January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation

Page created by Regina Newton
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
January 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
Nuacht CMÉ

          Applying the lessons of 2020,
              protecting teachers
INTO was not alone in breathing a                  from the inherent risks associated with                  across society and education. What
collective sigh of relief as 2020 finally          keeping schools open. It is inevitable                   it will not do is address, for many, the
came to an end. 2021                                              we will continue to see                   mental trauma they have endured
brings with it the fervent                                        outbreaks of the Covid-19                 over this prolonged period of risk and
hope that you, your                                               virus in schools and it                   uncertainty. INTO is acutely aware
families and the young                                            seems very likely that a                  of the need for improved support for
people in your care will                                          third surge in infections                 our members in the areas of well-
never again be forced to                                          will occur in the early                   being and mental health. Indeed, our
endure a year like 2020.                                          months of this year.                      current Chairperson of the Northern
  However, the pandemic                                              The risks teachers are                 Committee, Caroline McCarthy, has
has not gone away just yet,                                       being exposed to are on                   made it a priority for her year in charge.
and it is likely, even with                                       a par with those of our                   This reflects the awareness the Northern
the arrival of the vaccine,                                       colleagues in the health                  Committee has had of this issue dating
that things will take some                                        and other public services                 from a long time before Covid-19 was
time to properly settle                                           who interface directly                    visited upon us and has led to Teacher
back into anything like                                           with the public and it is                 Health and Well-Being becoming one
what we knew before. It                                           only right therefore that                 of the priority areas subject to review
therefore remains vitally                                         the teaching profession                   arising from the pay deal concluded last
important you continue                                            along with our support                    year.
to take every precaution                  Gerry Murphy            colleagues are prioritised                   INTO is determined that the
to protect yourselves,                  Northern Secretary        for vaccination. This is                  experience we have all gained, living
your loved ones and the                                           something INTO will                       with and managing though Covid-19,
children and young people in your                  continue to demand on your behalf.                       will inform how teachers’ working lives
care. We must all continue to limit our            Even the Minister, Mr Weir, must                         are adjusted in the interests of their
contacts with people, keep up the hand             understand that if his stubborn approach                 health and well-being going forward.
washing routine, wear face coverings               to keeping schools open at any cost                      We give notice, now, to DE and the
and maintain social distancing.                    and what appears to be a pathological                    employing bodies that this is a subject
  We are all aware that for the teaching           determination to run with public                         we will be engaging with them on in
profession out there on the frontline              examinations is to be delivered upon,                    every area of work and remind them
this is difficult and INTO is maintaining          vaccination for teachers and their co-                   when their systems were overwhelmed
the pressure on the Department of                  workers in education must be a priority.                 in March and April of 2019, it was
Education, the employing authorities                  The vaccine will eventually see                       teachers who saved the day. Teachers are
and the public health bodies to ensure             Covid-19 reduced to levels which allow                   the best resource they have, and we will
you are protected, in so far as is possible,       for a more familiar level of functioning                 see they are protected.


          Area                              Branches                                                                      Mobile        INTO Email
  CEC 1   District 1                        0101-0113                                 Seamus Hanna          CEC Rep                     shanna@into.ie
  CEC 2   District 2                        0201-0217                                Dorothy McGinley       CEC Rep       07818424080   dmcginley@into.ie
  BFC                                       -                                          Patrick McAllister   BFC Rep       07828769034   pmcallister@into.ie
  NEP     North Eastern Primary Region      0101/0102/0104/0107/0109/0111            Michelle McCrystal     INTO N Ctte   07851460682   mmccrystal@into.ie
  NES     North Eastern Post-Primary Region 0101/0102/0104/0107/0109/0111            Siobhan McElhinney     INTO N Ctte   07915091871   smcelhinney@into.ie
  SEP     South Eastern Primary Region      0110/0113                                  Rachel O'Hare        INTO N Ctte   07743427483   rohare@into.ie
  SES     South Eastern Post-Primary Region 0110/0113                                    John Kelly         INTO N Ctte   07809694954   jkelly@into.ie
  BP      Belfast Region Primary A          0106                                     Caroline McCarthy      INTO N Ctte   07977935988   cmccarthy@into.ie
  BP      Belfast Region Primary B          0105                                    Geraldine McGowan       INTO N Ctte   07717277565   gmcgowan@into.ie
  BS      Belfast Region Post-Primary       0105/0106                               Caoimhin MacColaim      INTO N Ctte   07710234126   cmacolaim@into.ie
  SP      Southern Region Primary A         0202/0206/0208/0217                         Marty Lavery        INTO N Ctte   07733207887   mlavery@into.ie
  SP      Southern Region Primary B         0201/0203/0211/0214                       Noreen Kelly          INTO N Ctte   07846392235   nkelly@into.ie
  SS      Southern Region Post-Primary      0201/0202/0203/0206/0208/0211/0214/0217     Kevin Daly          INTO N Ctte   07568528951   kdaly@into.ie
  WP      Western Region Primary A          0209/0213/0215/0216                         Marie O'Shea        INTO N Ctte   07802891109   moshea@into.ie
  WP      Western Region Primary B          0207/0212                                   Moira O'Kane        INTO N Ctte   07522937888   mokane@into.ie
  WS      Western Region Post-Primary       0207/0209/0212/0213/0215/0216           Annmarie Conway         INTO N Ctte   07701049789   amconway@into.ie

                                                              PRINTOUT       2   JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
INTO news

                                    Grab a cuppa…
                                    … of whatever you fancy, sit back
                                    and take some time for us to help you
                            Where do I        additional support for – it is a strength to   the categories, please check it out.
                        start? Where do       ask for help, not a weakness, and if that         Now more than any other time it is
any of us start? Recent changes in the        simple reminder encourages you to take         imperative that everyone of us keeps
virus have seen our work and home             that step, jobs a good ‘un!                    up to date with the guidance that is
lives impacted again in recent weeks.            Little that is happening around us is       available from DE & EA. The officials and
A potential way out of this is being          what we would plan or choose and that          administrative staff in Northern Office have
tantalisingly brought closer but it is not    makes it even more important for every         focused on making sure that information
here yet. Dealing with any situation          one of us to find the space in our heads       is available for all through the website this
doesn’t have be done in huge strides          and lives where we can feel content            includes covid specific issues: working
sometimes it doesn’t even have to be          and some sense of release, for me it’s         from home advice, supporting children in
successful but it does in current times       music (listening not playing despite a         schools, and information that applies now
need to be safe and, importantly,             number of attempts – we all have our           and into the post covid future; managing
manageable.                                   limits). This addition of Printout not only    workload, events, previous editions of
   Time is a precious commodity, now          shares information on issues that impact       printout and much more. If you have a
more than ever, as we are torn between        our working lives (advice about terms          logon check in and access what is there. If
work and family duties. It is important to    and conditions, wellbeing and INTO             you haven’t a logon email infoni@into.ie
find the time to take stock of what you       updates) it also sees the launch of the art    Some members have called for an app to
are managing and what you need to seek        competition. This year we have broadened       be available, this is being looked at but for
                                                                                             ease of access a shortcut on your phone
 Health & Safety                                                                    Page
                                                                                             could achieve the same.
 Sept 2020   Safe Use of display screens                                              4         The opportunity to be Chair of the
             H&S reps: Advert re H&S Reps                                             15     Northern Committee is an honour and a
                                                                                             challenge and it’s hard to believe it’s only
                                                                                             been 5 months. Most important to me
 Sept 2020   Working from home avoiding burnout                                       .5     has been hearing and representing the
 May 2020    Correctly balancing time budgets                                         6      voice of INTO members. I have attended
                                                                                             as many branch meetings as I can thanks
 Sept 2018   Detrimental impact of workload on teachers                               3
                                                                                             to the virtual world we live in and have
 Wellbeing                                                                                   appreciated the welcome and the sense
 Feb 2017    Inspire                                                                  15     of comradery at them all. If you have
                                                                                             yet to attend a branch meeting take the
 Sept 2016   Teacher Health & Wellbeing survey                                        7
                                                                                             plunge, feel the support of colleagues.
 May 2016    Stress at work                                                           3         I hope you take time to read Printout
 Advice & Guidance                                                                           this month and if you have missed
 Jan 2020    Work Experience info, advice, guidance                                   15     previous articles they are all available
                                                                                             again on the website, here are a few
 Sept 2019   ETI Safeguarding Proforma 2019-20                                        14     suggestions.
 May 2019    Assaults                                                                 12
             Say no to drugs and nappies                                              13
             Addressing Bullying in schools Act (NI) 2016                             14
 Jan 2019    Fixed Term employment regulations in action                              5
 June 2018   Changing patterns of work                                                5
             GDPR                                                                     22
 Jan 2018    What is reasonable force                                                 4
             Over payment scheme                                                      4
             Social Media the good the bad and the dangerous                          21
             Q&A Brief absences and maternity                                         22
 Sept 2017   INTO Urges non engagement with Code of Conduct                           3
             Parental complaints- what information should teachers expect             5
 May 2017    Are teachers suffering in silence?                                       3
             Make the budget fit the school                                           5            CAROLINE MCCARTHY,
                                                                                                Northern Committee Chairperson
                                                      PRINTOUT     3   JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
Nuacht CMÉ

Directed Time Budgets
Rather than presenting Directed Time
Budget training as workshops around the
branches and districts as would be normal,
Covid-19 meant that INTO plans were
stymied and so it was forced to roll up its IT
sleeves and embark on two webinars.
    The first of two, well attended webinars,
was on 4th November and was primarily
for school reps. The second, on the 5th
November, was for ordinary members,
including principals. An extended
invitation was issued to management and
the other teacher unions and individuals
from both of these additional groups did
take up our offer.
    The webinars were deemed
essential because of what can only be
described as frustration on the part
of our complete membership. Most
had complained that the EA had not
provided meaningful, relevant training
with a clear understanding of how a                  out how many had actually agreed a              associated with teaching allowances were
time budget should be drawn up. This                 time budget with their principal and also       contained in a directed time budget.
frustration added to a delay in having               audited their understanding of a time              The webinar also provided two
individually agreed time budgets. It                 budget. Surprisingly, the result from the       templates which Caroline and I explained
must be remembered that INTO insisted                poll was that 84% of the attendees did          in step-by-step detail. We had decided
on time budgets being included as                    not have an agreed time budget and 56%          to follow the published model exemplar
an essential aspect of the 2020 pay                  had a poor understanding of Directed            which formed the fourth Appendix to
agreement given the introduction of 10%              Time Budgets.                                   the TNC Workload Agreement from
of a teacher’s directed time being left for              During the webinar the whole of the         2011. The time budgets exemplar was
planning, preparation and                                            Workload Agreement,             representative of a primary, Key Stage 1
assessment and the fact                                              including the recent            teacher, with one managerial allowance
that most teachers did                                               amendments, were                and the second was representative
not have a time budget                                               discussed and the               of a post-primary teacher with two
which is something that                                              implications around a time      managerial allowances. Both are included
employing authorities                                                budget were examined            here in this article and are available along
and school managements                                               in relation to starting         with the webinar on the INTO website.
should have already had                                              and finishing times,               At the beginning of the webinar Caroline
in place.                                                            supervision, contact time,      explained to the attendees that she hoped
    This was the background                                          duties, breaks, registration,   that by the end of the presentation they
for the INTO webinar                                                 PPA, SEN requirements           would have more confidence with DTBs,
training which settled on                                            and much more.                  and this was realised with the results of
titling the training ‘getting                                           As part of the               the final survey where 84% of attendees
it right’. It was explained in                                       presentation different          stated their understanding was either
the introduction that for                                            slides and templates            good or improved. Also, at the end of the
time budgets to be done                                              were provided. Before we        webinar no one ticked the box to say they
in a meaningful fashion                                              looked at the actual time       had a poor understanding of directed time
then they really needed to               Tommy McGlone               budgets the slide on facts      budgets.
be done right.                             Senior Official           generated quite a bit of           The feedback from both webinars has
    The webinar went                                                 discussion. We presented        been very positive and has achieved what
through different directed                                           nine facts (see above) and      we had planned – to deliver clear and
time budgets from the start to the finish            explained each of them. Many attendees          concise guidance and ensure that there is a
and presented the information from the               were unaware that morning break was             consistent understanding. For those of you
viewpoint of someone who was a total                 included in their directed time. Some           that may wish to listen again to the webinar
newcomer to DTBs.                                    were of the impression that they were           training, it is available at INTO website –
    Before actually looking at the                   only credited for the time they actually        https://www.into.ie/ni/help-advice/rights-
construction of a Directed Time Budget,              supervised during break. Similarly, some        conditions/working-time-professional-
Caroline surveyed the attendees to find              teachers were unaware that the duties           duties/directed-time-budgets/

                                                            PRINTOUT      4   JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
INTO news

Directed Time Budgets

Webinar Questions and answers
Throughout the two days of webinar              could be described as pastoral then            ‘workers should be working from home
demonstration, Tommy and I were                 this period, irrespective of its length,       wherever possible’ careful consideration
presented with questions by the                 is considered to be contact time and is        of this directive should be given but we
attendees. We have committed to                 included as part of a teacher’s 23½ hours      would reiterate directed time must not
answering all questions and have shared         contact time.                                  exceed 1265 hours within the 195 days.
them on the Directed Time Budgets                  Our post-primary template simply
webpage. We have selected some                  states the maximum teaching cover time         Is marking included in the directed
examples to share with you. You can see         that a teacher can be asked to do is 23½       time hours?
all questions/answers,                                         hours. Time calculations        Yes, marking is included within the
along with the webinar,                                        can be done on the              directed time 1265 hours.
PowerPoint, templates                                          minimum of a weekly
(Irish & English                                               basis; daily calculations       What if there is no time budget in my
version) https://www.                                          should be avoided.              school?
into.ie/ni/help-advice/                                          If a teacher’s                It is a requirement for Boards of
rights-conditions/                                             responsibilities and duties     Governors/principal to provide you
working-time-                                                  identify that the contact       with an agreed individual time budget.
professional-duties/                                           and cover time needs to         Speak to your principal and request
directed-time-budgets/                                         be reduced this would           a time for discussion about your
                                                               be reflected in the first       individual time budget. If an agreement
I have heard talk about                                        section of the post-primary     cannot be reached contact your INTO
1265 hours what does                                           directed time budget on         representative who will advise you on
this mean to me as a                                           the INTO template.              the way forward.
Full time teachers are                                          How much of your               What advice do you give if a principal
contracted to work 195                                          directed time can be           is attempting to use a “generic” time
days in the year up to a           CAROLINE MCCARTHY,           included at home, on a         budget and applying this to ALL staff?
maximum of 1265 hours           Northern Committee Chairperson  normal week not COVID          Directed Time Budgets are to be
and all tasks/duties are                                        related?                       individually agreed and must allocate
to be included in the 1265 hours.                  A normal week, i.e. non-COVID times,        time to the tasks and duties specific to
   Part-time teachers work pro-rata of             should not have any time directed at        each individual teacher – there may be
the 1265hrs/195 days.                              home. The purpose of an individual          some aspects that are generic e.g., times
                                                   directed time budget is that work-life      of day, parents’ meetings etc.
Could you differentiate between                    and home-life have a distinct separation.      If a principal develops a generic
directed time and teaching, cover etc.               During COVID – specifically under         time budget this does not meet
Are things like registration counted?              the current Executive guidance where        the requirements of TNC 2020/1
Every minute from the time a teacher
is directed to be in school until the end
of the school day, with the exception
of a teacher’s lunch which is unpaid, is
included in a directed time budget.
   A Registration period must also be
included in the directed time budget
and if a teacher is required to deliver
learning or pastoral work, this period
of time is considered to be class contact
   If a school has a timetabled
registration period which lasts no longer
than five minutes, and the teacher is
expected to do nothing more than call
a roll, then this dedicated five-minute
registration period should be deemed as
   If the timetabled registration period
is longer than five minutes and a teacher
is required to carry out any duty that

                                                        PRINTOUT     5    JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
Nuacht CMÉ
Agreement. The school rep
should refer the principal to
TNC 2020/1 and inform the
principal that members will
require an individual time
budget following individual
When meeting with the
principal to agree the time
budget, should we have
our own draft prepared
Yes, this should help as a
starting point. INTO would
certainly advise that a teacher
has clearly planned and
outlined how long they believe
they require for activities and
would advise teachers to carry
out an audit of how long it takes them         Teachers are not paid for their lunch      Is there a directed time budget for
to carry out their duties to inform the      break (unless employed under a separate      principals & vice principals?
discussion that they have with the           contract) and so this time is their own      Currently no, but this should not mean
principal. If enough time is not allocated   and if they wish can leave the school        that the workload of a principal or vice
to carry out duties within the 1265 then     premises.                                    principal is not managed. It is important
simply, they should not be done.                                                          to remember the following points:
   Teachers should consider each aspect      Should the use of PPA time be left up        • A healthy work life balance is
of the directed time budget template         to individual teachers?                        important to all. Boards of Governors
and refer to the check list for example      Generally, PPA time is something that          have a duty of care to the health
report writing, x pupil no., managerial/     is determined by a teacher. Teachers           and wellbeing of all in the school,
teaching allowance duties etc.               generally know what they need to do.           including the school leaders.
                                             However, teachers are legally (Teachers’     • While principal’s do not have the
What is contingency time?                    Terms & Conditions 1987) under the             same contractual entitlement to 1265
Every time budget must include               direction of the principal for 1265 hours.     hours currently, they are protected
contingency time to allow for                PPA is time that is there for teachers to      from excessive working hours under
unexpected issues. The Workload              carry out their planning, preparation          the terms of the European Working
Agreement recommends contingency             and assessment and principals should           Time Directive, imperfect as that
time “to ensure there is flexibility to      endeavour to ensure that teachers can          may be. So, while teaching unions
account for situations that may arise and    avail of this time without interruption.       and management are working
can be included in the school budget”.       There may be some smaller collaborative        toward the outcome of the review of
                                             meetings, departmental etc associated          principals’ workloads, principals and
Does a school union rep include this         with the planning element of PPA.              vice principals should be reminding
time in their time budget? Can you                                                          whoever needs reminding that
remind me please of the hours per            Is there any direction for SENCOs              48-hour weeks, 11 hours between
year for union rep?                          under the new workload agreement?              finishing and starting again applies.
Yes.                                         Will ring-fenced non-contact time for        • Currently there is not a directed time
                                             SENCOs be a reasonable expectation             budget agreement for principals,
• 3-30 members: 1 period of 30 minutes       when figuring out a time-budget?               or vice principals. This is an area of
  per week of contact time
                                             The duties of a SENCO must be                  focus for the INTO as they go into the
• 31 – 60 members: 2 periods of 30
                                             included in the directed time budget. If       reviews with management side and
  minutes deducted from their contact
                                             for instance a SENCO in a particularly         teaching unions as agreed within the
                                             large school required 10 hours per week        Pay and Workload Agreement 2020.
• Over 60 members: 3 periods per week
                                             to fully complete all the tasks expected,
• 2 days leave in each 2 years
                                             then when this 10 hours is added to the      While it is not yet part of a formal
https://www.into.ie/app/                     three PPA hours per week the teaching        agreed Directed Time Budget, INTO
uploads/2019/07/        time would need to be reduced so that        would advise all principals to take
YourRights.pdf                               the SENCO is not working in excess           control of what is a manageable
                                             of their contractual hours. This is an       workload. The current demands of
What is lunch entitlement?                   extreme example, but it is to simply         COVID must dictate a business-critical
Primary and post primary teachers are        make the point that all duties must be       only approach. INTO have written
entitled to a minimum of 30 minutes          accounted for in a time budget.              to employing bodies to ask that they
lunch break between the hours of 12-2pm.        The 9 reviews and the SEN                 demonstrate support for principals with
   Nursery teachers are entitled to 30       regulations and Code of Practice will        regard to this.
minutes lunch break between the hours        further address the workload that              INTO supports all principal and vice
of 12-2.30pm.                                SENCOs have been balancing.                  principal members.

                                                     PRINTOUT    6   JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
INTO news

 DoF Consultation on Public Sector
 Pension Schemes – INTO response
   Changes to the Transitional Arrangements to the 2015 Schemes
The Department of Finance issued a              would prefer to be in for the period in       members will have access to the pertinent
Consultation on Public Sector Pension           which the discrimination took place; this     information from DE in relation to service/
Schemes: Changes to the Transitional            is between 1 April 2015 and 31 March 2022.    amount accrued in each scheme and
Arrangements to the 2015 Schemes, in            The consultation was seeking views on         time to access independent Financial
August 2020. INTO responded to the              when members should be given that             advice which will be crucial at this stage.
consultation on behalf of                                      choice.                        Independent Financial advice would
members and also posted                                           The proposals               simply not be available for all 130,000
the response on the INTO                                       set out that this will         public sector workers in the immediate
website in advance of the                                      either be shortly after        choice.
closing date in November                                       implementation (i.e.              There are many factors to be taken into
2020 for members to view                                       from 2022 onwards)             account by members when making the
when preparing their own                                       stated as Immediate            choice of which pension scheme they
responses which INTO                                           Choice Underpin or             would prefer to be in for the period 1 April
encouraged them to do.                                         when individuals reach         2021 to 31 March 2022 and clear accurate
   The Department                                              retirement, Deferred Choice    information on all aspects of the choices
of Finance (DoF) was                                           Underpin. Further details      available are critical.
consulting on proposals                                        of both options including         It is obvious that there will be
to fix age related                                             the advantages and             administrative costs arising from the
discrimination identified                                      disadvantages of both were     proposed changes whether in the
in the transitional                                            set out in the consultation.   Deferred or Immediate choice options.
arrangements of the 2015                                          Overall INTO favoured       There may also be costs arising from
public service pension                                         the Deferred Choice            the choice the member makes. INTO in
reforms arising from               NUALA O’DONNELL             Underpin (DCU) as this         its response made was adamant that
recent legal cases.                  Senior Official           offered the potential for      no costs should apply to members
   The consultation                                            members to examine the         or the NITPS as a result of remedying
explained that under both proposals             differences between the two schemes at        the mistake the Government made in
affected individuals would receive a            the point of retirement when it is most       introducing a scheme which has been
choice of which pension scheme they             relevant to them. The DCU also ensures        found to be discriminatory.

                                                                 INTO favoured the Deferred Choice
                                                                 Underpin … this offered the
                                                                 potential for members to examine
                                                                 the differences between the two
                                                                 schemes at the point of retirement
                                                                 when it is most relevant to them.

                                                       PRINTOUT     7    JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
Nuacht CMÉ

Managing Teacher Wellbeing
In the current educational environment,           Research has shown that having a good            • Where/who do you turn to if there is
where schools are trying to increase           teacher has a big difference on student                 something wrong?
student attainment with a diminishing          exam results. A teacher with high job               • Would you like the opportunity to have
budget, teacher wellbeing may be               satisfaction, positive morale and who is                counselling?
overlooked as a ‘nice to have’ rather than     healthy should be more likely to teach              • What do you enjoy about your job?
as essential.                                  lessons which are creative, challenging             • What do you not like?
   But, from an organisational perspective,    and effective, leading to students doing                The results of the wellbeing survey
wellbeing is strongly related to work          better in exams.                                    should be shared with staff and the
stress, a key player in employee absence.                                                                            governors. Anonymity
Demotivated staff are often disengaged, do     What has an impact on                                                 must be maintained, but
not enjoy their jobs and eventually leave.     wellbeing?                                                            staff should be consulted
    Many teachers feel overworked,             Past research has                                                     on the findings and
under-appreciated and stressed. Many           identified the main factors                                           given the chance to
teachers’ work-life balance is non-existent,   influencing good quality                                              suggest improvements
their relationships outside of work are        of work such as, leaders                                              to the school culture and
suffering, and their passion for the           who support employees,                                                environment.
profession is waning.                          developing staff skills                                                   There are many issues
   It’s therefore never been more              and rewarding staff,                                                  which can affect staff
important to focus on and ensure the           relationships based on                                                wellbeing and the best
wellbeing of teaching staff. As well as        trust and measuring staff                                             way forward is to find
greater staff retention levels, less sick      wellbeing. With specific                                              out what they are and
leave, and lower supply teacher costs,         regard to staff wellbeing,                                            try to deal with them. For
research has shown that a teacher’s            if schools measured staff                                             example, with regard to
happiness levels has a knock on effect for     wellbeing on an annual                                                workload, the survey may
students.                                      basis using their own                                                 well highlight constant
                                               survey which allowed                      Paul Groogan                emails and WhatsApp
Why does teacher wellbeing matter?             staff to answer questions               Trade Union Official          group messages being
A teacher with low health and wellbeing,       anonymously and without                                               received at weekends as a
experiencing high levels of stress or who      fear of reprisals and also dealt directly           cause of major stress for staff. Obviously,
is ill at work, will not perform to the best   with the concerns raised, the staffroom             a solution would be to have a ban on
of their ability.                              would be a happier place. Even consider             sending messages at the weekend. Or the
    This could be as a result of different     a suggestion box in the staff room so               survey may highlight that staff feel the
factors. For example, a teacher with           that teachers can provide feedback                  need for more administrative or technical
low health and wellbeing may lack the          throughout the year. We do it for pupils!           support. To even get a response which
energy required to deliver a lesson which          A wellbeing survey should consider              explains why it may not be possible or
effectively pushes children to succeed.        including questions such as those below             that it is being dealt with can alleviate the
Additionally, a teacher who is struggling      and ask staff to scale how happy they               stress for staff.
to cope with stress is more likely to be       are on a scale of 1-5 (where appropriate).              It is essential that the effort of the staff
absent from work.                              Using a scale helps make the results                to complete the survey and give feedback
    Teachers are one of the many factors       quantifiable:                                       is not wasted. Concrete action to reduce
that may be associated with a student’s        • Do you feel stressed at work?                     stress, support employees and provide
educational attainment. Other factors are      • Do you feel adequately supported at               ongoing opportunities for reflection and
the student’s home and family life, the            work?                                           further suggestions is essential.
school as a whole, their peers and the         • Do you feel equipped to manage your                   Managing teacher wellbeing properly is
classes they are placed in.                        workload?                                       a win win result for all in education.

        A teacher with high job                                                          which are creative,
   satisfaction, positive morale                                                         challenging and effective,
 and who is healthy should be                                                            leading to students
   more likely to teach lessons                                                          doing better in exams.
                                                        PRINTOUT      8    JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
INTO news

                                                           for the

                                                                                     Not just for those of
                                                                                     us of a certain age!
The menopause will impact the lives of         likely to go through the menopause at         We should all be able to:
us all, whether we identify as he, she,        some stage in their teaching career.          • Work through the menopause in a
or they. It does not matter that you are          Conference calls on Northern                 supportive environment
personally not affected, it will affect        Committee:                                    • Control room temperature
those around us in both our personal           1. To negotiate with management               • Take bathroom breaks when needed
and working life – simply put it is not           on a range of measures, including          • Expect understanding from
just ‘her’ issue it happens to ‘him’ and it       an agreed policy on supporting               colleagues and managers, including
happens to ‘them’ at any stage of life.           menopause in the workplace; and              reasonable adjustments.
   Even saying the word Menopause              2. To undertake a campaign on
or happening on a discussion about                menopause in the workplace which           Taking time to understand the impact
it creates a reaction. It may be one of           focuses on supporting teachers.            the menopause can have both physically
relief, ridicule, embarrassment but if we                                                    and emotionally helps individuals
are honest rarely one of understanding,        So, it is my role as Chairperson to strive    manage their own experience, helps us
the reason being, like so many aspects of      to get it rolling. This article is just the   understand and appreciate better those
our lives, it falls into the taboo category.   start. INTO have planned a workshop           we grew up with, live with and work
One of those topics your granny never          in early 2021, open to all, linking with      with.
discussed, a hushed matter and that is         ICTU, EANI and hopefully research
why we need to tackle it as individuals,       from the University of Ulster.                CAROLINE McCARTHY, Northern Committee
as colleagues, as school leaders.                 So as a start a workplace checklist:       Chairperson
   The symptoms of the menopause
are too often under recognised,
undervalued and not taken seriously.           Taking time to understand the impact the menopause …
The commonly known and accepted
symptoms of hot flushes, tiredness,            helps individuals manage their own experience, helps us
poor memory, disturbed sleep pattern,
sleepiness, weight gain only paint             understand and appreciate better those we grew up with,
part of the picture for some. The
psychological symptoms include loss of                           live with and work with.
self-confidence, low self-esteem, anxiety,
depression and as these may be hard to
recognise, they are not talked about and
individuals may not seek help. Throwing
open the conversation and the support
in the work environment will hopefully
start to change this pattern
   An ICTU survey found 49% of
respondents said that the menopause
had been treated as a joke in their
workplace, 28% said that the menopause
had been treated negatively. The LRA,
Equality Commission and the ICTU are
drafting guidance because it is needed.
Northern Conference 2020 passed a

Conference acknowledges that a
significant majority of the teaching
profession are female and are therefore

                                                       PRINTOUT     9   JANUARY 2021
January 2021 - Irish National Teachers' Organisation
Nuacht CMÉ

  2021       Did Lockdown help you realise your love of art again?

             Have you created work during lockdown, have you found art a way
             to maintain your well-being, do you have an idea you can bring to
                                completion for this year’s competition?

                                            A love of art is something many of us have and some have
                                            only just discovered. If there was one benefit to be found
                                            during lockdown it was that art can be enjoyed safely and
                                            brings significant benefits for creators and viewers. All
                                                  forms of media, mainstream & social, have seen a
                                                  surge in art inspiration over recent months. INTO has
                                                  supported an art competition for 8 years and in this
                                            its 9th year we hope to see it grow and reflect the emotions
                                            that you have experienced.

                                            In 2013 Magdalena Beldowska-Breen, Belfast Branch, was
                                            the winner of the INTO Art Competition in its inaugural

                                            Since 2013 members have gone on to participate, support
                                            and of course win the annual competition.

                                            The competition has changed over the years to include in
                                            2018 both a winning photograph (Tanya McCrory, Tyrone
                                               Central branch) and a winning painting (Siobhan
                                               Dillon, South Antrim Branch).

                            PRINTOUT   10    JANUARY 2021
INTO news

In 2018 we were marking INTO’s            of art that is entirely the work of its   As much as art is a creative process
150th anniversary year. 2020 will be      members.                                  it is also about engagement. The
remembered as exceptional for very                                                  creators who share their art afford
different reasons.                        Previously entrants have had the          a chance for us to see things in a
                                          choice of a theme or a medium; this       different way, to feel soothed or
With this in mind, 2021’s Competition     year the brief is only that it should     stimulated as their work affects each
aims to reflect the experience of         be possible for INTO to display your      viewer.
members in a time of lockdown,            work in Northern Office.
isolation, those challenges in school                                               Growing from this idea of access
and at home never faced before but        Northern Office is calling on INTO        and engagement INTO plans to
also the support we have shown each       members who quilt, who sculpt,            create a virtual art gallery in the
other, how we have connected in           who work in collage, who make art         members’ area of the website so that
new ways using new technology and         in electronic media, who etch, who        all members can view all the art in
the resilience and resourcefulness of     sketch - if you are creative and have     Northern Office at any time.
teachers, staff and our young people      art to share please do. In this spirit
all across the education sector.          of anticipation, that 2021’s              Application details for the 2021 INTO
                                          competition hopes to attract an           Art Competition can be found on the
In past years entrants have been bold     unprecedented variety of works and        INTO website. The Art Competition
and generous enough to share with us      media, several outstanding pieces will    is open to INTO members in NI.
their skills and as a result Northern     be identified rather than one single      For further details please email
Office can display proudly a collection   winning entry.                            infoni@into.ie.

2021’s Competition aims to reflect the experience of members in a time of lockdown … but
also the support we have shown each other, how we have connected in new ways using new
technology and the resilience and resourcefulness of teachers, staff and our young people

                                                  PRINTOUT    11   JANUARY 2021
Nuacht CMÉ

 INTO Position on the continuation of
 public examinations for the academic
    year 2020/21 and commentary
INTO recently went on record in               CCEA appointed examiners as per the               any responsibility for developing
support of the Northern Ireland               normal arrangements for assessment of             proposals which, inevitably, will involve
Commissioner for Children and Young           examinations. We differ here from the             compromise and come under immense
People, Koula Yiasouma’s call for the         NAHT call for internally                                           political pressure and
scrapping of public examinations in           assessed and moderated                                             pressure applied by
Northern Ireland for this academic year.      assessments.                                                       sectional interests within
   This call was based on a                      The benefits of this are:                                       education, would leave
consideration of the current context          • a clear and deliverable                                          the teaching unions open
and the foreseeable future disruption            method of delivering                                            to valid criticism should
to schooling for the duration of                 quality assured                                                 the system prove unfit
this academic year and the negative              assessments                                                     for purpose, burdensome
impact that continuing with plans             • paid work for those                                              on our members and
for examinations is having on the                teachers and others                                             detrimental to students.
learners themselves. It is not difficult to      who undertake external                                            The Minister of
conclude, to paraphrase from our own             marking for CCEA,                                               Education’s latest
trade union lexicon, that detriment to           most of whom are                                                proposals around
learners is also detriment to teachers.          teachers and members                                            examinations do not go
   It is widely accepted that further            of our unions                                                   far enough in addressing
contingencies have been and are               • clarity for centres,                                             the already well-
being considered by CCEA. Sharing                teachers and learners                                           rehearsed concerns of
and discussion of these contingencies            and the removal of                    KEVIN DALY                INTO members around
in an open forum with the relevant               the perceived need                 Trade Union Official         examinations. There
stakeholders, including the Trade                to gather ‘banks of                                             appears to be a ‘carry on
Unions, is essential.                            evidence’                                                       regardless’ attitude in
   In the absence of full knowledge           • safeguard against additional and                play. In trying to protect examinations
of these contingency plans, INTO’s               excessive workload                             at all costs it appears that the Minister
initial call has been and continues to        • reduction of stress for all concerned.          does not particularly care if he devalues
be for an end to examinations for this                                                          them beyond recognition and there
year to be replaced by a combination          INTO does not believe that the detail of          is little evidence to suggest that the
of existing controlled assessment/            this is a matter for the trade unions to          mental health impact on young people
coursework where available alongside          work out. Our task is to call for solutions       as identified by the children and young
CCEA produced and provided ‘Staged            that safeguard our members conditions             peoples’ commissioner has any
Assessments’ taken during identified          which in turn will benefit their students.        bearing on the decisions coming
windows of the remainder of the               We should be consulted alongside other            from DE.
school year and assessed externally by        stakeholders but to seek to assume

                                                      PRINTOUT     12   JANUARY 2021
INTO news

  Understanding Life in Lockdown
     for Autistic Young People
                                                                                                                 Using Photovoice, a type of
                                                                                                               documentary photography, nine research
                                                                                                               participants used their smartphones to
                                                                                                               document aspects of their daily lives
                                                                                                               during lockdown on the basis of the
                                                                                                               three research questions designed by the
                                                                                                               autistic research advisors.

                                                                                                               ‘The structure of other projects did not make it
                                                                                                                easy for the children with ASD to contribute.
                                                                                                                The way… Life in Lockdown… was set up was
                                                                                                                perfect and the feedback you got from the
                                                                                                                children was very insightful. Parent of research
  ‘The beach goes out a bit so you can’t really see what’s at the end, this is like my current situation
   and the world’s current situation, we don’t know what’s at the end and we don’t know what’s                 48 photographs were generated easily
   coming for us and what’s coming for me. I don’t really know what’s at the end of the road. It’s             portraying the very essence of what it
   uncertain.’ Darach, research advisor                                                                        meant to be a young autistic person during
                                                                                                               lockdown in Northern Ireland. The research
By June 2020, children and young people                  autistic learners.                                    advisers analysed the photographs
across Northern Ireland had experienced                      During this time, the School of Social            highlighting both the challenges and
three months of lockdown. Remote                         Sciences, Education and Social Work at                coping strategies adopted by this
learning had been sprung upon teachers                   Queen’s University Belfast (QUB) funded               remarkable group of young people.
and children alike in mid-March with                     small-scale research projects in response
neither group prepared for the challenges                to the impact of Covid-19. 4 autistic young           ‘The original project was that it was a genuinely
of online platforms such as Google                       people worked with Dr Bronagh Byrne                    therapeutic thing for me, and gave me a bit of
Classroom and Seesaw. Children with                      and Dr Gillian O’Hagan from the Centre                 an escape from Lockdown actually. I met a few
additional educational needs including                   for Children’s Rights at QUB designing                 new people while working on it who actually
autistic children and young people,                      the Life in Lockdown research study to                 brightened up my days.” Darach, research advisor
usually surrounded by support teams                      illuminate just how autistic young people
of classroom assistants and support                      felt about their lives during the pandemic.           The 6 themes identified would eventually
teachers were faced with months of                                                                             be summarised into a research report
online learning, largely alone. Coupled                  ‘My hopes for this project are that it assists        concluding with three recommendations.
with their own individual barriers to                     autistic people during these rough times, and        1. Future lockdown restrictions should
education and without the support of                      that teachers will take a few moments to read           aim to give specific considerations
their key educational people, March                       over it to get an insight into what young people’s      to autistic young people in terms of
to June 2020 became one of the most                       emotional states during the course of the past          movement restrictions within wider
uniquely challenging terms ever for                       few months.” Darach, research advisor                   family circles and prioritise appropriate
                                                                                                                  face to face access to the services
                                                                                                                  designed to support autistic young
                                                                                                               2. Home-learning tasks should be
                                                                                                                  meaningful, adding to learning in a
                                                                                                                  systematic and scaffolded way, mindful
                                                                                                                  of the fact that the pace of teaching
                                                                                                                  new concepts online is a much slower
                                                                                                                  process for autistic students than in the
                                                                                                               3. Mental health wellbeing should be
                                                                                                                  formally included as part of the school
                                                                                                                  curriculum when home schooling/
  ‘When we had school at the start, I found it quite hard. I needed routine and I needed structure. I             online learning is taking place and
   needed to know. I’m not the sort of person who can do school one day at 9am and then 4pm the                   there should be discrete time for this
   next day. I need things to be the same and predictable. These are all the objects of my routine,’              included in the time budgets for each
   Patricia, research advisor                                                                                     school day.

                                                                   PRINTOUT       13    JANUARY 2021
Nuacht CMÉ

   These recommendations were
presented to the Education Committee                                                            ‘I felt like my hand was tied by having to check all these
of the Stormont Assembly in December                                                              different tasks on different platforms, some projects
2020 by Bronagh and Gillian on behalf                                                             on MyMaths, some on google classroom, some as
of the autistic research participants and                                                         notifications, some as assignments. You don’t know
advisers.                                                                                         where to find work and teachers expected you to
                                                                                                  remember exactly what would happen and to check at
‘There is not one cure for this, we need to look at                                               different times. It actually would take so much time to
 things individually and figure out things for each                                               look for your work [that] you wouldn’t have very much
 different person.” Joe, research advisor                                                         time left to do it in the end’ Sam, research advisor

What makes this research so poignant is
how the voices of these young people are              reasonable adjustments, these young                 ‘During a pandemic, you cannot leave people with
heard not only through the enlightening               people have used their own personal                  autism without help, without support.” Eimhar,
discussions of their photos but are                   experiences and expertise in autism to               research advisor
reiterated through the presentation                   call upon those in power to do more for
of the themes and the message they                    autistic children and young people in               The full research report on Life in
have for the stakeholders involved in                 times of crisis such as this critical incident      Lockdown can be accessed at: https://
their education. In a climate where lip               that is the Covid-19 pandemic. Put best by          www.qub.ac.uk/research-centres/
service is paid to terms like inclusion and           Eimhear, one of the research advisors:              CentreforChildrensRights/Projects/

                        Larry Magee 1924 – 2020
                      Former Chairperson of Northern Committee
   Larry Magee passed away on the 26                                                                      the decades since, including his
   December 2020, at the age of 96,                                                                       children, Shane, Paul and Bronagh
   having given 75 years as a committed                                                                   who followed in their parents’
   and active member of INTO.                                                                             footsteps and became teachers and
                                                                                                          members of INTO. Two of Larry’s
   Larry started teaching in the late                                                                     grandchildren carry on the family
   1940s in Ballymena, moving to the                                                                      tradition and are teaching today.
   Abbey PS in Newry, before taking
   up a post in St Peter’s Junior PS,                                                                     Throughout his years in the INTO
   Lurgan, not far from his family                                                                        Larry held various positions at
   home. His wife Una, also sadly                                                                         School, Branch, District, Northern
   deceased last year, was a teacher                                                                      Committee and National Education
   too and taught their six children in                                                                   Committee levels. As a committed
   Silverwood PS before joining Larry                                                                     trade unionist he led his North
   in St Peter’s PS Lurgan.                                                                               Armagh Branch to affiliate to
                                                                                                          its local Trades Union Council
   As a young teacher Larry joined                                                                        participating in rallies and marches
   INTO and became an active                                                                              demanding peace throughout the
   member alongside two future INTO                                                                       1970s, ‘80s and ‘90s; and against
   Northern Secretaries, Al Mackle and                                                                    the excesses of the Thatcher
   Gerry Quigley, who later went on to                                                                    government.
   become INTO General Secretary.
   These activists established a young                                                                    The contribution that Larry Magee
   teachers’ grouping within the INTO,                                                                    has made to INTO and to the
   in which Larry played a pivotal                                                                        teaching profession is immeasurable
   role. Due to their endeavours the                                                                      and we offer our sincere sympathy
   INTO achieved the removal of the                                                                       to his family and gratitude for the
   marriage ban for female teachers in                 legal and medical professions a                    legacy he has left for all INTO
   the mid 1950s. This was followed by                 few years later. These were major                  members.
   gaining the recognition of teaching                 achievements from which thousands
   as a profession on a par with the                   of teachers have benefitted over                   Ar dheis Dé go raibh a anam dílis.

                                                              PRINTOUT      14   JANUARY 2021
INTO news

 Thinking about retirement?
          Read on!
INTO has been providing pre-retirement                                                  Members also commented on the
seminars for members for over 16 years                                                  presentation being virtual and how some
through Platinum Financial.                                                             felt this enabled a greater participation
   Platinum Financial are a leading firm                                                in the webinar, using the chat function
of Independent Financial Advisers and                                                   to ask questions, which Philip then
Wealth Managers with offices in Belfast                                                 addressed throughout the presentation.
and London, dedicated to delivering no-
nonsense, helpful advice.                                                               ‘I felt very relaxed listening at home. I
   Prior to Covid 19 seminars were                                                      could hear everything. Very clearly and
delivered to members in a number of                                                     could read slides’
venues across the North from November                                                   ‘Hearing a variety of questions. Sitting
to May each year. This year, Platinum                                                   comfortably at home! ‘
Financial, in consultation with INTO
delivered a pilot webinar in June for a      feel I understand my retirement options    ‘The audience were more likely to ask
small number of participants. Following a    more clearly.’ and ‘Thank you for making   questions. It was nice not to have to
few adjustments a series of webinars was     this available. I never understood the     drive a distance to a course. It was very
announced with the first taking place on     pension statements and now it is very      informative but also informal. ‘
21 October 2020 from 3.45 to 5.15pm. There   clear. Well done!’                         ‘Clear presentation. I liked that we
were 95 teachers from INTO and UTU                                                      could ask questions. Less threatening
at the webinar, which was delivered by       Other comments from members who            than sitting in a room full of people.’
Philip Andrews, from Platinum Financial      attended the webinar included:
via Zoom. Jayne Grimason also from           ‘Thank-you for an excellent webinar,       These views will be considered in future
Platinum Financial, conducted a number       which was very insightful and              planning of pre-retirement seminars/
of quick polls among the participants        informative”.                              webinars post Covid, with potentially
during the webinar, two of which asked                                                  a mixture of virtual and face-to-face
attendees at the start and end of the        ‘Thank you very much. You all had          presentations to suit all preferences.
presentation how well they felt they         such patience for our requests. Very          Further webinars are scheduled for:
understood their pension and retirement      worthwhile session.’                          Tuesday 19 January 2021
entitlements. Amazingly the levels of        ‘Thank you for your seminar yesterday.        Thursday 25 February 2021
understanding increased dramatically         It clarified many points for me and also      Wednesday 31 March 2021 from 3.45 to
from the beginning to the end, with          I found the quality of the presentation    5.15pm.
members saying in their feedback ‘ Thank     to be very good as was your link and          Please email infoni@into.ie to reserve
you for the superb presentation , I now      early reminder system.                     your place.

  These views will be
  considered in future
  planning of pre-retirement
  seminars/webinars post
  Covid, with potentially a
  mixture of virtual and
  face-to-face presentations
  to suit all preferences.

                                                     PRINTOUT    15   JANUARY 2021
Nuacht CMÉ

INTO engages with students – virtually!
At the beginning of the academic year,          our websites, sending links to this and the   2nd prize and £50 for 3rd prize. The prize
traditionally INTO, along with UTU and NEU      online application form to the Colleges       winners in each College/University were
would be invited to visit the Universities      for distribution. All students who signed     selected randomly and were then notified
and Colleges of education to speak to           up were then entered into a draw for          of their win and asked to provide a ‘selfie’
the students and recruit them into joint        vouchers of £150 for 1st prize, £100 for      of them with their prize.
membership of all three unions. In this
aspect INTO, UTU and NEU have established
a partnership approach which enables the
students to free student membership and
the opportunity to find out about the three
unions as a student and then decide which
union they wish to join upon graduation.
   This year, not surprisingly was different,
and with students attending college
virtually, the interaction between the
students and the unions moved to virtual
   It was a very different experience from
meeting the students on Freshers day
and chatting to them or being swamped
by students seeking to join up for their
freebies! Instead representatives from
each of the unions presented part of a
joint presentation to faceless/voiceless
students, which was a bit unnerving,
especially where in one platform, my
camera made me look like a spectre at the
feast, which was almost appropriate as it
was nearly Hallowe’en!
   To encourage students to sign up, we
produced a joint video, https://www.into.
ie/ni/join/students/ and posted this on

                                                Recruitment fairs
                                2nd prize       Student Prize Winners 2020
                               Alana Doyle,     Due to COVID-19, usual recruitment            One4All Vouchers:
                               UU, and 3rd      fairs could not take place so students          1st prize £150
                               prize winner     who joined using our new online                 2nd prize £100
                                   Adam         application form before 31 October              3rd prize £50
                                Maginnis,       were entered into a prize draw for              per college/university.
                                                 One4All Vouchers
                                                ANON                     Queen’s University                 1st Prize       £150
                                                Alan Campbell            University of Ulster               1st Prize       £150
                                                Niamh McNally            St. Mary’s University College      1st Prize       £150
                                                Shauneen Maguire         Stranmillis University College     1st Prize       £150
                                                ANON                     Queen’s University                 2nd Prize       £100
                                                Alana Doyle              University of Ulster               2nd Prize       £100
                                                Natasha McClory          St. Mary’s University College      2nd Prize       £100
                                                Rachael Hall             Stranmillis University College     2nd Prize       £100
                                                Adam Maginnis            Queen’s University                 3rd Prize       £50
                                                Anna Woods               University of Ulster               3rd Prize       £50
                                                Lauren Gormley           St. Mary’s University College      3rd Prize       £50
                                                ANON                     Stranmillis University College     3rd Prize       £50

                                                        PRINTOUT    16    JANUARY 2021
INTO news

                                                                               Fine Mess

On 28th July 2020, Education Minister,                                                                           stick to their decision
Peter Weir, announced the appointment       Committee, have been requesting                                      must be noted. However,
of an Expert Panel to examine and           that due to the current                                             while INTO has
address the links between educational       pandemic, the Minister,                                             welcomed this decision,
underachievement and social                 AQE, PPTC and the                                                   it is time to again visit
disadvantage.                               grammar schools should                                              the issue of academic
   The panel was established under          find an alternative to                                              selection. Had the
the ‘New Decade, New Approach’              using academic selection.                                           minister taken a decision
agreement which set out the                    These calls have been                                            similar to the decision
requirement for an expert group             ignored, with the minister                                          on GCSE and A level
“to examine and address links               of education continually                                            examinations, i.e. to
between persistent educational              trotting out the mantra                                             cancel these unregulated
underachievement and socio-economic         that he has no control                                              tests, then time would
background.”                                over the use of such tests                                          have been available to
   While the Minister was lauded            as they are coming from                                             have a proper, robust
for moving forward on this, his             private companies. This                                             discussion in respect
decisions and actions following the         is despite his department                                           to how pupils can best
announcement, in relation to the use of     moving the date for the                                             transfer to post primary
unregulated selection tests have totally    transfer procedure to                                               education that would be
undermined this panel.                      be completed, and yet                   Mark McTaggart              fair and equitable.
   Siobhan O’Neill, the Stormont            the executive have used            Assistant Northern Secretary         It is now more urgent
Interim Mental Health Champion, on          their powers to close hair                                          than ever, given the
Radio Ulster, was scathing regarding the    salons, pubs and other such private                debacle around this year’s procedure,
negative impact that the failings of the    businesses due to the current pandemic.            that the use of academic selection as
Minister may have had on the mental            On Tuesday 5th January 2021, both of            a criteria for transfer from primary to
health and wellbeing of a large number      the providers of the unregulated tests             post-primary school be reviewed, as
of 10- and 11-year olds across the north.   appeared to announce that this year’s              part of the major review of education
It was her contention that unregulated      tests would be cancelled. By the time of           that was announced last term. It is
tests should be abandoned this school       the BBC’s 6:30 evening news broadcast,             important that there is clarity for all
year, and also in November 2021.            the AQE group had reneged on this                  in relation to this, as the continued
   Since schools closed in March 2020,      decision and announced that there will             uncertainty serves only to heighten the
INTO, along with other teaching             be a single test for pupils on Saturday            levels of stress and emotional wellbeing
unions and politicians from across the      27th February 2021.                                of the pupils, parents, teachers and
assembly and the Stormont Education            The fact that PPTC have agreed to               principals involved.

                                                    PRINTOUT     17   JANUARY 2021
Nuacht CMÉ

         Health and Safety in Schools
INTO, recognising the significant and        Gallagher who organised and ran the            b. investigate complaints by any
increased Health and safety issues for       virtual aspect of the course via Zoom and         employee he/she represents relating
teachers returning to schools this term,     ensured it all went smoothly.                     to that employee’s health, safety or
worked with the ICTU to put together            INTO also provided members with                welfare at work;
some online courses on Managing H&S          a webinar on stress management in              c. make representations to the employer
during Covid-19. Consequently two            recognition of the stresses in teaching           on matters arising out of
accredited courses were run, one for INTO    generally and the increased stresses for          sub-paragraphs (a) and (b) above;
Health and Safety Reps and a second          all in the current climate. This webinar,      d. make representations to the employer
course for School Leaders. There were        also by ICTU tutor Roisin Graham, will be         on general matters affecting the
four modules consisting of:                  available soon on the INTO website.               health, safety or welfare at work of the
• Covid-19 and the workplace.                                                                  employees at the workplace;
                                             The Role of INTO Health and safety             e. carry out inspections in accordance
• Relevant protection legislation.
                                             Reps                                              with Regulations 5, 6 and 7 below;
• Understanding and carrying out risk        This term saw an increase in the number        f. represent the employees he/she was
  assessments.                               of members putting themselves forward             appointed to represent in consultations
• Role of the Competent Person./ Rights,     as INTO Health and Safety Reps and as a           at the workplace with inspectors of the
  roles and functions of a H&S rep.          result a number of questions have arisen,         Health and Safety Executive and of any
                                             for those unable to attend the course, as         other enforcing authority;
The course is accredited by OCN at level 2   to their role and responsibilities. The INTO   g. receive information from inspectors in
and learners had to complete a workbook      section on the website for Health and             accordance with section 28(8) of the
and some additional independent              Safety Reps is currently being updated            1974 Act; and
learning. The two courses were very well     but in the meantime here is some               h. attend meetings of safety committees
received by those attending, which was       information for Reps and Principals.              where he/she attends in his/her
a substantial commitment in their own           The Role of the INTO Health and Safety         capacity as a safety representative
time of four three hour sessions. The two    Representative is to represent members            in connection with any of the above
ICTU tutors, Roisin Graham and Barbara       on any issues that could reasonably affect        functions; but, without prejudice
Martin were excellent and answered all       their Health, Safety and Welfare. They            to sections 7 and 8 of the 1974
the questions the participants threw at      have a legal right to:                            Act, no function given to a safety
them, with very helpful responses to         a. investigate potential hazards and              representative by this paragraph shall
current everyday issues facing schools          dangerous occurrences at the                   be construed as imposing any duty on
in Covid. This was greatly appreciated          workplace (whether or not they are             him/her.
by the participants as school leaders,          drawn to his/her attention by the
in particular, highlighted difficulties in      employees he/she represents) and to         Further information and training will be
getting straight answers anywhere. The          examine the causes of accidents at the      available on the INTO website in due
tutors were very ably assisted by Tony          workplace;                                  course.

                                                     PRINTOUT     18   JANUARY 2021
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