JANUARY 26-29, 2022 | PEORIA, ILLINOIS - Illinois Music Education Association

Page created by Vivian Wilson
JANUARY 26-29, 2022 | PEORIA, ILLINOIS - Illinois Music Education Association
    We welcome you to join us in the Exhibit Hall for the 2022
    Illinois Music Education Conference. We have enjoyed a sold-
    out hall at the most recent conferences and after missing
    2021, we are all incredibly excited to see you in 2022. Reserve
    your spot today! We appreciate all that our annual exhibitors
    do and cannot wait to welcome new exhibitors into our halls.

    We will again be offering the many amenities for our exhibi-
    tors that set the IMEC apart from all others:
    •     Dedicated Exhibit Time
          The Gala Opening Night Reception on Thursday starts the
          show with dedicated exhibit time with complimentary re-
          freshments. Conflict-free exhibit hours continue with time set
          aside on Friday and Saturday.
    •     Conference Badges & Refreshments
          Each company receives one complimentary parking pass
          and each booth purchased receives four complimentary con-
          ference badges. Also, the popular “Exhibitors Only” compli-
          mentary strolling coffee and refreshment carts will be back.
    •     Connect with Clients and Expand Your Network
          Enhance your visibility as a supplier of music education prod-
          ucts and services; network with customers and other industry
          representatives; inform attendees of new products and ser-
          vices; earn recognition as an advocate for music education at
          the premier Illinois event of the year!
    •     Conference Sponsorships
          Take advantage of opportunities for greater visibility and
          presence at IMEC 2022 by sponsoring a conference event or
          amenity. These sponsorships are available only to exhibitors -
          see pages 4-5 of the prospectus and contact the state office
          to make your reservation today!
    •     Additional Opportunities for Exhibitors
          Support your booth presence by advertising in the Confer-
          ence Program, an opportunity exclusively for exhibitors and
          existing advertisers! Draw more attention to sponsored ses-
          sions, apply to participate in the IMEC College Fair and invite
          clients or alumni to receptions.

        College Fair at IMEC 2022!
        This event is in addition to the regular exhibit hall hours and
        will take place on Thursday, January 27, 2022 from 1:00pm to
        3:00pm in the Civic Center Theater Lobby. The College Fair is
        scheduled before the main exhibit hall opens and offers con-
        flict-free access to students following their auditions and be-
        fore the Composition Contest Showcase begins in the Theater.

        Please indicate your interest on the Exhibitor Reservation to
        claim your 8’x30” table today! Available space limited to first 36
        reservations; fee is $100.
Exhibit Location
Peoria Civic Center (PCC), 201 SW Jefferson, Peoria, Illinois, 61602 | 309-673-8900
                                                                                  Booth Specs
Booth Reservation Fees
                                                                                  Booth reservations includes the following:
Single Booth			$300
Single Corner Booth		   $375                                                      •     10’x10’ booth area per booth reserved
Endcap (2-Corner Booth) $700                                                      •     1 standard identification sign
   Additional Booths*   $250ea                                                    •     8’ drapery backdrop in show colors
   *Added on to any of the above options
                                                                                  •     Aisles carpeted in show colors
Booth Cancellations                                                               •     3’ drapery side dividers in show colors
The fee will be refunded in the manner in                                         •     Four non-transferrable conference
which it was received. The refund policy                                                badges per booth reserved (additional
fees are as follows:                                                                    badges may be purchased through the
                                                                                        ILMEA State Office)
Before October 1 -
                                                                                  •     One parking pass per organization
Reservation fee refund less $50
                                                                                  •     Uniformed PCC security during load-in
October 2 to November 1 –                                                               and throughout exhibit hours (addition-
Reservation fee refund less $100                                                        al security may be arranged through the
November 2 to December 1 -                                                              PCC at an additional cost)
Reservation fee refund less $150
                                                                                  Decorating and Services Information, Hotel
December 2 to January 1 -                                                         Information and the Badge Name Request
Reservation fee refund less $200                                                  Form will be sent with your Booth Number
After January 1-                                                                  Confirmation in Fall 2021.
No refunds

                                    RESERVE YOUR BOOTH SPACE ONLINE!
       Visit www.ilmea.org/exhibitors for the link to the 2022 reservation page.

                                           WEDNESDAY, JANUARY 26, 2022
       Exhibitor Load-In....................................................................................................... 12:00pm - 5:00pm

                                             THURSDAY, JANUARY 27, 2022
       Exhibitor Load-In......................................................................................................... 8:00am - 3:30pm
       Gala Opening Reception........................................................................................... 6:00pm - 7:30pm

                                                FRIDAY, JANUARY 28, 2022
       Regular Exhibit Hall Hours.......................................................................................9:00am - 5:00pm
       Conflict-Free Exhibit Time.......................................................................................... 12:15pm - 1:15pm

                                             SATURDAY, JANUARY 29, 2022
       Regular Exhibit Hall Hours........................................................................................ 9:00am - 1:00pm
       Open to the General Public.................................................................................... 10:00am - 1:00pm
       Conflict-Free Exhibit Time...................................................................................... 12:00pm - 1:00pm

IMEC 2022 Sponsorship Opportunities
        Sponsorship Benefits (All Levels)
          • Inclusion on preconference e-mail (logo linked to your website)
          • Inclusion on conference program thank-you page (logo)
          • Highlighted in conference program list of exhibitors

         • Only organizations submitting a booth reservation form may apply for sponsorship.
         • Previous sponsors have the first right of refusal.
         • Sponsorship applications will be honored on a first-come, first-served basis. If companies cancel
           their booth reservation for IMEC 2022, the sponsorship opportunities will be made
           available and offered to the next organization that applied.
         • Recognition listed above will be available for sponsors committed by December 1, 2021.
         • Logo must be submitted to ILMEA in a vector format by December 1, 2021.

                                 Available Sponsorships
    Opening Night Gala                                       Composition Contest Prizes
    Description:                                             Description:
    Host the Exhibit Hall Opening Night Gala, with food      Provide prizes for each of the 16 first-place student
    and beverage (one complimentary drink) for all at-       honorees in the ILMEA Composition Contest (6th-
    tendees.                                                 12th grade students).
    Exclusive:                                               Exclusive:
    $30,000                                                  $4,000*
    Non-Exclusive:                                           Non-Exclusive:
    $10,000 (3 available)                                    $2,000 (2 available)*
    Additional Recognition:                                  Additional Recognition:
    Verbal acknowledgement over the PA system                Company name/logo on recognition slides and in
    during the event, company name/logo on drink tick-       programs at the Composition Contest Showcase
    ets for all attendees, signage for the sponsor(s) ex-    Concert (Thursday) and at the Composition Contest
    hibit booth                                              Awards Ceremony (Saturday), verbal acknowledg-
                                                             ment at each event
    Composition Concert Guest Artist                         *In-kind donations will be considered - contact the
    Description:                                             ILMEA State Office if interested
    Sponsorship of the Composition Contest Showcase
    Concert in the Civic Center Theater                      Opening General Session
    Exclusive:                                               Description:
    $6000                                                    Sponsorship of the Opening General Session
    Non-Exclusive:                                           Speaker at the most widely-attended session of the
    $2000 (3 available)                                      conference

    Additional Recognition:                                  Exclusive:
    Company name/logo on recognition slide and in            $3,000
    programs at the Composition Contest Showcase             Non-exclusive:
    Concert (Thursday), verbal acknowledgement at the        $1500 (2 available)
    event                                                    Additional Recognition:
                                                             Your company name/logo on the welcome banner
                                                             above the dias/stage

Conference App Advertisement                          Participant Bag Product Insert
Description:                                          Description:
Banner ad at the bottom of several key landing pag-   Advertise your product/services by providing 2700
es of the official IMEC app                           of your own promotional items for insertion in con-
Non-Exclusive:                                        ference registrant bags.
$750                                                  Non-Exclusive:
                                                      $750 (5 spots available)
Conference WiFi
Description:                                          Participant Bag Flyer Insert
Provide wireless internet for all attendees           Description:
Exclusive:                                            Advertise your product/services by providing 2700
$3000                                                 one-page flyers/brochures for insertion in confer-
                                                      ence registrant bags.
Additional Recognition:
Your company name/logo displayed on the splash        Non-Exclusive:
page each time an attendee initiates a wifi connec-   $500 (10 spots available)
tion with the conference network
                                                      Research Poster Session
Morning Coffee Stations                               Description:
Description:                                          Provide equipment needed to display and host Re-
Provide regular and decaf coffee for attendees at     search Poster Session by collegiate and graduate
four locations around the Peoria Civic Center         students in music education

Exclusive:                                            Exclusive:
$4500 for three days (Thursday, Friday and Satur-     $500
day)                                                  Additional Recognition:
Non-Exclusive:                                        Name/logo in conference program listing
$1500 for one day (Thursday, Friday or Saturday)
Recognition:                                          All-Conference Drum Circle
Logo on signage at each coffee station and ac-        Description:
knowledgement in push notifications each morning.     Provide instruments for use in the All-Conference
                                                      Drum Circle (Saturday)

Collegiate Pizza Party                                Non-Exclusive:
Description:                                          Provide 5+ drums (tubanos, djembes, cajon, hand-
Host a pizza and pop lunch for attendees who are      drum, etc)
Collegiate Members                                    Acknowledgement:
Exclusive:                                            Verbal acknowledgement during event and in con-
$2500                                                 ference program listing

Logo on printed/digital invitation and opportunity
to address attendees at the event

Bridge Mentorship Breakfast
Provide breakfast for early-service music educa-         To reserve any of these sponsorships
tors and their mentors who are participating in the
                                                             for IMEC 2022, please contact
Bridge Mentorship Program
                                                                  Lori Evenhouse at the
Exclusive:                                                         ILMEA State Office:
Recognition:                                                       LEvenhouse@ilmea.org
Verbal acknowledgement and the opportunity to                         708-479-4000
address attendees at the event

                                                             ILLINOIS MUSIC EDUCATOR AND ILLINOIS MUSIC EDUCATION CONFERENCE PROGRAM

                                                             Advertising Rates
                                                                Effective April 1, 2021
             Illinois Music Educator Advertising Rates                                                      IMEC Official Program Rates
Size/Coloration                 Single-Issue Rate                    Three-Issue Rate*               Single-Issue Rate                     Three Issue Rate*

Full Page | Black & White       $350                                 $320                            $385                                  $305

Full Page | 4 Color             $805                                 $725                            $855                                  $690

Full Page | 2 Color             $560                                 $505

Back Cover                      Please call for pricing and availability

Full Page Inside Cover          Please call for pricing and availability

1/2 Page | Black & White        $235                                 $215                            $260                                  $205

1/2 Page | 4 Color              $535                                 $480                            $560                                  $460

1/3 Page | Black & White        $190                                 $175

1/4 Page | Black & White        $165                                 $150                            $185                                  $140

1/6 Page | Black & White        $125                                 $115
                                                                                                 *Fall, Winter and Spring advertising reservations must be made in advance of publi-
                                                                                                 cation of the IMEC Offical Program to qualify for the discount.

                                        1/3 Page
                                        Ve r t i c a l
                                          2 .8 5 ” x 1 1 ”
                                        (1/8” bleed)

                                                                                      1 /4 P a g e
                                                                                      5”x 4.25”

                                 ILMEA Advertising Artwork Deadlines
Fall Issue - July 1 | Winter Issue - October 1 | IMEC Program - November 1 | Spring Issue - March 1

  ILMEA State Office | 7270 W. College Drive, Suite 201 | Palos Heights, Illinois 60463 | P: 708-479-4000 | E: stateoffice@ilmea.org
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