Page created by Gordon Gordon

HASANZ CONFERENCE 2018                                          5–7 SEPTEMBER 2018, TE PAPA, WELLINGTON


Wednesday 5 September
4.00pm                   Registration open                                                  Soundings
                                                                                            Foyer (Level 2)

5.30pm – 7.30pm          Powhiri and welcome function                                       Te Marae
                         Official opening by the Minister for Workplace Relations           Signs of a
                         and Safety the Hon. Iain Lees-Galloway, followed by light          Nation

Thursday 6 September
8.00am                   Registration open/arrival tea & coffee                             Oceania
                                                                                            (Level 3)
9.00am – 9.15am          Conference opening                                                 Amokura
                         Conference MC – Peter Biggs                                        (Level 4)
                         Welcome from HASANZ Chair
                         Mike O’Brien
9.15am – 10.45am         Keynote 1 – Challenge, change and stay curious – the               Amokura
                         future of health and safety
                         Dr John Green, Safety II expert and Director HSE for the
                         Battersea Power Station Development (UK)
                         Sponsored by the Business Leaders’ Health & Safety Forum
                         Keynote 2 – Mental health – a competitive advantage
                         Geoff McDonald, Mental health champion and Former
                         Global Vice President HR Unilever (UK)
10.45am – 11.15am        Morning tea                                                        Oceania
11.15am – 11.55am        Concurrent session 1                                               Breakout
Culture                  Capability                 Collaboration                   Mixed
Room: Amokura            Room: Rangimarie 1         Room: Rangimarie 2              Room: Rangimarie 3
(Level 4)                (Level 3)                  (Level 3)                       (Level 3)
Generative or bust:      Why a physically           What other industries           How ACC is helping
Operationalising         intelligent                can learn from forestry's       you create healthier
Hudson's culture model   workforce matters.         experience of creating          and safer workplaces
Michelle Riley,          Understanding what         an industry-wide                Paul Gimblett, Head of
Manager, Safe            it takes for manual        contractor certification        Workplace Safety and
People And Culture,      handling training to       scheme                          Levies, ACC
Melbourne Water          change individuals         Fiona Ewing, National
                         movement habits            Safety Director, Forest
                         Katie Croft,               Industry Safety Council
11.55am – 12.00pm        Move between sessions
HASANZ CONFERENCE 2018                                           5–7 SEPTEMBER 2018, TE PAPA, WELLINGTON


Thursday 6 September continued
12.00pm – 12.40pm          Concurrent session 2                                           Breakout
Capability                 Mixed                    Culture                       Collaboration
Room: Amokura              Room: Rangimarie 1       Room: Rangimarie 2            Room: Rangimarie 3
Understanding              An introduction to       SafePlus: a conversation      The untapped potential
psychological distress     health risk assessment   about how it happens          of safety analytics
in New Zealand             Jessica Clout,           and why it’s different to a   Chris Alderson & Phil
workplaces - raising the   Occupational Health      health and safety audit       Bolton, Director, PwC
bar of knowledge and       and Safety Consultant    Jennie Gianotti,              New Zealand and
practice                   /Occupational Health     Manager Education             Director, Analytics
Jeremy Robertson,          Nurse, Working For       Development Guidance          Practice, PwC
Principal, Research        Health                   and Education                 Melbourne
and Development,                                    Development, WorkSafe
Umbrella                                            New Zealand
12.40pm – 1.40pm           Lunch                                                          Oceania
1.40pm – 2.25pm            Masterclass 1                           Masterclass 2
                           Room: Amokura                           Room: Rangimarie 1
                           Dr John Green                           Geoff McDonald
2.25pm – 2.30pm            Move between sessions
2.30pm – 3.10pm            Concurrent session 3                                           Breakout
Culture                    Collaboration            Capability                    Mixed
Room: Amokura              Room: Rangimarie 1       Room: Rangimarie 2            Room: Rangimarie 3
Maturity, strategic        Learning from            Rise of the drones            Working with the
levers and behaviour:      incidents using duty     - managing the risks          HASANZ Register
integrating three          holder reviews           associated with remotely      Vic Tyler, Business
models to build a plan     Neil Mookerjee,          piloted aircraft systems      Manager, HASANZ
for health and safety      Duty Holder Review       Nan Austin, H&S
culture development        Manager, WorkSafe        Manager, University of
Dan Davis, H&S             New Zealand              Waikato
Specialist, Impac
3.10pm – 3.15pm            Move between sessions
HASANZ CONFERENCE 2018                                          5–7 SEPTEMBER 2018, TE PAPA, WELLINGTON


Thursday 6 September continued
3.15pm – 3.55pm          Concurrent session 4                                               Breakout
Collaboration            Mixed                     Capability                     Culture
Room: Amokura            Room: Rangimarie 1        Room: Rangimarie 2             Room: Rangimarie 3
Impact of stress,        The future of a health    Handling explosive             2018 University Safety
fatigue and              and safety professional   emotions: proactive            & Health Association
organisational           Greg Lazzaro,             H&S interventions for          (UK) Conference
uncertainty on           Fonterra                  dealing with workplace         report: “Without health
workforce wellness and                             emotions: raising the bar      and safety there is no
safety                                             with practical emotional       wellbeing”
Moazzim Zaidi,                                     intelligence training          Andrea McMillan,
Consultant                                         John Faisandier,               Head, Health & Safety
Occupational Medicine,                             Managing Director,             Compliance, University
Johns Hopkins Aramco                               Thriving Under Fire            of Otago
3.55pm – 4.30pm          Afternoon tea                                                      Oceania
4.30pm – 5.15pm          Keynote 3 – Collaboration towards improved                         Amokura
                         worker health
                         Julia Norris, GP and President Elect of the Australian
                         Institute of Occupational Hygienists (Australia)
7.00pm - Late            Conference dinner & dance                                          Harbourside,
                         Join us for a fun night at a harbourside dinner and dance          Macs Function
                         with popular covers band Mojo                                      Centre,
                         Dress code: Dress for a party!                                     4 Taranaki St

            PREMIUM PARTNER                                     CONFERENCE PARTNERS

                                     ASSOCIATE PARTNERS
HASANZ CONFERENCE 2018                                         5–7 SEPTEMBER 2018, TE PAPA, WELLINGTON


Friday 7 September
8.00am                    Registration open/arrival tea & coffee                        Oceania
9.00am – 10.30am          Keynote 4 – Strengthening the pillar of worker                Amokura
                          engagement and participation
                          Richard Wagstaff, President, New Zealand Council of
                          Trade Unions (NZ)
                          Keynote 5 – What height do we set the bar at?
                          Phil Parkes, Chief Operating Officer, WorkSafe New
                          Zealand (NZ)
10.30am – 11.00am         Morning tea                                                   Oceania
11.00am – 11.40am         Concurrent session 5                                          Breakout
Capability                Culture                    Mixed                     Collaboration
Room: Amokura             Room: Rangimarie 1         Room: Rangimarie 2        Room: Rangimarie 3
Board reporting or        Beyond the barriers and    Whole body vibration      An update on the
bored reporting -         busting the myths of       Jennie Kuzman             Health and Safety at
putting safety in focus   safety in design – learn   and Kerry Cheung,         Work Strategy 2018-
Toby Beaglehole, CEO,     how NZ is poised to        Health & Safety           2028
NZ Oil Services           lead the way and what      Manager, Hastings         Juliana Johnson, MBIE
                          you need to do             District Council, and     and Ketan Chandu
                          Wendi Croft, EHS           Occupational Hygienist    WorkSafe
                          Manager, Fletcher
11.40am – 11.45am         Move between sessions
11.45am – 12.25pm         Concurrent session 6                                          Breakout
Mixed                     Culture                    Capability                Collaboration
Room: Amokura             Room: Rangimarie 1         Room: Rangimarie 2        Room: Rangimarie 3
Putting the ‘health’      Culture through            Unlocking the latent      Collaborating to build
back in health            collaboration – sharing    value of hazard data,     safety into the supply
and safety: a legal       the “Good Yarn”            for the purpose of        chain
perspective               programme to promote       preventative safety -     Andrew Confait, Health
Greg Cain, Partner,       mental wellbeing           case study.               and Safety Advisor,
Kensington Swan           Dana Carver, Chair,        Clint Van Marrewijk       Site Safe
                          Good Programmes            Managing Director,
                          Trust                      SaferMe
12.25pm – 1.25pm          Lunch                                                         Oceania
HASANZ CONFERENCE 2018                                 5–7 SEPTEMBER 2018, TE PAPA, WELLINGTON


Friday 7 September continued
1.25pm – 2.10pm     Masterclass 1                        Masterclass 2
                    Room: Amokura                        Room: Rangimarie 1
                    Dr John Green                        Geoff McDonald
2.10pm – 2.15pm     Move between sessions
2.15pm – 2.20pm     The HASANZ Scholarship Programme                          Amokura
                    Philip Aldridge, HASANZ Executive Director
2.20pm – 2.30pm     Energiser with Stephanie Jones, TBI Health                Amokura
2.30pm – 4.00pm     Keynote 6 – Do we have what it takes?                     Amokura
                    Eldeen Pozniak, Immediate Past President of INSHPO
                    Keynote 7 – Turning around Pāmu’s safety record
                    Steve Carden, Chief Executive Officer, Pamu Farms of
                    New Zealand (NZ)
4.00pm – 4.15pm     Conference close                                          Amokura

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