. Discuss the RÉSO, also known
                                               as the Underground City, and the Victorian Era        1:30 PM
                                               Golden Square Mile. Cross through Mount Royal         Buses return to the conference hotel
                                               Park for a stunning view of the city and let the
                                               grandeur of the Saint-Joseph Oratory impress          2:15 – 5:30 PM
                                               you. On the Plateau Mont-Royal, in the Latin          Plenary Session Featuring The Autism
                                               Quarter, and along Saint-Laurent Boulevard, learn
                                                                                                     Monologues and Ned Hallowell
                                               about the ethnic groups that have shaped our
                                               city. Glimpse the Gilles Villeneuve racing circuit,   FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH
                                               Montréal Casino, and La Ronde amusement park          PLACE DU CANADA
                                               on the way to Jean-Drapeau Park (Saint Helen’s
                                               and Notre-Dame islands), a true oasis of fresh air.   6:30 – 9:00 PM
                                               If you prefer, drive along the Port of Montréal to    Cocktail Dinatoire Reception, Nuit En Blanc
                                               reach the Olympic Park. Nearby, find the
                                               Biodôme and the Botanical Garden.                     THE WINDSOR BALLROOM
                                                                                                     Take this opportunity to dress in white to celebrate
                                               5:30 PM                                               the late sunsets and early sunrises of the last week
                                                                                                     of June in our beautiful city. We hope you wear a
                                               Buses return to the conference hotel                  white outfit (casual to dressy), but even just one white
                                                                                                     item adds to our festive theme. Le Dîner en Blanc
                                               Evening on Your Own                                   (the white dress dinner), an outdoor dinner party in a
                                                                                                     public space set up as a temporary chic dining area,
                                                                                                     originated in Paris in 1988 and has spread around the
                                                                                                     globe. Now 80 cities in 30 countries host it.
8       @BoysSchools

7:00 – 8:00 AM
FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH        2019 IBSC Hawley-Jarvis Award
SQUARE DORCHESTER                   In 1995, Dr. Richard Hawley and Reverend Tony Jarvis
8:00 – 11:45 AM                     helped set the IBSC goal of celebrating the lives and
Closing Plenary Session Featuring   education of boys. The spirit of these two experienced
Susan Doherty, Hal Hannaford,       school leaders and master teachers continues to inspire
and Jean-Marc Vallée                our work. The IBSC board of trustees created this award
FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH        to honor educators whose selfless service furthers
PLACE DU CANADA                     best practices in boys’ education and advances the
                                    professional development of boys’ educators.
                                    Join us Thursday at 8:30 AM to honor this year’s recipient
                                    Minna Shulman. All of us in IBSC thank Minna for her
                                    dedicated service to boys’ education around the globe. Find
                                    her biography on the mobile app or www.theibsc.org.

                                    Online Education and Educating Boys
                                    IBSC partners with One Schoolhouse to offer members
                                    online classes created exclusively for boys’ educators.
                                    These programs equip boys’ school faculty and
                                    administrators with new teaching paradigms and create
                                    the opportunity to connect with fellow boys’ school
                                    educators worldwide.

                                    Register for one of these flexible classes, which
                                    run concurrently and offer customized options for
                                    administrators, experienced faculty and staff, and teachers
                                    new to teaching boys.
                                    July 15 – August 9, 2019
                                    n   Building Leadership in Schools for Boys
                                    n   Mastery Practice in Teaching Boys
                                    n   Single-Gender Education: A Course for Teachers New to Boys’ Schools
                                    October 15 – November 8, 2019
                                    n   The Self-Motivated Boy: Developing Future-Ready Leadership in the Classroom
                                    n   Single-Gender Education: A Course for Teachers New to Boys’ Schools
                                    February 10 – March 6, 2020
                                    n   Building Leadership in Schools for Boys
                                    n   Mastery Practice in Teaching Boys
                                    n   Single-Gender Education: A Course for Teachers New to Boys’ Schools
                                    Visit www.theibsc.org for in-depth class descriptions,
                                    registration, and details on future classes. See you online.

                                                                                                     #IBSCAC 9
BOYS AND STORIES: PATHWAYS TO LEARNING                                                         PROGRAM COORDINATOR
Since 2005, the IBSC Action Research Program has promoted the
collaboration of educators in member schools worldwide. Each
year research teams complete projects and report their findings
at IBSC Annual Conferences around the globe. More than 420
researchers have participated in the program, many becoming
instructional leaders for action research in their schools and
presenting research at conferences worldwide. View past
reports, posters, and videos at www.theibsc.org, and find out how
you can participate in the IBSC Action Research Program.

Congratulations to the 2018-19 action researchers for their
outstanding projects focused on Boys and Stories: Pathways
to Learning. Join them to learn more about the program during
workshop block 2, which contains two separate, 30-minute                                       MARGOT LONG
presentations on researchers’ work.                                                            2018–19 IBSC ACTION RESEARCH COORDINATOR
                                                                                               SECOND MISTRESS — ACADEMICS AND STAFF LEARNING
                                                                                               ST. JOHN’S PREPARATORY SCHOOL (SOUTH AFRICA)


                                             TRISH CISLAK, CRESCENT SCHOOL (CANADA)            BRUCE COLLINS, IBSC AND ST. ALBAN’S COLLEGE (SOUTH AFRICA)


10   @BoysSchools
Patricia Alviano, Crescent                     James Kearney, Scotch College (Australia)   Kathleen Schroeder, Hilton College
School (Canada)                                                                            (South Africa)
                                               Duncan Kendall, The Scots
Irene Basson, St. John’s College               College (Australia)                         Elisabeth Smith, The Scots
(South Africa)                                                                             College (Australia)
                                               Barbara Kinkead, St. Mark’s School
Tammy Bechus, St. David’s Marist               of Texas (United States)                    Samara Spielberg, The Allen-Stevenson
Inanda (South Africa)                                                                      School (United States)
                                               Campbell Madden, Trinity Grammar
Peter Bonds, Blue Ridge School                 School (Australia)                          Catherine Steenhoff, St. Peter’s Boys’
(United States)                                                                            Preparatory School (South Africa)
                                               Jonathon Mayall, Shore School (Australia)
Edward Brenac, The Scots                                                                   Joanne Thompson, St. Stithians
College (Australia)                            Melanie Mortimer, Dulwich Prep              College (South Africa)
                                               (United Kingdom)
Kristy Carlisle, St. David’s Marist                                                        Richard van Dam, Dilworth School
Inanda (South Africa)                          Kathryn Murray-Hoenig, St. George’s         (New Zealand)
                                               School (Canada)
Lauren Cook, Berwick Grammar                                                               Denise Vythilingam, St. Stithians
School (Australia)                             Eloise Nevin, Christ’s College              College (South Africa)
                                               (New Zealand)
Liz Derouet, Toowoomba Grammar                                                             Bonnie Wansley, Trinity Grammar
School (Australia)                             Emma Noble, St. Mark’s School of            School (Australia)
                                               Texas (United States)
Patrick Ell, The King’s School (Australia)                                                 Jarred Wilson, Saint Kentigern
                                               Jen O’Ferrall, St. Christopher’s            Boys’ School (New Zealand)
Camilla Elliott, Mazenod                       School (United States)
College (Australia)                                                                        IBSC Action Researchers present
                                               Julian Procaccini, Saint Kentigern
                                                                                           their customized research findings
Eli Faen, The Southport School (Australia)     Boys’ School (New Zealand)
                                                                                           on Thursday at 4:00 PM. See page 22
Jacob Geiger, Woodberry Forest                 Joanna Rainey, Eton College                 for more information.
School (United States)                         (United Kingdom)

Tony Gomes, Upper Canada                       Melissa Ramon, St. Andrew’s
College (Canada)                               College (Canada)

Rene Hanham, Lindisfarne                       Ylmé Rappard, St. Alban’s                            SUPPORT THE IBSC ACTION
College (New Zealand)                          College (South Africa)
                                                                                                    RESEARCH PROGRAM BY
Anderson Harp, The Browning                    Nicole Richardson, St. Peter’s Boys’                 VISITING THE POSTER
School (United States)                         Preparatory School (South Africa)                    PRESENTATIONS THROUGHOUT
David Hegarty, Belmont Hill                    Paul Rodley, Christ’s College                        SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL.
School (United States)                         (New Zealand)

Roy Hobson, St. Andrew’s                       Kate Rodrigues, St. John’s Preparatory
College (South Africa)                         School (South Africa)

Penny Horsley, Shore School (Australia)        Tom Rogers, Harrow School
                                               (United Kingdom)
David Idstein, The King’s School (Australia)
                                               David Scardino, The Scots
Camilla Iturralde, The Allen-Stevenson         College (Australia)
School (United States)

                                                                                                                            #IBSCAC 11

                         Adam Cox                                      Molly Johnson
                         Cracking the Boy Code                         Meaning to Tell Ya
                         WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 | 3:00 PM                  WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26 | 3:00 PM

                         Clinical psychologist, author, speaker,       Award-winning jazz vocalist Molly Johnson

                         and educational consultant Adam J.            is a mother, singer-songwriter, artist,
                         Cox has explored the emotional and            and philanthropist who just released her

TAKE PLACE AT FAIRMONT   cognitive development of youth for over
                         a decade. His books include On Purpose
                                                                       highly anticipated new album Meaning to
                                                                       Tell Ya. It is more than a jazz record—it’s

THE QUEEN ELIZABETH IN   Before Twenty, designated one of the Best
                         Courageous Books of 2014 by Parker
                                                                       funk, it’s soul, it’s groove played by some
                                                                       of Canada’s best musicians. Johnson’s

PLACE DU CANADA.         Palmer’s Center for Courage and Renewal;
                         No Mind Left Behind: Understanding and
                                                                       story starts in the mid ‘60s when as a
                                                                       young grade schooler, she and her
                         Fostering Executive Control—The Eight         brother, Clark Johnson, were tapped by
                         Essential Brain Skills Every Child Needs      legendary Toronto icon and producer Ed
                         to Thrive; and Boys of Few Words: Raising     Mirvish to appear in Porgy and Bess at the
                         Our Sons to Communicate and Connect.          Royal Alexander Theatre. Performances
                         His commentary on youth, families, and        in South Pacific, Finian’s Rainbow, and
                         schools has been widely covered by radio,     other classic musicals followed. With the
                         television, and print media, including The    desire to become a choreographer, the
                         New York Times, National Public Radio,        budding child star soon enrolled in the
                         and Newsweek. Cox conducted the global        National Ballet School. Eventually the idea
                         school-based research project Locating        of writing songs captivated her. Johnson
                         Significance in the Lives of Boys for IBSC.   fronted the disco band A Chocolate Affair
                         He visited 20 project schools in the U.S.,    and later formed a funky art rock group.
                         Canada, United Kingdom, Australia, New        While trying to make headway in the
                         Zealand, Singapore, and South Africa.         world of rock and roll, she began a parallel
                         This groundbreaking study was the first       career as a jazz singer. Dedicated to
                         to interview students worldwide about         supporting communities in need, Johnson
                         how they find meaning and purpose             established the Kumbaya Foundation and
                         in their lives. His Eight Pillars model of    Festival in 1992, raising awareness and
                         executive function has been widely            funds for people living with HIV/AIDS,
                         adopted by schools seeking practical          and continues to work with several other
                         solutions for learning challenges in the      charitable organizations. She has garnered
                         era of distraction.                           the Queen’s Jubilee medal. In 2008, she
                                                                       became an Officer of the Order of Canada.

12   @BoysSchools
Sonia Lupien                                    Jonathan Emile                                   Ned Hallowell
Stress in Children and Teenagers:               Jonathan Emile:                                  Beating the Odds
How to Identify and Better Control It           His Story. His Voice.                            FRIDAY, JUNE 28 | 2:15 PM
THURSDAY, JUNE 27 | 8:30 AM                     THURSDAY, JUNE 27 | 11:00 AM
Sonia Lupien is the founder and director of     Jonathan Emile (SHS Old Boy 2003)                Edward (Ned) Hallowell is a child and
the Centre for Studies on Human Stress,         is a Jamaican-Canadian rapper, poet,             adult psychiatrist, devoted to helping
which strives to transfer scientifically        composer, and cancer survivor. In 2011,          people identify and channel their strengths
validated knowledge on stress to the            he released his debut EP record The              in today’s crazy-busy world. He offers
public. For the last 20 years, Lupien           Lover/Fighter Document, which garnered           insight into his personal story of growing
has studied the effects of stress on the        a Grammy nomination for rap album                up with mental illness in the family, his
human brain from infancy to adulthood           of the year. Major publications such as          own learning differences, and how he
and old age. Her studies have shown             Pitchfork, Hip Hop Dx, Huffington Post, Fader,   beat the odds to win the race rather than
that children—as vulnerable as adults           and Complex have featured him. Emile             capsize. As he talks about his childhood
to stress—can produce high levels of            collaborated with international hip-hop          and his experiences as a person who has
stress hormones as early as age six. Her        artists Kendrick Lamar, Buckshot, and Murs       dealt successfully with his attention deficit
research in adults demonstrates stress can      for his debut LP, and shared the stage with      disorder and dyslexia, Hallowell offers
significantly impair memory performance,        rappers Coolio in San Francisco, Nelly in Las    concrete and practical ways for boys to
as well as the effects of stress on the aging   Vegas, and Naughty by Nature and Slick           overcome their own family struggles,
brain. In her new research projects, Lupien     Rick in New York. He has also collaborated       learning differences, and prejudicial
examines differences between men and            closely with world-renowned cellist Denis        behaviors to beat the odds. Internationally
women in stress reactivity. She created         Brott, and shared venues with Oliver Jones       recognized as the “focus doctor,” he
the DeStress for Success Program to             and Miri Ben-Ari. At the age of 18, Emile        founded the Hallowell Centers in Boston
teach adolescents ways to control stress        was diagnosed with cancer, undergoing            Metrowest, New York, San Francisco, and
as they transition from elementary to high      intense chemotherapy and radiation for the       Seattle. These centers specialize in his
school. She also developed the Stress           next two years to fight the disease. During      signature “strength-based” approach to
Inc.© program to help workers recognize         this period he used music and poetry as his      the diagnosis and treatment of cognitive
and control stress by means of a computer       personal therapy as he battled the disease.      and emotional concerns, especially ADHD.
program in the workplace. As part of            Defined by truth his music shares his            A graduate of Harvard College and Tulane
her drive to educate the public, Lupien         experiences of battling cancer, addresses        Medical School, Hallowell completed his
recently published the book Par amour du        current affairs, and explores humanity.          residency in adult and child psychiatry at
stress to help us better understand stress      Through hip-hop, R&B/neo-soul, and               Harvard Medical School, where he also
as it has been studied for the last 50 years    reggae, Emile offers an honest and unique        served as an instructor for 20 years. He
by scientists around the world.                 perspective of reality without sacrificing the   has written 20 books, including the 1994
                                                contemporary sounds that younger listeners       groundbreaking New York Times best-seller
                                                crave. His devotion to hip-hop and creativity    on ADHD, Driven to Distraction.
                                                grows from his quest for knowledge.

                                                                                                                                 #IBSCAC 13

                                             Christine Rodriguez                            Jen Viens

                                             Playwright, Performer, and Producer            Director
                                             The Autism Monologues                          The Autism Monologues
FRIDAY, JUNE 28 | 2:15 PM
Experience a theatrical journey of           Playwright, producer, and performer            Originally from British Columbia, director,
discovery that interweaves stories told      Christine Rodriguez, described by              actor, and producer Jen Viens studied
from the perspective of autistic people,     CULT#MTL as having “... nuclear presence       theater at University of British Columbia
their family members, advocates, and         on stage,” is an emerging artist whose         and trained with Matthew Harrison at
hinderers. Performed by an ensemble of       play Dreaming in Autism placed her on the      the Actor’s Foundry in Vancouver. She
ethnically, culturally, and neurologically   proverbial map. The play took third prize at   relocated to Québec four years ago and
diverse actors, the play garnered            Ottawa Little Theatre’s 72nd National One-     currently works in Montréal and Toronto.
an honorable mention at the 2018             Act Playwriting Competition. Her latest        Viens performed the one-woman show
St.-Ambroise Montréal Fringe Festival.       work, the critically acclaimed The Autism      The Passage at the Montréal Fringe
                                             Monologues, was an audience favorite at        and took home the award for Best Solo
Christine Rodriguez
                                             the 2018 St.-Ambroise Montréal Fringe          Production. Most recently, she co-founded
                                             Festival where it received Honorable           the production company Stone Lane
DIRECTED BY                                  Mention for Most Promising English             Studio and starred in its inaugural film Love
Jen Viens                                    Company (La Tigressa Productions).             Sylvia. Her directing credits include The
CAST                                         Rodriguez developed the play through           Importance of Being Earnest (Twisted Tree),
Julie Barbeau, Jean Bernard,                 the Black Theatre Workshop’s Artist            Subtraction (Uncanny Theatre Co.), and
Stephen Booth, Christine Rodriguez,          Mentorship Program and with the support        Seven (Moving Forward).
Jacqueline van de Geer                       of short-term and studio mentorships
STAGE MANAGER                                from Montréal, Arts Interculturels. In
Isabel Faia                                  2016, she earned a commission grant
                                             from the Cole Foundation’s Intercultural
Nalo Soyini Bruce
                                             Conversations program to write a play for
                                             Black Theatre Workshop. Rodriguez holds
SOUND DESIGN                                 a Certificate of Professional Screenwriting
Rob Denton                                   from University of California, Los Angeles.
DRAMATURGY                                   Her mixed-race heritage and multicultural
Marie-Leofeli Romero Barlizo                 environment inspire her art.

14     @BoysSchools
Susan Doherty and Hal Hannaford                                                                   Jean-Marc Vallée
Illness, Wellness, Resilience, and Survival                                                       C.R.A.Z.Y. and the Art of Trying
SATURDAY, JUNE 29 | 8:00 AM                                                                       to Define Yourself
                                                                                                  SATURDAY, JUNE 29 | 8:00 AM
Susan Doherty and Hal Hannaford, both             The Ghost Garden, addresses the idea of         Jean-Marc Vallée is a writer, director, and
born and raised in Montréal, have been            the transformative power of compassionate       producer whose films include C.R.A.Z.Y.,
married for 37 years. For 31 years, Hannaford     connection to tackle mental illness — a         Café de Flore, Demolition, Wild, and
has successfully led three Canadian boys’         burgeoning global health crisis. Hannaford      Dallas Buyers Club, for which he received
schools as headmaster. Doherty and                holds degrees from Concordia University,        an Academy Award nomination. For
Hannaford’s long union is forged from a           University of Toronto, and INSEAD in France.    television, he directed all eight episodes
mutual appreciation of their differences as       As a young teacher, he also served as           of the acclaimed HBO series Sharp
much as their similarities. The intersection of   director of Kilcoo Camp, a summer camp          Objects, nominated for three Golden
mental illness and physical illness establishes   for boys. Hannaford has taught elementary       Globes including best television limited
the thesis of their keynote: Healing pathways     and high school in Canada and served on         series. Vallée also directed all seven
for survival are found through the abiding        the Faculty of International Business at the    episodes of Big Little Lies, which marked
need for human connection. Mutual love            American University in Paris. As a teacher      his first foray into premium television
of the arts also helps. Doherty began             he survived with his unique brand of energy     and garnered eight Emmy awards and
her working life at Maclean’s magazine            and creativity. In Toronto, Hannaford was       four Golden Globes for the limited series.
in Toronto. Next, she worked for a digital        the founding headmaster of Kingsway             Along with Nathan Ross, Vallée formed
publishing company in Paris, freelancing for      College School (Canada) in 1989. He joined      the production company crazyrose. They
The International Herald Tribune, La Tribune      Royal St. George’s College School (Canada)      have in development a film on John
de Genève, and The Independent in London.         in 1996 as headmaster, and remained             Lennon and Yoko Ono for Universal. Next
Back in Canada, she studied creative              until 2009, when he moved to Montréal           up, Vallée will direct the limited series
writing at University of Toronto, Concordia       and became headmaster of Selwyn                 Gorilla and the Bird for HBO.
University, and the Humber School for             House School (Canada). Enthusiastically
Writers, while founding and operating her         philanthropic, Hannaford has raised more
own advertising production company, On            than CA$30 million for charities as a
Location Productions. In 2015, Doherty            volunteer auctioneer, most notably for The
released her award-winning debut novel,           Children’s Aid Foundation in Toronto. Doherty           PLEASE DO NOT VIDEO OR RECORD
A Secret Music. A lifelong volunteer, she         and Hannaford have two children: Alisse,                THIS SESSION IN ANY CAPACITY.
devotes time to the YMCA and the Douglas          a medical resident in Boston, and Reid, a
Institute and has served on the boards of         filmmaker in New York. “Marriage is a verb
                                                                                                          THANK YOU FOR RESPECTING THE
the Royal Conservatory of Music, Québec           and represents something to be earned.                  WISHES OF VALLÉE AS HE SHARES
Writer’s Federation, and Nazareth House,          Laugh. Commiserate. Celebrate. Forgive.                 HIS PERSONAL STORY WITH US.
a shelter for the homeless and addicted.          Love. Mental and physical illnesses are
Doherty also volunteers with patients             merely symptoms when genuine partnership
suffering from schizophrenia. Her latest book,    can provide the tools for recovery.”
                                                                                                                                 #IBSCAC 15
                                                                                   Select one featured studio session to attend during each time
                                                                                   block, then bring back newfound ideas and knowledge to
                                                                                   your school. All sessions take place at Selwyn House School.

                                   Creating a Spark Through            Close Connections:                      Play! Write! The Logistics
                                   Experiential Learning               Maintaining Relationships               and Benefits of a 24-Hour

SESSION 1                          Experiential education (EE)
                                   lights a creative spark in the
                                                                       with Old Boys
                                                                       How do you keep old boys
                                                                                                               Playwriting Competition
                                                                                                               Explore the many pluses of
THURSDAY, JUNE 27 | 2:45–3:45 PM   learning process. Experiential      connected with their classmates,        organizing a 24-hour playwriting
                                   educators encourage students        other old boys, and your staff?         competition and discuss the
                                   to create and innovate in an        Find out how Selwyn House               logistics of hosting one.
Bust a Move, Boost                 environment that celebrates         School stays in touch with              SPEAKER: Lucy Martin, Selwyn
Your Mood!                         making mistakes and taking          its old boys, involves them in          House School (Canada)
Experience firsthand how           risks, leading to new pathways.     current school life, keeps them         ROOM: RED ROOM THEATRE
impossible it is to be in a        Jump in and join us for an hour     in contact with other old boys
bad mood while dancing!            of learning, active engagement,     living near them, and informs
Try a simple choreography          and reflection. Leave with a        them about the school. Engage
designed to improve muscle         new appreciation of EE, a set       with colleagues on the topic and
memory, coordination, and          of reflection/debriefing tools,     share notes with each other to
concentration. Fun guaranteed!     and an array of examples of EE      take back to your school.               Poetry: Not Just for
SPEAKERS: Maureen Powers and       from three urban day schools.       SPEAKERS: Hal Hannaford and             English Class Anymore
Clare Stewart, Selwyn House        SPEAKERS: Sheryl Murray, Crescent   James McMillan, Selwyn                  Poetry can enhance your subject
School (Canada)                    School (Canada); Emma Totten,       House School (Canada)                   matter in disciplines such as math,
ROOM: SPEIRS GYM                   Royal St. George’s College          ROOM: CORISTINE HALL                    science, arts, and even physical
                                   (Canada); Courtney Prieur,                                                  education. Whether you teach
                                   Selwyn House School (Canada)                                                elementary, middle, or senior
                                   ROOM: STUDENT SUCCESS CENTRE                                                school, get the tools to perk up
                                                                                                               your curriculum with poetry.
                                                                                                               SPEAKER: Carol-Ann Hoyte,
                                                                       Mental Health, Movie Magic              Selwyn House School (Canada)
                                                                       Join us for an interactive              ROOM: LIBRARY
                                                                       presentation demonstrating
                                   Showtime!                           the power of movie making
                                   Place au Spectacle                  to help students learn more
                                   Like to sing and dance, but         about mental health.
                                   lack experience or time? Join       SPEAKERS: Bill Bedard, Selwyn
                                   us as we work together to           House School (Canada); Ada L.           The Power of Connection
                                   produce a performance of a          Sinacore, McGill University             to Build Good Men
                                   musical theater piece. Lots of    ROOMS: MAC 5&6                            Examine the relational studies
                                   fun, pleasure, and good humor                                               conducted with IBSC schools
                                   await you! All are welcome,                                                 over the years and extend
                                   talented or not.                                                            the relational perspective to
                                   SPEAKER: Anne-Marie Blais, Selwyn                                           rethinking boyhood, including
                                   House School (Canada)                                                       insights from interpersonal
                                   ROOM: ROSSY AGORA                                                           neuroscience and strategies
                                                                                                               for dealing with developmental
                                                                                                               threats illustrated by research
                                                                                                               and clinical experience.
                                                                                                               SPEAKER: Michael Reichert,
                                                                                                               Center for the Study of Boys’
                                                                                                               and Girls’ Lives
                                                                                                               ROOM: MAC GYM

16    @BoysSchools

                                  Debating as a Learning            Let’s Talk About                  Where the Wild Things
                                  Tool for the Arts                 Sex...ual Citizenship             Are: Safe Spaces in

SESSION 2                         Get an introduction to
                                  debating at the high school
                                                                    Gain an overview of the study
                                                                    entitled Responsible Sexual
                                                                                                      Outdoor Education
                                                                                                      Get a broad overview of
FRIDAY, JUNE 28 | 9:15–10:15 AM   level. Examine the features       Citizenship in Today’s World:     Selwyn House’s Wild Outdoor
                                  of a debate and how to use        The Challenges Confronting        Education program (grades
                                  debating effectively in the       Boys and get preliminary          5-11). Delve into the role of
Bentwood Boxes and                classroom. Watch a live debate    results from this IBSC study.     reflection in outdoor education,
the Art of Telling Stories        performed by the Selwyn           SPEAKER: Ada L. Sinacore,         embracing the concept of
Bentwood boxes are                House School Debate Team.         McGill University                 Indigenization and cultural
traditional containers made       SPEAKER: Jonathan Bracewell,      ROOM: STUDENT SUCCESS CENTRE      awareness, developing a sense
by First Nations people of the    Selwyn House School (Canada)                                        of place, and ultimately how
North American west coast.        ROOM: RED ROOM THEATRE                                              these elements contribute to
Create your own cardboard                                                                             creating safe spaces for boys.
Bentwood-inspired box—with                                                                            SPEAKERS: Cory Deegan and Matt
an additional personal twist.                                                                         McCarney, Selwyn House
SPEAKER: Vanessa Jothy, Selwyn                                      Neurodiversity and                School (Canada)
House School (Canada)                                               Unique Thinkers                   ROOM: GUZZO FAMILY TENT
ROOM: CORISTINE HALL              Bucket Brigade: Everybody         Appreciate the strengths
                                  Thinks They Are a Drummer         associated with having a
                                  Be a drummer and make a           “differently wired” brain and
                                  video so you can brag that        learn how unique thinkers offer
                                  when you came to Montréal,        much to the world. Mental
                                  you did something you have        diversity deserves as much        Confidence in Film
Building the Character of         always wanted to do! No           respect and accommodation as      When an artist must decide
Boys: A Prototype for Creative    experience required. You do       any other type of diversity.      who they want to become
and Critical Thinking             not have to be able to read       SPEAKER: Devon MacEachron,        after graduation, they often
After establishing the larger     music, but you cannot be afraid   psychologist                      feel overwhelmed. They
context of the educational        to make some noise!               ROOM: LIBRARY                     need confidence and self-
framework proposed in             SPEAKER: James McMillan, Selwyn                                     worth to thrive. Art allowed
Character Education in Schools    House School (Canada)                                               us, as filmmakers, to build
for Boys, probe deeper to         ROOM: MAC GYM                                                       confidence and forge our own
illuminate an innovative                                                                              paths. Making mistakes—and
prototype for building out                                                                            overcoming them—helps you
curriculum, pedagogy, and                                                                             believe in yourself. Creating
assessment for the core                                                                               opportunities for students
competency of “creative and                                                                           to find their own solutions
critical thinking.” Draw on the                                                                       prepares them more than any
advanced work of schools                                                                              hard skill; it builds confidence.
involved in our global network                                                                        SPEAKERS: Evren Boisjoli, Selwyn
of schools for character.                                                                             House Old Boy 2008;
Engage colleagues to discuss                                                                          Reid Hannaford, Selwyn
the potential of this approach.                                                                       House Old Boy 2012
SPEAKERS: Brad Adams and Phil                                                                         ROOM: ROSSY AGORA
Cummins, CIRCLE

                                                                                                                                #IBSCAC 17
                       WEDNESDAY, JUNE 26
                     1:00 – 3:00 PM    Registration and Refreshments                            FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH
                                                                                                PARC MONT-ROYAL A & B

                     3:00 – 6:30 PM    Opening Plenary Session Featuring                        FAIRMONT THE QUEEN ELIZABETH
                                       Adam Cox, Molly Johnson,                                 PLACE DU CANADA
                                       entertainment, and more

                     6:45 PM           Buses depart the conference
                                       hotel for the school

                     7:00 – 9:00 PM    Welcome Reception, The Art of a Party                    SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL
                                       Imagine rock ‘n’ roll, jazz, blues, classical, street,
                                       electronic, folk, bluegrass, and soul music all
                                       in the same venue. Join us at Selwyn House to
                                       experience over 60 musicians performing music
                                       at its finest. Enjoy amazing food and beverages
                                       as you mingle and meet colleagues in a relaxing
                                       and entertaining fashion. A special treat: At 8:30
                                       PM, join us in Coristine Hall for a record-setting
                                       participatory version of “Mustang Sally.” We
                                       promise an evening to remember!

                     8:45 – 11:00 PM   Buses depart the school for the
                                       conference hotel

                     9:00 – 11:00 PM   After Hours Bar                                          SELWYN HOUSE SCHOOL
                                                                                                CORISTINE HALL

18   @BoysSchools
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