January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners
January / February 2022
January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners
SYRIA SHRINERS DIVAN FOR 2022                                                                                    I’IN THIS ISSUE
                                                                                                      POTENTATE’S STAG                      2
                                                                                                      POTENTATE’S MESSAGE                   4
                                                                                                      RECORDER’S DESK                       5
                                                                                                      MEET THE NEW POTENTATE                8
                                                                                                      MEET THE NEW 2ND C.M.                 9
                                                                                                      BUNNY BASH                           10
                                                                                                      MOTOR CORPS                          11
                                                                                                      VALENTINE’S OLDIES DANCE             12
                                     Terry N. Steinheiser                                             2022 SHIRT ORDER FORM                13
                                     Illustrious Potentate                                            CAMEL WHEELS                         14
                                                                                                      RODE RIGS                            15
                                                                                                      GOLF CLUB                            16
                                                                                                      GOLF OUTING                          17
                                                                                                      HIGHLANDERS                          18
                                                                                                      CARAVAN 20                           19
                                                                                                      NIGHT AT THE RACES                20-21
 Jerry A. Sciullo                       Alan R. Tedeschi                   Thomas E. Prager
                                                                                                      POTENTATE’S TRIPS                 22-23
  Chief Rabban                          Assistant Rabban                                              SPORTSMEN’S BASH                     24
                                                                                                      NOTES FROM SC-ERIE                   25
                                                                                                      WHAT’S NEW IN ERIE                26-27
                                                                                                      MARINERS, HILLBILLIES, CHANTERS      29
                                                                                                      CHILDREN’S CHRISTMAS PARTY           30
                                                                                                      RV CLUB, CARAVAN 2                   31
                                                                                                      FLYING FEZZES                        32
Randy L. Hobaugh                       David J. Gardy, P.P.           Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P.   PROVOST GUARD, SWING TIME            33
 Oriental Guide                            Treasurer                           Recorder
                                                                                                      BREWMASTERS, LEGION OF HONOR      34-35
                                                                                                      HOCKEY NIGHT                         36
                                                                                                      WORD SEARCH                          37
                                                                                                      RODE RIGS                            38
                                                                                                      COMING EVENTS                        39
                                                                                                      HARIGE UNIT                          40
                                                                                                      PETITION                          41-42
                    G. Frederick Richardson               W. Andrew Caldwell                                                               43
                    1st Ceremonial Master                2nd Ceremonial Master                        CALL FOR QUARTERLY MEETING           44

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners
THE VOICE OF SYRIA SHRINERS — Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P., 4Editor                    Shrine Center Phone: 724-274-7000
 Terry N. Steinheiser, Illustrious Potentate            Jerry A. Sciullo, Chief Rabban                Alan R. Tesdeschi, Assistant Rabban
 Thomas E. Prager, High Priest & Prophet              Randy L. Hobaugh, Oriental Guide                      David J. Gardy, P.P., Treasurer
 Robert T. Addleman, Jr. P.P., Recorder                                                         Andrew W. Caldwell, 2nd Ceremonial Master
         Timothy L. McKiernan, Director George W. Polnar, P.P., Marshal
                                                         EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE
           Anthony J. Corcoran — 2022                     Thomas E. Ruch — 2022                      Alvin D. Douglas, Jr. — 2023
            Joseph L. Micikas — 2023                    Timothy L. McKiernan — 2024                    Joseph M. Moore — 2024

A Message from the Illustrious Potentate
First, I want to say thank you for the support you have given me. I am sure I
can count on all of you in 2022. If there is anything I can do for any of you,
please feel comfortable to come to me. I especially would like to thank Ill. Sir
Erich W. Gumto, P.P., for having the confidence in me to be able to carry out
the responsibilities of running our Temple. It takes a lot of time to plan out a
year as Potentate. I really want to give a special thank you to my wife. Kathy
has definitely been my greatest asset in planning last year, despite having her
plate full of running our day-to-day business operations in addition to caring
for our family. We have three beautiful daughters, Melissa, Michelle and Mag-
gie and sons-in law, along with eight wonderful grandchildren.
I would like to say thank you to all the Divan for the support they have given
me. A special thank you to Illustrious Sir Donald I. Green and Lady Debra for a
great year in office running a very well-managed managed budget and well-
organized meetings.
Another special thank you goes out to all the officers who take on the chal-
lenge of running their units, clubs, and caravans. Our Temple really relies on
these groups to keep us going.

Gentlemen, it is our Temple and if we intend to keep and maintain it, we must all do our best. Another special
thank you goes out to Ill. Sir Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P. for coordinating the bands at the Pittsburgh Shrine
Center Pavilion throughout the summer months and thanks to all that gave their time to help.

We have an ambassador child last year and his name is Jeremy, he has a very loving caring family, and he has
a younger brother Logan, his parents are Jeremy and Kelly, and they are from the Pittsburgh area. Jeremy has
a prosthetic leg as do I, and he is a happy 12-year-old. He is always smiling. To know what we all have done to
make a better life for these children should make all of us stand proud.
Kathy and I look forward to having wonderful times with all of you in 2022! Thank you for all your support!

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners
From the Recorder’s Desk
Greetings, Nobles, Ladies, and friends of Syria Shriners.
Nobles, thank you for the confidence you have shown in me by electing me
to another term as your Recorder and as one of your Representatives to
the Imperial Council Session of Shriners International. It is my honor and
pleasure to continue to serve you in both capacities.
Congratulations to Illustrious Sir Terry Steinheiser and all of the newly-
elected officers of Syria Shriners. I look forward to working with each of
you for the betterment of Syria Shriners, Shriners International and
Shriners Children’s.
Many thanks to Ill. Sir Donald Green and Lady Debra for their leadership in
helping us to persevere through year two of the coronavirus pandemic.
We returned as best we could to Fun & Fellowship.

kickoff event has set the tone for all the things they have in store for us throughout the course of this year.
The next big event on our horizon is the annual Valentine Sweetheart Oldies Dance featuring William Dell &
Wee Jams, Saturday, February 12. You will want to get your reservations in if you have not yet done so.
Chairman Frank Sims has a great evening in store for you. The band is really something special, Stratwood
Catering always prepares a wonderful Grand Buffet for this event, and there will be an open bar to whet your
whistle in between dances.
In March, the “Classic Stag” returns, with a testimonial luncheon honoring the Illustrious Sir, plenty of good

       Dick Groat and Bill Hillgrove, who shared the Pitt Panthers basketball broadcast booth for many years.
Of course, you might also remember Dick Groat’s star career with the Pittsburgh Pirates, St. Louis Cardinals,
Ft. Wayne Pistons, Duke University and Swissvale High School. You might also be familiar with Bill Hillgrove’s
work with the Pitt Panthers football team, the Pittsburgh Steelers and The Pittsburgh Jazz Channel. The stag
is sure to be a great day. Get your tickets now.
We are off to a good start in collecting dues for 2022. Take a moment now and check your dues card. If you
have not yet paid your dues for this year, please take care of that today. You can send a check for the appro-
priate amount, payable to Syria Shriners to our office at 1877 Shriners Way, Cheswick, PA 15024, pay online
at syriashriners.org/dues, or call the office on a Wednesday or Friday to give your credit card or debit card
information to Peggy McKillop.
We have made great strides in the last three years to reduce suspensions. With your prompt dues payment,
we can make 2022 our best year ever for retention. Please do your part.

              on photos and graphics brought about by the change from a tabloid to a magazine. I am happy
to have brought about that change to improve the service we provide to you through our official publication.
It has been my honor to serve as your Editor. James Elmer, Jr. will bring a wealth of ideas to THE VOICE to

of our magazine.
Yours in the faith,

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners

                                         OFFICE HOURS

We continue to operate with limited staffing, as follows:
Business Office:   Monday              Closed
                   Tuesday             Deanna Gatto       9am-3pm
                   Wednesday           Peggy McKillop     9am-3pm
                   Thursday            Deanna Gatto       9am-3pm
                   Friday              Peggy McKillop     9am-3pm
Events Office:     Monday-Friday       Paulette Zanotti 10am-3pm
Facilities Office: Monday-Friday       Fred Patterson     9am-3pm
We are looking to hire part-time workers in our facilities department,
particularly to work weekend events. Interested persons should contact
Fred Patterson at 412-613-7018.

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners

                         Necrology Report — October 28 — December 17, 2021
  Albert Balister, Jr                  Herbert A. Davison                  Robert W. Peters
  William T. Chalfont                  William W. Dixon                    William S. Phillips
  Floyd L. Collins                     James C. Fennell                    Gene A. Polsinelli
  Leonard B. Compton                   Robert J. Koepp                     Paul A. Schmidtke
  Ralph E. Cooper                      Donald A. Liberatore                James R. Snyder
  Wayne R. Craig                       George F. MacDonald                 Jack W. Usher
  Wayne W. Cunningham                  John W. Mateer                      Donald Waxter
  Darrel A. Davis                      James E. Nagy                       Louis G. Zell
  Donald D. Davis                      John B. Naretto

       our Brother, and toward all of us, and crown our hopes with everlasting peace, in the realms of a
boundless eternity. So mote it be.


                               ISSUE                              DEADLINE
                         MARCH / APRIL                     FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 18
                            MAY / JUNE                        FRIDAY, APRIL 15
                          JULY / AUGUST                       FRIDAY, JUNE 17
                     SEPTEMBER / OCTOBER                    FRIDAY, AUGUST 19
                    NOVEMBER / DECEMBER                     FRIDAY, OCTOBER 21

                 SUBMIT YOUR MATERIAL TO https://www.syriashriners.org/submit/

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners
                             Illustrious Sir Terry N. Steinheiser, of Renfrew, was elected and installed the
                             122nd Potentate of Syria Shriners at its Annual Meeting, January 3. The Illustrious
                             Sir was appointed to the Official Divan in 2016 by Ill. Sir Erich W. Gumto.
                             Terry was born and raised in Butler, Pennsylvania. He graduated from Butler
                             High School, attended Butler County Community College, and holds numerous
                             licenses and certifications. Early in his career he worked at Pullman Standard and
                             Armco Steel, both in Butler. He is a graduate of the Armco Electrical Mainte-
                             nance Program and holds a Mechanical License. Terry is best known for his en-
                             trepreneur. He was the founder and owner of Steinheiser Propane, a business
                             that he built from 20 original customers to more than 4,500 when he sold the
                             business. Currently, he is President of KTS Holdings, which owns and operates
                             several commercial rental sites and a car wash.
Terry married Kathleen M. Neigh on August 29, 1981. Terry and Kathy have been blessed with three daugh-
ters: Melissa, Michelle, and Maggie, along with sons-in-law. They are proud grandparents of five grandsons
and three granddaughters.
Terry has continually taken an active role in the community, specifically in Butler County. He currently serves
as Chairman of the Connoquenessing Township Board of Supervisors. He has also served as Summit Township
Supervisor. He is a board member of the Butler County Emergency Management Coordinators and was an
active participant in the building of the Butler County Fire School and Training Center.
Terry has an outgoing personality, always with a smile and a laugh and willing to lend a hand. You may meet
him as a stranger, but you will part as friends. He continues to support a variety of organizations.

The Illustrious Sir’s Masonic journey began in 1991 when he became a Freemason in Argyle Lodge No. 540 in

became Noble of Syria Temple in Pittsburgh on November 22, 1997, and is currently a Life Member. He was
appointed Ambassador in 2005 by III. Sir Raymon W. Arbes, P.P. Terry is a Past President of Syria Motor

         and 2018 Past President of Butler Caravan No. 14.

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners
William A. “Andy” Caldwell was born and raised in Murrysville. He graduated in
1978 from Franklin Regional High School, where he participated in the choir and
marching band. In 1978, he became the first drum major

      , and flute for many years. He earned first chair, first clarinet in the United
States Collegiate Wind Band in 1978, traveling to Europe and playing in various
cities in seven different countries.
After high school, Andy began working in the landscaping field. In 1990, with his

where he worked for more than 30 years with his late father, Noble Bill Caldwell.

          in Apollo.
On December 14, 2019, Andy married his sweetheart, Canise A. Wright. They are blessed with twins, a son
Matthew and daughter Hannah. They are proud grandparents of a granddaughter and grandson.
Andy is well-known for his funny personality and big heart, as he would do anything for anyone. He enjoys
hunting, golfing, and playing with his bulldog, Penelope and his chihuahua, Finnegan in his spare time.
Andy was raised a Master Mason on March 16, 1982 in Tyrian Lodge No. 644 in New Kensington. He became
a Noble of Syria Temple in the fall of 1982 and was appointed an Ambassador in 1999 by Ill. Sir James Allison,
P.P. In September, 1997, Andy was initiated into the Eastern Star.
Currently, Andy is a member and past president of Caravan 20, as well as a member and two-time past presi-
dent of Caravan 16. He served as Raban of the Clan of Hillbilly Clan No. 53 for 18 years and is also a past
member of the Syria Band.


       ADULTS $14                SUNDAY, FEBRUARY 20
                                    8:30AM - 1PM
      KIDS 3-12 $ 8
      UNDER 3 FREE

January / February 2022 - Syria Shriners

by Thomas Ruch

                             Greetings! Welcome to 2022 and our new officers. Thomas Ruch is the new
                             president and Tim McKiernan is the new treasurer, while Harry Truax and Andy
                             Talento remain secretary and captain, respectively. Our thanks to Tim for his
                             two years of service as president!
                             My plans for this year include updating our website and Facebook page and
                             growing our newest division, the Drifters, while also focusing on revamping the
                             unit room and expanding our branded clothing for members.
                              On December 4 we had our last parade of the sea-
                              son in Wampum for their 49 th Annual Christmas
                              Parade. This is one of our farthest away parades
and we represented well with several members braving the cold to get out and
support our mission. We were excited to show off our Drifter division for the
first time and the crowd really loved them. We are looking forward to training
and perfecting our tricks on the drift trikes when the weather cooperates.         Drew Keele shows off his new drifter.

Welcome to our newest members, Drew Keele and Rob Gratton. Drew joined our Drifter division and Rob
joined the mini Model T division. Be sure to cheer them on when you see them on the parade route!
The Motor Corps Ladies are also starting back up after a COVID hiatus. The plan for the year includes adding a
ladies shirt to the closet, a fundraiser, and supporting the Nobles with pre-parade snacks and drinks.
Planning is already underway for our next Car Cruise on August 21. Last year’s event was a great return after
COVID and we’re looking to build on the experience. If you’ve got an awesome car, truck, or motorcycle that
you’d like to show off, reach out to any member of the Motor Corp for more information.
We had a terrific year of parades in 2021 and we’re looking forward to getting back to it this season. The
Drifter division will be busy practicing not getting dizzy while spinning their way up and down the parking
lots. If you’d like to join this crazy group, give any of the officers a shout and we’ll be glad to help.
Congratulations on beginning your term as Potentate, Illustrious Sir! Your Motor Corps is ready to assist you.
See you at the parade!

          Have you ever seen these guys together at the same time?



by Vic Perry

We have survived yet another year with COVID, but we have slowly been able to return to somewhat less
restrictions. We were able to march in the final parade of 2021 in Ligonier. This is always a great outing with
many groups and vendors. We had a wonderful time there and the weather was fantastic. It is always a
bittersweet parade because we are done for the season.
Camel Wheels members participated in the Spaghetti Dinner at the Pittsburgh Shrine Center on November 7.
Talk about getting your money’s worth of food! I bought several meals to take home for relatives and needy
friends and the food they packed in the take outs was well worth it.
We ended the season with our annual Camel Wheels Potentate's Party and Installation of Officers on Novem-
ber 13 at Kretzler's Tavern in Pittsburgh.
                                                The Wheels honored our Illustrious Potentate, Sir Donald
                                                Green and Lady Debra. Great food and drink were served and
                                                we celebrated Donald Green’s service this past year.
                                                At the party, Dennis Raible, President of Camel Wheels along
                                                with his lady Babeth, presented the Potentate a gift for his
                                                support of the Camel Wheels unit, thank you.
                                                We are looking forward to working with our incoming 2022
                                                Potentate, Terry Steinheiser and Lady Kathy. Congratulations
A Ceremonial was held on November 20 and the Camel Wheels had an open house for any interested new
(or existing) members. We had some great potential individuals requesting applications. We are hoping to
see them in the spring to train on the trikes and get ready for the parade season.
After a brief rest from all the activities, we need to start planning on what events we will be participating in
for 2022. Reaching out to local communities to see if they would like our presence in their local parades
could help fill out our schedule for the upcoming season. If anyone has any suggestions on how to approach
other neighborhoods, please contact Herb Brant at 412-889-6113 in order that we can pursue any interested
parties. Thank you!
                                  If you are interested in joining the squad, and you know you always wanted
                                  to drive a trike down a street, please contact Herb. No strings or commit-
                                  ments attached. You won't find a better deal. The only cost you will have is
                                  the cost of the uniforms. The trikes are available to ride for any new mem-
                                  ber. It’s a blast!
                                  The current officers of the Camel Wheels are President, Don Panzone, Vice
Free to a good home!              President, Vic Perry, and Secretary–Treasurer, Herb Brant.

               See the registration form on page 10
Free to a good home!
by Dennis Conrad
                          Well, 2021 has come and gone and it turned out to be a very good year for the
                          Rigs. We were back out parading all across western Pennsylvania. We participated
                          in 15 parades last year, including the big Mid Atlantic
                          Shrine Association parade in Virginia Beach, where we
                          took our eighth straight first-place finish in our division.
                          We finished up the parade season with four Christmas
                          parades, the first being in Tarentum and Brackenridge.
                          Next, we went to Etna for their light-up night festivities,
then to Glassport before we finally ended the year in Homestead.
We were back making hoagies again last year and look forward to having two sales in 2022. We chaired two
successful Night at the Races fundraisers for Pittsburgh Shrine Center and sponsored and ran the children’s
games at Kennywood again last year. We had a blast.
2021 saw the return of the Rigs annual Christmas party at the Shrine Center. Stratwood did an excellent job
catering and the food and the fellowship was second to none and if you went home hungry it was your own
fault. Every year Joe puts together the present game and it’s always the hit of the party.
On a real positive note, the Rigs gained three new members last year. Cliff Poff, Josh Thompson and Brian
Versetti have been great additions to the Rode Rigs family. The Rigs gained some momentum in 2021 and are
looking to carry that momentum over into 2022. Our officers are making plans for an exciting year to get back
into the groove.
Rode Rigs officers for 2022 are
President                           Joe Micikas
Vice President                      John Handshue
Secretary/Treasurer                 Dennis Conrad
Executive Committee member          Robert Plata
Parade Captain                      Cliff Poff
You say you’re tried of being a card-carrying member here at the Shrine. You want to get active. Well, I have
the answer for you. Join the Rode Rigs. You will ride, not march. We provide parts of the uniform. There are
no annual dues and no parade quotas.
If you’re interested in joining the Rode Rigs, call Joe Micikas (724-344-0540), John Handshue (412-877-4263)
or Dennis Conrad (412-956-2245).
Our unit meetings are the first Monday of each month at 7pm in our unit room. You’re welcome to stop and
sit in on a meeting.

                                                  Remember Keep on Truck’n for the Kids


by J. Larry Burton, P.P.

                                     As I write this in mid-December, a short review of 2021 Golf Club accom-
                                     plishments is in order.

                                  The Syria Shrine Golf outing returned with a ‘big time’ feel. There were
                                  sponsor’s signs on every hole, refreshments about the course and, natural-
ly, a victory dinner. Many thanks to all who played and to those Nobles who assisted in the outing. However,
the Lion’s Share of Thanks goes to Randy Hobaugh in making the return of this event a reality. Mark your cal-
endar for the 2022 Syria Shrine Golf Outing on Monday, July 18 at Westmoreland Country Club.

The 2021 Officers were reelected for 2022 and are Henry ‘Butch’ Waxler, President, Randy Hobaugh, Vice-
President and Chief Scheduler, and Larry Burton, Sec/Treas.
The time has come to attend a Golf Show, scrub the shoes, replace the spikes, clean the clubs and purge
those old water balls out of your bag. That is guaranteed to get the juices flowing. Finally, now is the time to
send your $5.00 annual dues. You will receive one of our Collector Edition 2022 dues cards by return
mail. Or, to save postage, we will accept dues at our first outing on April 28 at Manor Valley GC.
Our 2022 Members Choice schedule is:
         April 28 Manor Valley Golf Club
         May 26 Cedarbrook Golf Club
         June 30 Saxon Golf Course
         July 14 Reserve Run Golf Club
         July 28 Syria Shrine Golf Outing Westmoreland Country Club
         August 26 Fox Run Golf Club
         September 29 Latrobe Elks Golf Club
         October 13 Lake Arthur Golf Club (includes Annual Meeting and dinner)
If you happen to be a golfer and have not yet joined the Golf Club, we do have a few spots open. Our fees
are minimal, $10.00 application fee that includes your first-year dues, and are only $5.00 a year there-
after. All outings are $45.00 and we play a Shamble format (optional). Our purpose is to promote fellowship
and camaraderie plus have fun, not to play tournament golf. Contact Larry at J.Larry@prodigy.net for an ap-
plication or information.

Please take a moment and mail your 2022 dues check to:
        J. Larry Burton, PP, 1505 King William Dr., Pittsburgh, PA 15237

See you April 28 at Manor Valley.

Mark Your Calendars.
      The 2022 Syria Golf Outing has been Scheduled

          2022 Syria Shrine Golf Scramble

         When: Monday, July 18, 2022
     Where: Westmoreland Country Club
Format: Four Man Golf Scramble Golf, Cart, Lunch,
                Buffet Dinner,
              Open to Everyone
       More Detailed Information coming.

                        ASK A BROTHER TO JOIN SYRIA SHRINE
       The secret phrase to answer the puzzle from the word search on page 37 is:

by Charles “Pappy” Patchin, Drum Major

                                         The Christmas season has come and gone. We took advantage of our Con-
                                         stitutional Right of Freedom of Religion to celebrate the birth of Our Lord
                                         and Savior Jesus Christ. Our Jewish Nobles celebrated the Festival of Lights
                                         which is known as Hanukkah.
                                         Just before that, we honored our Veterans and ate copiously as we gave
                                         thanks for the great gifts in our lives. Holidays seemed to get jammed and

carols fill the air. But we are not just pipes, and I often think of Mary, Mother of Jesus, just getting her child to
sleep and some drummer steps up and… that’s a nice song.
But, seriously with all the hype about the Variant of the
Month, supply chain issues, criminals being released
bail and trials or court decisions not going the way some
people                                      . We celebrated
well. We honored so much in such a short timeframe. The
New Year came upon us and parties were held at our Shrine
Center, other Masonic locations and homes and we will
surely be better.
We of the Syria Shrine Highlanders Pipes and Drums wish
each of you a most happy, healthy, enjoyable, prosperous
New Year. Stay tuned for more information.

By Gary Helander, P.P.
                         Brother Clayton Hoover, the grandson of the late Noble Earl Hoover, Gun Club Charter


                                                   Over the years, Clayton tagged along with his grandfather and
                                                   father at several shooting events sponsored by the Gun Club
                                                   and is a very proficient trap shooter. The Gun Club would like to
                                                   remind its members new or old to bring your kids or grandkids
                                                   or your ladies to our monthly shoots (fourth Saturday) at Clair-
                                                   ton Sportsmen's Club to introduce them to the sport we hold so
                                                   near and dear to our hearts.

by Randy Hobaugh

Well here it is, the first VOICE of Syria for 2022. We were back up and running full speed in 2021. I do believe
Caravan No. 20 had a very successful year. Our outings were well attended and dare I say everyone had
fun. As we move forward into 2022, Caravan No. 20 is scheduling several events throughout the year

2022 Caravan No. 20 Officers
President             Noble Jack Glass
1st Vice President    Noble Jerry Silverstein
2nd Vice President    Noble Drew Borcik
Secretary/Treasurer Noble George Williams
Anyone interested in joining Caravan 20, please contact one of the officers above.

2022 Calendar of Events

Joint Provost Guard, Caravan 16, Caravan 20, and Knights of Mecca Potentate Party - TBD
Stag Corn Hole Tournament – Place and Date to be Determined
       Open to all members of Syria Shriners, and their male friends and family – it’s a STAG remember.
Caravan 20 Family Picnic – Sunday, August 28, 2022 – Place to be Determined.
Caravan 20 Potentate Party and Bingo – Sunday October 30, 2022 – Manor Valley Golf Club
Caravan 20 Holiday Party and Installation – Sunday December 18, 2022 – Place to be Determined.
Monthly meetings will continue to be the third Wednesday of each month starting on January 19 at Osteria
Pasqualino Restaurant in Murrysville on Route 22.
Nobles, while we would love to have you as a member of Caravan No. 20, you’re still welcome to come join
us for the fun and fellowship we offer even if you’re not. Think about it, and give our affairs a try.
In the meantime, Es Selamu Aleikum.

Our Spring NIGHT AT THE RACES is scheduled for Saturday,
March 19. Doors will open at 5:30pm, with Dinner served at
6:00pm and Races starting at 7:00pm. This fundraiser is
open to the public, so please bring family and friends.
Walk-Ins are welcome and they can pay at the door. Admis-
sion is $20.00 per person and includes Dinner, Soft Drinks,
Coffee, and Beer. You can purchase a horse for an additional
$10.00 which makes you the owner and allows you to name
your horse. If your horse wins its race, you win $50.00.
There will also be a Trifecta, an Auction Race, 50/50, Chi-
nese Auction, and other small games of chance.
This is a fundraiser for your Pittsburgh Shrine Center, so please, plan to join us Saturday, March 19. Bring
your family and friends for a fun-filled NIGHT AT THE RACES. See the Registration Form on the opposite page.
For further information, contact Co-Chairmen:
              Bill Branthoover                            Bob Moisey
              724-847-4730 (H)                            724-266-1342 (H)
              724-581-7051 (C)                            412-953-3490 (C)
              billbranthoover@hotmail.com                 bobsanmois@comcast.net

                                      AND DONORS NEEDED
                                      We are in search of sponsors for each race. The cost to sponsor a Race
                                      is $100.00. You, your Unit, Club, or Caravan may wish to sponsor a
                                      Race. Being a Race Sponsor is a good advertisement, as Race Sponsors
                                      will be listed in the program and announced with each race.
                                        We are also in need of donated baskets for our Chinese Auction. We
appreciate donations of any size or amount. With all of your help and generosity, the NIGHT AT THE RACES
events will once again be successful in helping to raise much-needed funds for our Pittsburgh Shrine Center.
For more information, to Sponsor a Race, to make a donation, or help at our event, please contact our Co-
Chairmen listed above.
          PRESENTS ...



                                                       SATURDAY, JUNE 11
                                                      GATES OPEN AT 11AM
Get your tickets online at
https://www.syriashriners.org/gun-bash,                     ALL YOU CARE TO
from your Unit, Caravan or Club
or contact the Shrine Center office.                         EAT AND DRINK

         Winners need not be present Allegheny County SGOC No.22124 Special Raffle Permit No. 2601

        Sponsored by Coors                                     Guns from Sportsman Supply Co., Butler
by Barry Hootman, M.D., member of the Board of Governors, SC-Erie

                                                 Alas, we are 2 years dealing with the pandemic with no quick
                                                 end in sight. This has altered lifestyles among us, giving way
                                                 to new opportunities and new stresses. Regardless, we must
                                                 remember the underlying conditions that affect our children
                                                 and families do not stop occurring, nor do they go away. At
                                                 Shriners Children’s-Erie (SC-E) we have been able to continue
the care needed while maintaining appropriate precautions (masking, distancing, etc.). As of December 6,
2021 Shriners International has stipulated that anyone entering a Shrine System Facility (except patients and
escort) must be vaccinated, and this includes all employees, vendors, visitors, Road Runners, etc. Erie county
has been particularly hard hit with the virus.
As one would expect, some accommodations to the delivery of care have been made. Telemedicine is one
modality that is seeing increased use. The monthly Board of Governors meetings are being held virtually. We
were even able to arrange to have our patients have a personal one-on-one virtual visit with Santa.

Donation checks written specifically to Shriners Children’s-Erie directly support SC-
E. These checks from Temple, Clubs, Caravans, Memorial Donations, or personal do-
nation can be conveyed to SC-E by sending directly to Donor Development Office at
SC-E, to the Syria Temple office, or give to one of the Board Members to be present-
ed at a Board Meeting. If desired, a directed donation to programs at the hospital is
accomplished by writing the program (wheelchair, car seat, catheters, supplemental
nutrition, Timmie’s Day Out etc.) into the Memo section on the check. Let’s work hard
with our Caravans and

If any Noble learns of a child in need of pediatric orthopedic care, a referral to SC-E can easily be made. The
best way to make one is to call SC-E directly and give information, or call one of our Board Members who can
facilitate referral. The Shriners International phone number on your dues card can be used, but I’ve seen this
get bogged down in bureaucratic red tape.
Save this Date
Sunday June 5, 2022 will be the Shriners Children’s-Erie Walk of Love/Community Hospital Day/Open
House. This event has been cancelled the last 2 years. 2022 is the 100 anniversary of Shriners Hospitals

(started in Shreveport in 1922) and the 95 anniversary of Shriners Children’s-Erie (started as Zem Zem Hospi-

tal by Zem Zem Temple in Erie in 1927). If you have never visited SC-E this is a great opportunity.


                      by David Eichelberger

                      The Syria Shrine Mariners' Yacht Club held its annual Change of Watch Ceremony Fri-
                      day, January 7 at the North Park Lounge in Cranberry. Noble Lee Pfeifer raised his bur-
                      gee to signal that he is the Commodore for 2022. We
                                                                  Each year we usually participate in the Sports
Bash, hold a First Mate's party, offer a Divan Cruise, and host a holiday party in December.
The Mariners welcome everyone who enjoys recreation on the water, no matter if you own a boat, would
like to own a boat, like to canoe or kayak or only cruise on large ships. We have a smaller group which offers
good fellowship and fun. Contact David Eichelberger, Past Commodore, Secretary, if you would like to join
us. Dues are just $15 each year. David Eichelberger can be reached at davideosl@aol.com.

                   Yoo-hoo! Callin’ all Hillbillies!
                   By Preacher Dave
                   It's Preacher Dave sendin' out a right big Holiday and New Year's greetin' to all you Hillbil-
                   lies and Flatlanders at Syria Shriners.

                   We hope this new year will see the end of that pesky COVID virus! I have been prayin'
hard for all who have been affected or infected by it.
Sadly, we have lost some kinfolk to it and it makes me purty sad to remember all the good times we used to
have together. Yinz take care and I hope to see everybody at our next reunion. Us Hillbillies gather together
for fun and for the purpose of raisin' money to help the youngin's at the Shriners' Children facilities. It warms
my heart way down deep to know what a difference we can make in their lives! I hope you Flatlanders will
join us in helpin' out in 2022. It may be our Raban will be fixin' to gather those folks who like to chase little
white balls around the scrublands above Greensburg. The vittles are delicious and they even have some good
things to quench their thirst, if you know what I mean. Cuz Bob Kording keeps track of the events, so you can
reach out to him or to the Raban, Andy Caldwell, for details. We usually have a big hoop-de-doo reunion in
August to bring Flatlanders to true Hillbilly light. It is sumpin' yinz don't want to miss!
Well so long for now. You youngin's behave yourselves! I'll see you soon.

                   NOTES FROM THE CHANTERS
                   by David Eichelberger
                   Happy New Year Nobles! The Chanters had planned to kick off 2022 with the installation
                   of our officers at a potluck supper, Tuesday, January 4 in the Units Room. COVID-19 cases
                   in our own ranks at Syria Shriners forced the cancellation of the event. Notwithstanding,
                   Noble Jack Doverspike is our 2022 President. Illustrious Sir Bill Branthoover, P.P., is Vice

The Chanters welcome all Nobles who enjoy singing to join our Unit. We sing patriotic music at parades dur-
ing the season. We also sing for Lodges, church and civic groups, sharing information about Syria Shriners
and Shriners Children’s. Each year we sing at the MASA convention in Virginia Beach. We hope to take a
group to last year's Imperial Session in Minneapolis.
We practice each Tuesday in the Music Room from 7-8:30pm. If you would like to schedule a concert or in-
vite us to a parade, contact Lee Pfeifer at lpfeifer@zoominternet.net.


by John Colaianne

By Don Balla
                    In April, with the help of Terry Dobrosky’s backhoe, and labor from Jim Schollaert, Glenn
                    Himes and Don Balla, a new main water valve replaced the old water valve that supplies
                    water to the RV Parking sites.
                    Every month from April through October, the RV Club members camped together at the
                    RV Parking grounds. The grounds are located just beyond the large main pavilion. We
                    have 22 sites with water and electricity and plenty of sites are available for new mem-
                    bers. If you have a trailer, motorhome or tent you can join the club and join with other
                    Shrine members for an enjoyable weekend.
One of the members usually host the weekend and plans activities for all to enjoy. The favorites are the
peace and quiet times, relaxing around the fireplace, eating at a nearby restaurant or around the campfire or
attending a Shrine event held on the campus. This past year many members traveled to Northern Michigan
to Mackinac Island and Frankenmuth. We all had a wonderful time and enjoyed the camaraderie.
                             At the September campout, Bill Cathers, Past
                             Wagon Master, installed the new officers for
                             the year 2022. Jim Schollaert will be Wagon
                             Master. Frank Hansen will serve as Assistant
                             Wagon Master, with Don Balla the Secretary
                             and P.P. Larry Burton the Treasurer. After the
                             Installation of the Officers, we had our annual
                             Toy Drive. The toys are always enjoyed by the
                             Shriner Kids. We thank the Road Runners for the delivery of the toys to the
                             Shrine Hospitals.
For information on joining the club, contact Wagon Master Jim Schollaert at 412-298-1546 or Secretary
Don Balla at 724-443-6665.
We are all looking forward to having you join us in 2022.


Party which was held Friday, December 3 at Ballroom No. 2 at the Washington County
                                                                                                  Debra and
the Syria Divan.
Caravan No. 2 held two primary fundraisers during the year, the Annual Golf
Outing and the Summer Stag. Both events were very well attended and raised
a significant amount of money which was presented to the Potentate by 2021
President Jon DePoe in the form of four checks, providing $500 to the Poten-
tate’s project, $1,500 to help with the LED lighting conversion at Pittsburgh
Shrine Center, $5,000 to the Patient Transportation Fund and $5,000 to the
Transportation Garage Fund.
Also at this event, the Officers and Directors for 2022 were installed. Incoming President Harry (Buddy) Ber-
trand spoke briefly about the upcoming year and is looking forward to exceeding our fundraising totals for
2021. Please join us for some great fellowship and fundraising events as Washington-Greene Caravan is
HERE 4 U IN 2022!

                                                                  Flying Fezzes

by Craig “Buzz” Conroy

2021 was a super year for the Flying Fezzes. The Flying Fezzes had a record-breaking year for new members.
Be part of the camaraderie (brotherhood and good fellowship). If you have any interest in aviation or have
ever ridden in a plane, please consider the Flying Fezzes as a great FUN unit to join. We are here for the kids
and the hospitals that serve them.
We proudly acknowledged Santa Claus as the world’s oldest and greatest aviator of all time.
                          The Annual Flying Fezzes Banquet for 2021 was held at Primanti Bros. Hangar in
                          Harmar, Sunday December 12, with surprises and new awards presented. The Jeop-
                          ardy-style Aviation Game was won by Eric “Stormy” Stormfels, Flight Instructor,
                          with the greatest answers for all Aviation questions.
                          Noble Bryan DeFranco was unanimously re-elected President of the FLYING FEZZES
                          for the Shrine year 2022. In addition to our Pilot Shirts (Captain Shirts), President
                          Bryan has instituted a new colorful Sky Blue FLYING FEZ T-Shirt replete with logo
                          for less formal occasions.
The Flying Fezzes have instituted new awards for 2021. The Glass Propeller, an engraved propeller-shaped
glass award with the recipient’s name and the Flying Fezzes logo. The First Glass Propeller Award for Merito-
rious Service is being presented to the Flying Fezzes member who continually best serves our organization.
This is NOT an annual award, but will be presented when the occasion arises. The Second Glass Propeller
Award for The Spirit of Aviation is being presented for perennially displaying the finest in Aviation and
Shrinedom to the Flying Fezzes and to the world. Again this is NOT an annual award.
Details of the recipients will appear in the next issue of THE VOICE.
We are the fun, flying unit of The Finest Fraternity on the EARTH or in the AIR

       any member of the Flying Fezzes at any Shrine event.

             FLYING HIGH 4 U IN 2022!

By Ray Petronio, P.C.
MASA at Virginia Beach is now history. Several members of the Divan were on hand to
witness Illustrious Sir Don Green install Bob Plata as Colonel of MASA Provost Guard for

                      For the first time in recent memory, the Provost Guard entered the MASA parade. At
                      Illustrious Sir on Green’s urging, Captain Jack Glass encouraged the Provost Guard to
                      participate in the parade. We broke down at Captain  Let
                                                                                     urging, and rented a four-
                      man golf cart, taped our Syria Provost Guard signsChristmas
                                                                           to it, and we were on our way. As
                      luck would have it, for the first time ever, we won a Third Place Trophy. (Even a blind
                      squirrel finds an acorn once in a while.)
Normally, we hold our annual dinner honoring the Potentate in March. Last year, however, due to COVID-19,
it had toONLY
          be postponed. For the 2021 dinner Honoring Illustrious Sir Donald Green, the Provost Guard com-
bined with the Knights of Mecca, Caravan 16, and Caravan 20, Friday October 29 at the Pittsburgh Shrine
Center Ballroom where all were welcome and everyone had a great time.
If you are interested in joining the Provost Guard, we currently have openings for a few good men. To be eli-
gible, you must be in good standing with Syria Shriners and have an interest in providing safety and security.
For more information or an application, please contact Captain Jack Glass at 412-427-3613 or Secretary Ray
Petronio at 412-818-2848.

          Swing Time Nights

   The Big Band is Back!
            FRI    MAR   18     FRI   AUG    19
            FRI    APR   15     FRI   SEP    16        Pittsburgh Shrine Center Ballroom
            FRI    MAY   19     FRI   OCT    21
            FRI    JUN   17     FRI   NOV    18
                                                       Music & Dancing from 7:30-9:30pm
            FRI    JUL   15     FRI   DEC     9


                         In 2021, Illustrious Sir Donald I. Green, P.P. approved the formation of a new
                         Shrine Club for home

                                                                               Shrine Brewmasters has been
                         accepted as Taproom No. 1877, a charter member

                         We are recruiting charter members of this newest Shrine Club in the Oasis of Pitts-
                         burgh. Plans are in place to have brewery representatives at meetings to offer
                         samples of their newest brews and to provide educational information about their

                         have presentations from local homebrewers who will
                         provide                    Shrine Brewmasters.
                         If you are interested in becoming a charter member of
                         the club, send an email expressing your interest to Bob

                         you with details regarding our organizational meeting
                         and first sampling session.

                   by Bob Golden, PC, PC
                   Greetings from your Legion of Honor. (No, you are not being drafted.) I have once again
                   been asked to write a brief article for the Legion, and am happy to do so. It seems like we
                   miss a few issues of the VOICE but please be assured that our Commander and Captain

                               participating or riding in our jeep.
Color guard was sharp as always with the flags being displayed on the jeep and two
equally sharp Legion Nobles with rifles marching on each side of the jeep, consisting
of Al Tedeschi and Tom Prager, both Divan members as well as Legion Nobles.
Our last Ceremonial was a great success with a nice group of new Nobles, a few of
whom joined the Legion of Honor that evening and we are very proud to have them
on board. Just a reminder that we have some extra uniforms and instruments
should any of our Nobles who are military veterans wish to become members of
this fine unit. No experience necessary.
COVID keeps rearing its ugly head by limiting our activities. Owing to advanced ages of most of our Legion
Nobles, the lack of participation is understood and justified. Stay healthy and safe and attend whenever pos-
sible. You are missed and will always be welcomed back to our Legion to enjoy the camaraderie and fellow-
ship we have to offer as fellow veterans.
Congratulations to our Commander for 2022, Ed Hanke who has spent a career as our First Lt. Commander
and has advanced accordingly. We wish him success and we are confident in his leadership. Our outgoing
Commander is Mark Minehart and we are very thankful to Mark for serving in 2020 and 2021. Great Job
Mark and congratulations on becoming our new “Junior Past Commander.”
Our Legion, in cooperation with the Sons of Veterans is in the process of re-forming our Color Guard. In the
past, we have always been proud to carry the colors and participate in various functions such as parades, mil-
itary and civilian organizations requiring a formal flag ceremony. It is an honor to belong to this group and in
many cases a good fundraiser for our Legion. Uniforms and training will be provided. If interested, please
contact our Commander or Captain for details.
A meeting was held on December 14, 2021 for the Legion uniform unit and the Sons of Veterans. Although
like most meetings of late, sparse attendance but very informative and productive discussions were held with
very positive outlook for our future as a viable unit. When we get over this COVID crap, we encourage our
members to keep the faith, don’t give up. Better days are coming.
COMMANDER’S CORNER: by Ed Hanke, Commander, 2022

CAPTAIN’S CORNER: by Ray Pfister, Captain, 2022



                                                by Craig Conroy

 V       A       S      K A B H R T E                                       G A O T H
 W       A       E      R T O A J S T                                       U M O I D
 N       A       L      S Y R R I O A                                       A B A S I
 C       H       S      E R I I N V T                                       R A E B R
 J       A       I      H N U G Q O N                                       D S W G E
 M       A       R      D I T E V R E                                       I S J P C
  K A S                 A       K      N      I U             P      T A A P G T
  U M I                 V       V      J      G N             P      O U D M N O
  E M R U M                            A T            T E            P      A O G L                       R
  V N G V O                            C N            T O            S      I R Q O                       S
  G O H D N                            U O            R G            N      A S J C                       R
  I C C C O                            P T            S M            S      Z O P N                       S
  S      U O             I      R      T       S      U       L      L       I      D      V       I       J
  S      T       E      I      N       H       E      I       S      E      R W P L P
  P      R       E      S      I       D       E      N       T      V      J R K W R
       AMBASSADORS                              CARAVAN                                  DIRECTORS
       GRAS                                     GROUNDHOG                                GUARD
       HARIGE                                   ILLUSTRIOUS                              LINCOLN
       MARDI                                    POTENTATE                                PRESIDENT
       PROVOST                                  SIR                                      STEINHEISER
       VALENTINE                                WASHINGTON
This puzzle is a word search puzzle that has a hidden message in it. First find all the words in the list. Words
can go in any direction and share letters as well as cross over each other. Once you find all the words. Copy
the unused letters starting in the top left corner into the blanks to reveal the hidden message. Answer on page


Our Shriners Patient Transportation Vans continue to survive COVID, which increased the prices, delayed the
block, delayed the metal roof, delayed the insulation and delayed the entry doors and garage doors needed
to complete our Pittsburgh Shrine Center garage project. Thankfully, the vans are finally parked in the garage
and protected from the elements before the first snowfall.

The Roadrunner vans participated in 14 community parades in 2021 and received over $3000.00 for the
Shrine. Don and Gloria Wiles helped coordinate and drive in many of these parades. Don is one of our older
drivers and has received awards from Philadelphia and Cincinnati for the many trips to those hospitals. The
most hospital trips are to Erie, but they don’t keep drivers records. Just ask Don, he has the exact numbers.
These last two COVID years have seen a decrease in the number of hospital van trips. Many patient families
are currently driving themselves, deferring and canceling hospital appointments. The hospital numbers are
down, too. We expect things to get back to normal soon.
A big thank you to the Syria Shriners essential workers, the drivers who drove our patients during the year.
They wore masks, checked temperatures, asked the COVID questions, sprayed and cleaned the vans. They
volunteered their time for patients during the week and drove in parades on the weekends.
Here are the 2021 Syria Shriners Roadrunner Ambassadors:
George Dering, Al Douglas, Einar Erickson, Lenny Flowers, John Habel, John Hoover, Ed O’Brien, Shashi Patel,
Ron Plesh, Fritz Richardson, Tom Portante, Rich Roell, Gary Schwartz, Ray Schmidt, Max Smith, Terry Stein-
heiser, Mike Taylor, Dave Travaglio, Don Wiles, Bill Wilmot, Bill Woods and Roger Zrimsek. They are the
Roadrunners that drove during the 2021 COVID year.
There were ten other roadrunners disappointed that they were not able to drive last year because of health
problems but we are hopeful to have them back on the road in 2022.
Washington Lodge No. 164 F. & A.M. recently presented $1,000 to the Syria Shrine
Transportation Fund. This was part of the proceeds from the 18th Annual Blue Ride.
The ride was a joint effort between the Lodge and the Blue Knights Motorcycle Club
Chapter 16. Pictured from left are: Rick Cross, Dave Richards, Ride Chairman, Rodney
Bush, VP Chapter 16, Alvin Douglas, Syria Roadrunners and Mark Harmon.

                                   We Drive So Kids Can Survive

                             THE CONTINUING ADVENTURES OF THE
                             AWARD-WINNING SYRIA SHRINE CLOWNS
                             by Rob “Splotchee” Brinkley

                             All good things must pass, and so we bid adieu to the 2020 clown year, which, by a
                             horrible freak of nature, lasted though 2021 as well. True to the cause, we did still
                             have lots of fun in ‘21 thanks to His Radishness and the best darn clown unit in
                             Pennsylvania. Past Captain Radish has put in for individual awards from the Inter-
                             national Shrine Clown Association for the Joeys who continued to clown through-
                             out the pandemic year(s) – more on those guys in a future issue.

                                      parties around the Oasis, and then took
                                      a moment to celebrate the year with
                                      our spouses and
                                                           A great time was
                                      had by all!

                                           when the Joeys go into hibernation,         Schmoozing the Mayor of Homestead
                                           along with the bears, bats, hedgehogs and squirrels. Sure, they could be
Telling Santa & Mrs. Claus we’ve been good
              sworn in by the new Illustrious Sir in January and will come back a month later to see their shadow
and graze a bit in February before the normal order of things gets sorted out, and the Spring parade season
begins. We will be dreaming happy thoughts of seeing you all safe, healthy, and back to a normal life, so until

                                                                        God Bless You All Real Good!



         SUBMIT YOUR MATERIAL TO https://www.syriashriners.org/submit/.
                           PLEASE INCLUDE PHOTOS!

                                               TO THE SECOND
                                   QUARTERLY MEETING

               GRAND BALLROOM AT THE

  Terry N. Steinheiser          Attest: Robert T. Addleman, Jr., P.P.
  Illustrious Potentate                 Recorder

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